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JHCJSINHrXJOJKY XjKJCSJKC MBJEXOABff. --4w RELIABLE GUIDE FOR CAREFUL BUYERS Readers of the Kentucky Irish American arc earnestly urge"d to patronize advertisers whose announcements they find in these colums. Wc aim to protect our read ers by accepting only firms of known responsibility. AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORIES Distributors Ot FEDERAL TIRES VULCANIZING FALLS CITY VULCANIZING CO. 1101-03 East Broadway FJtBE SERVICE CELEBRATED EXTRA BRAT VURST WEDNESDAYS AND SATURDAYS I.. P. BO&KWASSEB 00. Incorporated 923 GEIQBR STREET Home Phone 1802 and 877 Cumb. Phone Main 877 ASK TOUR DEAX.ER TOR XT . ENGRAVERS BCHLICH ENGRAVING COMPANY ARTISTS, ENGRAVERS ELECTROTYPERS 835 W. Main St., Louisville, Kjr Home Phone City 6674 "SOUTHERN STAR" SLICED BACON "All Ready for Your Griddle In the Mornlnc" HAMS, LARD, SAUSAGE LOUISVILLE PROVISION CO. (Incorporated.) GASKETS AND UNDERTAKERS SUPPLIES. (Wholesale Only.) NATIONAL CASKET CO., Incorporated Eleventh and Magazine Streets. HOME KILLED MEATS STATE FAIR MEAT MARKET A Full Use of Fancy Groceries Both Phones Call and Give Us An Order WE SELL FOR CASH RITTER-HENNINGS CO. Receivers and Shippers of Hay and Grain. Manufacturers of Shnr Ploez Poultry and Stock Feeds Hay, Grain, Flour and Mill Feed Chas. A. Cyphers' New Buffalo Incubators and Broodors LOUISVILLE, KY. The Placo Where Old Clothes Are Made to Look Liko New." SPALDING DRY CLEANING CO PHONES 1887. FRANK FEHR JJM3CRPORATED Brewers and Bottlers XiOUISVrDXiB. KY". IN BOTTLES FOR HOME USE 0ERTEL BREW SATISFIES THAT LONGING. JOHN F. OERTEL CO. INCORPORATED PHONE CITY 859. Cumb. Phone West 191 -THE! WIEDEMANN WaOKPO BREWING COMPANY'S Celebrated Draught and Bottled Beers. Bekl at all leading bars and cafes. Renowned for purity, strength, excelleatftaw d RUBER & DEUSER, Managers, Louisville, Ky. JOHN B. WALTERS' Clay Street Brewery 508, 510 and 512 CLAY STREET. TELEPHONE 2W JLiOUISVXLLlB. ETi First Communion Books ' M t ROSARIES SCAPULAR MEDALS See ear Hew book, ''Mow te Get Ma.ried." Every Devatieaal Article Iter. Ne tremble te baxr.ieela. Rogers Church Goods Co. 139 S. FOURTH AVE. SHALE BRICK MADE BY Coral Ridge Clay Product Co. are the BEST BRICK MADE IN JEFFERSON COUNTY Sales Office; 1010 Inter-South. Bldg. Home Phone Shawnee 1721 P. I. BURKS & COMPANY (INCORPORATED.) MANUKACTURBRS OF PIANO PLAYERS Modern Player Built in Your Own Piano, Pianos and Piano Players Repaired and Tuned. 1000-1008 West Walnut, Louisville PAINTS, OILS AND VARNlSIIlih PLATE AND WINDOW GLASS VERIBEST MIXED PAINT STRASSEL-GANS PAINT CO. 21S West Market Street THE PHIL. HOLLENBAOH CO. INCORPORATED Dlstillors Of OLD FORTUNA SOUR MASH "HOLLENBAOH" PURE RYE 528 W. Main St. Louisville, Ky. PLUMBING AND HEATING CON TRACTORS H. W. NEWMAN Contracting Engineer, Steam and Hot Water Heating and Sanitary Plumbing Home Office: 440 Second Street LOUISVILLE. KY. A. L. GUNN BAKER AND CONFECTIONER ICE CREAM SI Per Gallon, All Flavors 1104 South Seventh Street Phono City 6574 R. JEUNESSE BUILDING CONTRACTOR 810 YORK STREET Phono South 1753 Louisville, Ky. ARTISTIC PRINTING FIRST CLASS WORK Give Tlds Offico Your Next Order 317 W. GREEN ST. Telephone City 94G BREWING CO CREAM BEER LOUISVILLE. KY, Home Phone i9U RATED 3TRANX FRED ERHART ARCHITECT NORTON BUILDING N.W.Cwiwr Fturth and JeffersiP Atony of the new far neck pieces are (Med on the under side "with some eontraeting ort of fur Instead of a mUb lining. KENTUCKY IS HELPING. A number of weeks ago an an nouncement was made of a proposed American Academy of Christian De mocracy for Women at Hot Springs, N. G. Thanks to the publicity given this announcement by the Catholic press, thirty-two applications havo been received, of which seven havo been accepted. On the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, the date assigned for tho opening of the fourteen weeks' course, the new en terprise was actually put under way with duo religious and social cere mony. A sixteen-foot white cross of Iona was exalted a thousand feet above the valley on n great project ing rock, where It is visible for many miles of the non-Catholic country side as u pledge of redemption. The following States are represented by the students: Wisconsin, Virginia Morrlssey, Knthcrlne Gcrmershau sen; Michigan, Mary Kantzler; Ohio, Theresa Dietz; Kentucky, Louise Cowell; South Carolina, Susan Frawley; Florida, Marie Marblck. Thus tho work assumes a national character from tho beginning, which Indeed Is a source of great gratifi cation to the initiators. Their plans are an Innovation in Amerlacn Cath olic works, and from all appear ances enjoy the marked blessing of God. City pastors who wish to se cure the services of a well preserved Catholic social worker, at moderate cost, for the charity needs of the parish, such as friendly visiting, home nursing, juvenile delinquency, Intelligent Interest In working girls, etc., nro invited to correspond with the Rev. Peter E. Dietz, Hot Springs, N. C Tho outlook Is so promising Indeed that applications will now be received also for the second course of eighteen weeks, to begin Febru ary 2, 191G, Candlemas day. CHAPEL FUND GROWS. The Chanel that the stennirrnnhflrs of America havo decided to build as a result of their own contributions will, if the funds keep on coming In with the constancy, soon be a reality. The idea came from tho minri nf n Ttnntnn stenographer, who felt that she want- eu u ao someming langioio lor the missions, and she asked the Church Extension Society to start a stenog raphers' fund, with the suggestion that It call tho chapel tho "Chapel of Jesus and Mary." No time was lost in adopting her suggestion and a chapel fund was started by the so ciety, to which stenographers, both men and women, were asked to send In donations. A donation of a dol lar or more and one New York stenographer sent in ?25 entitles tho donor to suggest a name for the chapel. Tho favorite title so far is the Chapel of Jesus and Mary. This is a real chance for stenographers to do a great thing for the honor and glory of God to build a little chapel where mass may bo said and the faith Of OUr Catholic rnllHnn nrn. served for many generations. Dona tions may do sent to the Catholic Church Extension Society, whose of fices are located In the Mrf!nrmipV building, Chicago. FATHER PHELAN'S ADVICE. Tho iRev. Father Phelan, the lamented edltnr of th wmh Watchman, was nlwnvn thmtchtfui of the family, and thus advised men ana women now to be happy al though married: A kiss and a rose In your hus band's lapel is a good Investment for the day. It Temlnds him of you wnen no passes the anilllnery shop. Koen un vnur fnmllTr fnotn,.itino the birthdays and anniversaries'. These little domestic occasions snoum bo sacred In the calendar of your home. Don't forcret whpn vnnr children were born, so that you have w iook in the (Bible to see. Any husbad can make Ms wlfo happy If ho will. A wife can Inter est her husband if she will. Woman, don't bo a vixen and a snan-turtlo at home and InHvlllrA abroad. Man. reserve vonr Rjiintllnoca tnr home use; not for the club only. Guard ncninnh thn lltfla ilnmnofin sins that gnaw away the happiness of the home. CARDINAL ENDS BLESSING. Cardinal Gibbons. It wan lonmnH Monday, sent his blessing and con gratulations to Jlor. Charles Flsko, wno was consecrated iProtestant Episcopal iBishop of Central New York on Wednesday. As there Is no Cathedral within the Central New York diocese, the consecration took placo in (Baltimore at tbe Church of St Michael and All Angels, of which Rev. Dr. TMslcn has lioon rontni. fn several years. "Bishop Olmstead, of new xonc, ana itne iBiahops of Wash ington, Georgia, iMaryland and Fond du Lac conducted the services. IVORTn WHILE. In Boston they have a Catholic Young Men's Association that la really worth while. Tho young men have for some seasons been conduct ing a night school which gives a complete course in a great variety of practical subjects, the Instruc tors being men well versed in tha topics to which they are assigned. At present the night school has an enrollment of more than 2,200. . POPE BENEDICT SPEAKS. Every Catholic editor in tho land will draw inspiration, encourage ment and determination from tho following words of our groat leader, Pope Benedict XV,: "It seems to us that nothing is more desirable than that the number of those who can use their pen in way rich in bless ings should increase and that good papers should have a large circula tion, so that everyone may havo every day good Teadlng, which in structs and warns, and strengthens! and promotes the Christian virtue." NOTABLE ADVANCE. Thta year the attendance at Notre Dame University is the largest in the history of the institution, and with the increase in the numbers comes a notable advance In the cos mopolitan character of the school. Every country In the 'Western hemisphere, most of the countries of Europe, China, Japan and the Phil ippine Islands are now represented at (Notre (Dame. SOCIETY DIRECTORY. A. 0. H. DIVISION 1. Second and Fourth Thursday, Lleder kranz Hall, Sixth and Walnut. President Mark Ryan. Vice President William Cushlng. Financial Secretary Edward Clancy. Recording Secretary James P. Barry. Treasurer Thomas Keenan. Sergeant-at-Arms Thomas Tarpy. DIVISION a. Meots First Wednesday Liederkranz Hall, Sixth and Walnut. President Joseph Lynch. Vice President Daniel O'Keefe. Recording Secrotary John T. Keaney. Financial Secretary Edward J. Kelran. Treasurer Thomas Hannan. Sergeant-at-Arms John P. Hel lon. DIVISION 3. Meets 1st and 3rd Monday at Hiber nian Home, 1818-1820 Portland. President John M. Maloney. Vice President Matt J. O'Brien. Recording Secretary Thomas Killeen. Financial Secretary John J. Hes- slon, Jr. Treasurer D. J. Dougherty. Sergeant-at-Arms Martin Kale her. Sentinel Thomas Noone. DIVISION 4. Meets Second and Fourth Mondays, Bertrand Hall, Sixth Street. President John H. Hennessy. Vice President Thomas Lynch. Financial Secretary Thomas J. Langan. Recording Secretary John J. Barry. Treasurer Pat Connelly. Sergeant-at-Arms Thomas Far roll. Sentinel M. J. McDormott. Y. M.I. MAOKIN COUNCIL, 205. Meets Monday Evenings at Club House, 344 North Twenty-sixth. President John J. Lynn. First Vice President John W. Murphy. Second Vice President Martin P. Schadd. Treasurer George J. Thornton. Financial Secretary A. C. Link. Recording Secretary William G. Bucket. Marshal Harry Alberts. Inside Sentinel Edward Gratzer, Outside Sentinel Harvey Pfeif fer. Executive Committee Frank G. Adams, Thomas Bachman, Frank Geller, A. W. Andrlot, John R. Barry. COMING EVENTS. October 22 Angela Franceska In folk songs and dances at Bortrand Hall, October 2C Euchre and lnttn nt St Ann's school hall, Seventh and Davles, afternoon and evening. October 28 Elinhrn unci Intln fnr benefit of (Miss Jennie Giles at Trinity Council Hall. TAKE TRIP EAST. Henry iRelss and Fxed Dolle, of the Broadway Amusement "Enter prise Company, havo gono to New York on a ten days' trip, combining business and pleasure. NEW ALBANY. Wedesday evening (Miss Coletta Agnes Wooton and Elijah Heckler, well known residents of iNew Al bany, wero united In marriage at Holy Trinity church, iRev. Father Charles Curran performing (the cere mony. JUDGE SEYMOUR TO SPEAK. Judge C. J3. Seymour, one of Louisville's ablest Jurists, will ad dress (the local council of the Knights of Columbus at one of the October meetings. (He is a great orator and flhould be greeted by a largo audience. FmST WARD OPENING. The Democrats of tho (First ward will open their campaign next Thurs day night, October 7, in the Stock Yards Hall, with Judge James P. Edwards as the principal speaker. The First ward leaders claim that this district will glvo an old tlmo majority for tho ticket in November. NAZARETH. Miss (Margaret Anderson, whose lectures wheever she has been heard excited great praise, came to Nazareth Academy on Friday to de liver a lecture before the pupils on ".Renaissance Sculpture." Miss Anderson waaVhoroughly up on her subject and find many beautiful slides to illustrate' her talk. RECOVERED. Rev. Father Thomas White's friends and the peonlo of St. Frances of Rome congregation were elated when he returned from St. Mary and Elizabeth Hospital (this week and again entered upojn his pastoral duties. (Father Wnlto was quite 111 and during his abiknco (the affairs of tbe parish wero in charge ot one of tho Dominican fathers. WORKING AMONG INDIANS. Her. Philip B. ( blooded Chippewa J lordon, a idian, has full been sent by His Eminence Cardinal Gib bons to take charge ot the religious welfare of the 200 Catholic Indians attending the Has ell Institute at Lawrence. JCaus, father Gordon will also work in different directions among tha Indians within R hundred ralJee and laM of Tavrrence. These duties will take Jhlm among: the Pottawatomie, vac and Foxes, Klckapoo and to Chlllocco, Okla., and two or three jotter Oklahoma point. j HONOR HOLY NAME. Twelve branches representing the Holy 'Name Society of Northern Ken tucky held their annual parade in Covington last Sunday afternoon, and It Is estimated that 7,000 men were In line. James E. Day was Grand Marshal. There were nine bands in i:he parade. One of tho features was a decorated wagon bearing a number of altar boys. Thero were forty decorated automobiles in which wero pastors of itho various churches, banner carriers and prom inent members of the different churches of Covington, Newport and suburbs. The parade disbanded at St. Mary's Cathedral, where (Mission ary Father J. M. tRIpple delivered the sermon. Rev. Father Declan Carroll, Chaplain of the St. Mary's Branch of tho (Holy Name Society, under whose auspices the parade was given, stated that It was proba bly the largest ever given by tho Holy (Name Society in that oUy. TOTIKS QUOTIES INDULGENCE. The feast of tho Most Holy Ros ary, according to the now law of the Roman calendar, falls this year on Thursday, October 7. The solemnity of tho feast Is observed on the first Sunday of October. According to a decree of tho Sacred Congregation of Rites under Plus Ia August 9, 1852, whenever the solemnity of a feast Is transferred the indulgence of the feast can be transferred to tho day of solemnity. The faithful therefore after having complied with the usual conditions of confession and com munion can as usual gain the great indulgence of the rosary In any church whero the (Rosary Con fraternity Is established, by visiting the Rosary altar and praying for the Intention of the Holy Father and the welfare of the church. This great privilege enables them to gain a plenary indulgence for eaoh and every visit made from noon of Saturday until midnight of Rosary Sunday. HOURS AND OUTPUT. In a recent issue of tho World'B Labor Laws, a pamphlet issued quarterly by tho British Association for Labor Legislation, there is a vigorous protest against the Idea, now gaining great headway in Eng land, that tho longer the hours worked tho greater tho output. "The question how to produce the greatest possible output from factories and mills of various kinds is now of stupendous importance," writes Miss Sanger, Secretary of the association. "In the minds of most people It seems there still prevails the an tiquated doctrine that output In creases with tho .number of hours worked. We read 'fervent protests against the unwillingness of working men and women to dispense with their weeky day of rest or to work like galley slaves all hours of tho day and night. It never seems to oc cur to tho writers of these lamenta tions that tho working men and women concerned may in reality have been too willing to work ex cessive hours. By submitting gladly to abnormal hours of strain they may have been treating themselves as unscientifically as ever the worst employer treats his 'hands.' For the purpose of large output thero Is nothing more unscientific than 'working till you drop.' A clever employer will get far more result by appropriate alternations of con centrated work and adequate rest." IRISH TR.OOPS SLIGHTED. In the editorial columns of the Irish Independent to hand there ap pears a glowing tribute to the Irish heroes who have fallen in England's light for commercial supremacy, while in London notes is paraded the fact that once again tho Irish troops at tho front havo been troated In tho shabbiest manner by tho War Office. Tho stateomnt is made by the Dally Chronicle, and Is not de nied In or from any quarter that on Its arrival In Galllpoll the Tenth Irish Division was broken up and all but three battalions dispersed among other British troops. Even tho Dally Chronicle is evidently ashamed of the insulting tactics of tho stupid and anti-Irish War Of fice "We would ask," it says, "whether it Is conceivablo that, say a Canadian, an Australian or a New Zealand division should have been handled I nthls way, and how long It will be beforo tho military authori ties are made to realize, as they should be, that the loca land na tional feeling of Ireland Is as much worth treating considerately as that of tho Dominions." Nor is this all which the War Offico has to Its discredit, so far as Ireland is concerned. All the dis patches issued by It scrupulously Ignore the gallantry of the Irish troops, notwithstanding the fact that they, almost alone, do nearly all the fighting at the Dardanelles. All these Instances of systematic slights and of open violation of the War Office pledge to Redmond that tho Irish would be kept together as military units, should tlmulato re cruiting In Ireland. SUFFERS GREAT DAMAGE. The damage to church property in the dloceso of Galveston by the recent hurricane was very great. Tho Right Rev. N. A. (Gallagher, Bishop of Galveston, gives a list of property damaged and estimates the Josses sustained at $98,500. Tho report is by no means completo, as the damage at a number of places has not been included. FROM SAME CAUSE. The terrible war and heavy gun fire are given by some scientists as reason for the excessive rains of the past months. No doubt tho same learned gentlemen will say that the unusual heat came from the same cause. PREDICT A HARD WINTER. Old-time Indians say every sign Indicates the approach of a long, cold winter, according to stories coming from the reservations and elsewhere where the Redskins have their habitat. They sa ysqulrrels already have begun storing up nuts, the bark on tyees is thioker than ordinary, the summer has been abnormally cool RELIABLE GUIDE FOR CAREFUL BUYERS Readers of the Kentucky Irish American are earnestly urged to patronize advertisers whose announcements they find in these colums. Wc aim to protect our read ers by accepting only firms of known responsibility. THEO. WOLF BAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY ICE CREAM Home Phone Shawnee 1914 Special Prices to Lawn Fetes and Picnics. Twcnty-sixth and Portland Avenue JOHN B. WATHEN FURNITURE MOVER and PACKER WAGON OR VAN 2523 West Wnlnut Street PICNIC PARTIES A SPECIALTY Homo Phone Shawnee 198C HENRY SCHUH 1-103 South Seventh Street Home Telephone 2147 Choice Staple nnd Fancy Groceries Meat and Vegetable Market Fine Teas and Coffee Butter a Specialty ARTHUR A. WILL BUILDER 2431 Montgomery Utrcct Home Phono Shawnee 1010 WM. ISGRIGO SHEET METAL CONTRACTOR 4105 Henry Street Homo Phone, Shawnee 1383-L. HODAPP & MILLER Wholesale Manufacturers of HARNESS AND STRAP WORK Cumb. Phone M. 1004-A 110 South Seventh Street, Loulsvlllo HORNUNG 2121 Osage Avcnuo GUARANTEED $2.00 PIANO TUNING $2.00 REPAIRING Phone Shawnee 1253 0. G. STIGLITZ & SONS MANUFACTURERS Louisville Made Furnaces 210-222 8. Ninth St. Home Phono City 2542 WWHtMWWMMUVHWWHMUUtlVWW HOME PHONE 88 CUAIBERLAND MAIN 3071-y J. J. BARRETT'S SONS FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS. 822 East JS&etxxx SMnrt. VVViMVVVVlM &sjjMjs2I,InI"IMilIav'IMiM D'OUGHERH 1227 WEST MARKET STREET, Funeral Directors f BOTH !EHOII35S. Climb. Mniu SOOS-a Homo City 2008 I B 'GRAN W. SMITH'S SON-;; AL. S. SMITH, PROP. 1 Funeral Director BOTH PHONES 810. i 809 WEST JEFFERSON STREETJ MONUMENTS Markers and Mausoleums. Send for our illustrated designs and prices. Large and new stock to select from all high class work. New Muldoon Monument Co. 652 South Third St. H.B0SSE$S0N Funeral Directors and Embalmers. SIO FBJHI AVBNUB Tetaaaes ISii. and wet, the migration of birds has already started, and that a dozen other signs, whloh according to the aborigines never fall, all go to fore cast a severe winter. i SOMETHING NEW (Fuel Saving Device) Vapor Heating J. L. BROWNFIELD & CO. Steam and Hot Water Hcntlng 111 1ST. THIKD STREET Home Phone 7846 Cumb. M. 1592 THOS. J. BR0DERI0K PLUMBING, GAS AND SEWERAGE Home Phone City 4392-J 1000 Zano Street Home Phone 1191 Hollenbach's Wine House KARL A. HOLLENBACH, Proprietor Importer and Dealer In WINES AND LIQUORS 144 South Third Street CHARLES WTLLMAN PLUMBER Home Phone City 1396 1201 West Mnrkct Street B. H. BUETER VETERINARY SURGEON HORSE SHOEING 116 SOUTH FIRST STREET Home Phone, City 2365 Cumb. S. 981 Home, City 981 MISS JOSEPHINE WOLF 9C3 SOUTH THIRD STREET CONFECTIONER AND CATERESS Weddings and Parties Given Special Attention Charles Wolf, Manager SOUTH LOUISVILLE SAVINGS AND DEPOSIT BANK Fourth and Central Avenue Interest Paid On Time Deposits We Solicit Your Business O. F. BENDER JERSEY DAIRY Ice Crenm Manufacturer Special Prices to Churches and Picnics Both Phones First and Col lego Streets & McELLIOTT and Embalmers ? W It and Embalmeri THE $1.00 BOX DELUXE (our Saturday Special) is the most remarkable Flower value obtainable. Other BOXES DE LUXE at $2.00 and $3.00. GonpoBB with very par. chase. Place Your Orders Friday for Delivery Saturday. JACOB SCHULZ CO. INCORPORATED THE FLOWERS SHOP AT 550 S. FOURTH AVENUE. WW1 HERRMANN BROS. WP8RTEIK S FINE WINES AND UQJQR3. DUtlltersand W.i)liala Dnt ers in Piaest Biradi of Ka tucky Whiskies, ajpsclat). Pearl of Nelson, BOTTLXD IN BOND. TtdfiHM 1143.. 234 $ UXH SIMg a r