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L JKEXDtfTXJOKlY IRISH AMEXfcXOAl ' I BAC0MSQN5 t m m riim nilili'l urn?) mm r INCORPORATED We Qive and Redeem Surety Coupons. WE CARRY A REPRESENTATIVE LINE OF CATHOLIC RELIGIOUS GOODS AT REASONABLY LOW PRICES. HIBERNIANS. What They Have Been Doing the Past Week General News Notes. ROSARIES CRUCIFIXES PRAYER BOOKS BIBLES ALTAR LACES ALBS SURPLICES STATUES SHRINE LAMPS CANDELABRAS HOLY WATER FONTS MEDALLIONS CANDLESTICKS SCAPULAR MEDALS M4l4fr DAN J. HBNNESSY HOME PHONE CITY 3238 EDW. A. AXMAN Fall and Winter Garments Our Specialty. Hennessy Axman POPULAR PRICE TAILORS UPSTAIRS STORE. 425 W. Jefferson S'reet $QQty$fyQ&fyQty&fyty$G&fyQQfafy$ Good Coffee a Morning Necessity I iffiSgsBm Immimmf Yh'II find that Mulloy's Codes Is JUST what you want 2 1.3 lb. New Blend Coffee with Spncinl Rebate Tioket, ftood for 10c in trade ..... 65c The Mulloy man is in your neighborhood every week Phone us and have him call. BOTH PHONES 1323-212 W. MARKET ST. 4&$&fr&tw&SS44Q WEWANTYOURWORK We're Prepared to Do It Promptly and in First-Class Style. PRINTING Cards, Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Circulars, Dodgers, Etc. Dance and Wedding Invitations a Specialty. HOME PHONE 946. KENTUCKY IRISH AMERICAN 310 WB8T GECXCECK OTRIDIET. QUICK MEAL GAS RANGE The Ladles' Auxiliary of Brockton, Mass., boasts Us own orchestra. Division 4 will meet Monday ovenlng'and Division 1 on Thursday. Tho Ladles' Auxiliary Juvenile division of Indianapolis has a fine choir. . P. J. Haltlean, former editor of the National Hibernian, Is making a lecture tour through tho West. i At tho semi-annual Initiation of Division 1 of Poughkeep3io twonty two candidates were giv.en tho de grees. The division at Portland, Ore., recently added seventy-five members to its rolls, the largest class in its bistory. . I The quarterly meeting of all the divisions will be held Sunday after noon, December 21, In Division 3's club house. I The first degree was exemplified on sixty candidates at tho October meeting of tho Ladles' Auxiliary at Brockton, Mass. I A special feature of the visit of tho national officers to Dunkirk this month will be the initiation of a large class of candidates. Niagara Falls Hibernians aro ar ranging a great reception for Na tional President McLaughlin and State President McCarthy. The successful Catholic Women's Homo Association of Indianapolis was foundpd by the Hibernian Ladles' Auxiliary of that city. Five members initiated and ten ap plications received enthused tho last meeting of the Ladles' Auxiliary at Rutland, one of tho leaders In Ver mont. John O'Brien, of Division 4, "was elected Magistrate on Tuesday to succeed the late P. T. Sullivan, for- i mer County President and member ox Division 3. Michael Claire, a pioneer member of Division 1, who suffered a broken collarbone early In October, is pro gressing toward recovery despite his advanced ago. Tho Ladies' Auxiliary of Sioux City has outlined a season's study In Irish history that links Ireland and America In on Interesting and instructive manner. Tho long heralded festival and bazar of the S'. Paul Hibernians proved a brilliant success, and makes a substantial beginning for their now home building. For the first time since tho order wn founded in Now York, Cityv in 1836, tho National President and National Board installed the New York county officers on October 25. Division 2 of Syracuse added a poodlv number to tho membership roll Monday nleht. Vpry desirable prizes will bo awarded December 20, when the membership contest closes. Right Rev. Bishop Dpran presided at the meeting when Mrs. Ellen Ryan Jolly presented tho Irish history prizes at Providence. Congressman Ambrose Kennedy mado tho prin cipal address. After Installing tho New York County Board officers last week, Na tional President McLaughlin an nounced that there was not a single grievance or dissension in the Ancient Order today. When tho Hibernians and Ladles' Auxiliary of Denver tendered Father John J. Bradley a reception in honor of his appointment as permanent rector of St. Mary's church, they presented Father P. McDonough with a purse of gold. Division 22 of Quincy, Mass., celebrated tho roleaso of its hall from debt with a cremation party at which tbe mortgage was burned. Lotters expressing regret at being unablo to attend wore received from Gov. Walsh and Mayor Curley, of Boston. Prediction That Quinine Shortly Will Advance to $3 an Ounce. What are you going to do for a remedy for Chills, Malaria or Fever? TAKE Leselia Fever Remedy Is the best remedy known for these conditions and is independ ent of the quinine market. Guaranteed not to contain qui linc, arsenic or any harmful drugs. 12-0z. Bottle $1.00 ALL DRUGGISTS. Trado Mark Registered. IRELAND. Xecord of tho Most Important of tho Recent Events Culled Prom Exchanges. FEVER REMEDY NONE GENUINE WITHOUT THIS SIGNATURE. LESELIA REMEDIES COMPANY, Incorporated Louisville, Kentucky. AMERICAN OHRONOLOaY. Timely Record of Some Memor able Events in the Catholic History of America. By James A. Rooney, ILL. D. November 7, 1791 First synod of Baltimore convoked by Bishop Carroll in his episcopal residence, aittended by twenty-two priests of five nationalities; first ecclesiasti cal synod held in tho United States. November 8, 1843 The (Rev. Jo seph J. O'Keefe, O. F. M., known as the last of the California Franciscan padres, born in Mal low, County Cork, Ireland; spent his life in tho California missions; died in St. Joseph's HospJtal, San Francisco, February 13, 1915. November 9, 1897 St, James Hannlgan, ox-Chairman of tho Cootehill Guardians, died very suddenly. Swinford Guardians havo elected Dr. J. fM. O'Roillv. Saiford Tlnvnl iHosnSial, to the medical offlcership of Charlestown. Negotiations between tho Wick low Urban Council and the Railway Company for extra facilities havo been unsuccessful. At the Duneannon QuarUcr Ses sions Jugo LInehan congratulated tin erand lurv on tho peacoful con dition of the district. General regret a expressed at tho death of Sister Mary Austin Waleh, which sad event took place at tho Mercy Convent, Callan. At Newry Urban Council James Smyth was appointed rertb colleotor to the Urban Council In place of John Brady, who resigned. The body of James Kelsh, who disappeared from his homo in Slano aboult six weeks ago, was found in the River Boyne near Oldbridgo. Addressing the grand jury at Boyle Quarter Sessions, Judgo Wakely 'said ho was glad to see tho country In such a peaceful condition. Tho death is much regretted of Thomas Reynolds, Carrigallen. Tho funeral to tho Aughnavas cemetery was the lurgost seen In many years. Recently tho Galway fjshermen mnde an Immense catch of herrings In the Bay Insido Arran. The num ber of herrings captured is es- tlmated at 140,000. At a public meeting of the towns peoplo of Newtownbarry, Rev. A. Forrestal presiding, it was decided to ndopl"- a plan of a Town Hall pre pared by a Dublin architect. The death Is announced in Adelaide of tho Rev. M. O'Byrne, O. P. A native of Carlow, he com menced his religious d'udles in Ire land. Ho was a distinguished litterateur and art critic. Tho New Ross Guardians after a discussion decided on getting forty tons of Irish coal from rho Castle- Pnmflj' sn11fttnef tr iflia TXfrtlyTiMie Joseph's BOme members remarking that t'hey "r riJtZia f Bbould support Irish industry. Now York, by Mother M. Dom inica (Dowling), Prioress of tho Dominican Convent of Our Lady of tho Rosary. November 10, 1753 Tho Rev. Francis A. Matignon. early mis sionary in Boston and New Eng Widespread regret Is felt at the death of SIstor Mary Clement Cor coran at tho Convent of Mercy, Ennis. She was formerly of Ros crea, and was a sister of Rev. Father M. J. Corcoran, Nenagh. While driving in a cart near Killcshandra and standing up to fix ..- ...-........................ ....... h ' " r-w-w-w-rrrrw IFIi.IIIffTJIIIIIIIMVIIIII V t"l ! I HERMAN STRAUS SONS :j ,. I rouBTH Avenue wcopaAreo " market STBEgT ' Right Now Is the Time You Need BLANKETS AND WE'RE GLAD TO OFFER THEM TO YOU AT THESE LOW PRICES. Every One New and Perfect Just the Thing For Cool Nights. I Mighty Specials in Col ored Blankets 50c Children's Bed Blank- X etc; size 40x68; per pair. .39c X 75c Gray Bed Blankets; size 50x72; per pair 65c $1.00 Gray Bed Blankets; size 60x74; per pair 75o $1.25 Tan Bed Blankets size 66x80; per pair 89o $1.75 Tan Bed Blankets; size 72x80; per pair. . . .$1.25 $2.00 "White, Gray or Tan Bed Blankets; extra heavy; size 74x80; largest size, each $1.50 75x88 Jacquard Blankets Baby Blankets Teddy Bear and Bunny Baby Blankets, in pink, blue and Ki'iiiKie aown wool 39c Blankets for. . . 25c 75c Blankets for. . . 69c $1.00 Blankets for. . . 79c $1.50 Blankets for... $1.25 $5.50 Ail-Wool Blankets I $4.25 100 pairs of All-wool Blankets; size 66x80; in red and black plaid color only; $5.50 values, for.. $4.26 T 66x80 All-Wool Blankets $5.50 A complete line of All-wool Blankets, including white and plaid; size 66x80, at reduced price of $5.50 72x84 All-Wool Blankets 1 $5.75 A large assortment of All wool Blankets; size 72x 84; up from $5.75 Jacquard Itobo Blankets; size 75x88, including ropes and frogs, in plaids, stripes, etc, while they last $2.25 values $1.69 $2.50 values $1.89 $3.50 values $2.75 land, born in Paris; ordained a seat, Bernard Farrelly, farmer's September 19, 1773; driven from France by tho Revolution, began his labors In Boston, August 20, 1792; died there, December 19, 1818. November 11, 187C Four Domini can Sisters sent from the mother house In (Brooklyn Seraphlna (Stalner) San Francisco, Cal on Invitation of Archbishop tAlemany, and opened their first house on the Pacific coast. November 12, 1874 Death at Notre Dame, Ind., of the Rev. Neal Henry Gillespie, C. S. C: received son, of Clara, fell forward across the horse on to the road and re ceived inlurles which proved fatal. Monaghan County Council has passes a resolution protesting against compulsory military service for that county, as all tho young by Mother mon m tne county wero required to arrived in maintain tho agricultural Industry. Muiungar Town Commissioners havo passed a resolution asking for tho release of Edward Monaghan. who wao sentenced to three months' imprisonment at Mulllngar under tho realm defence a t for statements made to solders in reference to tho tho first degree conferred by the an?3r; ,, University of Notre Dame in Jo?" Brennan, Rurbin, was 1849; editor of tho Avo Maria "w"ruuu ou damages in a sum. ior from 1866 until his dealth; cousin oi James Gillespie Blaine. false arrest and imprisonment at Dundalk Quarter Sessions against We Give and Redeem Profit Sharing Certificates iiTT,f'f""MMiHtt tmitiitttiimtiiintiiHHii ONE DOLLAR starts a Savings Account with this safe, conservative, Sixty-one-year-old Bank, to which you can add $1.00 or more at any time. We add absolute safety and 3 per cent. No cost to you whatever. The same courteous attention given the depositor of $1.00 or the depositor of $10,000. German Insurance BanK Under the Bi Clock Second and Market State Government Snperviaion. VVVVVVVVkVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV1 November is. Sisters f ?! J" "tf of Notre Dame from Cincinnati that dofendant had plaintiff re under Sister Louise de Gonzaga " " L" fnfAW -! fS, Vi nrrivmi -in Tinaton nmi otr,Mt,o,i ceiving potatoes stolon from him, and that the grand Jury found "no bill."' PROMOTIONS. TiRlOIL The most popular cooking device in the world. Easy to clean, cooks quickly, bakes perfectly and consumes the least possible amount of gas. It is made to last. GEHER & SON 215 WEST MARKET STREET. Horn., City 3101 Cumb. South 9G0-Y DOUGHERTY & LANNING COAL CO. INCORPORATED. Best Quality Pittsburg and Jellico Coal. Office and Yards Fifteenth and Magnolia Avenue MHjKftfei! aUaaaaBaH MaHVjaaaami DR. J. T. CHAWK Veterinary Infirmary. VJ.3-XO QUU J." EL OIU V Mid A'-TO. O J-'M-HilliX' HHfinmt bm., o. iant. iiinu, rrj , a ! '' A Case of Good Judgment. Order a Case of FALL CITY BEER Extra Pale Lager Peerless Common Due to the great demand we are aow BOTTLING COMMON, end U you have tried the rest get the BBST. PHONE i Hem Skawite 96 an4 f. Cumberland West 69. Lawrence A. Downs, Superin tendent of tho Louisville division of the Illinois Central railroad, who has a host of friends in this city, has been promoted to tho office of General Superintendent of tho Illinois Central Southern lines, with headquarters in New Orleans, suc ceeding Lewis M. Baldwin, another Louisville man, who na3 boen mado General Manager of the Georgia Central railroad. T. E. Hill, of New Orleans, who has been Superin tendent of the Louisiana, division, will como to this city, itho changes becoming effective November 10. Mr. Downs now office will place aim In charge of all the I. C. lines oouth of tho Ohio river and extend ing to the gulf. His promotion is considered tra unusually important ono. He came to Louisville from Dubuque, Sowa, where ho was Superintendent of the Minnesota division. He was Superintendent of tho Iowa division TJrior to that time, flo began his railroad career in Chicago and afterward tiecamo roadmaster of the focal division, leaving horo fourteen years agb and returning to Chicago, where he orved as assistant chief engineer for maintenance of way before" go ing West He has been with the road twenty -years. While rejoiced over his advancement there will be general resrrot over his departure from Louisville. arrived in Boston and established their first house, whence they spread all over Now England; mother house at Waltuam, Mass. FATHER YORK. CATHOLIC ORPHAN SOCIETY. Resolutions Adopted by Parish in. Memory of Pastor of St. Paul tho Apostlo Church. Rev. (Father Thomas A. York, pastor of St. Paul's church, was born fifty-nine years ago in Water town, Mass., where early in llfo he evinced a desire to become a priest. and after making his preparatory studies there Our readers and friends of tho orphans of St. Vincent and St. Thomas Asylums will bo interested to learn that the Catholic Orphan Society has undertaken a movement that will provide, for much needed Improvements for these two Institu tions. It Is proposed to make a campaign to raiso ?10,000, to bo known as the "orphan improvement fund," to bo used solely for tho pur- Tip Top Bread Guaranteed 100 Pure. Labels good for picture show tickets, any kind of trading stamps, or many other useful articles carried I in our premium rooms. vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv'vv'V''vv'vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvJi WORK CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED IN DUST PROOF BAqS nJ-n..n J fti. -r I- .Z,;r,f ".oVliiiu y Ps of meeting requirements that Seminary and after a brilliant course , nf ,Ji noi,,m Ti, of studies was ordained at Sulplcian UPON MISSION TRIP. IRev. Father Edwin, C. P., of tae Sacred Heart Retreat, has been spending the week at Mona, Ark,, where he has been conducting a mission at St. Agnes church. Befaw returning Father Edwin will conduct missions at a number of other places in that State. HOLY SEE AND JAPAN. Seminary, near Baltimore, Md Cardinal Gibbons raised him to the holy priesthood for tho Louis ville diocese, and his first mission in tho diocese was at Mayfield and Hickman, Ky attending from these and other places adjoining missions in Tennesseo with salutary results, fn tho year of 1890 he was called to ILouisvillo and placed in cbargo of St. Paul tho Apostlo church, whoro he remained until tho hand of death called him to his heavenly reward at St. Anthony's Hospital on Tuesday, October 12, at 11:30 a. m.. after an Illness of about three months Whereas, Ep haB pleased Almighty God to remove from our midst tho ftov. Thomas A, York, upbuilder and pastor of St. Paul's church, we feel that we havo been deprived of i priest whose place can not bo filled. He was a priest who labored Indefatieably for twenty-five years and Under his care tho church in creased in membership, He was always good and kind to tho poor. He was a solicitous spiritual father to his people, ever faithful, self nacrlficing priest, -whom all loved, all revered, all trusted, and whom all now mourn. (Resolved, That an expression of sorrow for our own loss and of sympathy -with the bereaved bo aro necessary at each asylum. Tho committee in charge of this under taking is composed of Col. P. H. Callahan, Edward J. O'Brien and Owen Sullivan, who will make their first report at tho meeting of tho Catholic Orphan Society next Friday night. In other cities vast sums for tho orphans have been secured in this manner, and there should bo littlo trouble in raising hero tho money required for tho improve ments that aro now necessary. THE MASTER CLEANER AND DYER Ladics'ISuits Cleaned and Pressed $1 .00 Gentlemen's Suits Cleaned and Pressed l.OO Gentlemen's Palm Bench Suits Cleaned and Pressed.. . .COc Gentlemen's Suits Sponged and Pressed 25c Puis Cleaning and Dyeing' Co. Both Phones 2635. 426 South Fifth St. HELPING ST. BRIGID'S. Tho Young Ladies' Sodality of tho Blessed Virgin of St. Brlgid's church will give a lotto party Wednesday afternoon, and at night will enter tain -with euchre, both in tho base ment of the church. There will bo no euchre in tho afternoon and no lotto at night. Many nice pr&es will ho awarded and tho ladies hopo the entertainment will bo well patronlezd. The proceeds will ap ply on tbe church debit. CATHOLIC FEDERATION. The November meeting of tho Catholic Federation will be held next Thursday night at the Knights of Columbus Hall on Fourth street. During tho past month the President, Or. Peter S. Ganz, and Secretary BE SURE TO CALL FOR MeKENNA WHISKY IT IS ALWAYS PURE. !H. McKehna, Distiller, Fairfield, fix nndflred Ma family and friends and i Thomas Dolan have succeeded in that this memorial be made a per- arousing much Interest in a number On the occasion of the coronatldm of the Emperor of Japan in Novem ber, says a news agency's telegram from Rome, ,the Pope will send an official representative to Tokio in the person of MbnsUnor Petrplli the Apostolic Delegate to tbe Phil ippines, who will carry aa autograph letter from the Pontiff to the Em peror. I manent record of St. Paul's church; that a copy be mailed to the Rev. Father York's family at Water- town. Mass., and thfc it be pub Mnhed in the Catholic paners of this diocese and at Boston, Maes. . '-Committee. of city parishes, and it is expected th'ere will he a large acquisition of delegates. With tho roports and tho important matters to come before tho body tho meeting promises to Do full of interest. GLAD ID3 IS BACK. People of Shelbyvllle -were re 'oiced -when the Rev. Father J. H. 'Hey returned the past week from all River. Mass., where he liad Hoen TecuBPratinK from a severe 'Unees, Father Riley has a'fcain re timed his duties as pastor of the "fiii'flh of fhe Annunotation and on Sunday was greeted by large asm- bers at all the BEAUTIFUL PICTURES. Next Wednesday evening at the meeting of the Knights of Columbus the members will be entertained by Robert G. Wulf, who will exhibit a beautiful series of stereopMcon pictures taken in Yellowstone Park that will be seen here for the first time. At the meeting on the suc ceeding Wednesday alrht there wil1 be a muslaale under the dlrectien of Prof. Leo Sohmitt. . 41 H"H"H'"-MM""H.i..H.t I H"lflHi f P. BANK8N, JR., Vies Prac. & Trm. lAHKUCt J. rUHEMJUl, "" 'jh T M. I. iANNH, Pnc&Mer. P. BANNON PIPE CO. Sewer ami Calvert Pipe, Baaaea's Pateat Lidded Pipe fer Steam Ceadaits, Wall Cepistf, Draia Tile, YUrifie Irkk, Fire Praeia, Flae LiBing", Fire Brick Grate aad Seller Tile, Greaad Fire Clay, Cahaaey f eps. OFFICE 528 WEST JEFFERSON HOME PHONES OITY (573-1788. ' CUMB. MAN 07. fl WORKS 13tk and Breek. aad Macaatta Ay, Be. 9VH 4 gtb. nnnnniiiMHinilitjiniiiHnitiluiiiiiiniH I