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JKBTDXJOKIY IRISH AJS&EteXCAJSL KENTUCKY IRISH AMERICAN. ' PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY. ivtad te tb Social and Moral liiaactmtmtat of W AsKrlcaaa and Cattetlo Ottdally Indorsed by Aaclent Order ol Hiberalaas, Yoaag Mtrn'i loitltata and CataoKc KalRtaU of America. WE GIVE AND REDEEM SURETY COUPONS. Stewart Dry Goods Co , INCORPORATED In ConncdionAViih James Mc Crccry & Co. NewJVork. Due to a Numkr of Special Purchases Sale of Men's Suits KENTUCKY IBISH AMEWl.CAN PHINTINQ CO.,lcoTirud, Publlahara MBSCRIPTION PRICE, OND DOLLAR PER YEAR SINQLB COPY gc RrUratf t LtTl4U Patle flxndCI flttf. lUreti ill ComaiwlMtloas t the KENTUCKY IWSH AWBHIfriN.iH-21 Wet Qftea St. a(TRAr(Hli!gyjcouNcjLii LOUISVILLE, KY SATURDAY, MAY 20, ,1916. DESTROY CHAIN THAYER. time and Increase the already bur densome debt that hinders Shelby- Every few months some people vjne's progress. And upon all sides men are conceding that prohibition does not prohibit nor exclude liquor from dry territory. In the same community receive and send out the chain prayer. Nothing evidences more the Inclination to superstition of the American people. The Catholic clergy have always condemned the practice and urged their people to destroy these chain prayers when a note accompanying them promises certain joy or threat ens grief to the recipient, according as he heeds or heeds not the warn ing to recite the prayer on nine consecutive days and remall the prayer to nine others. Has It ever occurred to you what an amount of postage and writing material would be required if the chain were continued even' to the: tenth set of persons? It would exceed ?69,000,- 000. Destroy the next chain prayer you receive. BIGOTRY IN FLORIDA. Bigotry has reached its climax in Florida. On Easter Monday three Catholic Sisters wero marched as prisoners through the streets of St. Augustine. Their crime was that they had taught colored children to read and write and to worship God. There is a law in the enlightened State of Florida forbidding white' people to teach the colored children In schools erected for them. The law, though held to be unconstitu tional, was placed upon the, statute books of Florida. It was not, how ever, applied until in 1916, when the "Guardians of Liberty" came Into power. They have now given the entire country an Illustration of the liberty and enlightenment they have pledged themselves to se cure for our land. The conditions existing today in the State of Flor ida are a disgrace to the men in high office who were elected to rep resent a whole people and whose oath of office binds them to measure out justice to all citizens of the State, regardless of class or creedr Florida is no place for men who love fair play and justice, who stand squarely on American principles of liberty, so long as the State Is con trolled by those who hate justice and trample on the rights -of their fellow men. Do not wait until the last moment to perform your Easter duty. You may die in the meantime. ANSWERS POPE'S MESSAGE. President Wilson has replied to the message sent him recently by Pope Benedict, In which the Pope expressed the earnest hope that war between the United States and Ger many would not be precipitated by the submarine issue, and conveyed the impression that he hoped the United States might be of assistance ultimately In restoring peace . to Europe. The reply of the President was conveyed through Monsignor Bonzano, the Apostolic Delegate, who delivered the Pope's message at the White House. White house officials refused on Wednesday to discuss the Pope's message or the reply of the President, but in other quarters it was Indicated definitely that the exchange of messages had only remotely to do with the ques tion of peace in Europe. The Presi dent is understood to have Informed the Pope that he was very eager to keep the United States out of the war and would do everything possible consistent with maintaining the honor and rights of the United States. Neither message will be made public. EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATION. AND WILL NOT. The first resolution passed at tho In educational circles much In terest centers about this year's meeting of the Catholic Educational Association, which will be held in Baltimore, June 26-29. This will bo the thirteenth annual conven tion and. as the programme indi cates, will be the center of impor tant discussions and deliberations. His Eminence Cardinal Gibbons has taken a cordial interest in the local arrangeemnts, which are now about perfected, and all delegates may rest assured that their welcome in Balti more will partake of the real spirit of true Southern hospitality. Tho association extends an Invitation to all Catholic educators, to pastors, teachers and to all who have the Interests of Catholic education at heart, to be present at this conven tion, and to help by their presence to promote the work of the associa tion, which Is of such vital Impor tance to the church in this country. JUBILEE AT ST. JOSEPH'S. The celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of tho founding of St. Jsoeph's church on East Washington street will begin with elaborate and 1 33Efflw Hflfll- b Til PRINCIPALS CONNECTED WITH IRISH RIOTS. Center President Patrick Pearso, of Irish republic, since executed. Above Sir ,Roger CaBement; left, Augustine BIrrell, formerly Chief Secretary for Ireland; right, Baron Wimborne, Lord Lieutenant. Below Countess MarkIewIcz,vwho led the attack; right, Thomas McDonagh, signer of proclamation, since executed. COMING EVENTS. May 22 Hibernian Social Club and Ladles' Auxiliary dance at Schreibcr's Hall. May 24-25 Our Lady of Mercy Sewing Circle May festival, at Acad emy Hall, 1176 East Broadway. May 30 River excursion on Homer Smith to Brandenburg for the benefit of St. Philip Nerl church. June 7-8 Euchre and lotto, Sts. Mary and Elizabeth Hospital, after noon and evening. Juno 21 Trinity Council moon light excursion on steamer Homer Smith. June 29 Moonlight excursion, given by Columbia Athletic Club on steamer Homer Smith. July 2 Euchre and lotto given by St. Louis Bertrand Church Debt and Building Fund In Bertrand Hall, afternoon and evening. July 4 Annual orphans' picnic on St. Vincent's grounds. M30CK8XRXKaKIOC8XKflaMC8300 SOCIETY. I Mrs. Logan Rock Is here from Frankfort, the guest of Mrs. Cecile Gordon. Miss Pearl Leary, of South Louis ville, has returned from a visit to relatives at Zlon. Miss Mollle Crowe was the guest on Friday of Mrs. Catherine O'Brien In South Louisville. Miss Adelaide Crush has had as her guest this week Miss Kntherlne O'Brien, of Chicago. tomorrow recent ceneral convention of the Impressive ceremony Methodist .church was to notify the fcf .a.nd cS?ijltte uJiUI HT ,.... , ilt., 'day night. Right Rev. Bishop President to stop serving wine to his n'Donaghue will grace the high guests. The hierarchy of the Cath- mass on Sunday with his presence, olic church are blamed for trying when Rev. Eugene Butterman, O. ,to run this Government, but they ; " Sn SVe haven't got so far yet as to pre- wjh D0 solemn vespers, and Rev. scribe for the White House table. Richard Wurth, O. F. M., will de- Thus' comments Rev. Father Maher . ver the sermon in osngiisn. Monday In the Catholic Advance. RELIEVED FROM SUSPENSE. will be children's day with mass at 9 o'clock and sermon by Rev. Silas Llchtefeld, who was a boy of the parish. Tuesday morning there will be solemn mass of requiem for tho The German renlv to President deceased members of the narish as Wilson's note is considered satlsfac-j wf" ? Priests formerly connected . . . . j it. j with the church. The sermon will tory In substance, and the danger jbe by tne Rev- Pauiln Kranz, O. F. of a break In diplomatic relations . M., some years ago stationed with has passed for the present. The, this congregation. On Wednesday form nf th renlv. however, la not ana . mursaay, ooin auernoon ana - - - - -- r -- . - -f - - pleasing in official quarters. German diplomats are not adepts at phrase making, so the tone of the note is rather unsatisfactory. But we can let that pass. The Important thing Is that our friendly relations with evening, there will be social affairs, with a grand home-coming of all former members of the parish Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Everin, of South Louisville, have been visiting friends In Lexington. Miss Bertha Mahoney was last week the guest of Miss Fannie Sur man In the East End. Logan Rock has been spending the week at Birmingham, attending the Confederate reunion. Scoggln, the housekfleeper of St. Leo's rectory. Highland Park. Attorney Austin E. Walsh, who last week closed a big legal case at Montgomery, Ala., has been en joying a sojourn on the Gulf and a visit to New Orleans and Pensacola. Robert T. Barry, Washington correspondent and former local newspaper man, was here to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James E. Barry, on Brook street, and attend the Derby. John Harvey Beck, who was here for a short visit to his parents on West Broadway, sailed Saturday from New Orleans for Chile, South America, as mineralogist for the Guggenheim syndicate. Young Beck Is a graduate of St. Xavler's Col lege, and is fast winning distinction In the mining world. Mr. and Mrs. George Zlx an nounce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Aline Zlx, to Allen T. Long, of Newark, N. J., formerly of this cltv. The wedding will take place in June. The bride-elect is widely known in society circles and has been a prominent figure In nu merous musical anniversary celebra tions. HONOR FATHER ABELL. 1 ipsi 11 Priced at: $ 13-65 Today will be the first of a number of big days for men, at Stewart's: A record low price is made for new Suits, right at the start of the season, in a sale that offers choice of every phase of the season's styles, from the most radical to the ultra conservative. Also a surplus lot from a maker well known to dealers everywhere. This sale will interest men of all aces and proportions. Stout men and slender men, whether tall or short, can be fitted as well as the normally built man, and the variety of models will enable each man to choose freely. New Pinchback Suits Included More than two score of the best patterns of the season are included. Among these are plenty of the well-liked shepherd checks, plaids, overplaids, pin stripes, blue serges and fancy mixtures. These are in such fabrics as nne worsted, both hard and soft cheviots, cassimeres, homespuns C and even crash weaves. Evervsuit is finelv P tailored. Take your pick of any of these at rsted, both hard 13,65 A Satisfactory Fit Guaranteee Alterations Free. MAY PROCESSION. Last Sunday at Bethlehem Acad emy, St. John, Ky the Rev. Father John J. Abell, "one of the best known clergymen in the Louisville diocese, celebrated in impressive and happy manner the fortieth anni versary of his ordination to the Catholic priesthood. Tho celebra tion began with the jubilee mass The annual May procession of S.t. Leo's school children of High land Park will take place tomor row afternoon at 3 o'clock, tho third Sunday of May being the regular date every year. In addi tion to the procession there will be vespers, benediction and sermon by Very Rev. J. P. Cronln, Vicar General of the diocese. Tomorrow will also be a notable event for many of the children of St. Leo's parish as a large class' will re ceive their first holy communion at the 7:45 o'clock mass, which will be a high one. The confirmation date will be announced later. GATHER ROUND MOTHER. The children of Mrs. Caroline In the morning in tho Academy Shehan. of Bardstown, met with her chapel, and was graced by the pros ence of Right Rev. Bishop O'Don aghue and thirty-one priests of the Louisville diocese. Father Abell was ordained In the Louisville Cathedral on May 14, 187G, and has filled charges at Colesburg, Bards town, Owensbbro and St. John. During the day he was the recipient of many messages conveying con gratulations and good wishes. INTO ETERNAL REST. Mrs. M. Davern, of Parkview, has been entertaining Mrs. Helena Schultz and Miss Ophelia Schultz. Henry Shea, who was the guest of her cousin, Mrs. L. McCloy, in Clifton, has returned to Maysville. Miss Jessie Bannon has had Miss Lucille Shieman as her guest at her homo on the Bardstown road. KNIGHTS AND LADIES. The Catholic Knights and Ladles of America, founded In Louisville. Germany will not be interrupted, will hold their thirteenth biennial The, President has written a note In convention in Indianapolis, opening renlv accenting the Dromlses" made TueB(ay morning with a solemn repij, accepting ine promises maae hlgh maBg iQ tho Catnedral, at of a due observance of International which Bishop Chatard will pontlfl law by submarines, but making it cate.. The business sessions will clear that our controversy with continue for at least three days. n nifoir, ,. is (, Louisville branches will be fully rep . v.!? , , J, ,atJtem1pt t0 resented, the delegates leaving here establish an illegal blockade is an n a special car Monday morning. entirely separate matter. This is Two or the Supreme officers, Rev. not to be a three-cornered contro- Charles P. Raffo, Supreme Spiritual versy, but two separate and distinct 'D,rector a?r-, Cha,r,es ,A' EdelQP' rein, UU1, nu oun. w u ... gupreme Medical Examiner, are controversies one with Germany from this city. The Louisville dele and one with Great Britain. We gates are John B. Stickler, Miss have now assurances of a fair set- Mary Sheridan, Miss L. Staggenberg, tlement of one of these, and perhaps gfJg we shall push the other wjth some nan Charles Moore, Miss Katie vigor. We trust that further con- Henley, Miss Catherine Mooney, troversies will not arise to disturb Mrs. R. Mitchell. Mrs. J. Lurding, tthe country unnecessarily. While jffi1a0?5k. Aug Scbm,tt we never Deiieven mere was a anger of real war with Germany, the ef fect was the same as If that daneer existed. There was agitation and ' ?v: Francis O'Connor, of the . v ..... i 1.1 v. Cathedral, has been spending the counter agitation and protest which. week ln New York Cty where ho preated hard feelings. Now that attended the alumni reunion of the the storm has blown over, the coun- American Collec6 at Rome, The try breathes easier. Only we wish m,ee,u.n T8 he,d & j10. 1iotel Mc' ., "'OT"'OT a ' Alpln', and was attended by many the President wouldn't write any of the f0remoBt American Catholic more notes to Germany. They are, church dignitaries. as the True Voice says, too much L ot a .frock to the feelings of war VINCENNES WANTS MONUMBNT. partisans In this couptry. Tne Knlghtgof Columbus of Vin- ' ronns, Ind., have determined to Btwttiy county now has prohibl- """ very possible effort to have the nu , ..if hotn- that the Father Pierre Glbault monument tlofe, the result being; that the ere(jted ,n th&t 0,ty KnIghlg totanty has lost much revenue and 0f Columbus ln their? State conven es great difficulty meeting its tion held in Lafayette last week lions, Hearing "bootlegging" voted W erect ,a monumen! and other liquor law viola- pr,egt who accompli go much in Loccupy the Circuitf Court's the early history of Ylnceanes. Mrs. B. Kelly, of 2809 Fourth avenue, has returned from Rich mond, where she spent seven weeks. Mrs. C. J. Nugent, of Beechmont, was ln Lexington the past week vis iting her sister, Mrs. J. W. Blackburn. fei ONE DOLLAR starts a Savings Account with this safe, conservative, Sixty-one-year-old Bank, to which you can add $1.00 or more at any time. Ve add absolute safety and 3 per cent. No cost to you whatever. The same courteous attention given the depositor of $1.00 or the depositor of $10,000. German Insurance BanK Under tho Big Clock Second and Market State Government Supervision. last week to celebrate her eighty fourth birthday. This is a beautiful custom which the children of this estimable woman observe with un failing regularity. No matter where, or how far distant from "homo" they are, they turn their faces homeward and assemble around the family board on their mother's birthday, and though the finger of time is beginning to bleach the locks of these men and women they are still boys and girls to their mother. All of the children now living were present. They wero William Shehan, of Early Times; Mrs. Mattie Meany and Charles. She Richard Whelan and wife have returned from a visit to Mr. and Mrs. Plus Whelan, Sr at Bards town, News was received here Wednes day of the death of Brother Peter, the oldest member of the Xaverlan Brotherhood In the United States, han, of Louisville; J. H. Shehan, and formerly a resident of this city. of Lexington; Frank and Howard Brother Peter was ln good health Shehan and Miss Emma Shehan, of two years ago when he visited Bardstown. Brother James and Brother Richard at St. Xavler's College, where he ST. PATRICK'S. was known to the olddr students. Brother Peter was born ln Ire- St. Patrick's new and spacious land eighty-three years ago, came school hall at Sixteenth and Market to the United States as a boy and will present a lovely scene on Sun worked for a time In Cincinnati, day evening, May 28, when the chll later coming to Louisville and en-.dren will hold their annual enter- terlng St. Xavler's. He had been an , "wuiuubu 11 wm ue in me nature Xaverlan for fifty-three years. He May offering to the Blessed left Louisville In 1892 and has Mother, for the principal part will .o.,,.V.r In t In V. mnr. , -('n COnSlSt Of a 1)1 UY OaSCU OU IIIO 0.X3- Troy, N. Y and at several 'places Parltlon of Mary Immaculate to In Massachusetts, at the time of his -uc". " '" veum. Mr death being a teacher in St. John's at Lurdes. This play, garlanded High School at Danvers. b.y. songs, addresses and marches by all the Httlo ones, will nrove n. nlpns- ant and happy May-time treat for all who may witness It. WE'LL FIX THAT FAN FOR YOU AND DO THE WORK QUICKLY AND BIGHT Better look over your fans NOW and let us renair tha ones which need it BEFORE IT GUIS REALLY HOT. GHILDERS ELECTRIC CO. INCORPORATED. Phone 135 333 WEST MAIN STREET AUTOS AND TAXIS FOR HIRE Give us a trial for first-class service. We are as close to you as your phone. Prompt service, dav and night. PACKARD CARS. Courteous and reliable chauffeurs our specialty. Give us a call. Chawk & Smith Auto Co. SEVENTH, NEAR BROADWAY. Both Phones 2300. K. OF C. INITIATION. Dr. and Mrs. Michael Casper motored to Bloomfield last week for a visit to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Flock. ATTENDS REUNION. . The many friends of John Schnell will be glad to learn that he Is fast recovering from his recent stroke paralysis. D. J. Gleeson, of the Robinson Norton Company, jias returned from a two weeks' business trip to New Vork City. ST. SncnAEL'S. A class of forty will receive the degrees In the Knights of Columbus 4 Av A f 4n nnn 41A Alt 1 house on Fourth avenue, the con-' Mom"er8 of St. Michael's congre ferrlng of the first Vand second de- JSXPS!! grees to be given by LoulBvllle " !, o irili. 1-T Vi Council and the third by District n n ' ' ?"? h 'JftH; Deputy Damlen M. Cooper, assisted "0 South Brook street, tor which by CO. Rlcherson. both of Eliza- f? ri2 J!!'?? imUId bethtown. Following the Initiation Jl1 anJ fffre"lntl,,,1l'I1 b, h0, win ho n hfr1 i,,nnj,0 t,.i served and the public will bo wel- at 8 o'clock there will be a lecture ,come' session and smoker presided over by Lecturer Thomas Walsh, when addresses will be made by Rev. C. ST. JAMES. During the summer months the St o t nk..i.. n rr..l- T...l ' ""B x. Jiutiw, uuuiica .r iai,ut, uuukc ,., , o thhv - ,.. Sam Boldrick, J. J. Kavanagh, John Sift" ",, uh"inf Z .. a rinvie nr t T fihafpr Dr t H wl have the benefit of three masses t,urli 'j :. t? ilw on Sunday, the hours being 6:15, Mulvey and Thomas B. Leahy. -., .,", tiv. p. ac . ---- -- . .... .. m. . . EARLY SCHOOL CLOSING. iMonaghan will assist Wlllett, the pastor. Rev, Father CLOCK RINGS AGAIN. The town clock ln the spire of Miss Catherine Cotter, of Shelby ville,. was here this past week as the guest of Mrs. A. M. Scoggln, of Tlcrlifonrl Parlr ' St. Leo's school of Highland Miss Marguerite Ryan and B. 3. Park will hold its closing exercises unon ,, , mv on why, Sunday evening, June 4, this early their 'cousin Miss T Mrv Decoursev I date being selected In order to give . a " .cick ln.rln8 W 0I in HlenhSd' Pm Decour8y' the contractors an early start on St Mary 's church, New Albany, . q aew scnooj( whIcj, wU1 De cora. , iw uui. ueii luuuiUB ivv a Mrs Robert Taffev of the West Pleted ln time for the fall term. y,eai, has been started again, the End (entertained ! u w eut last Rev- Father J- J- Fitzgerald an- Hwd o Works having agreed to &na. entertained as ner guest last -.. that contributions toward Pay ?150 a year to keeP Jt in re week her sister. Mrs, Mary Buck- n1?ul c ,!.fnal ?,, I. j Uv, Vjwaro. . wh striklne the hours ltn man nf Knnfh t nuUviiin i the building will be doubly welcome nai,r wnen smiting me npurs us man, of South Louisville. L Ug 8trugllng parlsh and further bells can be heard throughout the Miss Hortense Twyman. of Cov- that toe congregation will give city. . henn. was hern thla riant wmV on "" ouwiv i "'" " .- a visit as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. .T. J. Drlscoll, Benton avenue. Mijw Ellaabeth Doherty has re turned to her home nt Brandenburg,. nfter a Bleasaat visit to her aunt, Mrs. Allie Greenwell, Twenty-serr enth street. lend any money toward the erection of. the school. NOTED IEN HKii ..CES. WHian Curry, of Woodford onty, ws hern f.hlt wekr,oa a vJsit to his. nlc. "Mw. A. M: arranged la his &onor. HIBERNIANS' GUEST. At the meeting of division 4, A, n TT' . narf Unnilav 'aVAnlnr in Por- trand Hall. Rev. J. J. Fltzeefald. James Butler, Philip J. DSBtor, of St. Leo's church, will be Thomas Monahan, Thomas Healy, 1' T l.i ' ' .- . -..-" - t Trr n i lr;.it -i" preesm as tne guest oi wq meiuuers yauicp y vurnsnf iuuo, i,ur of the Limerick division, the meet- bett, of New Yorkj Fire Chief Lally, lng to be la the nature of a smoker of Brooklyn, and, Frank Nolan, the Among the distinguished East erners who were here tho past week and who were' interested spectators wnen the Derby was run, were Dwyer, Boys' Confirmation Suits Now is the time and Levy's is the place to get them The "Confirmation Suit" is a specialty in this store we have studied for fifty-five years how to give you the best and most for vour. money. They are beautifully made of the best fabrics obtainabl e pjeasingly styled and carefully tailored; with Knickerbocker knee pantr. or lone, pants, They are positively the best that can be made, at their re spective prices. $4.00 and upwards. LEVY' Third and Market. " Fontaine Ferry ParK IOVV 0JEC3V. Catering again to thoso in search of diversion and offering unlimited amusefhent to the likes of the most exacting , r HIGH GLASS VAUDKVILLK Finast Danoe Pavilion in theSoath Dally Free Band Concerts, Direc tion SIg. Natiello. Popular Riding Devices and Other Features. Admission to Park After 0 p. m. 10 cents. Children under DP.beforeo 10 cents. Children, accompanied by parents, free at alt' times. IMPORTANT NOTICE With ev ery admission ticket sold, a. coupon attached will entitle holder to either admission in danco pavilion or to general admission In theater. This coupon can also be exchanged as ten cents on any reserved theater ticket. Albany millionaire. H.B05SES0N Funtrjal (Hcctbrs and EriMiriers. RIO FKttW AVNCI1 TttevlMM li2. MULLOY'S COFFEE Is the best coffee value offered. If you want a delicious, inexpen sive cofee, TRY OUR- NEW BLENJD gc a 2 1.3 Lba. - - Dub Specul rebate ticket good for 10q In. .trade with 2 1-J lbs. of New, Blend. JOJitf M, MULLOY, '219 VhI Market. u