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V KBKTCCKY IRISH AMEaBtlOAJV. 33s$s$$ss3s HttmHtMMnMIMMIMMMIIMtllHMtlH TWIN CITY POPULARITY CONTEST Help Send Your Favorites in the Twin City League to This Season's WORLD'S BASEBALL SERIES 10 VOTES FOR EACH OLD 20 FOR EACH NEW SUBSCRIPTION. THE KENTUCKY IRISH AMERICAN will send the TWO most pop ular members of the Twin City League to the World's Series with all expenses paid. Any player, officer, umpire or scorer eligible. VOTE BY BALLOT OR PAID SUBSCRIPTION. CUT OUT THIS csr World's Series Popularity Contest TWIN CITY BASEBALL LEAGUE This coupon, good for one vote, to be counted for Mr . Club or Position whom I coneider the most popular member of the Twin City League. $1.00 Per Year 4 Following is the roster of the Knights of Columbus B. Schulte, gan, T. Scully, W. Murphy, J. Mur- Twln City Baseball League, each Melcher, Frantz, Mattlngly, Bohan- phy, C. Vc&s, G. Kller. of whom Is entitled to enter the non, Ceresl, Madden, Curloy, Bos- Trljllty council Shadbnrn Kentucky Irish American's World's nieyer, Kenealy. Hamilton, Ham- Kaj "" y m00 rinTTnr nh.iV series contest, the first coupon for mond, Joe Murphy, F. Weber, Cllnes. ? JIoorj BsLndmnn 2 which appears In this Issue: Mackln Couucll-C. Ellers, Thorn- Cummlngs, B CumminKs, Hague?, Imperials Fusseneggor, Traeger, ton, Schleman, R. McGrath, Morris, Branagan, J. Carraro, W. Stammer Bosler, Aulbpch, Murphy, Haag, Warren, Lally, L. Melsher. Davis, mani schwind, Neumeyor. Eschman, R. Pontrlch, E. Harrlgan, Hafner, Conley, Schene, Schockler, ch . Trnror mi Elpers. Ohlle, Renn, Weber, Con- Cronan, Atwell, Larkln, McDonough. nrownfleld mt i Inhor w inr?3 ners, F. Stelr. Voor, Kraemer, Ed- Bertrands R. Haragon, L. Hara- pw!.n n-nVinn ' r,' w P y" elln. Clenowe h, Mcbermott. gon. Finn, Westerman, Hlgglns. ggw. f 'BJ. c CS.?An t Ti' Orioles Kuebert, Sieger, G. Burke. J. Murphy, Clifford. Polin. g?' Jack Sheehan, Lapallle, Wober, E. Pfafflnger, C. Weber, E. Hlnes. Rubs, House, Meagher, Car- ' A Pfafflnger, Soeder, Koehler, Loefflor, ney. Fitzgerald, Bloomer, C. Flynn. Officers Capt. Frank Relchert, Wledmolr, McCabe, Baumgarten, Olympics J. Murphy, Lovett. Dal- Edward J. Wolfe, E. Stelnbock, Schmoetzer. Rolter. Wllllnghurst, ton, Fries, M. Logan, J. Deeken, Thomas D. Cllnes. Schott, J. Hogan, Temberley, Ches- Chester, Mclntyre, J. Scully, E. Umpires Alvln Wells, Mulligan, ter, Kllloran. Flynn, Henry, O'Laugblln, FInne- Otis Logsdon, Dan Lally. PLAYERS WHO WILL TAKE PART IN THE TWIN CITY LEAGUE FIELD MEET. aaaaKk lG mf aw bbbbbbbbbV f&, bbbbbbbbV i IbbbV "?. ' it Ji -iV aS ft.v x i1 ' flEfe Hj JP J HnKnM)W' flWK bbHbbb1L1 A GERMAN COMMUNIAL KITCHEN. Women and children crowded 'about one of the German city kit chen wagons waiting their turn to purchase for forty pfennings (ten cents )a hot dinner consisting of meat and vegetable stews and grits. FIELD MEET Of Twin City League at Eclipse Park Tomorrow Afternoon. OHLIGSCHLAGER, Trinity. SHEEHAN, Champs. ti s5 ? ? ONE DOLLAR starts a Savings Account with this safe, conservative, Sixty-one-year-old Bank, to which you can add $1.00 or more at any time We add absolute safety and 3 per cent. No cost to you whatever. The same courteous attention eiven the depositor of $1.00 or the depositor of $10,000. German Insurance BanR Coder the Bid Clock Second anil Market State Government Supervision. Shirt Sale n Now in progress offers exceptional bargains in Men's Fine Shirts BE SURE TO CALL FOR McKENNA WHISKY IT IS ALWAYS PURE. IfiL McKenna, Distiller, Fairfield, Ky. wmhjmsmwmmtwm :n s nne onins m 79c AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORIES FEDERAL TIRES, VULCANIZING. FREE SERVICE. FALLSCITYVULCANIZINGCO. 1101-03 SAST BROABWW5T. r H"H"fi HI imH'IIHHliWUWIH I IHIWH K tot ft Mfr. P. IANKSN, JR., Vice Pri. ft TriK. UWREHCE J. VEENEMAN, Stmbtj. P. BANNON PIPE CO. X Sewer aai Calrtrt Pipe, BaBae&'s Fate at Lidded Fie fr Steam CeadHits. Wall CeplB, Draia Tile TKrliel BricK, $ T Fire Freela Flae U&n, Fire BricK, Grate aad Bailer Tile, Greaad Fire Clay, CkhBiaer TejW. OFFICE 528 WEST JEFFERSON HOME PHONES CITY 573-1786. CUMB. MAIN 507. WOfiKS latSiasd Brack. ad Magttalla Ave., Bet. 9tk and lOtlt. 2 h mi n mh iluiiimni 1 1 u i m i i h mw i For Shirts that are big sellers at the regular prices of $l and $1.50 Made of sllky-flnlsh pon gees, madrasses and crepe cloths light colored grounds with novelty shadow stripes and cluster effects, also conservative patterns In light grounds with neat single pin stripes or figured effects. Also neat and fancy Oxford ef fects and solid color Ideas In white, tan, blue, etc. Sizes 13 to 17. LEVY'S Third and Market. The best amateur talent In the city will participate In the Twin City field meet which takes place tomorrow afternoon at Eclipse Park, and the officials in charge have arranged a splendid pro gramme, one that displays the en terprise of this hustling organiza tion. As this annual affair is given for the sole purpose of defraying the league's season expenses a large crowd of the league's follow ers, and especially those who have been entertained weekly with the high class of ball furnished by the Twin City on the Shawnee Park diamonds, is looked for. The Twin City as a Catholic organization has reflected credit upon the societies and parishes represented in the league roster and the support of these societies and parishes should be forthcoming In assisting the league's finances. The field meet will begin promptly at 2 o'clock and the all star game will be called at 3. The field events are as rollows: Hundred-yard dash First prize, nalr haseball shoes: second prize, fielder's glove; third prize, slugger bat; fourth prize, outing cap. Circling bases First prize, pair Hanover shoes; second prize, load of coal; third prize, slugger bat. Long distance throw First prize, pair Oxford shoes; second prize, fielder's glove!' third prize, box cigars. Relay race Cup to winners. Obstacle race First prize, load of coal; second prize, sweater coat; third prize, necktie. Winners of all-star game Box of cigars. Best batsman Three-pound box candy. Officials of field meet E. J. Wolfe, Chairman; Joseph Hanrahan, starter: E. J. Caffrey, timer. Judges W. J. Ryan, J. J. Barry, A. C. Spayd. Relay race Inspectors A. Minis, Hunter Burke, Jack Bell man. Umpires of ball game Mulli gan, Wells, Logsdon, i Lally. Pre sentation of pennant address Hon. E. J. McDermott. The all-star teams will line up as follows: Reds Morris and Stelr, p.; Hig gins and Hack, c; Voor, lb.; Lo gan, 2b.; Bossmeyer, s. s.; Burke, 3b.; Lovett, 1. f.; Ohle, c. f.; Bos ler. r. f.; Pfafflnger, utility. Blues Murphy and Mattlngly, p.; O'Laughlln and Tcmperle, c; Madden, lb.; Schleman, 2b.; Mur phy, s. s.; O'Brien, 3b.; Renn. 1. f.; Davis, c. f.; Weber, r. f.; Hafner. utility. The result of the Loulsville-St. Paul game will be posted on the score board by Innings. General admission to all parts of the stand twentv-flvo cents. Box seats ten cents extra. LEADERS GETTING BUSY. GOOD FERRY BILL. The leaders In the Twin City League popularity contest are get ting busy in real earnest, Ray Hara gan, of the Bertrands, still setting the pace, while the friends of Scorer Stelnbock, Kenealey of the K. of C. Morris of Mackin, Scully of the Olympics, and Kllloran of the Orioles have all Btarted a bat ting rally around second place and It Is pretty hard to tell Just where their spurt will land them. Mat tlngly of the K. of C, O'Brien and Sheehan of the Champs, Pontrlch of tho Imperials and Higgins of the Bertrands have all been getting a steady Increase, the backer of one of these Baying that he wa3 Just aiming to keep his man in a con tending position for a few weeks more and then ho would stage a batting rally. You can't get away from It, the world's series this year promises to be the most exciting and memorable in baseball history and the fortunate ones who will be among those present will be the envy of fans everywhere in tho civ ilized world. Remember the two winners in the contest will go with all expenses paid and reserved seats guaranteed. A little energy by a club of five or six friends will re sult In sending a Twin City favorite to the big show. The complete standing to date: R. Haragan, Bertrands 523 Stelnbock, scorer 271 Kenealey, K. of C 179 Morris, Mackln 173 J. Scully, Olympics 123 Kllloran, Orioles 113 Higgins, Bertrands 103 Coleman, Champs 1 0 0 O'Brien, Champs 90 Mattlngly, K. of C ... 80 Sheehan, Champs 80 R. Pontrlch, Imperials 77 Schulte, K. of C 70 Thornton, Mackin 70 Burns, scorer. 60 Murphy, Olympics 60 Dalton, Olympics 60 Hogan, Champs 60 Harrigan, Imperials 50 Donnelly, Trinity 34 Cronen, Mackin 33 Ohllgschlager, Trinity 26 Schleman, Mackln 33 Burke, Bertrand 32 Chester, Orioles 24 Bosler, Trinity 23 Scheckler, Mackln 23 Lally, Mackin 22 Voor, Imperials 22 Ciresl, K. of C 15 Eschmann, Impel lals 15 J. Murphy, Bertrands 14 Flynn, Bertrands 13 Bossmeyer, K. of C 12 - : - T HERMAN STRAUS SORS m I rOURTO AVENUf wcapawro MARKET STREET rt WE GIVE AND REDEEM GOLD TRADING STAMPS HERE YOU CAN FIND Women,s Ready to Wear Wash Dress Fabrics Men's Manchester Shirts Women's Union Suits Colored Dress Goods House Furnishings At great reductions in prices. These are all new and ft t t .... ... . ----- ,, rresn goods and must be disposed or in order to make " V C . I l . Ml f f . ' room for stocks that will arrive soon for fall trade. i)111tttffATMMHt1MHtfftlt0llQatntTtl9ttiQitflia3'' 50c Now For the Palm Beach Suits 50c CLEANING AND DYEING CO. 426 S. Fifth St. INCORPORATED. B0THPH0NES-:635. Louisville, Ky. Our workmanship is positively tho hest in tho city, mid hacked up hy a house of long standing and financially rcsponsihlo. Our service not equaled. FANS ENTHUSED. NEW HAVEN. Great sorrow has been caused In New Haven and Nelson county by tho death on Wednesday of Edward C. Hagan, eighty-two years old, a retired merchant and one of the best known and highly respected, citizens or that section of the State. His death was due to infirmities of age. Mr. Hagan was a member of B Company, Ninth Kentuck: Regiment, better known as Orphan Brigade. He participated In many battles and served throughout Hhe war. He Is survived by his wife, three sons, Frank M., J. Sidney a.nd George B. Hagan; two daughters. Misses Felicia, and Marie Hagan, all of New Haven, and a sister, Mrs. Slrene Lancaster, of Owena boro. Miss Marie Hagan is Post mistress at New Haven. Funeral service were conducted at St. Cath erine church Friday morning at 8 e'olock. y ra In the Fontaine Ferry Theater next week a bill will be presented which from a glance seems to bo about the most pretentious offered by the park management this sea son. Headlining will be Baskln's Russian dancers, singers and musi rinns. Tho troune numbers eight men and two women and all are said to be clever in their particular line. Rivaling this act In excellence should be Fleta Provyn. a prima donna, with Robert Spencer, a wo'l known composer, at me piano. Miss Brown has, a voice of rare beauty, and when Heniy W. Sav age produced "Blrdland" she was cast for the prima donna role. Mr, Spencer Is perhaps hest known through his latest success, "Under neath the Stars." ho aiso pss sesses a fine tenor Yolce. Only reecntly returned from a tour of the world, Emerson and Baldwin will offer a comedy Juggling spe cialty. Murray Bennett, a singing comedian, will also be on me dhi and should be found diverting. The swimming pool is receiving, a pat ronage that exceeds all former seasons. CHINESE AT NOTRE DAME. The Louisville ball club closes the uresent series with St. Paul on Monday, thence Journeying to Milwaukee for a four-game series, where the Colonels can afford to take a breathing spell, as they have found the Milwaukee team pretty easy this season. Out of fifteen games played the Louisville club has beaten tho Clark tribe thirteen of that number, one of the two games won by the Brewers being a fluke. The breaking of the Jinx at Minneapolis appears to be the turning point In the pennant race, the Colonels winning over the strongest lineup that Cantlllon had in the field this season. Following the Milwaukee series the Louis ville club will go to Kansas City for five games, and these promise to furnish a battle royal, as vic tory or loss in these game3 means much to both. The fans hero aro enthused now as never before dur ing the season, and It the team had been fortunate enough to have a few scheduled games at homo In the next week or two tremendous crowds would bo the result. It would not be a bad Idea for Owner Wathen to arrange a trans fer of the six Columbus games here, as it would prove beneficial to both from a financial standpoint. The Last Dollar That you spent for something you did not NEED would have started a Ifi j SAVINGS ACCOUNT with this bank; to bear Interest COMPOUNDED M twice a year; There MAY COME a time when your "LAST DOLLAR" flR it . "" I must be spent for somethug you DO NEED. The SAVING now of th dollars you are wasting might keep that "hard Mme" trom ever coming Ky. Title Savings Bank and Trust Co. Fifth and Court Place. Open Daily Until 3 p. rn. Saturday5 Until 7 p. m. ;:i DAN J. HENNESSY HOME PHONE CITY 323S EDW. A. AXMAN Spring and Summer Garments Our Specialty. Hennessy Axman POPULAR PRICE TAILORS UPSTAIRS STORE. 425 W. Jeffers2n Street Where the QuicR Meal Comes In home work Where tho brightest; Whore the lightest; Whore tho meal cooked best; ' Whero tho range stands .the test That's whero the "Quick Meal" comes In. IS Jj) is liiGIDli In rTrc" Jli ii iSwWT Whero work Is quickly dono; Where cooking seems real tun; Whero baking gives de light; Whero drudgo Is out of sight That's where the "Quick Meal" comes In. Quick Meal Gaa Ranges Sold, Installed and Highly Recommended QEHER & SON, w. market st. MARY1CNOLL. AUTOS AND TAXIS FOR HIRE Give us a trial for first-class service. We are as close to you as your phone. Prompt service, day and night. PACKARD CARS. Courteous, and reliable chauffeurs our specialty, dive us a call. Chawk & Smith Attto Co. SEVENTH, NEAR BROADWAY. Both Phone 2300. siv nhinese students have ar- raned to enter Notre Damo Uni versity In September. Gov. Walsh, of Massachusetts, who made the acquaintance of the Orientals on a four weeks visit to the Philippines and accompanied them on their trip" to this country seeking entrance tp an American university, was Instru mental In entering them in that Catholic school. Three of tho young Chinese are Catholics. China men have been students at Notre Dame in other years, but sir is the largest number to register at any one time. Tho Hev. Newton Thompson, D. D.. of the diocese of Albany, has Joined the Catholic Foreign Mission Society of America, at Maryknoll, Osslnlng, N. Y. Father Thompson, whose father was a well known law yer, a non-Catholic, In Albany, made his preparatory studies In that city and at Harvard College. Later he entered St. Joseph's Seminary, Dun woodie, N. Y and was ordained for his home diocese at Albany in 1908 by the lato Bishop Burke. In 1910 ho reclved In Rome tho degree of doctor of divinity from the Roman University, and on hlB re turn to America was assigned to parochial duties In Troy, where his admirable spirit of zeal 1b still fresh in the memory of all with whom ho came In contact, Catholics and non-Catholics. Tho Foreign Mission Society is steadily making ltd way to a record of sptendld achievement. rJp av TkJy JO .AJN k5 SALE or EXCHANGE S5.00 AND DP. GHILDERS ELECTRIG GO." , INCORPORATED. ' Both Phone 135 333 WEST MAIN STREET OLDBARBEE gThe Best Straight Whisky On Earth JNO.T. BARBEE&CO. INCORPORATED Sole Owners Registered Dial. No. 32', Main Office and Salesroom, 726-730 West Main Street