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&3j&rvxjci3?sr ih&i&xs AJsaa&JaticAxz RELIABLE GUIDE FOR CAREFUL BUYERS Readers of the Kentucky Irish American are earnestly urged to patronize advertisers whose announcements they find in these colums. Wc aim to protect our read ers by accepting only firms of known responsibility. AMERICAN ELEVATORS MADE IN LOUISVILLE BY AMEKIOAN ELEVATOR & MACHINE CO. ENGKAVEIIS SCTIJCH ENGHAVING COMPANY ARTISTS, ENGRAVERB ELECTROTYPERS W. Main St., Louisville, Ky Home Phone City E674 "SOUTHERN STAR" SLICED BACON "All Heady for Your Griddle in the Morning' HAMS, LARD, SAUSAGE LOUISVILLE PROVISION CO. (Incorporated.) ESTABLISHED 1803 Louis A. Broring, D. D. S. Home Phone 2556 . 430 W, Market St vm. isgrigS ' sheet metal contractor 4105 Henry Street Home Phone, Shawnee 1383-L. ARTISTIC PRINTING FIRST CLASS WORK Give Tills Office Your Next Order 317 W. GREEN ST. Telephone City 946 JOnN B. O'LEARY & CO. Headquarters for CITY AND FARM TROPERTY. See us about anything in real estate. We sell, buy and rent. 504 W. JEFFERSON ST. Borne Phone City 4464. GRAN W. SMITH'S SON AL. S.. SMITH, PROP. C.MmI nSMM rUMCldl uhkuui anu lii.uui.ieci BOTH PHONES 810. SOUTHWEST CORNER ?"MM"M"Wll,K'W v w nTTni iimnii w Ill ULHbK Y 1227 WEST MARKET STREET, I Funeral Directors i5 JL'JrtL Jt - Cuinb. Main 2908-n ........ - .......... - - WHTWTIVT'IV" HUVHIIMIMI' w-m-w-im-rw-m --t -." mtt-tnrr MMHVMUUHiMUMUVHUMMMHHUUUMUtMUiHiUiWVitHV HOME PHONE 88 J. J. BARRETT'S 50NS FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS. 822 Bast Madbn. tareot. WWWVVVWVWWVWWVWVV . Home Phone Shawnee 484 RATTERMAN SCANNELL INCORPORATED. I muepeiiueiu ruucrcu mreciurs anu iLinijaimers cWf! 3101 WEST BROADWAY ?? 1010 November Election 1016 VOTR FOR BEN W- KLING FOR Board of Education. Economy consistent with effi ciency and thoroughness." sybsbsk '''HlBrBBBs THE PHIL. HOLLENBAOH CO. INCORPORATED Distillers Of OLD FORTUNA SOUB MASH "HOLLENBAOH" PURE RYE 528 W. Main St. Louisville, Ky. BAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY ICE CREAM 1101 South Seventh Street Phone City 6574. THOS. J. BR0DERI0K PLUMBING, GAS AND SEWERAGE Home Phone City 4392-J 1000 Zane Street SEE POOLEY FOR MONEY CONFIDENTIAL RELIABLE F. R. POOLEY Room 1, Courier-Journal Building 415 Fourth Street Residence Phone, Peweo Valley 21-J. Phone, City 3180. JOS. DALY CONTRACTING "PAINTER 420 West Green Street, Louisville, Ky. PEOPLES PBOVTDENT ASSOCIATION Incorporated. was organized by well-known citizens to make ' "LOANS on furniture and other personal prop erty at LOWEST BATES. Coleman Bldg., S. R Cor. Third and Jefferson. Both Phones, 2886. Home Phono Shawneo 803 HENRY GOSS HOOFING, GUTTERING, SPOUTINO Tin Roofs Repaired and Fainted ASPHALT SHINGLES A SPECIALTY 2011 West Broadway, Louisville, Xy. ''''j v onI EmKalmni SIXTH AND ZANE STS. 1 in j. Kt MM and Embalmers iUJliViS. Home City 2008 X - . -.jt-.-...... ...... CUMBERLAND MAIN 3971-y tM j "As Ner to You as tbe Nearest Phone1 Oar Special $3.00 Spray Oar Special $5.00" Wreath The largest values In Fune ral Flowers ever offered la Louisville. For prompt delivery call ?23 both phones, wss raiumi Kwthrvmue loulrvMp Flowers telegraphed everywhere." 1t your boy as mSLaoon Uut will prepart ttism for Uf. ' ST. XAVIER'S COLLEGE: 113 IV. Broadway, XawisriUs, Xy. Conducted by thn Xaverlaa Brothers. Classical, Solenttflo and Business Courses, Preparatory Department, Larcc Bwlmmlnr Pool, Well Squipped Gmea turn. Tersoa Meter'. Bro. Jasaea, Dlr. DAN J. HENNESSY HOME PHONE CITY 3238 EDW. A. AXMAI Fall and Winter Garments Our Specialty. S 1 T " Hennessy & Axman! STEWART DctGoCDS Co POPULAR PRICE TAILORS UPSTAIRS STORE. 425 W. Jefferson Slreel AUTOS AND TAXIS FOR HIRE Give us a trial for first-class service. Wc are as close to you as your phone. Prompt service, dav and night. PACKARD CARS. Courteous and reliable chauffeurs our specialty. Give us a call. Cltawk & Smith Auto Co. SEVENTH, NEAR BROADWAY. Both Phones 2300. AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORIES FEDERAL TIRES, VULCANIZING. FREE SERVICE. FALLSGITY VULCANIZING CO. 110I-O3 BAST BROADWAY. HIBERNIANS. What They Have Been Doing the Past Week General News Notes. Division 4 will meet Monday evening. The County Board convention at Springfield, Mass., was one of the largest yet held there. Los Angeles has three divisions of the Ladles' Auxiliary. Margaret, Phelan la County President. The county convention will be called to order tomorrow afternoon at 2 -o'clock in Division 3's club house. Denver Hibernians will initiate a large class and hold a banquet on October 29. It Is expected to have 10o candidates. Mrs. Margaret Taylor, State President of the Indiana Ladies' Auxiliary, is reported ill at her home in Beech Grove. Indianapolis Hibernians will un dertake the establishment of a per manent home and headquarters for the order In that city. The Ancient Order at Springfield, Mass., has made notable progress during the year, the divisions being in fine shape financially. National Director Myles McPart land was in Minneapolis last week and said the outlook for the order was never more promising. Division 2 of Syracuse this week inaugurated its winter series of "forty-five" contests. Its players will meet teams from all other so cieties. Matt O'Brien, Division 3's Re cording Secretary and a popular member of the order, will desert the ranks of the bachelors next month. Monday night Division 1 put on the initiatory degrees and took steps toward observing the sliver jubilee of the order in Niagara county. Rev. Father O'Connor has ex pressed himself as being profoundly grateful for the showing of the order in St. Michael's jubilee pro cession. Minnesota Hibernians at their State convention made an annual grant of ?600 for the establishment of an Irish library at St. Thomas College. Division 7 of the Ladies' Aux iliary of Indianapolis held a meet ing in honor of Mrs. Joseph Clark, elected to the office of Stato Vice President. Every delegate and alternate should be present at the county convention tomorrow, as much good can be done and encourage ment given the newly-elected offi cers. State President W. J. Connelly retires tomorrow after a four-year term as County President, and re markable to say, there was not a ripple of dissatisfaction during that time or the least semblanco of a faction. Archbishop Mundeleln has won his way into the hearts of the Chicago Irish by commencing the study of Irish history In Catholic schools. Through the efforts of the Ancient Order it Is taught in S25 institutions in and near Chi cago. PRETTY1 IRISH ANSWER. A lady of great beauty and at tractiveness, who was an ardent ad mirer of Ireland, once crowned her praise of It at a party by saying: "I think I was meant for an Irish woman." "Madam," rejoined a witty son of Erin, who happened to be present, "thousands would back me in say ing you were meant for an Irish man." WHIMS IN STYLE. Much lace is used to trim Italian silk underwear. Deep sailor collars of fur adorn some of tho autumn coats. There is a good deal of panne velvet In autumn millinery. m The Empire waistline is .much favored in autumn lingerie. Ostrich feathers for trimming finds a place in autumn fashions. There 1b mora ribbon this season on lingerie than artificial flowers. Seal Is a fur that will bo much used for trimming broadcloth mod els for the street. Monkey fur, which was worn last winter, already appears on some of the autumn garments. Crocheted bags in silk are one of the smart handbag models. The crochet Is usually done in bright colors. Navy blue continues to be a fash ionable color, and for the schoolgirl, of whatever age, it is a very wise choice. ( SOCIETY DIRECTORY A. 0. H. DIVISION 1. Meets Fourth Thursday, Liederkranz Hall, Sixth and Walnut. President Mark Ryan. Vice President W. L. Cushing. Recording Secretary Daniel Mc Carthy. Financial Secretary Edward Clancy. Treasurer Thomas Keenan. Sergeant-at-Arms James English Sentinel Tim Lyons. DIVISION 3. First and third Friday, Hibernian Home, 1818-1820 Portland. President Lawrence J. Mackey. Vice Presidont John J. Riley. Financial Secretary John J. Broderlck, 1850 Portland avenue. Recording Secretary Matthew O'Brien. Treasurer Daniel Dougherty. Sergeant-at-Arms M. Kalaher. Sentinel Thomas Noon. DIVISION 4. Meets" Second and Fourth' Mondays, Bertrand Hall, Sixth Street. President John H. Hennessy. Vice President Thomas Lynch. Financial Secretary Thomas J. Langan. Recording Secretary James J. McTlghe. Treasurer Pat Connelly. Sentinel M. J. McDermott. Sergeant-at-Arms Edward Byrne. Y. M. I. MACKIN COUNCIL, 205. Meets Monday Evenings at Club House, 344 North Twenty-sixth". Presidont S. O. Hubbuch. First Vice President M. F. Schaad. Second Vice President R. L. Scheckler. Financial Secretary, F. Q. Adams. Recording Secretary W. G. Buckle. Treasurer G. J. Thornton. Marshal Theo. Buckle. Inside Sentinel James Radigan. Outside Sentinel H. Pfeicer. GERMAN CROWN PRINCE. In command of the Teuton armies before Verdun. POOR TASTE THIS. iWomen wearing trousers are be coming more and more numerous In England. ELECTORAL COLLEGE. The forty-eight States of the Union have 531 votes in the elec toral college. The number neces sary to a choice is 2G6. SHERIDAN MONUMENT. A splendid monument to Gen. Phil Sheridan will be unveiled in Capitol Park at Albany this after noon. IRISH SOLDIER GIRL. Miss Flora Sanders, an Irish girl, Is A Sergeant in the Serbian army. PERIODICALS. "Do you take any periodlcals?" dsked the minister on his first round of parish visits'. "Well, I don't," replied the woman, "but my husband takes 'em frequent, I do wish you'd try to get him to sign the pledge." Silk voile Is a fabric used in the new lingerie for petticoats and combinations. I8aeeSMMSMXSMMMeiSXl!IMCBtiei8ICReMC2XM The New Fall Cloth For Men and Young Men One can select so easily the new Fall Suits and Overcoats here at Stewart's, such is ,the splendid variety offered for choice at this range of prices. $15.00 to $40.00 These Suits and Overcoats are all of a make well known to hundreds of men and young men. These men and young men have strong preference for this line, having experienced the utmost satisfaction in the service they have received and great pleasure in the good style and ex cellent fit of their clothing. r specializing at $15.00 and $25.00 At these two popular value. The makers specialize to produce suits and over coats that will be unmatched in value and every man should make it a point to see this unusually good clothing. Boys' New Clothing Ready Fine F. B. Q. Suits for boys at $6.50 to $12.50. Emphasis is placed on the splendid value offered at $7.50. Boys' Reefers are offered in every new style and color at $5.00. J Boys' Gabardine Raincoats are offered at $7.50 and $10.00. S Boys' Separate Knickerbocker Trousers are on sale in many 3 patterns for choice at $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00. iMMMBMBMMMBaegragMSMgMMa8MMiB KNIGHTS OP COLUMBUS. Late News That Will Interest Members Here and Else where. Omaha will hold a big initiation on November 12. Forty wero given the third degree last week at Denver. Indianapolis Knights have eight teams in their bowling league. The fourth degree exemplification at St. Paul has been set for October 26. A turkey supper was given the retiring officers of Evansvllle Coun cil. At Astoria, Ore., a committee is looking up ellglbles and excellent results are anticipated. Ex-Gov. Adams will deliver the address at the Columbus day open mass meeting at Denver. Within the next three months Duluth Knights will begin the erec tion of a $75,000 club house. The council at Green Bay, Wis., Is planning the organization of a bowling league of sixteen teams. The Knights of Columbus build ing at Butte will cost $125,000 and will be a magnificent structure. Bernard Reynolds, twenty-four years old, of Zanesvllle, Is the youngest Grand Knight in Ohio. At Auburn there will be a big ex emplification of the fourth on Oc tober 12 for the councils of Central and Western New York. Every large city will havo patriotic exercises Washington's birthday, when speakers of renown will appear everywhere. Former Gov. Glynn and Rev. Father Mulry, S. J will address tho Columbus day gathering at Car negie Hall, New York City. The Knights of New Orleans are going to throw open their magnifi cent club house to the Catholic young men and boys of the city. The formal opening of the mag nificent new home of the Knights at Fulton, N. Y., will take place next Thursday, concluding with a banquet. Railroad fare of candidates not residing in tho city whe are re ceived into the order at Little Rock on Columbus day will bo paid out of the initiation fee. Rev. Washington Gladden, of Columbus, Ohio, and Hon. T. S. Hogan, former Attorney General, will be the Columbus day speakers at Beaver Falls, Pa. The Knights of Fond du Lac, Wis., will soon start their campaign for the fund for the erection of a new club house, on the property re cently purchased on Sheboygan street. Speakers at the Discovery day celebration at Columbus will be Rev. Father Tlerney, Dudley Field Malone and Congressman Brum baugh. This will be one of the most notable celebrations in the country. NEARING RECOVERY. Our readers will, rejoice to know that the Very Rev. Charles Ewell Craik, dean of Christ Church Cathe dral, continues to improve at the Norton Memorial Infirmary. His son, Charles Ewell Cralk, Jr., who also was seriously hurt when an interurban car struck his father's automobile1 September 24, Is well along tho road to recovery. PICK OUT REST. An elderly German and his wife were much given to quarreling. One day, after a particularly un pleasant scene, tho old woman re marked with a sigh: "Well, I vlsh I vas in heafen!" T vish I vas in a beer garden!" shouted her husband. "Ach, ya!" cried the old wife; "always you try to pick out the beet place for yourself." In Connection With James Mc Creery 5 Co. prices we offer especially good FOURTH FLOOR ewees9t j DINNER INCOMPLETE jj s I WITHOUT F.F.X.L.BEERI NONE PURER Prompt "Delivery CALL NO. 467 IN BOTTLES FOR HOME USE OERTEL BREW CREAM BEER SATISFIES THAT LONGING. JOHN F. OERTEL CO. t INCORPORATED PHONE CITY 859. LOUISVILLE. KY, JOHN B. WALTERS' Clay Street Brewery 508, 510 and 512 CLAY STREET. TELEPHONE 20 LOUISVTLLEJ. KX A Case of Good Judgment. Order a Case f FALL CITY BEER Extra Pale Lager Peerless Common Due to the ereat demand we are now BOTTLING COMMON, and if you have tried the rest get the BEST. PHONES Home Shawnee 58 and 59. Cumberland West 69. Cumb. Phone West 191 -THifi WIEDEMANN nrcoaro BREWING COMPANY'S - Celebrated Draught and Bottled Beers gla ftt all leading bars and cafes. Renowned for purity, strength, excellent tewa QRUBER & DEUSER. Managers, Louisville, Ky. OLDBARBEE JThe Best Straight Whisky On Earth JNO. T. BARBEE & CO. INCORPORATED 1 Sole Owners Registered Dial. No. 33 Main Office and Salesroom, 726-730 West Main Street FRED ERHART ARCHITECT NORTON BUILDING N. W. Cuner Fourth and JefFcrsu iUNH HMNtWISSMUaHi New York. NONE BETTER Service?" Sure. I EITHER PHONE, WRANK, Home Phone 1913 rated H.B0SSES0N Funeral Directors and Embalmers. . BIO UMjCKJKE AVKIWUasJ Tftbsaesa lftVl. llg 7i I i Jlw If 1' I I ill s 111 z -