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iCBKTtrOSCY IRISH ABdOBJKIOAW:- RELIABLE GUIDE FOR CAREFUL BUYERS Readers of the Kentucky Irish American are earnestly urged to patronize advertisers whose announcements they find In these colums. We aim to protect our read ers by accepting only firms of known responsibility. louis r. coADr Srecemr ts KeflMdy-CoKiy Co. Men's Furnishings . 631 Went Walnut. Home Phono City7662. ARTISTIC PRINTING t FIRST CLASS WORK GIvoThls Office Your Next Order 317 W. GREEN ST. Telephone City 946 THE SOUTH'S HIGHEST CLASS DEPARTMENT STORE avctmtmtmm (&a TRY A LOAD OF Wallins Creek Lump Coal INCORPORATED WE GIVE AND REDEEM GOLD STAMPS. FOR High in Heat. HOME USES. Low in Ash. AMERICAN ELEVATORS MLAIDB IN LOUlSVnJLE BY AMERICAN ELEVATOR & MACHINE CO. ENGRAVERS MHIilCn ENGRAVING COMPANY ARTISTS, ENGRAVERS ELECTROTYPERS MS W. Mala St., Louisville, Ky Home Phone City 6874 "SOUTHERN STAR" SLICED BACON AH Ready for Your Griddle in the Morning' HAMB, LARD, SAUSAGE LOUISVILLE PROVISION CO. (Incorporated.) THE PHIL. HOLLENBAOH CO. INCORPORATED Distillers Of OLD PORTUNA SOUR MASH 'HOLLENBAOH" PURE RYB 528 W. Main St. LonisvUlo, Ky. THOS. J. BRODERICK PLUMBING, GAS AND SEAVERAGE Home Phone City 4392-J 1000 Zane Street KSTA-BEilSHED 1803 Louis A. Broring, D. D. S. Ktmt PteM 2556 430 W, Market St JOHN B. CITY' O'LEARY & CO. Headquarters for AND FARM PROPERTY. about anything in real See us estate. We sell, buy and rent. "504 W. JEFFERSON ST. Borne Phone City 4464. S. L. HYMSON EIGHTH AND OAK Wines and Liquors Home Phone Ciiy 6771 WJil. ISGRIGG SHEET METAL CONTRACTOR 4105 Henry Street Homo Phone, Shawnee 1383-L. SEE P00LEY FOR (MONEY CONFIDENTIAL RELIABLE P. R. POOLEY Room 1 Courier-Journal Building 415 Fourth Street Like Looking Into Christmas Is This Wonderful TOY STORE Now Open Residence Phone, Pewee Valley 21-J. Phone, City 3180. JOS. DALY CONTRACTING PAINTER 420 West Green Street, Louisville, Ky. PEOPI.ES fbovzdekt association Incorporated. was organized by well-known citizens to make LOANS on furniture and other personal prop erty at X.OWEST SATES. Coleman 'Bid?., S. E. Cor. Third and Jefferson. Both Phones, 2886. LOUISVILLE WINE & LIQUOR CO. 739 East Broadway WINES AND WHISKIES By bottle or gallon for family use. Both Phones Prompt Delivery Everywhere. Mail Orders Given Prompt Attention The many little boys and girls who can not withstand their desires to see what Santa has brought will find that their dreams have been .fully realized. They will find that Santa was an ardent advocate of "preparedness." 'They will find that this store has been working with Santa Claus for months and has at tained a readiness that they have never realized would be possible. There will be great joy in Toyland tomorrow, and it is a great Toyland, intensely popu lated with all the toys from abroad, mingling freely with the most wonderful American toys that we have ever known. These Are Just a Few Toyland Citizens To Be Introduced Tomorrow s WW Home Phone Shawnee 803 HENRY GOSS SOOFIHO, aUTTERXKO, SPOUTING Tin Koofa Repaired and Fainted ASPHALT SHINGLES A SPECIALTY 2011 West Broadway, Xioulsvllle, Ky. !!TDAM 7 CMITHJC CAM? !! UMH YY. DIUlillO OUH t AL. S. SMITH, PROP. ! Funeral Director and Embalmer BOTH PHONES 810. SOUTHWEST CORNER SIXTH AND ZANE STS tS J MJMMMM DOUGHERTY & McELLIOH 1227 WEST MARKET STREET, Funeral Directors and Embalmers BOTH IHOIfl3jesi. I Cumb. Main 29$)8.a . Homo City 299S $ WWWWllWlWWWWWtH HOME PHONE 88 1 Jo) J CUMBERLAND MAIN 3071-y BARRETT'S 50NS FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS. 822 Miaixx Waco. VVWVWVVWVWWVWVWVVVWVVWkVi Home Phone Slm-iraee 484 Cumberland, WtSt 11 I RATTERMAN SCANNELL INCORPORATED. Independent Funeral Directors and Embalmers 3101 WEST BROADWAY Horns, 25c, 73c, 95c. Violins, 35c and 59c. Tea Sets, 25c, 50c. 59c, 85c, $1.00, 11.25, 41.75. 42.25. Iron Passenger Trains, 25c, 50c. Fire Engines, 25c, 50c, $1.25. Hook and Ladders 65o and $1.25. Hose Reels $1.25. Water Towers $1.25. Eagle Range 25c. 50c. Wooden Animals Donkeys, Ducks, Ele phants $1.25. Circus Wagon with Caged Lion 59c. Christmas Tree Stockings 25c, 50c, $1.00, $2.00 and $5.oo. Drums 25c. 50c. $1.00, $2.00, $3.00. 14.50. Lead Soldiers 50c. $1.25, $1.75, $2.50. Animal Target, with gun and bullets, 50c. The Robber Kitten Game 25c. College Boat Race 25c. Football Game 25c. Woodland Shooting Game 25c. The New Hunting Game 50c. t Home Baseball Game 50c. The Gypsy Fortune Telling Game 50c. Parker's War Game $l.oo. Grasshopper Tennis $l.oo. Drawing Sets $1.00. Rope Toss 50c, $1.00. Game of Golf $1.00. Stone Building Blocks 50c, $1.00, $1.25. $2.25, $4.75. ABC Blocks 10c. 25c. 50c. 89c. $1.25. Celluloid Dolls 25c, 50c, $1.00. $1.50. White Beds 69c to $1.75. Brass Beds 89c to $3.50. ' Pianos 35c to $13.50. White Dressers $1.00 to $12.00. Cupboard with glass door $2.75 and $3.25. Chiffonier $1.69 to $18.50. Doll High Chairs 85c to $1.75. White Rocking Chairs 89c to $5.50. Toy Tables 25c to $6.50. Children's Straight Chairs 50c to $5.00. Doll Buggies $3.00 to $6.75. Humpty Dumpty Circus 50c, $1.00. $1.35. $2.25. $2.75. $3.50, $5.50. $9.00. Tool Chests 50c, 75c, $2.50, $2.75, $4.00. $6.95, $12.95. Roly Polys 10c. 25c, 50c, $1.00 and $1.25. Swords 35c, 65c. Character Dolls 25c, 50c, 59c, 65c, 98c, $1.25, $1.75 and up to $7.50. Baby Dolls 35c. 75c, $1.75, $2.25. Jointed Dolls $3.50. $4.50, $5.00, $6.50. $7.50. Kewpie Dolls 25c, 29c. 35c, 50c, 59c. Erector Sets $i.oo. $2.00. $2.50. $3.oo. $5.oo. $7.50. $15.00. Electric Trains $6.00. $6.75, $7.50, $9.50. $10.00, $12.00, $16.50, $18.50. Mechanical Trains $1.25, $1.50, $2.00. $2.25. $3.50. Extra Cars 25c, 50c and $1.00. Electric Transformers $5.00, $6.50. Electric Reverse Base 75c. Railroad Tunnels $2.50. . Railroad Stations $2.75. $475. Railroad Viaducts $1.50. SALUTE THEIR PASTOR. The people of St. Mary's congre gation have arranged for an elab orate celebrations of the twenty fifth anniversary of the pious and zealous pastorate of the Very Rev. Henry B. Westerman, who has been a faithful ehepherd. First will be an entertainment by the children of St. Mary's school and St. Cecilla'e orchestra at St. Mary's Hall on Wednesday night, when a splendid programme will bo rendered. Thurs day morning, the anniversary day, Father Westermann will celebrate his jubilee mass at 9 o'clock, as sisted by Rev. Fathers Schuhmann and Weiss as deacon and subdeacon. Hev. Theo. H. Roverman, D. O. L., of Jeffersontown, will preach the sermon. An augmented choir and chorus of fifty voices, with or chestra and organ, will render the musical programme, directed by P. A. Stark, with Mrs. Stark presiding at the organ. In tho evening the banquet will bo held at tho Tyler Hotel at 7 o'clock) Henry Bosquet will preside as toastmaster, and ad dresses will be delivered by Right Rev. Bishop O'Donaghue, Father Westermann and Joseph Wuersch. The people of tho city and diocese extend their congratulations to the venerable priest who has served them sp well. SACRED HEART. SOCIETY DIRECTORY A. O. H. DIVISION 1. Meets Fourth Thursday, Llederkranz Hall, Sixth and Walnut. President Mark Ryan. Vice President W. L. Cushlng. Recording Secretary Daniel Mc Carthy. Financial Secretary" Edward Clancy. Treasurer Thomas Keenan. Sergeant-at-Arms James English. Sentinel Tim Lyons. DIVISION 3. First and, third Friday, Hibernian Home, 1818-1820 Portland. President Lawrence J. Mackey. Vice President John J. Riley. Financial Secretary John J. Brdderick, 1850 Portland avenue. Recording Secretary Matthew O'Brien. Treasurer Daniel Dougherty. Sergeant-at-Arms M. ICalaher. Sentinel Thomas Noon. Ckapel Free ts Patrons. ? GERMAN BANK Fifth and Market Sts. H.BOSSEfcSON Funeral Directors and Embalmers. Talaatoia 1812. t year tey as oaMttea that wfij prepu tana lot Ufa. ST. XAVIBR'S COLLEGE 113 "W. Zr4wr. XOTtevillc, Jtjr. Ceadbet fey tha Xaveriaa Brothra CtaMlaal, Bolwtlfio aad BhsIbmt OwriM, Frwu-atery Dertmekt, Law VwlaMPliiff Peel. Well Maulpd Clyae Hum, Twm Maim. Mr, Jmim, Dtr. The wedlng of Miss Mae Cofer and Andrew J. Bosendorf (took place Wednesday morning at tho Sacred Heart church. Miss Mannle Crosby, of Paducah, was the maid of honor, and Mrs. John Bosendorf the matron of honor. The bridesmaids were Misses Laura Sprauer and Helen Median, and Miss Thelma Dolan was tho flower girl. Mr. Besendorf had as his best man, Louis W. Cofer, brother of the bride. Messrs. Will Ruffra and John Bosendorf acted as tho ushers. The church was thronged with friends of the bride and groom, for whom all wish a long and happy married life. GETS SAD NEWS. Thursday morning the Rev. Father Fitzgerald, of Highland Park, received news that his sister had suffered a stroke of -paralysis at iher home In' the East. Tho tele gram was brief, but said that whllo serious her condition was not alarming. TJRSULINE BUILDING. The Ursullne Sisters are erecting a large and handsome new convent on Cherokee Drive, adjoining tho Sacred Heart Academy, whoro all tho Sisters of tho order In this city wil. find ample accorrfmodatlons. Tho main building will be 300 feet front with the chapel in the center. One end or wing will bo for the professed nuiw, the other for the novices, while those Incapacitated for duty, either from nine or age, will have quarters is rear of chapel, Fred Krhart, the architect of thin DIVISION 4. Meets Second and Fourth Mondays, Bertrand Hall, Sixth Street. President John H. Hennessy. Vice President Thomas Lynch. Financial Secretary Thomas J. Langan. Recording Secretary James J. McTlghe. Treasurer Pat Connolly. Sentinel M. J. McDermott. Sergeant-at-Arms Edward Byrne. Y. H.L PROGRAJDIE OUTLINED. At a meeting hero on Sunday of representatives from tho twenty-one unights of Columbus councils of Kentucky a programmo for the en suing year was outlined. State Lecturer J. A. Fugeleln presided, and an address by Col. P. H. Calla han on "The Alms of the National Commission on Religious Prejudice" was a feature of tho meeting. The purpose of the meeting was to fur ther the 'lecture bureau of the State Council, which was created last year. Mr. Fugeleln received from the representatives present tho re port of their projected programme during tho coming month and fur ther plans to (have the speakers lec turo in the cities and towns em braced by the State Council will be made. State Secretary George A. Burkley and Hon. Edward J. Mc Dermott were among those present at the meeting. CREATING INTEREST. MACKIN COUNCIL, 205. Meets Monday Evenings at Club House, 344 North Twenty-sixth. President S. O. Hubbuch. First Vice President M. F. Schaad. Second Vice President R. L, Scheckler. Financial Secretary, F. Q. Adams. Recording , Secretary W. G. Buckle. Treasurer G. J. Thornton. Marshal Theo. Buckle. Inside Sentinel James Radlgan. .Outside Sentinel H. Pfelcer. building, has tho Btmoturo well un der way, and on tho return of Mother Angela from the West the date for tho laying of tho corner stone will be decided probably De cember 8. The building will bo finished and ready for use the latter part of Juno, 1917. The convent now at Shelby and Chestnut will bo used principally as a day school. BISHOP ILVYES. The Right Rev. Patrick J. Hayes. Auxiliary Bishop of New York, was forty-nine years old Mondav. Ha observed the day quietly, but re ceived a large number of message and congratulations. The cross country run, three and one-half miles, uner the auspices of tho Y. M. H. A., on the morning of Thanksgiving day at Cherokee Park, is creating great interest In Mackln Council, which has a crack team entered. This event is some thing now in this section of the country and is expected to draw a largo contingent of athletic fans to witness Its inauguration. Manager Spayd has gotten together a team that ho declares will clear the boards. In other words they will be far In front when the race Is finished. Five teams are entered, Mackin's men being Farrell Ken nedy, Edwin Jansing, Franklin Stig gers, Morris Buttimer, Mlchot, Bon nell and Shay, all courageous sprinters. Tho start will bo at 10 o'clock. BENEFIT A SUCCESS. In an Incomplete report sub mitted by Vice Chairman A. F. Mar tin it shows that a profit of over 8ff0 was realized in tho recent benefit euchro given for Miss Jen nie Giles, some tickets and returns on one of the solicitation books still being out. The hand-painted china prize was awarded to Miss Ethel Savage, of 536 South Twenty-eighth Btreet; hand-painted quilt prize awarded to Mrs. Hannah Callahan, of 535 West Breckinridge street, and tho doll to Charles A. Best, of 20:ii Bank street. SCflNLON 60flL 60iHPflNy INCORPORATED. 319 PAUL JONES BUILDING. Home City 405 Cnmli. Maia 415 Residence 2828 Garland Ave. HOmo Phone, Shaw. 478-1. Office 2308 Q&rUnd Ave. Cumb. Phone, South 67-A Shawnee Chimney Gleaning Company Ovorhnnling and repairing steam or hot air furnnces a apecially. Prompt service to all porta of the oily. XXSTJESXNGS- If you wnnt expert service Just call us up. Wo Iinvo never been out of dyes for ono moment since tho war begun and nro thoroughly equipped to handlo nil work of every description. You can rest assured If you need dyeing mo can satisfy you. Auto Delivery. Parcel Tost Service. PULS CLEANING DYEING CO. 426 S. Fifth St. INCORPORATED. BOTH PHONES 2635. Louisville, Ky Corns, Bunions and Callonara Removed Willient Pain Iagrown and Abnormal Treated. Dfe Uriah L Litsey, Chiropodist INSTRUMENTS STERILIZED Both riioneti 1120 500.7 Stark Baildin Horn, City aiOI lb. South 9G0-T DOUGHERTY & LANNING COAL CO. INCORPORATED. Best Quality Pittsburg and Jellico Coal. Office and Yards Fifteenth and Magnolia Avenue $ 4$ 1 1 DINNER INCOMPLETE WITHOUT 1 JL lw BEER NONE PURER NONE BETTER I Prompt "Delivery Service?" Sure. CALL NO. 467 EITHER PHONE, i IN BOTTLES FOR HOME USE OERTEL BREW CREAM BEER SATISFIES THAT LONGING. JOHN F. OERTEL CO. INCORPORATED PHONE CITY 859. LOUISVILLE. KY, A Case of Good Judgment. Order a Case ef FALL CITY BEER Extra Pale Lager Peerless Common Due to the ereat demand we are now BOTTLING COMMON, and if you have tried the rest get Jhe BEST. PHONES Home Shawnee 58 and 59. Cumberland West 69. Cumb. Phone West 191 Home Phone 1913 THE WIEDEMANN Etconro RATED 1 BREWING COMPANY'S Celebrated Draught and Bottled Beer. Sold at all leading bars and cafes. Renowned for purity, strength, exceltes Hmtm GRUBER & DEUSER. Managers, Louisville, Ky. THANKSGIVING SOCIAL. Tho Young Ladiea Sodality of St. Ann's church will give a Thanks giving social next Wednesday after noon and evening for the benefit of tho church at the school hall, Sev enth treet and Davles avenue. Many handsome prizes will be awarded. The games are scheduled to begin at 2:30 and 8 o'clock. Sandwiches and coffee and other refreshments will be served, and a number of fine turkeys will be dis posed of. The pator, the Rev. John T. Hill, tavKM all his friends Notice to Taxpayers, All taxpayers of tho City of Louisvillo are hereby notified that the Board of Equalization of the City of Louisville has organized and will hold dally sessions In the offlco of the City Assessor, between the hours of 9 a. m, and 4 p. m., from November 15 to 30, 1916, In clusive, for tho purpose of hearing and determining complaints of any who think that their land, im proveemnts or personal property, or any In which they may have an Interest (though it be not assessed In their name) have been assessed beyond their value (for city taxes In tho assessment mado by tho City Assessor thereof, as of the first day of September, 1915. In the absence of the Board, complains may bo lodged with the Clerk dally between tho hours of 9 a. m. and 4 p. m. J. LITHGOW SMITH, President. JOHN J. BARRY, Member. H. V. COHN. Secretary. CARL V. GOBPPBR, Clerk. - to come and wnjoy themselves. St. Ann's is located at the termlnun of the Sixth street car line. MULLOY'S COFFEE Is the best coffee value offered. If you want a delicious, inexpen sive coffee, 65c TRY OUR- NEW BLEND 2 1.3 Lbs. Special rebate ticket good for 10c in trade with 2 1-2 lbs. of New Blend. JOHN M. MULLOY, S12 Went Market.