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I JKBNT0CKY IRISH .AJdaJX.AJV. HERMAN STRAUS SONS ( rouRTH AVENur wcaapoaArro MARKCT STREET We Give and Redeem Gold Trading Stamps. RECOVERING. JANUARY CLEARANCE This is a semi-annual event with us an opportunity for you that comes but once each season. You really can't afford to miss it. Suits, Coats Waists Men's Shirts Wool and Cotton Mixed Blankets FURNITURE GREENE'S STILL THE BEST PLACE TO BUY Furniture, Carpets, Rugs, Stoves and Ranges Good Furniture at moderate prices without trad ing stamps. JAS. GREENE 415-417 EAST MARKET STREET. AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORIES FEDERAL TIRES, VULCANIZING. FREE SERVICE. FALLSCITYVULCANIZINGCO. 1101-03 EAST BROADWAY. TRY A LOAD OF Wallins Creek Lump Coal FOR HOME USES. High in Heat. Low in Ash. S6ANL0N 60flL COMPANY INCORPORATED. 319 PAUL JONES BUILDING. Hpme City 405 Canib. Main 415 HIBERNIANS. What They Have Been Doing the Past Week General News Notes. BE SURE TO CALL FOR McRENNA WHISKY IT IS ALWAYS PURE. H. McKenna, Distiller, Fairfield, Ky.! i HWIH 1 1 1 1 1 M "M e II H Ullltl fo-H"M i w imniiit M. J. BANN8N. Fret, t Hit. P. BANNOH, JR., Vice PfM. I Triu. LAWRENCE J. VEENEMAN, SecrcUry. H P. BANNON PIPE CO. Sewer and Calvert Pipe,. , Baaaea's Pateat LliM Piae fer Steaai Ceadalta, Wall Celiac, Praia Tile, Y4rlGe BrkK, Fire Freefiag. Flae Lining, Fire Brick Grate aad Beiler Tile, Greaai Fire Clay, Cklataer ? ej. OFFICE 526 WEST JEFFERSON t ty ,nuB rnuwe ui i t sa-uee! ' cumb.main S07. I WORKS.-13,h i Br, a Maxell. Ave., Bet. 9t a4 ... X ITS ly l 11 M t HI l nt 1 1 1 1 M H-M I IHMH i fc4 1 1 revea t maumn. There aie three flne divisions ht Dayton, Ohio. The parado this year promises to bo the biggest ever. Division 3 will add a number of names to its membership at the next meeting. Two celebrations for St. Pat rick's day show that the order is doing things. The parado committee has already began engaging music for the St. Patrick's day celebration. The meeting of Division 3 on February 2 will bo an Important one and should be well attended. The joint installation at Minne apolis was the biggest Hibernian affair ever held In Hennepin county. Ex-Liout. God. Edward J. Mc Dermott will be the speaker on Washington's birthday at Indian apolis. The application of Edward Llns key was received at Division 4's meeting and John Barker elected to membership. President John M. Riley and Matt O'Brien, of Division 3, were given a good reception at the Limerick divisloa meeting. It "would bo a big undertaking for the Ancient Order to attempt to provide chapel motor cars for all our Catholic army chaplains. President James M. Grady, of Nashville, and President James M. Conroy, of Memphis, ihavo started aggressive campaigns for new mem bers. In appreciation of his good work during the two past years Division 2 of Syracuse presented Its retiring President, P. J. Rogers, a ?20 gold piece. County President Klnsella has been out every night Installing of ficers for, tho Brooklyn divisions. Prospeots for the coming year are bright. The Ancient Order and Ladles' Auxiliary at Junction City, Ohio, recently purchased a hall. With utmost harmony between them they plan much good work. John J. Ryan, formerly of Divis ion 1, made a rousing address at Division 4's meeting Monday and related experiences of his forty years' membership in the order. For the first time in the history of the Ladies' Auxiliary of Minne apolis all the State officers were presont to do honor and banquet tho National President, Mrs. Mc Whorter. Tho Ladles' Auxiliary of Syra cuse was rejoiced over tho recovery of Mrs. Anna Lynch and accorded her a hearty welcome when eho was installed President for her sixth term. Thursday evening there was an open meeting at Cincinnati for the Installation of the County Board officers of tho Ladies' Auxiliary. Rev. William Clark, County Chap lain, was tho speaker lor the even ing. For the benefit of St. Peter's parish, jubilee, when it Is proposed to raise 1 100,000 for tho school building, the two Hibernian Rifle companies of San Francisco will parado on January 31 in the grand regimental pageant of nearly all the civic societies of the city. All Catholic Knights and his legion of friends throughout tho city will bo rejoiced when Major Gen. Michael Reichert will bo able to be out aagin after an illness that ihas confined him to 1iis homo on Third street for the past month. The Major General has the interests of tho Knights and young peoplo at heart, wnlch makes him a fa vorite with all. The last report was that his condition was improved. SODALITY CLUK OFKICEKS. Tho St. Martin's Sodality Club of- St. Martin's church at its annual meeting celebrated tho installation of officers for the ensuing year with a "social evening." Tho new offi cers are Theo. Sell moll, President; William J. Hommriclj, Vlco Presi dent; John T. Sayer, Secretary; Her man Batson, Treasurer; Herman Woerner, Sergeant-at-Arms. A feat ure of the evening was a spirited debate as to whether prohibition would prove beneficial to our coun try 'tlie decision being in the nega tlce. It ds tho intention of the club to hold debates at regular intervals, to which the public will be invited. K. OF C. RECEPTION. Supreme Knight Flaherty, of tho Knights of Columbus, is in tho State on a (business trip and will be the guest of Louisville Council next Monday evening. Grand Knight John P. Cassllly requests all members to be present if possible. CALLED TO MOTHER. Paul Fein, of Now Albany, left Tuesday for Grecnsburg, Ind where ho was called on account of tho ill ness of liis aged mother, Mrs. Ver onica Fein, who went from New Albany to Greensburg to live with her son, tho lato Rev. Father Henry Fein. When Father Fein's death occurred several weeks ago Mrs. a eln was too ill to accompany tho body to New Albany for burial. FEARED IJLOOD POISON. Tho Rev. Dominic Barthel, O. S. B rector of St. Meinrad's College at St. Melnrad, Ind., is at St. Jo seph's Infirmary, suffering fron an infection of his leg, which it is feared may bo blood poisoning. Father Dominic came to the hos pital Wednesday. He is well known in Loulsvlllo, his home having been hero before he joined tho Benedic tines at St. Meinrad's. WELL KNOWN HERE. The Rev. Father Bonaventuro Hammer, O. F. M., soventy-fivo years old, who gained fame by translating Gen. Lew Wallace's "Ben-Hur" into Gorman, died Saturday in St. Elizabeth's Hospital at Lafayette, Ind., after a long ill ness. Father Hammer is well re membered here, having for a num ber of years been one of the priests stationed at St. Boniface church. NEW ALBANY. Miss Mary Genovlevo Schulte and Michael Edward Lorl, who arc well known apd popular in social circles, were united in marriage Thursday morning at Holy Trinity cnurch, New Albany, in tho pres ence of many of their friends. Rev. Charles Curran performed tho cere mony and celebrated the nUptlal mass. ST. PATRICK'S DAY. NAZARETH. Ten postulants who are desirous of entering the novttwte of the sis- From present indications there will bo a moro general observance of St. Patrick's day this year, as both Divisions 3 and 4 of tho Ancient Order of Hibernians aro arranging entertainments. Division 3 will glvo a St. Patricks day enter tainment in St. Patrick's school hall on Sunday ovenlng, March 18, and President John M. Riley wll ap point his committee of arrange ments at tho meeting next Friday night. At tho meeting of Division 4 Monday evening in Bortrand Hall it was planned to repeat the parade of tho last two years and a largo number of marchers will bo in line on account of tho parado time be ing sot for Sunday morning. In tho evening there will be a musicalo and literary entertainment In Bor trand Hall, and President Thomas Lynch appointed tho following com mittees: Parado John H. Hen nessy. W. P. McDonogh, T. J. Lan gan, John Burke and Joseph Lynch; Entertainment John J. Barry, W. J. Connelly, Thomas Walsh, Robert Mitcholl and Mark Ryan. Short addresses on tho celebrations wero made by State President W. J. Con nelly, County President John II. Hennessy, County Vico President Matt O'Brien, John M. Riley, President of Division 3, John J. Ryan, Daniel McCarthy and Thomas Walsh. GUESTS OF PRIEST. On Friday evening of last weok tho Rov. J. F. O'Dwyor, pastor of the Church of tho Good Shepherd at Frankfort, entertained with a most enjoyable dinner, at which tho guests wero Messrs. John J King, John A. Brislan, George L. Hannan, John R. Sower, Henry Lutkemeler and Frank Lutkemeler. 'The menu was an elaborate one and the table was beautiful in appointments. GRAND KNIGHTS' REUNION. Next Wednesday evening will be featured by a reunion of tho Past Grand Knights of tho KnlghtB of ColumbuB at the regular meeting of that order and short addresses "ill bo made as follows: M. J. Winn, "Tho Foundation;" R. A. Watson, "dur Order and Its Growth;" Charles J. O'Connor, "Tho Business World Today;" Peter M. O'Reilly, "Our Council and Its Work;" Charles F. Taylor, "The Law;" AI. S. Smith, "Our Chaplains and lholr Influence;" James J. Fitzgerald. "As I Know Him," by tho Lec turer, Thomas Walsh; Hon. Matt O'Doherty. "The Catholic Layman;" Thomas A. Bohan, "Building Up Our Membership;" S. M. Jlaffo, "True Womanhood;" Hon. E. J. Mc- Dermott, "Catholic Literature;" J. William Klapheke, "The Scourge of War;" Col. P. H. Callahan, "Prejudices;" O. M. Decker, "Prog ress, the Law pf God;" Frank A. Geher, "The Future Home of the Council." KNIGHTS OP COLUMBUS. Late News That Will Interest Members Here and Elsewhere. Kansas City and Atclilson will initiate largo classes tomorrow. A council has been instituted at Sidney, Neb., -fifty being Initiated in tho first class. Sixty names were added to the roster of the council at Columbus, Ohio, last week. A large class from tho combined councils of Cincinnati received tho two degrees last Sunday. Tho campaigners reported five applications at tho last meeting of the council at Helena, Ark. Soventy-fivo candidates are al ready on the list for initiation on February 11 at Pueblo, Col. Nearly 200 members of Toledo Council were entertained with a roast beef lunch at last week's meeting. Gov. Simon Bamberger, Utah's new Chief Executive, will be tho guest of Salt Lake City Council on February 6. Tho Knights of Oswego, N. Y., will take possession of their now building, formerly tho Tanner block, on. May 1. The council at Wahoo, Neb., had a very successful initiation this month, when a class of thirty-one was inducted into tho order. Judge Frank J. Murasky, of the California bar, will be tho orator at tho Washington birthday celebra tion of tho Knights of Portland, Ore. Supremo Knight Flaherty will arrive in Loulsvlllo next Monday, and during his stay will be enter tained by the Fourth Degree As sembly. Tho Knights of Hastings, Neb., have organized a third degree team, which has already been in vited to put on tho work for two councils. Two more large classes have just been added to tho Missouri mem bership seventy-five at Jefferson City and between fifty and sixty at St. Joseph. A second class of fifty within a year has just been received irfto the council at St. Joseph, Mo. Right Rev. Bishop Burke was n speaker at the banquet following tho initia tion. APPOINTS MISS CONNOR. Tho announcement camo from Washington on Tuesday that tho Civil Service Commission had ap pointed Miss Mary J. Connor, of Louisville, as a trained nurso in tho Navajo Hospital, Ariz. Just when Miss Connor will leave tho city has not been stated. TRINITY VS. MACKIN. Mackln Council will inaugurate tho basketball season of 1917 at the club house tonight, when its Dost athletes will play the fast Trinity team. Capt. Bonnell has tho boys going at a nice clip, and as there is a great deal of rivalry existing between the two teams a good game is anticipated. Mackln Council lias a number of open dates for which it would like to book games with some first class teams. COVINGTON. The Knights of St. John of tho Second Kentucky district initiated a class of 175 candidates Sunday afternoon at the Covington Armory. Members from Cincinnati, Dayton, Hamilton, St. Bernard and other places were in attendance. Tho de greo team of the Second Brigade of Ohio had charge of tho work. ANNUAL CARD PARTY. The Young Ladles' Sodality of St. Mary's church will glvo their annual euchre and lotto party on Thursday afternoon and ovenlng, February 8, In the hall at 428 South Eighth street, when they hope to meet their many friends. In addi tion to tho many prizes to bo awarded there will bo a tally prize. FOUNT KREMER NAMED. Fount T. Kremer, of this city, was elected Secretary of tho Ken tucky State Fair at a meeting of the Stato Board of Agriculture held In Frankfort on Wednosday, and tho selection has been greeted with expressions of approval everywhere. Mr. Kremer has been associated with the State Fair management for a number of years, and despite the qualifications of many of tho other Kentuckians Included in the long list of applicants for the posi tion ho was considered best equipped of all entrants. Ho is forty-six years old and a natlvo of Louisville, but now lives on his farm on thp Cano Run road near Shively. Tho new Secretary is a brother of J. Bruce Kremer, Demo cratic National Committeeman from Montana, ana of Georgo W. Kremer, of the Central Consumers Company. J. Baxter Kremer, another brother, has been with the Louisville Water Company twenty-one years as chief assessor and in other capacities. SUSTAINS THE E5DPEROR. Dr. Peter Spahn, leader of tho Catholic Center party, Informs tho Overseas News Agency that some time before Chancellor von Beth-mann-Hollweg's speech in tho Reich stag on December 12, in which ho made announcement of tho peace proposals of tho Central Powers, the Chancellor summoned tho Par UnTTiontnrv lfwirtnr nnil informed them of the Emperor's decision. Dr. Spahn makes this statement, he said, because thero is some ques tion in ungiana wnoxnor cne em peror dn reality decided on a peace move as long ago as October 31, Hm Hnfo nt Ms rccftntlv TiubHnhcd letter to tho Chancellor announcing his decision to lane tno initiative. It is insinuated, Dr. Spann says, oithftr this letter is smirlous or elso the date was falsified. To prove tho contrary, he points out that the Chancellor in his speech tiuari altnncct' thn samn words as did the Emperor in his letter and eays. further that we un&nceaior in nis Interview with the Reichstag lead ers told them of the Emperor's letter. The Last Dollar That you spent for something you did not NEED would have started a , SAVINGS ACCOUNT with this bank; to bear interest COMPOUNDED twice a year; There MAY COME a time whea your "LAST DOLLAR" must be spent for somethlmg you DO NEED. The SAVING now of the dollars you are wasting might keep that "hard time" from ever coming. Ky. Title Savings Bank and Trust Co. Fifth and Court Place. Open Daily Until 3 p. m. Saturdays 'Until 7 p. m. DAN J. HENNESSY HOME PHONE CITY 3238 EDW. A. AXMAN Fall and Winter Garments Our Specialty. Hennessy Axman POPULAR PRICE TAILORS UPSTAIRS STORE. 425 W. Jefferson Street WEWANTY0URW0RK We're Prepared to Do It Promptly and in First-Class Style. PRINTING Cards, Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Circulars, Dodgers, Etc. Dance and Wedding Invitations a Specialty. HOME PHONE 946. KENTUCKY IRISH AMERICAN 810 WBST GIXXCXC2V STREJXCrr. t If you want expert service just call us up. We Iinvo never been out of dyes for ono moment sinco tho war begun nml nro thoroughly equipped to handle all work of every description. You can rest assured if you need dyeing wo can satisfy1 you. Auto Delivery. Parcel Post Service. PULS CLEANING $ DYEING CO. INCORPORATED. 426 S. Fifth St. both phones 2635. Louisville, Ky. Where the Quick Meal Comes In home work Whore tho brightest; Whcro tho lightest; Where tho meal cooked best; Where tho rango stands the tost That's where tho "Quick Meal" comes in. IJjIM IS iii -111 IriSr Where work Ja quickly done; Where i cooking seems real itun; Whcro baking gives de light; Where drudge is out of sight That's where the "Quick Meal" comes in. Quick Meal Gaa Ranges Sold, Installed and Highly Reoomniondei GEHER & SON, 215 W. MARKET ST. A ONE DOLLAR starts a Savings Account with this safe, conservative, Sixty-one-year-old Bank, to which you can add $1.00 or more at any time. We add absolute safety and 3 per cent. No cost to you whatever. The same courteous attention given the depositor of $1.00 or the depositor of $10,000. German Insurance BanK Under the Big Glook Second and Market State Government Supervision. 7 ' "-. Autos and Taxis For Hire BOTH PHONES 2399 Give us a trial for 'first-class service. We are as close to you as your phone. Prompt service, day and night. PACKARD CARS. Courteous and reliable chauffeurs our specialty. Give us a call. Young & Berry Auto Co. SEVENTH, NEAR BROADWAY. flom. City ULOl Cunil). South OOO-Y DOUGHERTY & LANNING COAL CO. INCORPORATED. Best Quality Pittsburg and Jellico Coal. Office and Yards Fifteenth and Magnolia Avenue OLDBARBEE The Beat Straight Whisky On Earth) JNO.T. BARBEE&CO. XHCOKP01U.TK Sole Owner Registered DIat. No. 32, Main Office and Salesroom, 726-730 West Main StoW. 4a i f