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i::hjvxtjo)&:y xiiisaa: jJsdU3T&xcAJs. Charles J. Cronan Announces His Candidacy for the Democratic Nomination for Mayor of the City of Louisville and Defines His Platform and Pledges for a Greater Metropolis. p , In making a-formal announcement of my candidacy for the Democratic nomination for Mayor of the city of Louisville I propose to state briefly the Issues which I believe to be of tho greatest importance to the people of our city, and tho manner in which I shall endeavor to meet every issue looking to tho general welfare of tho citizens and the up lift and advancement of tho city. To this duty I dedicate my mind, heart and constant energies with sacred devotion. Has Clear Conception of the Im portance of City's Greatest Office. i I was born In tho city of Louisville. I have always resided here, and I always expect to make Louisville my home. My childron are being educated here. All that I am, all that I possess, all that I hope to be Is identified with the city of Louisville its past, its present and its future. To be Mayor of Louisville has always been my ambition, and such an ambition is both honorable and praiseworthy. But the opportunity for use ful and constructive work surpasses, in my opinion, the temporary power and authority that comes to an Individual. Outlines Most Important Issues end Squarely Indicates His Attitude. These things I expsct to ' do If elected Mayor: 1. The first and most important quostion relates to revenue. Tho city of Louisville Is threatened, under the new tax law, with a deilclt In city rev enue, made possible by exempting from city taxation certain kinds of property. I believe the city Is fortunate In having a new source of revenue available. This -source of revenue Is ho Louisville Water Company. This corporation is owned by the city of Louisville. It Is managed with great ability. With a low rate for water, the com pany now shows surplus earnings exceeding Four Hundred Thousand Dollars. Most of 'theso earnings are being expended for permanent Improvements. Suggests Use of Water Company's "" Earnutgs for Revenue for the City 2. I propose, if elected Mayor, to use my Influence to have turned into the Treasury of the City of Louisville a substantial amount of the surplus earnings of the Louisville Water Company. These surplus earnings will add greatlv to tha revenue of the city, and the company will still retain an ample margin to be used for Improve ments. In my opinion the Louisville Water Com pany is the greatest asset the city of Louis ville possesses, and I promise to keep intact this possession as the property of the city of Louisville. Opposes State-Wide Prohibition and Favors Strict Enforcement of The Liquor Law. 3. Matters of revenue require that I atato my position to the pcoplo of Louisville in regard to tho much-dlscusscd question of liquor control or liquor prohibition. The city of Louisville now receives a revenuo of approximately three hundred and fifty thou sand dollars from saloon licenses. It would bo most difficult to replace this large sum by other methods of taxation, but to my mind thero Is a larger question than revenue Involved. I believe that our system of a regulated saloon, known to the authorities and observed by tho police. Is a much better thing for publlo morals than tho state of affairs certain to bo precipitated In a large city by tho adoption of State-wldo prohibi tion. I feel, therefore that due candor re quires mo to stato that I am opposed to State-wldo prohibition. I bellevo that a strictly controlled saloon In Loulsvillo Is a better system and I will stand for that sys tem. I promise to enforce tho law that pro hibits the sale of liquor on Sunday, to con tinue tho ordinance limiting tho number of saloons and to hold all my subordinates re sponsible for a strict and efficient enforce ment of the law rclatlvo to saloons. Will Exert Authority to Suppress All Forms of Public Gambling. 4. I court the hearty co-operation of tho various organizations and promlso to exert my wholo authority to suppress public gambling. Courts Suggestions From Public and Pledges Industrial Advancement. 6. In the matter of public utilities I shall stand for Home Rule and a strict enforce ment of 'all existing franchises. I shall not only welcome, but I shall Invite, suggestions HflBPV'' . WMbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI ft' .(BoHir jjl-. t . vKV 'J','i f -: .-bbbbbbbbHbbbbbbbbbbI BSSSSHPSSSSpSSSBSSJBIBSJiHfBP? V , " va ? Y W v V" tft'Zz'',,. .. ' fef ''' SSSSSSSSSSSjBSJSSSSSJBSSSSSSJ LfliKHHn9i : -'t -4y"$ '"' ' Y"'i':y''''&:- IHSmbbbbbb HBBfiBnHEHIPPllsF - '': '') ky';''V , :;''c'Cf ? "'' '' JbIbbbb HsfiHRsBMip ' WKk-4 , ,, :itii; '5 v -- ' ' 'HbbbLH HRHnHBBlR? MbB 't- Tfty JbbzsbIbtjibtbtbtjI HHISHisHKC;flyi'' &x v-y JbbKotIHbbb SMBBMMMJKBiBWKAwiBsM " ?&, '? "-'tBL ' 'Vi Vv' ' t ' lsBrrrrrrrVBrrrrrrH BbBBISbISSHs: V ' tt'A- IBBBBBBI RnBjnBHHgHUgBP HbHbbbbbH HnfnimnaHHKsiBBBjHBHras v-.;:.-f ?;;. ;-' aMsHBbbbbbbbbHI BBBBbBSw3bbh1KSbBbBR9I '" HRPP!4'''v''',BBBBBBBBflBBBH EbBbHbHbHbIbBbMBjMBBbL ." X '4' BBBflBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBjJ KtSsSBBmSBum,,K-'hw;'J''r' v.rf JjmBbMb'iisb'ib'ib'JsbisB BBBBHOBlByHyfj!!jiiMiQlllMBWr ?Jb1BBBK ?V'i5'V BBBBBBSBBBBBBBBBBBBHiBBBBBflBBBflBBBBBBBH BBHiBHflH9HR9V itir Hk -T?- HH..HBBiBBBBsiBBiBvHBBlBBBBBBfl JBBDnHyr ,yxyBBBHHiSBlSBUBBi BSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSBSSSSSSSSSSS9BS)ffl9raBnBK .BSSSSSx. 'f&xzj JBSSSSSBSSSSSSSBBBBBBBSBSSSBBsSSSCSSSBBBnBSSSSBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSi BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBlBBBBBKs&ByBKOTBHBBBK 'TwdBaBBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBnBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl - GHARLES J. CRONAN FOR MA YOR Subject To The Action of The Democratic Party. and recommendations from all business In terests of tho city, looking to tho advance ment of tho city's affairs, great and small Including, among other things, tho heartiest' co-operation with our Industrial Foundation, In all that may bo practlcabio for the bet terment of our city. Will Get More Factories to Create More Prosperity and a Greater City. 6. That which Louisville must have and Is going to have, is more factories. I favor the establishment, on any reasonable terms, of all Industrial enterprises tending to Increase tho population, wealth and prosperity of the city Development of this character means a Greater Louisville. To aid in maklnn this the Metropolis of the South will be my endeavor. Urges Expansion of Louisville's Whole- salo Trade interests. 7. LoulsvlIIo's wholesale business, by rea son of strong competition encountered from neighboring cities, has not grown sufficiently In recent years. Wo must reach out and get that to which wo aro entitled, and I propose to keep steadily In view this feature, which Is so vital to the city's prosperity. Such trade should he encouraged and en larged. Our railroad facilities arc Important to our shippers and to the city. Wo should havo thoso facilities Improved In a reason able, liberal spirit, and some remedy for tho present dangerous railroad crossings at the surface of tho streets should be found. Favors Preference for Home Mer chants and Wants Home Men For City Positions. 8. I promise " that Louisville merchants shall bo given the preference when the city's money Is to bo spent; that Is, when It can bo done without waste or lnjustloo to the taxpayers. . A I favor the employment in all disposi tions of Louisville men who aro co'mpe tent and qualified. ' Will Safeguard (he Interests of the Man Who Labors to Live. . 9. I propose to carefully consider the scale of wages paid for labor by the olty( and I promise to adjust that scale, as near as oon "editions will permit, to enable the laborer to meet the Increase in the cost of living. 10. I promise to devote my entire snerglii to increase the efficlenoy of all branches of the city Government that has so well been maintained by our' present Mayor. Sx'&t v Efficiency to Characterize All ' ,-. ' Departments. j'. 11. Strict discipline will be malntalnodln the Police and Fire Departments, and i"hall at all times see to it that politioal activity doe not actuate nor Influence thY'efftoiency of either of these departments. I shall urge tho Installation of all modern Improvements In tho Fire Department, and as such are secured will do my part to havo fire Insurance rates lowered. Plans For a Modern System of Dis posing of the City's Garbage. 12. I shall, at a time as early as practicable, consider tho problem of a modern system of disposing oftho city's garbage. Supports Policy- of Separating School Elections From Politics. 13. I intend to continue the work so welt begun of establishing a great City University in Louisville. I desire now to say that I heartily approve of that which has been dono in recent years to separate our school elec tions from party contests. This is proper, and this policy I shall constantly support. Welfare of Soldiers to Be Safe guarded. 14. In this, my formal announcement, 1 take occasion to congratulate the people of Louisville on tho selection of our city as a slto for tho great army mobilization camp, and to promise that, if elected Mayor, I will use all the powers of the ofClco to protect these young soldiers from those temptations that often arise In connection with an army camp. The police department will bo re quired rigidly to enforce thoso State and Federal laws Intended to protect the morals and health of the soldiers, and all tho in fluence of the city administration will be ex erted to Justify the confidence the Federal authorities havo repostsd In our city In mak ing1 this selctlon. Demands Undivided Loyalty For the Flag of tho United States. 15. I promise that In all matter pertaining to the oonduct o'f the war In which our coun try la now engaged I shall, if chosen Chief Exeoutive of the city of Loulsvillo, co-operato with the national government, lending the assistance within my power to the advance ment of the Interests of the nation. There must be absolutely an undivided loyalty to the flag which floats over us, the 'flag which holds within Its folds the future glory and safety of mankind. Advertisement NOTICE TO VOTERS The following section of tho Constitution Is quoted to show that our present Coroner, Dr. Ellis Duncan, is not eligible for re-election, as It is unlawful for anyono to hold a Federal ofllco with salary attached and at the sniuo time servo tho county, city or State' and receive salary or profit. Section 237 Constitution: Offices Incompatible: No member of Congress, or person holding or exorcising an ofllco of trust under the United States shall bo cllgiblo to hold or exercise any ofllco of trust or prollt under this constitution. Recognizing the above law and tho fact of Dr. Duncan's Ineligibility. I havo announced myself as a candidate for the office of Coroner of Jeff erson county, subject to tho action of the Democratic party at the primary to be held August 4, 1917, and solicit your vote nnd support. DR. H. E, MECHLINd. SAM L. ROBERTSON 1917 AUQUST PRIMARY 1917 LORAINE MIX FOR CANDIDATE FOIt SHERIFF OF JEFFERSON COUNTY Subject to Action of Democratic Party. Primary August 4, 1917. HIBERNIANS. COUNTY JUDGE Subject to the Action of the Democratic Party. BIbibbbbbb. 1917 August Primary 1917 RUSSELL GAINES Candidate for Re-Election v . County Surveyor Subject to Action of ' Democratic Party vThat They Have Been Doing the Past Week General News Notes. - Colum-Llberty To the Democratic Voters of the City of Louisville: I do hereby announce my oandldacy for the office of JUDGE OF THE POLICE COURT OF THE CITY OF LOUISVILLE, subject to the action of the Democratic party primary, August 4, 1917, and respectfully sollolt your sup May 1, 1 J 17. THOS. Ea HALL 1917 AUGUST PKIMAKY 1017 JAMES D HEADLEY FOR IJE&ISL'ATOR i Forty-Eighth Legislative District' of Kentucky. Subject to tk Aotioa of the Democratic Pitrty. The Hibernian Rifles of bus, Ohio, have taken two bonds. Martin Mullaney, of Division 4, Is recovering from his recent attack of tonsllltls. Over 250 new members were In itiated Into the Ladles' Auxiliary last week at Minneapolis. Harmony prevails throughout the New York divisions and the order has aga4n taken its proper place. S. J. McElllott, of Division 4. ex pressed his thanks to the members for their kindness during his recent sick spell. The loyal rooters of the ball team are proud of the team's Improve ment and predict a first division berth soon. Division 3 met last night and heard reports on their recent picture show entertainment, which was a financial success. More than 350 members and gnosis were present at the anni versary banquet of Ladies' Auxiliary 22 in Philadelphia. County President Hennessy hopes that the annual picnic will be suc cessful enough to defray the na tional military assessment. Division 2' of Sad Francisco will hold' its forty-eighth annual cele bration tomorrow at Glen Park, with athletic games a feature. Division 2 of Syracuse has made a successful Wnal drive for sub scriptions for its building fund. The new home now seems a certainty. Ready for any oall for defense of the flag and nation, the Hibernian Rifles, of Columbus,, Ohio, swore In two and recruited four members last week. County President Feeaay states that the contest going on at Min neapolis has exceeded his exjKeeta- Uotis and he feels mire the 1,000 mark will bo passed long before the end. Mrs. McWhorter, National Presi dent, was given a cordial welcome by the Ladles' Auxiliary last week and addressed one of the largest gatherings of Hibernians over held in Minneapolis. The Hibernians of Long Island, N. Y will hold exercises at the grave of John Locke, tho Irish poet, In Calvary cemetery, on July 4. Locke was a native of Callan, County Kilkenny. The Hibernian Rifles of San Francisco will hold tholr annual field day and reunion at Glen Park on July 1. The entire proceeds will go to the fund for tho entertain ment of tho coming national con vention. The Greenpolnt Ladles' Auxiliary sent a priest's surpllco and twenty four Inch gold chalice altar cloth design to a chapel at Harrington, Wash., and tho pastor has sent them a photograph of the sanctuary, showing the gift in place. Syracuse Hibernians havo ar ranged for an open meeting on June 18, to which the soldiers stationed at tha Stato Fair grounds who are members and their friends havo been invited. It is dntended that this shall bo an event that will bo long remembered. Delegations from more than twenty other organizations attended tho annual ball of tho New York County Board. County President Roderick Kennedy and the various committees were warmly compli mented for the success that followed their labors. VOTB IOJR r9BBBBBBBBBBBBBBI.BBBBBBBBkBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBT 3 H. S. McNUTT FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER Subject to Action of Democratic Party. Primary Aucuat 4, 1917. mm of coimbus bhkBBBBBBBW 1917 August Primary 1017 CHAS. H. KNIGHT CANDIDATE JTOR STATE SENATOR Thirty-Sixth Senatorial District Subject to Action of Democratic Party. 4 TWIN CITY lEAGUE. Fresh from their second victory over the Champs, the A. O. H. team gave the K. of C. leaders a sure enough scare Sunday, losing a hard fought battle by a score of 2 to 1. Manager Sheckler's Mackln team nosed out tho Champs in a ten-Inning contest hy the score of 4 to 3, Ray Haragan, of tho winners, get ting hte regular three-bagger. The Orioles surprised all hy trimming tho Imperials 9 to 5, Baumgardner and Lelbcrt, of the packing house boys, slugging tho ball for fair. Staging a come-back, Manager Ed Wolfe, of the Bertrands, played third base for the Bertrands and helped his club beat Trinity 10 to 1. Tomorrow they meet as follows: Mackln vs. Bertrands, Orioles vs. Hibernians, Trinity vs. Imperials vs It of C. lng to date: Won K.ofC 8 Mackin 6 Orioles ; Imperials 4 Champions., 4 Hibernians 3 Bertrands...,...,.. 2 Trinity o CLOSING EXKRCISB6. Late News That Will Interest Members Here and Elsewhere. Champs and The stand Lost Pet. o 1. OOO a .750 3 .625 4 'Soo 4 .500 5 .375 6 .250 8 .000 The closing exercises of St. Ann's school will take ;plaee next Thurs day evening In the school hall, Sev enth and Daries avenue, and the programme will eoosist of an op eretta entitled "Just Plain Dot" and musical numbers, vocal and Instrumental. Eighty-nine candidates were in itiated last week at Fort Wayne. Tho Iowa councils have sub scribed for $65,000 worth of Liberty loan bonds. There were nearly 100 In tho class given the second and third at Indianapolis. Seventy-five new members have Just been received Into the order at Steubenvllle, Ohio. St Patrick's Council, Cincinnati, has -purchased a lot 75x125 feet on Main avenue, on which a council home will he erected. One of the most auspicious frv ternal events in the history of Ohio Willi be the fourth degreo exemplifi cation at Dayton on October 14. A class of 123 received the fourth degree at Detroit &nd at the ban quet that followed ?37,000 worth of Liberty bonds were subscribed for. The growth of the council at St. Joseph's Mo., continues unabated, applications being received at every meeting. There will be a big third degree Initiation on July 1. -. Indianapolis Council and the Wives and daughters of members will entertain at a plcnlo dinner and dance this afternoon the 600 Cath olic soldiers at Fort Ben Harrison, " Louisville Council will doubtless take the lead In providing recrea tion quarters and chapel for Cath olic soldiers who will be stationed at the new mobilization and training earap here. bbbbbbWbbbbbbbbbbbv ........j.;.,, ivi AUUU5I PRIMARY 1917 CHAS. C. WHEELER CANDIDATE FOR Subject to vie"V"Tf' COUNTY JUDGE! the Action of the Democratic Party, 41iWit lillTIiB CnANCB. Sixty per cent, of the men in the officers' resrve training earap at Fort Niagara are Catholics. Is there any- camp in the united States army wbere such per eent. of the men are the self-styled "Guardians! of America T" .tfJjB 1917 'bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbW BBBW W BSbV. Hjjj. t017 . August Primary 1917 Allen E. Smith CANDIDATE FOIt County Assessor Subject to Action of Democratic Party. 1.017 August Primary 1017 P. S. RAY CANDIDATE FOIt County Clerk Subject to Action of Democratic Party Primary August ,4 1017 N AD0LPH SCHMITT CANDIDATE FOR TAX RECEIVER Sublet t the Astiea of the DemeeJatia Parly , f r X, - - i' , yr.- i ii' 1 -" -el