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' JbCETTTJOKY IKtIIX JMBIOA:a5:. 9Sm wS sS-sL. '(' ItA? EASY TERMS &rv& lmv- f 3 3 ;JU-r UEfc. kzL. ". , " s .isr- : ;'wi' -s, it jf. nx , llll IHiawMHMMMiaiHflMMC The Kaufman Straus Store insures Supe- rior advantages in its bountiful col- lections of apparel and dress accessoriesr in its representation of autheutic fashioas and its rigid adherence to a high and un deviating quality standard. THE SOUTH'S HIGHEST CLASS DEPARTMENT STOha Wlmmmtttmt& 0. IMCOMMMAttn WHEN YOU WANT Wheel Tickets TRY THIS OFFICE. PRICES ARE RIGHT. Slarti a Savines Account with this safe, conservative, Slxtv-one year-old Bank, to which you can add 11.00 or more at any time. We add absolute safety and 3 per cent. No cost to you whatever The same courteous attention given the depositor of $1.00 or the depositor of $10,00. - GERMAN INSURANCE BANK Vttfer ttte Biz CM Stata Governaeat Supervision Second and Market JOS. DOUGHERTY, President. E. E. LANNING, Vice President EDW. H. NIEHAUS, Sec. and Treas. DOUGHERTY & LANNING COAL CO. INCORPORATED Wholesale and Retail Coal, Speecial Furnace Coal, CAR LOTS A SPECIALTY. Office and YardsFifteenth and Magnolia Avenue South 906y FAMOUS STATUE DEMOLISHED TO MAKE SHELLS.. Word received here from Petrograd (tells of the famous nfonument erected to Catherine II. of Russia in that city and its recasting Into shells at the request of the Committee of Soldiers. HIBERNIANS. WhaX They Have Been Doing the Past Week General News Notes. City 3101 I.OUISVIIXE, KT. Where the QuicK Meal Comes In work .Where the brightest; Where the lightest; Where the meal la coked best; Where the range' stands the test .That's where the "Quick Meal" comes bL. CEimZs JTf Where work Is quickly done; Where cooking seems real fan; Where baking gives de light; Where drudge is oat of sight That's where the "Quick Meal" eomec In. Division 4 will meet next Monday evening. Tho Ladies' Auxiliary of Los An geles received communion In a body for speedy peace. President Tom Lynch, of Division 4, who was on the sick list, is back at work again. The Hibernian Social Club is ex pecting, big audiences at Its vaude ville! and picture snow on ucioDer 17. John J. Mulroy was awarded $40 in gold for securing most ntew mem bers in the Baltimore contest just ended. The Ladles' Auxiliary of (Portland, Ore., will stage a comedy to raise funds to furnish a mass outfit for a war chaplain. -nivlsinn 2 of Syracuse makes Its meeting interesting by adjourning early and then enjoying card games and refreshments. There is interest and enthusiasm at the meetings of the Ladies' Auxil iary in Minneapolis -when visited by tho Irish Literary Club. Tho Ladies Auxiliary of South Omaha meets frequently at the homes of members and spenda the evening very pleasantly. Omaha Hibernians w"".l be repre sented with a striking float in the Ak-Sar-Ben parade, tho big event of the year In that city. Tho membership of tho order in Ti-nintwi anrt Croat Blrtalrt Is 55,386. TMa does not include (the insured members, numbering auu.uuu morning tho prayers', works and sufferings of tho day to tho Sacred Heart in reparation for sin and who is brought frequently to the altar rail by lovo of the Sacred Heart will Boon show the needed spiritual strength to . resist the temptations that are certain, sooneT or later, to cross its path. Again, wo know how pleasing to God are tho prayers of innocent hearts. Ho is ever ready to hear and grant the petitions of his llttlo ones. How powerful will not their prayers bo as members of tho league In ob taining for the church and for all our associates the favors needed and requested of th.o Sacred Hoatrtl "Suffer tho little children to co-mo to me, and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of God." As our llttlo ones are so dear to Christ, let us then show our zeal and see that they are enrolled in the Apos tlesblp of Prayer and taught tho real meaning of devotion to the Sacred Heart Every Catholic school may become a center of tho league and every classrootm a fruit ful nursery of promoters iln tho great apostolic work. NEWS FROM CAMP. Announcement that Itev. Father Edward Mahoney, of New York Olty, had been assigned to Camp Zaaho!ry Taylor as an army' chaplain and would celebrate mass Sunday mlorn irJg, attracted a large crowd to tho Knights of Columbus Dunaing, many of tho soldiers receiving holy communion. The three Buildings tfre now nearly furnished and will soon bo ready for tho formal open ing. Alphonse Ohllgschlager, who was appointed Secretary to the Knights of Columbus work at Camp Zachary Taylor, was called into the new army with) tho second quota and had KNIGHTS Oil BGIMBIIS Lato News That Will Interest v Members Here and Elsewhere. Quick Meal Gas Hastes Sold, Installed aad Highly Reconmeaded GEHER & SON, w. maI&t ST. ....GOLDEN OAK BLOCK.... WALLINS CREEK LUMP FAVORITES FOR HOME USB. High in Heat. Low in Ash. S6ANL0N GOAL GOMPflNY Heme City 405 INCORFOXATKD. NINTHJAND KENTUCKY. Giimb. South 415 -u Autos and Taxis For Hire BOTH PHONES 2399 Give us a trial for first-class service. We are as close to you as your phone. Prompt service, day and . night. PACKARD CARS. Courteous and reliable chauffeurs tur specialty, dive us a call. Lee Young Automobile Co. SEVENTH, NEAR BROADWAY. AUTOMOBILE ACCESSORIES FEDERAL TIRES, VULCANIZING. FREE SERVICE. FALLSCITYVULCANIZINGCO. 1101-eX KAST BROAD WAT. M I II II 1 II 1 1MH i i II II 1 1 1 1 1 f 1 1 1 i I H 1 1 1 1 1 II II M II Mm Tm. & Timc I n iwffKLf The' lntrtWrt reconuhended by Hi "HbUiMM Pod .Benedict XV. . . , for the member o tiij Lgu o "ithie Pacred. Hrt during October 1b IIP. BANN0N PIPE Cfc : &33E?US3f2 i , , Ilm well (We ibjotiuiwj n nwi ' SvmraMtCalvartliM. ..the Hitl dn t th6 Hook clwwr BaMasrHtLi44(rVMrSMwCM4k, '' stent in' youthful xrala for the Walt CeafauL Dmla TB. TVta4ft4 BVUik. . ,' adcred Heart of Jeeus will bear W - ' j . .. J t ' fruit in th4 coming year, for If J I wo nurture with fare In our Qaih- ol lc youtn tne irue love oi um sutmm Heart and all that thla beu- ' ) tlful deYotioa algnlftes we ahall be . . instilling a hatred or ii and a ' ' seat Una rewwatlqtt f or th stn I WOHX-18tk imi Braefc. a4 AUajaotto Ave., Bet. 9tk mni it)i. of otbWra. Such deyoUoo a bound ' . to taU ht their lives. TUe child 4lllllll)lllli)IHIIIIH)lfHH)l)IIHIIIIIHH)I who is taught to' olter up TtT X rtra It?, FHm Liaise, Fir Brktt rata aa4 Belter Tile, firMual Fire Clay, CUmm tf. OPFICB 538, WBST JEFFBRSON HOMlHOHCTY57.17. OUMU. MAIN 07. n rAllnnulBli the work. Ho is now C2 2 of Baltimore woa tho 'with tho 33Cth infantry and will bo -'-'""'-- . . i. . IM .a AnrrlnoATinP nirriia'rT.TTlni.. J1HLL Hag content for securing xiio largest m.Tnw nf now members. Division G won tho other flag on the pro rata basis. "Hoover special" refreshments, arranged "by tho ladies, -wero tho feature of tho social sido of tho meeting of tho order Monday night at Portland, ure. Members of tho Third Oregon n,i trnnAJhvn to their friends at tho last meeting of tho Anpient Order in Portland and requested enuujont to organize a division from th'o boys in tho ranks, The Ladies' Auxiliary of "Wjash Ington, D. C presented Rov. Lpwis J. O'Hem, C. S. P., with a check for $500, to be used by him foir tno soldiers and sailors In any mariner ho deems advisable. Mrs. Mary McWhorter, National President of tho Ladies' Auxiliary, visited Boston and was tendered a reception at Faneull Hall. Itev. Philip O'Donnell offered tho prayer npd Mayor Curley brought greetings from tho city and praised tho work of tho Ancient Order. Division 2 of Rome, N. Y., held a reception for members before their departure for army service. After spirited addresses by Very Rev. Father Careon and others the soldier boys wero presented prayer books, soldiers' comfort kits, pass ports of the order and receipts for their dues in; full until the termina tion of th war. EVENING CLASSES OPENED. Evening classes in English and stenography opened at St. Helena's rrnnrmarclnl Collctee. G25 Fourth nvMitiR. Monday evening, October 1 Any standard shorthand system mas bo Btuttiea, unciuaing mo lasu uyu. very accurate now Speed wa method, which affords Tapid writing with great reading power, In half the time usually ddvfoted to the mas tery of shorthand. The English course Includes the study of spell ing, grammar, sentence writing, definitions', pronunciation, punctua tion, word distinction, enrona of dally usage, English literature and readings from th'eclaeelos. A cus tom which haa proven: popular, in terestlrig and most beneficial I the weekly story telling. Each girl Is assigned a classic short story to read; od which! she is required to narrate ln her beet Knllh to the ckua, who rewrite the tale and hand their papers for'coixebtloB. OOTORRR INTENTION. In tho engineering department. Ben Sandman has been appointed as Secretary with Will Kelly aa as sistant. They will soon bo located permanently at tho camp. For tho past fow years Secnotary Sandman has been engaged In tho legal de partment or tho L. & N. Railroad Company. He la Xast getting things In shapo so as tk havo tho tbreo buildings open an tjio iime. wueu seen Tuesday ho said: "Tho National committee on war Activities of tho Knights of Colum bus is going to equip tno Auaium iim and two club buildings at Camp Zachatty Taylor with Columbia Graf- onolas. These are promised ior un livery on Friday of this weoK, anu while a small number of records will bo sent, nevertheless wo would Kirn in nnfc anv interested parties to go over theli cabinets and If therd aro any reoorus mat aro somowuiii Airi -nionsn find ua a nostal card and a messenger will be sent to call for them. Victor records can aiso uo played on tho Columbia machine, and the samo request would apply to good books and to ahleet music as' well as music rolls, for each building will also navo a player piano. Tho committee ibegs to as sure you that the above will bo ap preclated by tho soldier boys now quartered here;" - Foi' tho Information of friends who may want to attend mass at tho Auditorium on tho Poplar Level rcfald tomorrow 'it may bo statctd that a bus will leavo Fourth and Walnut streets commencing at G o'clock In tho morning and every hour tnero- after, ftMATEUIt CHAMPIONSHIP. .ast Sunday seventy candidates received tho thlm degree at Denver. Mllwaukeo Council shows steady progress along all lines for the past year. Ben Sandmann will make an ex cellent Secretary for Camp Zachary Taylor. Fort Wayno Council Is in good condition financially, having nissets Ul ?1f,UUI, Tho membership mark In Donver la now over 1,000, and efforts will he mafdo to orlng it up to 2,000. Thanksgiving day has been set for tho .fourth degree exempllflca' tlon at Denver, when there will bo 100 candidates. Denver Knights aro making great preparation fior tho reception of Bishop Tihen when ho takes ohargd of tho Denver diocese. Cincinnati, Archbishop Elder and St. Gabriel Councils aro taking a mall ballot upon tha question of merging Into ono body. Gov. Stanley has promised to mako the principal speech at tho Newport celebration of Columbus day on Court Housq Square. Chaplains are now ready for tho soldiers at the army cantonments. These priests of tho K. of C. will ac company tho boys to France. Tho Knights of Utlca and Blnig hamton gave, stirring patriotic re ceptions to members Who wero called Into their country's soitvico. Flaget Council of Chllllcothe, Ohio, has -undertaken) to ralso $4,500 for suitable quarters in that city for visitors to camp smmnan. Ninety young men of the Ninth Cincinnati draft district were given a farewell by Prlco Hill Council, tho banquet being served on the lawn of tho club house. On the Householders' Club Plan Of Purchase At STEWART'S There are a great, many things which you can buy at Stewart '8 on which you need make only a small payment down. Among these are. furniture, rugs, many line of houae furnishings, etc. Ten months aro given in which to complete tho payment. Tho interest wo charge is less than the so-called "fee." WE GIVE AND REDEEM THE VALUABLE SURETY COUPONS Annually, thousands of dollars (of merchandise), have been returned to collectors of Surety Coupons through their redemption. "Wo give and redeem these valuable coupons, which means a most substantial saving on all your pur chases. WE WELCOME COMPARISON OP STEW ART PRICES ON ANY MERCHANDISE. Stewart Dry Goods Co IVCOKPCHATt ' h Caswclisn Wilh James Mc Creeiy I Ca New V k. OTflXiHWtfflfiHMiMW FOR OVER THIRTY YEARS HOLLOTTS GOOD COFFEE Has been tho favorite kind. The quality is pr tho best and our prices are the fairest. Try frlP our New Blend, a i-2 lbs VUi Speolal Anto Delivery Service. JOHN M. MULLOY Both Phone. 1323 . 212 W. Market St. ESTABLISHED 1883. HELPS 'RED CIIOSS. Tho Knlghto of Columbus team in Its last two, series with Cincinnati and New Orleans played somo of the finest defense games over srten here. Tho Infield, with Tavp Hammond on first, Capt. Keneally at second, Bua O'Brien on third and Boeemeyer, tho peer of all local lnflelders, at short, th$ Kndghts preaent tno iasx eet array of amateur talent procur hlA. RriMmever's work at short (has been the aeffiteaiton' of the elim ination serlee. accepting fourteen oh'anoB against New Orleans -without thel semblance; of a mteplay. Manager Breanahair; of the muu Hn.' trid hrd to tret the K. C. short stop to Join hta club 6n their test Ml here, but B0wmeyer pr ferred to pmy amwteur bm ana nwa his position: with the IIHnoU CeartHal railway, rather than taka a chmBice with a. Ull mod club. The Knights' outfield is eompoeed of Clifford In left, Hamilton in center ana uosier and OTugWIn plyin rlgM. All of these outneldewf hve played re markable ball, Hamilton winning Ute Cincinnati gam with hta thfree baaa drive, and Clifford -wKh. hia wkderful fielding kept, the New Qrleaxto aeore down. Bobannan and BalUrd wwat both be gfven credit for taking hoM and pitching after Clreal broke down in the Cincinnati twelve-inning game on Labor day. It vm up to tne Kdgnia- owier hurlera to battle1 for supremacy aaint CininnaU and New Orleaaa. and now that Clreal baa had a two week rest, be will be called, on to pitch the' ttrat same, of the moat im portant series of the year. Lbuisp vtlle has tried for air years to win a' world's cbampioashiptKl. Among? tho now sowing: units of tho local chapter of tho Red Cross which havo been formed recently Is that of tho Sacred Heart congrega tion wthlch already has a largo mem bership. Many otheoj units havo boon organlzd and tho good work Is being continued in) all sections of the city and county. Adapting Itself tjot new conditions that constantly arise with tho prog ress of tho war tho Louisville Chap tor has established both day and night classes in surgical dressings, tho members of which will bd taught to mako compresses and other surgical dressings required In the treatment of wounds by tho ir rigation method, an invention by Din. Alexis Carrol, which has proven ono of tho greatest things In tho war, as by its means wounds heal much quicker tnan romneriy. -airs, Fulton Mandovlllo and Mrs. J. Stod dard Johnston, Jr., will bo In chargo of these classes. Leaders Inl tha Hed Cross work do not slacken In their efforts to have still more units nnd twerv womtan in tho county and city is being urged to devoto sorao of Tier tlmo to this all Important work. Much of the work knitting, aewlnir and tho- preparation of com fort baga for tho soldiers may bo done at homo, and with approaching wlntter it Is hoped that -tho number of workers will rapidly Increase. BE SURE TO CALL FOR McRENNA WHISKY IT IS ALWAYS PURE. H, McKenna, Distiller, Fairfield, HyT K - K YELLOWSTONE THE PHIL. HOLLENBAOH 00. The Great American incorporate) WHISEHY Distiller Of TAYIXm & WILLIAMS OLD FOUTUNA SOUR MASH INCORPORATED. "HOLLENBAOH" PURE RYB LOUISVILLE, KY. 038 W. Mala St. Louisville, Ky ST. CECTLTA'S. A musical, euchro and lotto will bo given by tho LaSallo Club of tha Blessed Virgin's Sodality of St. Cecilia's church In tho school hall, Twenty-fifth and St Cecilia, on Tuesday evening, October 1G, for the benefit of the new school. Tho musical programme will be rendered at & o'clock and euchre and lotto tramGs will he called at 8:30. Hand some prises have been secured and each ono not receiving a prise -wm be entitled to draw for the tally prlzti $2.S0 in gold. In addition to the above a oeauuiui quin anu a nalt1 of hand-ombroldered pillow slips will he disposed of. Admission will be. free. The following arter- noon, October 17, front 2:30 to 5 oclock, a "cniiarens penny social will be held In the school hall. Ad mission will be one cent, country store one cent, grab ba one cent, etc. The young ladles extend an Invitation to all their mend to come and help make their ealer- tatnmen&I si success. TI1ROXO, TIJK CHURCH. Ht. Michael's church on Brook street waa thronged, last Sunday nwwnlng and evening w&en tne feast of St. Michael waa. observed with liuoressiYe services, procession and one of the. largest choirs ever hetoiid here. The Rev. jfatMer Knos, O. P.. nraached at both the morning and eveaing services, add made an lmpreaeion on Ms nearer that win be lasting, Hiss senwona were pro aoanead unsursaasad by aey evert bteard la that old-time ekureh edl- jHWL If 1 I DINNER INCOMPLETE if WITHOUT F.F.X.L.BEER NONE PURER NONE BETTER i Prompt "Delivery Service?" Sure.! CALL NO. 467 EITHER PHONE, l4 AAallAAAftefctfftAJfcAafeAAaVAAAAAAAAatXL IN BOTTLES FOR HOME USE OERTEL BREW CREAM BEER SATISFIES THAT LONGING. JOHN F. OERTEL CO. PHONE CITY 859. INCOXPQRATCr A Case of Good Judgi FALL CI Extra Pale Lager Due to the great demand we and if you have tried the rest set fHONES Home Shawnee 58 air Cum3. Pkw Wst 191 WIED BREWING Celebrated Draughi at all leading bars and, cafes. Rene QRBER DBUSER, L-Ca- k . "iLtSifcrtfcw'.AV:- aw tL" IbliuduM adk ,