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jecErarciOB:v r -- Aj&ftj&RicxajEtt.. S.( ! IHEFMAN STRAUS SONS J We dive and Redeem Qold Trading Stamps. CONFIRMATION HIBERNIANS. What They Have Been Doing the Past Week General News Notes. SUITS FOR BOYS NORFOLK SUITS OF BLUE SERGE PRICED AT $6.45 $7.45 $10 White Shirts and Blouses TO GO WITH CONFIRMATION SUITS 60c 79c $1,001 I NEW LINES OF WHITE GOODS AND LACES f X J FOR GIRLS' WEAR. a Liberty Insurance Bank TEMPORARY QUARTERS SOUTHWEST CORNER THIRD AND MAIN. Hundreds are joining our War Savings Club. One dollar's worth of Blue Ribbon Garden Seed free with every new savines deposit of $1.00 or more. Clnb limited to 1,000 members. Division 4 will meet Monday and Division 3 next Friday night. The Hibernians of Portland, Ore., will spend tomorrow on the Colum bia river. A euchre and lotto will bo given by Division 3 on Tuesday evening, August 27. If the Hibernian ball team wins tomorrow the pennant flag Is pretty nearly assured. President John Riley, of Division 3, urges the members to carry the banner till the hoys come home. County President John Hennessy wants the rooters out In full to morrow for the A. O. H.-K. of C. gamp. Rudy Sommers won the Tim O'Leary prize Sunday, while Harper, O'Loughlln and Linton received the other ball team prizes. The Hamilton County Board of the Ladles' Auxiliary held its monthly meeting Monday night at tho Hotel Gibson, Cincinnati. See John Hennessy, James Mc Tlghe or Mike McDormott with your donation for the ball team prizes to be awarded tomorrow. New York will hold no State con vention this year. Eighty divisions voted for postponement until next year and five for the convention. President Frank Murphy says the annual picnic of tho Milwaukee Hi bernians will be of war slgnlnlcance and that previous affairs will bear no comparison. Tho Ladles' Auxiliary of Syracuse suffored a distinct loss by the death of Mrs. Johanna Murray Dwyer, a member who stood high with all classes in that city. The annual Irish day outing of the Ladles' Auxiliary will bo the only Hibernian affair held in In dianapolis this year. The pro gramme for the occasion will be at tractive and elaborate. A Jackie band of 100 pieces from tho Great Lakes naval training sta tion will play for the Milwaukee Hibernian picnic on August 17. Twenty-five girls will dance Irish jigs and reels and community sing ing will stir the Trlsh heart. CHANGE OF IJONDS ItASEHALL MOONLIGHT. The members of the Trinity Council Y. M, I. Athletic Association will Entertain with a moonlight ex cursion on the steamer Pilgrim next Tuesday evening, dancing, music and refreshments to be features. The association Is composed of the backers of the Trinity baseball team of the Twin City League, and Twin City players and fans are es pecially Invited to be present. Amellng's Jazz hand will render the musical programme. Manager Moore and Capt. Car raro are the Committee of Arrange ments and they guarantee a pleas ant time to their guests. , TWIN CITY LEAGUE. Tho contest In the Twin City League for tho pennant was nar rowed down to two teams Sunday when the Hibernians won out over the Vernon Club In a 10 to 1 con test, the feature of the game being the all around work of Harper for the winners, while Jackson starred for the losers. The K. of C. club held on to the tio for first place by heating Mackln in an exciting con test, the final score being 5 to 4. There are only two more games to bo played and the winners of the Hlbernian-K. of C. game tomorrow will come pretty near copping: the pennant Tho schedule for tomor row Is as follows: Vernon vs. Trin ity, Champs vs. Mackln and A. O. H. vs K. of C. The standing to date: W L Pet. Hibernians 7 2 .778 K. of C 7 2 .778 Vernon 6 3 .667 Mackin 5 5 .500 Trinity 3 6 .333 Champs o 10 .000 HB K. I. A. Mulloy's New Blend Coffee 2 1-2 Lbs. For 65c A OCrrEE THAT IS XHOWX TOX ZZ8 FX2TB OTTF QTALTTT. JOHN M. MXJIvIvOY Importer and Jloastor of High Grade Coffee, Bold Direct to Consumer. aw w.jhsjucst st. aeuiKvixaa, xr. Return thla advertisement with remittance and we will ship Coffes by Parcel Post, all charges prepaid. The issue of registered bonds of the Third Liberty loan has pro gressed so far that transfers and exchanges of registered for coupon bonds will bo made until August 15. The registry books will be closed on the later date In order to prepare checks for Interest payments on September 15. Bonds may be pre sented during such period for trans fer or exchange, but such transac tion will be effected after September 15 and the September intorest paid to whomever was holder of tho bonds on August 15 Coupon bonds presented after August 15 for ex change for registered bonds should havo tho Septemher interest coupon detached; the registered bonds is sued upon such exchange will bear Interest from September 15. FJjAQ FOR. THE ROYS. SECOND AND BRECKINRIDGE, LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY. Teaches Book-keeping, Penmanship, Shorthand, Typewriting and kindred subjects. ' Day and Night classes tho year round. Our system Is right; our prices ore right; wo treat you right. Enroll any time. J. D. GREAGER, Prin. Where the QuicK Meal Comes In Where the bom la brightest; Where tho work U lightest; Where the raeI Is ooked best; Where the range staBdj the test That's where the "Quick Meal" comes I II 3 I Wm Where work Is quickly done; Where cooking seemi real fun; Where baking gives de light; Where drudge is rat of sight That's where tike "Quick Meal" IB. Sunday morning there was an unusually large attendance at St. Mary's church, Eighth and Cedar, to witness the dedication and blessing of a service flag for the boys of that church who are now serving In tho army and navy. Rev. Father Westermann, the pastor, conducted tho ceremonies, which were solemn ized with high mass. The forty stars on the 'flag represent John Miller, Raymond Nltzken, Henry NItzken, Nicholas Hosier, Raymond Bosler, Henry Deddens, Herman Deddens, J. B. Alberts, G. B. Al berts, William Ferry, Victor Hackel, Edward Lepplng, Clifford Fleltz, John Black, Andrew Glass, W. J. O'Leary, William Hlldebran, John Fuelthoelter, Aug. Krapp, Carl Hill. bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbK' ' TVjUiii9 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBsKfvHHfiSbE ssssssssssssssF 'W9H?:imM Mm m Mm I J WMt mmi iffm mB3m ' I ' 3HB ISBBBBBliM .1 ffK&FV") HlbBs&iUHiiflBH KMUIITS 8 IMUMBHS Late News That Will Interest Members Here and Elsewhere. I Shoes for The Kiddies BEN VOOR. Former slugger in the Twin City League and active member of St. Vincent de Paul's church. .Now lining 'em out In the soldiers' base ball games over In France. Initiation free for the fourth de gree Is now $20. J. Ray Johnson Is filling the bill as managing editor of tho war news service. Nominations for officers for the next year will now afford interest everywhere. When Utlca Council opened Us now cvmnaslum them wast a naradn I during the evening. j? Last week tne order subscribed for ?2,500,000 worth of tho last Issue of treasury certificates of in debtedness. Father A. A. Dinand, chaplain at Camp Lewis, Ore., has been pre sented a new roadster by the K. of C. For hundred nuns and 150 or phans picnicked last week at Krug Park, Omaha, as guests of the Knights of Columbus. Last week 1C6 candidates re ceived the third degreo at Utlca, N. Y. The council there is one of the largest In the country. Tho Knights of Columbus hut at Camp Syracuse has been opened. It it located right in the center of things and has already leaped into popularity. Flaget Fourth Degree Assembly will furnish tho K. of C. recreation hall at Fort Thomas with a constant supply of smoking tobacco for tho soldier boys there. President Wilson officially en dorsed the "Knights of Columbus Coney Island Week Drive," begin ning August 26. The resort will be turned over to tho Knights. The new five-story building erected by the Knights at Butte, Mont., Is now ready for occupancy. It is a credit to tho city. Tho structure Is modeled after the Flor entine typo and cost $125,000. Best Kinds Are at "The Boston." 5 For the young miss who wears a size from 1 1 to 2 we are showing a Shoe of extraordinary qual ity at ILVYES THE LATEST. JIECENT DEATHS. Mrs. Anna Talt, Widow of Will iam Tait and one of Louisville's old est residents, passed into eternal test Tuesday morning, Her funeral took place from Barrett's chapel Thursday morning with requiem mass at St. John's church. OUTGROWS QUARTERS. Quick Meal Gas Raaftea Sold, Installed aad Highly Recommended GEHER & SON, w. ma&5et st L L LANNING, PRES. Fiftieth and Mapwlla Ctty 3101 S. 96BY J. Ml DOUGHERTY, Vice Prts. Kiln Office-First and A Sts. City 510 S. lOSSY E. H. NIEHAUS, Sec.-Treas Elevator Pope and Payne Highland 1462 Tho St. Helen's Ca-operatlvo Club, founded two yeais ago and now recognized as one of the lead ing young women's clubs of Louis ville, owing to Its large member ship, now nearly 500, which has been meeting in the community room of St. Helen's Commercial College, must seek larger quarters for its monthly gatherings. The assembly hall in Presentation Acad emy building has been tendered and Its acceptance will be acted on ,at the next meeting. Miss Anna Moroney, aged fifty six and for anany years an esteemed resident of Lolusville, died Tuesday at the residence of her nephew, John Moroney, 2641 West Ken tucky streot. Her funeral took place Thursday morning with re quiem high mass at St. Charles Borromeo church. Mrs. Mamie Knobel, aged twenty-nine, beloved wife of Ben Kno bel, died Monday aftornoon at her home, 406 South Twentieth street, and the news spread a pall of gloom among her many friends. Besides her husband she leaves a son and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Otto. Her funeral took place Thursday imornlng from St. An thony's church. Johnny Hayes, who a few years ago swept across the athletic sky as a star of tho first magnitude when he won the Marathon race at the Olympic games In London, Is anxious to do "his bit" In the war by serving as a Knights of Colum bus Secretary overseas. Until 1908 Hayes, clerking in a New York department store, had done nothing to signalize himself. Ho was a good clerk, selling ribbons by day and training In long-distance runs by night. Then came the Olympic games, and Hayes became a world wide celebrity when he was first to break the tape In tho famous Marathon. Incidentally he woro the colors of the Irish-American Athletic Club, Now York City. It was tho iirst Marathon in the Olympic games ever won by a runner from this country. Young Hayes bore his honors modestly, accepting tho tri butes paid him gratefully, but never forcing himself into the limelight of publicity unless he was called upon to do so. What he liked to do best of all was to train young runners so they some day might bring additional glory to tho ranks of American runners. His advice, as director of physical training, has been sought by many and ho Is now engaged in supervising the training of students at North Bergen, N. J., under the direction of tho Board of Education. 3.50 Brown, Black or Patent, I Button or Lace. See These Before Buying the Next Pair 417-419 FOURTH AVE., LOUISVILLE. edifjeeaiefetajf 83 4WQQQW$Q&$Q4&fr$&i&Q&S&&&$&&$&$4QQ&fyQQtt ruimiuKE When you buy Purniture you should buy the kind that is nt made to give away with trading stamps or cheap, trashy premiums. We do not handle trading stamps, but good Purniture, Car pets, Stoves and Ranges at low prices. JAMES GREENE 415-417 EAST MARKET STREET. S CLUB UNFURLS FLAG. Tho Columbia Athletic Club un furled a beautiful service flag Tues day night at the club house on East St. Catherine street. A large number of members and their friends wore present, and the exer cises were patriotic and interesting. President Ben Beckman ' Introduced the speakers, and to the families of soldier and sailor members it was demonstrated that the Columbia Athletic Club is with and behind them to tho last man. BE SURE TO CALL FOR McRENNA WHISKY IT IS ALWAYS PURE. H. HcKenna, Distiller, Fairfield, fiy, HOLLBNBAOn'S WINE HOUSH Karl A. Hollenbach, Prop. Importer and Dealer in WINES AND LIQUORS 144 South Third Streot Home Phone 1191 THE PHIL. HOLLENBACH CO, INCORPORATED Distillers Of OLD PORTUNA SOUK MASH "HOLLKNBAOH" PUBB RYB IH W. Mala St. Ixmlrdlle, X RETURNS TO ST. XAVTER'S. HARVEY-JELLICO COAL CO. (INCOnPOItATKD) SERVICE QXJAIIODY - DISTRIBUTORS OF THE High Grade Eastern Kentucky Lump Coal All coal sold at Government prices. Place your next order with us. Terms cash. .jj U. ). BANNON, PnsWwtMd Maiugtf. P. BAMNOH, JR., Vice Pns. and Trail. 1 IP. BANNON PIPE CO. Sewer and Calvert Pipe, e BaHBea's Patent Lidded Pise for Steam Conduits, f Wall (Vinlnrf- rirain Tito. Vttrlfiad Mrlett. Si ..-.. r- 1 iFire Preefiag, Flae LialBtj, Fire Brlcfc Grate aad Seller Tile, Fire Clay, Chimney Tops. I ? nPPICP 8.V1 SOUTH THIRTEENTH STREET. PHONES CITY 573.17S6, CUMB. MAIN 507. WORKS-Thirteeatli aad BreelciAridile ami Ninth aad MainoU. 2 tttWHI)eBfatftf The Itov. Brother Benjamin, President of St. Xavler's College, has returned from San Francisco, whero ho attended the national con vention of the Catholic Educational Association. Brother Benjamln'8 address on high schools for boys was given close attention and his suggestions received marked ap proval upon all sides. Sunday afternoon the funeral of John J. Murphy was held from the Cathedral, where he had been a member 'from boyhood. Deceased was fifty-two years old and was en gaged in the tailoring business here until appointed 'to take charge of Government -work at the Quarter master's Depot In Jeffersonvllle. Generous and affable, he made friends readily, and by them his death Is sincerely mourned. He Is survived by four sisters, Mrs. Cllf Allhands. of Sellersburg, Ind.: Mrs. Ella Moran and Mrs. John Clancy, of Louisville, and Mrs. Graham, of San Diego. DID COURTEOUS ACT. The Catholic Columbian in Its report of the opening of tho K. of C. building at Columbus, Ohio, makes this pleasant reference to the late Prior at St. Louis Bor land's: "Father Crowley, O. P., did the courteous act gracefully in the closing speech at the K. of C. open ing programme on Wednesday, when ho thanked tho Catholic Order of Foresters, the Ancient Order of Hi bernians and C. W. W. ' R. A. for substantial offerings during the past six months in the religious welfare worir at the barracks. I 4 a. j DINNER INCOMPLETE I ii ii ANNUAL ELECTION. CHAPLAIN'S RECEPTION. There will bo a reception to tho members of tho present chaplain school of Camp Zachary Taylor at the meeting of tho Knights of Columbus next Wednesday evening, Rev. Father Fealy to act as lecturer, and an address on "Over There" and "Glimpses of Europe During War Time" will be given by Rev. Patrick O'Neill, who has been at the front. WILL RESIDE IIERE. Miss Margaret McAullffe, of Brazil, Ind., and Lieut. James Hal stead, of Camp Zachary Taylor, wero married Sunday morning by tho Rev. J. B. Dolaney, of St. Bartholomew's church at Columbus. Tho couple will reside at Louis ville. CARE FOR OUR BOYS. letters from two French nuns telling of tho care being given to the American soldiers In France have been received by the American fund for French wounded at Its New York beadquartors. The nuns letter contained messages of grati tude to this country for its partici pation in tho war and assurances that tho American wounded are nursed as carefully as the French soldiers; His many friends and acquaint ances wore greatly shocked Monday afternoon when It became known that Thomas R. Gllchrwt had Ifallen victim to the excessive heat at the Flnzer Tobacco Company. Tom Gilchrist had lived a useful and ex emplary life and -was held In high esteom by all with whom he ever associated. He resided at 111 West Drecklnrldge street and leaves one son, James J. Gilchrist. For eight years tho deceased had been chief engineer at tho County Jail. A de vout and practical Catholic, his fu neral was held Wednesday morning from St. Charles Borromeo church. CROWDS AT FERRY. Sufferers from the extremely hot weather have ifound relief at Fon taine Ferry Park, -which has been dally crowded with thousands en Joying the refreshing ibreezes from the Indiana Knobs. The outdoor at tractions have been taxed by the Ferry patrons and tho splendid bill in tho theater has been witnessed by full houses. Next week's bill la a "hummer," and if tho warm weather continues the Ferry will doubtless draw record crowds. The annual eloction of officers of St. Helen's Co-operative Club will take place at the regular meeting next Monday evening. At this meet ing it will also be determined whether the annual motor trip of tho club will have for its destina tion Nazareth Academy or Geth-semane. FIFTEEN YOUNG PRTESTS. Tho ordination of tho largest class in the history of St. Mary's Seminary, Cleveland, will take place on September 14. Fifteen young men will take the priest's vows In St. John's Cathedral. Their ordina tion has been advanced six months because of tho urgent call for war chaplains, whose places it Is neces sary to fill as quickly as possible. WORLD'S LARGEST CROSS. WITHOUT Km r yv !- BEER NONE PURER NONE BETTER I Prompt "Delivery Service?" Sure. I CALL NO. 467 EITHER PHONE, t4e)eX i Home City 1389 BOTH PHONES Cum I). Main 1389 PHST MS CO. INCORPORATED FOURTEENTH AND JEFFERSON STS. LOUISVILLE KENTUCKY GIVEN THE nABIT. Miss Stella Navlllo, of Floyd Knobs, Ind., was one of five young women Just received Into tho order of the Sisters of St. Francis at the mother house in Syracuse. The solemn "high mass was sung by the meat The dally output Very Rev. Leo Greuiich, o. m. u. j cartridges is now o,uuu,uuu Cardinal Farley has been asked to come to Poughkeepsle, N. Y., to bless what is believed to bo tho largest cross in the world, which has been erected in St. Peter's cemetery. It Is thirty-four feet above the ground and imbedded In a concrete foundation which is about ten feet deep. Granite-concrete blocks fastened to a steel frame wero used In Its construction. DAILY OARTRTOGE OUTPUT. On ono day in June last approxi mately 27,000,000 cartridges of va rious descriptions were produced in the United States manufacturing plant3 for tho United States Govern or Falls City Beer Extra Pale Lager Peerless Common Dae to the treat demand we are bow BOTTLING COMMON and It you have tried the rest get the BEST. PHONES Home Shawnee 58 and 59. Cumberland West 69. IN BOTTLES FOR HOME USE OERTEL BREW CREAM BEER SATISFIES THAT LONGING. JOHN F. OERTEL CXX PHONE CITY 859. INCORPORATED LOUISVILLE, KYt 1 ( t 1 . t