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1 t i HIKT5 TO 1XEIOKS 'h.- 7 THCCSHSDiyATMNSTME Far AVg Yw Hajr Haad hi HA1DWARE HENRY HEIGK HARDWARE GO. 322 W. Market St. loth nam 432 LHlsvWf. Ky. VOLUME XLI.-NO. 25. vSHaaunYjS "jMBHtXl TaaBMHaaaa"laiaolFr A '1". jftvTwft1' iu3Bfi i r v c'l'; CaL fis35iHialaaaaaH!"X BIKmUIBmI yi IQWiiff i1 "m Hi1 Til iflCiii ?1il!lWlBMMy lar": ?A.aaK ?i!v lriAljr? aanMal vsK? i,a-i&!BWliBBP'n Pro3aavSI&& TO COMMAND THE OCCUPATION OP GERMAN TERRAIN. Tne American xmru Army na . M. . . 1 CUpatlOn. 11 Will JJO unuer vuo man. Photo shows tho General on. "Somewhere In Franco." A CHRISTMAS AVISH. Wherever there Is sickness May Santa Claus bring health; Wherever there Is poverty May Santa Clans bring wealth. Wherever one Is weeping May tears to smiles glvo way, Wherever sadnes3 hovers May joy come Christmas day. To every heart that's aching May peace and comfort come, And may an outlook rosy Supplant each outlook glum. May friends now separated Soon united be, And every one find gladness Upon ills Christmas tree. YOUNG MFE ENDED. -Tho death of (Miss 'Mary Rose Fitzgerald from dread pneumonia on Tuesday of last week, after only a week's Illness, came as a great shock to the many who know and loved this bright young girl m yfo. Retiring and humble in her manner, nevertheless she made friends bv her brlzht and cheerful . u fit A I fri .lFnt II wi.ral.v,k- - VRjPJ-s&5-!.'"!t:ML-. z ll.MOlFl Ml Mj a'dopted' "daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Bach, of 4804 Grand boulevard, and to them tho heart felt sympathy of their friends Is extended. Miss Bach was a devout member of Holy Name church. WILL VISIT POPE. From Paris it Is cabled that whllo President Wilson has not announcll . . dedicated to Ireland's patron saint Soma and the Czechs and tho positively that he will visit EoygBamo of Indoor baseball was Playodnnd erected by tho sacrUlceg of h,3 Slovaks and the Serbs and tho Benedict, It now seems proifable i Saturday evening at Trinity Couu-.fmfui sons and daughters? What Ukrainians' aro clamoring for na that ho will do so. It-is known-that ell, Y. M. I., between teams com- ia true of this noblest Christian tlonal rights and national recognl the Pope ds anxiou3 to receive tho ! posed of married and slnglo men of shrlno In America's greatest city tlon that Ireland, for full seven President, and tho Vatican officials , the council. Raymond Barrett Is B equally true of thousands and centuries dominated by a foreign have announced that tho visit may be made without danger of em barrassment because of tho differ ences between the Vatican and tho Qulrinal. It Is likely that it .tresi dent Wilson t goes to Romo ho will visit tho Qulrinal Palaco a3 tne guest of King Victor Emanuel. Af terward he will go to the American Embassy, where ho will be met by the rector and students of the American Ecclesiastical College. The rector will convey to tho President Popo Benedict's desire to seo him. If President Wilson goes to the Vatican he will also call upon Car dinal Gasparrl, Papal Secretary of State, who will return tho call upon tho President at the Embassy on behalf of the Pope, who can not, by precedent, leave the Vatican. This was the programme followed when Klne Edward VH. visited tho King and tho Pope. If the President goes to Rome It probably will be after Christmas, as King Victor Emmanuel will bo in Paris until December 23. WOMEN SERVE WILSON. Mrs. Anna Hamilton, of Limerick, Ireland, was chosen to serve tho President and Mrs. Wilson during the voyages on the George Wash ington to and from France, as a representative of the Knights of Columbus. Mrs. Hamilton will wear the chevrons of tho K. of C, while ministering to the President and Mrs. Wilson. Mrs. Hamlton has seen service at the front as a nurse, and has been on three ships attacked by submarines since tho outbreak of the war. She wa3 stewardess with tho Balfour mission to tho United States. Mrs. Annlo Glasscott, Mrs. Mary Simpson and Mrs. Vera Stuart .will attend other members of tho Presidential party. They also will wear tho K. of C. overseas Insignia. Each of -the stewardesses has seen war service and each one has a son in , the service. They were appointed by Commander Perkins because df their special experience as shlp'a stewardesses. Tho stewardesses will be taken care of by the K. ot O. Secretaries when ln 'France, and the K. of C. overseas Secretaries will be placed at the disposal of the Presidential party. NOT CONFIRMED YET. An unconfirmed prow dispatch from Rome to the press of last Sun day contains the following, which will be, of istamt to the Catholic world: ' , to abandon a raatom of nearly haltCablaet. He led his troops into a eeotsry ut m loxr eoaslder'wew ia wi. - Kentucky U ,1 hi ....) H JI.A MM 9 M uui;u ucolBuail;s, us vuo iu '- iuiucumw uctuuu ui wcu. in.- horsoback reviewing his troops - ' himself bound to remain within tho ,"?dll,H?in'.thie ,a T LXiIi i; i' hT. tSirtM? ei,liifP n opinion toward this belief. No Pontiff has left tho Vatican since 1871 as a protest against the occu SSSSn??.80"19 b7 th6 ItallaD GV-1 :; t,. .. n m i tln vntirnn irmiindi hav nniKMirpd !?5Ja.l. ?r?"nnA. nT? appearca uiuuy wmea toowomul uu irS"1-.. iluLS ro' ".I7" "a,iil";,:r'..M.UBO".u" V."? Vatican issued a denial to a report nrmiPFiT m firnr imf. .innn wnpn rna in Cnnniait n Atir.n n nw. 4nnt- . Tin. w uiiuuioii uontiroiicio iv iuo a ujio ..,!,! lo TJn, n OmIh would leavo Rome for Spain. STRONG REBUKE. Anthony Matro has issued Ktimrlnp rAhnUo to q ict-hr PrMi- stinging rcbUKe to a. Kruse, r real- dent of tho Hotel Radlsson at Minne- apolls, for .his , Insulting remarks upou jrupo peueuiui, wuitu ruiieui upon all Catholics. Secretary Matro insists nruses statements were througn ignorapce or malice, ana enasnis letter wun me rouowiug; vlrVitt all rna trftflrt aYtontlno o'. '. JS-" - Jj IiXr-' vTra"? jrna.tftMijJjrMfirtKir . AJUUnJ-Oim; chould make 'tush an uncalled Tor 5KEueUobt Ifthe statement m T not mado ollci patrons ana to catholics in al will bo Jn ordor." INDOOR BASEBALL. . ,of .,,.,, ,i n,,.,!,,..1 captain of the former and John L. bumvan or tno latter team, una Ecore was 33 to 11 In. favor of the single men. Tno battery for the irniii '"J.li110? was, a,?,V. BaS',t f'and Inactive when there is at stake C. Kirchdorfer -and William Schlach- RrtvZX n ?Pt? will? ir wo owe our very dally bread and regain tho treasure stolen from nted '?Babe Rvan umXd rof hat belters us? , her and reinstate her in full pos- fhe Sam J to the satisfaction o?Pbofh' "There Is no legitimate length, no session of her complete liberty. If game was the homo run of J. C. wlJlch a?d fvery. Prelate and enkindled, various tribes and I fam Klrchdorfer with the bases filled. Prlest of America should not be Hies of the human race beheld as As both teams have won two games tho next cama will bo hotly con- tested DEDICATED. iTiixUpatod to -thn OiioAn nt Paspi.. tho new chapel at Hog Island, tho great shipbuilding plant of the Federal Government and center of ( war activity, near Philadelphia, was solemnly blessed by Archbishop Dougherty. : r-i L5 mw ." .l& !. t '-r a . v iu j -jr r" t liiMmK .!? S MADE A MARSHAL GENERAL Gen. Petaln : .. -, ,t Chief1 of the French armies, made ,u, mo wuiuiauuwu; a Marshal of France by the French II Jr,Ji r i t&i r? zzyi -- v. ' ? HfcvLifv LOUISVILLE, SATURDAY IRELAND'! For Justice and Freedom to Immense Audience at Madw Ireland the Oldest Nation and Aims Will A PROFOUNDLY CHRISTIAN NATION! Cardinal O'Connell, of Boston, delivered tho following address at ir.ji o - r, a xt. v.i, rtlfw Inot umnlr nruntlnp n otrnnir and able plea for Justice and freo- dom for Ireland and paid a glowing """ " ""-..,.. "," r V " . v ..- o ..,.,....,, ...u,...w .Church. Hla Eminence spoko aa I"1,1.8.,,.. ,.,.,J. . ... i xu iiuuu.y jiciuiuK tu uu its- peated urgent Invitations of your ,.,T1m0 k ..nt horn this significant meeting . tonight. I have listened to the advice of duty alone. As tho case was presented . ,. ,t . . ' .i.i rr "t't"":": "', v .: "T..: :t J!fr" . - "" obligation to my faith, my country 'and my race. When tho voice of that sacred trinity of motives calls. . f.!,-,-.!-- conscifinco -- - -- - ------ -, ..- matter what "the cost" or the sacrT n. t v, non i,0mn0n ,. w. a .w wmw u,v ,.- venience, conventionality and duty. i ii avn manfl inv cnDice. anu ncro i - RinTld. utuuu "The Irish people through all the painful vicissitudes of their history hnvo v.oon fnittifni no Tin nttinr .'nannla In nil Tin wnrlrl n i m . w Mv. b..&l., m ..w . - irwvw vw (vu vu Christian faith. The most Christian f, , . i j --,i. 1W ... u ha Toa.imnTlv OTJ nt i,r onoinie3, is Ireland. When her chil- dren. fleelne from an intoleraolo condition of servitude under a for- eia domination of all freemen, came ln pitiable exllo to these hnrfia of frfie America. thev . . ... -. '. - . Ta" !e1mrclT ln for-'that "matter in the .u. tji1IU A1.IMM nlrl lil 7" "'"t r.V"."S: devotIon ot o children of Erin? Is It pos- v"?" b -"'" "" " KUlliy "! lUllllUii iuul lu lliu heroic generosity of tho Irish wo owo such glorious monuments to faith as the Buperbly beautiful Cathedral of this wonderful city. thousands of humbler fanes in humbler communities all over tho iand Can any of- us among the !,-- tra ,m,. i-amnin etion tho welfare of the peop,e to whom Biau ana nappy xo go wnen ino cry Pf tno long-suffering children of I the Gael comes to us, and when as now, oeroro tno triounai or tne ioo, nun even a clearer ana a whole world, tho sacred caUse of stronger vision of their age-long in justice to every nation and every horltance? people is to oe given a pumic near-1 ,nS- II ls because tho people of oi"u imvu auivmuty ncyi luoir sacred word, given to their groat apostle, to bo faithful to Peter's sue- cessor as they would bo faithful to Christ, that thoy have felt -the heel of a foreign despot mercilessly grinding them down Into tho very dust of humiliation. Yes, let us say It frankly and openly, for it is tho truth it is tho fidelity of Ire- land to all she holds most sacred which has been tho chief Cause of her offending. I "Are wo whoso HVes are dedl-'As cated to the eternal principle of .which Ireland has become a martyr among the nations, so bitten by mere worldly Interests as to be mute ln this day when all tho world of brutal might ls summoned Into court? God forbid! In God'3 name let us now speak out fear-. lessly for God's cause, for the cause of Justice to all weak and Btrong, small and great, or let Ua be forever silent. If we look back upon what has happened during the .last four years we shall see that conditions, hitherto accepted as permanent and absolutely un-' governed. That is the principle changeable, have been so com-' which ultimately won America's pletely and entirely transformed freedom, and It Is because America that almost nothing remains of understands that principle that Ire them to remind us of what onco land today relies upon America to stood as firm as Gibraltar. It Is as echo it throughout the world for If the elemental forces had sud-, Ireland's liberty. Is It the Bolshe denly asserted themselves and had vlkj only who are to be acknowl completely overun the earth. Tho edged as frpe? Is It because, being kaleidoscope of the world has been Catholic, the Irish people repudiate shaken and the bits of colored Bolshevism that they are now to be glass ln the child's toy have rushed repudiated and their Just claim for- into new combinations which puzzle tho eyes of our brain. One after flrnhirrri-Vet,n ,iTer i (turned and empires have fallen, tD,80''der b.rken 00a uPn the ca"-'" ".u uuw " Vuwor groaier iusu iiib iQrces ui anarcny prevails all Hurooe all the world will be' shaken to the foundatldns of civlliaatlon. -Tne great war is over now, but IrI h MEMBER 21, 1918. Convincingly Pii the Longest and Be Complete' oytho -j j ho who fancies 1 tho sai war ,s " will apepar on i IBpeaco time has " great aiSlllUSKl tolfe him. No. unless now, J r i"f"c. :,irar is S:rlkhtful rplrni nvor fhn i . mnmuni gjg ? peace will 4t was lustles RUhlncd. JHanlty Ir-Jbl be fought, and hum -. --- 7 ready to go on lercer wars until Justly sway. "? "Ul VCUB"i; ' ' Diplomacy which to nreservo the tx shots. itterly corld will not succeed M Ing !t back. TIndernftalii'1 and cool Phrases uQ fonnulas "L " 'v n footten 'ls ow, purposes, hear the mysterirt ev now In oC ele- mental forces tr , urgeat-ly to burst through tMft i lanuular- les of a decadents , tirMag to oeh??"what t tiysay. , .. .iJJi L 'J1 ?,iim o ...- atrlvlnlT With .BlllVlUh Willi iwnB ' of , It aB,zinB .m.1"fl top, the """"- uuuo honest men ma !en that 'trlvlnK . ,. . . , - 10 aniCUUlte 1? , :HIkimm' of ., , , ., in,, w" ,no . will help the rMclr -Waded. lie ertl to recover itself: ik 1, -wMljungo tho holo tottortj rm low unl- ' uiiuiuuy. , "America is f teal theater sty chngs. But even Amer l.uoi eMily escaDQ a moVeii - Hows, " i- ..! ,. Dentup Jonging In -tha- hearta of a dozen nations for thev right to rule ttiomonWna fVha Annrrt nf mi tnn.fl . h- -i-" VT"a "UkW nTni mill,ona Russia, patient for cen- turles, have rushed madly Into tho Zitr,i. --ii " .: . Xr 1 iffc n un.o ia ifuoumg out tho older forms. Obviously therefore wo aro at the end of a period, and a now ono Is beginning. It is strango that when Poland and rule acquired only by force, and oven today exorcised by force. should now more than" over call nnnn tha wnrirr hut moot nr nil upon America, as tho 'bountiful mother df t0 freedom, to help her wnu uw bi iv via.m iU separate consideration Is it any wonder that the people of Ireland, "Ireland's position as a nation is nothing new which tho war ha3 just succeeueu in creating, .Never since the day her crown was stolon has she ceased to claim it back. In every century for 700 years by pro- te3t, by appeal, by Parliament, by arms, when other means seemed futile, but In any event by ono means or another as she found It in her power to use them, Ireland hat never failed to keep alive her own dense of distinct nationhood, and Impress It as palpably as conditions would allow upon a listening world. a profoundly Christian nation she has clung to the law of God In all these demonstrations of her loy- alty to Tiorself. Rarely, very rarely Indeed, has sho permitted even cruelty to goad her Into forget- ting it. But ever and always every method she adopted, every leader who spoke her cause, every victory won, every defeat suffered, every weapon used, every strategy do- B!gned ever and ever and ever tho came ultimate purpose ls clearly visible, and that purpose ls tho vindication of Ireland's right to government only by consent of the gotten and neglected? Let them beware In time who lencouraea hv iheIr .SctIons and wirds today be- fore thB court of. t world aiich dangerous conclusion) iii tliM. J . reaiiy true Luiac ms oiooa or minions ns neen anea mat rleht alon should riile the World. and that h msMtar af ht-Ht force, inlght, wHM Ja many places beida CMrmaay mm aorauMiMi toe American iky Cardinal O'Connell, of Boston, re Garden, New- York. the Test of Sincerity of. War's Green Isle. IDLINGS TO THE LAWS OF GOD fate of millions of human belnra. should be deposed forever? Is that really true? Is the law of lustlce to be honestly applied to all, or is If r fen Btlll MAA1 n .A 1.1,1a tb iki uc own uiccu u uauajtv. lu lliuo indefensible, selfish Dumoses and to bo dlanensed ad libitum jrovarn- ments feel inclined and to obsorvo or Ignore as they like? Was tho great war a conflict for true free dom under right for all alike, or was it a grim hoax played upon tho Ingenuous by tho shrewd manlpu- lators of clever phrases? These aro nil questions which any man in the streets who has ears can hear today. The world of honest, trust ful men is waiting for tho answer. and woe to tho world if that answer bo not honest, frank and true. Surely since tho peace of tho world .&!: - - ii - " . ,, solemn duty of all of us, especially of those of us whoso duty It is to hold up before all alike The great Sff alon SS "$ t which alono mankind can 1 ve, to .l. 52 "?0d , faU,h,e,S!L ,,n such a world crisis we forfeit forever our right to bo listened to by honest mcl1, "If faith Is to survive this hour a brother of tho Rev. Charles Cur of universal groping and striving, ran pastor of Holy Trinity church the men of faith must speak. If in New Albany. Father Curran was they aro silent now, then whose tho fevonty-seven years old and was a blame if all faith perishes from the native of Crescheen, County Claro, earth?., I that .then th real mMB-;iri-'Mmiag to 'tit oountry .with 'to '-MSlm'rA f ftsH'-TJ' ftjy-rr.. y tiUf. itmnta :wba he -? tea years "JlMftiilI&VJ?' 'old. 'He wa.rwd t Snca Falls, Vfmdfrr$Fm tt. ,W Mji)1H.,ady. for Um orlnclDles and Influences and hu- t.i i,iJijjUi nun i.a Liiak .re l. ui v tt. man agencies by which the world Is church In Indianapolis, September ollc defection. Human respect 'seaa? held ln order. This war, we wero C, 1874, ln tho same class with dal, mixed marriages, secret socle told again and again bv all tho3o Biehop Denis O'Donaghue and tho Ties, bad Hterarturo and evil asso rcsponslblo for tho conduct of tho lato Rev. John B. Kelly, who was ciatlons have slain their thousands; war, was for Justice to all, for tho pastor of Holy Trinity church In New mass musing has slain Its tens of Inviolable rights -of small nations, i Albany for many years. His first thousands. It has been a blight up for tho inalienable right, inherent assignment was at Greensburg, Ind., on Catholicity, and by breeding gen In every nation, of aelf-determlna- and later ho was assoclato rector of oral Indifference It has encouraged Hon. ISt. John's church in Indlanapoll3 spoliation and plunder on the part "The purposo of this meeting to-'several years before he founded St. of politicians; who rightly believe night is very specific. Tho war can ho Justified only by the unl- versal application of those prlncl- nles. Lot that amplication becin pies. Let that application begin with Ireland. Ireland ls the oldest nation' and tho longest sufferer. If these principles aro not applied in her case, no matter what else may be done, there will be no completo JuBtico, no genuine sincerity believ able and tho war not bringing jus tice will not bring poace not bring poace. Who was by tho enunciation of these It who great principles united tho peoples ut iiiu waviu suuenug cm nit 11 was our own President once Wil- son or America, now Wilson or the forward tto the usual Christmas ao world. Tomorrow ho lands at nations with great anticipation, and Brest Brest, the very port out from which Count Arthur Dillon plo of Louisville will kindly remem salled with his three thousand Irish ber these deserving homeless boys troops to aid America to obtain on Christmas day. from England tho very principle of self-determination which today Ire land demands, and which wo of America, ln accordance with the principles enunciated by our Presi dent, today also aro determined by every legitimate and lawful Chrls- every legitimate ana iawrui V',r.,s" "an means to aiuireiana to ootain. For Ireland equally with America fought ln this conflict for right. "America has fought ln this war not for selfish alms. She has given her best blood, her hardest toll and her enormous wealth and ln return gets not one foot of soil, not a single material gain. She has a right to demand that for which alone sho has made such tre mendous sacrifices Justico to all. Let the test of sincerity bo Ireland. Then wo will "be convinced that truth still lives. Ireland must bo allowed to tell the world freely what sho wants, how she wishes to bo governed. Speak up, Ireland: make the world hear you I Wake up, England, for tho world is watching you! "Mav God grant that tho voice of Ireland bo heard and that at last peace, entering Europe through Ireland's freedom, brlns even to England its blessings and Its fruits, I firmly believe that the day that England honestlr facc3 her full duty to Ireland and fulfills it faithfully, God will bless her as sho has not known his blosslncs for many centuries. For as with the Individual soul, so with tho soul of a nation a clear consclenco 13 tho only door to happiness." MOTHER AND DAUGHTER. Miss Eva C. Doherty, thirty-four VMra nli?. rilnrl TiVMnv mnrnln? nf In- :...... o t.j j tt i.-i New Albany, twenlv-four hours aftef ,.. n.nh. ir ir....t ini,,t widow of J. E. Doherty, died of the fame disease. The funeral of Mrs. Doherty. which had been announced k! v.m vtv off., r tutTw, until ibtnv mnlnin., wn-en a double funeral of mother and daughter waa held at Holy PMjjff UNITED STATES MISSION TO TRANCE. left to right Mr. House, who is now In Franco: 1 . . L0D Jln. Newton D. Baker, Robert Lansing, flght-nJoaeph Tumulty, Charles E. tho centor President Wilson and Trinity church. Mrs. Dphorty and her two daughters, Misses Estella and' Eva Doherty, lived at 1512 Kast Spring street. They were all taken ill with influenza ten days before, FATHER DANIEL CURRAN. Tho Rev. Fnther Daniel Curran. 0no of the best known priests in Indiana, founder of St. Bridget's ,,.., , rj, ,i i. ,.,. ?h"rfcnh'j ?, I Z?i VS? t&SSwK JS ?n n'J Ahnnv Knndav 2SS8S. dKelng-Wto fcX pllcation' 0f diseases. Ho had been camo to Now Albany two weeks ago from Hot springs, where he had Epent several "months for tho bene- fit nf his health. Father Curran was . i.a maul . v m iiii iiii i i i i vbvi iwnMwrvjanim Blfehow De. St Plsl at Stl- -Joha'a Bridget's church ln that city. Tho boly was taken to Indianapolis Mon- day and the funeral service was i he d in St. Bridget's church ln that city Wednesday morning. LOOK WITn HOPE. Despite tho many war demands and othor difficulties, the annual ro nort shows that St. Lawrence Instl- tuto for Working Boys has held Its own durlnc tho oast yoar. meeting all expenses but accumulating no surplus, xne laumui uruiuvrs uuu boys of that Institution are looking it ls to be hoped that tho good peo- RED CROSS BENEFIT. Tho pupils of Presentation Acad emy will entertain with a musical programme tomorrow and Monday .evening and tho proceeds will be glven t0 tho Rea Cross fund Tickets of admission twenty-five cents. BOTTLED UP U-BOATS. Capt. Carpenter, V. C, of British navy, who bottled un German lakaaHaBc3& JMV'H i Ha-a-aHJ-K jTaBPP B ' aaaanmarai!HPliul 'JralHQH U-boats at the submarine base atiBlessed Sacrament went by. Areh- Zeebrugge, arrived here last week on a visit. BOTH PHONES 1600 Taxlcab, Auto, Private Ambulance Leelsville Carriagt sad Taxkab Co. INCORPORATE) PRICE FIVE CENTS. George Creol. Bottom row, loft to Hughes and David P. Houston. In his wife. CHILD'S CHRISTMAS SONG! Lord, I'm just a little boy, Born ono day like you. And I'vo got a mother dear And a birthday, too. But my birthday cornea In spring, When the days aro long And the robin In the tree Wakens me with song. f. Since tho birds aro all away; Lord, when you aro born, Let your angels waken mo On your birthday morn. Lord, I'm just a little boy, Hidden ln tho night, Let jour angels spy mo out Long before It's light. T would be tho first to wake And the first to raise In this quiet house of ours Songs' of lovo and praise. You shall hear me first, dear Lord, Blow my Christmas horn; LeT your angels waken me On your birthday morn. T. jA. DalyK ; , i i m hwiii m iiiii w LWerft'te?ITaiuBlftea; iuui wiey aavo noimns to xear irom people who do not think enough of their relig on to turn o Sunday. It has scandalized believer and unbeliever alike, and supplied an additional argument ln support of the pernicious doctrlno that ono religion is as good as another. It has ever been tho first step on tho downward road that leads to tho loss of faith, apostasy and lrro- Hglon; ln short, it Is tho basic . woaknees, tho parent sin, at whoso ',innr nimnet nvrv rn-m nt m-oannt. day Catholic defection can. rightly be laid. IRISH AND RED CROSS. A Dublin press dispatch says that during the past year thousands of Irish people have learned to know and love America better, through tho work ln Ireland of tho Homo Serv ice Department of tho American Red Cross. About a third of tho cases with which Homo Service deals ln Europe are those of people ln Ire land who are dependents of Amer ican soldiers. To deal with these casee, American Red Cross commit tees wero established ln London derry, Belfast and Dublin; with "vis itors" at Queenstown and Cork. GOOD TRANSPORT RECORD. With tho consent of the Navy De partment, the office of Vice Ad miral Gleaves, commander of the cruiser and transport force, made public figures showing exactly tho proportionate share of troop3 con veyed to Franco in American ves sels. Of -the entire army ot 2.079,880 men taken over, the statistics show 46 per cent, were carried in Amorlcan ships, 48 In British and the remainder ln French and Italian vessojs. Of the, total strength of the naval escort guarding all these convoys the United States furnished 82 por cent., Great Britain 14 per cent, and France 3 per cent. ADOPTED UNIQUE, METHOD. Catholic Montreal, forced to close its churches llko most other cities of tho United States and Canada In the infuenza epidemic, adopted a unique of method of bringing God's blessing to the people. At tho com mand of Archbishop Bruchesl, the great Bourdon of Notre Dama church pealed forth and every par ish priest entered tho sanctuary to celebrate ma& ton his people, while ln every household tho people gath ered to pray. Then the priests walked or rode through the streets with the Blessed Sacrament and blessed the peoplo as the latter came to the doors, many of them 1 carrying lighted tapers. Pedestrians dropped to their knees aa the bishop Brucheel participated ln the " . 'AC'S'", . . DON'T IISS MASS. r louxuour geremuuitw, H . 4, ; t .' D :i