Newspaper Page Text
V CH:E?arcTOK,v iifcjtscEr i&kb&l3x&2& KENTUCKY IRISH AMERICAN. PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY. n-vmed to the Soda! and Moral Advancement ol Irish American tad Catholics Officially Indorsed by Ancient Order of Hibernians. Young Men's Institute and Catholic Knights of America. KENTUCKY IRISH AMERICAN PRINTING CO., Incorporate, Publishers SUBSCRIPTION PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR, SINGLE COPY 5c Enttred at the Loulivllle Postotflce as Second-ClaM Matter. tMriss til Communications to th KENTUCKY ljjt;. .. ft TRADES .";'&',' J$BEZJBG& LOUISVILLE, KY.,- LOOKING FOK JOBS. The ranatlcal prohibition poli ticians and paid Anti-Saloon Leaguers, now that the success or prohibition Is in sight, are busllj engaged in looking for other jobs equally as soft, and we can look for an anti-cigarette campaign in the near future, that is if the money is put up. SAME OLI) ENEMY. The returning soldiers and sail- ors from France ami England tell the same old story; that the Eng- n,h hnvn no use for America or her people, and soldier and sailor, one after the other, repeat that, jhoro ivnrn rnnMnupl flclits between I the Americans and English, and be cause of that fact the troops could not be brigaded together. Yet the Evening Post doubts that there Is bad feeling in this country against England. ENGLAND'S TOOLS. The majority of the reports of the convention In Ireland appearing In the American press are filled with slurs of the Irish people anl their rights to freedom. They be.w all the earmarks of being doctored In London, and only emphasize the fact that the English propagandists in this country ate but hearkening to their master's voice. In their Tory eyes and hearts John Bull conies first and they are now busily fighting against America's rights oil the seas, rights in business and everything in which England wants to dominate. They are Intent on belittling American boys' part in the war, and to show that there is concerted action on the part of thf Anglophobia press, as styled by one of our local clergymen, the Loula vllle Times repeated verbatim the statement of the Louisville Herald, that England saved America from slavery and ruin in the war. This is the same press that was begging and clamoring Tor 100 per cent. Americans when wo wero at war with Germany. Why not be 100 per cent. Americans when issue. with England are uppermost? BOLSHEVISM. For months past peoplo JavoJ been reading in newspapers, and - f ll..1 . T) nl nli nolnm nnrl f HA ienouiii ui ..u,u - """taken. It Is well known that dangers threatened therefrom but b o PresIdent wson lo fronvirtJne have they been able toitiiM n . .. ntain any comprenensivo meas ui , . , . i J . what the real principles of the," " ..-. . t,-,.u..., , ,!.' a Europe has Its pet project ti Bolshevik! are. For those who would like to know wo have gath ered and publish tho Tollowing, which is reliable and not a simple condemnation The term "bolshevik" means 'party of tho majority" and comes from the Russian "bolsho." It was the nam applied to tho extremely rn.itnni ,.-ir.n- .f tVin SnMnl rtomn. cratic party following the split irf The. that organization in 1905 cause of dissension In the ranks of . tho Social Democratic party was not so much difference of opinion over ( nut ho 'has a difficult task before the principles comprising tho polity him. In Oils country we who feel cal platform as it was over tho that America won the war find it methods of (bringing these principles difficult to appreciate the obstacles Into actual being. The Bolshovlkl ( that lie in his path. Wo Imagine were firm adherents of violent meth- that England, France and Italy ods. Anarchism, terrorism, blood- shuld "be so grateful for our as fched. wero tho keynote of their sys- &lstance lhat they woul(l jnvlto iem. iMcm revoiuuuu 01 Byorauii;1prcsl,lpnt -lyiiRon to wrltn the tornw character, they believed, would ac complish much. Tho Mcnshovikl (party of tho minority), or opposing faction, believed in moro moderato means to tho end, and revolution, according to their view, to produce: results must be widespread ... active participation by all classes. To better appreciate the hold that Bolshevism has obtained upon East ern Europe, an understanding of Russian life in general is essential. Oppressed for centuries under the Czars, uneducated, grossly supersti tious, religious almost to tho point of fanaticism, the Russian peasant and worklngman could hardly call his soul his own. Then came tho sudden freedom, the Czar was over thrown and the proletariat turned against religion, looking upon the church as the Czar's instrument of oppression. Atheism has resulted And aihetem ot the masses breed3 moral degeneration. The glittering promises by Bolshevik leaders of plenty of land And food with control of working conditions consummated tho iibaele, and we find whole naifoM going insane over an. utterly imtHNMiMfl Utopia. BoWwvkwa mean Jut five things: High -wages, don't work, take other pwtMa property, se paaleh t aad He taaa&ee. AM tae ie meh esuto, ia ta Betake-1 IRISH AMERICAN, 319-321 Witt Broon St j - COUNCIL 9 SATURDAY, JANUARY 25, 1919 ikl mind, are terrorism and blood shed. ILS 1LYD ITS DAi. The true Catholic spirit Is shown by the True Voice, and we are In accord with It in saying wo have no desire to add to the troubles of the Y. M. C. A. at this time by criticism of Its army work In France. The "Y" has troubles enough of its own these days. Re turned soldiers are bitter In their. comments on the failure of "Y" Secretaries to measure up to their repsonslblllties across the was. We can understand how the ehortcom- nga of a few recreants would react me wont 01 uie wnoio orgam zauon. wnen a soldier nas oeen refused tobacco, matches or hot coffee becauso ho lacks the money to pay for them he has good reason to feel irritated. These are the things a soldier remembers and that he will make others re member in the future. Whatever the outcome of tho investigation that has been asked for tho Y. M C. A. as an army organization hasr seen its day. PRACTICAL DIPLOMATS. Under the above head the True Voico last week presented tho fol lowing views regarding tho peace conference and Its work: As the time approaches for the formal opening of the peace confer enco In Paris It is becoming morp evident that President Wilson Is at a uisaavaniage. ie nas no aue- jjuate means of securing publlcltvfand son, James Thompson, Jr., left for his proposals. Tho preliminary meetings are being held, but the world knows little about the dis cussions that are going on. The Trench have charge of tho publicity and they are giving out only the bare outlines of the questions that have been discussed. It is even reported that . President . Wilson plans to return to America and tour the country In order to get hia views before the people In a series of addresses. If in the conference questions are decided by a majority vote the American representatives will be in a small minority. The only hope of success seems to lie In prolonged discussions that will bring all tho - pMt,e8 tQ a practlcalIy unanimous declBon beforo Iorlual vote3 aro tho noc the UlLCb mill ULMIIUlUt UMIUI1K W , . .,,. -,., o41 gain something from the allied vic tory. America stands alono in ask ing for nothing but a just settle ment that will Insure a permanent i . ...... . Pi ana security lor uie weane nations. In the scramble for spoils American representatives are at .i gteat- disadvantage because they have nothlnc to trade. We still hope that President Wilson may win over the bargain hunters to his plan for a Just sot- tlement and a league of nations. , of the peace settlement. But that Is not their attitude. Tho war edst them relatively much more than It cost America. And they aro selfish enough to think that their advan- vugu uun auuum ug iu iujjuiuuu l tm . v.t. ntm.tlrl A I M vinrtl4tA I to uie sacriiices iney uuve mime, 'idealism was all very well in state ments as to why each nation was fighting. But President Wilson now finds himself confronted with verv practical diplomats who are looking for practical bargains and they outnumber him ten to one. 1CNIGHTS' SCHOOL. With lots of pep the "Knights' School," as the night school ot Louisville Council, Knights of Columbus, is popularly known, will open its winter term on Monday. February 3, and continue in session until the end of May. For several years these classes, open to all boys and young men of Louisville, irrespective of creed and conducted without tuition fees, have been a valuablo feature of Louisville Council. Prospective students are requested to enroll at once with Secretary S. R. Hardman at the K. of 0. club house, 816 Fourth ave nue, from whom they can obtain all necessary information. Several years ago he was cwalrman oi wi Educational ConmKtee aad U thoroughly experieaeed la all its jhw COMING EVENTS. January 31 Euchre and lotto of St. Louis Bortrand's Church Debt and Building Association, afternoon and evening. February. 2 Comedy drama, "Lighthouse Nan," by Choir Club of St. Martin's, in hall t Shelby and Gray. I February uucnro nna ioua for St. Alovslus church. Pewee Val ley, at Gambrlnus Hall, afternoon and evening. 1'KKFKCT CONTIUTION. "Send for a priest," the small dUc read That clasped his neck around; But he, brave soul, was long since dead When found upon the ground. A crucifix was in his hand, - Stained by his bloody kiss, This newest of the martyr band To taste of heaven's bliss. Thomas F. Coakley, Lt. Chaplain. SOCIETY. ! Alexander J. Schulton was among the visitors from Louisville who arrived In New York last week. Mrs. T. J. Cunning has been spending the week at Georgetown visiting her sister, Mrs. R. W. Por ter. Mrs. J. P. Hanley left this week to visit Mrs. J. S. Darnell in Frank tort and Mrs. Dennis Dundon in Paris. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pooley, of Parkview, have had as their guest Miss Christine Slenor, or North Vernon, Ind. Mrs. William P. Klrley and sister, Miss Ottilia A. llubbuch, are visit Ing Mrs. Leon Huesman, of Blr mlngham, Ala. " Mis. K ilellghtful Katherino craven, after a thieo weeks' visit with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bosier, has returned to her home In Boston Mass. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hannan, who were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hannan for three weeks, have returned to their home In Paducah. A number of enjoyable social functions have been given In New Albany for Miss Loretta Blaslu?, whose marriage to Herbert C. Stlrr will soon 'take place. Mr. ani MrS- james Thompson Wednesday night for tneir winter nome in usprey, i-ia., wnere iney will remain until spring, Robert Hennessy, son of Mr and Mrs. John II. Hennessy, was oper ated on for appendicitis Monday at Sts. Mary and Elizabeth Hospital and is getting along nicely. St. Helena's Club will act as host ess at the Knights of Columbus dance for soldiers and sailors this afternoon, while the Daughters of Isabella will be in charge this even ing. Sergeant L. S. Cunlff underwent an operation at camp Taylor Wednesday" and his physicians ex pect good results in a few days when the plaster cast will be re moved. Mr. and Mrs. F. Zuerner havo announced the marriage of their daughter, Miss Louise Zuerner, to Thomas J. Lynch, which, took place on January 2 at St. Joseph's Cathe dral, Columbus, Ohio. Mi;, and Mrs. Al W. Clegg gav a dinner at tthelr home in the Park Side apartments Monday night In honor of Miss Lillian Clegg and M. Rodger Dougherty, whose mar rlago took place Wednesday morn ing. Walter M Mucins, of Ohatta nooga, spent tho first of the week hero on business connected with the Louisville Varnish Company and a brief visit to 'his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William M. Wiggins, South Twenty-fourth street Misses Virginia Barry. Aline Helen RjliawK, Margaret uoieman, ' on.l TCtitti TtlnliMrl TTnnrlofn P.VAVfl UUU AbUt.l AlMV.., .". V .w.H( Ruth Gohmann, Aline O'Connor and Evelyn King were members of a merry theater party who lunched at Klein's. They meet as a "500" club. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Clines, Audubon Park, entertained with a delightful military reception and luncheon at their home Wednesday night in honor of Lieut. Arthur E. Lewis, of Syracuse, N. Y.. ana Walter HiKcIns. of Chattanooga. The home was tastefully decorated and Illuminated for the occasion, which was greatly enjoyed by quita a largo gathering. Mr. and Mrs. Martin O'Connor announce tho marriage of their daughter, Ruth Daniels, to Ser geant Francis L. Farrell, the cere mony taking place In St. Patrick's rectory Monday evening at 7 o'clock. Very Rev. Father Cronln officiating. Miss Time Hughes and William Murray acted as attendants. The groom is stationed with tho transportation army service at New port News and is hero on a fur lough. Following the ceremony a reception was held at the home of tho groom's sister, Mrs. starry Doerr. of 2204 Portland avenue, and another was hold at the homo of the bride's parents. Thirty-fifth and Main streets. After his. flis charge from the service Mr. and Mrs. Farrell viu uve -nere. LOTTO PARTY. Vnrt. Thursday nljcht tho Colum bia Athletic Club will hold Its big raid-winter lotto party, and as ad mission is free a large attendance seems assured. The young men of this popular elub know how to en tertain and for thla occasion have secured maay handsome prlaes. The party will take plaee at tbe olub heme, 621 Bast St. Catherine street. Also to be iflvea amy will he a JJ.5& gold pieee. i Exclusive City Sales Agents For RACINE TIRES Guaranteed 5,000 Miles Racine Adjustments TOM HIBERNIAN DIRECTORY DIVISION S. ' First and third Fridays, Hibernian ..Home, 1818-1820 Portland. President Tim O'Leary. Vice President Walter Murphy. Financial Secretary John Brod' erlck, 18C0 Portland avenue. Recording Secretary John A. Martin. Treasurer D. J. Dougherty. Sergeant-at-Arms Martin Shee han. Sentinel Thomas Noone. DIVISION 4. Meets second and fourth Mondays. Bertrand Hall, Sixth street President John J. Barry. Vice President Mark J. Ryan. Recording Secretary Lawrence D. Meany. Financial Secretary Thomas J. Langan. Treasurer John F. Burke. Sergeant-at-Arms Patrick Con nelly. Sentinel M. J. McDermott. MISSIONARY'S JUBILEE. Rev. Richard P. Cahlll, O. P., P. G one or tho Dominican mis sionaries attached to St. Louis Ber- trand's church, will celebrate the silver jubilee anniversary of his ordination to tho priesthood with solemn high mass. tomorrow morn ing at 10:30 o'eloek, -Father Ca hlll was born December 5, 1865, made profession of the holy orders November 11, 1888, and ordained priest January 25, 1894, just twen-ty-flive years ago today. Most of Father Cahill's years a3 a priest have been spent as a missionary, and in recognition of his work tho title of Preacher General was con ferred on him about ten years ago. This is tho first silver jubilee anni versary of any of the local Domini can Fathers since April, 1914, when Very Rev. Father T. S. McGovern, Rev. F. A. Gaffney, Rev. J. R. HlctKlns and Rev, Bernard A. Enis celebrated their anniversary Jointly. During Father CahlH's stay hero ho has endeared himself to many, young and old, and they look for ward with pleasure to taking part in the celebration of his silver jubilee. "MY NEW CURATE." rv Wnw f!itran" whlfth was such a success last year when staged by tho St. Xavier's players, will bo nln-iMiil flp.nln tVifa venx. with tho opening show on Sunday night, February 2. Tho performances this year will afford all the peoplo who desire to see Canon Seehan's mas tornlorn in nnnnrtunltv to witness this edifying, dramatic and amusing production, played oy artists unat are exceptionally good in tho n-mnnnr ll-nn. At. KWlfth of the three performances last year hundreds wero turned away nignuy, bo eager wore the peoplo to see the dramati sation of the book, "My New Curate," but above all on account ot hearing such words of praiso tmm thnaa who had the ETOOd for tune to attend, telling them how- much tho performance was enjoyeu. rt la n ha nut hnfarn tho tmbllc eight times this year, which Bpeaks well for tho entertainment, as it is unprecedented that an amateur show can have a capacity house in Louisville for that number of per formances. If tho show wero not what it is claimed to be the finest amateur performance ever staged in r.nniaxHiin it nould not attempt so many performances. Tho first par- tormanco wm do "on aunuay uism rnkmon, o ami nn nvArv Sunday night in February, also Thursday night, February 6, 'and Thursday night, February 13; also two mat inees, Sunday, a'eoruary a, -:o p. m., and Washington's birthday, February 22. Reserved seats, which include admission, will be fifty cents. They can bo procured at .tho rn..T-a onnrlfl fitnro. 129 South Fourth, and tho principle of first come, Jirst servea, win ue m imxin ThA rnvArand sisters are Invited to tho matinee February J and are requested to write or tele phone some days ahead how many will be expected to attend. It will be a pleasure for the St. Xavier's authorities to have as many of the Sisters to como as possiDio to enjoy this entertainment. FORTY HOURS. with nrnpeftdtnn and exposition the Forty Hours' prayer will open at the high mM tomorrow morn lag at St."lMartla' hureh, Shelby street. The dawtiew will come to solemn clow oa TtM0ay. BaaBo t JHaBH HaWMt' m 1 BLHa&l&tlBli? x Kl M HBPnHaliK " MOORE &QTWERS iLESOFWERVICE 'Retreading With A Conscience!' 930-932 SOUTH THIRD STREET MOORE, JR. South 703 - ' Majestic Oil Company Realty Building. TO OUR STOCKHOLDERS : We beg to announce that we have Drilled, in Well No. 2, Ross Greek, Estill Gounty, estimated at seventy-five barrels. Well No. 1, Ross Greek, Estill County, seventy-five barrels. This gives the compamy approximately 1 50 barrels daily production. Now drilling two more wells in same locality, which, when drilled in, should be as good as Nos. 1 and 2, giving the company sufficient production to defray all expenses of further development, thereby enabling us to discontinue the sale of stock. Leases controlled by the company in Kentucky and Tennessee in the following coun ties: Wolfe, Bath, Floyd, Breathitt, Lawrence, Johnson, Magoffin, Knox, Whitley, Estill, Nelson and Spencer counties, Kentucky, and Scott and Campbell counties, Tennesse. Breathitt County Lease, located next to Wolfe Coal Co., on which big well was brought in last month. Parkersburg rig now being set up at BARDSTOWN, NELSON COUNTY, to begin drilling, where we expect to open a new oil field. Limited amount of stock now being sold at Majestic Oil Company RECENT DEATHS. Tho funeral of Mrs. Rosa Leber, 530 East Jefferson street, took place from St. Boniface church Monday morning. Deceasedwas the widow of Dr. F, C. Leber and was held In high esteem by all her neighbors and acquaintances"! She was In her seventy-fourth year. Bj the death or Mrs. Adelheld Clllng, widow ol Bernard filling, St. Boniface congregation loses au ditor ot Its oldest" members. She was eighty-three years old and re Bided at 01 1 South Preston. The funeial was held Monday morning. .Monday morning the funeral of Michael Dcvenny, aged seventy-two, was held from St. Louis Bortrand's church, of which he had long been a faithful member. Ho had been making his home with his son-in-law, George Ashabranncr, 624 Park avenue. James C. Bane, son of tho late Mark and Annie Bane, succumbed Tuesday to tuberculosis, from which he had long been a sufferer. He was a brother of John Bane, who survives him. The remains wero hi ought from Waverly Hills to Smith's Son's chapel and tho funeral took place Thursday morning from St Louis Bortrand's church. Saturday night Mrs. B. Guthrio Mooney, widow of M. J. Mooney, died after a short illness at tho home ot her daughter, Mrs. Thomas Gorman, In tho Loemker apart ments. Besides Mrs. Gorman she is survived by a son, John J. Mooney, and a daughter, Miss Madgo Mooney. Her funeral took niimo Tupwinv moraine from Holy Name church. Rev. Father O'Connor conducting tho solemn ooseuies. Mrs. Hannah Sexton Molntyre, widow of Charles W. Mclntyre, died of heart disease Saturday at the homo of her brother, Daniel Sexton, 1610 "We3t Broadway. Besides her brother, she is survived by her .tv,n- ulro TTnnnnh ftaxton. and two sisters, Mrs. John Tlgho and Miss Maggie Sexton. Funeral serv ices were held Tuesday morning at Sacred Heart churcn, Rev. Patrick Walsh celebrating requiem msu mass. FORTY HAPPY YEARS. Last week Mr. and Mrs. James Sullivan, highly esteemed and widely known residents ot Frank fort, completed torty years h huiw married lifo when their children, r, Tnsnnl, StlnlMY. MrS. XlOUiS c?,ff Tuioa .Tnlla Sullivan. Frank Sullivan and Michael Sullivan, and grandchildren wero tneir guesis ut a family dinner party. Another son was absent, being with tho Marines In Franco. MEN'S SOCIAL CLUB PARTY. The Men's Social Club of St. . . i.t- ...111 nl.nn O UoiumDas paiibH " ,- -euchre and lotto In school hall, day, January 28. The games will begin at :an p. . . v feature ol lllc uveums n - ." presentation ot a numbered card, absolutely ireo, iu cow " attends, which will entitle the lucky One 'IU tWCo-F vc V " a .i.avhm. La AvtaiidhWi fn fill. Ilwiriy we-itumw w t5vr vw Plioncs - Clty 2408 E. C. STIVERS - INCORPORATED 4. 50 Cents Per Share Par Value $1.00 INCORPORATED REALTY BUILDING. LOUISVILLE, KY. Liberty Insurance Bank OCCUPIES NOW NEW QUARTERS WEST MARKET STREET, BET. SECOND AND THIRD Hundreds are joining our War Savings Club. One dollar's worth of Blue Ribbon Garden Seed free with every new savings deposit of $1.00 or more. Club limited to 1,000 members. . EXPERT nooJtliMpIng' t Accounting nCTflCTTCTOKMMMraMMK SIIOtrrD BE? IIC E5VJGJRY IIOiVIE; MAGIC WHITE SOAP MK Extra Good Soap HIADK IX JiOUISVIIiLK By Magic-Keller Soap WorRs INCORPORATED StKKKffiStSSISJSSBJSBlg Where the QuicK Meal Comes In Where tho homo is brightest ; Whore tho work is lightest; Where tho meal Is cooked best; Where- tho range stands tho test That's where tho "Quick Meal" conies In. Qalek Meal Gaa ns Sold, Iaatalled aad Highly IteoQmmaadad GBHER & SON, w. market st. H. 1. BANNBN, PfWt art MiHpr. P. BANNON Sewer aad CaWert Plat, Baanaa's Pateat Lidded Pipe far Steaa Conduits, LWall CeplBtf, Drain Tile, Vitrified Brick, Fire PreeaBrf, Flae Mala, Fire BrlcK Grate aad Belter Tile, Fire Clay, Ckimaey Teas. OFFICE 836 SOUTH THIRTEENTH STREET. J PHONES CITY 873-1786. CUMB, MAIN S07. ! WORK9 Thirteaatk aad Breekiaridg aad ninth aad Magaalia. !:atjMteatiw'ij ) Every Tire Retreaded By Us Guaranteed 3,500 Miles i & W i of America Louisville, Ky. 11 of America Business Success Is Yours When jou master these wonderful systems. They meet mndern conditions and Government requirements. They sue tho student 20 per cent, in time and money over the old bookkeeping methods or ritmnn or Graham Shorthand. Taught cxclusHcly at Rryaht Stratton Business College, Third and Walnut (Incorporated) Louisville, Ky. New Classea Start Monday Day and. Night HH2E813a Where work Is quickly done; Where cooking seem real fun; Where baking gives de light; Where drudge is out of sight That's where the "Quick Meal" comes in. P. IANMBH, 1R., Vic Pns. and TrJiJ. PIPE CO. li ' v ,,, .