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"?' -.?, 2 & x&aBtiaKmmmJk HIKE TO llEIOKS THE CONSERVATION STME Fer AnytMns Yob May Nwd li HA3RDWARB HENRY HEICX HARDWARE CO. 32a W. Market St. Both PbflMt 432 UulniUf, Ky. VOLUME XLII.-NO. 5. IRELAND'S People Have Never Relinquished Their Claims for Sov ereign State. Tlirco Times' As Largo As Belgium or Hollnud and Revenues Triply Large. Contributed 500,000 Nntlvc-Born Irishmen to Annies of Allies. LAME ARGUMENT OP CRITICS. Prof. Thomas Lonorgan,. tho noted Irish scholar and patrlotdis cusses Ireland's claim to independ ence in tho following articlo: The people of Ireland have never relinquished their claim for sep arate nationhood. Tho hour has struck for the completo freedom and independence of Ireland. The Irish Parliament, representing 80 per cent, of tho Irish people, held its first session the other day in Dub lin, and among tho representatives ! 0f the Allies. Fully 500,000 native were two Unionists or Orange mem- born Irishmen from Ireland, bers from Belfast. Thirty-four of Britain, Canada, Australia, South wo tueuiou mvmuvia uiu mm iu i English jails. Tho principal Items were the declaration of Irish inde pendence, an address to tho freo nations of tho world and tho elec tion of delegates to the Peace Con ference; all were adopted unani mously. In the words of President Wil son, "No people must be forced I under a sovereignty under which It does not wish to live." It was tho Declaration of Ameri can Independence that carried the Qrst gleam of hopo to the oppressed people of Ireland, and it was tho success of the American Revolution that gave hope and inspiration to Grattan and tho Irish volunteers and fired the genius and sustained the heroism of Wolfe Tone and the Dnlted Irishmen. The Continental Congress sent an address to tho people of Ireland in May, 1775, ex plaining the motives and objects of tho American rebels in rising In revolt against tho socailed mother .country. Three lame objections ...Juve, beea raised against the free- tfHH ma iMMieaiHiAJiajjuaHK MJLiaajjjjLJMaB'jam '-tV9 H -WT T ,"rT"' ' ' "" c' HrHsflWPIR First "The Irish do not -agree mong themselves." Neither do any other people. Do tne American people agree on any political Issue? During the Revolutionary war fully one-third of tho colonists were Tories and Loyalists, and 60,000. of them fought against their country men, and another third was neutral or Indifferent. Second "Tho Irish aro incapable of self-government," and yet Ire land has produced a large number of eminent legislators and states men within tho past two centuries. First and foremost was Edmund - Burke, tho greatest political phil osopher and statesman of modern times. According to Wendell Phil lips, Burke was more than Cicero In tho Senate, almost Plato In tho Academy. Next were George Can Ding and Richard Brlnsley Sheri dan, all three Ireland gave to Eng land. Henry Grattan, Lord Plunkett, John Phllpot Curran, Daniel O'Connell and Charles Stew art Parnell were leaders and states men of a very high order. During the last century somo of tho great est statesmen that flourished in Canada and Australia were Irish, and since tho organization of our own Federal Government ten of our Presidents were of Irish blood and a large number of Governors, United States Senators, Congress men and Mayors of great cltle3 were Irish by birth or extraction. Third "Ireland is too small and too noor to bo an independent -State." Well, Ireland is three times as largo as Belgium or Holland, and twice as largo as Switzerland or Denmark, and larger than five of tho six New England States com bined. The year before tho Euro pean war began the revenue of Switzerland was $15,000,000, while the revenue of Ireland was J53.000.000, and the revenue of Ireland for the year 1918 was S1BO.000.000. The population of freland is lamer than that of, Switzerland or Denmark, and the . natural resources of Ireland are greater than those of Switzerland and Holland combined. Tho value of trade between Great Britain and Ireland during tho year oeforo the war was greater than tho value of trade Detween Great Britain and France and Germany combined, and as much as between Great Britain and the United States In tho year 1912. Ireland is the only country in Europe that de creased in population within the past seventy years. Tho population of Ireland in 1845 was 8,500,000, today it is about 4,250,000, which In Itself is a strong Indictment against British rule in Ireland. The Ulstor question so-called in the last analysis Is an economic problem. Religion does not enter into the Irish question, which Is a national, political and economic problem. During the past seventy years over 2.000,000 of the Irish people have died of hunger and pestilence, 3,500,000 were evicted from their homes and 4,000,000 were forced to emigrate .to seek a livelihood in foreign countries denied them ..In the. land of their birth. If Ireland we free and Independent like Switzerland or Holland she could support in comfort and plenty five times her present population. Ireland has contributed more thaa her share to the man power Kentucky IaIZAVINQ TIIB FRENCH ACADEMY. President Wilson proceeded by Mrs. Wilson, leaving tho French Acad-' ay in Paris immediately after tho installation of Marshal Joffro as" emy an "Immortal." Africa and Now Zealand loucht in tho British armies. During the first year of tho European war IT) 0,0 00 of those were killed in action. Somo regiments were practically wiped out. We hope and expect that a league - u ,m , -t,u,r.A the Peace Conference, which will tho Government will then ontor catering to 'tho local Republican ad- chance to sleep and bo a big sav carry with it tho freedom of tho upon will prove far longer than tho ministration by refusing to publish ing In ammunition. It wouldn t be Las and self-determination. Unless tiail made famous by John Me- criticism ofi the misfit police and a bad idea to give the comedy po Ireland is included in that league Cormack and tho phonograph, and fire departments, and It is known Hce blank cartridges, as they are it will nrova a failure and tho infinitely more thorny. For at that the Bingham papers have pur- usually shooting at nothing in par millions of lives lost will' have been cst a generation the Gov6rnment posely refused to publish stories ticular and may hit some innocent lost in vain lias Deen trying to convince tho that would. reflect on the local ad- person. Last Saturday night was a I myself havo supreme confidence simple denizens of the Southern ministration- Tho Times has gono feature night with the department in thn noiltlni sitraoltv the sterllne mountains, and somo not quite so Into ecstasies over Davo Rose's civic and tho boys did themselves proud. hoWv - Md l the rSihr ideals of slmplo on the Bowery, that it is center, which tho Post said was tho One who hates to see July 1 roll President Wilson, who is today the naughty to make corn whiskey silliest of te silly, and despite the around and was taking advantage recognized leader of universal democracy and tho greatest figure In International politics. It is our duty and tho duty of every good American citizen to uphold tho hands of our illustrious President In this great crisis of suffering hu manity, ITOCIjimjBANQl TSe1arto?lilterary Club, oFlfwr Albany, celebrated its sixth anni versary with an elaborate banquet at the Tavern, at which Mrs. S. J. Gardner gracefully presided as toastmlstress. Toasts were respond ed to in proso and verse, covering a wide range of subjects, including Pope Benedict and President Wil son. Those present were Mrs. Ed ward Vernia, of Belford; Mesdames S. J. Gardner, Anderson G. Moore, Edward J. Hackett, Charles Goh mann, James Cox, John A. Cody, William J. Recoveur, James Russell, William P. Stein, J. Otto Endrls, Sr John Horn, Mllllo Thomas, Bernard Mulloy, L. O. English; Misses Mary Kelly, Agatha Schaefor, Mary Egan, Mayme Russoll, Eliza beth Kelly, Genevieve Vernia and Emily Lyons. This week's meeting of the club was held at the homo of Miss Emily Lyons. CARDINAL'S STATEMENT. Cardinal Gibbons, in a statement issued recently, makes a plea that wine may be obtained for sacra mental purposes: "Wo have 20,000 Catholic clergy men in tho United States who every day offer tho sacrament of the mass. How" can they perform this duty if they can not obtain wine? I know I will be replied to that wine is permitted for sacramental purposes. I' can not see how this will be if the manufacture, sale and Importa tion of wine is prohibited. The law of prohibition strikes tho individual liberty of worship. Moreover, in tho carrying out of the law I also see an invasion of the home, which up to now all men have agreed is a sacred and holy place." TROTSKY, RUSSIAN PRBMIKR. tnoio ot Lrtwii 'j. ixnH.y, ivuneiau - A a T fV1YA T a.A(BK i-rwium iv w uovinu muinu dictator, according to Petrogrsd ad- 4?T3uakkkkHkHyUtiW''' y JkkkkHkV ,faaaapiaaaHH iliilaH IMBHkkHr' " ' ilkkkm "kkK":? , - k. T v'1.kV aaaaaaaBr -! ., - x ??aaaaaF, ., UlimsL- iHWaHklkkT w J? .saw?. ' f lkB m kEsjl ihH 'aHkV -.kH mKMKm ' jW' " :1H ;Tkaj. VhUW. GIVING FIAT EFFECT. Tho nniiHMnno iinm foonofi thnir - .....I l -.-,. -j . .t. on,,nr: u . h rfrv with tho country is to be dry. With the adoption of tho Federal amendment, and that unfortunate day uoo dawned, tho United States will be- gin the work of giving that flat its infonrfori Affoct Thn Tvntti whfnh wl"JOU' iei-uusHm u uiii6- ton. One has only to visit a South- ein city on Federal court day to onscrvo mourntimy mat a uovern- ment which coma conquer tne .ivaiser nas iaueu u uinuiudi'i uie "moonshiner." When our Prohiomonist nretnren nave nnaiiy uaDeuaeu in ieuerai legislation tnwr piana to regen- iaWmttttftMflMtM&ftliemverft- merit'ehunt for. the minor demons, uwr aim wjuo, nut uo . owiiura tTom tho Southern mountains to tho onttrfi eountrv. PoasiblV "concur- rent jurisdiction' " --- .r. - ..--. . jtlon will make tho hunt anoro successim. '" Ever since our remote Isc?ITJiL SJn n?ll wtiiKwiut. ub m" possibly, ancestors nm.lri li mnrin tram fhft fruit of tho vino men havo used stimulants ot vumii n. ....x.v ... i...w k.v.v w. v..v ono kind or another. The desire um, .imi vi uiiuLuoi. "r wmon urn ieu to tneir use, ana nas retained them, still; remains It will uvi uo ucauwjrcu. iii bcuwitii.w or in ono hundred, even by an amendment to tho constitution of the the TInltwl HtntoM. As often aa wuvw Ww. -- unco' good, H4 nUiin1n r. " .." 5"r ... A"r". . .:. fPve nain to all their neighbors" tivo pain to an tneir netgnDors, araSThVwickaebrfnChSvo S?.?1'..1?0-.?-;!..?-! erynTitVa Wfor rtrtiir and a. tramins school for Pharisees. Tho Prohibition amendment nro- poses to take away and give noth- in in return: to destroy an appe- tlto that probably has existed sinco the fall of man. It seems to havo undertaken a task to which Al- mighty God alone is equal, and then only, as far as w know, hy remaK- Ing man. Mrs. Partington, in all good faith and undeniable diligence, set out to conquor tho tides with a broom. She might quite as well havo determined to check tho pro- cession of the equinoxes. Law Is a good broom; it can do many things, but it can not destroy a Physical craving. Tne Dest xne law can uo is to Keep xnai craving within bounds, and then watch the bounds to seo that It does not .break out into undeniably evil fields. With the motives and mentality even of such eminent Prohibition- ists as Sidney Catts, of Florida, who brackets convents with dens of vice, no present issue Is raised. But t Is imperative to note that tho latest phases of the Prohibitionist campaign aro rank with tho slimo and rottenness of Pharisaism. In the name of decency, and K wo mva nnv lnvA for our ftonntrv. let . , "" ;:' ii," Kit.iir us cut loose from tho blinding. f,lify !Si,n ,i? J. ,ni tt ll h0JSSL f h.liUhn ?n ?!, fiia n?gnn nJ ?Zin thn Af.w?i nnfrt Srio mZ, S, e,Cal,,adtl"gIS,,rS work and to satisfy their legitimate appetites without finding in any of nV 4,. - i i. f excluded, a yawning pitfall of Satan.- -America.' AVINS LOUISVILLE BRIDE. Mr. and Mrs. John P. Coumoy nr their announce the marriage r."l,w -i.f8..;. ,.8"' S.i.J..t rtmichtAr Mlaa Tjinna Tlorothv TJnnh uuuwiuuuiei, no ui duo uauiue iui an emmeu man w uu.j, -.-., .. of Bnftalo N Y fSmerly o Lilsl nelP. In the excitement thinking we by steady promotion arose from .f.."ureAI(Vl A"i.orm.e"y l.?lU?: hart ra.1 nollce. Then the Kev- tho ranks. Prior to his enlistment at ; t 'Jph'8thed7al of that out their revolver., shoot at the the practice" of law In the Inter city In 4e nrefenw of the tvfo im- electric light or any old thing, Southern building, where he will mediate farrJUeT The bride wo warning the burglar to be on his now resume his former vocation. a midnight blue taJlored suit of way. Nightly this scene Is repeated, duvetyn trimmed In beaver 'with a the street car police coming In on small dark Muo hat of taffeta tlk. the blewiel blewiel part. orae un-Her- coraasfe bouquet wa ot mauve appreciative taxpayers being unkind orchids and Hues nr , oii.i,r Mr ,i iLr nav, irt imnnutiAw .- ftfter the ceremony for New York. wiierft uiey win remain a snontn. After Maroh 1 hy wll be at ho 'a HI SU- T.aiia nlaiu AnMatn 'at 134 St. James place, Buffalo. Irish LOUISVILLE, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1919. DEMOCRATS Inquiring Why Bingham Papers Are Aiding tho Republican Cnniphlgn. Heal Mayor Searcy Makes Sweeping Changed On Ills Exccu- tlve Boards. Keystone Police Protest Against Burglars Working All Night Long. BURLINGAME -deputy jiayor. The series of attacks on Gov. Stanley in tjie Courier-Journal and the attempt to belittle his admin istration has again revived tho rumor that. A. T. 'Hert, the State Republican leader, is associated with Mr. Bingham in the purchase of the Courier-Journal and Times, ant ino coursQ 01 xnose papers are bent only on makine camDaiKn ' VriM AK,hLlBT coming Governor's race. Gov. Stanley wasfchosen by tho people of Kentucky tcbrepresent them in the United States Senate for six years and his Daftlon record Is not an an Issiin at thi time. Tho ntbiolr on "" Goveruorr can only be construed j ag an attac$ on the Democratic ad-' ministration and many Democrats say that anexpianatlon is due from the CouriewJoumal. Local Demo- orats for Some time have been awaro that fboth these Daners were uwim epiumuiu ot uurgianes anu crime com,:to tho bat every day with a pict; b of Cant. Zeke Tucker, who Is rtoi: rwn4erful work on the police H pst experience as a consi Hi Hiller, t'SOotink, or Lieut, a. a, Batttnu born sleuth m'ttdtrt s a, street- ough TtraT 'inw'-TC 'XsZtitti?,' ".? ono dizzy whirl at tho City Halt ' th -BoitniiTja m the executive DoaruB anu .police and fire depart- . m ct it. t IIIHI1LH. lilll'H. iKtLlt'.V. "LllH IKiLl Mayor has Bhlfted and changed nointees on the Board of Safety so pointees on the Board of Safety so often Jn the past week that near Mayor Smith is in a daze over the , ... -. .- .i.i nA .unn.nn n m f i w hn.riui tJi-,- tMm ,, t' ,, . ny,Ba win flnlloint next. Paul Burllneame. i alrman of tho Boardpftrtner did. I e Y,as been selected to takdBut the prize story is the one ol chariro ot tne Board of Safety aiufyDetectives Long and ueiss, wno ggfBJj" affairs in genera? Kent out to rild gambling games "f "a", "'A"1 a. '",.?. 4lJZ. ,, r,n,i rnnhin hv eettlnir out or " " " mo wi.mii, ui uoprnj r J.-, r (?... .t t.v.m ULH.YUI LU 1U1 . k3ail!l JJUU13 JU1 II- Ron nnd hla associates were not making much speed In handling the jipnirtnnntH -Slow- filofiai? o'ffscandafsTo nron n,it en nriinramp. who is n. lat the police and firemen will vo mepuujicau jiihi, uuu tuuuuui t,i iV.v ttAHAflt . Republican administration and tho Republican machine. None others need apply. Like Tobo Hert, the big Repubii- can boss, the new Chairman of tho Board of safety also comes from Indiana. It is rumored that Searcy and uuriingame are paving tne way for Chief Petty or Davy Rose as our next Mayor, and to that end tho Deputy Mayor threw a .bomb in the path of Sheriff Ross, who was showing considerable strength, There Is war on between the City Hall and Court House and Ross's friends claim that Burllngame tried to squelch Ross by giving the story t0 the press of Ross charging rent f0r tho chair used by the ladie3 (Ming out draft cards. it is said one of the board's flr3t official acts will "be to " decapltato Capt, Smyser, a close friend of gherlff Ross, and Chief Petty will approve of this, as Jie wants to get oven wlth tho sheriff for trying to Bhovv. up the pollco recenti7 by ramJng a gambling game. Ross's Meniig ay he wants to meet Petty, Roso or Burllngame In an election before the people as ho wnl maka . .. . ... .. mem iook -iuco selling piaiers. Intensely jealous of the "hick"' fire department, who received quite a world of advertisement last week 'or not putting out fires, the. old Keystone police boys came to tho front this week with a series of fy . J1!,,?0" iuv,, ""?' m," " 6,,, holdup men played quite a prominent fiart, and in every part of III tY 14 11IC 04q UiU ObUUW TTHQ J oeated. Along with the army of professional crooks In our midst there aro some amateur burglars, and they in several instances bungled the Job and frightened the tonors annear on the scene. Jerk enoueh to say that in all the awful ltt of bnrelarles they surely ouatht i - i .. 1 T. tfk V caion oh unce iu wuue. may- i"y r ", " " blind or rippled mm, seeing the lHnrtl IkrONUMMB Ot BUrBlary American im St! h - h -Vs- ' i 54 L; 1 M t .r. nr ,... ?, MET. ' . . . 'vww . .v. ; t. nawv . iii i iniiiiiiiiiMi a m m.h.iximriL'"jri.XTiKL.'msxi-i7 kkHkkB, - ;M "TT T "' WHniWMfflnll Ti fHlkWWMMlkMkkM ' HkkkHBkWt -..j.'jai ILl&VkSBBHBSniklkHHikkH ' ' L. "F" Jim. 1 ":i i p ' vr;lf; -.'2 ; :; ;: r- " : . . -"i ! ''.-'-', "" ' - ,v i ll ii" -ii" in inv ..,; intltl SCENE OUTSDJE BERLIN IMPERIAL PALACE. Photo from Europe showing revolutionary soldiers keeping crowd In check during a meeting of the revolutionists in front of tho Berlin Imperial Palace. Photo shows Ger front wearing his steel helmet. I here, will enter tho field and give the Keystone police an opportunity to redeem themselves. This past week tho Keystoners were told to keep people off the streets after 1 a. m., notifying tho ourgmrs mui xney must Keep umun nours anu nnisn tneir laDors Dy that time. This will givo tho Key stoners anu citizens both a better "i ? nn iiewuu iv ""''" at Second and Liberty and told him ho was going to lock him up for being drunk. The citizen naturally became indignant and saw tne snoe was on tne tuner toot tnai mo Keysioner was soiwea. -usiw nu lattice, flu rjumpsea, m aiwr , r'DlnlgSielfta, awme mea. euymiuB inj mm KWBHWaKi,.! fUtiaf mHomntPiT in arfcit'iivnekro wife beater. Law arid justice fin- isnea a nau secona in una meiautu, as the colored Republican took the irni..inri.D nlotnl tmrav from him ap-'and threw him out. This is a fact, IVOJOWHi i.mvw v. ii ..- . but it won't appear in jacis. u but it won't appear in "Facts." in tho Seventh district the patrol was called to bring a soused Keystoner .. , . v., -i- in 'hiHronort said he didn't understand I rn ino fifii.'i iiiiii inn iiiiiLuci ill iScase as he drank every tlmo his ..-- - a",Zr. .7 (ha t riic3iTirtr i Tnnr Helmerdlnger UltA .Ofcv. wt' Drotested against detectives maKing raids in his district, which is a tip for camblers or other offenders, KeSK Perfom In one district and make their getaway into an - - other strict." In a d n an- umc uio.uv. .., Vwr -.---- nnrnlorl firm thn itnfr liniOrLllrltiies locked up, which will encourage op fenders to register Hepumican nex. Itlme. Hero's another showing the diplomatic tactics 01 our iwWu police. A woman was seriously iu wun innuenza ou ii.B"." ow.., near Walnut. A comeuy cop ap- peareu wun mo -,, " YCl nurse answered his call at tne front door and tne Keystoner blurted out: "Has she got that ere newmony?" The nurse put ner fingers to her lips and said: S n, b h, the patient will ".far you; she's In the tront room. oia- Ing daunted the Keystoner b"u said wun a wise uir, " " got mat ere nowmuu,, o.ioo goner, alright." Some diplomat. ' DISTINCTION FOR LOUISVILLE. I Going the rounds of the press just now is the following pleasing ref- erenco to the school for chaplains that was until recently conducted here: "Louisville enjoyed the dlstlnc- tion of having at its nearby can- tonment of Zachary Taylor tho only cnapiains' miltiary training school . r. i m.iH nM !. .rrtrifi m tne unueu. oiuiea m n.o "- The priests of the. school, during its several terms, numbered generally considerably over 100. and they were a splendid body of priests, learned, self-sacrificing and zealous, an honor to any army and country. ,QDd an honor to the cnurcn. RESTOD3S LAW PRACTIOE. First Lieut. Frank J. Dougherty, ROn of Mr. and Mrs. Michael nnnphortv. has returned to Louis- vllle, having received his discharge ot enmn Johnston, monua. uiem. Dougherty entered tho service as Lieut. Doutrhorty was engaged in FRANK BUNDSCHU ARRIVES. BVank Bundschu. the first Rnlehta of Columbus Secretary to en to Ehirona. arrived at New York Ttf. .1..1a mh ) InAlin n on weuawwayi uuwowftiu 'wuuu. uuiiu u oo n. ' "j ri'rw ii n M!ntetr of War to n Burope he sent many, interesting, try J atavv nSSThita IfrftftTa Home. mil f ? i '"" v"f ' --- S 7, . .? man soldier just returned from tho LIBERTY OF EDUCATION. In many places today tho right of the child to a Christian education Is brought into conflict with tho theory of an omnipotent State. Wo havo just passed through a crisis that endangered our national life. Patriotism was made tho supremo test of everything. Catholics mot that test magnificently. They dem onstrated conclusively that patriot Ism is tho splendid result of Chris tian education. Nevertheless there .aro those who would Insist that patriotism can ho promoted only through Stato absolutism. They forget that wa havo just waged a war to secure liberty as against a government that made absolutism ono of its cardinal principles. Tho omnipotent Stato was tho pet theory of Prussian junkerdom that led Germany to destruction. And wo must bo on our guard lost tho same false theory bring disaster, upon our own country. Patriotism J does not consist in denying liberty of- fducaUoa and in giving the state M9opaly of lasrtruoUoo. That wilt Make serfs and not patriot.- :k;bouTni ana strong, patrloetami :maNaMattwatipcmgg9CJu&ji llglon therefore is -itsjnosfpower tul incentive. Base patriotism on raero sentimentality and it crumbles to pieces Jtt Um& ot stress. Base it ,. m... i.i..ii j i i u lllll OU1LU U.UBU1 U L1S111 UUU 11. Uli' comes mero cringing servitude if It aoes not degenerate into rank d0es not hypocrisy. collision 1 Thero can bo no between religion and duty . i - .. m pmiTiTrv 5. in riT. it n rrnn imnni. Tho f!n.thoHo nhiirch haa alwava taught that tho duty to country Is next only to duty to God. Tho church also insists on tho right of tno child to a Christian education, No Stato can take away or abridge that rlcht without violating tho most sacred duty that God has ira- - "j i. .u.i n"j T" ." posea upon parents, -rnai auty om- braces the right to choose a Chris- tlan education for their children In order that they ay be 'Prepared for their purpose in life. To tako away that right is tyranny of tho worst kind. To take It away in tho name of liberty Is sheer hypocrisy. Tho State has the right to see that children receive an education to fit them for citizenship. To deny to parents tho right to give their children a Christian education is to destroy truo liberty. We have Been enough of tho dlro results of Stato absolutism in Germany. Lot us havo none of it in America. We worship here at tho shrlno of lib erty, not tyranny. And our motto Is "Our liberties wo prize and our rights wo will maintain at any cost." BISHOP SHAHAN. Tna pnch Government has con- f erred on Bishop Shahan, rector of j.the Catholic University, tho decora tion of an officer of tho Legion of Honor for his Services during tho war. CAPT. FERDINAND PISEOKY. First photo to arrive In this coua- v"' -vw-w ... ..--.. I. VI ii I mmmm - .1 IIU'I1"". '. 'i'J in 'jflSHkaHkkkHftk -BaaaaaaaaaajaaKaaaEiaacssEu. . ' aaaBL BBBBBBBSnnnfMajp. "'lH fife m HHfaaHMkMiiBr ' ' . - m: -J,v--'vS'5i-.t- ' mtOWNTyVXI INTILIGENT CAREFUL SERVICE PHONE: HOME M MAIN Uvcty Driver an ItscotU UuiJYilla Cartfaes & Taxlcab Co. Incorporated SnOtlKmLHIfflXlKSXIKSttiflTSKraiMM PRICE FIVE CENTS. CHAMPION Incidents From tho Stnigglcs of tlio Catholic Church Against Absolutism. Data From tho Vnx'ious Writings of . Englnnd's Great Car dinal Manning. Goes Back to tho Days Before Magna Charta and Oath of Rulers. DEFENDS THE POPE'S POSITION. Recently writers in the Atlantic Monthly, the New Republic and tho. Open Court, In articles referring partly to the need of a sort of re construction on tho part ot the churches, and partly to "Religion and Democracy," have preferred tho charge against the churches (in cluding tho Catholic church) that they havo been remiss in their duty as protectors of religious authority against tho domination of political authority, and in their obligations toward the people as against the encroachments of secular power and becular thought. Wo havo previously pointed out that tho Catholic church did not tllently and passively Bubrolt to the overbearing policies of absolutism as against the rights of religion and tho rights of tho people. Tho Rus sian anarchist Prince Kropotkin was quoted to show In what manner and to what degree Bishops of the church championed, when they wero not bound hand and foot, the cause of the liberties of the church and ot the people. Cardinal Manning also supplies arguments and data on this same subject. Ho also discusses In his able manner and style tho long strugglo between "Caesaristn and Ultramontanlsm," and between Caesarism or absolutism and the people's rights. In his "Miscel lanies" we find various references to this subject, which it might be well for somo of tho critics of the? church to peruse. Tho discussion of principles In "Oaesarisn and Ultramonianlflin" Is both interesting and valuable. Vor the present, however, a reference to Manning's essay en. "The Pope and the Magna Charta" may suffice.. ITfthttf way MMr lflg tltij iwuooMi ine .rows; reM7.5-TTuo document, and In doing o prefac&J his remarks by some Illustrations from history, showing tho generous support given by the church to the cause of tho people. In this con nection he quotes from Stubb's Documents: "From tho beginning of the thirteenth century the strugglo (in England) is between the barons, clergy and people on ono side, and the King and hla personal partisans, English and foreign, on tho other. The barons and prelates who drew up tho charter were tho sons of the ministerial nobles of Henry II., tho Imitators of S. Anselm and S. Hugh, of Henry of Winchester and Thomas of Canterbury." And again, quot ing from Stubbs, ho says: ". . .No division pf tho clergy ever sympa thized with tho feudal party," 1. e., against the Interests of the people. Tho Cardinal, to illustrate the at titude of tho representatives of tho church toward tho people, goes back to the days before Magna Charta and points out that tho coronation oath of tho rulers, which was pledged to a representative ot tho church, contained guarantees ot popular rights and the rights of the church. "The laws and liberties of England," wo read, "wore guaran teed by the coronation oaths of ev ery sovereign. Saxon and Dane alike swore to preserve them. Will iam the Conqueror and his success ors In like manner bound them selves by their coronation oath to respect them." Tho fact that tha Kings did not llvo up to their oath provoked oppo sition by tho church and the people. "The conflict," Manning continues, "between traditional liberties and royal customs, which began before the conquest, became sharper and less tolerable after tho conquest. Tho rule of. our foreign Kings was especially despotic, and under them tho conflict between legal rights and royal usages brought on tho conflict of St. Anselm with Henry I., and tho martyrdom of St, Thomas of Canterbury under Henry H." And lest it ba thought that tho lib erties for which these churchmen fought against despotic rulers were purely secular or purely ecclesiasti cal, wo append Cardinal Manning's classification ot them. "These laws and liberties," ho writes, "may be divided and classed under two heads, first tho liberties of tho church, in Its tribunals, goods, appeals and elections, and secondly tho liberties of the people In respect to inherit ance, taxation, military service and tho like." These facts servo well to show tho position of tho church toward unduo encroachments of tho political authority upon the domain of hor rights and those of the people. It today sho Is less able to effectively resent such encroachments it is surely not the province of tho30 wh6 havo consistently striven to weaken. her influence to accuse her of not opposing with sufficient strength the "concentration ot power" in the hands of certain men and classes, and the subordination of religious to political authority. Fairness should prompt those critics, if they aro well intentioned, rather to take tho other side of the argument. C. B. of O. V. OANDLEMAS. Tomorrow is Candlemas day, whea all should secure a blessed candle. i w 1 a I. S