Newspaper Page Text
J3ZK3SraDJ03BrSr XXfclSKE AJMOESKXOAI- For Perfect Vision and Restful Comfort Wear "Superior" Deep Curve hmm In Shell Rim Mountings ii TWwr mwi i i miui.'jjh- t ; . I ., . , ... '. 4 !, ,V ,,'," ,T7T7i ' 7 ' , Ji , V-Z . !SS .C' " ..a.ii' It,.q ". w? t,', .fnftajSW ff.Tj ,)ffi tj 1 , m, , - n mi ! IM j; u-y imiiiiinrTrM WE) TirInir A ftur (loan Pimm I nnenc Blvo clear- shnrP vision at any nnglo UUl Ueep bUlVG LcilSQS without distortion. They nlso per mit mountings to be set close to the face beyond angle of usual vision but still allow amplo room for eye-lashes In winking. Oltatl Dim UFnnnt iturc reduco brenhago by allowing use of lensca Oncli llini mUUIIllil&a without screwhole-j They also absorb dis tressing highlight reflections from the edges of lenses Becauso of the shell temples, they fit snugly and com fortably over the cars and keep lenses In perfect ad justment. pair of Deep-Curved lcnscs with nil) desired mounting in mock-, ense iinu com qa r v)tttJ complete fillchtly curved lenses ltli nuy desired mounting In stock, case aiid cord com plcto Krjptok Rl focal Ijenscs for near and fur l.slon; any mounting In stock, case and cord (tQ ff complete pOUU $3.50 SUPERIOR OPTICAL CO 611 South Fourth Avenue CAPTURED U-BOAT EXHI BITBD IN NEW YORK. The former Gorman UC-97 arriving at the Battery, New York City, to bo placed on exhibition. The U Boat arrived hero with several other captured German submarines the other day from England In charge of an American naval crew. Photo shows saw-like knife In bow of 3ubfor cutting cables and nets. THANKKD liY PERSHING. WARM AIR FURNACES Saved from summer rust and decay, smoke pipes removed, oiled, furnace overhauled and cleaned. ONLY Sl.OO TELEPHONE NOW. Gr. HBARTIOK Main 2933 City 2181 ASK ANY OCl LIST Correct Glasses Are as Important as the Right Medicine. We Make Glasses to Meet the Requirements of Oculists' Prescriptions. THE BALL OPTICAL CO. OliFFOURTII AVENUE OPl MAKY ANIEKSON I f M. ). BANNON, President and Minster. ' P. BAMHON. JR., Vice Pre:, and Treat. P. BANNON PIPE CO. Sewer and Culvert Pipe, Bannon's Patent Lidded Pipe for Steam Conduits, Wall Coping, Drain Tile, Vitrified BrlcK, Fire Proofing, Fine Lining, Fire BrUil Grate and Boiler Tile, Fire Clay, Chimney Tops. OFFICE 836 SOUTH THIRTEENTH STREET. PHONES CITY 573-1786 CUMB. MAIN 507, W HtKS Thirteenth and Breckinridge nnd Ninth and Mnguutia. ; idei A letter from Gen. Pershing, re ceived by William J. Mulligan, Chairman of Knights of Columbus War Activities, expressed In warm terms appreciation for what the Knlghtd of Columbus havo dono for the American army abroad, beforo and slnco the armistice was signed. Gen. Pershing In his letter said: "I wish to express through you to the Knights of Columbus my ap preciation and that of the. officers and men under my command for tho valuablo services rendered by your organization to tho American Expeditionary Forces. Tho active work of your organization in Franco ibegan early in 1018, was well under way by the spring of that year, and has been increasing In scope oer since. Before the cessa tion of hostilities Its workers wero attached- to many of tho combat divisions and recreation huts had born opened in the principal Ameri can concentration centers. Numer ous commanding officers havo com mended the devotion to duty of your personnel and liavo testified to their popularity and helpfulness among tho troops whom they served. Dur ing the armistice It has been par ticularly actlvo in tho nromotlon of athletics, a mo3t valuable factor for health and contentment. It has also contributed to tho success of tho army entertainment programmo by numerous appropriations for musi cal Instruments 'and equipment of soldier shows, has increased its gen eral lecreational activities, helnlng materially to maintain tho morale of tho army during tho Inevitablo period of waiting to go home. I thank you, and each Individual worker in your organization, for your valuablo assistance." p mmmm n whiwml DOUGHHOyS' PILGIUMAOE. KEPAIKING WELDINS Expert Attention On Itepnirs On All Makes of Cars SPECIALISTS ON KOItD HEPAIKINO AUTO WELDING & REPAIR CO. ERNEST SMITH, Prop. Both Phones 2300 713 SOUTH SEVENTH ST., LOUISVILLE, KX. i a SWISS XNCORPORATBD LOUISVIL.L.ID KENTUCKY faAa4tj4a)ie(s)-l LARGBST IN TUB SOOTH. DR. "JOHN P. BECKER OPTOMETRIST, SPECIALIST IN FITTING GLASSES Twenty Years' Expcrieuco. Prices Reasonable. 315 Stark- Ital'.HnjJ. Third Floor Fourth aud Wnlnul. Phone City 1180. Fresh Ohio River Fish KBGBIVISD DAILY. OHIO RIVER No Job Too Large or None Too Small. "SEES TJS." liberty Electric and Repair Company Onr Mollot Iroiutit Service, Bel. let' Work, Sntiafied Customer. Phone Cily 2700 745 S. Sixth St. Louisville, Ky. A SPECIALTY. Segal & Boyer Fish Co. ail East Jefferson Street. Home City 10G1. A Near to You as tbe Nearest Phone" Tho second pilgrimage of tho American doughboys to the shrlno or Our Lady at Lourdea, France, took iplaco on Thursday. Mtfv 29. under tho direction of the Knights of Columbus. Tho first pllgrimago of the American doughboy to the Orotto at Lourdes was on the occa sion of the feast of tho Annuncia tion, and to uso the word of an aged French woman, "Thero was never anything so wonderful as that." Endless lines of khaki-clad boys filed toward tho shrlno of Our iLady and on their arrival attended mass, visited tho Grotto and Shrine and at twilight, when tho stars shone In all their splendor, chanted a sol emn Vespers and tho Rosary. On their departuro they suggested that each would give a "Doughboy's mite" ana the proceeds will bo used toward placing a statue of Joan of Arc above tho Rosary church. Thia will mark tho day of tho first Amer ican military pilgrimage to tho shrine of Our Lady at Lourdes. Hundreds of doughboys expected to leave Paris oinder the direction, of tho Knights of Columbus, and at tend the second American military pilgrimage to that shrine. Catholic travelers from every part Of tho world havo visited Lourdes. .for they know that there the Blessed Virgin appeared to the littlo Shep herdess, Dornadetto Soubrlous, and told hor such things as have mado Lourdes ono of tho holy places of Christendom. J. W. NEWMAN, Of Woodford County, Candidate for Commissioner of Agriculture, Labor an Statistics, Subject to the action of the Democratic Primary. Your vote and influence solicj ed and appreciated. Advertis, ment. er's effigy stood still remains but not a trace of tho statue remains. It is expected that othor medals mado from tho same statue and commemqrating other Knights of Columbus activities abroad will be sent to K. of C. officials in this country. CATHOLICS Now Havo Population of Over Sev enteen Million In United States. Twenty-eight States Itcport Over Ono Hundred Thousand, Now York in, Lend. With TJioso in United States Pos sessions 20,332,050 Under Our Finff. WILL ILVVK TALE. FUNERAL FLOWERS A SPBGIAL. SPRAY $3.00 A SPECIAL WKKATU 5.00 THE VERY BEST iEPPlNG'S SOFT DRINKS Jf vmm w "I ik noma shop l r telegraph Plowors Evorywhera CLEVELAND MOTORCYCLE S"' SlIto SS"S! ! tack to the united States he One of tho Knights of Columbus overseas official photographers of the name of Barry, who Is In a way a pictorial historian, describes the reunion of parents and children at Brussels after four years' seperatlon becauso of tho war. "The parents waited for them In a school-room," says (Barry, "and tho littlo ones wore brought in ono at a time and ran tho gauntlet of their trembling elders. Suddenly thero would be a cry and rush and an omhraoo and the rest was tears, Pour years Is a long time in the llfo of a child and somo of them had grown almost beyond belief. The atmosphere was so tense that it was almost unbear able. I shall never forget It s& long as I live. Tho men and women waited with anxiety written deop in their faces. Tho children camo In With trembjlng wondor in their oyes. And then thero was joy un utterable. Wo took pictures of that scene. This was a cinema which needed no rehearsing, and It never could bo ropcated." When Harry CHURCH 3IAKES GIANT STRIDES. ;ORNS,BUN!ONS feirtvbf MmH KHt Sefwtifics TmM Dr. Uriah Z. Litssy CiiirepodUt 'I' ,1 C07 W iJiB&fcSlarV men, clerks, workmen, mechanics I and farmors; cash or weekly pay ments. R. L. DAVIS, Agent, S. W. Corner Seventh and Broadway BatMUg Btk Pbow National Roofing and Supply Company Incorporated ritcH, CorI Tr, Tarren Felts, Gravel Hooting (A Specialty). 124 W. Alain Piione City 1S5; Main 1469-Y will have a talo to euro deafnesa. tell MKDALS FROM STATUE. Thero are 17,549,324 Catholics in the forty-eight States of tho Union, according to tho 1919 edition of the Official Catholic Directory, publish ed and copyrighted by P. J. Kenedy & Sons, Barclay street, Now York. With fifty-four archdioceses and dio ceses making no changes In their population statistics, with nino dio ceses snowing decreases and with thirty-nine archdioceses and dlo cesea showing Increases, the net in crease in tho number or Catholics over tho preceding year amounts to 133,021. Although this Is tho smallest Increase shown in many a year, thero is no cause for alarm, for, according to tho tables of tho 1919 Issue, flftyrfour important archdioceses and dioceses made no changes whatever In their popula tion figures. This does not mean that tho archdioceses and dioceses In question havo beon at a standstill, uui simpiy indicates that no now census was taken during tho unset tled conditions brought about by the great world war. In fact, it is that will pointed out that some of tho most Important archdioceses havo not changed their figures in quite a number of years. The Catholic -population figures are not therefore, as Protestant a new census, tho Catholic popula tion flguro would ho over 19,500, 000. During tho last twenty-five years the church In this country has mado giant strides as is evidenced by comparing the figures In former directories. Tracing back tho pop ulation figure twenty-five years it Is shown that tho Increase In tho num ber of Catholics in tho United States during tho past quarter of a cen tury has amounted to 8,471,459. Adding to the figure 17,549,324, which is tho Catholic population of the United States proper, tho num ber of Catholics in Alaska, the Canal Zone, tho Virgin Islands, Guam, tho United States possessions In Samoa, tho Hawaiian Islanda, Porto Illco and In the Philippines, It develops that there are 26,332, C50 Catholics undor the protection or the United States flag. Tho usual table of statistics appears in the Kenedy publication, and according to tho general summary of the 1919 Issue there aro now 20,588 Catholic priests In tho United States. Of these, 15,052 aro secular clergymen and 5,536 aro priests of religious orders. Other figures taken rrom tho copyrighted summary aro as follows Archbishops, 14; bishops, 97; churches with resident prie3ts, 10.460; missions with churches, 5, 537; seminaries, 110; seminarians, 7,865; parishes with schools, 5,788; children attending parochial schools, 1,633,509; orphan asylums, 294; orphans, 46,069; homes for aged, 116; eolleges for boys, 216; acade mies for girls, 674, Special attention is called to tho pictorial section in tho 1919 Issue. Tho compilers have secured and published likenesses of all the arch bishops xand 'bishops who were ap pointed to American Sees up to a few weeks ago. The pictorial section consists ot thirty-two pages, an un usually large number. Another tea ture of the 1919 edition Is the com plete list of army and navy chap lains, which takes up six pages in the Kenedy publication. Tho 762 secular clergy and tho 264 members of religious orders who were serv ing under the stars and stripes, are listed In tho army and navy sec tion. According to tho new issue of "Konedy'a Official Directory" twen ty-eight States have a Catholic pop ulation of 100,000 or over, tho twenty-eight "Banner" States being as follows: New 'liork 3,089266 Pennsylvania 1,8 67,000 Illinois 1,48 1,789 Massachusetts , 1,406,845 Ohio .... 866,715 Now Jersey 746,879 Michigan 631,508 Louisiana 618,869 Wisconsin 592,233 California 589,000 Missouri 538,692 Minnesota j. 483,494 Connecticut . 523,795 Texas 455,389 Maryland ... 278,406 (Including District of Columbia.! Indiana 275,914 Rhode Island 275,000 Iowa 265,500 Kentucky 178,296 Maine 152,635 Now Mexico .. 151,573 New Hampshire 135,600 Kansas 132,210 Nebraska ., 129,279 Colorado . 113,638 North Dakota 105,871 Washington 105,836 Montana 103,850 Come on I Now for a real tobacco treat I Hit up your old pipe or take a man's size chew and see how this waxy, mellow, old twist warm the cockles of your heart. The smell of it alone will take you right back for more. Ask for War Hawk I At all live merchants! Guaranteed by John D. Moore Tobacco Co INCORPORATED. LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY f f 0.4i GRAN W. SMITH'S SON t AL. S. SMITH, PROP. I Funeral Director and Embalmerl BOTH PHONES 810. I SOUTHEAST CORNER SIXTH AND ZANE STS. i DOUGHERTY & McELLIOTTI 1227 WEST MARKET STREET, i : Funeral Directors and Ernbalmers! BOTH IXIOIC13;Ss;. Climb. Main 209S-n M-H"I"M-MW""H-W-H TT. r"i rtnno .iauuju uuy AUOO A jVVVtVVVVVVVVVVVt HOMK PHONE 88 CUMBERLAND MAIN 3071.y J. J. BARRETT'S SONS FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS. f 822 Kat: Main &izc&&. vVVVVVVvVV City 2360. MAln 2160-Y, L. D. BAX Funeral Director and Embalraer 717-710 E. CHESTNUT LODISVHiLD, KY. THOMAS KEENAN 1529 WEST MARKET STREET W. C. RORK, PcuUcnI. HBRBKRT JHNKINS, Stc. and Tmh. WEST BROADWAY VULCANIZING CO. INCORPORATED GUARANTEED VULCANIZING FIELD MASSES. Decoration day waa solemnly ob- eerved at the Catholic cemeteries of the Chicago archdiocese Arrange ments had been made to havo the holy sacrjflco of tho mass celebrated in tho open at the various cemeter ies. A field mass was said at Cal vary cometery on Decoration day morning at 10 o'clock and a similar service 'took place at both Mount Carmol and iMount Olivet cemeteries at 11 o'clock. Office nnd Workrooms Northeast Corner Seventh nnd Crondvrnr Ilomo Phono Clt- 2511 Louisville, Kentucky former Tho ibig statue of tho Kaiser at Metz has been melted statisticians sometimes Intimate, down and made Into medals. Three over-estimated or exaggerated, but of thorn, commemorating tho on tho contrary, according to Jos Knights of Columbus' distribution oph H. Meier, who has compiled the of toys to tho children of Metz, directory for tho past fourteen wero nrcsented to Edward 1,. TTnarn.' vears. thn fltrurn 17.K41.324 5a vnrv K. of C. Overseas Commissioner; conservative, and if the "floatine" f well-known Catholic church man and Andrew McSwlgan, of PttsburKh, Cathojic population could be record- head of the K. C. at Duluth, Minn, and Fred Milan, ot -Minneapolis, ed and If it had been ponslble for He is also Superintendent of the Tho pedeetal upon which tbe 'Kali- every dioceBe in the country to take Northern Pacific Railway Coinpany MILLION DOLLAK COMPANY. Tho Tri-State Consolidated Oil Company, controlling 200 acres with ten producing oil veins In Kansas and 4,000 acres In seven oil fields In Wyoming, havo entered tho Ken tucky oil fields and secured somo very valuable leases in Allen and Darren counties. Local oil men re gard the holdings as Ideal and ex press pleasure In soelng another legitimate operating company enter ing itho Kentucky fields. With tho entrance Into Kentucky of the Tii Stato has coma the election to tho Board of Director of iCol. W. H. Jones, Mayor pf 'Bowling Green, and Bdw. Stout, a retired capitalist of that city, and the appointment of Paul Wright, the well-known oil man, as field manager. Of interest to the readers of tho Kentucky Irish-American is the fact that Pres ident Atmoro. of the Tri-State, Is a tjLTJwb. ! SLVfTPfLLS 'THC PILL THAT WILL" HENRY C. HCRF . LOUItVILce. kv. ; They work like a charm. Everyl box sold to satisfy or your money!refunded. For Sale by Vour (Druggist In 25-cent packages. 'We Are A close To Ton As Yonr Phone" USE US STARK'S NEW METHOD SHOE REPAIR SHOP S. STABK, Proprietor. i.i.?i?,y. "110 cr7 best material and lilBheat class of workmanship. Work called for and delivered. Our work and service will please you I TRY US We give special and prompt at tention to out-of-town work. 043 SOUTH rOUSTK AVENUE LOUISVILLE, Ky Homo Phone, City 231 Cumb. I'hone, Main 1288-Y at Duluth. F. K. Randall, Assistant Cashier of the City National Bank o Duluth, is Secretary and Treas urer. The Tri-State, through tho Corporate Securities Company, 115 South Fourth street, Louisville, is offering a limited amount of its stock at a par valuo of 31 to the business public and tho laboring man nt fifty cents per Bharo, on a cash or partial payment basis. Chas. E. Lee Is Secretary in charge of the Corporate Securities Company. DoYouWanttoSellorBuy "J VcanU f,NTorTOTra5oMorSfia Buyer for your IJuslness. Farm. Mine Hnn1 rertr of J?": klni or descrlpt If Von Want To Buy or Sell Auction or Private Sale at "Write or Call ETItBKIDOE BUSINESS EXCHANGE Auctioneer and Seal Sitate 701-702 LOUISVILLE TRUST BLDO. Cumb. Phone, Main 2900 Home Phone. City 63S If Teu Want to X.Ut With V. Send for Oentraet