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-WW? ;-.- ,saa2arTJOrsr iri&xs AJWtucouaLr. KENTUCKY IRISH flMERKffiH PUBLISHEb EVERY SATURDAY. fu)ted to the Sochi and Morl Advwcement of Ifhh Americans and CthoH3 Officially Indorsed by Ancient Order of Hibernians. Young Men's Institute and Catholic Knights of America. KENTUCKY IRISH AMERICAN PRINTING CO., Iocorpottui. Publishers SUBSCRIPTION PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR, SINGLE COPvTc Entered at the Loulivllle Poitofflce Sccond-Clau Matter. MA-ms all Communication! to tha KENTUCKY IRISH AMERICAN, 319-321 Watt Green St. TRADES ttyST) COUNCIL COMING EVENTS. LOUISVILLE, KY SATURDAY, JULY 5, 1919 1 July 15 Annual picnic of St. Paul's church, RIvoli Park, Preston and Kentucky. July 17 Euchre and .lotto for benefit of Visitation Home, Fontalno Ferry Park, afternoon and evening. July 15-1G Annual lawn fote of St. Ann's church on grounds, Sev enth and Davies avenue. July 24 Annual picnic of St. 'Aloysius church, at Poweo Valloy, church grounds. August 5 Annual picnic for Holy Trinity church on Park grpunas, at. Matthews, August 6. Annual picnic and chicken supper of Holy Trinity church, St. Matthews, on church grounds. T103 CHILDREN. ANNIVERSARY. cation the final disposition of the Tho house that haa the children is schools. Tho Tespectlve States may the house that has tho joy In It, rroday In celebrating Independ- do precisely what they wish with To .me 'tis .only home that has a girl- ' thai DKhnnla ni-xvLlml nlnrnve, hfi ' en Or a L'Oy in It. also celebrate tho ' An' every ono that's added only we thoy wish to do with their schools ence day twenty-first anniversary of the Ken-Whnt thJ Socretaty of Education tucky Irish American and rejoice on wisnes them to do. They are in the our birthday that many of our old position, of little Johnny, who friends and patrons that attended our christening are here to greet us "when we are twenty-one." DUPLICATE CASE. Somo of the English sympathiz ers In this country are denouncing the Senate for expressing sympathy for Ireland, but this class seem to forget that Ireland is trying to do Just what the United States did one hundred and fifty years ago get away from English control. Our forefathers fought and died for tho same purpose that Ireland Is striv ing for now. And the population of Ireland today is larger than that of our country in U7i76. SUSPICIOUS ACT. Old John Dull is having a hard time trying to explain to France why the German sailors were given such an easy opportunity to sink the entire German fleet, which was sup posed to have been under close watch by English authorities. It Is said, and reasonably so, that the French think there was a method in England's madness. Under the peace terms Franco would have been awarded some of the German warships and become a competitor of England's large navy. CHECK TO FORCE. Due to the looseness of the armis tice terms under which German crews could remain on their vessels the powerful German navy Is now at the bottom of the sea. Responsibil ity for theslnking of the fleet rests, Of course, directly upon Great Britain. Aside from this aspect of the question this act is but an ex pression of the animosity still ex isting between the allies and the central powers. National ambition and commercial rivalry will con tinue to exist In spite of the terri ble lessons so (forcibly taught by the war. It is hardly possible that the mere signing of the peace treaty will do away with such desires, but it will tend to check, for a time at least, any attempt to dominate the cvll.'zed world by foice. makes the place the cheerier; If childher are the gifts o' God, the more Ho send the merrier. r tlllU Tl UnA n.m iq sure, every uiiiu uiro x e unu brc i onmatMnc o mv hltRci -fho mnrp. glven a dime, together with permls- Ant every jitte ba,Dy faco my lips sion to spend it as he likes and tho were drawn to kiss the more, strict Injunction to drop it forth- An' though I know the trouble an' With in hl3 savings bank. Accord-1 . the thrlal and the care they are. . . , .. 1t .. . . An' thougn I know how often iwlld, lng to Section 15 the Secretary has hovr wayWar(i an' how q'uaro they full power to withhold the Federal are, apportionment from any State, An' though 'tis many a night I've "whenever he shall determine that I w1aetmhed besldo the llttle 'beds of such apportionment or apportion-' An. held tnolr utie hands an' cooled ments made to said State for the the fevered little heads of them; current fiscal year are not being ex- An' though I know tho surly moods pended in accordance with the pro-1 'SZ visions of this act." ' lovc of nn the rest of them? These words are capable of only No, no, the trouble that I've had, one interpretation, and they mean I through tnom, I'll never tuo at an, that the Secretary of Education ta sure. 75? I'd'dS'tlTl UNCONDITIONALLY. Germany has signed uncondition ally the peace conditions of the al lied and associated powers. After having promised to meet the allied demands, the spirit of opposition apparently prevailed ifor a time, but this was overcome and now every thing points to world peace that It Is hoped will continue for all time. The German people accepted the treaty because they could not en dure the alternative, but there is no concealment of the fact that they signed with the greatest reluctance. That the terms were severe was to be expected, but when we consider the 'bloodshed and carnage brought In by tho war can we say they are unjust? We have longed lor this day for the past five years. Let us now thank God it is at hand. vested with final power to rule upon the competence of the local commu nity to educate its children, and to enforce his ruling by the withdrawal of (Federal funds. If the Secretary "shall determine" that certain courses of study, school programmes, methods of training teachers, al though freely adopted by tho State, are "not in accordance with the pro visions" of the Smith-Towner bill, all Federal aid will be withdrawn, until courses of study, school pro grammes and methods of training teachers, acceptable to the educa tional dictator at Washington, are substituted. That is, not tho local community, but the Federal Govern ment, ;repre3onted solely by a politi cal appointee, shall fix finally tho content of study and tho methods of teacher training in any State. If this plan does not utterly destroy the local control of the schools, there is a very general misunder standing of the terms "local" and "Federal" control. It has always been, thought that "local control" meant that the schools were found ed, financed and ruled by the com munities ia which they existed. Now we are asked to bolleve that the New York schools, for instance, are controlled locally," when they are controlled by a bureaucrat in Wash ington. Tho Smith-Towner bill is "Prussianlsm," pure and simple. -Denis A. McCarthy. . S0GIETV. j ' Miss Durrett Oglesby, of Pres- tonla, leaves shortly for Fu-ancc. Miss Louise Smith, of Chicago, is the guest of Miss Irene McCabe, of reservoir Park. LEADER. DE VALERA.' Mrs. Thomas J. Duffy week for Chicago, where spend the summer. left last she will Mr. and Mrs. John F. Oetken mo tored to Salem, Ind., last Sunday on a visit to friends. Miss Corinne Mazzonl left Wed nesday for Fort Wayne, Ind., for a visit .of several weeks. Miss Mamie Hays spent several days last week with her sister, Mrs. William Grant, at Okalona. Mrs. Mary Chawk, who has been ill at Sts. Mary and Elizabeth Hos pital, is now getting along nicely. Miss Lavinla Kampfmueller left Sunday for Chicago, where she will take a course at the Art Institute. Mrs. John A. Ryan and son, Cole man Ryan, are In Philadelphia vis iting Mrs. Ryan's brother, Philip Carney. Charles J. Curran, of New York, arrived Sunday to Join Mrs. Curran in a visit to Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Curran. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Farley have moved Into the city from Jefferson town and taken apartments for the summer. BRIGHTER ASPECTS. With the submission by President Wilson to Premier Clemenceau, President of the Peace Conference, of the Borah resolution, asking a hearing for the Irish delegates and the arrival in this country of Ed ward De Valera in the Interest of the Irish republic, the Irish ques tion has taken on a brighter aspect. The True Voice predicts that much Information, hitherto denied us be cause of British censorship or con- Prestonla. De "Valera is here here in Amer ica. We are to see him, to heaf his message from his own lips, to hear the voice which Ireland obeys. The boastful fleets of Britain like bullies ride thfi kpjis. (lrlm rlrnilnniurht nntl swlfe destrover lurk off the coasts Miss Kate Lawler left Thursday of Ireland. But Irish skill and dar- for Nashville, where she will take in,? in f,n tin.,.. riniji ,,! ' a Rovemment Dosltlon until Sen- outmatched the might of empire tember. outreached the lion's claws! Like . an eagle from the clouds, suddenly! Miss Vera Gannan has returned ho is among us. He comes, the from St. Benedict's Academy to elected President of a Government spend the summer at her home at founded on the will and mandate of j Prestonia. tho Irish people, to ask the Judg- ment of America, the unfailing1 Mrs. D. 0. Callaghan, Crescent champion of liberty. And how shall Hill, had as a guest the ipast week Americans of Irish blood honor the '. her niece, Miss Theodora Coves, of leader of their race? With mere cheers and shouting? With mere vows of devotion? These we give spontaneously; but they are easy to give. They cost no effort, they in volve no sacrifice. Think what the men and women of Ireland have given labor and fortunes, ana tears! We are not called ono tight and die, to bleed and Ian in prison,, to risk fortune ana and life ItBelf. We are asked only to fill the war chest; to give a little work and a little money; to provide an Irish Victory Fund with which the last grim struggle on the field of world-wide public opinion may be waged and won." The Irish republic is a reality; hut so is the British army of occupation In Ireland and so Is the British propaganda in America. The Hon will not loose his prey the liar will not stay his pen for all our wordy enthusiasm. But give our leaders the sinews of war and the lie shall fall before the truth about Ireland, and Amer ica, knowing the truth, will break the grip of thq Hon. gustus Kyle Flynn, of New York, was solemnized Thursday at noon in the rectory of St. Mary Magda lene's church, The Rev. Father Driscoll performed the ceremony In the presence of the two families and a few close friends'. Tho bride was attired in peach colored Georg etto crepe, with hat to match. Her corsage was forget-me-nots and Ill lies of tho valley. Capt. Flynn served about two years In tho States and overseas. In Miss Keyer's mar riage Kentucky loses another of her beautiful girls, for after an ex tended wedding trip Capt. Flynn and Mrs. Flynn will go to New York, where they will make their home. YOUR OWN HOUSE. Tho ."Own j. Your Own Home" movement in Louisville is progress ing in tho most favorable way. This is a matter that" the people them selves can support. There Is no better civic policy than to encourage local people to- own their own homes. Several strong committees are at work, and if tho people them selves take hold tho campaign will be a great success. KNIGHT BOOTED. Sir Charles Allom, propelled by a dozen pairs of boots and the strong arms of guests, employes and tho proprietor, came sailing out of the cntranco of the St. Regis Hotel, New York City, on Thursday afternoon. He made the trip over tho eight steps of the lobby entrance, hit the curb and rolled over. The handsome Briton rose, dusted his light gray tweeds curled his small gray mustache, twirled his cane and left the scene. Here follows tho story of the events preceding the bouncing of Sir Charles, as told by a dozen guests at the St. Regis and the proprietor, R. M. Haan: Several days before the manage ment of tho St. Regis granted per mission to young women working for the Irish Victory Loan Commit tee of the Friends of Irish Freedom to establish a booth in tho hotel. Sheila O'Reilly, a flaxen-haired col leen of sixteen,' and Mabel Clayton, eighteen, placed a table In the lob by, midway between Ihe desk and the dining room. Thursday, Sir Charles Allom, a frequent guest, dropped In He is a member of the firm of White, Allom & Co., artist decorators, with offices in Fifty second straat, just off Fifth avenue, and a factory in West Fifty-second street. Sir Charles leaned with his back toward the hotel desk. His gaze fell squarely on the poster, headed: "The Irish Victory Drive for the Freedom of Ireland." Sir Charles strode to the table be hind which sat Sheila O'Reilly and Mabel Clayton Sir Charles--What is this for? Are you collecting funds for the Irish rebellion? Miss O'Reilly AVhy no; we are collecting money for tho Irish Re public. Sir Charles (white with anger) I'm an Irishman, and you do not know what you are talking about. You are being led-by priests and the clergy. Sir Charle3 turned ana, whipping the air with his cane, encountered Joseph Haan, brother of the hotel proprietor. The loud protest brought tho proprietor from the dining room. He became the target of tha conver sation. Sir Charles I object to that crowd. Proprietor Haan 'What right, Sir Charles, have you to dictate to me in my hotel? They are here for a worthy purpose, ana at my invitation. Husky hotel porters appeared from all directions, waiters and wil ling guests. Sir Charles was seized by the scruff of the neck and a por tion of the trousers. He was "lifted" toward tho doorway. A reporter called at Sir Charles' office. After explaining his mission he was toloV Sir Charles was out ana couia not be seen for several days. RETORTS TO VATICAN. idi KH1SI ramii Miss Mollle Lyons, of 414 East Market street. New Albany, has been spending the week visiting at Indianapolis . m M lammwPk I m 1 aaaaTSflRJniiLtflwlL t! Do You Realize That You Can Really Keep Your Kitchen Cool? No matter how stuffy and hot your kitchen seems you can reduce the discomfort to a minimum in the very hottest weather by making our service really serve you. An Electric Fan will helpan Electric Range will help still more if you employ both you will find the kitchen as comfortable as any other part of the house. You install the tools we'll do the work. If you haven't electric service use the coupon and take advan tage of our low-cost housewiring proposition. INQUIRY COUPON. Leokvitte Gas as Electric Cewpaay: Louisville Gas Electric Co. i wttfc tow tmat toMMewiriac Ixaorpormtcd. Name Address 311 West Chestnut Street Telephone Main or City 2182. HIBERNIANS. What .They Have Been Doing ' the Past Week General New Notes. T Zfe3PyliyAWfTNifcgar-i S Miss Mary Rose Shelley enter tained informally Saturday after noon in honor of Miss Inez Schmitt, of "Washington. MEXICAN RAND1TS. The Ambassador of President Car- trol of the press, will be divulged ranza declares that "the Government to the American public, with the and people of Mexico consider as a Mr, and Mrs. Flrank Pooley, Parkview, had as guests the past week Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pooley, of Seymour, Ind. Lawrence Hlnes, of St. Louis, is spending his vacation visiting his sisters, Misses Margaret and Kath erlne Hlnes, In Jeffersonville. Miss Marcaret Hanlon arrived this week to be the guest of Miss Helen McNair at the summer home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. 'W. I. McNair, on the Manslick road. There will be on division meet ings this coming week. County President John Hennessy is getting quite a boom for Coun cilman on the Democratic ticket. Tho special assessment is due sinco July 1 and should be paid at once. Division 3 postponed its regular meeting last night because of the holiday. This year divisions will send only one delegate each to the State con ventions. Division 6 of Indianapolis appro priated $100 for the Indiana Irish Victory Fund. IPennsylvania Hibernians will hold their State convention at Atlantic City on Tuesday, August 16. Division 2 of Syracuse has gone over the top 100 per cent in the funds for the Friends of Irish Free dom. By vJrtuo o their ofllco Presl- dontfi r.P illtrlnf Ann nrJll V. . A t -. A .. rry,a u,-nnt,n,t Proco viVilfMi friMYi I ... . """""" "i" "o utiefauiea ';,:r, X..:rT?;;nV,r,t9 w respective State conven- Cerretti, Papal Uunder Secretary of, 0fnf ... .... . , State, returned from Paris Saturday. The Hibernian ball team is again and made a full report at the Vat-. "edHn fr, flrst P'ac,e and some tall lean on his mission to the Peace f5?uf Jb e xpected tomorrow when Conference. Monsignor Cerretti had.the bys raeet th& K- ' C. club, lengthy conversations with iPopel The national convention at San Benedict and Cardinal Qasparri, Pa- Francisco will open with solemn pal Secretary of State. Both con- high mass In St Mary's Cathedral, gratulated him warmly on the sue- Archbishop Hanna will preach the cess of his mission. The report sermon. dealt with changes made in thel A monster mass meeting -was held peace treaty regarding Catholic Sunday under the auspices of Dl misslons in former German colonies vision 40 of New York City, for the and the protection of their property. ' purpose of demanding recognition He also reported on other questions, of the Irish Republic. Including unofficial conversational Indianapolis (Hihernians met Sun with members of the various peace ' day with the County Board, when a delegations at Paris and discussions committee of 100 was named to at there regarding the League of Na- range for the reception of President tions. Monsignor Cerretti expressed de Valera on Tuesday. tn "SSrtlSTri.. "sVnlXl e RWW ?' indian- by members of American dele-1 tJTSSSt of loS gatlon, some ii-MA ?n to greet President De Valera and .J?? 5?MreJ?c '" Judge Cobalan at Tomllnson Halt 2AXt 0))CERTS7HnZiMiHlilBE$T VAVDEV1U& 3AHGING 3j!k?iB5WimWG POOL H'iTSTJ'AVaJS.fnnrSarffimtfmi IKKTAHZSANirATtr HWHlcU5?ClFCTERIA35XTRESTAVItAMT DE LVXE a. : .----. , , . n v ..' i. - - dOPEHN-W flUMIKViuLJC ;S Mfr S OpEI EVERY. DAY " AnVSEtlEHT CENTER. EVERY NIQHT the United States a number 9f years ago DOUBLE DEALING GEORGE. spoke there Tuesday possible result that greater enthus- violation of Mexican sovereignty the nrnanlnp rt TlnffoH Qtntoa anlrllpra In. iasm ifor the Irish cause may be fn ,.-,. .,.,, TM, Pniara- aroufed. The absurdity of Eng-Jtion "lias .been approved by the land's oft-repeated assertion that the bandit chief. There is little, to Trish question is a "domestic affair" sovereignty that can not deal with L r ii ,.w.n.riTari kV oil fitr U handful of outlaws. What doea fsnowbelngrecognized hy a fair-'the Chprlllsa Governnient want us minded men. Spain s brutality in t do7 it certainly does not expect Cuba was a "domestic anair" until we convinced her that It wasn't. EXPOSE THE JOKER. Under many and varied pretexts do the defenders of the Smith- Towner bill seek to elude the charge can Ambassador speaks of Jnterna- thfctthia measure establishes an edu- onai law. rnere is no quou oi that we arc going to stand by and allow a buach of Mexican bandits to shoot into American homes. When a man shoots into your home you are going after him. You -will not be so particular about the means, particularly when the' murderer Is sheltered by a neighbor. The Mexi- iLouisvllle people registered in New York last week wore Mrs.. R. R. Ireland, Mr, and . Mrs. - O. H. Irvine, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Stokes. T. Itobinson, A. W, Lieber, J. O. Osborne and Joseph G. Rogers. Miss Zada M. Fess and Frank L. Fenweck, well known and popular residents of New Albany were quietly married Monday evening at St. Mary's church. Rev. Father Selbertz performing the ceremony. Mrs. Emma Mattlngly and grandchildren, Misses Louise, Mary Tvinw ijtwI Pntrlola Hanlnn. left Tuesdav for Wenuet6nsing, where when they night In New Orleans the arrival of President de Valera acted as a new smuiirtnir nt. a mestlntr In London stimulus to tne .Ancient uraer, ex-Premier Asquith said: "We are , n w f?S, lK.n5,i. m engaged, and rightly and worthily '" to, ha the claims of this old engaged in Paris at this moment est Christian civilized nation of the In starting upon ah new era of self- earth recognized by the Peace Con determined life for race and com- ference They have sent him a munitles, none of them more gifted tolegran i of felicitation upon his than the Irish, which, have been too & arrival and invlt ng him to long denied the right and power """ " "" J um.u. to control their own development) tjittivk prnvtn and destiny. It should he an ob-l ST- PAUL'S PICNIC. true LiKTUthatU TTbotld do The Committee of Arrangements Insist upon the prompt fulfillment everything progressing nicely for a of the pledge to give Ireland self recorB breaking crowd at the an government. Asqulth's pronounce- nual outing to be given at RIvoli ment has a significance for Lloyd- Park on Tueatoy. July 15, and are George, which the latter can not l!Infftnt,,?anennUntw6tvt0,oS ignore. It is equivalent to a notice that the guests on that day have l'ir ;... V..r; .l.t.r -i, n. one great and glorious time. Amuse- pScTt hSwbl taltaR thillt gu rt Jtanl ttat will appaal Tri-State Consolidated Oil Company An investment coupled with tremendous speculative possibilities, because of the character of the men behind Ten Producing Paying Oil Wells Tri-State has a par of $ 1 .00. Capital, $ 1 ,000,000, no personal liability and non-assessable. Over 1 00,000 shares now held by nearly 200 shareholders. 200,000 Sharfls Offered at 50 Cints Per Share Cash or partial payment plan. Write the under writers for full informatton. C. E LEE, Secretary, CORPORATE SECURITIES COMPANY Brokers and Dealers in Stocks, Bonds and"07l Shares. 115 S. Fourth S. Louisville, Ky, Reference, Citizens' Union National Bank. USE THE COUPON INVESTIGATE CORPORATE SECURITIES CO., 315 South Fourth Street, Louisville, Ky. Gentlemen Please send me prospectus, maps and details re garding Tri-State Consolidated Oil. Co. Shares. Yours truly, , RECENT DEATHS. John M. Meyer, beloved husband of Margaret Meyer, and the oldest member of St. Boniface church, passed into eternal life Tuesday evening. His funeral took place Thursday morning. i-uesuay 10? weiiuuiunBiuB, "'' i,as naUed tne oJa colorfl to the lu " UUH& u "'" tney win pena cne summer m mast gnd wm nQl toierate any manJ cottage. They will he Joined later by Col. P. J. Hanlon tlonal law I A I . .al Iah, Inttnltiiil T4 1c eational dictatorship at Washington. Jpta JneaUon bf seU-'preservi-Eseape can not be thus secured. tjon an ctated by ordinary com What the 'Federal Government mon sense, it the Carranza Govern flMiaefM! the iFederal Government ment continuee, to show Its Inability UUMao ...... . ... tn ni-ntwt tha border our Govern- eontrol. and U Smltn-xowner am . . opied to teach It Kjwer. dwurtnter of Mr. and Mr: plainly aim th Secretory of BWu- ft jaiutary losaon. JWMHam F. Keyer, and Capt. Au- Frank X. Fust and bride, who was Miss CJara Arnold, will return next week from an extended East ern honeymoon trip. Their mar riage was solemnized with nuptial high onass at St. George's cnurcn, Rev. Father Welse performing the ceremony. , The marriage , bf Mise Isabella as skipper wio wouiu naui memi down to serve his own. purposes. In nthcr words. Llovd-Gebrge. can not come back as boss, and knows It, 'TRINITY'S MOONLIGHT. In response to many requests George Trinity Council. Y. M. I., will re peat its moonlight excursion and , has secured the elegant Steamer Best St. Louis for a trip up the river next Wednesday evening, the boat to leave" the foot of Fourth street at 8:15 o'clock. A six-piece dance orchestra will furnish the dancing music and refreshments will be served. Tickets of admls- LABOR CONGRESS (XHNG. The Southrn Labor Congress, which Is expected to bring many people from, the Southern States, will be In seselon In this city for three days. September 13-16. This will be the first time this body has gion gty cents and children under met in ixmiiriHw, Miss Helen Hochadel, daughter, of the late Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Hocu- adel, died after six weeks' illness at her home, 2312 West Walnut street, Wednesday morning. Three sisters, Misses Annie and Elizabeth and Mrs, George E., Glaser, survive her. Fu neral services were held Friday morning at St. Mary's church, at tended by many mourning friends. I 4 Leo Angormeier, twenty t nine, years old, died Tuesday afternoon In his home, 2314 West Market street, of a complication of diseases. He had been in Ill-health for some time, and had been confined to his bed for about two weeks. Deceased was one of the best known young men or tne West End and for a number of years was a popular baseball player, He Is survived by his mother, Mrs. Anna Angermeier, and two brothers, Theo dore and Albert Angermeier. Tho funeral was held Thursday morning from St. Anthony's church. CHIROPRACTOR CiStrecraetlb KeBWTH the Caoto jXatarDe wo umllag. CoualUUm and Anlsl XVm. BHBHawaflBBanra aBBBEBH&H', IBWt I tnaSia BaaHv.v;:';.;'v:;;,', WrSmMilimt.t w aaa w , 7f -fJJ HiW:JaWlli4' uiiwe aDaMk .. iPWasar -',: 3 1 5 aBailliai KflrlM fliH I Keen I HbVHHHH IOiM A. M. C. B. Southeiiand Mrs. Elizabeth . Biust, who Uvea naar Nw Albany, on Tuesday re- twelve years o age admitted free. solved a telegram aanouaclng the ( Laahlin, New York, survive him death of- her son, George E. Mc Laughlin, In his home near Helea dale, Cal. Mr. McLaughlin, who was forty-two years old, was born and reared In New Albany. Fourteen years' ago he moved to California, where he operated a large stock and grain ranch. His wife, a son, An drew McLaughlin, his mother, and a Bister, Mrs. Andrew Connell, New Albany, and a brother, John Me- J o