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fowrortJOKry fi rajw AjdOBXio:oAj., VOTJE FOR The Happy Way j Joseph Nevin FOR A GREATER LOUISVILLE. Turn Your Vacant Lot Into a Paying Investment to Wash i . ,"; BTTZXjlD iliP 11, 44)P-41 ill ' E 1. lectric Washing Machines make a pleasure out of one of the hardest household tasks' , They pay for themselves in a short time. , Telephone the Commercial Department and we will, send a machine and demonstrator to do your week's washing in your own home as a FREE demonstration Electricity can do many things to help the tired house wifeand does them cheaply. Louisville Gas and Electric Company (Incorporated) Telephones Main or City 2182 FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER Subject to Action of the Demo cratic Party. Primary Election Aug. 2, 1019. fi, BOSSES SON Funeral Directors and Embalrners. TlebcMM 19ML WANTED. Four or five single white men or women as attendants at the Feeble Minded Insti tute, Frankfort, Ky. - - .. -lcS3iri t- !.- tm mm iH-vcr -M - wrtj!5isCiSf?SiS l wbpih ilk? MSIRBHf IS lip aPfSfSiraif I mMi til ' IP' SBiS 1 laiMaillBii illmr' Then top market." Don't wait for OWN YOUR OWN HOME AND AVOID HIGH RENTS You Waited Years For an Opportunity Like This-You'll Wait Years Again TTflVf vri11 cnon naAnta tmnfi tl . -.. e i !. ' ,;. " V. """"" "lia Luwn ver ior a pi ace to live? Have seen rents? mvi.i ..Lb- uoiuaiju uy uuiiuiDE a nouse on mat vacant lot. ant turn it .,:i .,.. v. If you want a safe, sure, certain investment, buy a lot and hmld hm, t prices to 2o down-they aren't eoine down for years. The time to build i hm thl ,-.- : . Prices may be hiph so are your returns. k " Have you planned to own your own home Then now. if ever with rents CoinC still hieher is the time to build just what you've wanted and move into it. You can get materials and labor and deliveries now-a few months hence, when the buildinc and Reconstruction movement is in full swine' you'll wonder why you pass the chance you have now Every house you build releases another home or appartment-adds to the posperity of the city-adds to your prosperity, Talk this over with your contractor and start figuring today Secretary William J. McGinley In the organization of a nation-wide system of 'JC. or C. niijht schools. took Reeded rest. Bev. Father Vincent, a P.. nf tho Sacred Heart Retreats has gono to Decatur,. Intl., for a much needed rest. COUNTRY OUTIXG. St Leo's Annual Picnic IN Thornberry Grove HIBERNIANS. What They Have, Been Doing the Past Week General News Notes. w Division. 4 will meet, .next .Monday evening. ;' '' ' -t - Denver Hibernians cleared $1,500 at their Fourth of July reunion. Many local member? are aqualrited HIGHLAND PARK Wednesday, July 30, 1919 Delicious Dinner and Chicken Sup- pen Euchre and Lotto in Afternoon Amusements will be many and eats unsurpassed I The Last Dollar I . - - - - tti That yon spont for something yau did not NEED would have t tarud a SAVINGS ACCOUNT with this bank; to bear Interest COMPOUNDED twice a year; There MAY COMK a time when yovtr "LAST DOLLAR" aait be spent for straethiag you DO NEED. .The SAVING ow ot tfaa liars yon are watting might keep that "hard time" from eve cemtag. Ky. Title Savings Bank and Trust Co. Fifth and Court Place. Open Daily Until 3 p. m. Saturdays Until 7 p. m. An old-tlmo country mithiir nnil chicken festival will tako dIqco on Tuesddy, August 5, in .the shady grove of Holy Trinity church at St. Matthews, for which Father Bohlsen and JU people ore making extensive preparations. Holy Trinl ty'ja people are noted for their phlcken dinners, which will be tho particular feature. There will ba amusements and numerous attrac tions,, among (them the disposal of a flftyrdollar aue and a Sineer sewinir machine., ,1agrainge, Pewee Valley aad S.helbyj cars stop Tight Jn front of. tile, grounds. GIRLS'' CLASSES STAIITED. aST&f Build Now!. It Will Furnish Employment and Keep Times Good! a t CO-OPERATIVELY CONTRIBUTED BY THE FOLLOWING FIRMS FOR MORE AND BETTER BUILDINGS IN LOUISVILLE: Louisville Gas and Electric Co. Norman Lumber Company Coral Ridge CJay.Products Co. Southern Brick and Tile Co. T. Bishop, Agtcnt, Cor. 13th ami Ormsby Central Glass Company C. C. Mengel and Bros. Company Fred G. Jones & Company, (LUMBER) The Caloric Furnace Company 111) S. 4th. St. Plpo and Plpeless Furnaces. Pittsburgh Water Heating Co. Automatic "Water Heaters, J518 1-2 S. Second In order to help young girls to with the new National President. wt" ,,.PJ . IP yu8, Slrls to Judge Deery, of Indianapolis. 5iSfJ,ua"fy om!ielv io fa niniBtnn t,' ., mAf,n . ,., Positions as stenographers, typists Division o will meet next Friday onri hn.v..,,.,, , mr l: . i evening and arrange to boost the ivlHfia of thn MMm!,t rfi,. ,w. ,rtOl TlllH Vrva-TlrrV' invAiiitntA I . 2 vmwiuiw " m1 I MtK jg.VVVVyyyyyViyYyyvyVVVYVVVV Social Club moonlight excursion. Tho Hibernian Social Club haa Becuned tho Steamer East St. Louis for a moonlight excursion August 11. Tho Hibernian ball team will meet the Alumni club tomorrow for tho third time, each having a game, and a battle royal is expected. South Omaha Hibernians anourn the death of another of 4helr faith ful old members, Luke Gaughan. under whose auspices his funeral was held. Upon his return from the National convention A. G. Williams, a promi nent young attorney of New Orleans, will lead a vigorous movement for a bigger Hibernian membership and Interest In Louisiana. Mrs. Will Harrington, Mrs. P. Siflllvan, Miss Anna Gallagher and Mrs. John Copney, tho President, will be the delegates for Division 1, Ladies' Auxiliary of Indianapolis, to the State convention to be held In Fort Wayne. Lob Angeles Hibernians Indorsed P. P. O'Brien, their County Pre sident, for State President at their convention held in San Francisco this week. His splendid record as County President for threo terms commended him for the position. Rev. Michael Mennls, o( Cripple Creek, won storms of applause and the weight-throwing contest at Denver, hurling a fifty-Slx-pound weight nineteen feet and eight Inches without "follow." He was a former champion of Australia at this sport. The Denver Hibernians voted to give Right Rev. Bishop Tlhen ?500 to cover the expenses pf his trip as a delegate to San Francisco, but he refused the gift, turning the money back to the order to be. used In any way to assist the cause for the freedom of Ireland. Council at-C57 South Fourth street, has Inaugurated a aeries of classes io coacn mem in grammar and spelling, neatness, speed, etq., and to teach them some of the things about on office they ought to know. Tho class on Tuesday afternoon from 2:30 to 4:'30 Is for beginners who have just left eohool. and the one on Thursday from 5:30 to 7 is to accommodate those who have positions and who desire to Increase their efficiency. There will be no fee charge and all girls are urged to join wtlhout a further invitation. Tho classes will continue each week until furth-ar notice. Any other In formation may be obtained by call ing Main or City 3359. KNIGHTS 01' I'HLMIIil'S I Late News That Will Interest Member Here and Elsewhere. 1XVIS CITY niTTERS. As Cplumbus day falls on Sunday tails year, special effort will ho made everywhere to secure a note worthy celebration. , Preparations aTe going forward for tho fourth degree exemplifica tion on October 12, at Lincoln, Neb. The class will close August 1. At a joint initiation at Sacra mento largo classes ot new members' were received into Stockton and Sacramento Councils. For having tho best fraternal float In the Victory parade at Youngstown, Ohio, the 'Knights were awarded a "landsome cup. Union Council at Syracuse last week conferred the first degree on ninety-two candidates. The degree will be exemplified again on August 19. Indianapolis Council opened its Come and Spend the Day AT THE The following are the batting averages of the Twin City League of those layers who have been at the bat eight times or more, as srv'ri League: Curran, C. Moore and Maz Eoni axe tied for first honors, but Cunran Is the logical leader, having Doen at the bat 40 times against Moore's 18 and Mazzozni's 12, Curran, Mackin, .500; Mazzonl, Alumni, .500: C. Moore. Macktn. .'50(; aicoulre, K. of C., .500; M. on Wednesday. Here there will be a permanent welcome for members who were in tho country's Bervice. California Council passed resolu tions welcoming President De Valera to San Francisco, and expressing the hope that hs mission to this country will be crowned with glorious suc- LEADEUS HONORED. MS IMS WMT UlMVUC I FOR WASHING Woolens, Silks, Georgette, Crepe de Chine and AH Dainty Materials. YOUR GROCER HAS IT. BY MAGIC-KELLER SOAP WORKS c c c nfOOKPOKATSD -AAAAAAAlMA In recognition of their untiring work for the soldiers durjng the war, " James A. Flaherty, of Phila delphia, Supreme .Knight of the Knights ot Columbus, and District Attorney Joseph C. Pelle'tlor, of Boston, Supreme Advocate of the organization, have bee'n specially honored by Popo Benedict XV. by elevation to the rank of Knight Commander of St. Gregory the Great. Cable dispatches, announcing the bestowal of this honor upon the two K. of C. . officials were received last week. Messrs. Flaherty and Pelletler have been constantly active in K. of C. war relief work as members of the K. of C. Committee on War Activities. Tho Knighthood of St. Gregory is one of the highest honors that a Catholic layman can receive frnm thA flhnrfili. A ffiw waakfl ftirn I nnlllAH. Y) T v'1l r . Tnn tfel . i. wiiuaiu j. Ajaiikiu. ul .new ivu. Overseas Director of the K. of 0., ana iiiuwani u.- ern, ui jnbw xorK, Overseas Commissioner, were sim ilarly honored., .Supreme Knight Moore, Mackin, .474; Bauer, Alumni, ; Css 459: M. Pontrlch. Alumni. .419: O.I Nearly Murphy, Mackin, ,400; Spatig, 'souri are showing marked growth. all the councils in Mis- Alumni, .400: Sensbach, K. of C .385; Polln. K. of C, .375; Haragan, Mackin, .366; Boeppel, Alumni, .357; Eisner, Shawnee, .348; Bell, Alumni, .345; Otto, Shawnee, .345; Hamilton, Hibernians, .344; LaTklns, Hibernians, .344; Hamm6nd, Hibern ians, 333; Beeler, Callfornians, ,333; Schone, Macktn, .333: Voor, K. of O., .333; Hunckler. Callfor nians, ,333; Hartlage, Callfornians, 333; Meyers, Shawnee. .320; N. Murphy, Hibernians, .310; Ahman, The council at St. JoBeph had two initiations this month, and Maryvlllo will have many candidates for August 24. Orphans' Picnic TUESDAY, JULY 29, On the Beautiful Grounds Surrounding the Home of St. Joseph Orphanage FRANKFORT AVENUE, CRESCENT HILL Take East Walnut and Crescent Hill Cars. EXCELLENT DINNER AND SUPPER Served By The Ladies All kinds of amusements and delightful music all day. Gates Open From 9 A. M. Until 11 P. M. Admission 25 Cents. Children Under 12 years FREE ANXIOUS FOB OnUKCIL There are excellent prospects for tho erection of two Catholic churches within the suburbs of Louisvlllo before the passing of an other year. Peoplo residing within the vicinity of Fern Cieek and Oka Mackin. .308: StammeTman. Shaw-.lona aro anxious to have a Catholic nee, .304; Musselman, .300; Kruse, church with (resident pastor In their Alumni, ,2S0; Scally, Callfornians, respective neignDornooas ana are .286; Lebre, K. of C, 286; "W. Ham- j earnestly working to that end. At lltoa. K. of 0.. .281: Scully. Shaw- Fern Creeic Miss McKenna haa nee, .280; Hack, K. of C, .280; donated two acres of ground and a Ohrlg, Shawnee, .278; J, Murphy, start haa been made for a fund. Hibernians. ,276; Bossmeyer, K. of .The Olcalona peoplo have four aores C, .275; Chenoweth, Shawnee, .273; of ground paid for, situated only Mclntyre, Shawnee, .273; O'Lough- a short distance from tho car lino, Un, Hibernians', .273; K. Pontrlch, ' and already have about ?1,000 in Alumni, .267; Sprunk, Alumni, Itho treasury toward building tho 265; wllklns. Alumni. .261; Har- churoh. rigan, ,K. of C, .250; .Fletcher, ItM'Uim X'JlU.ll JPlULNltti. HARVEY-JELLICO COAL CO. (INCORPORATED) QTJAaLVXODY SERVICE) DISTRIBUTORS OF THE: HiRfiradriastern-Kentucky Lump Coal K. of C, .250; "Weber, K. of C, .250: J. Murnhv. Mackin. .250: Neihaus, Callfownlans, ,230; O'Brien, Threo of tho priests of this dlo- Hibornians. .222: Showalter. .222: cese who accompanied tbe A. E. F, Otto, Shawnee, .262; Aulbach, to France- as army chaplains arrived Xlumnl. .23 7; Roth, Callfornians, In Loutevillo the past week, all .in .214: Scully. Hibernians. .211: Dll- Bplendld health and condition. Capt Uhanty, Shawnee, .200; Stoeth, Edwin Ronan, 'formerly rector of CaMfornlans, .190; Curley, K. of C. the Sacred Heart' Retreat, who was .1905 E. Jansirie. K. of C .189:.! stationed at Gen. Pershing's hoad- Wlley, MacWn, -.176; Bloomer, Call-! garters, U on a two week3' fur- rornjons, .107; aio&Tiriff, paiuocnians, ioun ana nas gone mo naicaso. .160; Baumgardiver, Mackin, .154; Lieut. P. M. Monaghan also has a Romans, Mackin, 1154. Tomorrow's two weeks' furlough. Lieut. Albert nl aA..1a. nkfciAlsjTi wB nUfmiJa TlinmTtaAn na ta-Hll"nM1 . (TUTtr. .liri Flaherty and District Attorney Pelle- Hibernians vs. Alumni asd K. of C. ward Baxter, of ,the Domlnleans, is Uer. are now engaged with Supreme ( vs. 8hTYye. v 7 ' J JjJ'hUII in France, in Place your next order with us. Terms cash. Where the QuicK Meal Comes In homo work Where the brightest ; Wbero the lightest; Where tho meal cooked best; Where the range stands the test That's where tho "Quick Meal" comes 8 JhbiiiiiiiB) 1 m W Where work Is qalcklp done; Where' cooking seem real fun; Where baking gives de light; Whore drudge a oat of sight That's whero tfae "Quick Meal" comes la. Qalk Maal Gaa KMa Sold. Installed and Highly Raecmaaadad SEHER & SON, v. MA2RT ST. 1