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ICEXKrODTJOKlY IRISH AAftEHUOASV. MEN TRY ITS PALsMu&EsACH $1.00 THREE-PIECE SUITS WE ABE RESPONSIBLE. BEST SERVICE IN THE CITY. Puis Cleaning and Dyeing Co. INCORPORATED Both Phones 2635. 421 W. Chestnut St M. J. BANNON, President and Minajer. R BANNON J Sewer and Calvert Pipe, cannon's Patent Liadeo ripe lor steam conauus, Wall Coping, Drain Tile, Vitrified BricK, Fire Proofing, Fine Lining, Fire Brictt Grate and Boiler Tile, Fire Clay, Chimney Tops. OFFICE 836 SOUTH THIRTEENTH STREET. PHONES CITY 373-1786. CUMB, MAIN S07. f VTOllKS-Thirteantli and Breckinridge and Ninth and Magnolia. !! GRAN W. SMITH'S SON "a11 AL. S. SMITH, PROP. ! Funeral Director BOTH PHONES 810. . f SOUTHEAST CORNER mtwmtwitiwiit m at .a TlAJTmTmTmT sTaattasttnet taa .TbJdSrTriTw?kAiTiatlAiTitkTMtw1UTtttMfiTMTtkifiiTtA JftJTaJflAlV4 i DOUGHERTY & McELUOlT 1227 WEST MARKET STREET, : Funeral Directors and Embalmers '' both inorrjB;s. ! ; Cuinb. Main SOOS.a Homo City 390S , lH-H-HK-H"H"l"..3('t4--t-:-a.-"HK. WMWHVVVVMVHVWWVWVWMUVVMWVMMVWWVrt HOMS PHONE 88 J. J, BARRETT'S 50NS FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS. 822 Maiaa JSUnreel:. City 2360. L.sp. BlX Funeral Director and Embalmer 717-710 E. CHESTNUT LOUISVIIjLIJ, K. THOMAS KEENAN 1529 WEST MARKET STREET OUR LUMBER IS GOOD LUMBER If You Want the Best We Haye It. IHt3EX Gr. JONJB)S & O O. INCORPORATED BROOK AND A STS, W. C. RORK, PrtiMnl. WEST BROADWAY INCORPORATED GUARANTEED VULCANIZING Office and Workrooms Northeast Corner-Seventh nnd Broadway Home Phono City 2511 Louisville, Kentucky "We Axe As Close To Ton Ai Tour Phone" USE US STARK'S NEW METHOD SHOE REPAIR SHOP 3, STABS, Proprietor. Only the very best material and highest class or workmanship. Work called for and delivered. Our work and service will please you. TRY US We glvo special and prompt at tention to out-of-town work. 645 SOUTH rOUBTH AVENUE LOUISVILLE, KT. Home Phone, City 231 Cumb. Phone, Main 1288-Y Do You Want to Sell or Buy SO TOU WANT TO SEXA OB BUT? I can Sell or Trade or find a Buyer for your Business. Farm, Mine or Property of any kind or descrip tion. We have Businesses nnd Enter prises of every kind For Sale in al most any part of Kentucky, Indiana and othes States. If Ton Waat To Bay or Sell at Auction or Private Sale Write or Call ETXXBXSQB BU6XXBM EXCXAXSB Auctioneer and Seal Estate 701-702 LOUISVILLE TRUST BLDQ. Cumb. Phon el. Main 2860 Home Phone, City 6213 If Toh WHt to Xitst With Us, xer OMicMf $1.50 . P. BANNON. JR., Vict Pn$. and Treas. PIPE CO. and Embalmer SIXTH AND ZANE STS. CUMBEBXAND MAIN 3971-y Main 2I60-T. HERBHRT JENKINS. Sc. nj Tttu. VULCANIZING CO. "THE PILLSTHAT.WIU." aUT UK ONbV V w HENRY C HERB, kv. . r They work like a charm. Everyllbox sold to satisfy or your money refunded. ForflSale by Your Druggist in 25-cent packages. TRY Phone Shawnee 42. AUTO OWNERS Wo Are Motor Doctors, Skilled Ex perts Are Beady to Serve Yon. Pull lino of Tires, Tubes and Ac cessories. Tires and Tubes Vulcan ized. Batteries charged and re paired. PORTLAND AUTO REPAIR CO., S77 X. Tweaty-Slxtk St. THE SIGNING OP THE PEAC3 TREATY. The historic scene dn the Hall of Mirrors in Versailles Palace at ithe signing of the treaty of peace. This photo was brought to .the United States aboard the British trans-A tlantlc dirigible R-34 and handed to a representative of the International Film Service when the giant airsh ip landed at Roosefield Field, L. I. Insert, Photo of Preslden Wilson on ihis arrival home, .taken at Hoboken Just after ho landed. ULSTER Not So Opposed to Irish Ilonie Bulo as Tory English Oloim. Religious Question a Bugaboo Raised by Grafting Landlord Politicians. More Catholics in Ulster Than Any Other Religious De nomination, XOT THE RICHEST PROVINCE. Ulster stood in 1914 as England's sole excuse for the repudiation of Its home rule agreement. Ulster stands today as England's one avowed rea son for refusing to grant Ireland any measure of self-government. "With tho British Government as an inter preting voice, the world has been given the Impression that Ulster Is at least half of Ireland; that it is settled almost solidly by Scotch Presbyterians; that it is a unit against home rule. Even the aver age American, sympathetic with the Irish cause, has tho 'feeling that Ulster presents a "very serious prob lem." What, then, are the facts? Ulster is one of the four provinces of Ireland and contains nine coun ties. The other three provinces Leinster, Munster and Connaught have twenty-three counties. Tho population of Ulster Is 1,581,61)6; that of Ireland as a whole Is 4,375, 554. It is admittedly the case therefore that the few are locking the will of the many; It Is this re sistance of a .minority that goes out to the world as evidence of "Irish Inability to agree." Acceptance of any such doctrine -would have pre vented tho formation of the United States of America: if accepted today there will be no Czecho-Slovakla, no Poland, no Jugo-SlavIk, and Alsace Lorraine must be broken into French pieces and German bits, for in all are bitter minorities of no small size. None of those most prominent In the "Ulster rebellion" has any real connection with Ulster by birth or residence. Sir Edward Carson did not even represent an Ulster con-, stituency until put up for a Belfast seat In December, 1918: Sir Fred- erick E. Smith; tho "Galloper of, Ulster," is an English lawyer; Bonar. tto Is a Scotch Canadian; Gen, 'Richardson and Gen. Wilson, who or ganized and drilled the Ulster reb els1, are Englishmen; WalteV Long has no ESler connection and Bal four, Lord Cecil, Lord Curzon, Lord Milner and scores of other "Ulster leaders" are English through and through. In December, 1918, an English general election was held, and while tho Unionists in Ireland banked a solid front in support of unchanged and unchanging British rule, tho op position split into two camps. The nationalists went before tho people with their usual and traditional de mand for home rule; the Sinn Fein declared that forty years of futile begging showed the folly of parlia mentary methods; announced that their candidates, If elected, would assemble in Dublin, not London, and asked votes on tho bold platform of an Irish Republic. Leinster, Muns ter and Connaught went almost as a unit for Sinn Fein. The Nationalists were annihilated and the Unionists, frankly confessing an overwhelming majority that made contests farcical, did not put up a single candidate in twenty-pno counties. In Dublin county out of four seats they cap- lured one in a caretuny gerryman-1 dered district, the only Unionist light and the only Unionist vjctory, In tho twenty-three counties outside of Ulster. A study of the Ulster vote reveals that the Unionists did not contest in Cavan, the Sinn Fein taking both seats without a struggle. In Done-, gal, 'with four seats, the Unionists comesieu oniy une, losing iiauuuy to a Nationalist, me unionist vote tor the county therefore was 4,797 1 of 39,041. In Monaghan, with two seats, the Unionists attempted one contest only, losing badly, and Sinn Fein swept the country. The total vote: Unionist, 4,497; Sinn Fein Nationalist, 21,497. This showing and there 'has nevor been any other election result for Jorty years lifts Cavan, Monaghan and Donegal out of the "rebel Ulster," leaving only six counties' to be considered. In Tyrone, the Nationalists cap- tured East by 11.6G1 against G.681 In west Tyrone, Sinn Fein -won by 10,442 against 7.69G and In the South tho Unionists won by 10,616 against a combined Sinn Fein and Nationalist vote of 8,039. Two seats out of three for home rule and an jnsn voto of 30,086 against 24,993 TTnlnnlat ,.( -ri --,--- flftlflnt T:nWtFermanoa,gh W each cauwnl n?9ononn 0,n fl lofufo 5S0LB$S the homo miA vm wna 10 ann against 11 292 for thl TTnhJnUu p the law of malorlt 5l8iJ?J Fema-nagh aTealslTllfTeTouto" "rebel Ulster" along with Cavan Donegal and Monaghan, leaving only four counties to be considered In Antrlm the Unionists swept all be- fore them, winning four seats1, with a total voto of 48,808 against 8,643 for Sinn Fein. In Down the Union,- Ists gained four seat3 and the Na- tlonallsts one, tho total being 41,987 to 21,969. In Armagh the Unionists captured two seats, with a total vote of 18,670 against 12,962. Also In Derry, two seats going to the Union- Ists, with 19,472 votes against 11,- 857. The city of Derry, however, al- ways a Unionist stronghold, and the 'IProtestant heart of Protestant Uls- ter," was won hy Sinn Fein, the vote being 7,466 to 7,020. In Bel- fast tho Unionists won eight seats and the Nationalists one, the Union- 1st voto being 79,377, against 39,947 for tho Opposition. So much for the claim of the solid Unionist Ulster" for which Carson and Balfour passionately de- manded a "clean-cut separation." Three counties overwhelmingly antl- Unionist and two counties giving ftS ntl majorities against Eng- llshrule,- leaving four counties only SrS.SSS,Rr.Ki " Mm opposition votes in them. The following ofllcial religious census also has direct bearing upon tho claim, that Ulster ls solidly Prot- estant. and that by "Protestant" Is meant Scotch Presbyterian; in tho nine rounties of Ulster there are 600,134 Catholics, 366,171 Protes- tants, 421,666 Presbyterians. 48,490 Methodists. Passing to the asser- tion that Ulster has all the "wealth and enterprise," and therefore ob- JectS! to the domination of poverty and idleness, the answers to this are matters of official record: On the tarn nf tho ill returns Tnhllna frrnca annual valuo of property exceeds eleven million pounds, while that of Belfast Is less .than six million four hundred thousand pounds. Dublin n.iv an Inprvnm tnic of thron hnnflrd and sixty thousand pounds, which is more than one hundred and fifty thousand pounds above that of Bel- fast. The Government ratable value of Ulster is only seventy-two shillings; that of Leinster 13 ninety-eight ehil- llngs. The Ulster rate, whllo in truth a pound higher than that of Connaught, is only a fraction above that of Munster. So Ulster, in- Btead of being the richest province In. In r.illf.v. n tinnr spr-nml with Munster only a breath behind. , NEEDS CHURCH BELLS. , . ( "Hear the tolling of the bells, iron bella; What a world of solemn thought thelr monody compels!" Down, in a little dust-covered mis- slon dn Arizona there is a struggling Cathollc congregation, foreigners most of them, who have emigrated to this land, where tho sound of a church bell seldom peals to stir the "solemn thought" Poo so well illustrates in "The Bells." If you havo ever visited a small town or settlement you have undoubtedly Ustoned with more than a passing Interest to the cheery sound of a I church bell as tho Angelus ls rung; or on Sunday manning when all ls quiet, tho pious folks are already wending thojr way churchward, tho last bell for mass calls the tardy ones to hurry. To return again to the Arizona mission, a, short time ago one of the parishioners ordered a bell from the manufacturer, and when 'it was delivered he had nothing with which to pay for it. The good priest states lt is still at the freight depot awaiting a collec- tion large enough rto release it $50 will be sufficient. If you should care to assist with a small donation for the bell in question, or It you should care to send a donation for a church beH ($30.00) the Catholic unurcn extension society, you aic- stato or New York, nas Deen ap Cormlck building, Chicago, would pointed Director and will henceforth gladly forwaird your gift, or assign your separ$ gift Ho another mission and inform you of tho name of the place. j fc LIVING COST DOUBLE. I ii-ii.. i . Tho cost of living has gone up 102 per cent. In the United States, 107 per cent. irJ Canada, 133 per cent, press reports, and information re and 200 per cent, in latlne to the Irish ouestion will be in England France sine the beginning of the war, accord) ag to the results of an investlgatlOE just completed by economists 1 1 he War Trade Board, DANGER TO BE FEARED. Tho campaign foT tho Smlth Towner bill proceeds apace, with its customary disregard of all argu ments against it. One argument, al ways resented, is nevor answered: iUUt 1"' HUB HIKJUUB UIO 111UJ1U3 UI e bm t be blamed, since thoro ls no an3Wcr- s America, 7? anyone who will take the trouble but for this silence tho friends of reaa l"IS cnarier or caucauonai despotism it ought to be clear that the verV to ' the bill, tho f01! f ? FT Bcho013 and- by degrees, of all edu- J"" the United States, passes ,fro,m local community to a pollt- l?" aPPlnteo at Washington, whoso f,tness for ! position will bo Judsed In no small measure by his ,yalty to thc dominant party. And this political appointee is to bo our educational autocrat. There is no escape from the conclusion a ' tho proposed Secretary of Education is authorized to decide whether or not any State is comply- InB with the provisions of tho bill, ho has complete power to dictate the conditions under which the children of free-born Americans must be "educated." The provisions of tho bill relate to course of study, school programmes and the train- Ing of teachers, all of which imust be approved at Washlngtqn. If the Recretarv of PMiirn.Hnn orlora Hin In. elusion In school programmes for mixed classes of the latest vagary on sex-hygieno, such vagary must bo inserted or tho recalcitrant State wln get no money from Washington. He has tho same right with regard to t lntroduction or exclusion of nnv ,,sw.t mi,,i ..i.ntnnn. ' . " " n but In the Institutions for the training '",," ,--. i-- J : i-i-i"! V" ";Z ,, 4t, ,' ,. " :". w 2fn? ,Tth?Sn ???' S? w'lhfnUnn hv ,'JL f S" i i,,r?v S!l 2( a JL01.1"1, ?"!& ,tally u V,01?!0 co-opraKte U,h. the Federal Government; but If It ls "ltatcd north of the once proud aml Independent South it will pay heavily for its constitutional right nduct its own affairs as seems t3: l? H8. eltizens. Had this Department of Educa- tion COmO into existence in the da6 of the carpet-baggers there is little doubt that by this time America wouiq nave oeen corruptee Dy tne perverted philosophy that has ruined Europe. That was the -DhlllsODhy which held tho favor of the day, and as it was a secular philosophy U was the only philosophy which could have been approved at Wash- ington. If tho department is now established what guarantee have wo that tne dominant educational por- version of any period will not be forced upon our people? Modern governments are shot through and through with secularism, and our own Is no exception. Documents in Support Of the Smith-Towner bill 1,ave already been spread broadcast at tho expense of tho Government br officers of the Bureau of Educa- tion, asserting the detestable un- American and un-Chrlstlan principle that the child is tho ward of the State, and that the control of edu- cation is primarily the concern of tbe Federal Government. The policy of the proposed Department of Edu- cation could hardly bo stated with greater deflniteness. It ls a policy which, by shifting duties proper to the individual to a subsidized governmental agency, will in the end destroy tho spirit of initiative, self- reliance and independence without which democracy degenerates into autocracy. The danger which every republic must fear Is overcentrallzation, with its consequent substitution of doml- nation by one man for the rule of the people. We have just concluded a war undertaken, we are told, that democracy might not perish from the earth. If this bo true, to set "P in the very school-room a system which can not but destroy democracy among our own people, ls a betrayal of our principles closely akin to ln- sanity, IRISH NATIONAL BUREAU. The Irish National Bureau, now ono of the Institutions of tho Capital, has announced that Justice John W. Goff, of tho Supreme Court of tho take charge of the bureau's actlv- ities. Katherlne Hughes, tho . Canadian writer, who has been In charge of tho work for several months, will remain as assistant to (Justice Goff. The main purpose of 4Tia HiiTVkati la Aliit'i f nnal t,af a concerning the situation In Irieand, too often obscured In the foreign made available to members of tho Senate and House of Representatives who are interested in the movement from any point of view, FINE GOWNS Exquisitely cleaned on short notice. MEN'S CLOTHING Cleaned the government way. We know how! They come back to you sterile and clean. Silk Shirts When Swiss cleaned never lose their new ness. One trial will con vince you. SWISS Cleaners & Dyers Phones 2207 Office 617 Fourth Ave. Plant 909 S. Sixth St. i j"H- ! ! .t .r 1 1 fr .. V l i .. it. .f 1' ! I' 'I' 'I ii SMOKE TARPY'S T 1Itt Tick f ( -au; uaou xvv. j Little A. J. 5c I Best Cigars Made P V V V I" V i As Netr to You as Ibe Nearest Phone" FUNERAL FLOWERS A SPECIAL SPRAY $3.00 A SPECIAL WRKATn S5.00 Wo telegraph Flowers Everywhere DR. JOHN P. BECKER OPTOMETRIST, , SPECIALIST IN FITTING GLASSES Twenty Year' Experieuce. Prices Reasonable. 3 IS Starka Building. Third Floor Fourth and Walnnt. Phone City 1180. FORDS REPAIRED We have the largest inde pendent Pord Bopalr Shop In tne CU7. Our modern facilities mean skilled servlco at reasonable cost. OET OUR PRICES "Any Make Car Towed In" DUGAN GARAGE IltA, J. DUGAN. Shop Foreman and General Manager 1315 SOUTH BltOOK STREET CORNSJ3UNIONS lopowlez Hd AbMnnal Hills StUfttificallj Trutri Dr. Uriah Z. Lltsey Chiropodiat 807 Starka Baildiaj BotnPboJt: NOW IS THE TIME FOIi STRAW HAT CLEANING. Avoid the rush by con sulting- us now. Panama Hat Cleaning- and Blocking- our specialty. STATIONAX. HAT CLEANING WORKS Albert Smith, Prop. SS3 WEST MARKET STREET Homo Phone, City 6161 6iv roux boya aa edmotlon th wtt) prapara vans zoz uxa. ST. XAVIER'S ,COLLEQE lia TV. Broadway, Komlartlla, Ky. Conducted by tiia X&verlui Brothers Classical, Scientific and Business Courses, Preparatory Department, Lor Bwlm nuns' pool, well Equipped uymn- turn. Terma moderate. Bre. Bnjamln, 'tr. FRED ERHART ARCHITECT NORTON BUILDING . W. Cwicr Fwrlh i Jeffcrfen is-'Is-jAS? MTi 3M1 KftHfril fMl "Zfry&tof v v. ESTIMATES FURNISHED On Marble, Granite Monuments and .Markers. SPECIAL ATTENTION Given to Ont-of-Town Orders. TRICES REASONABLE. B. F. Marquess & Co. 414 S. Second St., Louisville, Ky. JOHN B. RATTERMAN FUNERAL DIRECTOR 2114 WEST A1ARKET STREET Phones Shawnee 1243. Cumberland West 1107a. No Job Too Large or None Too Small. "SEE IJS." Liberty Electric and Repair Company Oar Mollo: Prompt Service, Bet. teP Work, SntUfled Cuntomera. Phono City 2700 745 S. Sixth St. Louisville, Ky. Fresh Ohio River Fish RECEIVED DAILY, OHIO RIVER A SPECIALTY. Segal & Boyer Fish Co. 311 East Jefferson Street. Homo City 1061. $1.35 Cincinnati $1.35 $2 Round Trip $2 ON STEAMERS America and Queen City At 5 P. M. Every Friday. vo MEET THE BOAT TRIPS Every Sunday at g a. m. from Third and River. Phone Main or City 141. Hot Water Heaters Double Copper Coils rrlco $12-50 Connecting $4.00 Solid aii 1 $9.50 Guaranteed Satisfactory W. M. CISSEIX 1815 Date St. Home Sliawnre 1601-J. If You Are an Employer And Need a Girl Worker, OR If You Are a Girl Worker And Need a Position Main 3359 CALL US City 3350 Women's Activities, National Catholic War Council GS7 South Fourth St. East Side Fourth, Near Broadway. CAMILLE DETERT, Employment Bureau. OLD MAN HARRIS Editor, has made scores of his readers from 50 per cent, to 500 per cent, on investments, -who have followed his "tips" on what to buy and when to sell, in oil and mining stocks, during past year. He knows "Who's Who" in tho oil game. All Information strictly confidential. Year's subscription to Kentucky Oil Journal ?2. (Free with each new subscription a beautiful map of Kentucky oil fields an artist's idea of an airplane view of the State, worth J5; 14x22 Inches.) Write for free sample copy 16 pages, illustrated, 411-412 Inter-Southerm building, Louisville, Ky. MEN'S BLACK OR TAN WORKSHOES $3.50 to. $600 These shoes are world beaters they look well and they staid the bang-a of service. Thty are designed and built for service and they rea der that service. SPALDING SHOE CO. Kimnn juts . xavui Out ef the High-Seat District wnr ramw HtiBBll h, I S VJ'i?-