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ICBOUOMTir IRISH AMEICAK. 3 RELIABLE GUIDE FOR CAREFUL BUYERS Readers of the Kentucky Irish American, are earnestly urged te patronize advertisers wheae announcements tbey find in these colums. We aim to protect our read ers by accepting only firms of known responsibility. Correct Glasses Are as Important as the Right Medicine. We Hoke Glasses to Meet the Requirements of . i Oculists' Prescriptions. ASK ANY OCULIST THE BALL. OPTICAL CO. OI3 FOURTH AVENUE REPAIRING WELDINU Expert Attention On Repairs On All Makes of Oars SPECIALISTS ON FORD REPAIRING AUTO ELDING & REPAIR GO. ERNBST SMITH, Prop. Both Phones 2300 713 SOUTH SEVENTH ST., LOUISVILLE, Kt I E&WTJOBICN IS or CHEROKEE . L ICED TEAS PROPERLY BLENDED CLEANED, PACKED ASK YOUR GROCER. Road Service. Home City 8300 JOHN D. ROMMEL CO. 941 South Third St. PI3K TIRES ACCESSORIES JOHN B. O'LEARY & CO. Headquarters' for CTTX AND FARM PROPERTY Sea ua about anything In real estate. We sell, Buy and rent. - 604 W. JEFFERSON ST. Home Phone City 4464. SEE POOLEY FOR.MONKY. Loans to those haying regular in comes or salary, -with no publicity or red tape. Loans to housekeepers n their personal security. F. R. FOOLEY, Room 1, Cdurler-Journal Building, 415 S. Fonrth Street. T. E. YANN DAIRY COMPANY Incorporated. 508-510 SOUTH WENZEL ST. Both Phones 4202 "SOUTHERN STAB" . SLICED BACON "All Ready for Your Griddle 1b the. Morning" HAMS, LARD, SAUSAGE LOUISVILLE PROVISION CO. incorporated DEAD ANIMALS HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAH) Call Homo Phone City 721; Cumb. Phono Main 721. LOUISVILLE RENDERING CO. HAMBLY BROS. SHOE STORES All Kinds of Footwear For the Whole Family Two HAMDLY'S Stores 2Cth and Portland. Shaw. 1716 18th and Magazine City 7164 orars yjiovxsiarp AiMousm Incorporated "Wat CrgMtted J0"Jmow!l X. M.XU Oa raraitar and Other Tenoaal Property at OWXSX ATB COLEMAN BUILDINO B. H. COR. THIRD AND, JEFFERSON Both Fhonee ittt Madisy Hotil and Rsstiurant Right Services Right Prices Day and Night 620 WEST MARKET ST. Both Phones 2406 RIUTLINQIR Jk 0 O Adolph Restllager FIRH INSURANCE TORNADO, LIABILITY AND PLATE GLASS 123 SOUTH THIRJ gTRSSBT SOUTH LOUISVHjLjI SAVIFGfc AND DEPOSIT BANK Fourth and Central Avenue Three Per Cent. Paid on "Saving Deposits. A General Banking Busi ness Transacted. HOUSE FOR SALE. Five-room cottage, 1236 Hull street, $2,100. A first class bargain. JWHCHrtfYOWQ Mwzr Both rkesM rkmi1 UT US KNOW Local and lone distance moving with Motor vans. .. Furniture. . PjWnR" 4jLa Sloeine. All work jtuax&Bteed. Be ftStia chefully furnished free of fears. A. A3WrOI. fc MX ATOVMV 0. (Incorporated) -, 4 Wet Mttm Kftlional Roofing ttd SttpplyCampatiy Mafc, Coal Tar, JMU, (A BaeetaUr), 14 W. rtMKMO-Olt? MMt OPP. MAItY ANDERSON ARTHUR A. WILL BUILDER 2431 MONTGOMERY STREET Some Phone Shawnee 1010 SAM L. ROBERTSOr CONTRACTOR, FOB. ALL KINDS OF OONORETB WOB 1815 S. Tweaty-sLrth St. Homo Phone Shawnee S68 WM. P. BANNON CONTRACTING PLASTERER Brook and Bloom City 8380 Cumb. S. IB 1-1 Home City 2803 REPAIR .WORK A SPECIALTY FRED HORNUNG, JR. PLUMBING AND GAS FITTING 712 Wost Jefferson Street Louisville, Ky. Home Phone Shawnee 803 HENRY GOSS Roofing, Guttering, Spouting Tin Roofs Repaired and PalnteC Asphalt Shingles 'a Specialty 2011 W. Broadway, Louisville, Ky. GLOBE SECURITY & LOAN CO. Incorporated. A. Lazar, Manager -- Monoy Advanced on Your Plain Note 312 West Jefferson Street (Second Floor) Home Phono City 2967. NATIONAL HATTERS Home Phone City 1931 TOM TOLAK1S, Prop. 825 W. Jefferson St., Louisville, Ky. Suits Pressed While You Walt. Hats Cleaned and Blocked While rou Walt. Soldle-ra .Uniforms and Hats a Specialty. Work Called For and Delivered. Our Motto: "Service, attention and Quality." THE SIGN OF QUALITY Olghl'd 7413 East 180 KENTUCKY LAUNDRY CO. Incorporates 614-022 OBderhlll St. Qeo. Dearborn Manager JNO. P. MORTON & CO. INCORPORATED Established 1S2G. JLeoia villa, Ky. OFFICB OUXFITTKBS STATIONERS PRINTERS THE VERY BEST EPPINQ'S SOFT DRINKS J. M. BUCKNER WHOLESALE) TOBACCONIST 08 Wst Mala Street Louisville, .Ky. JOHN B. WATHEN FURNITURE MOVHR aad PACKER WAGON OR VAN 2625 West Walaat Street PIGNiC PARTIES A SPECIALTY Home Phone .Shawnee 1986 Phone Shawnee 42. AUTO OWNERS We Are Motor Doctors, Skilled Ex pert Are Ready to Serve You. Full lias 'of Tires, Tubes and Ac cessories. Tires aad Tubes Vulcan lied. Batteries charged and re paired. PORTLAND AUTO BBFATO COi, . .877 TT., Tweaty-Sixtii St. ST.- XAVIER'XOLLEaE Jl W, SMfttwari SsaemrtMs. X - SLauL 2eV TiislisTsi iBPlRXiPftiiSZ Mate 14M&lMmm' HKaTlialiiHli. IP'vP "'" ''? '"f'fa rM A fl ' tl'jBll BStiBaaaal Ml ssBbsB B :!.', -M'" "!& '' fW- ' It aBBBBKnSBBBBlBBBBBllBBsHBSSBBBSBSBBBB 1' i-f'i--'; "" ::--.m -f n iMHssasksisHIBsisBHLLsW p -P P' sbbH XJaH HsbsUbIbeIbbbbsbbbbbBbbbbbbbbbbSbbbeIbbbbbb WVffi1tif$MfiBJkitfjLwk i"-! JHtf'I.HaKBflaHaHtHaiflKEBaaaaaBft SssMssssssssssKIIIvsssKsBbs1bss1sB sm MHHHHHLISbHK A iBBMBBBBBBBtMBPS HWjBKl jB BafflBtMHaaaB UFw 8Hf sssB BBBBBBBBBsksAflBSsBKaniSjB n.RlrB ' I ' ' I lW b M "HMsiWP II 'llaaaiaaaMaallMMMIaaMMMIffaMlilHIllli -Lt- JJbsVB l'ZZr-' flP-' m?. AMERICANS IN 1P1ARIS BASTILE D-AY VICTO Photograph of tho great bastlle day parado In Paris. In view tho the Champs Elysees from the Arc d'Trlomphe, tho 'battle flags In plctu who marched la more than six feet tall. This ls tho first time that ed In procession under tho famous arch. THIRD FIELD MASS. A Held mass wlll be celebrated Sunday morning, September 14, at 10 o'clock at Glenwood Park, which will bo a part of tho soldiers' and sailors' welcome celebration to take place in New Albany, September 14 to 17. This was announced at the services Sunday moraine at Holy Trinity and St. Mary's churches, of New Albany;St. Mary's at .Navllle ton, and St.- Mary's-of-the-Knobs. Tho mass will bo celebrated In thahksglvng for tho return homo of tho boys from Floyd county who served in tho world's war. An altar will bo eroded in tho southeast part of tho athletic field in Glenwood Park, where the structuro will have a natural background, consisting of treos, and will be protected from tho sun. The mass will be jslvcn under the auspices of St. (Mary's and Holy Trinity churches jointly. Tho choirs of tho itwo churches will furnish tho music, while hoys from the congregations will servo at the mass. Provision "mil.tyo mode for tho comfort of tho older men and women of tho respectlvo congrega tions, BOO chairs .to bo placed for their convenience. This week In vitations woro sent to tho different churches and organizations of tho cities and towns surrounding New Albany to have their membera at tend tho mass. It Is expected that several thousand persons will be nresont at tho service, which will be tho first of tho kind to take placo In that part of the State. Tho celebration of tho mass will be one of tho chief attractions of the (wel come, A field mass Is an unusual service, and only two others have been celebrated in the Stato, of In diana, -ono at Indianapolis and tho other one at Evansvillo. Thero wero 252 Catholic boys from Floyd county In tho service, a large num ber of them taking part In some Of tho Important engagements in Prance. In addition this county furnished five K. of C. secretaries; one K. of G. chaplain, and two members of tho church served as Red Cross nurses. Two boys woro killed on the Held of battle, ono of the secretaries died of disease whllo in tho service, as did also, the chap lain. Tho two hoys killed In action wore Herman Bauer aad Victor J. Rellly. Tho K. of C chaplain who died was tho (Rev. Father Justin Butler, of ait. St. Franojs College, and tho K. of C. secretary was G. Edgar Gregolro. FIGHTS FOR RIGHTS. For seven hundred and fifty years Ireland has been fighting for tho ono right of self-determination. Tho military forces of a neighboring na tion have effectively striven to bring it about that the will of that nelgn-: boring nation and not tho will of the Irish people shuld prevail. It has meant seven and a. half centur ies of strife: it has meant seven and a half centuries of agony such as probably no other nation has en dured. Still that Indestructible de sire for self-expression in a separate national existence, is as strong to day as It was at the beginning of tho contest, even stronger, for the national consciousness of Ireland has grown increasingly with .tho struggle. The Irish question is essentially a question between two nations between Ireland and England. They who tell you that It Is a question between different sections of Irish men or that it Is not a political but a religious question, are saying that which they must know Is false, and have but one purpose to deceive, in Aiko.aivR All whose knowledge of frlsh history and Irish conditions Is limited to tho scrappy and misieaa Ine acauaintance which their daily newspapers gives them. They say that this demand for an Irish Re public springs from religious causes, though they won Know -tnai mis movement had its origin in rroies tant Ulster. Wolfj'Tone, Lord Ed wardFltzgerald: afn all the greatest of the United Irftlyneii were Pro testants. MltchalUvtB, Martin, Smith O'Brien, the greatest of the Young Irelanders, wore Protestants. Butt and Parnell were Protestants. Many who Joined the present Irish Volunteers -and took part in the Bght against England were Pro testants. The movement today con tains manv Protestants and Its is Wrelv accidental and not in any sense essential to the political issue between Ireland and England that the Internal political divisions' among Irishmen themselves should roughly correspond, to ,the two lines ,of division of rejlgtoua beliefs. Brit ish propagandists make use or this coincidence to deceive the , world and particularly the people of America. "Were, the whole Island Protestant, Baataad weald oppose Irish ledeaeodeace Just' as bitterly; M she 'opposes it how. Is there any one who doubts it? ' ' 'm1 i' i ' r" i'f'-"'1'r,Tr,i'"'i"'"'il riiggggaBgHW'iBSaSBHslBagaslBaBBsssME K. OF C. Are Already Operating Twclvo Largo And Snccessfid Camp . Schools. Graduate Nineteen Fully Equipped Chauffeurs1 From Camp Dlx. Rank With Best Business and Tech " nlcal Institutions in Civilian F,lcld. SERVICE MEN ONLY ATTEND. A class of nineteen fully qualified chauffeurs graduated ifrom tho K'. of C. technical school for service men at Camp DIx early last week. They are some of the 300 men, including Major Gen. Halo, in command of tho camp, who have loamed, through tho K. of C, many useful things they would not havo known If they had quit the army when their dis charges could have been obtained without taltlne advantage of tho kechnlal courses offerccd by the knights. In Camps Davens, (Dlx and Upton tho Knights are now operating schools that rank with some of the best business and technical institu tions in tho civilian field. Nono but service men attend these schools. Of course in tho schools operated In K. of C. extra camp buildings, such as the largo K. of G. homo on Berkoly street In Boston, numerous dishaTcgcd men are pupils. At all tho camps above named the Knights havo expert tutors, whose work has been designed by one of New Eng land's leading educators (Michael J. 'Downey, of tho Massachusetts State Board of Education and Di rector of the Boston evening schools. At Kelly Field, Texas, tho Knights have for months been operating what Is probably the only camp law school to give diplomas. Two hundred and fifty men have been graduated from this school, seventy-flvo of them officers. Prof. G. M. Hayes, of New York, supervises the educational work of tho Knights in the Eastern camps. Beginning with one or two soursea, such as typewriting and business English, the Knights havo extended their camp curricula so that now they Include several wage earning trades, the most popular of wiilcn is automechanlcs. - "In the K. of C. schools," says Daniel J. Sullivan, of Boston, the man who had the first vision of what could be done In an educa tional reconstruction way for the men In the camps, "our aim hwj always been to give tho service man a new weapon to go out and fight his way up in the world. As far back as the spring of 1918 wo planned our school system. There were many difficulties in tne way of putting it through, hut the boys have shown a desire to go to. school on this side under the same auspices through which they re ceived comforts and consolation on ASSORTED NUTS era Katarsttft,, I pp flVJ fBslssI 1J ssflUssfli TW vm a hw ct r I mil ll'l ' JMT- w - RiY FETE. American division 13 marching up resque display. Every American other than French troops have pass- the other side." In Boston wo are planning to havo ono of the fcest equipped automechanlcal schools in the world." Tho Knights' chauffeur's course, which includes a thorough know ledge of general motormechanics, takes a man In camp about three months. Mathematical courses take longer. Many privates, especially at Fort Hamilton, whero a K. of C. school did remarkably effective work, iiavo gono up for examination and won commissions after receiv ing mathematics in an intensive K. of C. course. With their schools In operation at Camp Leo and those operating or being established In mId-Western or far-Western camps, tho Kniehts will soon have on their rosters ap proximately service men at a time. And this work Is altogether apart from the K. of C. supple mentary educational system now be ing put into effect. The commander at Camp Devons issued an official 'booklet concern ing -tho K. of C. school, in which ho stated that the Knights had full charge of all educational work In that large camp and urged every rii'an to take advantage of the busi ness and technical Instruction offered. RELIGIOUS TOLERANCE. The Irish nation lias never been guilty of religious intolerance. Whenever the native majority wero in power, they decreed full religious as well as full civil equality. When subject to (English rule, or tho Tule of tho narrow governing class, this majority experienced on account of their Teliglon a-persecution the in tensity of which has scarcely an equal In all tho revolting annals of religious warfare". FREXCn TOAST. Ono egg, threo slices of bread, one-quarter teaspoonful of salt, few grains of pepper, one tablespoonful of milk. Beat egg slightly, add salt, peppor and milk. Soak bread In mixture until soft, cook, on a hot, well greased griddle; brown on one side, turn and brown on the other side. T.hls makes a siiltablo break fast or luncheon dish. FOR WOMAN'S EYE. The French short skirt will not prevail hero. Combinations of material are much. In vogue. , Jileteor satins of all kinds are be ing combined with jets and bro cades and metal cloths. The hat that turns away from the face, built of black velvet, seoms destined for first fashion. The modern Paris lingerie Is fan tastic to tho point "ot Indecency and sometimes monstrous In the eyes of those who lovo beauty. You 'will prolong the life of your black silk stockings If you soak' them .overnight In cold water before wear ing them tliu first time. ' Your evening gown may uo a blaze of color or a mass of solid black. You can't go far wrong in this moment of infinite variety and choice. It you would have a own of chiffon let It puff and puff -whore It will, lor it couldn't neip out be atop the mode If It Is permitted to fall as gravity dictates. There are gowns that follow the Handarln lines of tho orient and there are others that are as imita tive of nothing so much as the days of Marie Antoinette and her charm 'ed Versailles. It appears that women will return to chemises. Thero is this short tittle shift which reaches to the knees, is ruffled or embroidered, and Is girdled at the bust. It has shoulder straps and no sleeves. (Millinery allows tendency toward extravagance of trimming. Mate rials such as atin find -themselves allied to diminutive steel, Jet or opaque beads. And 'it Isn't at all surprising if atop all this is a crown of the softest and most alluring tulle. Concerning the hats which are. promised for next month there seems to be a golden mean struck between the diminutive iiat of late autumn and tho large and drooping hat of early summer. Indeed we are be ginning to ce what might ,be called the large email "hat. For rsmar.tnw there Is nothing. smarter thaa Iiore straw. It ust Isn't outdone by anything living at the present 4n the millinery world. Sometimes the trimming rises all? Tuptly In tha back, or again you ge. R slanting dawn t one aide or the other. Aad U it ls-mada up In . small hat, wfelek . close to tfce Wd, them Is a. h(e leek to it that ,a jnwahwowna -would rtt admire aad to feattM. . ,-: r SEVENTEENTH ANNUAL KENTUCKY STATE FAIR LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY SEPTEMBER 8-13, 1919 $110,000.00 IN PREMIUMS. $10,000.00 Saddle Horse Stake. $20,000.00 Beef Cattle Show. $20,000.00 Fatted and Feeding Cattle Show. Biggest Baby Health Contest ever held in State. Boys' Corn and Pig Clubs Display. Automobile Speed Contestsforlarse purses bv world's famous drivers. Trotting and Running Races. High-class Mid-way and Hippodrome attractions. SPECIAL On Sunday. September 7. 1919. hear Sacred Concert by Seventy-first Regiment Band, Lieut. Eben, Director. Forty Musicians. Professional Vocalists and Immense Local Chorus. REJDCCIJD RAILROAD RATES. . For Catalogue nnd Other Information, Wrlto FOUNT T. KKEMISR, Secretary. 004 Republic Bdildlnir. SECOND AND BRECKINRIDGE, LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY. Tenches Book-keeping, Penmanship, Shorthand, Typewriting and kindred subjects. Day and Night classes tho year round. Our system Is right; our prices are right; wo treat you right; Enroll any time. J. D. CREAGER, Prln. SMOKERS; CICJAXBTTES 10c Piedmonts file, 3 ... nr ror oo 20c Piedmonts lfio lOo Chesterfields 9c, 3 for 25o 20o Chesterfields '..'...' ICo iuu j. avorues yc, 3 lor zoo zuc i'av.oriica .ico 20c Camels i ,16a 20c Llickv Strikes lCc 15c London Life He, 2 for 2Gc iff. TnttA ' . IGo Mecca 14c, 2 for 26a 20c Fat 1 ma , lEo loc neimar 14c, 2 for 25a 16o Turkish Trophies t He 2 for 25a 20c MouuL i8o 20c Murads "....', ,18a .lCc 20o Windsor Fags .., TWIST lOo Allen' County . ....,. .9c, 3 for 2Go lOp Shepherd .'...9c, 3 for 25a 10c Itallroad .... 9c, 3 for 25c lOo War Hawk ., 9c, 3 for 26o 10c Red Bud 9c, 3 for 26c lOo Tribune 9c, 3 for 25o 10c Booster 0c, 3 for 26a lOo Bourbon County 9c, 3 for 25c CHEAPEST TOBACCO STOKES IH AMERICAN CUT-RATE TOBACCO STORE No. 1 S. W. Cor. Preston & Jefferson Wo. 2 W. W. Cor. Prestoa Sc iltierty r. J. KREMEB b CO. Met Where the Quick Meal Comes In Where tho homo is brightest ; . Where tho work la lightest; Where tho meal Is cooked best; Where tho rango stands the test That's whero tho 'Quick Meal" comes in. "9K25Qicill Imw. I B Quick Mal Gaa Hastes Sold. Installed aad Highly ReconiEaaadad lifcrifcK cc oUIN, W, MARKET ST. I M. i. BAKNOM, PniMent and Kiiugtr. IP. BANNON ! J Sewer and Calvert. Pipe, IBaaaoa's Patent Lidded it Wall 1 1 Fire Proofing", Flue Lining", Fire Grate and OFFICE 836 SOUTH THIRTEENTH STREET. PHONES CITY 1573-1786. CUMB. MAIN S07, WORKa-Thirteaath aad Breckiaridga aad Ninth aad Magaolla. $ 4t o jQK FANS $5,85 AND UP QHILDERS ELECTRIC CO. Both. Fhaaaa 135 W. Gt RORK. HBRBKRT JENKINS. Sc. nd Trcu. WEST BROADWAY VULCANIZING CO. INCORPORATED GUARANTEED VULCANIZING Office and Workrooms Northeast Corner Seventh and Broadway Homo Phone City 2511 Louisville, Kentucky H.BOSSEaSON Funeral Directors and Embalmers. io wi AsvmmJM 43ua Louisville. Kentucky. ATTENTIONI CICJARS OV in DOS Amorlcan Special, 5o $2.00 Kramer's Snoelal. Eo Z.QO "icl llKe. 2.00 rinSkrv"0 6 V 2.UU 2.00 2.00 2.00 surprise, Go Bob "White, 6o Pat Carroll, Co 2.C5 Dan'l Boone, 6o 2.65 'Kramer's Extra, nlh.HH m.i ,.. itromers Extra, Co 2.65 Qlbson Girl, Co 2.65 Palma Villa, Co 2.76 Old Virginia Cheroots, ...9c, 3 for 25o ,.. xr.wnwT ,"' , PT uk9 .J1 ,?turorl ;. J0' i i0T H PACKAGE TOBACCO XT. S. Marino Cut Plus ..9c, 3 for 26o Five Brothers ....... ...9c. 3 for 25c Old Hillside 9c, 3 for 25o 10c Axton Nat. Leaf ....9c, 3 for 2Eo IGo Tuxedo (cans) 14c, 2 for 25o 16o Velvet (cans) 14c, 2 for 25c 10c Tuxedo ge CIOABS Box Of 60 Chesterfield, 10c, 3 for 25c, or ..S4.15 Quail, 10c, 3 for 26c, or 14.16 Key West, lOc, 3 for 25c, or ....$4.16 Optimist, 10c, 3 for 25c, or S4.1G Don Mlnardo, 10c, 3 for 26c, or. ..J4.15 THE CITY, WATCH US OBOW Where work is quickly done; Whero cooking seems real fun; Whero baking gives de light; Whoro drudge Is out of sight That's whero the "Quick Meal" comes la. P. IANN0M. JR., VIci Pm. 31 Treit. PIPE CO. Pine for Steam Conduit. Coping. Drain Tile. Vitrified BrlcV. 2 Brlcb . F x Boiler Tile, Fire Clay, Chimney Topi. 2 For Rent, Sale or Exchange. ini - unrunATiw 333 W, Maia Street FRED ERHART ARCHITECT " '"' :" ""i ' INUK1UN BUlLl)JNCr . t . x r -V.. "rf"-'i '...'j. "- , ''"'. . ' ""- '. :'v . ' , -. . f- "?' - .v ' L-i4l - ,. --,. . ' -, . - ,' ,r. ' . -. - -.f. .:,J- ..vftsiu iv, .. ,ij.-.'ie . i. ...' !, , -?-.5r -,-,- -mtk-j... .itjir: i-lM, ao- 9M pTiwtfiirir i.rrnA! iimrrrFTaw! .in u, ,, -..nirm ww'n, aHiiBMiiyiiiii1 m oa.