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JBZ&JSCTXJGJKTXr XiRLlSm JkJSEXEL2AXZ. f aCc TM1 rliY TCrDfrt ir,i - iac- nnu vva V7UUN Year 'kick'k'AAAAAAAAA'A'AAAAAA W o hS1 f Voy fflh President J RELIABLE GUIDE FOR CAREFUL BUYERS Readers of the Kentucky Irish American are earnestly urged to patronize advertisers whose announcements they find in these colums. We aim to protect our read ers by accepting only firms of known responsibility. je biibjvjk isor ohero:k:e:e iced imsa properly blended cleaned, packed ASK YOUR GROCEIt. REPAIRING WELDINfl Expert Attention On Repairs On All Makes of Cars . SPECIALISTS ON FORD REPAIRING AUTO WELDING & REPAIR GO. ERNEST SMITH, Prop. Both Phones 2300 713 SOUTH SEVENTH ST., LOUISVILLE, KY. Road Service. Home City 8300 JOHN D. ROMMEL CO. 941 South Third St. PISK TIRES ACCESSORIES JOHN B. O'LEARY & CO. Headquarters for CITS' AND FARM PROPERTY See us about anything in real estate. We sell, buy and rent. 504 W. JEFFERSON ST. Jjome Phone City 4464. SEE POOLEY FOR MONEY Loans to those having regular in comes or salary with no publicity or red tape. Loans to housekeepers an their personal security. F. R. POOLEY, Room 1, Courier-Journal Building, 41G S. Fourth Street. T. E. YANN DAIRY Incorporated. COJD7ANY 008-510 SOUTH WENZEL ST. Both Phones 4202 "SOUTHERN STAR" SLICED BACON "All Ready for Your Griddle In tho Morning" HAMS, LARD, SAUSAGE LOUISVILLE PROVISION CO. Incorporated DEAD ANIMALS HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID 721; Call Homo Phone City Cumb. Phone Main 721. LOUISVILLE RENDERING CO. HA3D3LY BROS. SHOE STORES All Kinds of Footwear For the Whole Family Two HAMBLY'S Stores 20th and Portland. 18th and Magazine Shaw. 1716 City 7164 Site your boy an aucattoa tkat will prepare t&esa for life. ST. XAVIER'S .COLLEGE 113 W. Broadway, oiTille, Xy. Conducted by the X&veriaa Brother Classical, Scientlflo and Bualoeaa Xmraea, Preparatory Department, Lars Hwlmmini; Pool, Well equipped Qymna- liim Turmi mndAratA. jHinjnmin, it. AkkkkA-k Bringing, u& fp 1 I WWAT- Do Youp X VfeAtt. lACLJIHJfTTMJ V - -.. ...- .-.-. .,, ALir -ri it? i's f-M"l inc. me diep - ARTHUR A. WILL BUILDER 2431 MONTGOMERY STREET Homo Phone Shawnee 1010 SAM Jj. ROBERTSON CONTRACTOR FOR ALL KINDS OF CONCRETE WOfiC 1316 S. Twenty-siith St. Home Phone Shawnee S68 WM. P. BANNON CONTRACTING PLASTERER . Brook and Bloom City 8380 Cumb. S. 16X-1 Home City 2803 REPAIR WORK A SPECIALTT FJRED HORNUNG, JR. PLUMBING AND GAS FITTING 712 West Jefferson Street Louisville, Ky. Home Phone Shawnee 80S HENRY GOSS Hoofing, Guttering, Spouting Tin Roofs Repaired and Painted Asphalt Shingles a Specialty 2011 W. Broadway, Louisville, Ky. GLOBE SECURITY & LOAN CO. Incorporated. A. Lazar, Manager Money Advanced on Your Plain Note 312 West Jefferson Street (Second Floor) Home Phone City 2967. .NATIONAL HATTE1U Home Phone City 1931 TOM TOLAKIS, Prop. S25 W. Jefferson St., Louisville, Ky. Suits Pressed While You Wait. Hats Cleaned and Blocked While You Walt. Soldiers' Uniforms and Hats a Specialty. Work Called For and Delivered. Our Motto: "Service, Attention and Quality." JNO. P. MORTON & CO INCORPORATED r Established 1820 -.- Louisville, Ky. OFFICE OUTFITTERS STATIONERS PRINTERS AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA k-k-k-kk-kk-k, yS uuck! ,ri.7 iv? VAA? VouR AGE HE. rE UZ OUtZ AaAAAAA BpinlfiJJPJB!kr " ' Nii? vtc DFAD- THEH WHY lS V5? 11 ,i, ANYBODY-. V".uSum ONLY CETS Y&ZZ if Gee H . a-f k ji 'III ashamed Xi"x V ashamed w . : V A ..-'. . " -' rn-ie face., - v ' y. 13111 -- c ;ftTJbt-rt '." . -. - j. iirur. "i ij i - i il iiiu v i c - w - I G.IVE UP ) Qom'T KNOW'TWATT P Am- wuru K l J I CHLHCK - V V VVMY iWHbN WASH NU IUN 1 I . , . I GERMANY'S NEW AIR LINER BODENSEE. A view of the Hamburg Amori can S. S. Company's new air liner, the Bodensee, in her hangar at Frledrlchshafen, showing tho forward gondola of tho passenger airship. The Bodensee was built for passen ger service and recently made her maiden trip ifrom Frledrlchshafen to Berlin. ACTIVITIES Welfare Work For Catholic Youth Furnishes Field For Lay Apostolatc. Teachers Should Study ClUldrcn and Carefully Xoto Unusual Signs. Help Stem Tide That Has Given tho Social Workers Much Concern. XKBD OF A GUIIKKG HAND. (Although tho (purpose of these articles on Catholic lay activities is to present as forcibly as posslblo the need for a practical lay apostolato In a general way, rather than to offer a specific programme for action, tho problem presented by tho caro of our youtih, particularly of delinquent boys and girls, is 30 acuto that a slight digression into this field will be pardoned, especially If, as Ave propose to do, the sug gestions " offered arc given in tho nature of examples ior activity In other fields also. In the last article reference was made to tho efforts 'Big Brothers' and "Big Sisters" might undertake in behalf of youth ful delinquents. A still greater task Is suggested by tho question: What can we do by way of preventing and eliminating some of the causes that aro responsible for our quota, as Catholics, of youthful delinquents. On the basis of an analysis or theso causes prepared some months ago, and approved of by experienced social workers as in agreement with their own observations In this field, wo now -venture a constructive pro- A A A A A A AirkitAii,icki(idiirkicfr TBUB ENOUGH mmm& v - mg - i . . . .,- .. . gramme for further efforts. Priests, especially those, in charge of parochial, schoOU, as well fits assistants In Sunday-schools, tho directors of Joys' clubs, etc., should study tho children and carefully note any sign of unusual vlclousness on their part. Retardation in -school, especially if this be duo to other causes than sickness or legitimate absence from class, should be in quired into. Any unusual physical defect which might prove a handi cap to the child later on should be taken note of. This may be done without hurting tho sensibility of the child or interfering with tho rights of the parents. Sometimes the cur ing of such a defect in early years spells great success for tho future of the child. We know how often the removal of tonsils and adenoids has at least cleared away obstacles to the mental growth of the child. Defective vision is sometimes respon-' siblo for poor work a't school, and this in turn may lead to discourage ment, frequent absence and occasions for getting into mischief. Excessive shyness, stammering and stuttering, a tondency to solitudo Tather than sharing in the usual diversions of childhood ought also to be taken note of. Their causes ought to bo ascertained and tho parents duly In formed. The latter, if sensible, will hardly take this interest in their children amiss, and the treatment at school should be continued by the parents at home. Parents them selves will therefore have a large share in determining the happy futuro of their children. There ought to bo a willing response on their part to the suggestion and In structions of the teacher, priest or sister. Unfortunately we have not the aid of school-nurses and special attendants who are such a fine help to tho teaching force of other schools. Until wo have such auxiliaries we must make extra efforts to shield our children from untoward influences. Again, can not all priests, teach ers, parents and social workers strive more consistently to develop (he will of our children and their resisting power to first evil in fluences? It is unwise and unjust to allow our boys and girls to plunge suddenly and unprepared from the THATS A FAIR QUESTION i .i i i . . . s&:'sZs-snwy&0!Z42 ' ' xvzz&?z&yzy2c&r&. -' ATasK J anxiously guarded life of the parochial school, with Its numerous incentives to vlrture, into the world where an entirely different standard of moral values prevails, and where evil influences turn up at every bend of tho road. We do not mean that tho teacher should draw lurid pictures of a wicked world which is only set on ensnaring tho in nocent, nor do wo hint at the neces sity of "sex-instruction." But we refer to tho need of constantly presenting to the young not only the best models of a holy Hie, as exem plified in our saints, but also those motives and means of keeping their Christian character unsullied, which have helped many a youth to pass successfully through tho stress of adolescence and to keep his faith in the ideals of younger and more In nocent day3. There aro finally, besides tne causes of delinquency mentioned in tho analysis referred to above, cer tain dangers which we can minimize by steady co-operation. That the movies aro responsible for many a moral breakdown In ehildhood is now freely admitted ny. men who can speak from authority. Tho pic tures may encourage tne cnim s tendency to wrong doing, and In stead' of giving him worthy ideal3 may contribute to greaier inurai deficiency. Even the colored supple ment of tho Sunday newspaper, despite all assertions to the con trary, may sow a seed of moral de cay in tho child. "Nightlife", in the largo cities Is a prolific source of moral evils, and there is absolute ly no excuso for .parents or suara lans in granting children the liberty of streets and boulevards after dark. How some Catholic mothers can persist In neglecting their duty on this point, and that for years, and even when they are being made aware of the havoc such license is playing with the health and the re ligious life of their daughters, Is hard to understand. A careful consideration of sug gestions of this nature may help to stem the time of the evil that has given mucin concern to social workers juvenile delinquency and enable our schools to accomplish their work with greater assurance of permanont results. V Y - A Taj. RELIABLE GUIDE FOR CAREFUL BUYERS Renders of the Kentucky Irish American are earnestly urged to patronize advertisers whose announcements they find in these colums. We aim to protect our read ers by accepting; only firms of known responsibility. Correct Glasses Are as Important as the Right Medicine. We Make Glasses to Meet the Requirements of Oculists' '; Prescriptions. ASK ANY OCULIST THE BALL 013 FOURTH AVENUE W. G. RORK, Pre ilitnl. WEST BROADWAY INCORPORATED GUARANTEED VULCANIZING Office and Workrooms Northeast Corner Seventh and Broadway Homo Phone City 2511 Louisville, Kentucky A V OLD LEAKY ROOFS CAN BE SAVED AND MADE LEAK-PROOF SUTERLASTIO Guaranteed Ten Years co-Gallon Barrels 0Oc Per Gallon INTEBNATIOlTAIi COATING CO. 649 SOUTH SECOND STREET City 3174 LoulavlUe. Ky THE SIGN OF QUAMTY Hlghl'd 7411 East 180 KENTUCKY LAUNDRY CO. Incorporated 014-022 Underbill St. Geo. Dearborn Manager ANY OLD HAT 'MADE :to look like new. FELT HATS CLEANED AND UEBLOOKED, 60 CENTS. Hat Cleaning- and Block ing our specialty. NATIONAL ILVT CLEANING WORKS Albert Smith, Prop. 533 WEST MARKET STREET Homo Phone, Citx 5161 JOHN B. WATHEN FURNITURE MOVING AND PACKING 530 South Twenty-Sixth St. Shawnee 1986 West 1084 LONG DISTANCE HAULING . NATIONAL HATTERS 325 WEST JEFFERSON STREET DYERS AND CLEANERS Monday Special Suits Cleaned and Pressed for 81.25. Hats Blocked and Cleaned, COc. CALL FOR AND DELIVER ' Homo Phone, City 1931 WrBri FOR WOMAN'S EYE. Women may Indulge in any fancy they choose for their negligees. For tho less elaborate suits cheviots and twills and gabardine and homespuns are all in evidence. Judging from what we know so far of next winter's fashions, there are to be a good many coats with detachable capes. Colors may provide a wearer hap piness or depression which ex plains why a women often will cling to an old dres3 and lot the now ono hang in tho closet. Tho great point about color study Is to apply it to suit your awn individuality. In buying, ask your self not whether it is tho newest color out, but whethor it is the most becoming color for you. For a girl or women on a limited dress expenditure there, is over tho good, old reliable bluo; always fash ionable and universally kind to both figure and complexion. Unlike black, it adds no yeaTa to a woman's face. Suits were never so expensive. Neither perhaps wero they ever so elaborate. Tho favored materials for tho dressier models are duvetyn and velvet. Brown, black, dark green, and beige are all good in these. OPTICAL CO. OPP. MARY ANDERSON HERBHRT JENKINS. Sec. and Treju. VULCANIZING CO. DoYouWanttoSellorBuy DO YOU WANT TO SEIrl OR BUY? I can Sell or Trade or find a Buyer Tor your Business. Farm, Mlno ?iI)...Pro-&erty of ". klnd or descrip tion. We havo Businesses and Knter prlses of every kind For Sale in al most any part of Kentucky, Indiana and othes States. If You Want To Buy or Bell at Auction or Private Sale Write or Call ETHERIDOE BUSINESS EXCHANGE Auctioneer and Seal Eitate 701-702 LOUISVILLE TRUST BLDO Cumb. Phone, Main 29C0 Home Phone, City 6318 If You Want to X.It With U, Send for Contract THE FOUR BEST SELLERS IN KENTUCKY JHuo Ribbon Twist O. IC. Twist War Hawk Twist Dlxio .Twist ".Made Where Tobacco Grows." John D. Moore Tobacco Co. Incorporated LOUISVILLE -- -- KENTUCKY General Offices 412 Lincoln Building Cumberland Phono: Main 120. Phono Shawnee 42. AUTO OWNERS Wo Aro Motor Doctors, Skilled Ex perts Aro Ready to Servo You. Full lino of Tires, Tubes and Ac cessories. Tires and Tubes Vulcan ized. Batteries charged and re paired. PORTLAND AUTO REPAnt CO., 377 N. Twonty-SIxth St. J. M. BUCKNER' WHOLESALE TOBACCONIST 000 West Slain Street Louisville, Ky. Mark Sales, Prcs. J. C. Jacob. Sec. and Treaa. L. GRAUMAN & CO. Incorporated Dealers la All nd of Office and Storo Fixtures, Safes, Cash Regis- ters, Show Cases, Counters, Shelving, Etc. CIO WEST MAIN STKEET Home Phona. City 1838 JEWISH RELD3P PRD3ST. Tho invocation at a great mass meeting in tho Denver Autitorium Sunday night to advertise tho Jews' drivo for funds on behalf of their suffering co-religionists in war stricken Europe, was given by Her. William O'Ryan, pastor of St. Leo's church. W. P. McPhee, J. P. Dunn, M. J. O'Fallon and K. of C. Secre tary Josoph Newman were among tho Catholics on tho stage. Julius Rosenwald, famous Chicago business man, referred several times. in his nddress to the beauty of Father O'Ryan's prayer and also said that iuu puust nau ai reauy made a substantial personal gift to the re- nee xuna. IIIG ANNIVERSARY DAY. fTho calendar makers havo markedl in reu a certain day in the earljl ""i ot next monui wnicn will com memorato tne flrst anniversary ol mo most eventful day in the hisl lory or tne -whole world. This dajl iiwsuugr, xxovemoer ii, iai, to tal muusnuuj -win recall the houra t delirious Joy that spread throughoJ viimieuuwH just one year sgo, at paved tho way for the calahrattnn r tho 1918 Thanksgiving that a mon ueioro appeared to hold out no Jd io juuenc or me oiviuzed worlo I 0