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KBHruGmr xmxmjx AiEMKiojkjr X t 1 & iErJABLE GUIDE FOR CAREFUL BUYERS ' ftetfrfcrs mt thfr'JCcatticky Irish American re. earnestly urged 'ta patronize advertiser whose annoHrlcerrients fcy finsLln these celsms. We alra to protectourread rs by accepting; only firms of known responsibility. DON'T FORGET THAT Gray -Von Allmen Sanitary Milk Co. INCOWOKATMD, IS1THE HOME it ASK YOUR !ACARONI SPAGHETTI EGG NOODLES PBNDBNNIS A. ENGELHARD & SONS CO. Inc. )yyyyyyvvvvyvlyvi'yyyVYyfy.yyy. i nniQvii i r HOME ,Vww. INCORPORATED LONG DISTANCE CONNECTIONS AAAAAAkAAkAAkAkAAAAAkkkAkAkAAAAAAAAAAAAAA CTlt SIGN OS" QUALITY rfel'd 741V cbStuokt LAUNDRY ' CO. aerporatel Jsdetfclll Bi. tW. Dearborn Haaager JOHN B. WATHEN 8URNTTURB MOVINa AND PACKING 680 South Twety4Mxla St. Shawnee 1986 Wat MM LONG DISTANCE HAULING Designs & Estimates Furnished LIBERTY BLOW PIPE WORKS Mechanical Air Engineers Manufacturers and Erectors of DUST COLLECTING SYSTEM Wo Make a Specialty of Pipe Work for HEATING & VENTILATING 544 EAST JEFFERSON ST. LOUISVILLE, KY. 0-XJ2C3:S BAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY ICE CREAM JTF'lt'S. 1104 South Seventh Street Phone City 6574 r QUAKOR OIL " nt ror Cold. Catarrh. Grippe. HronchllU Wan id vreat demand for nse in iir.i.nii live during the epidemic or bpanUb lallu- raxa. loarcmgsiaioraimi. 15c. a fcotUe. THE QUAKOR OIL CO., &I31 W. 3lat St.. New York J. M. BUCKNER WHOLESALE TOBACCONIST 06 Wet aiala Strec Louisville, Ky. poth Phones 2403 n'BU'TLINOJIB & O O. Adolph Rontllnger PIKE INSURANCE TORNADO, LIABILITY AND PLATE GLASS 123 SOUTH THIRD STREET OUR PERFECT VISION GLASSES Relieve Headaches, Weak Eyes, Dizziness, Distorted Vision, etc., and wake Reading, Sewing or Close Work a pleasure. Oht Graduate Optometrist will make a careful scientific examina tion of your eyes and guarantees Correct and Comfortable Glasses. Our Club I'laa enablea you to ob tain the best glasses bn a small casn deposit and pay tho balance In con venient weekly payments. 110 COLLECTORS NO RED TAPB KING OPTICAL COMPANY Eyesight Specialists U34 West Mark.t Street, KX Tleor In Zoll'n 81mm Star. IKED ERHART ARCHITECT ' .. .. ,-3 NORTON BUILDING fin N ' H. W. Qarntr Fwrth 4lttnt OF PURE MILK GROCERS," TELEPHONE COMPANY BYES TESTED DR. JOHN P. BECKER OPTROMETRIST, 315 Starts RaUiling. Tlilrk Floor Fourth and Walnut PJboae City 1180 PRICES THE LOWEST -- mj-t-LTL! ru..rtwwiw Mark Sulci, Pres. J. O. Jacob!. Bee. ana Trt&g. L. GRAUMAN & CO. Incorporated Dealers Za All Kinds of Office aad Btota riztnrei, Safei, Caah Kejrla- tr, Show Caaei, Counter, Sholvlnr, Sto. 610 WEST MATSr RTSSB7 Home Phone. City 18S8 WHENirSYOOU) .MOVEr Sotfc Vboae Bota Phosea tET US KNOWS Local and Ions distance movine with motor vans. Furniture, packing and hlppjng-. All work guaranteed. Es timates cheerfully furnished free of charge. A. A3OX0X.11 ft SOWS AUOTI05T fti BTORAQB 00. (Incorporated) 438 West Mala Street NATIONAL HATTERS 325 WEST JEFFERSON STREET i DYERS AND CLEANERS HaB GI.A3SES BEgXM axxvxos LBawUvavimMn beasos. Isssbbsssbssbsbssbbsssssbi' rcucss f 5i oai T. vem Ann tipt tvpti BJ.??Ty in RIaich. wh Cardinal jB survVed by his widow, Mrs. So CALL FOR AND DELIVER o'Connell, of Boston, viIl attend, as Phla Vaeth: two sons. John and Home Phone. City 193t ' Homo Phone 2GGU I nilic A Rrnrinri H f. wUh"peons Vm.llar with the in"- Jfiffi adreyrKUnlS-"nla of the Ur-, 4U, 0 that7hey"b -gJvTnhola r oP LOUIS A. DF0FM8. V. I). 3. trlcacles of ecclesiastical politics Is SUUn Uraor- I I'ortunlty of which they havo so long DENTIST 900-901 STARKS BU1LD1NU. Plenty-COAL-Pienty Tradewater Lump Tradewater Nyt Jellico Lump West Virginia Lump Straight Creek Lump $5.75 $5.75 1Z. .Z 5Z-9? $7.00 $7.00 Per Ton of 3,000 Pounds Delivered Anyu'licr.0. Trading Stamps Free. FRANKEL COAL CO. Twelfth and Wilson City 2(11 o South 273 f TRY LiAF'PtLL XtiE rxx-h THAT wt MEJjc?x.svn." f I awaMBndHM iM They rork like a charm. Every box sola to satisfy or your inopey refunded. In 3f fit package. vms?2rm WHEN n NEED OF ANYTHING IN Church Gooffs' Line Or a Religious Book, Seo the Rogers Church Goods Co. xvcouobj.txb 129 S. Fowth, Lomlsville, Ky. "SAY IT WITH FLOWERS" AUGUST R. BAUMER FLORIST LiSONIO TEMPLE FOURTH AND CHESTNUT Both Phones LOUISVILLE, JCY. EHtimntcH Given Plans FurnlHhed JOHN J. HESION & SON BUILDERS Phone Shawnee 380-J o,i.. iiifiHTim,PT WILLIAM SCHNEIDER Preston and Ormsby Hardware, Paints, Varnishes, Glass. Wo Solicit Your Patronage City 758 South 2377 Phone Highlands I E. IT. WELSH 1025 Bardstown Road Tin9 Tile and Slate Roofer Roof Painting a Specialty NEILL-LA VIELLE SUPPLY CO. INCORPORATED MILL AND FACTORY SUPPLIES That com and bodily euo are la. compatible the most trite of tru ism That of the two bodily ease It the most to be desired, likewUe needs Do proTlng. Therefore, eliminate the corn. That yon can do It by using nerds only s tingle trial to demon male tl.e (ait to 1 lie mint tliinctl. 1 iy it and yrni will lc convinced, be cauie the torn will be cflne. , Don't think Ihji because various "Com Cam" bite not aucrrcded. CORNEASB will tail o !.. II it doe you grl 7m motif j bail. At dugcikik or by mail, as cents. CLARK JOHNSON MEDICINE CO., New York. NAMED FOR nONOR. , , ...... Rome correspondents write that sneculatlon is rife In Vatican circles I regarding the Identity of tho next American Cardinal Those who know state two will be named. That tho Vatican regards favorably such qrudlto prelates as Archbishop Mun- doleln, of Chicago, and Archbishop Doherty. of Philadelphia, Is well un- derstood. Thero Is another con- woll no novnrnl AVnnrlnnii Hlahnns w.0.'!. as sevoral. American uisnops. While apparently Archbishops Mun- lQ0'nnn.i.olLr.tA.,aro,fay.o,r, .is' u wwiwa .....w. . vwv. . 4tio- flirt TJrtltf Cnn rrkiill Iia tifitititf that tho Holy See would bo happy lo bestow favors on Archbishop Glonnon. of St. Louis, and Arch- bishop Hanna, bf San Francisco two names frequently heard. Bishop Schrombs. or Toledo, ana Arch- bshop Hayes, of Now York, are others. ArchDisnop Hayes is not Bo35(e3 hor husband she leaves two h0 a"o laboring Ir T the Interest of reckoned with by forecasters, how- sisters. Mrs. Anna A. Stolnacker and S."0,?' il fri?nn. n, Ji over, as in the oyes of the church he Mrs Carrie Barleo three grand- th0 T810 a.nd IndIa,nS a we do ts too young toVeive the dignity chUdre" Miss Rosa Snanlerf Miss Sr.ulna-0"nn TaX W$Li "Sh of a Cardinalato His rap d rise in AnDa A.' spanler and Clayton Long; ns rrJnffrnuP -cl1I1hfB "I'M receni years aiso wiu uouuuuss ro- SL -, arts.. A. made a Cardinal is not denied. Gen-' t.rSSr8f Ae,i.SSS M,,na. rtMnln .. I FORTUNE TO CHARITY. The last will and testament of John Adam Hess, prominent Catho- mlnont r'otTm- lie resident of Wheeling, who died a short time ago, bequeaths the sum 9,1 V1,.Va J? cnaruaDte insmu- .tions In that district. M e nn i,.V C i;-.i,i T ,i. """"' " " t '" anco wun no loacnings, nccomo uso $15,000 has been beaueathed to tho the sermon. Tho Grand Cross of the fUj citizens. Lot tnom understand otn3 tnVh'e wilier 2" bm4 ? ? Ordo0' that rlspea for Uiwff aSSu.! arcord'ng to the terms of the will of Gregorv was bostowod upon Ambas-lnart of their duty that tho church Mrs. Josephine R. Lodd. a wealthy Bdor Pontlold. but ihe award of tho roirw U of them wherover SS cently. The money will bo used to cwii" i" "u" " u'"wi . among the ennaron ot Maiono PERSHING BREAKS GROUND. Gen, John J. Pershing,, attonaea- by his staff and assisted by the jrumuiuB ny ictonwuu cuhiiuihdo, i broke ground for the new $1,500. OPO' St. John's Hosnltnl. which is soon to be erected in Tulsa, Okla. JUBILEE FOR IOWANS. The people of Iowa will on Maroh a ceiearac? 100 seveniy-iuiR anni :r of into State the TJaloa. AMBRIAX CONOMMM. The first C areas ot ike UaMediW aeh rjertlvn States aiitW the nuWiHn ws eoavened oa Marek 4, 1T. ' DIOCESE MOURNS. diocese of Louisville and The Kentucky mourns the unexpected death of the Rev, Father Edward J. Lynch, the zoalous and beloved pas tor of Holy Name church, Hender son, who passed away Wednesday night after a tlvo days' Illness of Influenze and pneumonia. When j;1,0 !?A ??"" ho was surrounded by i: priests and menitforrf of his household. Father Lynch was born In Ireland, coming to America when a young man. After bis arrival In Kentucky ho entered St. Thomas Seminary at Bardstown, and after his or'dinatlon was Secretary to tho Bishop of Loulsvillo and spent a number of years at the Cathedral here. Nineteen years ago Fathfer Lynch was appointed pastor at Hen dercon, where he has dono wonder ful work, tho parochial school standing as a monument to his memory. He was a loyal and pa triotic priest and was -foremost hr every movement that would ad vance the cause of God and country. Father Lynch is survived by two brothers, who reside In Louisville. Beloved by rich and poor, tho sad news cast a pall of gloom over the entire dloceso. Tho funeral was held yesterday morning, attended by Bishop O'Donaghuo and a great number of tho clergy. By hla death the Kentucky Irish American loses one nt its fl-t and most staunch supporters. His passing Is a loss to both Church and State. RECENT DEATHS. Dread Influenza and pneumonia proved fatal to Jane Frances, tho little daughter of Henry and An netto Thlemnn, 2417 Duncan street, to whom 'i tendered the sympathy of many friends. The funoral was held Wednesday morning. Mrs. Brldeot Davis, widow of Michael Davis and a pioneer mom- nor or St. Paul's church, died Wed nesday morning at her homo. 31G East Breckinridge Her funeral took placo yesterday morning, Rev. Fath er Donohoo celebrating tho requiem mass. I Friends and relatives feel Kreat sympathy for George J. and Mary Burns Miller, 913 South Soventh street, from whom tho Aneol of Death has taKdn their infant daugh ter Mary. Tho funeral took placo Thursday afternoon with Interment In St. Louis cemetery. Joseph Krohs, aged flftv-two years, beloved husband of Katlo I Krobs, passed away Monday night n ho fam'lv homi. 524 Eot St. Catherine atreot. Ho was a highly esteemed member of Paul's church, from where tho funeral took placo , Thursday morning. Sunday morning Frank Kraemer, Jr . olevpn-vpnr-pid son of Fn"k and Kunlgunda Kraemer. 922 Un- dorhlll street, passed Into tho better and eternal life, though all that lovo and B'c"l knew was done to protong hls life hero. Tho funoral took niann rp,i ,-! m ti.i.. Trinity church, nttended by many moiirning friends. pi,i,i onmrtrn.. r Tnfcn A.inm Vaeth. 1033 South Seventeenth Btreot,' .were held Tuesday morning n, e' pnm.'a oh,, nr t,t,.t, ,vna onn nf , ni,iqf m(,mw. Ho ' 1III1N VllMI II. Hlltl I II III- IIIIIII'M IHr. AioJs vaeth, and four daughters, M. Georgo' oberhauser, Mrs. Mil- flred PUster. Mrs, Lottie Bishop and Tue8day mqrnlng funeral services wn, t,ifi . m T?o.n Rn,ninr held for Mre. Rosa Spanler. osii c..,t, Pn..i,'..0. i m vl' Zr,rftr;i,li, i,n Ci Namo church, of which Bho had uuuu u liiiiiuui luuniuor. ' iii ui health fpr several years, death came ,0 M. Bpan,er Without a murmer. , a son-in-law. Georco Lontr. and a W3S B oAf sSi . ADMIRAL BENSON. ADSnRAL BKNSON. . Th GJ Cross of the Military iu.?r 0I. bt' ureory, ino nig neat. "iiiiiary nunur to ou iiwiimuu uy mu 1 1'opo 10 a civii'an. tvjii do coiinarreu unon Aumirat wiuiam a. uouauu chief of Naval Orjeratlons during tho a at.. ri.4l...l..1 . TlUlmnnA war. nt tho fntborlral tn Baimnro on tho first Sunday after Easter. Cardinal 'Gibbons will officiate at tho, ceremonv. At thft solemn hirii mass Ritrht Rev. Willlnm T. Russell, 'Admiral Benson is tho first to be uiauo 10 ua Aiiiuricuit. OPPOSES SUNDAY MOVIES. Cardinal Gibbons In a recent la torvlow declared that while he was) in favor of -Suriday sports, he was torvlow declared that while he was opposea io mo oponiHR oi muTiK Picture theaters on Sunday. in favor of outdoor exercises for children," the Cardinal said, "for !a .such exorcises they will see a pletare thAt will wove them to worship their Creator aad inspire 'their eonls t raise from aatttre to nature's God. Stteh eaerelMt are well calcalatad to promote the health ot the neole. An Sunday is about the only flrae our UMtonaar men ;aa wftmen can e- i opnoee mev- l on Sunday heeause tt. eoamiersiaHs tha Svadar." ''ryiYaiBBBBBBBBBBIHIBDBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBa "Cflwr Ew BBSJHBSSSSSSSJ SflSfjtBE; 'JbbBBBBBBBBBBSB it 1 aaaaaaW. ' esSBBABB r '1p x i J9HHB v JtiM-y JMMBS I j-- r 1 i.p j "Ai N teYwHtfa tiHtt Pa? FUNERAL FLOWERS s A SPECIAL SPRAY S3.0 A SPKCIAI. WRSATH 15.0O W telegraph Flewars Hrerywhere GLOVES 10c Cleaned and Mended. SWISS Cleaners and Dyer 617 Fourth Ave. PHone'2207 TELES HOOVER Electric Suction Sweeper IT BEATS AS IT SWEEPS AS IT CLEANS Tafe Electric Co. 230 WEST JEFFERSON City 085 Main 1134 Moving, TrimckJinig and Storage Largest FretKht Transfer Or ganization In LouUvllle waata your business. Do vou know we have from 11 to IS outside clerks located right .t'the various depots to take car of your wants? We are the au thorized and bonded transfer mea for all railroads at LouUvllle. $&- HW-. CORNS,BUNIONS hpvtbl Md AhMrail Halls Scltlflei!ly Trns Dr. Uriah Z. Litsiy Cliirapodlsl 007 Strk a.'.' tggsr ,'!i nmniTore' will actually rcatore your GRAY HAIR to its original color-the color It w before It btcntne ray and m grndui 1 that you. inttiiiatcfrietidsc.inuot detect thcute of nu thing that niodticcd tin result, oltltoiigh tbey will be improrse.i with the fact that on are vmt younger. That s the beanlv of usinc BRUCELINI5 Don't t.egk-ct out Lair subjecting yourself to adverse criticism makes yrm seem ears older thm ou really are Yu can ni,t at well have luxunant natural looking hair hair you can be prend of Price SI 00 at nil iltalrrs " THE KLLS COMPANY NEGROES AND INDIANS. la tha Lnntnn nnsfnrnl nt ttn Catholic hierarchy, read last Sun day, wo are told that It Is mainly through education that we shall Im prove tho condition of tho Negro and . . . ov mallow thM n? .o" ?0r?,nftUhnr,1?i8,I "! ehu?ahn in thn ilh 'k, '",, church, as In tho sight of God, all "rc !' "8 '" tIl0 ?SM mon have been redeemed at tho Bamo Great price; and all havo need of tho flamQ Bplrltua, Euldanco and ,i, , , ,.. , . ,hir fXw mnn w hSr in "I'l ,?"0tni. , &PJ '?: , , ,-.---. . ...w.. ... .u0 sgr-j 'S&AiSffiSSi demands our attention and our como t0 our counlrV as immigrants milieu uitun in uuuuu oi liiosa wno For tho rio8t pnrj they havo but J vaguo Ideas of American life, lnstl-' I tutlons and government. Hence they .'are easily misled and brought under vaguo Jdea; whi.h wmii,i mov i,m . . " --- . , !., i ,i, . . ' raies of order and 'of rollplon as won, Wo ar0 specially concerned that our catholic immigrants shall npesorvo their faith and In accord- hjesslngsf tnldau?ib2?Srt Iea an upright. Chrlstiaa life. FAtLXXO JIKALTH. Rlgai Rev. J. M. Ketutotka, B. D., Blsfce-9 ef SuBperior, la stBI at the Bacrea Heart Bamtarinm m SHI' GK7 mm mt- iSSs. 4.rb smgKWitasm "I amlTanhe, and his health ta set Is. prormr as aaa aeea lefjssiws'. QfWn 3WW i L. N. Pearfman. who is recognized ss one of Louisville's best opticians, heretofore located oa West Broad way, has opened the ".House of Op tical Service" at MS West Jeffer son street. Here he will rarry tha ftaest ana most miaow eye alaases aad Mtieal rooda, aa4 Me tlae ateelt ( jnrtby. " ' rt RELIABLE qUIDE FOR CAREFUL BUYERS . 5fdTrf of the fentucky rlsh American are varmrstly lfela P"" advertiser whose announcement they find in these colums. We aim fo protect ourread rs by accepting only firms of known responsibility. M;ttMMMM UANDIES JEFFERSON v ' 1 (Tho Ilouito of Mirrors) JEFFERSON THEATER BUILDING AMERICAN CUT-RATE TOBACCO STORES I INCOUPORATZD ClaARS TOBACCOS W. G. RORK, PftiUcnl. WEST BROADWAY INCORPORATED GUARANTEED VULCANIZING Office and Workrooms Northeast Corner Seventh and Broadway Uonae Phone City 251 1 LouUvllle. Kentucky SHULER AXLE Automobile, Motor Truck and Trailer Axlet, OBN5o.FjriCE8 FACTORY Local aad Los DIstaaee FfaeM JONES AND N STREETS Parkway? SoutS fw . LOUISVILLB, KT. We Tailor Your Coat, Suit, Dress or SKitf PL.BASINQ INDIVIDUALITY MEGLEMRY-WARD COMPANY; INCORPORATED CC3 SOJJTU FOUHT11 AVENU. Phonea 3145, Main or City. ikr T. 8. 7ANN DAIRX IaorMrat4. COMT. G08-S10 SOUTH WENZEL ST. Roth Phones 4332 JOHN B. O'LEAUY. CO. iieaaquartera for Cm AND FAIUI FROPERTY See ua about anything la real estate. We sell, buy and rent 604 W. JEFFERSON ST. Home Phone City 4464. SEE POOLEY FOR MONEY. Loans to those having regular in comes or salary, with no publicity or red tape. LoanB to housekeepers a their personal security. F. R. POOLEY, Room 1, Courior-Journal Building, 415 S. Fourth Street. "SOUTHERN STAB" SLICED BACON "All Ready for Ypnr Griddle la the Morning" HAMS, LARD, SAUSAGE LOUISVILLE PROVISION CO. Incorporated DEAD ANIMALS HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID Call Homo Phone City 721; Cumb. Phone Main 721. LOUISVILLE RENDERING CO. HAMBLY BROS. SHOE STORES All Kinds of Footwear For the Whole Family Two HAMBLY'S Store SOth and Portland. Shaw. 1716 City 7164 18th and Magazino WeeRly Savings Club STABT ONE THIS MONTH WITH THC South Louisville Bank JToartk and Central ArCnae, CALL US FOR Oil and Grease VOU ALL PURPOSES Kentucky Consumers Oil Company loulsvillo .. .. .. Kentucky Home Bowling Alleys SESTn AND WALNUT. mw nv . , . ., fJK.i? 'i.1? J?r th. . pabMo Sf'JjSLSS cI.ct5 Bcst of scrvico farnlslicd. Come ia aad see Its, VVIESMAN & COBLE, Phoae City 0680. Best Livestock Market South of the Ohio Eiver ' t XUUka4 ISM i BOURBON STOCK YARD COMPANY " m. mm Slweeto IUXTIbWTLLB, KY. Watch. Crystals .Fjed 90o Watch aad Jewelry Kepalrtosj Tbt XiMai Jewalry Shop 4S SOUTH FOURTH AVlf. Meat to Rex Theater OfM BrMiasjs VmUl P. J& as tm(MMHMV. SWEET SHOP! teaea't HERBERT JBNKIHS.S.J.T. VULCANIZING CO. MANUFACTURING INCORPORATED COMPANY ARTHUR A. WILL BUILDXB MONTGOMERY STRKKT HonMPhc Phone Shawnee 1010 WIVL P. BANNON CONTRACTING PLASTERBR BrdQk aad Blooa City SI80 ourab. m. nc THE' BEST EPPIJWS SOFT DRINKS 4 Some Phone Shawnee get' HENRY GOSS.,. ,, Tto Roofs Repaired and"PaSteai Asphalt Shingles a Specialty SOU W. Broadway, LoHhrrlUe, Ky. GLORE SECURITY ft LOA CO, laccrporataa. v A. Lazar, Manager Money Advanced oh Yonr PlaJai Rata 818 West Jefferson Strt (Second Floor) Home Phone City 2967. JNO. P. MORTON & CO INCORPORATED Established 1820 -. Louisville, K. - OFFICE OUTFITTERS STATIONERS PRINTERS rzOTXiK'S rxoviDEirr AHoaca.zs) Incorporatsa Was rranUad by WtlUuin WWixu x. m a 9a Tasaltara aad Othw Wmtnn 3Poprty M LOWEST SaVTSC COLEMAN BUILDING 8. B. COR. THIRD AND Jnrvaunn Both Phonea Jtif BIT yowr feoys aa rtuttlsa tkt vm v.vjibw mna aee taza. ST. XAVIER'S COLLEGE iia vr. Brouway, xaunu, asy. Conducted by the Xavertaa 'Bretawm. -'Uaslcal. SclenUflo aad Buauni IwJraialnB $jtWeli SJTbysaa?! lum. Terms xaoderata. iro. aeaJajEla, ii SMOKE :: iTARPY'Sl lady Dash 10c Little A J. 5c I Best Cigars JHadei f444 ! We Puj', Sell ndi Quote All Issues Of j LIBERTY B0NB5 1 in Any OaHtomiMtiwi Or Amount. Tr. . i w Wakf field & ? If 4eMMMM A 0 cs? yjfewfcfeJ'iaw''- - '