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H i a "l aBxrrxji2tiCY xrush ambxoaiv. I HERMAN STRAUS SONS &! f TOURTH AVEHIH wcopaAreo MARKET STRKT r I We Oive and Redeem Qold Trading; Stamps. INCORPORATED We Qlve and Redeem Surety Coupons. BOYS' SUITS DO YOU KNOW ABOU7 OUR . HOUSEHOLD CLUB PLAN ? LLMffiSSBB tBUmkas7JBi. 4 "'wTjwkI , - fssaMEsisaVsS5 n ?',' : A Convenient and Dignified Methoa of Purchasing Household Requirements on Deferred 4 raymenvs. The oaUt&adlag ieatares e( this method are Ks convenience la aaaktag parchases without aay considerable outlay of cash. The advantage of baying o the Clab Plam daring omr various sales AT SAIiH PRICES. 'Whatever la the price of the goods to a cash or a charge customer, that Is also the price to a Hoasehold Clab Plan easterner. There la positively no advance. There are no 'confidential arrangements." ft to condacted apon am open basis with a fixed schedule of rates. The first payments and the monthly payments are the same to all. SURETY COUPONS ARE GIVEN TO CLUB PLAN CUSTOMERS ' High Class Furniture AT LOWEST PRICES. Carpets, Stoves and Ranges, Lace Curtains and Linoleums. JAMES GREENE 41 K. 417 and 419 East Market St. $K SWISS CLEANING -OF- MEN'S SUITS With Minor Repairs Free Saves Buying. Carpets and Rugs Swiss Cleaned or Shampooed. Swiss Dyeing leads and pleases. SWISS CLEANERS AND DYERS INCORPORXTBD Office C17 South Fourth. Plant COO South Sixth. DON'T FORGET THAT GRAYVON ALLMEN Sanitary Milk Co. xNOOZuroBAnD. IS THE HOME OF PURE MILK "ASK YOUR GROCERS," Biscuits light, fluffy and with good even texture made with A ARISTOS FLOUR BISCUIT RECIPE 2 level cups Arlstos Flour 1 cup sweet milk or water Vt teaspoon salt PROCESS 1 heaping tablespoon lard 1 heaping teaspoon baking powder ' Sift Arlstos Flour, salt and baking powder together in pan or bowl. Rub lard in thoroughly and theii add milk or water and stir briskly with a spoon. Mold on floured Iboard and bake in quick oven. JOHN H. SHINE & COMPANY, DISTRIBUTORS This Trade-Mat on Every Sack NEW ALBANY. RECENT DEATHS. Mrs. Anna Cain, an old and esteemed member of St. Patrick's parish, was burled Tuesday morn ing with requiem high mass. She was the widow of John Cain and a sister of the late John, Martin and Peter King, Interested in the Mason & Hanger Company, and was known and loved by many friends for her WHAT IRELAND ASKS. Denial O'Callaghan, Lord Mayor of Cork, toM a big mass meeting at the Mefirarolltan Opera Howe In Philadelphia Sunday night tUiat Ire land does not expect America to loso a man nor spend a dollar to help Ireland in "her struggle for jW-uetfi:im,.nai,,'on." but "merely to Holy Trinity parish, Now Albany, has just lost two of Its oldest and most highly esteemed members, and throughout the city ithelr death was mourned. Capt. John Welch, seventy-one years old, retired steam boatman, died Saturday moirninK at tfho residence of ihis eon, Stanton Welch, 1G03 Ekln avenue, New Al bany. He was a member of the Ancient Order -of Hibernians and the Catholic Knlghtb of America. Surviving Mm are eight eons: John. Frank. Otto, Clem Stanton and Earl Welch, New Allbany, and Al bert Wekli, Detroit, and a daughter, Tno AT n KttlllveiTi- TJ.Mi.m niwl . Tml Funeral services -were held Monday , Seventeenth street, was called into powers ana uoinamnng miat one very erenerous and kindly nature, accord 'the Irish Republic tho same Mrs. Cain Is survived by a "son, John ' repKwnVt'on - already accorded1" other Cain; two daughters, Mrs. J. H. I repunncs iormei since ine war." At Pfelffer and Mrs. Geiorge D. Clif-' the conclusion of his address a ford, and a granddaughter, Miss resolution was adopted congratulat Anna Marie Pfelffer. Ing tfoe Congrd yOf the Uniited Mrs. Nettie Jlupp Gillen, beloved , States for Its action in withholding wife of Robert Gillen, G41 North iun"r iuu.ns xo imperial European morning. eternal rest Wednesday morning, Mrs. Ellen Tegart, eighty-two. ana to ner many friends the news widow of Oweni Tegart, died Sunday was a severe snock. She was twen m'orning at lier homo on tlie Budd ty-six years old and the daughter road. She Is survived by seven of Pink and Annie Ruff. Her funeral sons and three daughters. They took place Friday morning with aro Owen Tegart. John. Tegart, burial in St. Louis cemetery. Lewis TegaTt, Cornelius Tegart, James E. Thomas, fltty-tour years James Tegart, Frank Tegant and old, died Sunday afternoon at the Pe,ter Tegart, and Misses Minnie residence of his sister, Mrs. Sarah Tegart, SuMan Tegart and Mrs. John Cah er.t, 1212 South Preston street. Hublar, ail1 residing hi New AiDany .Besides Mrs. Calvert ho Is survived Brighten Up Electrically! Make your home hospitable and attrac tive this winter by the the addition of attractive and correct lighting. PORTABLES, FLOOR LAMPS, LIGHTING FURNITURE ELECTRIC SPECIALTY COMPANY INOORPOIUTBD and Now Albany Township. She also leaves a sister, Mrs. Herman Knirlhm, of New Albany. Her funeral and requiem mass "took place Tuesday morning. GIFT FOB POPE. Main 1890 G28 WEST JEFFERSON City 807 Crystal Electric Washer and Wringer. Universal Farm Lighting Plants. HARVEY-JELLICO COAL CO. ( INCORPORATE)) The Company With the Coal and the Service. Yards located at Fifteenth and Magnolia. Yard at First and A. Yard and Elevator, Fope and Payno Streets. Both Phones at All 1 ards. SJ . .. . . .. n aiauny IB VI Drat aari Tr.. I V. L BAHNQK, PniUwt asd HiosfW. P. IARNON. JR., Vict Pro. lid Treif. P. BANNON PIPE CO. Sewer an Calvert Pips, Baaaea's Pateat Lidded Pipe for Steam Ceadalti,' Wall Ceala, Drata Tile, Vitrified BrlcK, f Fire Fresf ag. Flae Liala, Fire Brlctt Grate aad Boiler Ttie, vtre nay, t-aimaey isii. OFFICE 836 SOUTH THIRTEENTH STREET. PHONES CITY B73.1786.SCUMB, MAIN B07. X WORKS-Thirteeath aad Breekiaridta aad Ninth aad Magaelia. DWhop O'Reilly, of Lincoln, loft for Rome on February 5, taking past-age on the Whlto Star liner Codrlc as a member of ifche Baccarl tours ipanty, to make HiIs ofllcial visit to tlie Holy Father and present the report of the Diocese of Lincoln, The Blsihop will bo Jn Rome during Hdly Week, ana will present tne members of Ills party to 'the Holy Father at a public audience that lias beon obtained for the purpose. The Bishop is the bearer of a beauti fully Illuminated Latin addresls which iho wM read to the Holy Fatlher on the occasion. This scroll fe the work of a Sister of the Do minican order, of St. Rose school, Hanford, Cal., and Is a splendid im itation of the miniature, writing and illuirilnatlon that 'the monks In the Middle Ages used in making copies of the Bible, Missal' and other books, ifipealmens of wlhlch are high ly treasured and .preserved in museums in ithls country. BOOKS WORTH VIIILE. SHINaLES LATHES FLOORING ! u 4M M. Tiililarttrrrr- Taed aad IrHea, Xegita 9. ejaO. The Rogerta Churdh Goods Com pany liave received a number of new books just off the ipress that are of particular merit and worth plaoo upon, any reading table. Among 'them aro the "Prtnclploa of Freedom," by Terence MacSwinoy, late Lord Mayor of Cork. Present ing ttlve mind of an Irish lrxecon- cUuibra turned insiuo out oy mim selt. this should prove a book of extraordinary interest. Other works of equal imerit are "In Mallow." by Mrs. William O'Brien; "The Fringe of the Eter nal," by Rev. Francis Gonno; "The Messttgo of Franote Thompson," ly a Ststeir of Notre Dame; "Marriage and Motherhood," by Alice Uady Ltovat. Others are (roligioua worKs that furnisli excellent reading for boUi iCatholles and non-Catbollcs: GENERAL MEETING. by two brothers, Charles A. and M. J. Thomas. The body was 'taken to Smith's Chapel, from where it was sent to St. John's. Harding coumty, Tuesday morning for burial. The funeral of Charles E. Mackey, beloved son of JoTin and Catherine Mackey, 2020 Portland avenue, was heM Monday morning with requiem high mass at St. Cecilia's church. He was ten years old and a favorite among youthful associates. To the bereaved parents their friends ex tend sympathy. Death 'brought grief and gloom Into the home of William and Rose Cleary, 327 East Market street, when their little daughter, Dorothy May Cleary, succumbed to dread dipthtlierla. The funeral was held Saturday afternoon with interment at St. Mlchaiel's cemetery. Monday imornlng the funeral of MIs3 Mary Lechtelter was held from St. Boniface churdh, wihero she had long 'been a communicant She la nunvlved by a sister, Miss Rosa Lechlelter, and two brothers, Joseph and Frank Lechlelter. money loaned to the Government of Great Britain by the United States bo .forthwith recalled. The resolu tions set forth that these moneys aro being used by the British "to pay t'helr forces In destroying t)ho busi ness establishments and homesteads pf Ireland and for the murdering of the Irish, people." In discussing statements that lie had been ordered by the American Government to leave the country on February 11, the Lord Mayor said: "I was grant ed a seaman's passport by the Fed eral Department of Labor, with the provision that I return 'to Ireland when I choose. I intend, however. going back shortly." Further than thi"Jji iho declined to discuss ills plans. THANKED BY PONTIFF. GORGEOUS MOVIE PICTURES. "Tho Eternal Light," the sad dest, the most tragic and tho sub Hmest picture in all the world, will be seen at St. Xavier's Gym. on the afternoon and evening of February 13 and 27. This Is a masterpiece whose dncomparablo art and splen dor stands unexoe'Med in the photo play world. "Joan of Arc," a Cath olic moving film play which has at tracted large audiences wherever shown, will bo serened on February 20. On each day there will bo a children's matineo. TRIBUTES TO 3IE01IL1XG. Tomorrow atternoon the general meeting of the St. Vincent de Paul Society will bo hold at tho KnlgMB of Columbus Hall, beginning at 3 o'clock. All the coMferenOea will attend mass in tho morning at thek respective churches, tho members re ceiving holy communion in. a body. Thn atternoon meeting win; do in teresting and all members are urged J to attend. At the meeting of the Women's Democratic League Saturday after noon Dr. H. E. ;Mechllng -was the principal orator and delivered a talk that made quite an impression with ,tho women, and he was in vited to call again. At tlhe Armory boxing contest Tuesday night the Doctor was given 'an ovation by' tho big crowd when ho iforoed the box ers to give tne puouc a real run ror its .money. Many of Dr. Meohling's friends and supporters' say that he Is the logical anan fpr the Demo cratic nomination for Sheriff this year. Pope Benedict on Sunday re ceived in audience Archbishop Hayes, of New" York, with wihoni he conversed for (halt an ihour. The ArchhlsJiop presented a detailed re port to the Pontlrf concerning his archdiocese, and also the Peter's Pence, which aggregated one of flio most generous offerings ever made to the Pope. Tlie vPontiff thanked Arclihlsliop Hayes ihearfcilly -for his offering and 'entrusted to him the task of conveying to the faithful his appreciation. The Ardhblslhop, after ills audience, Introduced his secre taries to the Holy Father. Pope Benedict expressed a desire again to see tho Archbishop while die waB in Rome. BEAUTIFUL DEVOTIONS. One of the most beautiful devo tions in tho church Is the Way of the Cross. It 4s one we should often perform during tlie iholy season now open. It .is impossible to enumerate tho indulgences attached, to the Sta tions. Practically every Pope has added to their numerous treasury. Pope Clement XII., in Ms Apostolic constittulon extending the dovotlon to tho whole world, expressly for bids preachers to specify the In dulgences which may bo gained. It is well to remember that the es sence of the devotion Is meditation on the different incidents in tho sorrowful Journey of our Lord to Calvary. Tho Way of the Cross is a meditation, not a seriea of vocal prayers. While the indulgences at tached to tho Statrons can not bo BDOciflcaHy stated, It Is safe to as sert there Is no devotion im the church so richly endowed and none which onahlcs us more literally to ohey tho injunction of our Lord to take up our cross and follow Him, $10 We are offering you these Suits i ; at a very special price, just to adver j; tise our Boys' Department. These i ! Suits are made of good woolen mate iiterials, splendidly tailored and fin I ; ished iTHE SPECIAL PRICE IS NOW $10 y JapeaaaaaaaSBBBBBSa'aBaaBaBSa'a,aa'aafaaaBa Where the Quick Meal Comes In Where the homo Is brightest j Whore the work Is lightest; Where the meal is cooked best; Where tho range stands the tort That's where tho "Quick Meal" comes Where work Is sash doae nVhere eookfc&g sw real faa; Where baking gives light; Where dradge Is ass! sight That's where "Quick Meal" ea ft. Qalelc Meal GaaRaaftoB Sold. Installed and 0g Iy Raconnaaade GEHER & SON, 215 W. MARKET ST. THE NAME KENTUCKY & INDIANA PRODUCTS COMPANY MEANS PURE PASTEURIZED MILK AND DAIRY PRODUCTS BUTTER A SPECIALTY The customer will know that you watch his Interests it you sell K. & I. PRODUCTS FOR SALE AT ALL GROCERS KENTUCKY AND INDIANA PRODUCTS CO. Incorporated JACKSON AND FEHR AVENUE BOTH PHONES 4262 aaaoeoaaoeea)'ejta4afja)es GRANW. SMITH'S SON! AL. S. SMITH, PROP. f Funeral Director , and Embalmeri JJBOTH PHONES 810. SOI THEAST CORNER SIXTH AND ZANE STS, THOMAS KEEN AN- 1529 WEST MARKET STREET ..IfXJPlJAlLv DIRECTOR.. OOMS PHONE 88 CUMBERLAND MAIN 3971-r J. J. BARRETT'S SONS FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS. p I 822 East JViTaiii street. ;yvvvvvvvvvvt,.vwvvvvvvvvvvv-tMvi SAVE MONEY nERE. It will ipay to etop at fhe Eckerle drug store, Floyd and MatKet, it you want to sevo money, for lhero tbey sell Terythlng at cut pticea all the time. MAYSVILTiE. A teleurram received iat Maysvllle by Mrs. Nora Brown announced the death at Chicago of her uncle, Den nis Donovan, sovenity-ifour years old, at ono time ono ot Maysvftllo's pros poroua citizens. Ho is Hurvlvod by ono sou and two daughters and a number of relative there His body BTrlved thctro Monday aad was burled .Tuesday ta. tho Catholic cdmetery at Washington, I frH-K-fr-K-I -I I"i"H" -M-'rMM"M t M ! DOUGHERTY & McELLIOlT! 1227 WEST MARKET STREET, Funeral Directors and Embaimers X BOTH PHONCS. Climb. Main SOOS.n Homo City 2008 i--W"&4-W-JH-M- ty t!69. atala XSIt-T. OL. D. BAX Funeral Director and Embalmer T17-71 U. GsflawTNVT IOUIBVZIdLfl, El, 0 iti. . '.-r-i?: J8J.X ?U ".,-wV .,. .,2mzz'