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MZEl!C'X403SJt:' StLMtfE JkJStCBXkXjj&J&. i444tt4$9i4$& Ll.BACOTjasgH We Qlve and Redeem Surety Coupons. .1 JDO JW 7OV0W ASOCT OKR HOUSEHOLD CLUB PLAN ? Convenient and Dignified Method of Purchasing Household Requirements on Deferred Payments. The eHtctaadlag feataree of thla method at Ha ccmveadcHce in maktag purchases without as? eeaaldera&le oaUny of cash. The advantage of baying ea the dob Plan daring cm varloaa sales AT 8ALB PRICES. Whatever is the price ot the goods to a cash or m charge easterner, that U also the price so a Hoasehold Club Plan eMtomer. There Is positively o advance. There are bo "coafldentlal arrangomenta." It la eeadacted apoa am open baata with a fixed MhedBle el rates. The first payments aad the Monthly payment are the same to all. SURETY QOUPONS ARE GIVEN TO CLUB PLAN CUSTOMERS fr'''' sbbssssssss&L 'efleaBaHl JssssssssssSs9 Coffee Prices Lower "Vo offer excellent Coffee, QKj three pounds for OtJv This means only another decrease over the old prict for this Coffee. This is the best Coffee for the price on the market. Give us a trial. JOHN M. MULLOY 212 "WEST MARKET STREET. Both Phones 1323 Established 1888 AftAttAAxftAA , Haw Phoaa, City STEAMER AMERICA FOR FERN GROVE AND Moonlight Trips. For excursion season of 1921 has a few more dates still open. Better secure dates now before all are taken. Apply at Wharfboat, Third and River. Phones Main or City 141. C. C. FULLER, Superintendent tf ywvV YyVVV 4300 dumb. Phkme, Mala 358 0-A Joseph MubbUch Sr. & Son Dealers In WALL PAPIE AND BUGS falls orrr hall bldq.. liae-nas wwr market bt. DR. M. P. DANHAUER DENTIST SfARKS BUILDING; WALNUT THEATER HOME OF HIGH CLASS PICTURES AND GOOD MUSIC. SWISS CLEANING OF MEN'S SUITS . . With Minor Repairs Free Saves Baying. Carpets and Rugs 5wiss Cleaned or Shampooed. Swiss Dyeing leads and pleases. SWISS CLEANERS AND DYERS IKCORPORJlTOD Off lc 017 South Fourth. Plant OOO South Sixth. 1 DON'T FORGET THAT GRAYV0N ALLMEN Sanitary Milk Co. MILK XNCOKPOKAVm IS THE HOME OF PURE "ASK your grocers. II A. L. G U N N BAKER AND CONFECTIONER ICE CREAM 1305 SOUTH SEVENTH! STREET HOME PHONE, CITY 0574 Ladies, Avoid the Rush LADIES, AVOID THE RUSH Bring your last year's hat to us early and save money by having It reblocked In the newest shape. Wo Have Forty Now Shapes To Select From Our method of reblocklng, clean lng and dyeing has proven a great success. Our forty years of business is our guarantee. When you bring your hat to us you are bringing it to a reliable Louisville concern and you will get the best attention. FALLS C1T1" STRAW WORKS 713 WEST JEFFERSON STREET North Side On raraltara, Blamonoa anA other 7r cons! Property at Kowost Sat la Otty pzertE'a pxovxbzstt ASSOCZATIQH Incorporated 208 COLEMAN BUILDING 8. B. COR. THIRD AND JEFFERSON JOHN B. WATHEN FUBNITURH MOVING AND PACKING 80 South Xweaty-g&th M. Shawnee 1986 West 18 LONG DISTANOB HAULINa RECENT DEATHS. Hemstitching Buttons Pleating Beading Braiding Beaked Bags Repaired Russell Service Shoppe 307-8 Boston Building Xolllo Russell, Manager. THE VERY BEST EPPING'S SOFT DRINKS LIBERTY SHOE SHOP EDW. B. JOHNSON, Prop. PINE SHOE repairing: Work Called For and Delivered 2327 WEST MARKET STREET Shawnee 2702-L DOMESTIC -COAL- STEAM We are miners and distributors of the best Eastern and Western Kontucky Coal produced, and can therefore furnish your requirements with the best satis faction and lowest prices. Consumers will benefit by the purchas of their coal NOW. Let us have your order TODAY. We operate three retail ya"rds at Louisville and also ship anywhere. Special reducad prices on car load shipments. HARVEY-JELLICO COAL COMPANY (XNCOKPORATBD) Yard and Elevator, Fono and Pay no Streets. Yard 1000 S. First Street. Yard Fifteenth and Magnolia. Main 033. City 145B. Main Offlco 41 1 Starks Building. Brighten Up Electrically! Make your hone hospitable and attrac tive this winter by the the addition of attractive and correct lighting. PORTABLES, PLOOR LAMPS, LIGHTING FURNITURE COMPANY SPECIALTY ELECTRIC IHOORPOaUTSD Main 1800 C28 WEST JEFFERSON City 807 Crystal Electric Washer and Wringer. Universal Farm Lighting Plants. ' I I . .., .. - - , ! ' U. U BAMfDH, rTHMW Mfl KlHfST. r. BMtH, JR., IMS rrH. IN in. !! . IIP.. BANNON PIPE CO, I Sewer a Calvert Upe,"1 Banaea's Patent Llite Pise far Steam CenialU, Wall Cofmi, Brain Tile, YltrlfleeMrlcl, X Flra freeing, Fine Lining, Fire BrlcM Crate aaa Belter Tile, Fire Clay, Chimney Tevr. OFFICE 836 SOUTH THIRTEENTH STREET. PHONES CITY B73-1788.VCUM. MAIN S07. i WOKKf Taurtaeatk aad Br ek tar idfta'aa 4 Niath eai Magaella. Cumb., Main 490 Home, City 4990 PALACE CLEANERS & D7ERS Incorporated EXPERT CLEANERS OF LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S WEARING APPAREL ARTHUR H. ROHMANN, Manager S. W. Cor. Third and Walnut Sta. Many friends and relatives were deeply grieved when death claimed John Moran on Sunday afternoon at his home, 2642 Alford avenue. Long an industrious and popular resident of the West End he was held In high esteem. He Is survived by his wid ow, Mrs. Margaret Moran; two sons, John and Charles Moran; two daugh ters, Misses Margaret and Ella Mo ran, and a sister, Mrs. Margaret Noon. The funeral services wore held Tuesday morning at- St. Co cilia's church, of which he was a faithful member. Funeral services for John J. Mc Bride, n well known and respected member of Holy Name parish, were held Sunday morning. He is sur vived by his widow, Mrs. Catherine McBrido; two sons, Bernard J. Mc Bride, Jr., and Joseph J. McBrlde; a daughter, Mrs. John R. .Miller; a brother, Frank McBrlde, and Ave sisters, Mrs. J. C. Weatherly, Mrs. Frank Baynes, Mrs. Charles Andy, Mrs. Maggie Mulverhlll and Mrs. Jessie Allen. He was a native of Louisville and for many years engi neer at the John Heywood school. Mrs. Elizabeth Allen, sixty-two years old, beloved wife ot Mitchell Allen, passed peacefully away at her residence, 2509 Elliott avenue, leav ing many friends vrho mourn her death. Besides her hushand she leaves three 'brothers, John Holloy, New Albany, and Thomas and Michael Holley, Louisville. Funeral 6ervlce3 and requiem mass wero held at St. Charles church, conducted by uov. .Father Ralto. ' The .funeral of Mrs. Walburga L. Reverman, aged eighty-one, widow of the late Theodore Revefman, took place Monday morning " from St. Mary's churcn, ot which sne was one of the oldest and most faithful' mem bers. She Is survived by two sons, the Rev. Father T. H. Reverman, of Jeffersontown, and August C. Rever man, of this city. I? URJVAO EC S Roof Metal. Slate and Tile Roofine Skylights and Cornices Repaired and Painted. All kinds of Galvanized, and Copper Work, Estimates submitted on request. Home Phone City 5003. Expert Chimney Doctor N. W. Corner Sixteenth and Anderson DR. JOHN P. BECKER OPTOMETRIST Practice limited to diagnosing and correcting defects ot Eyesight by the fitting of proper glasses. SUITE 315 STARES' BLDCr. Tlilrd Floor COR. FOURTH AND WALNUT STREETS Home Phone, City 1180 HOURS 9 A. M. TO 6 P. M. OR BY APPOINTMENT ASK FOR EWING'S DAIRY PRODUCTS PURE WHOLESOME SAFE. GAIN IN YEAR. Caron's City Directory, now ready for delivery, shows Louisville's pop ulation to bo 276,526, a gain of eu tor ine year, 'ine dook snows that Louisville is the ranking in dustrial city south of the Ohio and Potomac rivers. Besides the direct ory feature it contains much matter of special Interest to those engaged in the mercantile and manufactur ing business. Messrs. Caron and Smith can point to their work as being reliable In every way. PLAY TOLEDO AGAIN. bsbsbsbRHRBsMsbbsB BBBSBSHfaBBsnaBW " Bala FRED. C LOEMKER Cfr tin. f-djAm, Hu Vf FOURTH AND O STS K. A. JCrapp Chai. 8. Krapp Home Phone, City 7006 KRAPP'S MEAT MARKET Wholesale and Retail BSEV, 70KX, VKAi AST Ail Xlada of amoked Keats SOS EAST JBFFER80N STREET "Yoa Will Do Better at Spurrier's" FANCY GROCERIES AND DELI- OATESSEN FRESH MEATS AND VEGETABLES SPURRIER GROCERY CO. THIRTY-FOURTH & BROADWAY Shawnee 1817 Phones West 8E2 The Louisville ball team closes Its present series with Columbus tomorrow and from there goe3 to Toledo for a series of four games, where the Colonels will have to he on their toes, as Clymer Is out for revenge for stinging defeats he re ceived hero. Of the two Ohio xslubs Toledo seems to have the strongest lineup and -with another pitcher or two will 3)e a first division con tender. Before the season opening the Kentucky Irish American picked Indianapolis as the club we will have to .beat for the pennant and everything points to one of those old time foltter feuds between Lou isville and the Hooslors. Their first meeting will be on May 4, the only home series of Louisville during May. Tho past week has brought out tho old-time enthusiasm of the fans and prospects look bright for a continuation BOB HAWES FOR Fire and Automobile Insurance Prompt and Efficient Service City 3728 Main 14?$ 309 STARKS BUILDING WET WASH Five Cents Pound Your entire family wash done for what it costs to feed tho washerwoman. S1.G0 FIVE CENTS A POUND FOR EACH POUND OVER TWENTY , STRICTLY SANITARY EACH BUNDLE WASHED SEPARATELY NO MARKING OR SORTING Work called for one day and re turned the noxt, just damp enough to be Ironed at once )-" HERMAN STRAUS SONS (gj . rouRTH Avewe tHeoep&fA-co market street r I I aBaBsaaBaBaaBXBBaaaaBBaaBjBBBBBBBBasaBsaaaBBgBBBMBaaBB We Qlve and Redeem Qeld Trading- Stamps. BOYS' SUITS $10 1 1: 1 1 1 1 1 We are offering you these Suits at a very special price, just to adver I tise our Boys' Department. These I Suits are made of good woolen mate- S terials, splendidly tailored and fin-J ished. THE SPECIAL PRICE IS NOW $10 8e4ae4tjajaeeat Met Where the QuicH Meal Comes In Where work: U dose 1 Where eooJda at real rami Where baJdag gtvse light: Where dredge Ja em algfat That' where "Quick Meal' Where the home la brightest J Where the work la lightest; Where the meal is cooked best; Where tho range stands Uie teat That's where tho "Quick Meal" comes Qalok Meal GaanaBfiea Sold. Initialled and Hlgl y ReceniBieadae' GEHER & SON, w, j&t , THE NAME KENTUCKY A INDIANA PRODUCTS COMPANY MEANS PURE PASTEURIZED MILK AND DAIRY PRODUCTS BUTTER A SPECIALTY The customer will know that you watch his Interests If you sell K. & I. PRODUCTS FOR SALE AT ALL GROCERS KENTUCKY AND INDIANA PRODUCTS CO. Incorporated JACKSON AND FEHR AVENUE BOTH PHONES 4262 BEHA LAUNDRY CO. THOS. H. BEHA, President and Mnnngcr 813 SOUTH CLAY STREET CITY 4617 SOUTH 409 Highland 572 East 572 TWIN CITY LEAGUE. R. A. Fine's Pharmacy DRUGS Prescription Our Specialty "ASK YOUR DOCTOR" PHONES: Cumb., South 1881 and 9211 Home, City 1881 and 1882 FOURTH AND inLL STREETS Ilerm Perfecto BHBera Cigar Schroer'a Smokers f (UNION MADE) Home Phone, City 6041 SCHROER BROS. Manufacturers of FINK CIGARS 841 SAJT JBFFBRSON STRUT The Twin City , Baseball League will .begin its 1921; season on Sunday afternoon, May li -with -the follow ing roster ot clups and managers: Knights ot St. John, Louis Coomes; Trinity Council, Jps. Pelhoelter; St. Xavler's, Hilary Bell; Mackln Coun cil, Jack Davis; Do L'lslo Club, A. W. Bowman, Tlje officials of the league are Wm. M. Duffy President; John J. Barry, Vice President; R. W. Delehanty, tSfecretary-Treasurer. Umpires, Harry Lally, J. Holtzclaw, W. Bouse. The games will be played J. C. RIEGER inGH CLASS PHOTOGRAPHY 810 BAXTER AVENUE Opposite Cave Hill Cemetery tmtt'9r1-9WiBV9tQ99&4l I GRAN W. SMITH'S -SON ii Funeral AL. S. SMITH, PROP. Director iand Embalmer 2JBOTH PHONES 810. STS, SOI THEAST CORNER SIXTH AND ZANE 9wmvmw9vv9w9ivmmwmmm9m wwoweweeisejeejee'tn Weekly Savings Club START ONE THIS U3NTH WITH THE South Louisville Bank fourth nnd Cent ml AvOuns BEH POO LEY FOR MONK. Loans toVthose having rogular In omes or salary, with no publlrlt) r red tape. Loans to housekeeper their personal security. F. 11. POOLEY, Seam 1, Courier-Journal Building 410 8. Fourth Street. Homo Phone, Parkway 60 Cumb. Phone, South 9235-J FRED WARNS, JR. PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST TAVT.on Avn HRRrmv TiT.ims at Shawnee Park f and on the same , TELEPHONE YOUR DRUO WANTS diamonds as In former years. REAL ENTHUSIASM. The South Ea Eleventh Ward Democratic Clufe elected the follow ing officers, Wednesday evening, Temporary Chairman James C. O'Brien presiding 'over the meeting: Louis Coomee, President; 'Mrs. C, Werner, Vice President; Wm. Kll kelly, FlnaneJal Secretary; John Cllnes, Recordnig! Secretary; Miss Mattle Bonn, TresiHrer. Judge Har ry Robinson, Ckaa, W. Mllllken and Dr. H. E. Mechlin g addressed the meeting. The elub started with a membership ef .121 men and UK women, and la eathuaiaatlo over redeeming the 'eUi from Republican miaruie. CASKETS AND UNDERTAKERS' SUPPLIES (WHOLESALH ONLY) NATIONAL CASKET 00. Incorporated Eleventh and Magazine Streets THOMAS KEEN AN 1529 WEST MARKET STREET ..ZrTCTCE&RAX; IDIslSO'TOIfc.. h t HOME PHONE 88 .CUMBERLAND MAIN 3071.y J. J. BARRETT'S 50NS FUNERAL DIRECTORS ! AND EMBALMERS. I 822 East AJIaln. Saret. r!rtVVt Home Phone, City 3147 PRESTON FISH "AND POULTRY STORE Wholesale aad Retail FISH, OYSTERS, GAME AND POULTRY Guaranteed Bggs Ohio River Flab 424 SOUTH PRB8T0N STREET i DOUGHERTY & McELLIOTTi 1227 WEST MARKET STREET, ; Funeral Directors and Embalmers j i ,BOTH IJfIOKrjajS. , , Cumb. Mala 2D0S-a Xlome City 290S ! U'-i't mttmnmitinni 4m 9Uy 3ltt. Jtsa-f L. TX B.AJX. Funeral Director fl7rTl M. OOBTXDT and EmbalmerJ . U)L'WVI1.1 A. r 3t" S ..