Newspaper Page Text
bceottjoby iifcusHc jjs&jbxxcjm1 f i T- n lVf Vam MENS FURNISHINGS J m&Jtmk J 408W.MARKET ST.sSr ) ; ; . J. BHWK, PntUMt Md Miuftr. I P. IJWMH. JR., Vie Pro. tad Trtai. "J P. BANNON PIPE CO. Phone, City 4300 Comb. Phone, Main 8C80-A WEST END SCREEN WORKS JOHN "WEISS, BtTIIiDER AXD MAKAGEIt Alterations, Repairing, Jobbing and Store Fixtures Phono Oily 1840. 1 17 N. Fourth St. SHINGLES FLOORING 7 THES affm JNCOWOHA7ZO S n. to 40 S. Brddariaff Braao Tar find wltok. It. Cata. ir j&&. s$PyfiJ? Kmjtrm mKP&kM waeefo Sswer and Calvert Pipe, Banana's Patent Lidded Pipe (or Steam Ceadaits, Wall Ceplatf, Drain Tile, Yitriged, Irick, Fir rreoflag, Flae Lining, Fire Brick Grate and Boiler Tile, Fire Clay, Chimney Tesi. OFFICE 83 SOUTH THIRTEENTH STREET. PHONES CITY B73.1786.SCUMB. MAIN:307. - t waiuj nwiAaa smj iiAbiiHiiM vlsi a vsr.a a? t m e w w ..-. . ., avi ua U1H(U BJIvl ia4-a44H4t444444Ce44l4444l4444f CITY 3b aRdtwpv nP " iS S'V'Aimt m Joseph Hubbuch Sr. & Son Dealers In WALL PAPER AND BUGS FALLS CITY HAUL BLDG., 1130-1198 WEST MARKET ST. Buy St. Bernard Coal PHONES 932 Flexner Building, 314 West Chestnut Street AL STEBLER, Prop. INTERURBAN CAFE 317 West Liberty Nixt To Interurban Station sBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBVMBaflP' PORTLAND CLUB SOCIAL. BEAUTIFY YOUR HOME THROUGH OUR EASY PAYMENT PLAN Don't put oft papering your homo because of the lack of ready cash. We will paper your homo for you on credit on payments to suit your in come. We have a larger display of GUARANTEED WALL PAPERS than any other store in Louisville. Wo sell moro paper than any other store' and are able to quote the LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES Wall Paper, ONE CENT PER ROLL AND UP. R. KORB & SON 802-8 EAST MARKET STREET, ABOVE SHELBY CHAS. J. MERIWETHER DESIGNER AND BUILDER ARTISTIC HOMES 308 STARKS BUILDING TELEPHONES City 9196 Main 345 - Gny Leber Chns. Leber LEBER BROTHERS Hemstitching Buttons Pleating Beading Braiding Beaked Bags Repaired Rassell Service Shoppe 307-8 Boston Building Xelllo Russell, Manngcr. The ladles .of the Portland Demo cratic Club will entertain with a social next Thursday evening at Nol ligan's Hall, tho proceeds to be used tor tho Democratic campaign fund dn that district. The ladles urge a big attendance. JOHN B. RATTERMAN FUNERAL DIRECTOR 2114 WEST MARKET STREET Phones Shawnee 1243. Cumberland West 1 179. 320W.W1l."TNUTT iouirviu.E.Kt REPAIRING' AND REMODELING A SPECIALTY SACRED HEART RETREAT. The Rev. Michael O.'Brlen, C. P., vice rector of Sacred Heart Retreat and pastor of St. Agnes congrega tion, who lias been to North Dakota on work for tho monastery, returned to Louisville tho first of tho week. SEEK HOLY LIFE. 8HB POOLEY FOR HONHY. Loans te those having regular In tomes or salary, with no publicity r red tape. Loans to housekeeper! a their personal security. P. R. POOLEY, 1m l, Courier-Journal Building, 415 S.' Fourth Street. K. A. Xrapp Oluur. B. Zrapp Home Phone, City 7005 KRAPP'S MEAT MARKET Wholesale and Retail BEEV, FOXX, VXAX AKX All Xlnflg of Smokd Keata SOS BAST JEFFERSON STREET INTERIOR DECORATORS BOO NORTON BUILDING HOME PHONE, CITr 2700 LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY McDANIEL DRUG COMPANY CITY 2324 SEVENTH AND BROADWAY SOUTH 0122 PRESCRIPTIONS CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED LOWEST PRICES CONSISTENT WITH BEST QUALITY OF DRUG STORE MERCHANDISE PROMPT, POLITE SERVICE WE ARE AS NEAR TO YOU AS YOUR TELEPHONE G. R. IjIPS Manufacturer of Harness and Dealer in Men's and Boys' Pants, Overalls, Shirts, Hosiery, Etc., at Lowest Prices. Homo Phono City 3G50 1377 SOUTH PRESTON STREET. Mfj&l fflASSL) TMt TwtnTrf JotPrtmionlRiar effort Commw rial Cart. SHOCK ABSORBERS Service Station 2d and Libert; KY. HASSLER SALES CO. City 2713 Phones Main 8473 BOTTLES . When you have bottles to sell see us. When you want to buy bottles we have a large stock of all kinds. F. W ALWBS & SON City 8714 G20-628 Fchr Avonue A. L CUNN BAKER AND CONFECTIONER ICECREAM 1205 SOUTH SEVENTH STREET HOME PHONE, CITY 6574 DOLL HOSPITAL Broken Dolls Repaired JOHN RE00IUS SONS RUBBER TIRES PUT ON GO-CARTS, DOLL BUGGIES AND HUSH MADLS FULL LINE OP TOYS, NOVELTIES, Em 217 WEST MARKET STREET , CITY 9208 East 572 Highland 72 FLY SCREENS METAL WEATHER STRIPS ADAMS & BALLWEY 073 BAXTER AVENUE LOUISVILLE - - - - KENTUCKY Andrew Hlmmelihaver and John Beck, of St. Mary's church, and John Flynn, Thomas McGrath. and Charles Walter, of Holy Trinity church, bright New Albany boys, have gone to St. Melnriad Seminary to study for tho priesthood. John McBarron, of Holy Trinity, will leave within tho next few weeks to resume his studies at the seminary at Little Rock, Ark. H.B0SSES0N Funeral Directors and Embalmers. Telephone 022 600 BJ. BROADWv OPEN FOR BUSINESS NEW CASH DEPARTMENT STORE gin and utmost value ' """ '"' Casn' Sma" overllead. nU r- OUTLET DEPARTMENT STORE INCORPORATED J-.- 329JVVKST JEFVEIISON STREET CASH BETTER SHOES FOR LESS MONEY SPALDING SHOE CO. Out of the High Rent District EIGHTEENTH AND BIAPLE STS. Open Evenings Until Nino O'clock FORTY HOURS. At St. Williams' church, Thir teenth and Oak, of which the Rev. father Timothy Is pastor, tho -forty hours' devotion will open tomorrow morning with high mass and expo sition, coming to a solemn close on Tuesday. A number of visiting priests will assist at tho services. DANCE COMMITTEE NAMKD. The dance committee of Trinity Council, Y. M. I for tho winjer season Is made up of Vic Sayer, Ed Sauor, William Russell, Chester Veter, 0. E. Glenn, Ray Anger, Au gust Becht, J. J. White, Ben Pike, Elmer Trand, Martin Schoenbachler. John Schneider, Ed Mussler. Al Kaeltne, J. S. Dlttmeelr, P. R. Dltt-melor. HONOR ROBERT BARRY. Robert T. Barry, fonner local newspaperman, has been named Vlco Chairman ' of the American Press Council, formed in Washlnc- ton to advise and assist Government oincla's In arrangement of publicity facilities at the conference on lim itation of armament. He is a son of Mr. anod Mrs. J. E. Barry, 1408 South Brook street. JOHN B. WATHEN rUIlNITURD MOVING AND PAGKDfa S80 South Tweaty-etrtk DC Shjwraee 1986 Wect 1184 LONG DISTANOH HAULIN ARTIFICIAL LIMBS Tlint Are Comfortable, Light rind Durable. THE EMMETT BLEVINS CO. Louisville National Bank HuUding, former Walker BUlg. COAL REDUCED-SEPT. DELIVERY Wilton Jclllco Lump 8.25 West Virginia Lump .. "arlaH !P S8-25 Taylorf Lump L...Z Hazard Lump 93.25 AVcst Kentucky Lump ... 25 ccnta per ton less than above prices If coal I3 diimped eled off. 97.00 ?7.00 -not 8hor- Both Phones 2406 REUTLINGER & CO. Adolph Routllnger FIEE INSURANCE TORNADO, LIABILITY AND PLATE GLASS 128 SOUTH THIRD STREET LOUISVILLE CEREAL MTT.T. CO. Incorporated Manufacturers of the Celebrated Brand "NONESUCH" Meal, Grits, Hominy, Corn Flour, Dairy, Hog and Poultry Feeds FLOYD AND BLOOM STREETS City 30G9;South 1265 TRADES TO BE TAUGHT. L. P. Blackburn O. E. Davis BLACKBURN & DAVIS PLUMBENG AND HEATING; 2040 FRANKFORT AVENUE Home Phone, Crescent 71 LOUISVILLE --- - KENTUCKY Kome Phone, City 7804 Cumb. Phone, West 4,1 2-W Frank Hartman & Sons HOUSE PAINTERS AND DECORATORS 1300 WSST MARKET STREET Residence Phone Shawnee 12 2-J SCHULMAN'S GROCERY Groceries, Fresh Meats and Vegetables 2500 GRIFFITHS AVENUE WE DELIVER BOTH PHONES AUTO LAUNDRY ACCESSORIES GADDIE & ROSENHAM 414 SOUTH EIGHTH STREET AUTO REPAIRING BY SKILLED MECHANICS HOME PHONE, CITY 757C WORK DONE PROMPTLY C. J. KEMPER iSOFTDBINKS OT AND COLD LUNCH N OYSTERS IN SEASON SPECIAL HOT ROAST BEEP SANDWICHES 1 WEST MARKET STREET PHONE CITY 159S POCKET BILLARD TABLES Authorized dealers for The. Brunswlck-Balke-Collender line of les, Bowling Alleys, supplies ana Accessories, sample laoiea on lay. Sold on the Club Plan easy payments. JOHN OGLE COMPAJSTY Incorporated ttfTH AND JEFFERSON LOUISVILLE, KY. id 841 WHEN IN THE HIGHLANDS STOP AT Bait 916S I "ROM I ES JVERYTHING TO EAT AND PRINK AND BRBOXINRIDGl G90, J. ROUZOR, Pre. R. A. Fine's Pharmacy DRUGS Prescriptions Our Specialty "ASK YOUR DOCTOR" PHONES: Cumb., South 1S81 and 9211 Home, City 1881 and 1882 FOURTH AND HELL STREETS Thirty-ono different trades will be taught 4n the nation-wide chain of Knights of Columbus night schools during the year 1921-22. The schools will reopen generally the first week In October with a fresh enrollment or 100,000 students, according to current estimates, this number not Including re-enrollments by last year's students. STRICKEN BY PARALYSIS. The Right Rev. Thomas O'Gor man, venerable Catholic Bishop of tho Eastern Diocese of South Da kota, on Tuesday suffered a stroke of paralysis and at noon was uncon scious. He is seventy-eight years old and for many years hag been ono of the most prominent ohurchmen in tho Northwest. Bishop O'Gorman was ordained November 5, 18G5, and was consecrated as second Bishop of Sioux Falls on April 19, 1896. In his diocese there are about 140 priests and 200 churches. ELECTED BY KNIGHTS. FALL FETE. The Sewing Circle of Our Lady of Mercy will give a fall fete at 1176 East Broadway on Friday, October 14, afternoon and evening, for tho benefit of the building fund of the Convent of Mercy. An. enjoyable time Is promised all who attend. An appetizing spaghetti lunch will be prepared by Mrs. Hasseiwandor and Mrs. Lurlsl and served by Mrs. Hauck 'and Mrs. Glass1. The Pres ident of Jthe society, Mre. Carrie Ropke, requests that all members attend the meetings which will be held every Thursday preceding the festival at 1176 East Broadway DELEGATION TO DEDICATION. 1 v New Albany Council, TC. of C, has selected a special committee, con sisting of Messrs. Naber, Grantz and Welnmann, to organize a delega tion from New Albany to attend the dedication of the Father Glbault Homo lor Boys, an institute of the Indiana Knights of Columbus1, near Terra Haute. The dedication will take place October 9. Father Meini rad RoUck, formerly of Georgetown township and at one time an. in structor in the New Albany Busi ness: College, is one of the in structors in. tha institution. ESTATE FOR SCHOOL. The Chrlatfan Brothers Institute of New, York has purchased Mal vern Hall, -the 960 acre aetata of the late John U. T3rookmu at Weat Park, N. Y ooi wa4e& K le planned to build &i college, T)te InMRuUon, it te stated, wM be Sk a normal sehool to. train young- ma m teaoh- The following officers were elect ed by Now Albany Council, Knights of Columbus, at their last meeting: Postmaster John A. Cody, Grand Kinght; Arthur Huckleberry, Dep uty Grand Knight; Edgar Colin, Chancellor: Arthur Zoeller, Finan cial Secretary; Edward Grants, Cor responding Secretary; Joseph Bruns, Treasurer: Davdd Jones Warden; Leon Gohmann, Inside Guard; Benjamin Freeman, Outside Guard; James Q. Naber and Arthur Gregolre, Trustees. Beginning Octo ber 1 the Knights wfll meet at Holy Trinity Hall. H. A. DOLL CONCRETE WORK CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER 621-G23 BAXTER AVENUE Either Phone GAS FITTING AND SEWERAGE ROBERT E. SCHULER PLUMBING Repair Work Promptly Attended To 1009 MARY STREET Phono City 5708 Byrne Speed Coal Corporation 315 Guthrie Street. Both Phonea 315. . . BUY NOW INDUSTRIAL PROPERTIES CORPORATION Offers Sound and Profitable Investments In New Louisville Industries Let us explain to you the advantages of becoming an original Investor In a high class manufacturing concern INDUSTRIAL PROPERTIES CORPORATION Incorporated MARION' E. TAYLOR BLDG. TA.MPTON AUBUCHON, Prcs. WALL PAPER 250,000 ROLLS AT SAVINGS OP FROM 33 TO 50 PER CENT. Because we secured such favorable concessions on this lot of Papers you may save considerable in the papering of your home and there are patterns and kinds suitable for every room, from your kitchen to bedroom tints and heavy, rich living-room Papers FROM 1 CENT TO 1.00 PER ROLL i And besides we furnish you with experienced hangers R. KORB & SON 804 EAST MARKET STREET ABOVE SHELBY OAKDALE DRUG COMPANY Incorporated PRESCRIPTION DRUGGISTS 8104 FOURTH AVENUE, TAYLOR AND BERRY BOULEVARDS Your Patronage, Largo or SmaU, Always Appreciated PARK BOO PHONES PARK 262 Maple Tree Garden Eighteenth and Bernheim Lane Soft Drink Stand FRED SOmOK, Prop. C. A. KOERNER & CO. GENERAL CONTRACTORS OFFICE AND YARD: FLOYD AND BURNETT STREETS LOUISVILLE, KY. HAMBLY BROS. SHOE STORES All Kinds of Footwear For tho Whole Family Two IIASIBLY'S Stores 20th and Portland Shaw. 1710 18th and Mngazino City 7104 FORMALLY LAUNCHED. Tho Knights of Columbus have formally launched their $1,000,000 American history movement with the offer of $7,500 in cash prizes to con testants in a national history com petition, manuscripts for which are now being received. Edward F. Mc Sweeney, of Boston, is Clialrman of the K. of C, American History Com- mislsfon, ana Maurice Francis Egan, former Minister to Denmark; Rear Admiral William S. Benson; Charles . McCarthy, professor of American history In the Catholic University of America and former professor of his tory at Pennsylvania University, with George Derry, professor of political economy at Union College, complete the personnel. HENRY FISCHER PORK PACKER Boiled Hams a Specialty Shawnee 800 Phone Your Want Tn ARTHUR C. WOERTZ .$ CUT RATE DRUGGIST t N. E. COR. TWENTY-SIXTn AND MARTrrcr. s-rnniOTa .West, 9200 i HIGHEST QUALITY ANDREW LOWEST PRICES" HENRY HOME PHONE, CIY 5806 EILER BROS. DEALERS IK AXA KINDS Or SECOND-HAND AND RE-COOPERED TIGHT AND SLACK BARRELS AND KEGS 078-082 UNDERIHLL STREET LOUISVILLE, KY. 0. K. SHEET METAL WORKS .. Incorporated , GALVANIZED EtON CORNICES AND SKYLIGHTS ' ? TIN, SLATE AND TILE ROOFING REPAHIING OF ALL KINDS 642 EAST ST. CATHERINE ST. CITY 1705 CROP PROSPECTS POOR. Kent'uckyV-crop prospects now in dicate that potatoes will be not much over half that of last year. Apples, peaohea and pears are reported al most a comjpleta fiallure. Corn ateo shows a loss that Willi be felt These forecasts are from the United States Bureau and the Kentucky DejjRrt meat of Agriculture. WILL HAVE TALK TIME. The dtoarmameet conference will be hld' in the hail of the Annariean In, to Pa-Aerten buMdfog, WAhtogtea, D. C. The eon foresee, it U said, wM last at least two moat ha. RECEPTION FOR EVERYBODY. Arrangements for a public recep tion on September 28 at the Visita tion Home, 957 South Fourth street, were made at the first fall meeting of the Board of Directors held at tho home Monday afternoon. From 6 o-ciock an ,the afternoon until 10 o'clock at night tho home will be thrown open to ,the public for In spection. (Sister Mary Aloyslus, the now Superior, will welcome the vis itors. Officers of the organization are President, Mrs. Joseph HutchL ins; Vice President, Mrs. Charles Smith; Recording Secretary, Mrs. George Burkley; Corresponding Sec retary, Miss Ka.te Collins, and Treas urer, Mrs. D, X. Murphy. SAVING SCHOOL ANNALS. DAVIS fiGREENUP DRUGS EVERYTHING THAT A FIRST CLASS DRUG STORE SHOULD CARRY IN STOCK PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY M S. W. CORNER EIGHTEENTH AND MADISON STREETS - Home Phone, Shawnee 550 NATIONAL CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION CO. . Incorporated GENERAL CONTRACTORS 54-50 BOARD OF TRADE BUILDING LOUISVILLS, KY. J. B. OhUgschlager, President A. J. Ohligsshlager, Secretary HOME PHONE, CITY 8529 Miss BWaabeth R. Kearney, his torian of the International Federa tion! of Catholic Alumnae, has 6ent out suggestions for promoting the work of the historical department the preserving of the annalB of the Ca-tholte schools of America. Amonsr the recommendations sho suggests, there should be permanent efficient press committees to publish' the activities of the schools represented. Governors are asked to appoint his-j tonane wno will collect these Dress clippings, programmes, offiyial com munications and i alumnae literature and forward them to the federation wstorlan, when they wMl be record ed in the hlstorJeal department'. The 7ntraa40ali Alumnae FedSfatioa wJU meet to LouisvtWa in Oetoser, 122. ' OTTO J. OSTER BODY BUILDER AND WHEELWRIGHT CABS AND TRUCK BODHJS A SPECIALTY VARD3TY WOODWORK REPATRTWO. HOME PHONE, CITY 827 085 EAST JEFFERSON ST. MASON GOSS HOME PHONE CITY 2528 735 E. BROADWAY. LOUISVILLE, KY Hot Ghile and All Kinds of Sandwiches ' JOHN TAPHORN Phoae City 7555 1053 Go.. Avenu. CHAS. SCHUPP i j EIGHTEENTH AND BURNETT STRUTS SOFT DRINKS AND HOT LUNCH ; ' , TBM BB8T IN THH CITY . , SHAWNtM SS drop 1N j Qm AQQVAmTmD u M O ,.A