Newspaper Page Text
VOLUME TUT. Entered at the Pott Offlce in Lancaster, Ky., at Second Class Matter. NDMBER 43 '"S&iJL1 LANCASTER, KY., F FID AY, JANUARY, 14. 1898. HEATING STOVES Larpst Stick WE HAVE EVER HAD. J.R.Haselden, Lancaster, Ky. Col. W.G. Welch. Stanford. W. I. Williams, Lancaster. I WILU Attorneys at Law, LANCASTER, KY. All business attended to promptly. W. H. LACKEY 1 Successor to Lackey & Gulley. First-Class I LIMY STABLE. HANDSOME TURNOUTS, REASONABLE PRICES. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO TRAVELING MEN b3 I ASK ALL Wh.u Owe Me To call and settle. My bills in the city are due and I must have what is due me. Please remem ber that I mean this card for all who owe me. MISS SALLIE TILLETT. FIRE ajlffllNSpAMCE SPRINGFIELD FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY. EQUITABLE LIFE INSURANCE CO OP NEW YORK. Robinson & Hamilton Agts Office over Post Office. Lancaster, : : : Kentucky. HEW LIVERY. I have purchased the Walker stable and am j prepared to furnish the Very Best Rigs j on the shortest notice. . I! Special attention given Commercial Travelers. RICE BENGE. BEAZLEY, DENTIST. TnatU Alt.H mil nTfrgptplf with Work a. specialty. Office over J. R. Haselden's hardware store, ucjv iu wiun ouuac, uukh ter, Ky. z 0u Oh m IT O CkT d E . CI B CM ge. g"g 08 a. 5; - 0t " D -S Sa .SS I1N AND ABOUT Fix the square. Type writer letter heads at this office. All accounts due January 1st JL A. Stone. S. T. Evans handles the Nig Spencer tobacco. 200,000 trick for sale. Greening & Pence, Stanford, Ky. Lookout for the big auction of la dies' cloaks on the street county court day. 11 ease Itc-iiil. I would like to do your plain sew ing and dyeing. Mrs. Ophelia Dunn. Murdered at Marcellus. The expense account of farmers, by grinding plow points at C. K. Poindex ter's. nov-25-tf. For Kent. The tollgate dwelling on Danville pike, near Lancaster. For particulars apply to J. W. Miller or J. S. Robin son, tt Pay cash and save money. You have no idea what a difference we feel when we see the money, just can't "weigh light" R. A. Stone, a. Iluiirltun Steam Laundry. Miss Olivia Sweeney is agent for the Bourbon Steam Laundry. Leave your orders at Sweeney's store. tf All accounts not pail by January 10 will be placed with an otlicer for col lection. ..ocwl money, and you know it. It A. Stone. 7 Corn AVnutvtl. If parties wishing1 to sell corn will bring- it to me at once, I will buy same. I. W. Miller, Mgr. Pilgrimage Dis tiller'. 1-7 Come and see my furniture and get my prices before buying. A surprise is in store for you. 1 hey are so cheap. New lot just received. R. A. Stone. An exchange says: Don't effervesce; don't forth, but come out Hat-footed and tell the public that you have some thing which it needs and for which it can pay easily, and the results will prove the wisdom of your action. Straycil From my pasture, on House place, about Dec 15, one red j-earling steer, weight about i33. L:beral reward for return. Leave any information with T. It. Walker. E. T. Pence. . Taken Up As Kstray. Two horses. Came to my place last of Decembar. O wners can have same by proving property, paying for feed and this notice. Jan. 17, "07. J. II. West, Hyafsville, Ky. Card of Thanks. I desire to thank my many friends through the columns of your paper for their kind assistance in selling my goods. I certainly appreciate the fa vor and this kindness shall ever be re membered. Respctfully, Miss. Sam Bruce. Deputy Clerk Noel. vi. i. ioei nas ujen sworn in as deputy county clerk. He will make headquarters at Buckeye where those desiring to sign and acknowledge papers can do so without coming to town. 3t For Kent. lwo story brictc store house, on Southeast corner Public Square, for merly occupied by W. R. Robinson & Bro. Also ware room on lot adjoining National Rink. Dec 17 tf Mrs. W. R. Robinson New Hotel Managers. Misses Sallie and Martha Tillett have taken charge of the Lancaster Hotel and will run the house strictly on first-class principles. The table will be kept supplied with the best the market affords, and the best attention accorded the patrons. Look At This. Boots and Shoes mended on the shortest notice, For Cash, by T. J. Hatcher. Of all the trades from East to West, The Cobbler's pass contending, ' He's like in time to prove the best, Who every day is mending. now great bis praise, bow he can mend, The soles of all his neighbors. lie's always watchful of his eud. And to bis last be labors. Lancaster Building and Loan. The' Lancaster Building and Loan Association, at its annual meeting elected the following officers: W. H, Kinnaird, pres'deut, J. C Hemphill, secretary, S. C. Denny, treasurer. The beard of directors is composed of the following gentlemen. John E. Stormes J. -C. Thompson, T. Currey. R E. McRoberts and W. J. RomaasT Secretary Hemphill tells Tub Rec okd that he never knew the concern to be in better shape than at present. It being a home institution the people have perfect confidence in it and it is growing every day. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAT. Take Laxative Brorao Quinine Tablets. All Druggists Tefund the acmey Hit laili to Care, ceaii. tae iu.iowiu. ire.tie'uifcu. o m Ik j Swine', J tl- Tuompson, TUurrey; LANCASTER. 1 The Public Square is one vast hole. mud Frjsh fish and oysters daily at Hen ry Perkins. tf. Towels and Queensware at cost at & T. Evans. January 1st, '93 and after, I will sell strictly for cash. R. A. Stone. Wanted, Veal Calves. ' Will go to country and buy. H. B. Northcott'N Cheapest house on earth. S. T. Ev ans. Call and try him. Richmond street. ' Dr. II. M. Grant and family have moved to the Fisher property on Lex ington street. Don't fail to see my all wool suits at 0.50, and overcoats at 87 and S3.50. M. D. Hughes, Agt The oldest inhabitant does not re member of seeing any rock spread upon the Public Square. A negro namod Floyd has been lodged in jail charged with assaulting a colored woman at D ivistown. Henry Duncan's Old Stand. Over C. D. Powell's, is the place to go for a neat, stylish hair cut, a clean shave or shampoo. We make a speci alty of honing and concaving razors. Notice! You can get your grinding, both for fatuity use an I feeding purposes, done at Leavels mill. Crushed corn and meal always ou hand for exchange. Also mixed feed of corn and bran for milk cows. tf. have i'e Your Laundry. I have agency for the Troy Steam Laundry, with headquarters at' Jo- seplrs store. Will call for work, de liver it promptly and appreciate your kindness. Leslie Herxdon. tf llLiit Butler Fox i the Kloudvke. is now connected with M. A. Archer, and produce, furs, hides, the firm of those taking chickens, ducks etc., to him Hiy they get prices which beat the now famous Klondyke gold finds. Try hiuri. Sale. On Saturday, June, 22, L D. Current will sell a lot of stock, farming imple ments, corn, foJder, household and kitchen furniture at his residence on new Danville pike. He is preparing to move to Arkansas. Often those who should grow fruit in most abundance must buy it or do without it No farmer can buy fruit as cheaply as he can grow it No one is going to grow it at less price than cost and sell it to him. It is a fact that but few farmers grow strawber ries even for their own tables. for Pulling a Gun. Louis Leavell, of color, was before Judge Burnside Monday charged with drawing a pistol on R. W. Fletcher, the colored iuhool teacher. A jury was asked for, which returned a ver dict of 50 fine and twenty days in iaiL We understand the case will be appealed to the circuit court. Scripture Quoting. Ben Guinn, a colored employee of 'Jiik Record office, went to a funeaal not long since and came back loudly praising the sermon. One of the boys asked him what the text was. Ben scratched his head, studied a few minutes and replied: He read out of the bib'.e "Let him that never done nothing wrong throw de fust rock." Premium Office. The neatest office we ever saw, is that of Miss Elisa Lusk, county super intendent of schools. The walls are as clean as a new pin. and are adorned with pretty pictures and calendars, while a new carpet covers the floor. The other furniture has been rubbed up and we will wager dollars to dough nuts that a more neatly kept county office can not be fo ind in the state, nor a more polite and accommodating officer be found. Carl Hermann. The concert given by Carl Hermann in this city a few evenings since was highly enjoyed by those who braved the inclement weather to hear him. He is certainly a master of the violin "the queen of instruments," and many were the compliments heard coming from those competent to judge He not only charmed those who admire classical music, but mixed the program so as to catch the entire audience. Warrant Against Prof. Fletcher. Emma Johnson, a good looking col ored girl, swore out a warrant Satur day against R. W. Fletcher,- principal of the colored public school, charging him with the paternity of her child which was born several months since. Fletcher says the move is made and brought about by some of his enemies, whom, he claims have been fighting him for some time and been trying in every way to annoy and antagonize him. He has been quite a leader in local pslitics, and his outspoken man ner has caused, many cf his own party who do not agree with him to sour on him; ,The case hag not yet been tried of UKtiuio.-e 1 eiiiirgsug him H'h thtf paternity oi her child u l , ' ... S r in A w S. T. Evans will deliver goods to your door. Oae Minute Cough Cure cures quick ly. That's what you want! Stormes' Drujr Store lm Union Meeting. Eld. Gowen will preach the sermon at the union meeting in the Christian church Sunday evening at 7 o'clock. New Blacksmith Shop. On Danville street Horses shod, 03 cents cash. All kinds of repairing done. 2t Ned Burdett & Co. To the Fubllc. I wish to announce to the public that I will run,, the Lancaster Hotel this year, and solicit a liberal share of patronage. Miss Martha Tillett. The theory of advertising is that it helps business. If the theory is wrong a business man ought not to spend any money at any time for advertising. If the theory be true the time to spend the most money is when business needs the most help-in the dull season. Ex. William Cook, of color, came up from Louisville this week to see about his lot opposite Judge Burnside's on Richmond street He wants to sell the property. This is a desirable place and can bo bought very reasonably. For particulars call on J. C Thompson. Miss Allie Hughes, Norfolk, Va. was frightfully, burned on the face and neck. Pain was instantly re lieved by De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve, which healed the injury without leav ing a scar. It is the famous pile rem edv. Stormes' Drug Store. lm I have served my connection with the firm of Northott & Co., and will in the future be with M. A. Archer., ready to pay highest market price forE'gs, Chickens, Butter, Furs Beef uee; JX. Hides and produce of all kinds. Butler Fox. rw I'rics. We are still ordering -11 wooi sujts at S0.50, 8, 9, and 10, and ovew.,,s at S7, 8 and 10.50. Low prices, superior quality and good tits will bring them . They come to save money. M. D. Hughes, Agt. Itig Tobacco Sales. A tobacco buyer from Louisville, named Bryant, made the following purchases in Garrard within the last ew days: Three crops off Ed alkers place, Graves crop 10,000 pounds at 13 cents arotind; another crop of 12,000 pounds at 8 1-2 cents, another crop of 10,000 pounds at 8 cents; Billy Gooch crop ot I3,uuu pounas at iu cents around; A. K. Walker crop of 6,000 pounds at 9 1-4 cents; Wade Walker crop of 8,000 pounds at 8 l-2c; Bob West one crop of 6,000 pounds at lCc; same another crop of 0,000 pounds at 8 cents; John A. Sanders 8,000 pounds at 8 cents. ' Maj. Jas. BarnsiJe, who is the best posted tobacco man in Central Ken tucky, tells The Record that the 13 nts paid for the Graves crop is the best price paid in this county since 18S7. Week of Prayer. The week of prayer was observed at the Presbyterian church and many persons attended. The different mm. isters in town took turn about m eon ducting the services, in' which much interest was manifested. The last meeting was held Sunday right, when Rev. T. II. Campbell preached. It is regretted that the inclement weather prevented a large number from vhear. ing LUIS seruiuu, us lb wan, iuun., timely one. The speaker was on the. subject of this going to church co Sunday and being mean and mdolg int? in rascalitv throuerh the week. He scored "dress parade religion severely and tpuched up the "Sunday Only" christian in a manner in which such hypocrites should be. There is no class of beings on earth for whom we have a greater contempt than those who go to church Sundays with long faces, bawl out gospel hymns with the grace of a scrub calf, and then spend the remaining six drys of the week trying to beat and run down other people. Such people have an overwhelming raajjrity in perdition. The Banks Elect Directors. At the regular election, the follow-, ing gentlemen were chosen to serve as flirentors of the Citizens National ... , . . T 13 UK ior wie emug year. u. . Hi rginbotham, Lswis Y. Lsavell, J. S. Johnson, T. M. Arnold, H. C Arnold, jr., is. r. uuason, A.ex. uidus, j. Walker, Jacob Y. Kobinson. Ungton Pike Co.. and tha Fiscal Court The same ofHcers were unanimously (m.t ana wcro not long in making sat chosen to serve. They are J. M. Hig- jfcfactory terms of sale. The deal is ginbotham, president; L Y. LeavellJis: The county buys the 16 miles vice president; B. F. Hudson, cashier; j lying in Garrard county, including W. O. Rigney, assistant cashier, and) toli houses, and half the big tridgj Dave Walker, book-keener. Jover Kentucky river for 814,000. For The National Bank re-electei iUrthis a note, bearing 4 per cent is ghen , . , . , . Ifor navm nt of purcnase money, on same Doara oi airecwrs, wnicn is wi,, annuai payments will bj made follows: Sim'l D. Cochran, Jas. Spil -w:th the 25 cants levy now allowed by man, Alex. R. Denny, A. C. Bobinsonlaw. It is stipulated and agreed that W. R. Ccok, L. Davidsoiu )Mkml. V question ot issuing oonas pe suo j. .T: : 'iir biitted at the election next fall, and. Biormes. xney aiao aecuM " mously to retain the same jfi v"z: A. R. Denny, presiding JmJI Stormes, vice president, W. Wia 7 6n,B. "u V . . Z . "ISLvDhe committee recently 'appo.nted. naira, casaier, o. uanny hiiiiii. R 0n Wednesday the court again met cashier, J. F. Robinson, Jr., wmjt- Uid closed a deal with the New Dan keeper, R. T. Embry. assist Wt-Wile pike company. The county, bays keener fl8 miles lying in the county, for Both institutions are iaexcellet condition and rank second to none inJ Kentucky. ..t t . mm j W a S e --VS. .. M R. ol, U- d'X 5 hn fc; X An Error. An aggravating error occurei in the local about the colored public school last issue. It was plainly written "the trustees action was approved by the superintendent," but the love-sick compositor made it read "the teacher's action," which placed an entirely di" ferent meaning on the article. Deserved Promotion. At the directors meeting of the Citi zens National Bank, Mr. W. O. Rigney was promoted to the responsible posi tion of Assistant Cashier. Mr. Rigney has been in the bank for many years and it would be hard to find a more competent and painstaking official. His legion of friends and The Record extend congratulations to Mr. R. on his deserved promotion. Coughs and colds in themsalves are not serious maladies. The most triv ial coujh or cold if neglected, may lead to asthma, bronchitis, or consump tion. The righs time to treat a cough or celd is right away. Delay means danger. Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-IIoney is a quick cure, a sure cure and a safe cure. Druggists sail it Fine Machinist. One of the best engineers and ma chinists in Kentucky is Wes. Z inone, who has charge of the large engines at the Lancaster Mills and Electric Light Plant Ho can build an engine, and fix any kind of machinery in les- time than it takes to tell it He did some repairs on one of our presses this week which could not be excelled at the foundry. In addition to his fine mechanical qualifications he is a sober, steady gentleman and as clever a fellow as one cares to meet To College Without Cost. The Cincinnati Commercial Gazette (weekly edition of the Commercial Tvibune) offers to pay the entire ex penses for a three-months' term of in struction in college for any poor young man or woman who is unable to defray their own expense? getting an education. Write a postal card for a copy of weekly edition qf the paper and find a full explanation of the plan. - w:s i- one of the boldest strokes of modern jouui:,t;c enter. prise. Itev. Ritchie Drops Dead. Rev. E. Ritchie, pastor of one of the local cole rod churcnes, was found dead near the K. C. railroad Sunday morning. He had been ill for several days and some parties had staid up with him. He left the house about four o'clock, and not returning a search was made, his dead body being found as stated above. Coroner Green- leaf held an inquest, the jury deciding that death was caused by heart dih- ease. A large concourse ot eoioreo. people attended the funeral Tuesday afternoon. Growing Wheat Crop Sold. A special from Danville says the fir-it deal in the growing wheat crop of 1893 has taken place in Boyle county between Anderson & Spillman, the miller--, and Jerry C Caldwell,. one of the largest farmers of that section, Mr. Caldwell sold the millers the wheat on 400 acres of ground at seven ty-five cents per bushel, to go at threshing time. This time last year the growing crops were being pnrchas ed at from flfty-five to sixty.five cents, but now the farmers are not so anx ious to sell at seventy-five. MORE RAIDS. The Balders Get In Their Work on the Danville Double Gate. As stated in last issue of Tins Rec okd, the gates on bath the new and old Danville roads were replaced and toll collected. Saturday night a num ber of men rode quietly to the gates and proceeded to chop them into kindling wood. Gate keener Ball poked his head out and was in'ormed by the raiders that if he persisted in collecting toll ha would be taken out and thrashed. He could not recog nize any of them and says there were probably twenty-fiva in the gang, .though only three did the work. The two companies filed affidavits before the county judge Monday and six guards were allowed, four for the dou ble and two for the single gate. The stockholders are pretty hot in the col lar and say they don't propose to bj bluffeJ. The gates have been replac ed and toll is being collected the as usual. Fiscal Court Closes the Deal and The , Koads nQW FreJ 1 As predicted in last issue of The .)Recobd, the committee from the Lax f. game carry, then the note is to be Qfff takes up and canceled at Qiice, stopping the interest. The pi ice as mentioned above for the Lexiag' Wanted, car load of Iron, Bones am Rags. H. B. Northcott. - No Officers Vet. Owing to the illness of Mr. T. Cur rey, the City Council has not yet elect ed city officers. Teacher's Money, Miss Elisa Lusk tells The Record that she will be prepared to make a payment to the teachers tomorrow, Saturday. Big School Prof. Ben F. Evans has charge of a large subscription school at Edenton, Madisan county. Jim is a fine teach er and gives good satisfaction wht r ever he teaches. Born to the wife of G. M. Austin on the 9th, a fine boy. Both mother and baby are doing nicely, and the father is rej jicing over the prospects of a substantial democrat. Certificates of Graduation. Miss Lusk, county superintendent, informs us that an examination will be held at her office on the last Thurs day in this month for those wishing certificates of graduation from the common school course. lturglars. Burglars entered the residence of Mrs. Margaret Gill Wednesday night, by prizing open a shutter. The house was completely ransacked, bureau drawsers broken open and everything torn up, generallj, though a small amount of money and owo rings is all that has been missed. The table in the dining room showed that the thieves also partook" of a good lunch. The residence of W. B. Mason was al so entered. "Kegs" clothes were tak en from near his bed and the pockets gone through. Fortunately he had left no money in them, but his hand some goia watch was taken. The clothes were taken into a front room tnd a lamp lighted which the parties left burning. As usual, there is no clew to the dar ing work. There ie only one thing for our citizens to do, havinjr no nitrht protection, anl that is to get a shot- un and load it with buckshot The time has arrived wtiti tli nonnle will e.tfr"have to defend their own prop erty or leave it wholly at the merey of midnight sneaks. When some of the culprits receive a good charge of shot, it will certainly check the devil ment A Tempest in a Tea Pot. It was reported on Wednesday that the County Judge's office was vacant because Circuit Clerk Hamilton, refus ed to accept Judge R. A. Burnsides' bond, on the ground that it was offer ed too late, the statute requiring it to be made on the first Monday 'in Janu ary. The report created quite a sen sation and the p .rties mentioned and county attorney Owsley, went to Stan ford to con'er with Judge Saufley. We understand that he advised the clerk to accept the bond if the parties sign ing it were good, and there was no question about that. The bond had been signed several days and the Judge had neglected to offer it to the clerk. It is said that Judge Saufley said that there is a conflict between the constitution and the law requiring the bond to be made on the first Monday; that no one could declare the office vacant without proper legal proceed ings, in which the question would be involved, and that he could hold un der his old bond until another had been given. Whether or not we have been correctly informed pn these opin ions, be is still county judge and is likely to remain so unless a vacancy occurs by death or resignation. All sorts of rumors were afloat the breez es ran high, but the storm has subsi ded and a calm prevails over the troubled waters. We do not object to the use of all proper means to secure an election, by either party, but we do doubt the pro priety of removing men', who have been elected and qualified, on mere technicalities. It is true that the bond should have been 'filed sooner, but it does not seem that this alone should disqualify the officer, as, we learn, the higher courts have decided. We do not blame the young cleric for seeking information on the subject IN8URK HEMP and TOBACCO. can M . a on tciese Farm Si .. R. Office at National-Bank,- unlicies ovl these iti. The Royal is the htfbest grade bakuM Mini. Actual tests skow it jmmu aa tWrd fartaer Um aay oUwr braaC Absatattty Pure OVAL BAKIMO POWOC CO., NEW VOMK. WALLACETON. A new girl came to Mr. Colson's a few days ago. E. B. Wallace is making preparation to erect another dwelling house on Main Street C. M. Baker, of Versailles, Ohio, but formerly of Wallaceton, informs us of the arrival of another daughter in his home. Thomas W. Soper has taken charge of the store of Wallace & Soper, and is giving away mora politeness, and selling more goods than has been dis posed of at that place since the new partner, J. E. Soper, used to clerk there. The select school being taught here by Miss Bettie Hendrickson, is report ed as moving along nicely, with a good attendance, which is still increasing. An increase in educational interest is a good indication in any community. Mr. Caldwell, of Jackson county and father-in-law of our blacksmith, A. J. Wilson, has bought of A R. Guinn, a house and lot here for 400, and will engage in the mercantile bus iness. Mr. Wilson is having his store house enlarged and he and Mr. Cald well will form a partnership. During the past year no boom has struck our town, but yet, in spite of all the grumbling and other means of 'ng time, business has increa"'' ?n every ... . ,,." exception of loafing. Each of the three stores has enlarged its stock of goods. The lumber business has made a decided improvement Our mechanics and common laborers have had employ ment. We have been conneciel with the outside world by telephone, and in fact, most of the ordinary professions, exeapt the doctor and lawyer, arc rep resented and doing well. As for the doctor, he is sometimes want.'d, but we simply call for him by telephone. eithsr at Paint Lick or Berea, and he soon arrives, but as to the lawyer, we don't need him, don't want him, won't have him; and if one comes to town and remains more than one night on any other business than to see how well we get along without him, we would have our drummer. Mr. Thos. Robinson, to "drum him out of towu" Mccreary. G. W. Saddler and family have mov ed on Susar Creek, and W. T. Pherigo and family have moved into the house vacated by Sad Her. Miss Flora Moberley has gone to Lancaster to attend school. Miss Ida Kelley, of your city, has re turned home, after spending a week with relatives here. Mis Nora Saun ders visited Miss Minnie iVearen the latter part of last week. M. Coy, of Madison, was the guest of J. A. Walk er last week. J. T.Hardin, who has been in Williamsburg, I1L, for two yeirs, is at home with his father, A.T. Hardin. Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Wearen. and little son, of Bourne, are visiting the family of P. G. Warner. J. B. Sandidge has gone to Lancas ter to take possession of the Sheriffs office. His many friends and neigh bors regret to see him leave. Miss Susie Sandidge gave an elegant party last Friday evening in honor of her visitor. Miss Lou Moore, of Junc tion City. A lovely supper was served at 10 o'clock. The number present were seventy-five. Mr. Zachariah Simpson, of Rich mond, and Mrs. Lucy Ann Lane, were married the 30th ult. at the home of the bride. Rev. T. II. Campbell per formed the ceremony, after which, supper was served. Many friends and relatives were present They will live at the home of the bride at present YOUR virile- 'if POWDER now T7 in- arris . KINNAIRD 4jukastar,-Kentcky