Newspaper Page Text
CENTRAL RKCOD EVERY WEEK BY ZOVJS I, AX DRAM, Publisher. LANCASTER, KENTUCKY. Soke Tear, in advance 11.00 Six Months. " 50 These " " -25 FRIDAY, April 15, - 1898. FOR CONGRESS. McCRE.VRY. Wc arc authorized to announce Hon. James P. McCreaky, of Madison county, a candidate for Congress In the Stli Congressional District, subject to the rctlon of the Democratic party. THOMPSON We announce J. B. Thompson a candidate for re-nomination by the Dem ocratic party for Representative in Con gress from this the Stli district. Fjtziiugh Lee is back home again, safe and sound, and tljp demonstra tions of welcome which "have already greeted him while on his way to Wash ington, and since his arrival at the capital are but illustrations of the general rejoicing over his return from Havana unscithcd, and of the pride i i him and his gool work which is felt b - each of his fellow citizens through oat the land. The Cincinnati Commercial Tribune, says: ''The position of Gen. Lee ana of the other Consuls in Cubi as well has been a particularly arduous and trying one during the past two yearA Our Consul General in Havana, and his fellow servants of the Government in other parts of the island, have been constantly surroundel by conditions calling for the exercise of the utmost discretion and careful judgment, and and to say that they have performed their duties ably and well under such circumstances is but to repeat a truth long known by every one who has fol lowed, from week to weelr, the devel opment of the Spanish-Amercan crisis Many of the Cuban Consuls perhaps all of them have, during the past year, given more than their salaries in aid of the hungry and suffering people about them, in addition to giving ex traordinay devotion to their official duties in behalf of American citizens and property. It would have been considered a National calamity had any one of them suffered harm while at his post of duty, and their safe re turn, on the last vessel to leave Ha vana on Saturday, after the departure of all other Americans, is a cause for general congratulation. The country owes these hard-working', conscien tious, brave, discreet men a debt of gratitude for all that they have done during a period of especial excitement and hardship." Befoke this edition of 1 he Recokd is printed and in the post office, war will have been declared against Spain. McKinley in h's message turned the matter over to congress and the House passed the following resolution Wed nesday: "It is the duty of the United States to demand and the Government of the United States does hereby demand that the Government of Spain at once relinquish its authority and govern ment in the Island of Cuba and with draw its land and naval forces from Cuba and Cuban waters. That the President of the United States be and he hereby is directed and emoow ered to use the entire land and naval lorees of the United States and call into the actual service of the United States the militia of the of the several States, tosuch extent as may be nec essary to carry these resolutions into meet." Today, Thursday, the Senate will pass the same resolution and then nothing is left to do but begin the shooting. In the House the wildest excitement prevailed and several fist fights were indulged in- Well, everything possible was done to keep out of the fight, but nothing would do the Dons but a scran, so 'Lay on MacDuff and damned be he wno first cries, 'Hold, Enough!'" The manner in which the people are gulled by some daily papers is enough to disgust any one. Flaring head lines te.l daily of some great move made at Washington, when, in fact, nothing has been done but what was kept en tirely secret by the officials. The av erage daily paper keeps its readers confused that, as we have heard sev eral say, they have about conclude J to quit reading the war news altogether. The dispatches one day will give some so-called important news and next day column after column is used in deny ing it The fact of the matter is, lit tle or none of the inside facts of our versy wan spam nave ever b;en made pub'.ic because it would out of the question for Uncle Sam show Spain hit hand. We believe that at the proper time Uncle Sam will thrash Spain, but he evidently has good reasons for holding up the job. Elsewhere in The Recokd will Vi found the card of Hon. Jna B. Thomp son announcing his candidate for the democratic nomination for congress. Air. xnompson nas been a hard work er for his party, is a popular gentle man and will make it interesting tt the several other announced candid ates. The race for this nominatinn promises to be the hottest ever known in tne district Gejt. Lee and a near relative of Gen. Grant side by side at' the head o an American army would be the grandest thing that could occur for this country. The spirit with which the north and south have united in onr present troubles shows conclu sively that this is the greatest nation on earth.. Gen. Fitziicgh Lee is the greatest bub ob the American continent today. BUCKEYE. Some of our people have been sick rom vaccination. John Saunders is painting the cot tage belonging to Miss Pattie Ray. L. F. Brown and son, attended Stan ford court Monday, and report a large crowd there. Pastor Wills delivered a good sermon to an attentive audience at the Bap tist church here Sunday. A certain widower, of Nicholasvillc, was again in our midst Sunday. Won der what's the attraction? Farmers work with more than their usual activity, every pretty day. 'Make hay while the sua shines.". Mrs. Coley Gulley, who dismissed h;r school here on account of the se rious accident of her mother, Mr?. L. Gulley, has employed Miss Jennie Gul ley to teach in her stead. Success to Jennie. A troupe of four women and four children, the women walking and the children riding in an open top spring wagon, pulled by an old gray horse, passed through here Monday, en route, so they said, to Tennessee. They were a tough looking set, and some one re marked that the Spaniards were com ing. Miss Iva Henderson, of Madison, was with Miss Ilattie Jones Sunday. Miss Lizze Tomlinson, of Buena Vista, who is teaching a select school at Pleasant Hill, attended church here Sunday, Miss Nell Ray has returned from a two months' visit to relatives in Mer cer county and Lancaster. Miss Bet- tie Henry, of your city, was the pleas ant guest of Misses Mag and Susie Sandidje, the first of this week. For est Curtis and wife, and Marion Coy, of Kirksville, were in Buckeye, Sun day. Mrs. Herod Ray entertained vis itors from Long Branch, Saturday and Sundav. "A word to the wise is sufficient" and a word from the wise should be sufficient, but you ask, who are the wise? Those who know. The oft re peated experience of trustworthy per sons may be taken for knowledge. Mr- W. M. Terry says Chamberlain's Cough Remedy gives better satisfaction than any other in the market. He has been in the drug business at Elkton, Ky., for twelve years; has sold hundreds of this remedy and nearly all other cough medicines manu'acnured, which shows conclusively that Chamberlain's is the most satisfactory to the people, and is the best For sale by R. E McRoberts, Lancaster Kv. LEAF. The cold snap killed a great many tobacco plants in this vicinity. Jack Adams, who had his shoulder dislocated by the kick of a horse is improving very slow. Mrs. Ann Broaddus sold forty bar rels of corn to George Mitchell at 81.75 per barrel in the crib. If those bad fellows that are in the habit of shooting around people's houses of nights would save their am munition and go an 1 fight the Span iards, it would look a great deal more patriotic. Louis Landram says it was our job putting a drove of cows in Alex Ely's shop one night It is very often the case when a fellow is guilty of any thing for him to try to saddle it on somebody else, However, I will not deny the charge. Mr. Ely is a man that always studies a case thoroughly before he makes a decision, and cir cumstantial evidence is very strong against Louis, and Ely will never be lieve anything else but what he is the very man. Children like it, it. si res their lives We mean One minute Cough Cure, the infallible remedy for coughs colds croup bronchitis, grippe, and ll throat and lung troublea Stormes. Drug Store im FLATWOOD. W. H. Furr has rented his mill to Samuel Brewer. There was a good attendance at the meeting at Lawson Chapel, Sunday. There will be meeting at Good Hope church Sunday, 17th. J. R. Fritts, special examiner Bu reau of Pensions, paid W. H. Furr and amily a visit the 7th, which they highly appreciated. His residence now, is in Washington, D. C, but for merly of Gosport, Indiana. J. B. Parks has returned from Richmond. James Miller is on the sick list Mr. Mose Lawson and wife spent Sunday with R. S. Lawson. Mose Hutchiners spent Sunday at Mrs, Thomas Gray son s. Thousands of sufferers from grippe have beea restored to health by one Minute Cough Cure. It quickly cures coughs, colds, bronchitis, pneumonia grippe, asthma, and all throat and lung diseases. Stormes, Drug Store. MARKSBURY. Mrs. A. D. Hughes is very sick at this writing. Mr. Joshua Sutton is dangerously ill with pneumonia Miss Hallie Rhea has been quite sick, but is some better at present Miss Minnie Daly entertained a num ber of friends last Saturday evening. Rev. Davis, of Waddy, preached at the Fck church Sunday, in the ab sence of the pastor, Rer. W. M. Kuy- kendalL Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Boner receive 1 some beautiful Easter eggs from their son, Alfred, of Danville. Mr. Boner says theyyre the first he has had since he was a small boy. Mr. C A. Robinson's carriage horse became frightened- last Friday after noon, inrew tne driver down, ran IMtA. CUBAN RELIEF cum rldMICrS Col, Neuralgia aad Toothache . la Ave nunatea. Boar Stomach sad Soaser Ceatpiaiata. Prfee, 2S-Casta, across the yard, jumped the fence, a distance of fifteen feet, ran across the pike into the lot, tearing a wheel off the pheaton and breaking the harness. Mr. R. says he thinks it a miracle the phaeton was not completely demolish ed. Robert Fox and Robert Rout spent Sunday with their cousin, Miss Ma mie Kemper, in Boyle Mrs. Robert Humphreys is spending several weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C Honer. Mrs. Dr. Burnett, who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Arnold, has returned to her home in Winsor, I1L Mrs. Win. Lear, accompanied by Mrs. R. A. Stone, of Lancaster, visited the family of .Mr. Mort Broaddus, of - McCreary, last week. It is a great leap from the old fash ioned doses of blue-mass and nauseous physics to the pleasent little pills known as De Witt's Little Early Risers. They cuse constipation, sick headache and biliousness. Stormes' D. ug Store. Mccreary. Saunders & Walker bought of differ ent parties hogs at 3 and 3 1-4 c. Lish Forbes, who was sick last week from vaccination, is able to be out again. Miss Jennie Gulley opened a select school at Buckeye, Monday. Mrs. L. Gulley, who had the misfor tune to have an ankle broken last week, is doing fairly well. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Saunders have moved into the home formerly occupi ed by J. A. Walker, Mr. Walker hav ing moved to town. Miss Evere Bradshaw spent last week with her brother, W. B. Bradshaw, near Marksbury. Miss Bottie Henry, of your city, was the charming guest of Miss Susie Sandidge. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Teater were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hill, Sunday. Misses Sallie and Myrtle Nave spent the lat ter part of last week with Mrs. Herod Ray, at Buckeye. Mr. John Long was called to , the bedside of his mother, Mrs. Sam Long, who lives in Madison county, this week. She is very sick, Miss Flora Moberly is the guest of the Misses Burnside of your city. A torpid liver robs you of ambition and ruins your health. De Witt's Lit tle Early Risers cleanse the liver, cure constipation and all stomach and liver, troubles. Stormrs' Drug Store, lm STONE. Mrs. Mollie East is dangerously ill at this writing. John Sagersey, who has been very low with rheumatism is some better. A little girl of W. P. Preston's, fell and broke her arm last Monday. Tobacco plants are in the swim yet. They are terrible hard to kill. T. L. Saunders sold this week to B. F. Robinson, a bunch of hogs at 83. 12 l-2c per hundred. Remember W. F. Neal's appointment to preach at Scott's Fork next Satur day night, Sunday and Sunday night next. J. W. Saunders went to Frankfort last week to accept an appointment at $69 per month. Our best wishes go with you Jess. Miss Mattie Saunders visited her grand-mother, Mrs. Rebecca Sott, cf Jessamine, last week. 0. P. Stone, one of our merchants, moved to Nicholasville last Wednes day to engage in business. We wish him much success in his new enter prise. The farmers, the mechanic and the bicycle rider are liable to unexpected cuts and bruises. DeWitt's Witch Ha zel Salve is the best thing to keep on hand, -it heals quickly and is a well known cure for piles, Stormes' Drug Store. lm Old Timer. The following program was handed The Recobe by Dr. W. S. Beazley. It was for an entertainmentgiven by" the young ladies of Franklin Institute Lancaster, Decmber 24, 1862," and will be of much interest to order cit izens of the town. PART I. 1. Holiday Song, Chorus, (Hainan) School 2. Sweet Home, Instrumental Quartette, Bel- lak) Misses Walker and Simpson, 3 America,Chorns,(SniftA)Primary Department 4. Camille Schottische, Instru, Quartette, (Bel lot)... Misses Ballew, Salter, M. and E.BuIord 5. Mellow Horn, Quartette, (Jonet) Misses Duncan, Philips, Marrs, and Andrews, 6. All Aboard Polka, Instru, Solo, (Eaglecr'ght) Miss C. Peacock, 7. Billy, Boy, Chorus.... Primary Department 8. Sailor's Waltz, Instru, Quartett, (Bellak) Misses M. Buford, L Huffman, Landram and B. Buford. 9. Death of Warren, Solo Miss A. Graham 10. Naymph waltz, Instru, Quartette. Bellak) Misses M. and L. Duncan, Pierce and Bailey, 11. Horticultural Wife, Quartette,(utcA(nou) Misses Klnnalrd, Walker, J. Huffman and , Buford. 12. Popping in Polka, Instru, Quartette.(BeJJak) Misses Brown, 'M. and B. Sandifer, and P, Peacock. 13. Merrily over the waves we go, Chorus, (Woodbury) School 14. Louisville Waltz, Duet, (Piters) Miss Doty and PABT 11. 15. Victoria Quadrille, Trio, (Czerny) Misses Andrews, Maars and Phillips 1C. My own Native Land, Chorus, (Broadbury) Primary Department. 17. Lullaby, Quartette, (Hastings) .. Misses Ballew, Pierce, Simpson, and Bailey, 18. Sparkling Flower Polks, Instru, Dnet, (Bel lak) Misses J. Simpson and Beasley, 19. Slelgb-BIdge Ga lop, Instru, Solo, two pi anos (Hoggarty) . , . . . Misses M. Bnf ord and 20. Echo Song, Chores, (Boot) School, 21. Maiden's Prayer, Instru, Solo, two pianos, (Badarzentka). .Misses Yantls and J. Huffman, 22. Bochas March, Instru, Bolo, two pianos (Rottenberg) Misses Klnnalrd and 83. On to the field of Glory, Quartette DonizJttt Misses Salter, Graham, Yantls, and M. Buford 24. Caliph of Bagdad, Instru, Solo, Soge.. i... Miss Graham 25. Mow st Moonlight's Fairy Hour, Chorur, Tyomton Piano Class, 26. The Storm, Instru, Solo, two planes, Weber. Misses C. Peacock sad 97. Annie Lisle, van, Isstra, Solo, two pianos Qrobe Misses Baiter sad 98. Good Night, Cfaoras, Soot School, Lost, near the Christian church last Tuesday afternoon, a small white flan nel baby blanket. Finder return to this office and receive reward. Play Ball! Reds vs. Clevelands, Cincinnati, Sun day, April 17 81 25 round trip from Junction City and Danville, Queen & Crescent Route. See the first game! Help open the season! Ask ticket agents for particulars. W. G Rinear son, G. P. A., Cincinnati, O. Ono-half rates to Lexington Queen & Crescent Route May 4th to 7lh, good to return until May 10th, from all points in Kentucky. These rates ac count meetings of the Kentucky State Epworth League and the Kentucky and West Virginia Grand Council Com mercial Travelers. Ask agents for in- ormation. W. C Rinearson, Gen'l Pass'r Agt, Cincinnati, O, Stanford County County. A good crowd attended court yester day and there wrrj some 250 or 300 cat tle on the market, but the buyers and sellers were far apart and very few sales were made. A small number of steers sold at 5c and a good bunch of heifers at about 4a Hscks, of Casey, sold to Lee, of Boyle, 14 heifers at $16 and J. W. Allen sold a bunch of same at 10.85, Little or no butcher stuff was on the market, and no horses or mules were sold publicly Interior Journal. SETTLES NERVOUS BANKRUPTCY, Investigation shows that men who succeed are men of brains strong nerves great will-power. Urdinarv food cannot su ply the vital forces which people with active brains and bodies re quire. Bicola Pills feed the nerves make tne mind origin, muscles strong make flesh and blood and give p r feet health to Men and Women. The Turners of Philadelphia make Bico la Pills. J. E. Buckev. Chief Clerk National Hotel Washington. D. C. testifies that he was all run down was a shadow of his former self Bico la Pills gave him wonderful relief he gained over twenty pounds alter using tnem. Lancaster agent, R. E. McRoberts, Pharma cist. Turners' Little Liver Turners A very small Dill. Turn vour liver. Cure Sick ueaa acne uiuiousness -indigestion. Skin Diseases. VriT tVin enepito Tr1 nurmnriOTif nnra nf tetter, salt rheum and eczema, Cham- Deriain s aye ana skin Ointment is without an equal. It relieves the itch iner and smarting1 almost instanrlv and its continued nee effects a permanent cure, it also cures itch, barber s itch Rpnlrl head, finrn nfrmlon itcMrnr niloa chapped hands, chronic sore eyes and grauuiaiea hub. Dr. CadVs Condition Powders for horses are the best tonic, blood purifier and vermifuge. Price, 25 cents. Sold by R. E. McRoberts, Druggist, Lancaster PHAETONS r Bugles, Swiss and ROADWAGONS. We have on our floor two car loads of the finest and most com plete line of PHAETONS, BUGGIES, SURRIES anfl TSL O AEWA C O ITS ever shown in Lancaster. Our prices are lower than can be found anywhere. Our guarantee is bet ter. We can save you from 45 to $25.00 on any vehicle you buy. We also have a complete line of Harness we are'offering exceeding ly low. Come and see us. No trouble to show goods. W. J. ROMANS Carriage Co., LANCASTER, KY. Prepare for Cyclones! By Insuring your Houses. Insure your Hemp! And Take No Risk of Loss. We write thse Policise r R. KINNAIRD, Oetierai Insurance, Lancaster, Ky. KENTUCKY CROP REPORT. Condition of Crops and Lira Stock April 1, 1898. For the April Crop Report replies were received from lOg correspondents, representing 105 counties. Wheat. The condition of wheat crop avera ges, for all sections of the State, 101, being an improvement of 10 points during the month of march. O.i April 1, 1807' the condition was 94. Consid ering the crop by the three subdivis ions, western, central anl south-eas tern, we find the higest average condi tion in the central section, 103 in the western section the condition is 102, while the few counties reporting from the south-eastern section show an av erage of 91 On March 1 the condit- on by sections was: Western 93, cen tral 90; no estimate being given tor the south-eastern. Remarks of correspon dents show practically universal satis faction with the prospect, occasional complaint of toomuch rain being the only exception. Tobacco. Every indication points to a large' y increased acreage of tobacco both in burley and dark districts. Ptant beds show an excellent condition, especi ally in the western section (dark tobac co); there the condition, as compared with normal, is 10C. In the central section (burley) the condition is 103, and the south-eastern section (princi pally burley) the condition is 101. Sheep and sprinq Lambs. The revival of the industry of sheep raising does not, so far, appear to be manifesting itself in an increased pro motion of spring Iambi; the number as compared with 1897 being but 92 per cent, of the production of that year. The central section leads with a pro duction of 95 per cent., as compared with 1897. In the western section the number is 92 per cent; while in the south-eastern section the number is 92 per cent; while in the south-eastern section the number is but 88 per cent. The percentage of loss by dogs dur ing the past year is 6 per cent, for the State. The western section suffered the greatest loss, 7 per cent. The cen tral section lost 5 per cent., and the south-eastern section 6 per cent. Fruit prospects. April 1 finds the fruit prospects un usually bright Apples, peaches, pears, cherries, grapes and strawberries all promise full crops at present, but dan ger lies thick in the path oa account of the unusual advancement of the buds. In the western section the con dition of the various fruits are: Apples, 93; p2aches, 99; pears, 101, cherries, 99; grapes, 98, and strawberries, 93. In the centarl section the conditions are: Ap ples, 99, peaches, 101; peas, 100, cher ries, 99; grapes, 9C, and strawberries, 93. In the south-eastern section the conditions are: Apples, 103; peaches, 102; pears, 100; cherries, 93; grapes, 93, and strawberries, 99. Lucas Moore, Commissioner of Agriculture. Bladder Troubles. The bladder was created for one pur pose, namely, a receptacle for the urine, and as such it is not liable to any form of disease except by one of two ways. Abe nrat way is irom im perfect action of the kidneys. The sec ond way is from careless local treat ment ol other diseases. SAMPLE SENT FREE. Unhealthy urine from unhealthy kidneys is the chief cause of bladder troubles. It is comforting to know that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root fulfills every wish in quickly curing bladder and urinary troubles, it corrects ina bility to bold urine and scald ins stinging pain in passing it, or bad ef fects following use of liquor, wine r beer, and overcomes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to get i p many times during the night to urin ate. The mild and extraordinary ef fect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most dis tressing cases. If you need a medi cine you should have the best. At druggists fifty, cents and one dollar. You may have a sample bott'e and pamplet both Bent free by mail, upon receipt of three two-cent stamps to cover cost of postage on the bottle. Mention The Central Record and send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co. Bingbamton, N. Y. The proprietors of this paper guarantee the genuines?, of this offer. (3( CAPT. T. W. BOTTOM Auctioneer, of Perryville, Will be on the street every County Court Day and solicits the sales of the County. Will make it to your inter est to see me before seeing any other auctioneer. J J. HOOD, SURGEON-DENTIST, LANCASTER, KY Office orer J. C. Thompson's Jewelry store on D&nvillo street. PAINT YOUR HOUSE WITH Mastic Mixed Faint. OR THE BEST BRANDS OP White Lead and Oil. We are Glad to Sell Either. MCROBERTS' DRUG STORE. Orders taken for all Foreign or Domestic Magizines or Newspapers. :oooooooooo; E.W.Lillard. Lillavd dc Siouz, eading Pruggists.j Stationery, Faints, Oils, Etc. DA1MVILLE, :-: ooooooooooooooooooo Danville. Ky. CALDWELL I LANIER SHOES. PLEASURE TO LET YOU SEE WHAT WE HAVE. GJLXjXj OIsT tjs. TItTJIVICS and VALISES. WE WANT TO SEE YOU Whether You Buy Or Not Everything new ani iesiraMe in SPRING AND SUMMER MILLINERY AT REASONABLE PBICES. COME AND SEE US. Miss Sallie Tillett. I3 W. H. LACKEY Successor to Lackey & Gulley. First-Clas ' mm STABLE. HANDSOME TURNOUTS, REASONABLE PRICES. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO TRAVELING MEN I H 'J493- Tins NATIONAL BANK CAPITAL I 0 i SURPLUS. .00O.0O. LANCASTER, KY. tftriiflfo A.R.Dxnkt. President. Jno. E. Btokxis. Vice President. Wm.H.Kjmicaixd, Cashier. S.C.DxififY, J. F. Robikioh. J, Assistant C&sh'r. Book-keeper. &. T. Exbxt Ass't Book-keeper. DIRECTORS Sam'l.D. Cochran, Jas Spllman, Alex. R. Dennr. A. C. Robinson, W. R. Cook, L. Daridton, Jno. E. Stormes. It Will Be Done Bight If yon Bring Your work to NED BURDETT & CO., at Arnold shop oa Danyille street. Scientific Horseshoeing, Bepairin? of Wagons, Eaggies, and all kinds of ve hicles Promptly and Substantially done. 111 aa zm aasa RONNSON-rerrET COMPANY (.) Wholisalk DMratauTOM. LOUISVILLE. KYt Jno. B .Stent. KENTUCKY. fjS. BEAZLEY, DENTIST. Teeth filled and extracted with Work Asnecialtv. nilmnnti o u. hardware store, next to Court House, Lancaa- ORGANIZED 1863. PITMS NATIONAL BANK, U OP LAH0A3TER. XT. Capital, - . $100,000 Surplus Fund 15,000 BUSINESS SOUCITKD. Cavnfal suad Prompt Attention Gnaraataed 1. M. Hiqginbotham President Lxwis Y. Lxatxix. Tlee-Fresidentf B. F. Hudson Cashier W. O. RiexxY Assistant Cash'r. CD. Walxxx Bookkeeper DIRECTORS: J. M. HieentBOTHax, Lxrrn Y. Lxatxll, J. 8. Johnson, T.M.Axnold, H.C.Aknolo.Jk. B.F. Hudson. Alxx.Gibbs, J.J.Walxxb Jacob Y. Robinson. Morgan Denmark. Morgan Denmark Is a bar stallion. 16 hands high. He is splendidly bred, as a glance at hU pedigree will show. He will make the present season of 1S9S at oar stable, on the new Lan Lancaster pike, 5 miles from Danville, At $5.00 to Insure a Living Colt. Care takan to prevent accidents, bnt not re sponsible should any ocenr. Lien retained on colt3 for the season money. Hares traded before fact is ascertained makes season money due. Morgan Denmark was foaled in 1S89. He Is by On Time, son of Stonewall Jackson ; 1 st dam Lady Morgan, by Stonewall Jackson ; 2nd dam by Virginias; 3rd dara by Matchless; 4th dam by Transby. Morgan Denmark Is one of the best bred sad dle stallions In Kentucky. Has good mane and tall, and good, long, rangy neck. Don't fail to see him Will also stand ONE GOOD MULE JACK at 5.00 to insure. BAUGHMAK BRO'S. 33 6t. Danville, Ky. KAIL ROAD TIME TABLES. K. C. Branca. Jouth-b'nd Mixed, passes Lancaster, 3:40 r. x. North-b'nd Mixed, ' 8 .-09 a.m. Knoxvllle Branca. North-bound Mall, pasaea Stanford, U J3TT r.n North-b'nd Express, " " S33A.M, South-b'nd Express, " ' 12:04 r a South-bonnd Mall. " 1:27 r. MV Oueen M Creaeeat Rant. rAasxs dantillx. NOBTH BOUND. Number 10 (Daily except 8unday)....l:09 a. at Number 8 (Dally :.....l:41 pjal- Number 4 (Daily) Flag 131 a. Number 3 (don't stop) 30a.xa.- OUTH BOUND. Number 1 (don't stop) 11:56 a. air Number 5 (Dally ) 11 Sal a. m Number 9 ( Uaily except Sanday) 8:10 p. m.- Number 3 (Midnight Bag) Dally n.55 p. m. asaaa m k bTb f-B m