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mtful VOLUME JY Entered at the Post Office in Lancaster, Ky., as Second Class "batter. MJSiBEK i' PUBLISHED WEEKLr BY LOUIS LANDRAM, LANCASTER. KY.. "FRIDAY, JULY, 1. 1898. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION: Cor. Public Square and Danville Avenue. JlX.tJ A JAV, OX X .9 ilHiynx, fj kj u x ? i. lU.'U. lear in Jdrance. J Binder Twine. M Ma iilmifi oil. J. R. HASELBEN. Uv Lancaster, Ky. Col. W.G.Welch, Stanford. W. I. Williams, Lancaster. i Attorneys at Law, LANCASTER, KY. All business attended to promptly. BEAZLEY& BAUGHMAN. FUNERAL DIRECTORS, ARTERIAL and CAVITY EM BALMING a SPECIALTY. Furniture, Carpets, &c. Lancaster, Ky. Hot W i IN AND ABOUT Take advantage of our 'Courier-Journal offer. It's great Harness cheaper at W. J. Romans Carriage Co., than any place. Bring the cash and get groceries,, as cheap as anywhere. R. A. Ston) Bargains in glasware now on exhi bition in Thompsoasvindow, only 10 cents apiece. 25 to 50 per cent savfid on the dollar means a good dejijfoyou at the Blue Grass Grocery. 1 T1T lpst anil clipntiflst vnhinle. of all kinds at W. J. Romans Carriage Co., of any place in Central K3. Come" see. To close out my stock of spring rockers I will sell you a ?5 00 rocker for 3.00 and a S3. 00 rocker for Si 00 &c. R. A. Stoxk.' ' Stump Tour Checks. Beginning today, the banks will not pay checks, no matter how small, un less they bear a two cent revenue stamp. The penalty is S100 for failure so to do. Notice to Taxpayers. Taxes are now due the City and all are respectfully requested to pay same at once. The penalty will soon be ad ded and it will be to your interest to pay your tax now, E. M. Walker, M. C. L. Queen & Crescent Loir Kates. 5S Annual Convention Kentucky Christian Missionary Convention, Mt. Sterling, Ky. June 23-25, 1S9S. Annual Session, I. O. G. S. and D. of S., Keene, Ky. June CO-M) 1S0S. District Confer ence, M. E Church, Louisville, Ky., July 5-10, 1S0S. Christian Kiuleavor. J. Harry Allen, of Harrodsburg. asks The Recokd to state that all del egates fron the 8th district will take the train leaving Junction City over the C. S., at (J a. m., Juli'Sth. arrive at Uurin 0.2 5, Harrodsburg 7:25, and Louisville at 1 lo'clock. The "Ken tuck3 Special" will leave Louisville at 2:30 p. m., for Nashville. Round trip fare from Junction City, SC.C2, Dan ville 0.75. Entertainment will be provided for all delegates in Nashville at S1.25 per day by the committee. Ar rangements for stopping at Mammoth Cave on return will be made in Nashville. SHIRTS. Weather Shirts. YES SIR, Wc have them .and all kinds of them. Dress, SemiDress, Negligee. Large and Attractive line of Fancy Shirts. Percales, Detached and Attached Collars and Cuffs. White bodies and Fancy Bosoms. A great variety of Fab rics, both Foreign and Domestic. Novel patterns and colorings. Prices 50c; 75c, $1. and $1,50. Do not fail to look this line of shirts over. Be your own judge. Take the shirts home, try them on, look them over, use a microscope if you like, and if you find" a single, solitary fault in our shirts, bring them back and get your jnoney. Rente our line of Crash Suits at $2.50, $3, $3.50 " ' All Tool Crash Suits at $7.50 aai $8.50 Black and Blue Serge Coats and Vests, just the thing for hot weather. We have twenty-five pant patterns left that we will make up to your measure at Manufacturer's Cost. LANCASTER. Sam Jones at High Bridge Sunday. Go to J. A. Beazley & Co. for bar gains in furniture. The best two horse wrjon on the market at G. S. Gaines'. . Beginning July 1st I will sell strictly for cash and produce. R. A. Stone. At Wholesale Cost. A full line of Drummer's Samples at C. D. Powell's. 3t The Old Reliable always on Top in quality anLquantity, at the Bottom in PltlCKS. X T. CUHKKY. Given Away. The Haward Tailoring company will give a S3 hat with every suit of clothes sold to July jin. M. D. Hughes, Agt. 3Ioss--3torgaii. Silas Moss and Miss Florence Mor gan were married at the residence of Mr. Joseph Hendrickson, near town Monday. Rev. J. L. Allen, of Dan ville, officiated. Communion Service. Dr. McDonald will hold (pommunion services at the Presbyterian church Sunday morning? and preach in the same" building Sunday evening upon "Synodical Work." The usual prelim inary services will not be held. Dr. Grant Honored. . Gov. Bradley called up Dr. Hugh M. Grant by telephone Wednesday, and tendered him a surgeon's place in the new fourth regiment Dr. Grant has been sick and confined to his bed for nearly a week, and, as he would have been compelled to go to Lexington that daj-, he was forced to let the of for pass. Dr. Grant is a splendid phy sician and surgeon, and would have been a valuable man in the regiment. New Deputy Collector. Collector Yerkcs has appi iated Mil lard West, of this city, as deputy col lector to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Mr. Thomas Austin. The latter will take the place of assis tant afS3ssor under Jas. McCarley. Mr. West's divis'on consists of Gar rard, Madison. Estill, Rockcastle and Jackson. He will enter upon his du ties today. He lias just reached the age of 21 years and is a joung man of exemplary habits, good qualifications and polite. 4 Hear Sam Jones at High Rridge Sun day. Buy ice from Northcott and it will be delivered daily. My accounts are all due and must be paid by July 1st. R. A. Stone. I would like to do your plain sew ing and dyeing. Mrs. Ophelia Dunn. Notice. To save cost, call and settle with J. G. Sweeney. A great many Garrard county folks will go to Ilijjh Bridge Sunday to hear Sam Jones. Call July first and pay your account. I have indulged you. You must ac commodate ME. V A- LUItltEY. There is no use for 1112 to make pa ces, just tell me how you can buy them from and you can have them, ma by for less, 11. A. oxijj St Card of Thanks. We extend to the members of the Presbyterian church our most sincere thanks for their valuable and appre ciated present Mit. and Mrs. II. N. Faui.conek. Kedtices. Over at Stanford, the Farmers Bank & Trust Co., decided to reduce its capital from 230,000 to 5103,000 in stead of going into liquidation. Dr. J. B. Owsley, cashier, tells the Interior Journal that the 100,003 reduction will be paj-able to every stockholder Juiy 1, in full, something no other bank has ever done on a reduction this section. A Warrior, l.ald. Doc Penny, the clever and popular Stanford dentist, has laid aside his tooth carpenter's equipmeit anl buck- eled on the sword to light, bleed, and, if necessariTtlie for his country. Doc has raised the required number of nun and will be mustered into the 0th U. S, Vol. Infantry at Knoxville. We understand he has a good lot of men. If they are all as good as their com mander, Lincoln will surely be proud of the companj'. Tyre .Logan Harris. After a few weeks illness Judge T. L. Harris died Friday night at. his home near Lancaster. Judge Harris was in hisT-lth year. He was a widely-known man, and a good citizen. He lived on his farm, with his two aged sisters, who survive him. Judge Har ris never joined any church, bat he was an enthusiastic Mason, and this fact goes to show that he was a firm believer in Almighty Gcd. He was liked by everybody and made friends of everyone he met Rev. Clark, of the Methodist church, held a brief ser vice at the house Saturday at 3 o'clock, after which the Masonic fraternitv took charge of tho rentiins and inter red them in the family burying ground near the residence. ( uarris Kcplacctl, s statu I in last issue, the guards on the Richmond pike were removed b3 Judge Burnsldo. Pres. dent Doty wont with his attorney to Stanford and brought back an order from Judge Saulloy to replace them and it was done. The Recoisd asked Judge Burn side why the guards were taken off and he said that unless guards were on both the Madison and Garrard sides'S'f the Paint Lick bridge, it was no use to keep them on this side, as tho bridge, which is a long one, could b3 fired from the Madison side and the Garrard guards would have no right to shoot at them. As to the other gnards, he said they were on duty at a little bridge which could be replaced for S10 or 15. He told the road's at torney that rather than have tho coun ty pay four dollars a night for guards for an indefinite time, he would re move them, and, in case the little bridge was "burned he would have it replaced, at the expense of the county, it being much cheaper for the county than paying a big sum for guards. The four guards are on duty now, and osts the county 3 a night. Loir llatei to Washington, D. C. and liastern Cities, On account of tho meeting of the National Educational Convention at Washington, D. C. July 8th to I5tb, the Chesapeake and Ohio Ry. will sell round trip 'tickets to Washington from all stations in Kentucky on July 3rd to 0 ill inc. at one fare plus $2.00 for the round trip, good to return until July 15th, and subject to an extension of tira.2 until August 31st by deposit ing tickets with the Joint Agent in Washington on or before July 12th. This is your opportunity to visit Phila delphia, New York and tho seashore. Low-rate side trips can be made from Washington to Old Point Comfort and the Seashore. The Chesapeal-c and Ohio Ry. l as two limited Vestibuled trains each way daily without change. Its scene ery is unsurpassed, its train service unequalled, and is several hours quick est from all Central Kentucky points than so-called "Official Routes" via Cincinnati. "A glance at the map will convince you " Avoid delays and changes by taking tho Cheasapeake and Ohio trains. For sleeping car reservation, or any information write or call on yonr Ticket Agent, or Geo. W. Barney, Div. Pass. Agt. Lexington, Ky. Bist binder twine always on hand at GaineST B. F. Walter, dentist, will be at Buena Vista, Tuesday, July 5th. Headquarters for Deering Binders, Mowers and threshing machines at G. S Gaines.'' . Every boly is happy because the Blue Grass Gi'ocery'Co., opened a store here Wednesday. Miss Mittic Dunn, of Bryantsville, will open her public school at Her ring's school house, Monday, July 18th. The Cj'clone of Low, Spot Cash pri ces on groceries struck Lancaster when the great Blue Grass Grocery opened their 54th retail store in the Thompson block. Thousands of persons have been cur cd of piles by using De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. It heals promptly and cures eczema and all skin diseases It gives immediate relief. Stormes Drug Store. lm Strayed or Stolen. About May i:, from my place 3 miles from Lancaster on New Danville pike, one red heifer, (with black stripes) half alderny, about year and a half old. Any information thankfully re ceived. Mrs Mary A. Sutton, 3t Lancaster, Ky. ISank at l'aint tilck. There is considerable talk of estab lishing a bank at Paint L!ck. There is lots of wealth and abundance of push and hustle in that section, and i the good people up there once set their heads on having the bank, she will be forthcoming. Dull Court Day. Not many farmers left their work to come to town Monday, consequently the crowd was slim, business was dull and the day a Hat failure. Probably one hundred cattle were were on the market Butcher stuff b.-ought from 2 to 2 3-4 cents, some yearlings were sold at 25, heifers at from 314 to 17 Several plug horses offered but none sold. Fair at Iltistoiivillc. The Ilustoaville people are hustling around getting premiums for theii fair, which will be held Wednesday. Thursday and Friday, Aug. 10, 11 and 12. The following are the officers: W. Gill Cowan, president; J. K.Baugh man, yice president; W. D. Hocker, secretary; C W. Adams, assistant sec retary, and Junius II. Hocker, treas urer. 'I he Huston ville people know how to hold a fair and they are alwa3's successful. Popular Young Folks Marry. Mr. Marshall Archer stole qnietly ovcr to Nicholasville Wednesday, and, as prearranged, met Miss Fannie Un derwood. The couple drove into Ljx ington and were married in the par lors of the Phoenix IloteL The bride resides on Danville street, this city, and is quite popular. She has a splen did education and is a lovely younj; lady. Mr. Archer is running a meat market in this city, and is a young man of splendid habits and well liked by all The Recokd congratulate? Mr. and Mrs. Archer, and hopes they may never have causj to regret the step just taken. Kentucky State Teachers Special to Washington. The Chesapeake & Ohio Ry., will run a special limited Vestibule train to Washington, leaving Lexington at C p. m. Wednesday, July Cth and arriv ing in Washington at 11:30 a. m., next morning. This train will carry the Kentucky Delegation of Teachers to the National Educational Convention. A dining car will be attached and meals will be served for 75 cents. Tickets on sale July 3rd to Cth in clusive at one fare plus two dollars for round trip, good returning until Aug ust 31st, if desired. Return tickots will be good from Richmond, Va., and a very low rate has been made from Wa'shington to Richmond Via Steamer and Old Point Comfort, thus giving the only oppor tunity to visit themcs. Historical Sea shore Resort on the Atlantic Coast. Send in your name for maps, time tables or sleeping car information. Don't be deceived I The Chesapeake & Ohio Ry., is the only line from Central Kentucky points to Washington, with out transfer of cars or depots. Ask your ticket Agent or write, Gjorga W. Barney, Div. Pass Agt, Lexington, Ky. I The Royal is the highest grade baking powder ksowa. Actual tests straw it goes owe third, farther than say ether bread. POWDER Ataeluttly Pure OVAL BAIQNQ POWOCR CO., NEW YOMC. I JUST RECEIVED. I Q O O O O O Q O Q J I Some new Black Grepons 1 m and Satin Brocades. I 1 Just fhs the thing A Few Slippers Left. Misses and Children's at 50c, 7oc anc $1.00. . . . .... Ladies' Slippers at 50c, 75c and $1.00. Special values in Ladies' Duck and Lined Skirts. g See our line of Fans THE Strayed. Two little red pigs. S;cn on Public Square Tuesday. Any information thankfully received. Mr.3. Ophelia Dlxx. Sum Jones at High l!rlilf;-, Sunday, July rd. Special train as usual. Sunday schedule stopping at all points. Great day at the Palisades. Do not fail to go and hear Sam Jones. Election Commissioners. C. A. Robinson, W. L. Lawson and Jerome Ruble, haye been recommend ed to the board at Frankfort as elec tion Commissioners for Garrard coun ty. They are good men and will per form their duties faithfully. Hang Out Your Hanner. It has been suggested that the bus iness houses decorate with lligs Mon day, tlu 4th. It wotild be well to re vive this oldtime custom. If you have no flags, Crow Dillon has an abundant supply which was furnished him by the government to give away. July 4th. The Queen & Crescent Route will sell round trip tickets from all sta tions to any point on the system, and to principal southern points in gener al, at a fare and a third for the round trip. Tickets on sale July 2nd, 3rd, and 4th. Good till 7th to return. Ask agents for particulars or see small bills. Kesses Up. Will Gill, of the notorious Gill and Story gang, who have been terroriz ing Garrard, Madison and Lincoln counties "by their daring thefts, was was before Judge ISurnside and made startling confessions of much of the devilment this gang has baen doing. He implicated Toll Gill and George Story, two near relatives, in all and said they had beed operating together for sometime. Gill was held to the grand jury in $400. Warrants have bojn issued for the rest of the gang. Deaf and Dumb Kaplst. Kert Macfarland, a deaf and dumb negro boy, was bifore Judge Burnside Wednesday charged with attempting to rape a white lady named Mrs. Betsy Pointer, near Cartersville. Mrs. Poin ter, who is G3 years old, had started to a neighbor's house and the negro at tacked her while passing through some bushes. At the trial the negro took a stubborn spell and would furnish no information, either .by writing or signs. He was held to circuit court in S500.00, which could not be given and he was placed in jail. for Skirts. and Summer Corsets. DRY GOODS i COMPANY i C Courier-Journal and The Recokd one year for onlv SI. 25. ISoiirlion Steam Laundry. Miss Olivia Sweeney is agent for the Bourbon Steam Laundry. Leave your orders at Sweeney's store. tf Death ofMr. liaiilimau. A message has just been received an nouncing the leath of Mrs. Mary Ann Baughman at her home near Danville. As we go to press no arrangments for the funeral have been made. Out of Town. Dr. W. S. Beazley will leave Monti iv for Crab Orchard, to be gone two weeks. During his absence his clli.-e will be in charge of Dr. Myers, of Crab Orchard. Promoted. Gov. Bradley has made Will II. Col lier, of this city, a Major in the fourth Kentucky. This is a responsible posi tion and the promotion is deserved. Sam Morrow, nephew of Gov. Bradley, will be the other Major in this regi ment. Wanted. 150,000 bushels of wheat deli ;crcd at our warehouse. Highest cash price paid on delivery. Best lump and block Pittsburg coal, He. Salt, Lime, Sand, Cement and farming implements. C. C. Glass & Bno. Camp Nelson, Ky. A Successful Canvass. As we arc about to close our labors among the good people of Garrard county, in the sale of fruit and orna mental trees, representing the Knox ville Nursery Company, the most reli able and the best in the south, wc now offer our thanks for the many acts of courtesy an'd kindness shown us by citizens of Lancaster and throughout the county during our ex tended stay among them. Our sales have amounted to near four thousand dollars while among you. We can not prove recreant to our expression of the highest appreciation for your lib eral patronage, and to whatever field we may ba called we will carry with us in fond memory the pleasant so cial and business intercourse we havo enjoyed among a grand and noble peo ple. Respectfully, Tesce & IIlXES. K. C. Branch. Sonthb'na Mixed, passes Lancaster, U4 a. x. North-b'nd Mixed, " " 4:50 r.. North-b'nd Pass'gr " " 2:52 a. x outh-b'nd " 12 HO a.m.