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4 IT'S WAR CERTAI WE ARE READ Y FOR IT, WE ARE SELLING GOOD CLOTHING FOR LESS THAN EVER KNOWN. SEE OUR GOODS AND BE CONVINCED. Toll Sabred lO Times Orea:. Some of our $12, 813.50 815.00 and 816.50 Suits now for $1 0. NEVER AGAIN WILL SUCH BARGAINS BE OFFERED. FOE Fine Straw Hats 50c on $1.00. Negligee Shirts. Stacy Adams Fine Shoes. Suits made to order in Danville. COME AND SEE OUR SUITINGS AND WORK SHOP. CLEAUI1TG- u.T3D PEESGIUG-. , J. L. Frohman & Co., WONDERFUL CLEjiJrifC- SJ1LE. Always this time of the year my desire is to get rid of ail zne gooas m my line wnetner j. get cost; or not ana my customers always reap a great oenent. xtus time my oar gains will he GREATER THAN EVER, so first coming will get the linery line go in this sale. . M!JK,S. MOODY HARDEN. CENTRAL RECORD. FRIDAY, July, 1, - 1898. I I 1)T7 DOAM A T Miss Nellie Dilon is visiting Stan- ford relatives. Miss Elenc Iliatt is visiting friends near Richmond. Miss Jennie Duncan is visiting rela tives in Stanford. W. Iv. Shugars, of McKinney, was in the city this week. Mrs. Theodore Currey is visiting1 rel atives in Richmond. Dr. Wesley and family have taken rooms at the Mason Hotel. Vernon Richardson, of Danville, was here Monday on business. Rev. and Mrs. II. 2s. Faulconer have returned from a visit to Rarbourville. Mr. Reuben Moss is here from Oalc lahoina, visiting relatives. Miss Lilian Shugars is visiting' her brother, W. IC, at McKinney. Miss Grace Kinnaird has returned from a pleasant visit to London, Ky. 1 Mr. G. II. Rnnyon, of Dubuque, la., xs visiting his sister, Mrs. Thos. Stone. Mrs. Annie Mobler, of Washington City, is the guest of Mrs. T. S. Miller. Miss Grace Miller is -visiting her cousin. Miss Laura R. Doty, at llran non. Miss Annie II ill is spending this week with Miss Daisy Collier in Dan ville. Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Williams are at home again after a visit to Campbells ville. CoL Steve White, one of Madison's most prominent citizens, was in town this week. Mr. and Mrs. John Raughman, of Boyle, have been visiting1 relatives in this city. Miss Ilay.len, of Lebanon, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Ike Dunn, in Lower Garrard. Prof. Dewes, of Lexington, has join ed his wife, who is visitiug1 CoL and Mrs. D. It. Collier. Misses Florence Rurnside and Fan nie Doty, of this county, are visitinp friends in Stanford. Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius Stone, of Stanford, have been the guests of Mrs. George Harden. Miss Margaret Hackley, of George- SCrab Orchard I 'Springs.! -NOW OPEN.-y 8 cwCOOL, & EXHILARATING, RESTFUL 1 MUSIC, I AMUSEMENTS, VP I GOOD LIVING. 9 fp jjGus Hofmann, Prop'r.jta mm 83 Cream, All goods in the mil own, has been visiting relatives in this city the past week, Miss Cordelia Ray has returned home after a visit of three weeks to her parents at IJuckeye. Mrs. Pete Hampton and daughter, of Stanford, were the guests of Mr. Silas Ashley and family last week. Misses Lyne Letcher and Rettie Johnston leave today for a visit to Miss Pearl Faulconer, in Dinville. Misses Rcssic IJatson and Stella Huston, have returned from a visit to Mrs. Lizzie Rice, at lledgeville. Miss Hallie Hamilton is at home again, after attending the Jones House wedding at Middlesborough. A number of young folks attended the opening ball at Crab Orchard Springs. They report a delightful time. Messrs. G. II. Runyon and Willie Stone, will leave next week to visit relatives in Rarbourville and Flat Lick. Misses Maggie Tomlinson, Ressie and Eugenia Rush, visitc I friends and relatives in Lower 'Garrard Monday and Tuesdaj'. Mr and Mrs. Robert E kin and Misses Sallie and Mattie E.kiu enter tained a few friends at a lawn fete Wednesday evening. Prof. Harry Philips has returned from Campbells vilie, where he taught a large music class during the past term. Harry is a first-class teacher, and can get a job anywhere. Mr. and Mrs Charles Denman, of Nieholasville, are the proud parents of a sweet girl babj', which made its appearance last week. Mrs. Denman was Miss Carrie Lee West, and a great favorite among Lancaster's society folks. Mrs. Eugene Berkele, of Bryants ville, charmingly entertained at six o'clock tea Monday evening. The fol lowing were present: Miss Miller, of Louisville, Misses Tomlinson, Ressie and Eugenie Rush of Lancaster, and Misses King, of Rryantsville, Messrs George Jean, of Danville, and Ei. Dunn, of Rryantsville. Miss Ressie Rurnside entertuined Monday evening in honor of the fol lowing charming ladies: Misses Lucia McAfee, of Lebanon, Pearl Rurnside, of Stanford, Ressie Webb and Lctitia Rrown, of Lexington. Elegant re freshments were served. The follow ing were there: Misses Lizzie Wilmore Minnie Dunn, Kirksville, Altie Marks bury, Carrie Currey, Sue Herring, Al ice Hudson, AUie Anderson, Mary Mil ler, Mae Hughes, Fannie Collier, Dove Harris, Mattie E'.kin and Rettie West. Lancaster: Messrs. and Mesdames, J. F. Robinson, Jno. Raughman, S. L. Gibbs. The young gentlemen were Hugh Logan, Dan and John Walker, Frisbie, Jennings, S.vinebroad, Jim and Robt West, Price, Withers, Swee ney, John and Lewis Doty, Will and Alex Denny, Farris, Jim and Will Ar buckle, Joe Robinson, Jake Robinson, John Lear, Napo Price and W. S. Beaz ley. It has been many a day since Lan caster young folks enjoyed as pleasant and beauti'ul impromptu dance as was the one given at Masonic Hall Tues day evening. The event was in honor of the visiting young ladies and, al though gotten up hurriedly, was com plete in evcrydetail. All it lacked was the sweet strains of big-hearted Henry Sixttn to make the evening one of lovliness. It is not our purpose to dictate to the young gentlemen, but it 'dois look like it would be ecDnomy in the long run, everything considered, to put up a fen more dollars and have "Sax," especially when such an array of beautiful dancers as graced the floor THE Tuesday evening are to be present. The young ladies who participated in the dance were Misses Lyne Letcher and Betsy Johnson, of Henderson, Pearl Ilo!comb, Elizabethtown, Bes sie Webb and Letitia Brown, Lexing ton, Hyden, Lebanon, Mary Miller, Carrie Currey, Altie Marksburj', Bessie Burnside, Maggie Tomlinson, Lan. Mr. and Mrs. Dolp Rice, Danville, Messrs and Mesdames Jno.E. Storms, A. II. Rice, and Louis Landrara, Lan caster. The young gentlemen were Herbert Price, Farris, Danville, Claude Royston, Chicago, Letcher Owsley, C. and F. Frisbie, Beazley, Logan, Marks bury, Shugars, Kinnaird, Henry, Dunn, Beasley. W. O. Owsley was in Danville Wed nesday on business. Judge M. D. Ilugaes is in Living ston this week organizing a Maccabee lodge. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Waldcn, of Dan ville, have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Walden, this wecic. H. Clay Hamilton has returned from Wilmore. where has organized a Mac cabee lo Ige. Col. W. S. Ferguson, who has been here seeing to. the harvesting of his big wheat crop, left today to see the boys at Chiekamauga. Bob Moore, of LaFayette, Ind., s:i3's that for constipation he lias found De Witt's Little Early Risers to be per fect They never gripe. Try them fc r stomach and liver troubles. Stormes Drug Store. lm FLATWOOD. E. R. Seott sold his gray mare Mon day for 15. Wm. Coldiron sold his mule Monday, for S 55. W. II. Furr soli his lambs to Renj. Robinson for 5a per lb. The editor of the Eans City, Pa., Globe, writes. "Oae Minute Cough Cure is rightly named. It cured my children after all other remedies fail ed." It cures coughs, colds and all throat and lung troubles. Stormes Drug Store. lm G. W. Spangler and wife spent Tues day with W. II. Furr and family. Miss Maud Ross and little sister, Martha, spent Saturday night and Sunday with Ren Lunceford and f amity. Miss Su sie Parks gave a social last Friday night, in honor of Miss Gertie Wood, who returned home Sunday. Mr. P. Ketcham of Pike City, CaL, says: "Duriug my brother's late sick ness from sciatic rheumatism, Cham berlain's Pain Ralm was the only rem edy that gave him any relief." Many others have testified to the prompt re lief from pain which this liniment af fords. For sale by R, E. McRoberts. CALL FOR MASS CONVEOTION To Select Delegate to Congressional Convention. In obedience to the order of the ex ecutive committee, I hereby call a mass convention of the democrats of Garrard to assemble at the Court House in Lancaster at 2 p. m., stand ard time Saturday, July Oth to select delegates to a district convention to be held at Danville, July 12th, which will nominate a candidate for Congress in the 8th district. The basis of rep resentation will be one delegate for every 100 votes and a delegate for ev ery fraction over 50 votes for the lead ing democratic elector in the last Nat ional election. 'ihe said executive committee fixed this qualification for voters: All per sons who voted for the Bryan electors at the National election, and who are qualified voters at the time of the mass conventions herein provided for are held, or will be such at the next succeeding election: All democratic youths who will be eligible to vote at such election, as well as such other persons of democratic faith who by their participation in such mass con ventions herein named and who shall thereby claim themselves obligated to support the nominee of the district convention, shall be entitled to par ticipate. Geo. T. Fabbis, Chairman. P4Mf amaNUBIAN TEA cares Dyspep r lUlllvl v sia, Constipation and Indi gestion. Begulatcs the Liver. Price, 25 cts. GLOBE Telephone 136, Special train from Lexington Fourth of July. To accomolate persons desiring to spend the Fourth of July in Lexington, the Chesapeake and Ohio Rv. will run a special train, leaving Lexington at 10:25 p. m. for Winchester and Mt. Sterling and connecting with L. & N. R. R. at Winchester for Ford, Rich mond and Lancaster. This will en able people to enjoy the afternoon and night at Chautauqua and avoid the heat of the day on the cars. A great programme has been arranged and every one should attend. Low round trip rates have been made. GENERAL NEWS The betting privileges for the Octo ber trots at Lexngton have been let Last year g.j00,000 was played into the box. It is figured the betting this year will amount to ST0J.0J0. S ate Treasurer Long announces that he hopes to run through July and Auu it this year without suspending pa3ment until fall taxes come in Sep t niber. Last year's surpension began April 10. "I think D j Witt's Witch Haz:l Salye is the finest preparation on the market for piles." -So writes John C Dunn, of Who. l ag, W. Va. Try it and you will think the sam j. It also cures eczema and all skin diseases. S;ormos Drug Store. lm Gen. Jo':n S. William', widely known as "Corro Gordo" Williams, is dangerlously ill at his home in Mont gomery county and his life is despair ed of. General Williams is a veteran of two wars. Jude Rarr has decided that Adolph Segal, of Philadelphia, must pay for the Richmond. Nicholasvillc, Irvine & Reattyville Railroad by Tuesday', or forfeit his rights. He has paid 25,030 oa S 50,003 the purchase price. The Danville city council and the national banks of that pi ice c mpromised their differences concern ing taxes. Ten thousand five hun dred dollars h is I e jn accepted in lieu of about S15.003 claimed. "GdoI Old Granny Metcalfe," who has been made famous in the news papers and on bulletin boards by a Paducah patent medicine Grm, is dead. She died at Sturgis Monday. She was bora in Woodford county', and was 80 years old. The Snead architectural iron works, occupying baildings extending from Main to Market street, between Eighth aud Ninth streets, were entirely de stroyed by fire Thursday night. The lost is estimated at S275,000; insurance SU0.000. The court of appeals has affirmed the judgment of the Frankfort circuit court in the prison commission case, sustaining the election of the new board. Judge Burnara dissented as to the whole opinion and Judge Durelle in part The attorneys will file a petition for a rehearing. James Moore, mail carrier between Ft. Estill and Kingston shot aud killed John Harris, at Fort Estill, three miles south of Richmond on Saturday aftesnoon. Harris married Moore's sister and had been mistreating her which caused bad feeling between the two. Moore had attempted to per suade his sister to leave Harris. Saturday midnight a m b took Geo. Scott, colored, from the county jail at Russellvillc, and hanged him to a tree in the southern suburbs of town. The gallows-tree was the same from which Dink and Arch Proctor were hanged about 18 months ago. The Negro was charged with attempt at criminal as sault The mob was composed of boys and drunken youths. State Treasurer long has received notice from the secretary of the treas ury of the United States that the state would not bo required to put the stamp on checks, issued to pay the current expenses of the state. Under section 17 of the act recently passed by congress the state is exempt from this tax A newspaper correspondent offers this personal description of Maria Christina, Regent of Spain: A pale, austere face, cold and changeless as marble; features of the Austrian type, with full lips and projecting mouth; blonde hair, with no tinge of warmth, what the French call asher blonde; pale steel-blue eyes, with sparse lashes, and unlighted with soft or tender glumes; small, patrician hands, wrists and feet; a figure graceful and charm ingin its proud carriage, especially fitted for an equestrienne, and she rides frequently. Win your battles against disease by acting promptly. Oae Minute Cough Cure produces immediate results. When taken er.rly it prevents cousump tion. And in later stages it furni shes prompt relief. Stormes Drug Store. lm The new Fourth Regiment to be raised by Col. Colson will contain com panies commanded as follow: F. G. Ty ree, Olive Hill, Rowan county; John Patrick, Jackson, Rreathitt county; J. Edgar Park, Estillville, Estill county; M. J. Treadway, Rooneville, Owsley county; Harlan T. Reatty, Reattyville, Lee county; E M. Siiely, Albany, Clinton county; R. R. Golden, Knox county; C. F. Frisbee, Mid llesborough, Bell county. Companies will also come from Leslie, Harlan and Greenup coun ties. The Baker preliminary trial for the killing of ex-Sheriff White, in Clay County was called at Manchester be fore Judge Wyatt. Baker testified that he met White in the road. White drew a pistol and attempted to shoot him when he fired his Winchester and shot him through the breast, killing him instantly. A verdict was rendered holding the Bakers without bail. The Rakers were put in the hands of the j liler. All persons before entering the court were disarmed to prevent trouble. An agreed case to test the constitut ionality of the election commission law is being made. The petition was drawn several days ago to be filed in the Bourbon Circuit Court, and a copy of the document has been forwarded to Attorney General Taylor, who will probobly participate in the case. The case is styled Ed D Patton an 1 G. W. Rowan. County Judge and Sheriff, respectively, vs. Russell Mann, John C. Clay and John Smith, the County Roard of Election Commissioners. 1 he petition first sets out the agreed facts as to the passage of the law and the election of the commissioners and their qualification and takes the ground that the act is unconstitutional in that the Legislature had no right to create the office of election commissioners, and, if it did have such rijht, it had no right to fill the offices by an elec tion by the Legislature, but, if it had the right to fill the office by election, that the election officers were not elected according to law. Attorney General Taylor has given notice that he will agree to the case if they will allow him to file an amendment to the petition. Gen. Taylor requested that they allow him to raise Federal questions. This the new board have agreed to, and the Republican State Committee will take the case to the Supreme Court. They will, however, demand that immediate decision be made in the case and will agree to no delay. P1MfrV CUBAN OIL cure? r ICUIlvl Cuts, Burns, Bruises, Rheu matism and Sores. Price, 25 cents Get One of ta Boasters Free! Call at my store and we will ex plain. I am still in, the lead with BEST GOODS. LOWEST PRICES. Goods are all fresh. I can please all. LANGDON'S BREAD DAILY. PLEASE GIVE US A TRIAL H. M. BALLOD. A FULL STOCK OF DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, SHOES, flats and furnishing (goods J Constantly on hand. GOOD VALUES AND LOW PRICES ALWAYS TO BE FOUND. 10 CALL AID ISSPECT W STDCE. J, W. SWEENEY. TERMS CASH WAR ECHq ES. Eth Scott, nephew of Gov. l!rad!ey, will be a Lieutenant in the new reg iment of volunteers. The President in a few days will is sue a proclamation declaring- the en tire coast of Cuba to be blockaded. The president issued a proclamation Monday extending the blockade in Cuba from Cape Francis to Cape Cruz, also blocking San Juan. Four thousand American soldiers under Gen. McArthur sailed out of Golden Gate Monday for Manila on the Indiana, City of Para, Ohio and Morgan City. The dynamite cruiser Vesuvius went past the wreck of the Merrimae into the harbor of Santiago and returned safely. It demonstrated tiiat a bat tleship can pass on each side of the Merrimae. General Miles who has been tryiny to get to, the front, has been ordered to remain at Washington for some time. The President promises to let him jo to Cuba when Havana is at-, tacked. It is believed that the Spanish gov ernment has bought the O'Higgius. This report comes from French sour ces, and there is some doubts in ad ministration circles as to the truth of the report, althoug it is generally credited iu naval circles. Nine or ten thousand troops have quietly embarked at Tampa and or dered to re-enforce Shafter. The troops are now on the way to Cuba. The press censor attempted to keep the news from getting out, but the official department is aware of the movements at Tampa, and cannot suppress the information from the newspaper. Owing to the delay in the arrival of troops at Manila the situation in the Philippines threatens to become com plicated. The rebels, iniluenced by foreign Consuls, now want complete independence. Aguinaldo may invite recognition by the Powers. This ma3' bring about a rupture with the Amer icans, which Germany desires. Agui naldo has already had interviews with the German Admiral. ALL WOMEN ShouM know that tho "OM Tlmu" Itemed?, Istha bast f or Faa1e Traultfes. Corrects all Irregularities In Female Organs. Should bo taken for Change e! Life and before ChiU-Dirth. PUaters "bid Tine" RemeUea havo stood tho test for twenty years. Made only by New Spencer Medicine Co.. Chat tanooga, Tennessee. For sale by R. B McKobertv-Lancasttr Danville, Ky. PAINT LICK. You ought to examine Wallace & Cos., goods and prices before 3-011 pur chase elsewhere. 'I hey will save you money. Wallace &. Co., sell the finest tobacco hoe in the land for only 20c Long handled, 3 prong pitchforks, genuine steel only 'JSc. Wallace & Co., sell 2S0 lare size, sharp pointed pins for lc. 25 oval-eyed, sharpo's needles lc. 25 envelopes lc. 12 sheets writing paper lc. Every thing in the house cheaper than you ean by it elsewhere. A farmer iu this vicinity tells us he has had no bugs on his potatoes this year, lie turned under a crop of rye this spring and planted the same early in potatoes. The rye fertilized the ground is a fact. Did it prevent the bugs from appearing is a question. All the same he has a fine crop of potatoes now minus the bugs and his paris irrecn unused. Ex. E. C. Ulanks, of Lewisville, Texas, writes that one box of De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve was worth 553.000 to him. It cured his piles of ten years stand ing. He advises others to try it. It also cures eczema, skin diseases and obstinate sores. Stormes Drug Store. lm PHAETONS, Buggies, hm l ROAD WAGONS. We have on our floor two car loads of the finest and most com plete line of PHAETONS, BUGGIES, SURBIES M EOAEWACONS ever shown in Lancaster. Our prices are lower than can be found anywhere. Our guarantee is bet ter. We ean save you from 5 to $25.00 on any vehicle you buy. We also have a complete line of Harness we are-".ofFering exceeding ly low. Come and see us. No trouble to show goods. . J. ROMANS Carriage Co., LANCASTER, KY.