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FOItTSf IX. Entered at the Post Office in Lancntter, Kv aa Second Class Matter. yr'lBJEK il ro?agSrLgK,SB" LANCASTER, KY., FRIDAY, JULY, 29. 1898. life Tou Thinking About having a Good Roof put upon your house? If you are, J R. Haselden will be glad to give you fig ures. Tiiere is no wear out to a Good Tin Roof. J. R. Haselden. Col. W.G. Welch. Stanford. V. I. Williams Lancaster. WELSH & WILLIAMS Attorneys at Law, Lancaster Ky. AU business attended to promptly BEAZLEY&BAUGHMAN. FUNERAL DIRECTORS, ARTERIAL, and CAVITY EM BALMING a SPECIALTY. Furniture, Carpets, &c. Lancaster, Ky. .4 v Big Bargains in Shoes. We have begun our annual Cut Price Sale of Shoes and Oxfords. We have now on tables 125 to 150 pairs Ladies and Childrens Shoes and Slippers worth from $1.50 to $2.50. We are closing these goods out at ?5c to $1.25. Get first choice. w Logan & Robinson. i wii. www www I IN AND ABOUT LANCASTER. Talk for better sidewalks. Smoke Proctor Knott cigar. Raise a big kick for better side walks. A delicto as smoke the Proctor Knott Don't forget the D.-elamatory Con test on August 9. Try a Proctor Knott and enjoy your G to .1. A. Beazley &c lor wall pa- pir at cost. Northcott will pay you 4 1-2 and 5c for old hens. S swing machine needles and oil at Thompson's. Buy ice from Northcott and it will be delivered daily. Go to J. A, Beazley & Co. for bar gains in furniture. No old, shelf-worn goods at the B.ue Grass Grocery. Take advantage of our Courier-Jour nal offer. It's great. Fure Hoaie-madc candies at Elmins- ton's Kandy Kitchen. The best two horse wagon on the market at G. S. Gaines'fN, The Public Square is sadly in nead of metal in several places. I would like to do your plain sew tig and dyeing. Mrs. Ophelia Dunn. Nothing but the purest ingredients used at Edminston's Kandy Kitchen. I hare for sale a fine Jersey cow. A splendid milker. Mrs. Jesse Wa den. Good second-hand Waverley bicycle. will exchange for horse. J R. Uasel den. Ring 95, the Blue Grass Grocery for nice, cheap groceries. Prompt deliv ery. G. S. Gaines villMiotallow anv Blna to grow undVr his feet. Come and see ais prices. f . For Sale. A well improved house and lot J. G Hemphill, Real Estate Ag't - wniii ntm m in www in www in Big court next month. It has no equal The Proctor Knott cigar. 25 to 50 per cent saved on the dollar means a good deal to you at the Blue Grass Grocery. The Old ReliaWfealways on Top in quality and mrdnlity, at the Bottom in Pricks. T. Cukrey. The new superior Disc Drill, the fin est on earth. Do not fail to see G. S Gaines before yon buy. ;S I can show you how to own your home by saving a small amount each wjek. J. C Hemphill, Sec'yj The Blue Grass Grocery has opened the eyes of the people. Their pric cannot be duplicated. For Sale Wheel. - A hitrh frame Victor Bicycle. ineood order, or will cx-jhanje for tUgood, gentle horse. J. C Hemphill. W. J. Romans is noW.better prepar ed to do all kinds ofv repair work on vehicles than ever bjiflre, and will do good honest work aft vry low prices. A Few Left. lo suits I have a few more Tailor-mad that I will make to vour measure foV 10.00. Don't mis this opportunity to get one. J. C. HemphilL Van Djnny calls for six-footers else where in The Rkckisd. There are many about Lancaster. Let's see who will be the first to answer. Loir l'rices. I For the next thirty days we will give you unheard of prices on buggies and harness. ; W. J. Romans Carriage Co. To Colored Trustees. Next 1 hursday will be Trustee Day at the Institute and the t etchers want all the trustees to be present. The Colored Institute. The colored teachers Institute will bj held at the Court House legiuing M jnday. The program will be inter esting and instructive. Home to See Folks. Charley Walker, of Co. L. at Chicka- miuga, is here on a furlough. II stands a good chance to be made wagon master of the Fourth Kentucky www in m The best cigar made is the "Proctor Knott. v The town is as quiet at night as a country grave yard. Policeman Petty is the cause of it. Eld C K. Marshal, of Harrodsturf will be here Sunday and probob'y preach at the Chnstain church. Don't fail to see our line of Ladies Ox ords that we are closing nit at 5 Ier ciiit. less than manufacturers cost. Logau & Robinson. 1 he grand jury will probably make it hot for the juvenile po'sur eiub. A search for a number of older otie. would not be out of place. 31 Ike at the Front. Lap- flince sauer is now on his way to Porto Rico as quartermaster of the First Kentucky. The smell of powder is nothing new to Mike. We are offering some big bargains in Ladies Oxfords, sizes 1 and I l-U at 50c and 73c; regular pric J S-.00, 50 and SO 00. Logan &. Robinson What you pay out for rent is gone forever. You can pay the same amount into the Lancaster Building & Loan Association and own your home. U'ry this. J. C. Hemphill, Seejy. All persons oweiug notes or ac counts to the firm of W. R. Robinson & Uro. can save cost and much annoy ance by settling same at once. J. C. Robinson for W. R Robiuson & Bra Flue Outlook. Farmers told us Monday that the corn crop in Garrard will be the finest ever raised. It is free from weeds aud ii larger and stronger than for many y.-ars. Gutting Scarce. We only saw one drunk on the streets Monday. The increase of police force has scared the blind tier operators an i they certainty kept both eyes skinned Mondav. Secure your home through the Lan caster Building & Loan Association, and it will cost you no more than you are now paying out for rent. y J. C. Hemphill, Sec'y. Old Coin. Mr. G. B. Huffman, o: Marksburv was in our office Monday and showed a silver twenty-five cent piece made in 1322. Mr. Huffman found t le coin not loug since and will save it as a iuc! piece. Quite a number of good homes 'in Lancaster were secured through the Lancaster Building fc Loan Associa tion. Why do you not secure one? J. C. Hemphill, SeoV. New Trader. Bob K'nnaird turned "trader" Mon- d y. He bought and sold sivjia. cows and came out with the best cow on the streets and seei dollars in cish. of his purchases only had three teats. Taken up us Itray. Five black and two red hogs, weight about I'JO pounds. Conn to my place iune 1st Owner can have same by proving property and pai'iug charges. July 15, 1808. E. M. Carmack, 3L Paint Lick, Kv . lienor to Clarence. Clarence E. Woods, the brainy and hustling newspaper man, of Richmond, was unanimously re-electe i grand re corder of the Sigma Nu f aternity at Montgomery, Ala. His friends rejoice in this recognition of the merits of a mighty good man. Entertainment Prof. Milton Sneed and his chorus of excellent singers will give an enter tainment at the Court House next Tuesday evening, the 2nd. They will bi assisted by other good talont aud an enjorable evening is promised. Ad mission only ten cents. Vied In Missouri. The St Joseph (Mo.) nerald announ ce j the death in that city of John G. Williams, who was well known by many Garrard county people. He mar ritd a Miss George who has many rela tives hereabouts. On a Furlough. S.-rg Dick McGrath, of the Lancas ter c impany, is at home for a few days rest He, like all the others coming from there, reports tha boys in good health and happy. Dick is a fine sol dier an 1 as clever a fellow as you can find anywhere. - Wanted. 15),900 bushels of wheat delivered at our warehouse. Highest cash price paid on delivery. Bsst lump and block Pittsburg coal, 9j. Salt, Lime, Sand, Cement and farming implements. C C Glass & Bro. Camp Nelson, Ky. Colored Teachers Institute. The Colored Teachers Institute- for Garrard county, for the current school year, will be held at the Court House in Lancaster, beginning Monday, Aug ust 1st, and continue five days. In structor Wm. D. Thomas-. - tf. Elisa J. Lusk, Supt Our Boys Left Oat., In selecting soldiers to go to Porto Rico from the camp at Chickamauga, the Sscond' Kentucky was left out and the first and third are now on their wa3' to the front. Our boys are no doubt greatly disappointed but their splendid reputation will surely get them to the front yet. AVhite Teachers Institute. The White Teachers Institute for Garrard county for the current year, will be held at the Court House in Lancaster, beginning Monday, August S.h and continue five days. Institute instructor, Prof. W. E. Lumley. tf. Eusa J. Lusk Supt. Kids Wanted. I will receive sealed bids "rona now until August 1, lS'JS, for laying a side walk (accord i:ig to spcilica'.ions laid down in town laws from N irthcott's poultry house to corner of ola Semi n ary properoy. Length 2 0 feet wide Bidden to do grading aud furnish a 1 material. J. IS. Kinnaird. Says They Can't Compromise. The City Council of Paris employed an eminent legal firm to give an opin ion as to whether the city had a right to compromise back taxes with the banks. In an exhaustive report they decided that the city possessed no such power. The matter will be investiga ted and able attorneys consulted. Murderer at Large. Otis Malicote, who killed Lee Pigg near Narrow Gap, Madisan county, on Saturday afternoon, is still at large. Malicote and Pigg quarreled over a fifty-cent debt when the former stal bed the latter four times with a dirk knife, killing him almost instantly. A posse is scouring the neighborhood for the fugitive. Several Came lo Hooks. Several delinquents paid their sub scriptions Monday. There are others who keep promising, but their names will soon be sent to a collector who will make life a burdon 'til the amount is paid. We must have moac7. or we must shut up shop. Promisas don't buy paper and pay printers. ,1'rodhend Fai" 1 he Rockcastle County Fair Associ ation has the thauks of Tim Rrcoui for courtasies. The third annual ex.' hibition will be held at Brodhead August 17, 18 and 19. The show of stock at this fair has always been good and the fair is one of the best in the lata. "Will try Concrete Crossings. Danville, following Paris, is going to put down concrete street crossings. They have been tested in the latter city seven j-ears, and not only are more durable than rock crossings but cost about half as much. We have noticed this matter highly spoken of in several exchanges. 'It wi l certain ly bear looking into. New Hunk at Stanford. The Controller of the Currencv an nounces that the application of the fol lowing persons for authority to organ ize the Lincoln Couuty National Bank at Stanford, Ky., with a capital of 3100.00J, has been appproved; T. J. Foster, W. P. Walton, J. B. Paxtou S. J. Einbry, J. W. Alcorn aud J. C. Hays. Champion Cabhage. Mr. Charley Grimes, one of Lower Garrard's mo it successfnl farmer?, brought to this olli-'u a head of cabb:ie which we will put against all comers as the biggest and best of the season. It weighs 23 pounds and measures 3 feet 11 inches iu circumference. Across the top it is 19 inches. The leaves are perfectly sound and the entire head sound. Much Talk. Temperance speakers have mounted the raging stump in Richmond and are making war against open bar rooms. We are opposed to bar rooms, but would also prefer to be excused from listening to the average dry, sle2py temperance lecturer. Most of them are so dry that a chew of tobacco would not come "in case" in their mouths in three weeks. Wheeling Killed Him. The " Louisville papers tell of the death of Walter C. Morgan, who was riding a bicycle from Louisville to Lancaster. He was with a young Mr. Crow, nephew of A. B. Brown Sr., of this place. The heat was intense and Morgan fell from his wheel daad, the victim of sunstroke. The Courier Journal speaks highly of Morgan and says he was soon to be married to a lady born and raised here. To Six Footers. Col. Whitcshot, of West Virginia, is raising the First Regiment of Ameri can Volunteer Six Footers. Gov. Brad ley authorizes me to raise company "F" in Kentucky. No one under 5 feet 11 inches need apply. AU recruits wish ing to enlist will please apply at once to me in person, or by letter, to No. 49 1-2 E. Short St, Lexington, Ky. Van H. Denny, Captain. , The Wrong Man. Through some mistake the name of John Beazley was given The Recobd as the one before Kio.rt for s'e ing tur keys. The man tried was Afld-Beaz- ley. Jonn Uiaziey is an nonorabie honest and hardworking colored man, who owns his home and lives in the Marksbury neighborhood. Those who know him knew that he was not the man tried bat for fear some might get the wrong impression, we make correc tion.- WE ARE MAKING PECIAL Ladies Fancy Hosiery -A CORSETS Our lines of IIMUS STILL GO AT SOME GOOD THINGS LEIT YET IN Ladies' ail Hisses' lm The LOGAN North Side Pub. Sq. Wants Gravel. The Record has just printed a lot of big bills for the County Court call ing for bids on furnishing gravel for several pikes. If you want to sell any sea the bills. Get an Assignment. The many friends ol Judge Wm. Tot ten arc glad to learn he has baen as. signed to duty as U. S. storekeeper at Silver Creek. We hope the judge will keep his job til Gabriel blows his bag. pipe. Young Camners. Joe Burnside, Dick Anderson Joe Walker and others ranging in j-ears from seven to twelve, borrowed the Boone Club's tent, cooking outfit, etc., Monday and went into camp on Dix river near Joel Walker's. Guard at the len. Mr. Chas. M. Norris has been given a position as guard at the Frankfort penitentiary. He will enter upon h;s duties in a few days. There are a number of Garrard county men there as guards, among them Jim Grillhi, Cal East, Will Broaddus and several others. As the new Commissioners arc democrats, we suppose the Garrard delegation will soon be turned out in the cold. A Pleasant Trip. Eld. George and Prcf. B. S. Gowen have returned from a pleasant trip up East. They traveled over the superb C. & O. route and, like all the rest of its passengers, arj loud in praise of the lovely scenery and complete ser vice, xney visitea tvasuingion, jaw York, Old Point and many other big places. Now, if anyone doubts the glowing descriptions we gave of our tr pi up there, just ask them about it. The Sidewalks. The City Council is wrestling with the sidewalk question. Every man able to own property ought to bo wil ling to lay a decent walk by it and, from the standpoint of right and wrong he should do so without the law having to forci him. But some parties won't do it. If they have a good walk batween them and town they dont care a cuss what other fel lows have to walk through. Lancas ter has the poorest sidewalks of any town in Central Kentucky and we hope the efforts of the Council will prove successful. Co'urt Divided. When the Garrard county company of volunteers was orauizsd, they were ordered to assemble in tha Court House on a certain day. After run ners had gotten the men together, an order came from head-quarters to hold LOW PMC O N IT D- REDUCED PRICES 'ft , &t mi w n Lancaster, Ky. the men here a day or two. The weath er being bitter eoM, and the volun teers hav ng no blankets or overcoats, several public spirittd citizens started ti to secure blankets, etc., to maku the bays comfortable. After all ob tainable waro gotter, there yet re mained sixty or seventy m -n with aV solutely nothing to keep oil the cold. Tnosj hustling for the bays laid the matter before Judge Burnside and he ordered some t lankets, all readily agreeing that the county should pay for th?m. The matter was brought before tli2 court Monday and 'Squires Ike Mj-ers ard Noel voted to pay the bill, 'Squires Parson and Dunn voting no. Judge Burnside, then said ho would put the blanke'.s up next court day (they were sent back here after the government furnished other i at Lexington), and tc!l them at auction. What is lacking to foot the bill will bo paid by private subscription. It looks pretty short for a county with the wealth and good peo lo that Garrard ha?, to refuse to furnish a few blank ets for a company of men who havj gone to risk their lives for their coun try. Old Nieh to Celebrate. The people of Nicholasville are hust ling for their town as never a lot of good folks hustled before. They have organized a Commercial Club and are pulling together for the advancement of the town's interest. On September 10, the one hundreth anniversary of thi good old town will celebrated in grand style. Everything porsiblu to make the occasion a iu cjss is being done. They never do things by halves over there and it goes without saying that the big pot will be put clean in side the little one. It does one's soul good to visit a town like N'c toiasvr e. The people are glad to see y n anu ex tend a welcome which shows conclu sively that they are free from the dis gusting manner of thinking themselves b.-tter than the, rest of mankind. The Royal is the highest grade bakteg powdar knows. Actucl tests show it oson tfcM farther than y vtaerbrasd. mm POWDER AkMttritty Pure OVAL MIOMa rowee CO., MZW YORK. IT