Newspaper Page Text
IT'S WAR WE ARE CERTA FOR IT. READY FOE WE ARB SELLING GOOD CLOTHING FOR LESS THAN EVER KNOWN. SEE OUR GOODS AND BE CONVINCED. Toll Ss-red. lO Tias-es Orea:. Some of our $12, $13.50 $15.00 and $16,50 Suits now for $1 0. NEVER AGAIN WILL SUCH BARGAINS BE OFFERED. Fine Straw Hats 50c on $1.00. Negligee Shirts. Stacy Adams Fine Shoes. Suits made to order in Danville. COME AND SEE OUR SUITINGS AND WORK SHOP. 1 J. L. Frohman &Co., woirxn:iiir,rjL CLEJ.jViyC- SylLU. Always this time of the year my desire is to get rid of all the goods in my line whether Xget cost or not and my customers always reap a great "benefit. This time my bar gains will he GREATER THAN EVER, so first coming will get the Cream, All goods in the mil linery line go in this sale. MRS. MOODY IIAEDEN. CENTRAL RECORD. FRIDAY, July 21, - 1898 "PT? P ft A"XT A T I Judge Hemphill is spending the weelc at Crab Oi chard. MUs Xannee Harris is visiting1 rela tives near McCrcary. Miss Xellie Dillon has returned from a pleasant visit to Corbin. Dspot Aent Patterson is rusticating in the mountains this week. Mrs. S. D. Rothwell, of Dripping Springs, was here this week. Mr. John M. Logan is in the moun tains on business this week. Mr. S. Jordm, of Xicholasville, was in our city Saturday and Sunday. Misses Lizzie and Mattie Thompson are visiting relatives in Stanford. Miss Annie Austin has returned from a visit to friends in Crab Orchard. Miss Sadie ISaughman, of Richmond, is visiting her aunt, .Mrs. E. W. Mor row. A large crowd of young folks attend ed the ball at Crab Orchard, Friday evening. Mrs. William Uerkcle and daughter, Alma, have returned from a visit to Danville. Miss Lelia S. Dade, of Henderson, i& visiting Mrs. C. T. Jenkins, near Ury antsville. Miss Lena Gorden Tillett is expect ed this week to visit Misj Maggie Tomlinson. Misses Ella Moore and MaryPerkin'!, of Danville, have been Mrs. Wm. Ro mans guests. Dr. Hugh Grant and family left this week for several week's visit to Drip ping Springs. Mr. R. Avrett, of the Rryanlsville neighborhood visited W. B. Jarvis' one day this week. Mr. Wade Bush is expected this week from St. Louis, to visit his parents, Dr. and Mrs. Rush. Mrs. Dolph Rice, of Danville, has been visiting Mrs. Elbert Smith, at Mrs George Farri Herbert Price, of Danville, was here Saturday on his way to Crab Orchard Springs, for two weeks. Mrs. V. T. May and son, James, were visiting at Mr. W. li. Jarvis' the first of the week. Miss May Jarvis, who hes been con- Crab ui timi u Springs.? 35 gCOOI,, U EXHILARATING, cC g RESTFUL gp 8 MUSIC, S3 AMUSEMENTS, 5g GOOD LIVING.? For terms address G-nti TTnfVnn.TiTi. Pron'r.- m ' is fined to her be J for three weeks wi.h fever, is convalesing; Mrs. II. M. l$illou isvisitmr. iu Stan- ford. Miss Mab'e Royston leaves this week to visit friends in Middlesboro. Mrs. Rachel Hemphill is spending a few weeks at Crab Orchard Springs. Mrs. J. W. Proctor and daughter, Mrs. Duncan, of Danville, are guests of relatives in our citj Mesdames E W. Harris and S. B Henry speut 'ihursday with Mrs. J. 11 Carson near Crab Orchard. Judge Hughes and Clay Hamilton are working on a Maccabee ledge at Hubble. This lodge gives good iusui ance and is about the best we know of. Mrs. G S Gaines and daughter, Miss Julia Mae, leaves this week for a visit to Lexington relatives! Geo. Lusk was a visitor in this city Sunday. Jle is on duty as TJ. S. store keeper in Ande sm county. Miss Jayuie Shumate, who has been quite ill at the home of her sister in London, Ky., is convalescing. Misses Lizzie and Brace Pumphre' left this week for an extern e 1 visit to Lexington, "N'icholasville Wilmore. Mrs Carpenter, of Lexiug'o i, and Mrs. Turner, of Versailles, have been guests of Mr. and Mrs. N. B. Carpenter. Miss Nannie Gaines has retu -ned from a pleasant visit to Campbellsville. She was accompanied home by Miss Ruth Williams. Mis3 Eugenia Bush entertained at a dining Monday in honor of one of our brave soldiers, Sergt. Dick McGrath, of Chickamauga. Misses Mary Hendrcn and Irene Bourne, two pretty girls from Jessa mine, visited Miss Nellie Bourne in lower Garrard last week. Mr. John Mershon and wife, Mrs. Carper, Mr. J. G. Hagan, Miss Jennie Mershon, Mr. Tildun Urey, Miss Mat tingly and Mr. Fred Oakley, of Corbin, were guests of Miss Nellie Dillon this week. Dr. Acton and family have moved from Lincoln county and taken rooms at the Lancaster hotel, on Danville street. Dr. Acton brings high recom mendations as to his ability as a phy sician and surgeon. 1 he Recop.d ex tends a welcome to the doctor. James Rucker, of Paint Lick, who has had charge of the telegraph office here during the illness of operator Mc Cormick, has gone to Winchester to take charge of the office just opened by the Postal Telegraph Company. Richmond Pantagraph. Wm. Landram McFarland is visiting relatives in Lancaster. He is the only son of Capt. and Mrs W. C. McFarland and was born and lived in Lancaster several years. Ho is studying medicine at a leading school in New York and his mother is now in that city. He thinks his father was only slightly wounded in the San Juan fight and says he has never bien away from his company since thebigfiht took place. Persons troubled with diarrhoea will be interested in the experience of Mr. W. M. Bush, clerk o' Hotel Dorrance Providence, R. I. He says; "For sev eral years I have been almost a con stant sufferer from diarrhoea, the fre quent attacks completely prostrating me and rendering me unfit f r my duties at this hotel. About two years ago a traveling salesman kindly gave me a small bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Much to my surprise and delight its effects were, immediate. Whenever I felt symptoms of the disease I would fortify myself against the attack with a few doses of this valuable remedy. The result has been vry satisfactory and almost complete rilief from the affliction." For sale by R. E. McRob erts. lm. HE More Local. No Fair at Danville. The efforts to have a fair at Danville proved in vain, and there will be no exhibition. Hard to Tell. Its hard to say which of the two is meanest, the man who never pays for a paper, or the oae who borrows h:s neighbors Fair at Hustouville. We are under obligations to the Ilustonville Fair Association for cour tesies. Their exhibition will be held August 10, 11 and 12, and promises to be first-class in every way. JJlue for the Second. A dispatch says our soldier boys have b-en put to work building winter quar ters at Chickamauga. Instead of fight ing Spaniard's it now looks as if they will put in the winter in the woods of Chickamauga. Notice to Prohibitionists. There will be a mass Convention of the Prohibitionists oi the 8th Con gressional District, held at the Court House in lasvtlle, on Monday August 15th ii o'clock p. m. Ollicers will be elected, and a candidate for Congress placed in nomination. Any and every party proh.bition'st in the District is authorized to attend as a d legate. By order of the Executive Com July 'Joih 18JS. O. T. Wallace. 31 Makiugr 'Km Hump. The names of some parties who have never paid for The Recoiid since we took charge of it, were sent to the Chicago Collecting Agency several weeks ago. That concern is setting a hot dish for the delinquents and mati ng them wisn they had toted fair with us. We have another batch made cut and they too will be sent if the pirties persist in refusing to square up with u. We can not p iblish the paper on piomises. Court Day. .A big crowd came in Monday but business was dulL A few sales of stock were made, which are given elsewhere. While the demand for stock was good, yet owners wanted most too stilt" prices. Farmers are about through with their wheat. A little more is to be threshed from the shock, but most of it has been stacked. Several said they feared that which had been stacked would be in bad con dition by reason of moisture. If the rains continue that yet in shecks is sure to spoil. Serious Charge. The Richmond Daily Register says John Clause and Jack Hollingsworth, two white men, living on Paint Lick Creek, were trlel before Judee Sulli van this morning on the charge of stealing a horse from James Marcum and held to the grand jury in the sum of S300. The evidence adduced at the trial developed the fact that Clouse and Hollingsworth had also taken money from Ma cum, while the latter was intoxicated and they were im mediately rearrested on the charge of robbery. Splendid Connection. A Recoiid man went down to Row land on the night train Monday and the excellent connections made caused him to almost shout from joy. The train from Louisville gets to Rowland at the same time the one from Lancas ter pulls in. The two trains are side by side and passengers step from one coach to the other. This train then runs up to Stanford and waits there something mora than an hour and statti back to Cincinnati as soon as the Knoxville train, going to Louis ville, gets in. The trains are fitted up with elegant coaches and make splen did time. They are well patronized and the conductor told us the travel had greatly increased since running them this way. For Back Taxes. The Fiscal Court, at it's meeting Monday, instructed the county attor ney to take steps toward instituting suits against the Crab Orchard and Richmond turnpike for back taxes. A msmber of the court tells Tun Rec obd that tha Crab Orchard pike has been given in to the assessor at $503 for the seven and one-half miles in OarrarJ. The company now asks tha county to pay them $800 per mile for Telephone 136, it, and in fr.ct, the court has offered SI, 500 for it. '1 he Richmond company has given in n'o road at 0.5 per mile and aski the couuty "' The county has offered $31.50 for this property. The court' Monday instructed the utlje to employ additional counsel to assist the attorney in the matter. Annoying Sliko. A te'eram to a daily paper says Capt. Mike Salter and the Legion offi cers are at outs over some receipts for clothinjr. Capt Salter is quartermas ter for the Legion and it seems that during his absence some one gave out clothing to the amount of several thousand dollars. When he asked for receipts from those getting the stuff, he was refused. Of course he will get into no serious trouble over the mat ter as the men have the clothes and do not deny getting them. 'I he general impression here is that the whole thing is a scheme worked up to worry Sal ter. The Legion has a lot of pets, and one of their particular ones was Roy McDonald, who was quartermaster and who failed to pass the physical examination. This rued the feather bed aggregation and as Salter was given the place it is quite natural that the curled darlings should take out their &pite on him. If they think they they can bulldoze or run over Mike they are sadly mistaken. He is an honest, straight-forward gentleman and, if nagged at much longer, will spank every darling in Castlemau's nursery. Special Sea-Shore Excursions, via Ches apeake and Ohio Kailway. The Chesapeake and Ohio Ry., will run the following excursions to the Sa-dhore on dates named. The tick ets will be good going on regular trains, to which necessary sleeping cars will ba attached. On July 10 and August 11th, to At lantic City .and C:ipi May, via Wash ington, round trip rate only 14.00 from Lexington and correspondingly low rates from other Central Ken tucky points. Tickets good eleven- days returning. On July 2Sth, a round trip rate of S13 00 will bj made to Old Point Com fort, Va. Tickets pood going regular trains and good returning twelve days. This is the best time to visit Old Point, owing to the interesting military man uvers. Send in your name for sleep ing cars space or for any information desired. Geo. W. Barney, D. P. A. Lexington, Kentucky. tetter from Herndou Young. Ox the Battle Field, June 20. We landed on the evening of the 22nd, and camped on shore until 4 o'clock on the next day when we pack ed up for a march of eleven miles. After a march of three miles on the morning of the 25th we were fired up on by the Spaniards who were hiding in the bushes. After a three hours' fight the Dons made a hasty retreat toward Santiago six miles distance. There was only 930 of us asrainst sev eral thousand Spaniards. General Wheeler said he never heard of stand, ing fire like we did. We are now in sight of Santiago and a grand sight it is too, waiting before we make a grand attack, for our heavy artillery to arrive'and be place 1 on the hill that commands the town. Had the Spaniards known the pos ition they had us in they could have massacred every one of us, instead we had but 8 killed. Captain McClintock, Majjr Brodie aud Norman 0.-ra3 were wounded here. I thing after we take the city we will have a good time. Two thousand Cubans are in front of us ready to go into Santiago. The island in this part is very moun tainous and coconuts are plentiful. Oar band is playing and it takes one back to Phoenix, where I would often like to be. Very truly Hersdon Youxg. Troop B 1st. Vol. Cav. ADVERTISED LETTERS Remaining In Lancaster Post Office week ending July 35. Arnold, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac; Brant, Jarrott; Dudderar, Jno. T.; Huggens, Sanders; Williams. R. L. One letter addressed Miss Mattie Lee Basse tt. Madison Co., no post office given. When called for, say "advertised." kf AuiiuA CUBAN RELIEF cures f laHICrS CoUc, Neuralgia and Toothache vin five mutes sour Stomach and Summer Complaints. Price, 25 Cents. LOBE WALLACETON. Hiram Bowlin sold to Geo. A. Bal lard a small bunch of lambs at 3 l-2e pjr pound John Ponder, w o for some time has been in rather poor health, is now confined to his room. R. G. Mitchell, who, only two weeks ago left for Cincinnati, to be gone two years, was home on a visit Sunday. If the frequent showers continue a few week's longer, some of our farmers will have to "pull their old barns down and build greater,' or else leave some of their crop outside. 'Squire J. A. Baker and wife left this week for a month's visit in the West and North. They will first speed two weeks with their son, John M., and other relatives at Piattsburg, Mo , then coming back to Ohio, will spend a w-ck with each of their two sons, Wm. 11., and Chas. M., who live there. E. W. Baker is again "holding the fort" at Baker's school-house, for the 15th term, aud is now having an at tendance of nearly 00 pupils. Both the teacher and the children seem to feci very much at home and report things moving along pleasantly. Some of the prcsuut pupils are children of some of his former pupils. Sick headache, biliousness, constipa tion and all liver and stomach troub lesican be quickly cured by using those famous little pills known as DoWitt's Little Early Risers. They arc pleas ant to take and never gripe. Stormcs Drug Store. lm MT. HEBRON We have had plenty of rain. Master Norman Grow entertained a number of young friends Sunday. Mrs. Tom Montgomery is very sick at this writing. Miss Edna S-ott, who is teaching school atGunu's Chapel, spout Satur j.iy and Sunday with her mother and father at home. Mrs. Bessie Scott and two daughters, Bettie and Ruby, spant a few days I ist week with Mrs. Emma Peel, near Nicholasville. FLATWOOD. W. II. Furr sold five lambs to Ben Robinson for S23. Ebb Cook sold his old sheep to Law son & McCarley fori- per head, also his lambs for 4 l-'i per hundred. Miss Virgie Worrel opened school at Lawson school house Monday with good attendance. Rev. Johnson, assisted by Rev. Lay, are holding a protracted meeting at Good Hope church. Rev. T. II. Campbell, the Lancaster minister, is visiting W. II. Furr and at tending the meeting. Thousands of persons have been cur ed of piles by using De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. It heals promptly and cures eczema and all skin diseases It gives immeditte relief. Stormes Drug Store. lm Get One of Hese Boasters Free! Call at my store and we will ex plain. I aui still in the lead with BEST GOODS. LOWEST PRICES. Goods are all fresh. I can please all. LANGDON'S BREAD DAILY. PLEASE GIVE US A TRIAL. 1 1 ML U FROM Ladies 50 cent hose for 35 cents. Gents 50 cent Suspenders lor 35 cents, I also guarantee to duplicate any prices made elsewhere on Merchandise. Call and inspect. TERMS CASH. J. W. SWEE1TEV. p mr ! P ' or Field Fencing. A fence that always keeps its shape because it's built that way Nsthln? lint vv. z: lircivilv ga'vanlttd wire made of best Hcssc-mct steel i seil iu its con. Mir.ction amt in all the so different stylci made turn's bllfcitidt ofstcU and leaves the stock unharmci while the fence standi strong and sturdy. pj THIS hinge-joint makes an ad- ven's stay wires froir. Leuuing u THAT rimp makes rs t'ght a fonce insunracrasin win- r, r.nd preveiilsstay v.'ire rom being displaced. There's r.o fence that excels It; and few, if any, as good. Kanufactufcd ?y 1UEP.ICAN STHEL AND WIRE CO., PITTSBURG, PA. roa SALS BY J.C.Robinson, Lancaster. ALL WOMEN Should know that tha "Old Tluiu" Jiemedy, (Tsthc hect forrn!cTrmiM. Corrects a.l lrre;rulRrlUesiiiF:.ialu organs. MiotilillK) lukHH for ' w.xt oi Life ar.rt hefore Ca!U-Blrth. Flistcrs "M Tine" J:enraic3 liavo btvklttie tist lor tvvoiti ye alaiooniyb Wt-wSjuncpr Jleil'MneOx, Chat- tun.; 3, .c:;e&cc. 1 For sale by R. E McRobjrts.'Lar.caster J 530mwwowir3 Danville, Ky. Alii SATURDAY. PUBLIC SALE OF GARRARD COUNTY LAND. On Friday, Ansnst l'Jth at 10 o'cloclc a. m. I, J. VT. Poor, as-,igiit-e of William Dunu will offer for sale on the premises 2 inilea norrh-west of Jlryantsville, Ky., la Garrard comity, of good. Improved fnrmlns laiuNnnd 75 or 100 acre of timbered cliff lands adjoiniui;. which win ue tnrouii iu wun the lurm. The im provement.'! coiuist of a lame stock: l.aru. crib and ciw shel-. ire ho'ie. granaries .te. Plea ty oi iruu iiiui never lalllng water. TERMS: One third cash on January 1st. 'JJ, balance In two cnual iivinent-t in one. and two year'' with f. per cent interest from January Ut ls'JJ. The ilrst payment to be se cured uy approver! innorsers. u.m on or au-dres-i William Duun or the undersigned at lSryttutdvillv, Ky. St J.W. POOR, Assignee. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS- Garrard Lodge No. 29, Knights of Pythias, meets every Thursday night in Odd Fellows hall. All vis iting Knights are fraternally invi ted. G. B. SWIXEBROAD, C.C. J. E. Robinsox, K. R. & S. Notice. All persons havins claims ayiin-i the es tate of T. L. Harris, deceased, will present them, properly proven, to Joseph Arnold, ad ministrator of said T. L. Harris, or to 11. H Totnlinsou, attorney, within the next thirty days. All persons knowing themselves in debted to said T. I.. Han is, dee'd.. will plcaci come forward and pay same to said admiuis trator. This July 11. 1j05 Joseph Arnold. Adm'r. T. L. Harris, dee'd. j W. H. LACKEY j I Successor to Lackey & Gulley. iPirst-Olas I LIVERY SHE. ! I HANDSOME TURNOUTS, I RE A SONABLE PRICES. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO TRAVELING MEM. & f!lk THAN