Newspaper Page Text
9 ?f OUSE. y fid Ill -ri- M Scrofula to Consumption Any one predisposed to Scrofula can never be healthy and vigorous. This taint in the blood naturally drifts into Consumption. Being such a deep-seated blood disease, Swift's Specific is me only known cure for Scrofula, because it is the only remedy which can reach the disease. Scrofula appeared on the- lioad of my little grandchild when only 18 months old' Shortly after breaking out it spread rapidly all over her body. The t-cabson Hit- smv would peel off on the sli!hlc-t touch, anil the odor that would arise mute me at mosphere of the room rickenlns and unbearable. The disease next attacked the eyes, and we feared 6he would lose her sight. Em inent physicians from the 6urroyjdins country were consuued. bur could do nothing to relieve the lit tle innocent, and save it as their opinion that the case was hopeless and ini-. possible to save the child's -yesiglit. It was then Uiat we decided to try'Swtfft's fcpeciiic. That medicine at once niadi a sp;-ly and com plete cure. She is now a young lady, and has never had a sign of the dis"ae to return Mas. ULTU tKKRELHV. --alum. Kan. Scrofula is an obstinate blood disease, and is beyond the reach of the average blood medicine. Swift's Specific &? Winn A fas& inaJOTOtSlil is the only remedy equal to such deep seated diseases; it goes down to the very foundation and forces out every taint. It is purely, rtgttablc, and is the only blood remedy guaranteed to contain no mercury, potash or other mineral substance whatever. Boohs mailed free by Swift Specific j oompany, iiuuuia, uuurgia. 1 illllU M1UUU -cc-o e-froww-j cxrtK c-cx- yx c4$ C. A. Itobinson bought of V. A. Lear, 14 S03 lb cattle at 3 12 l-2c T. i. E.kin bought at Stanford court sonic nice heifers at 'A l-'Ze. II. F. Robinson bought at Stanford court some butcher stulf at 3c J. S. Robinson delivered to Foresttis Reid, of Lincoln, his feeders, weighing 1,170 lbs at 4c Burnside & Leavell bought of Mr. Mahan, his bunch of -35 cattle, averag ing 'J00 lbs at S3 05. Wra. Clark bought of Lincoln county parties, a bunch of 700 lb yearlings at 4c, andgLOO oa the head. You invite d'sappoiutment whenj-ou experitn-r-ri. DcWitVs Little Early Ri sers are pleasant, easy, thorough little pills. They cure constipation and sick headache just as surj as 3ou take them. Stormcs Drug S'ore. lm W. A. Pr!c2 bought a nice bunch of of 7o0 lb yearling cattle of Hamilton, of Lincoln county at 1 per hundred, l'or Sale. Forty 00 lb. steers, 10 heifers. scp-20 T. 3L and W. McC. Johnston. W. G. & C. W. Anderson sold and de" i m II Mm$W$Mw teel Frame Xijo 13i"ill. In , offering the Superior Disc Grain Drll to the farmers of Garrard county we do not offer them an experiment, but a SUCCESSFUL RE AJTy Our Drill has been on the market two seasons and we have made" improvements over the last two years that cannot i beaten NEW OIL CUPS IN DISC and a large single Steel Drag Bar. The simplest drill on the market. A great many have been sold and every one has given perfect satisfatction. It is the ORIGINAL and only per fect Disc Drill made. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. Tile Superior will do perfect work in CORN STALKS or TRASHY LAND and can be put into the hardest ground. If you want the best Disc Drill made, buy the Superior. - G. S. GAINES, Agt., Lancaster, Ky 4 We Greet iverything kept in a general Store. NET money. .We are prepared to prove ..itti t. 1 Y. lire son a n ce linni-h 0. Vv-ar'.i!i,'s LverapiDo 74 ) ILb s;t 4 , Morj than SUO.tOO tewing-inaehire . are maile in this country annually, which is !ij par cent, of the 1 reduction of the v.o.'hl. A French se'entist says a caterpillar can not s.-e more than two-; 'th of :.n inch ahe..l. The hair.-j on the body :rc s-iid lobe of as much use as its eyes in letting it kup-.v w is going 011 r.ronn 1. Kee .use hogs will eat almost any-t'-iin is no reason forgiving them al inoit anything to cat. The pr.tner f.-eillng of a wholesome nnd well b.ti uuced r;i li.jn is, as important as will, any oilier stoc'.c. A llojk of s ieip "viuterel ojstnw will .show a protty poor llecce. bVeJ ing may aft.T.vard bring up tlio lljsh, 1. ut it will have but iittle olltat on the wo.i!. It is possible to keep sheep 1'iroiigh the winter very cheaply, but it is not p l:ey to do so. An Ohio farmer, who has grown'al ialfa for eight years, says that it m kjs more gocd feed forks stick than corn or any other crop lie can grow. He cuts from three to four crops oil each year an i all km is of slojlc eat and thrive upon it. The iamb trade lias developed won" lerful.y, and breeders have been gut ting about as much for lambs as for sheep a j-car oldjr. At least a quicker jxturn is obtained on the money in vested. A revolution oa this basis ci iiii to bi til e'y working its way thr u; hjut the stock trade. DoW.tfs Witch Hazel Salve has the largest sale of any Salve in the world This fact and its merit lias led dishon est people to attempt to counterfeit it. Look out :or the man who attempts to deceive you when you call for De Witt's Witch Hazel Sa'.ve the great pile cure. Stornifs Drug Store. lm W. "D JIatherley, of Mercer, upon b.'ing questioned as to tiie farming outlook in his section said to the Har-rodsbunrD-Miioerat: ''There will be a great deal more wheat sowed in my locality this year than there was lss. year. Corn is heavy and is turning out well. All the cattle, owing to the fancy prices at which they are selling, have been sold, with the exception of a few which will be wintered and put on the market next fall. It steins that everybody is going crazy about raising sheep. 'Ibere are a good many hogs down my way, but most of them Lre being fattened and will soon be sold." Cittle breeders are now -having their long-deferred "inning." Feeders are in despair as to supplies. The market for strict- prime fat steers is now well up to the 0 notch, but well-bred youug cattle are so scarce that buyers cannot acquire a suilicicncy of them at any reasanablc ligure. 'J lie feeder is not to be envied just now. l-'armera who have maintained good bulls o. the beef types in service are the masters of the situation. Their wares are wanted. It is estimated that there are now fewer cattle in pioportiou to the total population in the United States than at any other period duriny the past twenty-five years. Breeder's Gazette. you. in the Midst oi another season with a More Complete and up to date line than ever before. E M SWEENEY. Mrs li. B An.ol 1, o. Richmond, and her pretty little daughter, Mabi 1 Claire, spent last weilc with henmotl -or. Mrs. Belle Austin. Mr. and Mrs. li. E. Thomo 1 have returned home from a vlit to M. Vernon. Miss Lei l:ilt ger-, of Crab Orchard, spent Sun day with her cousin, Miss Ellen Sow, of this viehiity. C C. lortman,of Stanford, a iling visit to .this vicinity Minday. Muster liragg Thomp son, is in-Mt. Vernon, attending school. Your correspondent visited relative at Crab Orchard, Tuesday. 'J ruth wear-, well. People have L-arned that DeWitt'.-. Little Early lli.-ers are reliable little pills for regu lating the bowels, curing constipation and sick headache. Uhey'dou't gripe. Si.orm.-s Drag S.sre. lm Capl. J'.o.iih- 3Iarrle 31r-. Aihtnis. CapL S-iin Boone was married Wed nesday at Fort Worth, Texas, to Mrs. Lizzie Ad urns widow of Capt. Jack Adams, formerly of this county. The editor of tins paper is a warm admirer o.r C.fpt. B:;oae an i no one wishes the gall int old warrior more happiness than do we. t TAXl'Oltl) ITKMS R. B. & E. P. Wood sold to S.ihoa Wield i cattle for November delivery, at 4 00 per hun dred. Same sold 24 yearlings to Ei. Logan at 4. Wood Walker bought of Lyon & Allen 4J yearlings at the same price, Scott, of Garrrrd, bought ."1 from E. T. Pence at 4e and 1 on the iu-ad premium. About "Q cattle here Monday, sold from 3 to 4e a pound, ac cording to quality. Price Bros. bought o. Hudson, from Adair, and others, Ij5 cattle at little less than 4e. J. .1. Wal ker bought a small lot at 4c, and I don't know how much Uncle Ben Rob inson did buv. Letter 1'iOin TiuU. Tiik Ri;c i:n has received an inter esting letter from Tin k (alias "Ihur nur;d") Anderson. Tink is stationed at Anniston, Ala.,- and is a brigade wagon master. Tink says 'I am at Geu'i Compton'.s headq-iarters, have a splendid position with little to do, and plenty tc eat, and a nigger to saddle my n.ule. Am quite well, though a good swig at lyro's bast would make me much better. Colton's regiment of mountaineers know how to n a k e moonshine, but they are all scared now. Oar brigades 4th Ky., 4th Wis., :rd Tenn., :rd. .'Ala., and a nigger reg iment, so 1 will close and take a whiff out of my old cob pipe." Every mother feels an i n d e -scribable dread of the pain and danger attend ant upon the most critical pe riod of her life. Be coming a mother should be a source of joy to all, but the sufferiner and mm danger of th e ordeal make its anticipation one of misery. 0 1 is the remedy which relieves women of the great pain and suf fering inciderit to maternity; this hour which is dreaded as woman's sevejest trial is not only made painless, but all the danger is re moved by its use. Those who use this remedy are no longer de spondent or gloomy; nervousness nausea and other distressing con ditions are avoided, the system is made ready for the coming event, and the serious accidents so com mon to the critical hour are obviated by the use of Mother's Friend. t's a blessing to woman. 51.00 FERBOTTIiE atall Drag Stores, or. sent by espress oa receipt of price. BOOKS Containing invaluable information ot CRCC lntorcst to all women, will be sent rncc to any address, upon application, by In BBADFIELD REGULATOR CO., Atlanta, Ga, Months nf nn rlpf-t reinnnl lv nrnr tone by feeding a few doses of th 1 em dy after hogs are past help l.'n u nsrc ana. mane extra nesn Dy feeding Dr. JIaas' Hog Remedy in time and according to directions. For sale by J. M. Iiigginbotham. . . lm IBHt 5 Cloaks, Baby Mine! TUFF 2LT THE RIGHT PRICE. - Dry Goods and ON, LANCASTER, KY. SERGitANT SHOT DEAD. Cnrporal lMwarrti Ji lls Scrt. Green and i'.il;illy Wounds Aniitlier Negro All of lliu ieveuili I in 111 1111 e Ite-rimeuc. Lkxixgtojt, Ky., Oct 10. A fierce fight took place in the camp of the 7;h Immunes Sunday morning, as the result of which one Negro is dead and another mortally woun led. It seems that Corporal E J wards became enrag ed at some trival matter, and drawing from his pockot a 48 caliber army pis tol, began firing at Color Sergeant Green. The first shot struck Green in the breast and killed him in stantly. Another bullet struck one of the other soldiers engaged in the quarrel in' the abdomen, inflicting a wound almost necessarily fatal Col. Goodwin sent a messenger to the citj to secure handcuffs for the pris oner and to notifi Goroner Molloy, who Sunday afternoon held an inquest 031 r the dead Negro. This is the first killing of the kind among the volun teers. IMPORTANT DECISION. "Xhc Court of A'l-trals Decides the Statute lit quiring Ilnilroads to Provide Sep arate Couches Constitutional.- FitAXKroitT, Ky., Oct 8. The Ken tneky court of appeals has rendered a decision holding constitutional the Kentucky statute requiring railroads to provide separate coaches for Ne groes. The law was passed in 1892, and the decision Friday is an agreed case testing its validity. The court holds that the law applies to inter state passengers as long as they are in the jurisdiction of the state, taking issue on this point with Federal Judge I'arr, who, two jears ago, declared the law invalid. The case decided Friday is likely to be appealed to the supreme court of the United States. Appointed to a Good Position. I1awi:svili.e, K3-., Oct 10. Mr. E. P. McAdams, of this city, has been ap Vointed to the office of secret service agent of the department of Louisville and is now in Washington receiving instructions. He will remain there about oO days, when he will take up his headquarters in Louisville. Mr McAdams is one of the best known and most popular men in Kentucky. He is universalh liked by all political parties; and everybody is glad to see him landed in a good place. He is 50 years old and has held one office or another for 3D years. rieaded His .Own Case.", Ky., Oct 10. John Booth, chargwl with horse stealing, who insisted on pleading his own case, was convicted and received a sentence of 12 3ears in the state prison. The case against John D. Young, jr., charged with killing Phinnej' Fasset, Jul3 0, 1895, was begun. Young was convicted and sentenced to the state prison for 18 years two years ago, and was granted a rehearing by the court of appeals. Shot Ills Sweetheart. Moxtickllo, Ky., Oct 1L Sunday night Alex Keith, a young farmer, culled on his sweetheart, Miss Lou Dick, and found a rival talking to her. Angry words passed and Keith at tempted to shoot the other man. Miss Dick -interfered, when .Keith turned his revolver on her and shot her through the right breast, inflicting a mortal wound. He then fled. Officers are in pursuit Kimblk, Kj., Oct. 8. Joe Brockman, a saw3-er at Grider fc Winfrey's mill, near here, was killed bj being caught in the machinery, being mangled in a frightful manner. He leaves a wife! and three children. CASH prices makes YOU it. Come and See. Here is one of those who are either so prej udiced against all ad vertised remedies, or have become discour aged at the failure of other medicines to help them, and who will succumb to the grim destroyer without knowing of the won derful value of Foley's Honey and Tar for all Throat and Lung troubles.. LOW RATES Queen & Crescent Route. Spiritualists' national convention, Washington, D. C , October 18-21 1S98 tynod of Tennessee, Madisonville, Tenn., October 25-27, 189S. Tennessee Christian Missionary Convention Memphis, Tenn. October 4-0 16"J3. M. E. Church South Holston con ference. Woman's W. C. T. U. conven tiou, Jonesboro, Tenn , October 5-14, 1898. American christam convention New Market, Ont. October 10-17 1698. Grand lode knight of honor Nash ville Tenn.. October 12-14, 1S93. Luther League of America, New York Citv. October 1S-20, 1898. (For dates marked Agents in Ten nessee only will sell.) Annual Convention. Christain church, Chattanooga, Tenn. October ia-21 1S9S. One tare the round trip via the famous Queen & Crescent Koute. lioKets on sale Irom all points, October 10th to 13th, good until Oct. 24th to return. See that vour tickets read bv the Queen & Cres cent. Handsome vestibuled trains Short Line. Free reclining Chair Cars n night trains. Ask your ticket oagents for particulars. EIG FOUR ROUTE TO CHICAGO! BEST TERMINALS Indianapoli Peoria a nd Michigan Points Trains leave Seventh Street Station and First Street Station. City Ticket Office, 218 Fourth Avenue. S. J. GATES. General Agent Tassenger Dep't. Lodisvillk, Ky. NEW LIVERY. I have purchased the "Wal ker stable and am prepared to furnish the Very Best Rigs on the shortest notice Special attention given Com mercial Travelers. RICE BENGE ORGANIZED 1883. PITIZENS NATIONAL BANK, U Or LAHOABTEB. ST, Capital, Surplus Fuid $100,000 15,000 BUSINESS SOMCITKD. Careful and Prompt Attention GaaraBtaed J. M. Higginbothxm President Lwia Y. Lxayxll "Vice-President B. F. Hudson Cathiei W. 0. Eionit Assistant Cash'r 0. D. Wxlkxb Bookxeepei DIBECTOBS: J. M. HlGOIHBOTHAK, LIWI8 Y. LXATBIX, J.S.Johnson, T. M.Abnold, H. C. Abkold, Jb. ' B.F.Hudson. A.UX.GIBBS, J.J.WALXXB Jacob Y. bobimson. Shoes Soifa Mutual Iirsstut Co., OF LEXINGTON, KY. Over $115;000.00 Paid in Maturities. Over $40,000.00 Reserve and Surplus. The Following Coupons Redeemed July 1898: Name. Address. Cost. Paid. Bev. J. H. Stanley, Lexington, Ky . $ 0.00 $ 20.6G Cllmar Printing Co., Richmond, Ky 90 20.0-; J. II. Baker, Lexingtog. Ky 10.30 22.25 J. Baber. Lexington, Ky 10.50 -J2J. Newport News Syndicate, Newport News Va .' 10X0 223 Newport News Syndicate. Newport News, Va 10.50 22.23 Newport News Syndicate, Newport, News, Va 10 50 22.25 Newport Vews Syndicate, Newport News, Va 10X0 22.25 M. J. Forston, Paris, Ky 9.50 20.06 Hattle Jacobs, Cincinnati, O 850 17.41 Patrick and Mary Fox, Maysville Ky 9.50 20.06 E. L. Denhard, Louisville. Ky 8,59 17.41 C. D. Doll, Louisville, Ky 8.5o 17.41 F. H, Norton. Lexlngiou Ky 9X0 20.0S F. H. Norton Lexicgton, Ky 9X0 2j.05 Mrs. A.T. Million, Richmon, Ky. 8X0 17.11 F. II. Norton, Lexington, Ky 9X0 20.0" Robert Hoefllch, Maysville, Ky 8X0 17.4 1 Mrs. Emma L. Latta, Lexington, Ky 8.50 17.41 C. and Martha Diggs, Lexington, Ky 7X0 1500 B. A.Spangler, Louisville Ky 7.50 15.00 Gladys Huffman, Butte Mont 7.50 15.00 Howard Snepherd, Lexington Ky 8X0 17.H Howard Shepherd, Lexington, Ky 8X0 , 17.44 Howard Shepherd, Lexington, Ky 8.50 ' 17.4 1 Howard Shepherd, Lexington, Ky 8.50 17 4 1 Howard Shepherd Lexington, Ky 8X0 17.41 Howard Shepherd Lexington Ky ; 8X0 17.11 A. J. Wlntersmlth, Paducah. Ky 7X0 15.00 B. L. Eggleston. Lexingtin Ky 7X0 15.00 Mary K. Fncfden. Lexington, Ky 6X0 12X7 F. M. Drake. Grand Rapids, Mich 6X0 12X7 Mrs. L. Z. Taylor, Richmond, Ky -rr---. 6Xo 12X7 B. R. Gray, Newport News. Va .... 6X0 12X7 Mary A. Warren. Lexington. Ky 6X0 12X7 Helen McElrath. Carrolton, Ky 6X0 12X7 OttoE. Vollenwelder, McArthur.0 6X0 12X7 Daniel Boone Club, Richmond, Ky . 6X0 12X7 Daniel Roone Club, Richmond, Ky 6X0 12 57 Newland Jones Richmond, Ky.... j ........ 6X0 12X7 W. F. White Estate, Lexington, Ky 55X0 144.C0 fiood&Co., Lexington, Ky 5050 144 00 W. F, White Estate, Lexington, Ky : 50X0 1 14.00 Annie P. Peay. Lexington Ky 46X0 132-00 A. L. Marschall, Lexington, Ky 45X0 129.00 W. D. Finch. Danville, Ky 49.50 1I1.0J John L. Fischer, Louisville, Ky 49.50 111.00 D B. Good, Lexington, Ky 49X0 141.00 V. N. Gardifer, Lexington, Ky 48X0 13S0O Mrs. Jennie Fesler. Cincinnati, O 46X0 132.C0 Lnke U. Milward, Lexington, Ky 4X0 126.00 Baptist Church, Paris, Ky 47X0 185.00 R. F.Johnson it Co., Lexington, Ky 41X0 117.00 R.F.Johnson, Baltimore, Md 41X0 117.00 O.R.Marshall, Lexington, Ky 46X0 132.00 W. C. Nichols, Louisville, Ky 22.75 61 50 D. B. Good. Lexington, Ky 45X0 129.00 W. B. Anderson and wife, Lexington, Ky 44.50 126.00 Rev: J. V. Riley, Versailles-, Ky 44X0 126 00 F. H.Norton, Lexington, Ky .. 41.50 126.00 D. B. Good, Lexington, Ky IX0 126.00 Dr. S. A. Donaldson, Lexington, Ky 42X0 Dr. S. A. Donaldson, Lexington, Ky 42.50 120.00 G. M. Asher. Lexington, Ky ...43X0 123.00 A. M. Newton, Lexington, Ky 42X0 120.00 J. D. Purcell, Lexington, Ky 41X0 117.00 Mrs.Sallie Owens, iexiugton, Ky 42XJ 120.00 F. C. Smith, La GraDge. Ky 41X0 117.00 Valente Sentney, Lexington, Ky 41X0 117.00 Mis. J. D. Armstrong, Lexington, Ky 41.50 117.00 Total I1.G6S.25 $1,415.40 Profit Over Cost J2.747.15 A SMITH BOWMAN, Secretary, For particulars call on J. C. HemjMll, local apt, Lancaster, Ky. Skin Diseases. For the speedy and permanent cure of tetter, salt rheum and eczema. Cham berlain's Eye and Skin Ointment is without an equal, it relieves the itcn ing and smarting almost instantly and its continued use effects a permanent cure. It also cures itch, barber s itch, scald head, sore nipples, itching piles, chapped hands, chronic sore eyes and granulated, lids. Dr. fadvls Cendilion Powders for horses are the best tonic, blood purifier andvenmfuge. Price, 25cents- ooldby R.E.McRoberts, Druggist, Lancaster FIRE ail LIFE INSURANCE SPRDIGilELD FIRE MB MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY. EQUITABLE LIFE INSURANCE CO OP NEW YORK. Robinson & Hamilton Igts Office over Post Office. LAXC 1.9T3B. Kestucki Bring us your Job Printing. John Hoshal. SLIMER & HOSHAL LIVE STOCK SALESMEN UNION STOCK YARDS, - - - CINCINNATI, 0. OUR COMMISSION CHARGES ARE . $3.00 PER CAR FOR BOGS, $10. PER CAR FOR CATTLE. Reference: Western German Bank, Cincinnati, O ALL WOMEN Should know that the "Old Time" Eeniedy, Is the bout forFensieTnnUM. Hnnwli nil lirefrt-larltlos in female orfans. Should be taken for Chanie el Life and before ChlU-Wnh. PUatere "Oid Use" Be-aeJk3.Uavo stood the test tor twenty years. Jtaie only by New Spencer Medicine Oa, Chat I tanouga, Tennessee. W. C. Slimer. For sale by R. E "McRoberts.Lancaate r mm