Newspaper Page Text
.EYEE.Y WEEK BY &OUIS Z.AXIJRA IT, Publisher. LANCASTER, KEXTUCXY. iOlfKYW. 1ST 1DTA.NCK. Six Month THERE " .J1.00 . -2S FRIDAY, October, 28 1898. Wiikx one's mother d.cs he loses tin bost, truest and most devoted friend it is possible to have upon thJs earth. Of cjurc there are others bound by the strongest tics, but '-Mother'" af fection 1olds fast w hen all others wa ver. Nothing1 is more heart-rend np than the sipht of the remains of those we love being1 loirerc-1 into an open grave, but this sad scene is greath modified when we Know the decasei has come as near living up to the com mands of God as it is poss b'e sor hu man beings to do. It is perfectly nat ural for every man to think his moth er the bst person on earth, (pity tin one who does not think so) Being- a devout christian, our mother striven hard to train us up in the wav which we slu.uld go, ami ntver did we hav c.mse to reirret our actons, when fo lowing- her advice and teaching. J we have anv good points at all wc owe them to the careful and prayerfui work of Mother. For all our bhort comings aii'J faults, we alone are re.- pons.iuie, ana sue is not. U ly a . hoars before her death, she called to her loti-s;do and admonished us tt put our trust always in uoit, and v.e need ha v.- no fear whatever o the fin al oi.teome. All of th'.s good advice givin bv a mother comes back to a m -ii when he set's her lying co'.d in death, and v speak of there things so tint thoe 'et i ndir a mother's car J may tateh ed if what she says anlfwaiic in tl.e piths she in.l:cite- It t jfrsti y;n to see the large num Leroi wen who have Kicked out from BSflhrr the party lash .m.i announce tB't they vi n in rai -r votv for the baft m: nuniiiirtfd 'Lh- dKgu.stinir prauizci! of votwig or a j-eilow dor sixnptr iciiu" he N "on my ticket" i rt-llv Li5ijf jy. Ofet.u si thr nr men m tto'i. nuriie n a; -r.i. !u.i to th old an: fcnvt- a li trcd f-.c anyone ivh.i dares to d nV fvora i nlag out VYfcea eieu . . r haed nan tliuM tckc i. . '.! tts i!f am- s.c ni.-! U,s t. :.,Ue..: ,. ,-. cmh -xiv t -eir ai.i jsy to .oo aft-r pubHj Hir.ur.i:;d cast ir.s vote ior the one he f iev s will piv.- the h-. i ai tMlto:i tu t!ie olliee. " m nr numb s.culta have bei tU-C'-'.i -iiip.y ik cause they were democrats or republi cans. It you will stop to think of it. ninety-nine out of every hundred o the "strictly party men" b'owing around for the simple reason that the. have an axe to grind. They are wha. may be truthfully called "Partisans lor Revenue Only."' Such people give us a pain in the abdomen. If there were fewer elections say one in five years these people would soon starve out. r UK desire to get something for nothing, has. grown to disgustingly large proportions among people lite years. The lutot and silliest "break" is made by a company of sol diers who were mustered into service at Newport, Ivy-., in 1850, and, by some oversight, were never mastered out Those left of this company met at xsewport, Sunday, and decided to make a fiht to compel the state to pay them for all the time since muster ed in, claiming that as they were not mustered out the pay should necessa rily go on. We do not suppose one of the men would dare make oath that his "services" have been worth a pen ny to the Commonwealth. As unrea so l hs as this move may appjar, it is about on a par with many other tj'pes of rascality practiced every day by people too infernally lazy to do honest work, and who expect to get seme thing for nothing. The London Speaker commenting on the slight foundation for the Span ish claim that Spain should be reliev ed of Tha Cuban debt, says: "If invest ors felt that international loans incur red against the will of the people would not attach to the country in the event of a change of government there would be less of that monetary sup port of mis-government which has dis graced the high finance of the Nine teenth century." The Speaker de clares that Spain has for many years charge 1 up an enormous debt to Cuba in the hopa of saddling it on the Uni ted States when the inevitable loss of the is'.and should come about. Tiih Peace Commissioners are hav ing a picn!c. They are wined and dined, work about two hours a day and receive outrageously large pay from Uncle Sam. U-his gang may suc ceed in do'ng gocd for our country,but .we greatly fear it will wind up as a complete far.:'-. 1 he Spaniards were whipped and we see no need in asking the Dons.' advice as to what the United States will do with territory justly gained. Mb. JL Lek Davis has leased the Richmond Register and will, together with Mr. H. R. Pickles, continue the publication. Mr. Davis will have charge of the news and editorial de partment which insures a mighty good paper. The Rr.coitD wishes its old friend and neighbor unbounded suc cess. ADVERTISED LETTERS Litters remaining in Post-Office week ending Oct 24th, 1S9S. Miss Nannie Raley, Mr. Frank Hcff aan. VY.en called foi say "Advertised. Wm. T. West, P. M. Lancaster Ky., MARRIED FIVE TIMES. The MatrlmouJal Experience of Mrs. Mary Horn, of Kentucky, Who i Hut Twenty-Two Years of A"C Louisville, ICy., Oct 21. Though only 22 jars of age, Mrs. Alary Horn, who lives near rrostonburpr, Ky., has the most remarkable marriage record of anv woman in eastern Kentucky. Within fcur years she has had five husbands. Her maiden name was Jones, and at the age of 18 she had her initial matrimonial venture. Her first husband did not live long. Shortly after his death she was again led to the altar. Her second marriage proved an unhappy one, and she soon obtained a divorce. Within a year she succumbed to the importunities of a former suitor who became her third husband. As in the case of her first, he did not long survive the union. A. little more than a year ago she was married a fourth time to a neighboring farmer, but they soon parted by mutual consent. Her fifth marriage was solemnized last May. The match is so far a happy one. MUST CHANGE CONTRACT. The Martin Chair Company Required to Guarantee Thirty-Fie Cents Per lay for Each Convict. FnANKFOKT, Ky., Oct 24. From a reliable source it is learned here Sat urday that the state prison commis sioners have served notice on the Mar tin Chair Co., of Cincinnati, contract ors for the output of the prison chair plant here, that it must before Novem ber 1 make, some important changes in its present contract, or that it will be canceled and the convict labor leased to so some one else. The change re- quired, so it is said, is for the Martin Co. to guarantee 35 cents per day lor each convict employed instead of un der the present system. The state board meets here on No vember 2, and final action in the mat ter will then be taken. THE R., N., I. & B. ROAD. Petition Filed by the Licnlio'cler to Set Aside the Kent Salo Made for S172, 000 to a. London Syndicate. Louisville, Ky., Oct. 25. A petition was filed in the United States court Monday morning by the lien holders of the Richmond, Nieholsville, Irving and Rcattyville Railroad Co., praying that the court set aside the recent sale of the road made October C, for $172, 000 to a London syndicate. The plaintiffs are G. C. M. and G. A. Shanahan and E. T. PoweH, who hold mechanics liens for 8180,000 out of a total issue of such liens of $100,000. In the petition plaintiff say that they consider the property worth fully 8:500, 000 and that they pray the court to set the sale aside. WILD BILL TURNER. The Most Noted Character in the Moun tains Shot and Killed by "Will Coouibi lie is the Last of the Family. Minm.ESiiono, Ky., Oct. 25. "Wild Bill" Turner, the most noted character in the mountains, was shot and killed by Will Coombs Sunday night. Turner ran a moonshine saloon on the stale line between Kentucky and Tennessee, and had made a fortiine. lie had killed several men and was a holy ter ror to his enemies. In town lie dressed well, was handsome, courteous and po lite. He is the sixth brother killed and is the last of the family. He was in the Turner-l'artin feud. HEART DISEASE. Capt. Carter, Chief of the Secret Servloe Ilureau for Kentucky, Indiana and Ten nessee, Found Dead in Tied. Louisville, Ky., Oct. 25. Capt. Thos. 1J. Carter, chief of the secret serv ice bureau of Kentucky, Indiana and Tennessee, was found dead in bed in his room in Selbach's hotel Monday morning. Coroner McCullough rendered a verdict of heart disease. Capt. Car ter was appointed several months ago to the vacancy caused by the death of Capt Michael Raucr, and was one of the best known secret service men in the country. Capt. Carter intended joining his son in Indianapolis Mon day, and when called to take the train was found dead in bed. The coroner's verdict was that he died of heart dis ease about midnight and without pain. Jail Delivery Frustrated. Owexsiioko, Ky., Oct. 25. The vigil ance of Jailer John Ashby frustrated a wholesale jail dcliverj' here. lie found 13 men busily engaged in trying to force open the doors with heavy boards obtained from benches. Caught in the Act of Rubbery. Mayfield, Ky., Oct. 25. Rurch Holl yer and Lethe Mitchell, two boys of this place,, were captured by the police in the clothing store of Pittman & El liott, which .they had entered through a back window. The officers were on the watch foij them, having been in formed of the contemplated robbery. The boys were placed in jail to await trial at the next term of the circuit court They are both hardened crimi nals and have often been in trouble be fore. ' Krant Will Get It. Louisville, Ky., Oct 21. County Clerk William 1. Johnson has an nounced that unless the present aspect is changed he will give the republican devica on the November ballot to Con gressman Evans. G. W. Hickman's Ambition. Fraxkfop.t, K3'., Oct 22. Hon. G. W. Hickman, member, of the legisla ture from McLean county, will be a candidate for state superintendent of public instruction before the demo cratic convention next year. Telephone Meetlns. The date of meating of the various independent telephone companies of Central and Eastern Kentucky at Crab Orchard has been changed to Wednes day, November. 2,. at Uastin Hotel, at 3 p. m. NEGRO LYNCHED. Tie Antanltcrt and Attempted to Murder Annlo Morrison, Daughter of a Cum berland County Farmer. Tompkixsvillk, Ky., Oct. 24. News has reached here of the lynching of Arch Uaur, colored, who committed an assaulton and attempted to murder An nie Morrison, oldest daughter of Hen ry Morrison, a prominent farmer of Cumberland count-. The crime was committed at the Mor rison home Friday afternoon about 3 o'clock. The members of the Morrison house hold were visiting in the neighborhood, except the eldest daughter, who re mained at home to care for the house. Uaur, unnoticed, went direct to Mor rison's home. Miss Morrison screamed for help when he entered, but' no one was near enough to hear her, though the house was close to one of the most frequent ed public roads. She fought the fiend with despera tion, but the Negro drew a piece of sharp iron, striking her two or three blows on the head and inflicted wounds that may prove fatal. He fled, believ ing his victim dead. When the neighbors learned of the horrible affair they formed a mob and pursued the Negro with bloodhounds. They trailed him to a small cabin within five miles of where the crime was committed. The door was quickly broken down. The Negro hearing the noiss, tried to make his escape through a window, but failed. When they entered he begged for mercy, but a noosed rope was quickly thrown overhishcad and abouthis neck and he was dragged, more dead than alive, to the woods, where the rope was tossed oyer the lim' of a tree he was hauled into the air, and the life re maining soon passed out of his body. The lynchers left the"body and disap peared. Eight bullet holes were found in the body Saturday morning. The remains were buried by Uaur's rela tives. GOEBEL LAW UPHELD. A Decision by Judge Cantrill, of Georse toivn, on the Celebrated Kentucky 'Force Bill" An Appeal. Fkaxkfout, Ky., Oct 21. Judge Can- trill rendered a decision at Georgetown Thursday night holding the Goebel election law, cr force bill, constitu . tional. The case will be appealed to the court of appeals. 1 Judge Cantrill did not render a writ ten opinion Thursday, but will prob ably do so later, and for the present the details of his holding can not be ! stated. The principal ground relied on by the opposition was that the law is in conflict with the federal statutes. and Judge Cantrill overruled this and other minor contentions. Bradley's Trip to Cliickamausa. Fuaxkfout, Ky., Oct 22. Gov. Brad lc3' has announced the names of 50 prominent Kcntuckians who will ac company him to Chickamauga upon the occasion of the unveiling of the monument to the Kentucky civil war toidiers in November. Movement of Troops Begins Sunday. Lexixgtox, Ky., Oct. 25. The move mentof troops from Camp Hamilton to the camps in the south will begin next Sunday, when the division com manders and their staffs leave. The regiments begin leaving November 0, at the rate of one regnent a day. Got Judgment for S580. nnxDERSOX, K, Oct 22. Judgment was rendered ajrainst W. F. Green for SaS'J in favor of Rebecca Berr-. She claimed Green got her to sign away her pension claim, on which he drew 700 and only paid over S150. Green has been arrested and will ba tried in the United States court at Owensboro for defraudinjr the woman out of her pension money, Two Days Courtship. Hopkixsville, Ky., Oct. 25. J. 'W. Porter, a wealthy fruit grower of Hy- poluxo, Fla., and Miss Ella Ferguson, of this city, were married here Monday and left immediately for their future home in Florida. Only two days ago Porter, who formerly lived here, met Miss Ferguson for the first time. Dead of Typhoid Fever. Bowling Ghees, Ky., Oct. 2; Charles T. Wooten, aged 21 years, who has been in the empldy of the Wells Fargo Express Co. at St. Louis since his fifteenth year, arrived here Satur day morning and died at an early hour Monday morning of typhoid fever. Overlooked Diamonds. Louisville, Ky., Oct 24. A man en tered the residence of Mrs. II. G. Rretit, and, keeping her covered with a revol ver, robbed her bureau of 8415 in money and a lot of jewelry. He overlooked a case of diamonds, however. New Trial Denied. Louisville, .Ky., Oct. 24. Special Judge Rutledge has declined to grant a new trial in the contest over the will of the late Isaac R. Green, who at the lime of his death was the oldest law yer at the Louisville bar. Kentucky Soldier Dies in Camp. Lexington, Ky., Oct 22. At Camp Hamilton private James James, Kentucky, died of typhoid fever. His home is Madisonville, Kv. Private Jo seph White, Company C, 3d Mississippi was found dead in bed from heart dis ease. Home, Boston, Mass. A Girl Burned to Death, noPKixsviLLE, Ky., Oct. 24. Dcila IBoyd, the five-year-old daughter of John II. Boyd, of Kelly, was burned to death Sunday, her clothing having caught fire at an open ootj, A .Short Sad Story. A Cold. -Nsglict. Pneumonia. Grief. Fai Foley'.s Honey and Tar been this story would have had a hap pier ending. . lm School cRbrts' Old books taken EVERY BRIDE and wife should know about the pre paration that for half a century has been helping expectant mothers bring little ones into the world without danger and the hundred and one discomforts, and distractions $st incident to child-birth. It M is applied externally, which lm C is the only way to get relief. i'V'l X Mprlirinpc tnt-n inrprnnllv rw. j v)j jlfti will not help and may o.VL result m harm. 's Friend A fits and prepares every organ, muscle and part of the body for the critical hour. It robs child-birth of its tortures and pains 7 -J " quick and easy. Its action is doubly bene Vficial if used during the whole period of pregnancy SI per bottle at all drug stores, or sent by mail on receipt of price Books Free, containing valuable infor mation to all women, will be sent to any address upon application by The Bradfield Regulator Co., Atlanta. Ga. FROM HOOSIERDOM. osi'oi:., l.u., Oct Euitou Cextkai. kecouu: '93. Alter our snort out pleasant vis it to our old home tins summer, we re.-Mjiveil to partiallv rcaiimo our lor .nor relation to dear old Ce.vikal lvtcoitn: but since our return to the iioosier btdte, one duty has been fol towing so closely in the lootprints of anotner that our time for correspond euce has boen limited. However, each Saturday as we eagerly peruse the pages oi treasuretl items about our iriends aa.l tneir welfare, we more liriuly resolve to let them know how pleasantly wc are situated. '1 cday ends our first month of school and a very pleasant mouth, indeed, haa it bjen, lor we certainly have a m del school with all the modern eonveuien- c -s. With all due courtesy to Ota ivcntucicy ana her school-system, we shall have to confess (to you Kentuck-' laus) that we are better pleased with he llocsier school-system than ever. Everything is more systematic. The tenant ollieer has already been around to investigate the attendance; but he did not find any out of our senool and we suppose he found very lew out any where. The pupils attend reju.arly, iiQu wm uuring ine entire winter. Although we have had our Institute of one week, we have a Township In stitute one Saturday in each month during the school term, in which we discuss our reading circle work, Pla to's Republic and Social Element, and a so other subjects, as Method, School .Management, and some of the common branches. Besides these we have oar County .teacher's Association on Fri day and Saturday after Thanksgiving, o you see we rarely ever laek the chance of mingling with fell ov-teach ers. If we did not have a faint recollec tion of reading an article some months a-jo penned by our worthy editor in winch he praised the meritorious points of Hoosierdom and contested th -m with some of the dirkest faults of the grand old State, Kentucky, we should greatly fear that we have boasted too much of one of the grand est things of this State, the school system; but, as it is we feel per ectlv safe, and shall leave well enough alone, at least until next time. HocsiEit Pedaoogue W WAY. WOMEN used to think " fe rn ale diseases " could only be treated after "lo c a 1 examina tions" by physi cians. Dread of such treatment kept thousands of modest women silent about their suffering. The in troduction of Wine of Cardui has now demon strated that nine-tenths of all the cases of menstrual disorders do not require a physician's attention at all; The simple, pure Wtofflni taken in the privacy of a woman's' own home insures quick relief and speedy cure. "Women need not hesitate now. Wine of Cardui re quires no humiliating examina tions for its adoption. It cures any disease that comes under the head of "female troubles" disordered menses, falling of the womb, "whites," change of life. It makes women beautiful by making them well. It keeps them young by keeping them healthy. $1.00 at the drug store. For advica in casss requiring1' special directions, address, giving? symptoms, the "Ladles' Advisory Department," The Chattanooga Medians Co., Chatta nooga, Tenn. W. I. ADDISON, M.D., Cary, Miss., says: "I uso Vino of Cardui extensively In my practice and find it a most excellent preparation for fecralo troubles.". Tvr BSiT Books DrugStre. in exchange. lteflectltiD- of a" Bachelor. The worlds'.-, opinions are the suspen .r- o a man's nsj cctability. Lots of men balieve in a woman that dci't take any stock in women. If cats ni I tin- r crying in the daj time womei. t ur near s luuch .or them. The minister -is the only one who knows what a . m ly doeau'i have eve ry night for supp.r You can silw yi tell how much a girl likes to ba kissed, by how s'loc'ced she looks when you talk about it When a w. man s to say some thing particuiarly nasty about another woman she says her husband i such a kind man, onli a little bit otd f.tshiou d. New York Press. It Hits The Spot. When suffering from a severe cold and your throat and lungs feels sore take a dose of Folfv's om-r and Tar. Wh-' tin' surtne w.ll be a t once relieved, a wa in grate ul feeling a n i ar's alfec ed wi l eating v xpericn ed and von will sav; "1 IT HITS the SPOi:"-! is eels so good. ,'uara ntecd, ORGANIZED 1883. PITIZENS NATIONAL BANK U OF LANCASTER. FY. Capitalt Surplus Fuid $100,000 15,000 BUSINESS SOLICITED. Careful anil Prompt Attention Guarantee. J. M. Hiooinbothaji iTealdei. Lewis Y. Leavxll Vlco-Presideb B. F. Hudson Caahu-i . O. RlSNKY Assistant Cash CD. Walkkb Bookkeepe DIRECTORS J. H.HieSINBOTHAM. LEW1H Y. LEAVZul. J. d. Johnson, T. II. Arnold, H . C. Arnold, Jb. B. F. Hudson. Alkx.Gibbs, J.J.Walker Jacob Y. Robinson. NEW LIVERY. I have purchased the "Wal ker stable and am prepared to furnish the Very Best Rigs on the shortest notice. Special attention given Com mercial Travelers. RICE BENGE THE L BAM CAPITAL 1200,000.00 ( SURPLUS. ( 165,000.00. -OF- LANCASTER, KY. A. R. Denny. President. Jno. E. Stormes, Vice President. Wm. H. Kinnaibd, Cashier. 8. C.Denny, Assistant Cash'r. E. T. Embky J. F. Robinson. Jb, Book-keeper Ass't Book-keeper. DIRECTORS Sam'l.D Cochran, Jas Spllman, Alex. R. Dennr. A. C. Robinson, W. R. Cook, L. Davidson. Juo.E. Stormes. R. KINNAIRO'S . Insurance Agency Representing Over -. 857,000,000 - In the following Fire Insurance Companies. Jitna or Hartford. Queen of America. National of Hartfort. . Phenix of Brooklyn. , Hartford of Hartford. Manchester of England. Connecticut of Hartford. North British and Merchantile. Kermxn Amer cab of New York. LlYcrpool and London and Globe. I also represent the old reliable New York Life Insurance ooi&cp-AJLsrsr. KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS Garrard Lodge No. 29, Knights of Pythias, meets every Thursday night in Odd Fellows hall. All vis 1 ting Knights are fraternally inv ted. G. B. Swinebroad, C.C J. E. Robinson, K. R. & S. SUGAR. 20 pounds Granulated Sugar for $1- 1 pound Bulk Soda 3cts Levenngs, the King of Coffee, pkg lOcts Everything Else as Cheap This Week, BLUE GASS GROCERY CO. E. W. PERKINS, Clerk, EPH. P. BROWN, Mgr. Be on the Safe Side and Insure your Tobacco. Office, National Bank. Not all well-dressed men are ed by J.C. HEMPHILL but all men dressed by HEMPHILL are Well Dressed Men and its done at a cost which means a saving of at least one-third as compared with some com petitor's prices. My lines of Foreign and Domestic Woolens are all in and I can show you quality and prices that will interest you. Ready-To-Wear Suits All Wool, at $6.50 to $18.00. Tailor-made suits to your measure, $10 and $35 I will guarantee to fit you, both in Tailor-made, and Read-to-wear Suits, and will ask you to come and compare prices after looking elsewhere. Truly Yours. J. C HEMPHILL Q E. AV. Iallard. X T 'nn d eading)"ruggists. tat Stationery1, Faints, Oils, Etc. DA1MVILLE, :-: KENTUCKY. V1a4am "DMf T..n. u6CwlOIl UH EOUCL 1SS U6i To Be Held Nov. 8, 1898. Garrard County Court. Called term Fiscal Court July 25th 189S. Whereas, the legal voters of Gar rard county, voters in the general election held in and for said county iu November 1S95, yoted in favor of the Fiscal Court acquiring' and maintaining the Turnpike lloads in said county, and the question being submitted to them, the said legal voters of Garrard count-, in general election held in and for said county in November 1895. there 'ore it is ordered and adjudged that at the regular election to be held in and for Garrard county on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in No vember 1S9S which is on the 8th day of November 1898. an election shall be held and a poll shall be opened at each voting place in each voting pre cinct in said county at which all Ie?al voters in said county shall be privil edged to vote on the question, "Are you in favor of issuing bonds for the purchase and maintainanco of the Turnpiko roads of the county, free of toll to the traveling public?"' and it is further ordered that the Sheriff of Garrard county be and he is hereby directed to advertise said election and object therefor at least thirty days next before date of said election in Tkk Oentrat. Record, it beintr the r.ewspaper having the. largest circula tion in aaiu county,-and also by print SUGAR. R. KINNIARD dress Jno. U.Stout. bionz, J ed hand bills posted ud in no less than four public places in each voting- pre- I cinct in sail county anl at the Court House door lor at least thirty days next before date of said election. It is further ordered that if the vote hereby ordered is in favor of said bond" issue then the Fiscal Court will, in obe dience to said vote and under the stat utes relating to this subject, issue bonds in any sum not exceeding thirty five thousand dollars, (S35.003.00) for the purpose of acquiring and maintain ing said roads and to be issued upon such terms as to time of payment and payments of interest and sale of bonds as the Court may in its discretion deem best, but the bonds are not to be sold for less than their par or bear interest at a greater rata than 6 per ct. per an numfrom date of issue until paid and are not to extend bevondSO years. The clerk of the Garrard County and Fiscal Court is hereby ordered to certify a copy of this order to 'the Sheriff of (Jarrard county on or before the 1st d ly of August 1898. R. A. UuRJfsiDE. Ju'lge A true copy. Garrard County Court.. Att: J. M. Duncan, Clerk. Pursuant to the foregoing order of the Garrard county Fiscal cou t, which is made part of this notice, an election vHl bcheld and polls opened at all the regular voting places in Garrard coun ty at the next regular election, wh'ch will be held November 8. 1S9S. which election, in all respects, will be held in accordance with the general election laws cf. Kentue'-T. J. B Sacs dee. S. G. C.