Newspaper Page Text
Donot miss your chance for us keeps BEST STOCK OF CLOTHING AND DDT GOODS IN TO WIST. JTIliUM. &LW OlUUH l!UJLJiQ. - S Morganbought of Jas. Speaks sgme fat hogs at 3c Gipt T. A. Elkin bought some extra yearlings at S25. per head. T. S. Elkin bought of Jack Bourne me 133 lb shoats at 3 cts. J. M. Roberts sold to Pepples a nice bunch of calves at 21. per head. V. A- Lear sold a nice lot of cattle to Mi. Fain averaging 7S0 lbs at 3.75. C. V. Anderson bought some butch er cittle from different parties at 3cts. r. G. Anderson bought a bunch of calves at from 817.50 to 2J. per head. A. J. Thompson sold to Clay Arnold some yearling cattle at S22.53 per head. S. Morgan shipped to the city a nice loid of fat hogs costing him from 2 3-4 to3j. S Morgan bought of Dr. Herring a white Chester sow weighing 5S0 lbs at 3 cents. Alex Walker shipped a nice load of butcher stuff to Cincinnati market this week for which he paid 3 to 3 l-2c Saunders and Walker shipped a load of heavy hogs to Cincinnati market this week for which they paid 3 1-4 cents W. B. Moss shipped a nice load of butcher cattle to Cincinnati this week which grazed through the su They sold for S3 CD there. J. W. Poor bought of Holman of Crab Orchard some 2 year old cattle at 3 75 also of Eubanks of Lincoln some year lings averaging 730 lbs. at 3.40. The farmer every 3'ear has to meet a wider and sharper competition and the necessity grows stronger for util izing eyery resource of the farm. A stubborn cough or tickling in the throat yielis to One minute Cough Cure. Harmless in effect, touches the right spot, reliable and just what is wanted. It acts at once. Stormes ru'g Store. lm An unusually large number of Eu ropean buyers are attending the horse ale at Chicago this fall and are tak ing a large proportion of the best ani mals put on sale. Monday was a fair court About 500 or CDO cattle on market, and nearly all of them changed hands at fair prices Farris, of Boyle, took some feeders at from 3 1-2 to 4 cents. Not much tiale for horse and mule stock. Sows and pigs from 10.00 to 15.00 and ches nats 5 cents a pint or 3 for a dime." More than twenty million free sam pies o.f CeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve have baen distributed by the manu facturers. What better proof of their eonfidanue in it's merits do you want? It cures piles, burns, scalds, BOf es, in the shortest space of time. Stormes Drug Store. lm A good way of giving medicine to a sick horse is to mix it with a bran mash. The effect of the feed in mak ing the bowels more susceptible to the action of medicine renders it more ef fective so that less is needed anil dan ger of spasmodic or painful action the bowels is averted. When the horse improves and begins to need strength ening food substitute oatmeal for the bran, the former being more nutri cious. Truth wears well. People have learned that DeWitt's Little Early Risers are reliable little pills for regu lating the bowels, curing constipation and sick headache. They don't gripe Stormes Drug Stsre. lm A writer on and breeder of swine writes: I lost several shoats, in fact eight out of a lot o nine. They would come to tne trough ana urmk, appar ently all right, then lie down and die. I was then told they had throat worms I caught the only remaining one aad poured down its throat a teaspoonful of turpentine. It squealed as loudly as any of them, but lived and raised fine litter of pigs. Oae Minute Cough Cure surprises people by its quick cures and children may take it in large quantities with out the least danger. It has won fo itself the best reputation of any prep aration us id to-day for colds, croup, tickliag in the throat or obstinate coughs. Stormes Drug Store. lm There is nothing more true than that the flavor that butter contains deter mines to a great extent the price the consumer is willing to pay for it. Strictly "gilt-edge" farm butter or pri vat dairy butter commands a good price and there are. more would-be customers than can be supplied. Twen ty-five and thirty cents per pound for butter of delicate aroma is a very com' mon price, but the maker of just "or dinary" never receives it It is true that the fine flavor of butter is produc ea in many cmterent ways. And we would aid; the poor flavor of batter is also proiuced in many different ways, some of the causes are beyond the housewife's ability to prevent If fo instance, she has been making sweet. aesiraDie outier irom cows lea on clean, sweet hay, oats and corn and other such articles of diet, she cannot prevent the utterly distasteful flavor of her butter when those cows have been turned upon rye pasture and left to feed there day after day. If she has butter customers she is verv ant to drop them. If she does not they will soon be excusing themselves from taking longer. How to Prevent Croup. We have two children who are sub- ject to attacks of crouD. Whenever an attack is coming on my wife gives them Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and it always provents'the attack. It is a housohold necessity in this county and no matter what else we run out of it would not do to be without Cham berlain's Cough Remedy. More of it is sold here than of all other cough medicines combined. J. M. Nickle, of luckle Bros., merchant?, Nickleville, Pa. For sale by R E. McRoberts. lm THE SUPERIOR. teel Frame J3iso JOrill. x In offering the Superior Disc Grain Drll to the farmers of Garrnrd ?t SRrWe ? n?f ,?tr them an exPeriment, but a SUCCESSFUL RE AM, i v. Uur Drill has been on the market two seasons and wei have SrnPoSS12 last two years that cannot b 1Vaten NEW OIL CUPS IN DISC and a large single Steel Drag Bar. The simplest drill on the market. A great many have been sold and every one has given perfect satisfaction. It is the ORIGINAL and only per fect Disc Drill made. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. The Superior will do perfect work in CORN STALKS or TRASHY LAND and can be put into the hardest ground.Ifyou wane the best Disc Drill inada, buy the Superior. G- S. GAINES Agi, Lancaster, Ky BRYANTSVILLE. Miss Helen Baker, of Nicholasville, was the guest of Miss Powel, Saturday and Sunday. B. P. Patton made a business trip to Corbin, this week. J. L. Jennings, little daughter and son, after a two weeks pleasant visit to their parents have returned to their heme in Illinois. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Haselden visited Mr. and Mrs. Will Harp, of Danville, Snnaay. Mrs. Hal lie Deatherage has returned to her home in Richmond. Miss Bettie Ma han is visiting friends in Jessamine, this week. Mts. Hutchinson is visit ing Mrs. W. A Smith. Dr. Par and wife, from Indiana, are visiting rela tives in this section. Miss Alice Dunn, of Danville, is visiting her mother. Rev. Darst and family from Louisville, are visiting C. M. Jenkins. We are glad to know that the sick in our town are improving. Will Marks bury is better again. There will be preaching at Pleasant Grove, Sunday, it being the fifth Sun day. Rev. Yeafter, from Wilmore, will preach at the Methodist church here next Sunday and Sunday night The 53th anniversity of the marri age of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Jennings, was celebrated at their home in Bry antsville, Oct. 12, and was pronounced by all present to be one of the most enjoyable affairs ever witnessed in that vicinity; there being present four generations. About 45 children and grand-children were present the lit tle daughter of J. M. Hughes being the only great grand-daughter present Ihe parlor was beautifully decorated in yellow. The table was set in the yard and was lovely decorated in red, white and blue. The music rendered by Mrs. C M. Jenings and otkers ad ded to the enjoyment of the day. The children present were, J. D. Jennings, and family; Mrs. Nannie Hughes, and family; C. M. Jennings, and family; R. L. Jennings, Mrs. Dora Ballard, of Paint Lick, Mrs. Allie Haselden, Bry- antsville, Dr. J. M. Jennings, and fam ily, J. L. Jennings, ani family, of Illi nois. We sincerely, trust that the couple may live to celebrate their 75th anniversary and be blessed with health, prosperity and happiness. Rev. Zeagler will lecture at Brown's Chapel, Buena Vista, Saturday night. and will preach at the Presbyterian church Sunday. Just received, a new line of walking hats and sailors. Mra A. S. Haselden, Old fashions in dress may be revived, ut no old fashioned medicine can re place Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remady. For sale by R. E. McRob?rts. . lm GOING DOWN HILL. People suffering from Kidney Diseas es, feel a gradual but steady loss of strength and vitality. They should lose no time in trying Foley's Kidney Cure, a Guaranteed Preparation. fromthis place to Woodford County Sunday. We are glad to report Mr. Isaac Mon gomery improving. Mrs. Rilda Ed gington and Landram Burdett are very sick of feer. Miss May Scott has dyptheria. A series ol meeting commenced afr this place Sunday conducted by Rev J. I. Wills. We wish them much sue cess and hope it will be the means of bringing many poor sinners to Christ Miss Lula Rogers is the charming guest of Mrs. W. D. Scott. Miss A. E. Scott visited her parents Saturday and Sunday. Miss Maggie Bruce returned Saturday from a too weeks stay with his sister in Mercer. The marriage of Mr. Ed Eason and Miss Mattie Stults took place in ML Hebron church last Thursday after noon, Rev. G. W. Thompson official ing. The bride is a charming young lady of about twenty and the groom a young widower with one little girl. We entend our congratulations and wish them a bright and successful journey through life. You invite disappointment when you experiment. De Witt's Little Early Ri sers are pleasant, easy, thorough little puis. They cure constipation and sick headache just as sure as you take them. Stormes Drug Store. lm MoCREARY. BUCKEYE. A protracted meeting is being con' ducted at Gunn's Chapel, by Xhz pas tor, and Rev. Collins, of Bardwell, and Rev. Utkinon, of Barboursville. The entertainment at the Baptist church here was well attended, consid ering the inelement weather, and from S15. to $29 realizsd. All who took part in the entertainment,, which was most ly our home girls and boys, acquitted themselves well. Those from a dis tance who added greatly to the enjoy' ment of the occasion were Letcher Owsley, Misses Elisa Lusk, Florence Burnside, and Elveree Wallace. Mrs. Reed Teater, and daughter, Mrs. Wheeler, and son, Thelton and wife, of Mercer, are with relatives here. Hollas Ranodall, of Buena Vista, visi ted relatives here Friday. Roy Arnold of Bryantsville, was with his sister, Miss Claudia Saturday and Sunday, Joseph Simpson, has returned from 1 visit to Owenaboroiigh Ky. Mrs. Her od Ray, went to Lexington last week; o have some dental work done. Me. id Mrs. .T. W. Brown made very en joyable visit to the mountains last woik Chesnut 1 untin-' was the cl. f mu-eracnt. Jtobjrt Leory an I wife, n.e Hiss Plor.i Ray, of Madison, visi tld the latters parents here Saturday and Sunday. Wheayou call for DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve the great pile cure, don't ccept anything el-e. D jn't be tal ted into accepting a substitute, for piles, for sores, for burns. S:ormes Drug Store. lm MT. HEBRON The-farmers are doing a great deal of grumbling about the wet weather. Mr. E3 Clause and family..moved Born, to the wife of Chas. Tartar, a fine boy. Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Warner, of Stan ford, are visiting Mrs. P. G. Wai ner. iur. ijisn Dorbes ana wife are iruests of relatives m Mt Hebron, this week. Misses Everee Wallace and Florence Burnside, of Point Lea veil, visited friends here and took part in the en tertainment at Buckeye. Logan Ham has gone to Russell county to spend the winter. Mrs. D. Gulley is the guest of Mrs. Dave Huderson, at H: attsville, this week, Lewis Mitchell, of Stone, visited his sister. Mrs. Robt. Burton, last week. You ought to know that when suf fering from any kidney trouble that a safe, sure remedy is Foley's Kidney Cure. Guaranteed, or money refund ed. . lm piMf amaNUBIAN TEA cures Dyxpep r llllllvl v 6ia, Constipation and Indi gestion. Bulates the Liver. Price, 25 cts. Incomparable Service. The Queen & Crescent tr..ins are the finest trains run in the State of Ken tucky. Four daily trains to Cincinnati con nect with the main hiphwavs of the Great Trunk lines of the North, West and East This is the line nar-excellen Washington. New -York. Boston and the East The Queen & Crescent connects with every line out of Cincinnati. S. T. Swift, P. & T. A., Lexington, Ky. W. G. Morgan, D.P.A., Lexington, Ky PfaHforC CUBAN OIL can I llllllvl 9 Cuts, Burns, Bruises, Rheu matism and Sores. Price, 25 cents BACK CREEK. I am Captain Jenks, of the Alger crew, And I mean to swear Russ Alger tirJ In spite of all that you can do, For I came from Chickamauga. I'm pretty well versed in politics And the various sorts I neatly nvx, For I'm fully up to all the tricks That prevailed at Chickamauga. My few remarks are cut and dried, And Alger himself the tale has tried, And it's hard to prove that I have lied, Though I came from Chickamauga. So each august committeeman Must keep as silent as he .can, And let me proceed with the little plan Which I brought from Chickamauga. In a short set speech the case I state,. And Alger I fully exonerate From all the wrongs, both little and great, That occurred in Chickamauga. No, there j'cu have it, and that's enough 'Tis easy to see that I'm up to snuff, And you needn't try to cut up rough, With a man from Chickamauga. Why can't you let me alone, I say? Take off that cock-eyed man, I pray We never were treated in any sucli a way Down there in Chickamauga. He tangles my story can't you see? And makes me say more than's good for me, Who comes from Chickamauga. You don't believe it? I'd have vou know That at home we don't treat witnesses so, And 1 want to pack up my things and Straight back to Chickamauga. mm Until mi hi Co., OF LEXINGTON.iKY. Over $115,000.00 Paid in Maturities. Over $40,000.00 Reserve and Surplus. The Following Coupons Redeemed July 1898: DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve has the largest sale of any Salve in the world This fact and its merit has led dishon est people to attempt to counterfeit it Look out for the man who attempts to deceive you when you call for DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve the great pile cure. Stormes Drug Store. lm BIS nn BUTE TO CHICAGO! BEST TER1SHNALS Indianapolis, Peoria and i Michigan Points Trains leave Seventh Street Station and First Street Station. City Ticket Office, 318 Fourth Avenue. - S. J. GATES. General Agent Passenger Dep't. ' . Louisville, Ky. j Give your Stomach a Rest. ELECTRDFDIBE The trouble with moat sick people la that In their anxiety to get well they try first this nos trum, then that, until the poor htomach rebels and cans a halt. There's a better way. What the body needs Is oxygen more oxygen. The Electropolse is simply an instrument which, when applied to the ankle or wrist for a short period each day, polarizes the body and ena bles It to take ou oxygen more freely. The Electropolee cures without medicine. One Instrument lasts a lifetime. Send for descrip tive book and read what noted people say about the Electropolse. Miss Clara Pabton'b Letter Constantinople, February 21, 1896. Dear Sirs: When in London the other day I received two packages from the United States embosiy, each containing on Electropolse: today I received your- kind letter. Please al low me to thank you heartily and gratefully for the splendid little machines. As ybu re member, I am not an entire stranger to the virtues of the Electropolse, and will take great pleasure lu pacing your offering to afflicted humanity, Vtry slnceiely yours. CLAItA BARTON, Name. Address. - Cost. Rev. J. H. Stanley, Lexlncton, Ky $ 9.50 Climax Printing Co., Richmond, Ky 9.50 J. H. Baker, Lexlngtog. Ky 10.50 J. Baiter, Lexington, Ky jo.50 Newport News Syndicate, Newport News Va 10M Newport News Syndicate. Newport News, Va 10M Newport News Syndicate, Newport, News, Va 10.50 Newport Vews Syndicate, Newport News, Va 10 JO M. J. Foraton, Paris, Ky gM Hattie Jacobs, Cincinnati, 0 8.50 Patrick and Mary Fox, Maysvllle Ky 9.50 E. L. Denhard, Louisville. Ky 8.50 C. D. Doll, Louisville, Ky 8.5ff F. H.Norton. Lexington Ky 90 F. H. Norton Lexlcgton, Ky 9.59 Mrs. A. T. Million, Richmon, Ky 8.50 F. H. Norton, Lexington, Ky 9.50 Robert Hoefllch. Maysvllle, Ky 8.50 Mrs. Emma L. Latta, Lexington, Ky 8.50 C. and Martha DIggs, Lexington, Ky 7.50 B. A.Spangler, Louisville Ky . 7.50 Gladys Huffman, Butte Mont 7.50 Howard Snepherd, Lexington Ky . 8.50 Howard Shepherd, Lexington, Ky tV.... 833 Howard Shepherd, Lexington, Ky 8.50 Howard Shepherd, Lexington, Ky 8.50 Howard Shepherd Lexington, Ky 8.50 Howard Shepherd Lexington Ky 8.50 A. J. Wlnterismlth, Paducah. Ky 7.50 B. L. Eggleston. Lexingtin Ky 7.50 Mary K. Fadden, Lexington, Ky 6.50 F. M. Drake. Grand Rapids, Mich 6.50 Mrs. L. Z. Taylor, Richmond, Ky 6.5o B. R. Gray, Newport News. Va 6.50 Mary A. Warren, Lexingtun. Ky M 6.50 Helen McEIrath, Carrolton, Ky . 6.50 Otto E. Vollenwelder, McArthHr.O 6.50 Daniel Boone Club, Richmond, Ky 6.50 Daniel Jtoone Club, Richmond, Ky . 6.50 Newland Jones Richmond, Ky..... g.50 W. F. White Estate, Lexington, Ky 53.50 Good fc Co., Lexington, Ky 50.50 W. F, White Estate, Lexington, Ky ; 50.50 Annie P. Peay. Lexington Ky 46.50 A. L. Marschall, Lexington, Ky 45.50 W. D. Finch. Danville, Ky 49 50 John L. Fischer, Louisville, Ky 49.50 D B. Good, Lexington, Ky . 49.50 V. N. Gardner, Lexiogton, Ky a, 43.50 Mrs. Jennie Fealer. Cincinnati, O 45.50 Luke U. Milward, Lexington, Ky 44.50 Baptist Church, Paris, Ky 47.50 R. F.Johnson & Co., Lexington, Ky 41.30 R.F.Johnson, Baltimore, Md -11.50 O. R. Marshall. Lexington, Ky 46.50 W. C. Nichols, Louisville, Ky 22.75 D. B. Good, Lexington, Ky 45.50 W.S. Anderson and wife. Lexington, Ky 44 jo Rev. J.V. Riley, Versailles, Ky 44.50 F.H.Norton, Lexington, Ky 440 D. B. Good, Lexington, Ky 44.50 Dr. 8. A. Donaldson, Lexington, y 43.50 Dr. S. A. Donaldson, Lexington, Ky .....42.50 G. M. Asher. Lexington, Ky 43.50 A. M. Newton, Lexington, Ky 430 J. D. Purcell, Lexington, Ky 41 jo Mrs. Sallle Owens, Lexington, Ky 40.53 F. C. Smith, La Grange. Ky 4iJA ValenteSentney, Lexington, Ky 41 .50 Mis. J. D. Armstrong, Lexington, Ky 41.50 Paid. 20.66 20.06 22.25 22.35 22.25 22.25 22.25 52.25 20.06 17.44 20.05 17.44 17.44 30.OJ 20.00 17.44 20.0G4 17. 17.44 1500 15.00 15.00 17.44 17.44 17.44 1744 17.44 17.44 15.00 15.00 12.57 12.57 12.57 12.57 12.57 127 12.57 12.57 1257 12.57 144.CO 144 00 144.00 132-00 129.00 141.0) 141.00 141.00 138 CO 132.C0 126.00 135.00 117.00 117.00 132.00 6150 129.00 126.00 126 00 126.00 126.00 120.00 123.00 120.00 117.00 120.00 117.00 117.00 117.00 Total $1,668.25 $4,415.40 Profit Over Cost 2,747.15 A SMITH BOWMAN, Secretary, For particulars call on J. C. Hemphill, local apt, Lancaster, Ky. Skin Diseases. For the Bpeedy and permanent cure of tetter, salt rheum and eczema, Cham berlain's Eye and Skin Ointment is without an equal. It relieves the itch ing and smarting almost instantly- and its continued use effects s permanent cure. It also cares itch, barber's itch, scald head', sore nipples, itching piles, chapped hands, chronic sore eyes and granulated Has. Dr. CtdT'ft Condition Powders for horses are the best tonic, blood purifier md vermifuge. Price, 25 cents- Sold by R.E.McRobcrts, Drugg:st, Lancaster Dubois & webb. 513 Fourth Avenue, Louisville, Ky. K. C. Branch. gonth-b'nd Mixed, passes Lancaster, 11 -25 a, tforth-b'nd Mixed, , 4-50 r. Nnrth-h'nrt Pnna'cr . .. . North-b'nd Pass'cr 8ontn-b'cd a:52 a. y. U39 A.M. ME ani VSl INSURANCE SPRINGFIELD HRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY. EQUITABLE LIFE INSURANCE DO OP NEW YOKK. RoMdsod Marailtoilgts Office ovei Post Office. (Avo.vsc.tft : : : Kentucky-: Bring us your Job Printing, W. C. Sumer. John Hoshau SLIMER & HOSHAL LIVE STOCK SALESMEN UNION STOCK YARDS, - - - CINCINNATI, O. OlOt COMMISSION CHARGES ARB $3.00 PER CAM FOR BOGS, $10. PER CAR FOR CATTJE. Reference: Western German Bank. Cincinnati.O ALL WOMEN SaouM know tnat the "Ola i1ruo" Eecieay, Is the best for haalt TiwUm. Comets all 'rrarajOTiiesinFMBatoOramfu. SnotthlM taken for Cant ( Ufa aad before CaJM-SMtV navo stood tuo '-ire Co., Chat '14 Tla -t.r. trvenra. pJlrsa. byR. E. McRoborti.Lancaater J