Newspaper Page Text
Blue VOZ,VME IX. Knterca at tA Post Office in Lancnnfr. Ky., it eiecond Class Jiartet . NUMBER 30 rottJ?,fiL?!K LANCASTER, KY., FRIDAY, NO VEMBE , 11. 1898. " " , ' tl.00 v er Year in Advantt. . . . ' CASH PBICBS. J. B. HASELDEN, STOVE AND TIN HOUSE. Coal bucket Nickel plated poker -nici hard handle Alaska cold handle poker A good wire close line Hope close line Large size galvenizad dipper Sa prist v wn r Splendid I lit .1., Exc-Ui a . at. in jllvvr All steei cake turner Diit pan. an . o 1 .r Wire c ff-e tra ner coif e s ra u r irg. Toilet no i, 3 pit-e ii. c- ..eCfrate Good casi si e. hatchet All steel rv pm. No. 7 or 8 All steel .skillet So 8 Good buck saw, Very good hand saw (steei) Good bug-fry whip, extra good, 14c wood 5c 10c 14c 5c 10c 4 1) lue tic He 5 !'c line -'5c 11) 2c 50c 4 Sic 10c J. 11. HAhLLDEN. Col.W. G.Welch. Stanford. , I. Williams Lancaster. WELCH &' WILLIAMS Attorneys at Law, Lancaster Ky. AH business attended to promptly BEAZLEY&BAU&HIAN. FUNERAL DIRECTORS, VRTERIAL and CAVITY EM BALMING a SPECIALTY. Furniture, Carpets, &c. Lancas' er, Ky. SPECIAL S5 o to O o LOG AN & Lancaster, I IN AND ABOUT LANCASTER. 60OO))M) Pretty dress goods at Joseph's All-Wool Suits for S3.50. J. C. Hemp hill The work. election is over. Now go to See the handsome shoes and wraDS Beautiful t Cut Glass at Morrow fc c-.oi-r n-4 Ku !r bv- at tu- idire tiniifri.t. Un ..-rat.. Til. llat.-r and .(lav agent a nice had Tu.; There was nut a druiikeu man oi the strejts Tuesday. Peaches, Grapes, l'ear and Fancy apples at G. ri. Gaines. Call an 1 -see a beautiful line o. Rugs at J. A. lieaziev & Co. Fishing in Dix river has been for tile past ween or ten days. Fix for the cold weather bv irettin iho-.t fine Cloaks at Joseph's, Large line of Dinner Sits and Cham ber Set, just received. G. S. Gaines. Nice line Sterling Silver Spoons, just received by Morrow & McIloberts. n-4 ) Freh Oysters received daily. Served an I soid. O. F. . illett Lancaster Hotel. Monday was pension day, and many poor fellows were mad happy nv Un cle Sam. I.'orn. to the wife of G. o. . Brow , a b;3 The j-oumr man has been nam ed Bryan Gi'bert. It's nonsense to give a present that's not useful, so go to Joseph's and get your wife a handsome dnAs. Moxev To Loan On real estate at 5 per cent; a Idress W. S. L uvwill At torney, D mville Ky. 1 1-1S-9S John C. Gastineau, of Iliattsville, was bitten by a sr.i ler Sundaj' morn ing and hassulTerel agonizing pain from the effects. I have just received a special line of samples from Tlie Royal Tailors, of Chicago, fresh from the mill., and they are beauties. Call and see the m. J. C. Hemphill. ANNOUNCEMENT. come an see OUR- ALL WOOL SUITS AT $5 Better ones at $7.50. All the novelties of the season in 3uits at $8.50, $10, $12 and $15. Best line of $7.50 Over coats in the market. See our Top Coats at $8.50 Also New York Box Coat at $12. A Beautiful Line of Boys and Childrens Clothing Buell Bootees. If you want comfort try a pair. Men's High-top Shoes from $2. to $3.50, made "by the "best eastern factories. All the latest style Toes and Lasts in Ladies Fine Footwear. The latest patterns in Neckwear. Come and see what we have in Gents' Underwear afr$l. a suit. A new line of Stiff Hats just opened. Best Alpine hat in Central Ky., for $1 Some "beautiful things in Gentlemens' Umbrellas. Givens your orfler for a Dice, Tailor-made Suit R 966004900 9 000066000 0666 666 0C 600 6066v5 Notice. Taxes past due. Pay be "ore the penalty goes on. J. B. Sanders, S. G. If a merchant has no bargains to of fer you can get your bottom dollar he's not going to advertise. Several citizens lost their votes 1 uesday by reason of having changed tu.-ir residences within tne past sixty days Women love' pr.ett. shoes Thai'; tiio Kind Joseph bells. Tne are the leetand wear aplen diliy. Furs Wanted. 1 will pay highest Cash price for all kinds of Fura. N. ii. Booik. nov-ll-lin Marksbury, Ky. Instead of waiting 'til Christmas buy yourvife a present, why not goto Joseph's now anil get her one .of those stylish Cloaks. Pine Jersey Cow For Sale. Three years old, giving plenty milk. Fine butter cow. Call at E W. Har ris' shop. tf Xhe grazing was short for the float ers 1 uesday. Several "influentail' men were also disappointed at not get ting to "handle" funds. Bourbon Steam Laundry. Miss Olivia Sweeney is agent for the Bourbon Steam Laundry. Leave your orders at Sweeney's store. tf lhe spirit of progress which has ecenily struck the town has thrown a wet tda ket ovor the kickers ihat od. 1-r. ez 'em out! very eliow who owns an ice house hould put it in repai and fill it Wil not cost much and a nice little wad can be realiz-d next summer. The independent telephone owners and operators met in Crab Orchard and formed an organization for the still further extension of lines in Kentucky. Be on the look out for burglars. number of cases have been reported in and around town. Get a trun and then use it to kill. v-otu weatner is siow in setting in, out 'it will certainly hi here, so tro to oseph's monster dry goods house and get your wife a handsome, stylish and durable cloak. o fel ft ft o to Co o 53 OB INS ON. Kentucky. Fresh Oysters daily at Gaines. The old floater was on short grazing Tuesday. Patrons of the Graded School s hould visit the institution and see the good work being accomplished. Money to Loan. For building purposes, or on well improved Real Estate. Terms easy, J. C. Hempliill. Be sure and come in Friday, Novem ber 11, and make selection of diamonds. Drummer will be here only one day. Thompson, the Jeweler. Clay Hamilton, tne night man atth depot, says he is kept very ousy rain lime every night. Travel these trans continues to increase. Hit our-year-olu son or Mr. Sam Cochran died at old Paint Lick Tues day night of diphtheria. The remains were interred in the ceuieterv there Wednesday. D.-. bhelton, principal of the Stan ford Female College, will preach at the B .ptiit church Sunday, at the usual hour. All cordially invited to hear him. New Meat Shop. big Perrin opened a meat market adjoining R. A. Stone's store near th djpot. He keeps on hand all kinds o fresh meat and guarantees satisfac tion. Notice. if yju call for Potts Fiour at the leading grocers, and they haven't got orJer direct from II. C. Potts.Buck eye, Ky. agon in town daily. -10-21-lm For Sale. Several pieces of valuable town prop rty. If you want a home, come and ee m;. J. n llemhill. Real Estate Agent. 1 he telephone exchange continues to grow New instruments are put uciiny uvery weeic. mere are now 140 wires running into the main office. And this is an enterprise the croakers said wouldn't pay. A representative of the largest di mond importing house will be at Store .Nov. 11th. with full line of d mond goods. Call on this day and make selections for Christmas pres ents. Thomnson. the Jeweler. The Buck-board to be eriven awav by J. B. Jennings is on exhibition at W. J. Romans' carriage shop. Ex amine it and then come in and take n hance on it. nov-4 Still in. Capt. Duncan and Lieut Farra have returned from Lexington but have not sen mustered out The delay is caused the usual red tape required by Un Sam. Iiik Recokd's friend, Johnnie 'Will iams, left at this oflicj a monster ker- shaw, for which he has many thanks. We will live like a lord on that this inter. lhe City Council met Mondav night. but did nothing but take up -and burn SI, 500 bond which was issued to raise money to refund the bank taxes some time ago. The work of improving the sidewalks goes on steadilv. Many new ones will be put down when the kiln of brick, now burning, is completed. Keep the good work going. We will ave an up-to-date town yet. There has been much typhoid fever the county during the past month, but it is fast disappearing. Some think the soldiers spread the disease, bat not much stock is taken in this theory. The boys at the telephone exchange. Herbert Kinnaird and Jessie Walden, were exceedingly polite and obliging Tuesday nLjht, and helped get the re turns from all over the county. They are two clever fellows. Spirit oC Progress. There are seven handsome dwellings course of construction in Lancaster present. Every mechanic is busy, d more work awaits them. The old town is getting on a hustle that is glo rious to behold. Keep it croiner. The merchants are cleaning up their stores getting ready to bring on holi day goodi An unusually large stock will be handled this year. Watch the colums of The Record for announce ments from the merchants having the st lines. A railroad coach, made an fitted up pecially for a picture gallery, is stat ioned at the depot. It has all the ap partments needed for such business and is a model of convenience. The owner remains as long in anyone town business will jmti.y. Many Trees. Nearly three car loads of fruit trees, sold last spring by Pence & Hines, ar rived this week and are being deliver ed on the Scott lot, near the Square. Many people have been in town this we k receiving their trees. The concrete crossings are giving great satisfaction at Danville. The Advocate says they do not cost as much stone to put down, last longer and give greater satisfaction. Some of the Lancaster crossings are w.rje than the rocky road to Dublin. Good Saddle Horse for sale. Dr. D. Wesley, nov 11-tf 100 fine Maple this month. shade. tree3. Plan .7. C Thompson. I have a few more suits that I can make to your measure for S10.00.V J. C. HempTiilL P Capt. Miller's lot is the place to build the hotel. The captain will only ask what he thinks the lot is worth. Danvule street has been repaired at the crossing at D. M. Lackey's. More than half the roadway had washed away and the place was dangerous. b resh egsjs 14 cts; held eggs 10 to 12 cts; young turkeys 7c Turkeys to be ueliveretl not later than thellCth to get this pric. II. B. Northcott Lancaster. Means Uuslness. Jas. I. Hamilton has buyers for fou or hve trood farms, provided thrs. wanting to sell will do so at leasonabl ngures and will come to him with their trading clothes on. No time for parley. Say what you want for the land and do so at once. Mr. Joe Swope Dead. A brief telegram received Tuesday announced the death of Mr. Joseph bwope at Indianapolis The message said the remains would be interred there, and we have been unable to learn further particulars. Mr. Swope was a former resident of this county ana had many relatives here. Mr. Miller's Child Dies. Anna Uoty, the young-st child of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Mille , died at the family home, near town, Thursday afternoon. !she was in her second year. is!ie had been ill of membrane- Ui croup for several days, 'lhe re- muns were interred in ti.e Lanoastpr metery Friday. The family hav reai, syrrpuny irom the community in the loss of their dear child. Kay Peas to go In. i he Knights of Pythias will take teps toward going in on the new Op- ra House and Hotel building to niht, ind it is hoped every member will be on hand. I ou't stav awav from thi neeting, brethren, and then k'ck on vjiul mo ioage uoes. ine lodge room s the place to make j'our suggestions. He there and say your say, or ever af ter hold your jaw. Prospect for More Trains. A Lancaster man had a talk with a prominent rail road official the other day and was told that it was the inten tion of the company to ballast the track and put new steel rails on this road in the spring. Then the compa- y would more than likely put the day trains, now running to Livingston, through here. We have heard several tHcials express themselves as delight- with the recent change and it is ighly probable that the last mantion- d idea will be carried out. The trav el between Richmond and Livingston does not amount to much, and the day trains could run through here and make a close connection at Rowland for Livingston and points south. The run wouiu be shorter and much more convenient for the train crews. This bird is not splitting his throat ver the victory of any political party, but is crowing over the great success those working up the hotel and opera house are meeting with. That's what are interested in. Right here in Lancaster is where Lancaster people make their meat and bread and what want to see is the good old town bu'.lt up. The parties irettinir the stock have secured in black and white even eight thousand dollars. ' Sev- ral other parties who want stock have ot yet been seen, and all necessary for them to sign the paper and new building is assured. Each stockholder ill pay two hundred dollars down and the balance in monthly install- ents of about sixteen dollars. Sev- ral parties not able to take a whole share have purchased jointly with oth ers. Two men can carry a share and never miss the money, that is if they are any kind of hustlers. In the pro posed building will be two storerooms and there have already been four or five applicants for them. Four men want the hotel and three the opera house. We haven't the space to go in to, details, but it can be readily seen by investigation that the investment will easily pay seven per cent on the money put in. If any one doubts this statement and is interested, he can be quickly convinced by asking D.-. Kin naird, John E. Stormes,J. C Thompson, any of the promoters of the enter prise, it is the intention to collect the two hundred dollars, first pay ment, as soon as the stock is made up and purchase the lot immediately, but, ohcourse, work on the building cannot begin until spring. HURRY 'ITfVVfVffVPI If you want any of those "bargains we are offering in Boots and Shoes. The people know their value and they are going fast. You should see our line of BLANKETS and COMFORTS They are Nice and Cheap, these chilly nights. LOGAN DRY GREATEST BARGAIN Election in G arrant. The quiet, indifferent manner Inch the election passed oil 1 uesday, was the cause ot much comment, as those of former davs have most al- ays been charactered by several hts, knock-downs and such like. The day was very much on the order of a school trustee election. At no time during the entire day were more than a hundred people on the Public Square. Those who voted came to ti:c polls, deposited their ballots and eith er went home or to their business. We have it from leaders of both parties that no money or whisky was athand. and the woe-begone look on the old 'floats" strongly bore out the state ment. As both parties had up good men, it is hard to understand why the vote should fall off so materially un less it is from the fact that many men have determined to quit "messing" in politics and attend strictly to their work at home. The table below was made from figures cried at the polls, and may differ slightly on the official and final count.butno material change will be made, lhe bonds carried by an overwhelming majority. At most polls, parties were stationed to call the voters' attention to the bonds, but r'611 with this many went in the booth, stamped under the rooster or cabin, and forgot the pikes. The ma jority is safe and the court can now is sue the bonds. This will dispose of the hardest and most important part of the turnpike question, and we move to haig the next man who brings up the subject Here's the vote by pre cincts. Zeigler gets 49 votes in county. PRECINCTS. Court House East Park West Park East fc West Bryantsvllle 143 176 11 ii 2C0 58 73 87 Buckeye Walker's School House. Paint Lick Union 18iJM40 Total . 1881 1218 Edmison now has his "Kandy Kitch en" at the Marrs corner fitted up ii the best o: style and has on hand a fine line ofthe purest candies. He al so has a .lunch counter in connection and can feed the hungry at all hours. No More Shows. When the Opera House is built the Magistrates will refuse "to let the Court House for shows of any kind. This is a good idea, as the room is more or less injured every time a great crowd gathers thee. UP and just the thing you need GOODS COMPANY. HOUSE IN CENRTIL KY. To Cure a Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. All druggists refund money if it fails to cure. 23c. The genuine has L. B. Q. on each tablet 1 may, '99 Obeying the Law. A fellow told a Record representa tive he went to a blind tiger Tuesday to wet his whistle. The proprietor informed the fellow he would like to make the sale, but the law prohibited the sale of whisky on election days and he was compelled to refuse. Ilottom Price. I am bound to sell goods, and in or der to do so I am selling absolutely all-wool goods, from Wanamakar it Brown, at Philadelphia prices. Suits, for 3, 10.50 and S12.G0 that cost front S" to 5 mora elsewhere. They are selling and giving satisfaction. Ccme and save money. F.ts guaranteed or no pay. 31. u. hughes, Ag'C Lancaster Ioy Married. The Louisville Dispatch prints the following: "Miss Annie Cornell and Mr. J. Y. Currey, popularyoung people of this city, were married at noon yes terday at the St Nicholas Hotel, in CincinnatL In order to have a quiet wedding the young people left this city early yesterday morning and went to the Ohio metropolis. They were ac- compaied by Mrs. Charles E Fleming sister of the bride. The bride is a baauti'ul young women, and has al ways had many admirers. Mr. Currey is the manager of the shoe department of the Mammoth." The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Thecdore Currey, of this city, and re sided here until a few years ago when he secured a situation in the Falls City. He is an industrous, capable and popular young fellow, who has the respect of all who know him. We extand heartly congratulations to the young people. The Royal Is the highest grade bahkfi pewdar haowa. Actral taats HW it goes oaa third forthtr Um tmy othr raad. POWDER . aowi. MaM Kwerat ee., ntw inc.