Newspaper Page Text
r mtk VOLUME IX Entered at the Pott Office in Lancaster, Kv., as Second Clow NDMBER 35 '"gaaUMag.a?1 Lancaster, ky., eriday, December, ig. i898. "eszxssssss. 1 USEFUL CHRISTMAS PRESENT Toilet 32ts in all shades. Coal vessals and Cake boxes. Guns, Single 'and bouble "barrel. Silvsr plated knives and forks. CJiilds set, knife, fork and spoon. Eoys all steel wagons. Nickel plated and silver lined tea and pots. Chafing dishes and sewing dishes in nickel ware. Coal oil heating stoves. Boys and gents pocket knives. Skates and hun dreds of other things. J.R.HaselcIeix Col. W.G.Welch. Stanford. W. I. Williams Lancaster. WELCH & Attorneys at Law, Lancaster Kj. AH business attended to promptly BEAZLEYOAUGHMAN. FUNERAL DIRECTORS, ARTERIAL and CAVITY EM BALMING a SPECIALTY. Furniture, Carpets, &c. Lancaster, Ky. Almonds, Whole-wheat Flour, Wheatlets, Shreded Biscuit, Crimp Crispies, Lowney'sBon Sons, Baltimore Oysters, W Are the Latest things at BALLOU'S MODEL GROCERY. NOTHING HELPS MORE to make you enjoy the Hol idays than to Have a Pretty-Hat Wa are aware of this fact and in order to reduce our large stock have marked them Within Reach of All. Prices have been cut in half and they go at any sacrifice, Miss Bailie Tillett Fruit. Flowers. Shade. Blue Grass Nurseries. Fall, 1898. . Everything for Orchard, Lawn and Garden. Fruit and Ornamen tal Trees, Shrubs, Roses, Vines, Small Fruits, Rhubard, Asparagus and all stock grown in nurseries Prices reasonable, as we employ no aeents. Descriptive catalogue on application to H. F. HILXENMEYFR Phone 27. I,exington,Ky IN AND ABOUT Special Edition. We are working on our special edi tion to be issued next week. The vast amount of work and worry connected with issuing a paper like we propose to send out has made it necessary to employ extra help and put in extra hours, but the present indications are favorable to it being the best eversant out from a Lancaster office. The bus iness man are availing themselves of the opportunity of getting thair wares before the people and are bringing in their ads. A few refuse to get in the band wagon, prefering the tail end of the procassion of progress. As it will ba impossible to see everybody, these wanting spaca had better speak at once. Fifteen hundred extra copies will be printed and sent out Judge M. D. Hughes has been emploped to help, and if the editor mis:s you, see him. Work at ICav Pea lodge to night. Hominy and Oatflakes at T. CurrO r Turkey Roasters, 2t. J. R. Ilaselden. 12 Very thing nlcj fresh and cheap at T. Curry. Y All kinds of masks for raas't parties Thompsui. Call on J. presents. A. lieazley for Christmas House for rent ant on Richmond street by W. J. Roma Rev. Fuislsoner preached MeKee Sunday mjrning. F.-esh barrel of New Orleans Dr. molas- X ses just received at G. S. Gaines. All the latest silver at Morrow novelties Lm & McRobJjrt sterling Stock "of fine bilk umbrellas and eaues at Thompson's, the Jeweler. Raisins, Fig., Dates, Citrons and Cur 1 rents, fresh and cheap at T. Curry's See our line of handsome cul glass Morrow & McRotrts. Large line of Dinner Sats and Chamy ber Sets, just received. G. S. Gaines. Y Remember, engraving dane ane. ii e jiwe free of charge. Thorn nson, th ler. Heal quarters harness and saddlas b J. R. Hasil len. I would like to do your plain siw ing and dyeing. Mr.s. Ophelia Dunn. Air tight heating stoves guaranteed to hold lire all night. S12.00 2t J. R. Ilaselden. D. Walters, the dentist, of town this week, but will return Mon day. Mr. nenry Cos, of Lincoln, has rent ed Mrs. Eliza Ferris' farm for the next year. G. S. Giines will have 'rything frctiiu Canutes, nuts ana i its for i. nnstmas. Wanted Furs Highest market priceaid. II. BNorthcott Itouks. New, Ciieap and Up-tc-data Storraes' Drugstore. -f- Wanted. Ducks and Gccee. vf 500 good Geese and Dues. II. K' Northcott I'fir Sale. Three extra nice hogs, weight ab !25 pounds. G. S. Gaines. UOOks, Eximine the beautifu New line of. 5ets Books at Stormes'YDrug Store. G. is. Gaines will buy all the corf can get at SI. 10 a barrel, payable any goods he handles. ' Mosey To Loax On real estate at 5 ner cent: address W. S. Lowwill At torney, Danville Ky. 11-18-98 Five hundred plain gold and set rings in diamonds and cither precious stones, at Thompson's, the Jewe! Wanted Two carrlcjads good corn t . highest cash marki t price. Fmsh ggS 17 CtS. II. B., XtOKTUCOlT. Furs WanteVl. I will pay highest Cash price for all kinds of Furs. N. II. Boon?, nov-ll-lm Marksbury, Ky. With every Victoria cigar purchased at G. S. Gaines' you are giran a chance on a fine buggy. Call and lee buggy and investigate. Dolls, toys and eyenything iq that line. Bring the children to sejvthem! If vou dont see wllaY you wai, call for it At ThompsWiiV. Fon Rest. Five room brick cottage centrally and conveintly located. Terms reasonable. Possession given Jan. 1, 1899. J. B. Kinnaird. LANCASTER. Boys all steel wagons. 2t J. R. Ilaselden Beautiful Hue of meiLfllians, iglove and handkerchief boxM; necktie, col lar and cuff cases antyfancy boxes, at Thompson's, the Jeweler. The Ore-cracker nuisance will not be permitted this Christmas, conse quently none of the merchants have brought on anything in that line. The only toll-gate left in Garrard is on the Stanford road. The court has taken steps to get it out of the Way, and the probabilities are it will soon be a thing of the past. Notice. If you call for Potts Flour at the leading gro'cers, and they haven't got it, order direct from U. C. Potts, Buck eye, Ky. Wagon in town daily. 10-2 1-lm Kusraved Culling Cards. Leave orders now for al kinds of steel engraving for the holidWs. Djnt use a printed or written cartLYi'ou will be called "a back number." tonne's Drug Store. Marshal Walker's list of property to . .: . . S be soiu for taxes appear.; elsewhere in this issue. It is the j-mallest U ije Rec oiid has eyer publishel. Back Sticking 'Km Again. Captain White returned to his case in The Record ofiice Monday morn ing. His illness was of short dura tion, we arc very glad to say, and he was only laid up for a day or so. For Sale or Kent House and 4 acres of land in town limits on Danvill pike all new out buildings. J. A. Roystojt, We have the largest line of sterling' silver, sterling silver novelties and cut glass in the city, at pic4s that will astonish you. Engraviny free of charge. Thompson, the jfyvelei;. Mrs. L: "Where do you get the in gredients for your Black Cake? You always have the best." "Why, I get them from the old reliable house of T. Currey, who always sells the best oods for the least money." dac lG-2t Xo County Court. We are requested to announce there will be no session of the County Court on Decembar 2Jth, it being a holiday. The banks also request us to say their doors will be c os. d on this day aid alsj 0:1 Mor d iv, January 21. 2t Coininittee Appointed. The County Court has appointed a committee to place a valuation on the Stanford pike: The court selected Me isrs. J. N. Danny and E 1. Price, and the company Mr. Tommy Robin son. The committee is still at work and will report in a few days. If any of our readers have a picture of the Lancaster Baptist church, they will please make the fact known by holding up their right hand. We also want a picture of the Graded School and will be under lasting obligations to anyone furnishing it All please speak at ouce. The following marriage licenses were issued this week by county clerk Duncan: La Rue Duerson, Madison, to Miss Jennie May Arnold, of Garrard E. L. Pi-ewiit, Madison, to Miss Annie Prather, of Garrard, Geo Garner, Gar rard, to Miss Mollie Wilson, of Gar rard. l're.iohar lingagod. Rev. J. C. Massey, of Orlando, Flori da, has accepted the eall to take charge as pastor of the local Baptist church He will move his family here and ser vices, will ba held every Sunday in stead of twice a month, as has been the previous custom Rev. Massey will begin his work first of the year. Iteady for Business. Dolph Rice has" moved into the hand some new stable just completed at Danville, and is thoroughly equipped for Feeding, Hitching und furnishing first-class livery. Swell Landaus for weddings, a specialty. Ask for the Rice Stable when yoa go to Danville and you will be given the best and your patronage appreciated. tf. Circuit Court Adjourns. Circuit court adjourned Wednes. lay. The last few days were given to dis posing 01 a numoer. ot civil suits, none of which are of especial the public Mo.ttie Johnston, who sued W. A. Askins for damages because the latter's mill whistle frightened her horse, was given one cant and costs. A like judgment was glyen E. Warren against Geo. Marshbanks for failure to carry out a contract about some to bacco. The indictment against Tol Gill for receiving stolen property filed away, t-urr. Mcuanana, tne negro mute, was indicted last term far de taming a woman, and this was filed away. The juries this term cost the State SS24. The grand jury returned twen ty-two indictments, two of which were for perjury and one for cutting. The rest were for misdemeanors. You cant beat our prices on stoves. 2t J. E. Haselden Boys Saddles and Bridles. 5 J. R. Ilaselden. Lost or Stolen. Setter bitch aboutj six months old, little bare placeonihead, Liver and white spots tiped nainei Cubal. A re ward will be paidlforyinformation that leads to her recovery, J H.&B. Northcott Wanted Badly. We are exceedingly anxious to get a picture of the old court house, which stood in the center of the Square. If any one will bring us one bifore Sat urday at noon we will give them a years subscription to The Record and be under lasting obligations. Win. II. Anderson Dead. Just as we go to press news is receiv ed of the daath of .Mr. Win. II. Ander son, at his home near Preachersville. No funeral arrangements have been made at this hour. His son, John L. Anderson, arrived from Washington yesterday. Good for ISoli. The Danville Advocate says the Mer cer County Court has retained Robert Harding, of Bjyle, as counsel to assist County Attorney C. A. Hardin in the suit of Mr. Isaac Pearson for S9.33J against Mercer county for his commis sions, &c, in holding and delivering the Louisville Southern Railroad Bonds. It is with pleasure that we place in our columns the .advertisement of the Bryant & Stratton Business Co'lege of Louisville, Ky. We know this to be a thorough and reliable institution and every young man or lady who desires a Business, Short-hand or Telegraph course will do well to address the Cpl lege for its elegant twenty- ourth an nual catalogue. Mr. G M. Patterson, manager of the Lancaster Electric Light Co., has been negotiating with the city of Danville in regard to putting in a plant there. The Lancastar lights' are by far the brightest and best burning in any town in this section, so say the people who havo seen many. Mr, Patterson understands the business and our neighbor city would be wise in giving his offers preference. Finely Equipped. The K. C. has recently placed in ser vice one hundred of the improved and extra larje sto k oars. They are much longer and better equ'pped thau the old ones, and fill a lon felt want of the shippers. Their train leaves here about 3:30 In the afternoon and lands stock at the Cincinnati yards early the next morning. The shippers are gre. t ly pleased with the present facilities. The hauling has bsen extra heavy this fall. A 1 nold-Duertiou. Miss Jennie Mae Arnold, the hand some daughter of Mr. Clay Arnold, and Mr. LaRua Duersoa were married at tha home of the bride Wendesda3' morning at 11 o'clock. Qhe ceremony was performed by Rev. Ciark, qf the Mathodist church. The attendants were Misi Minnie Arno'd and Mr- Ilujjh Mason. Jmmadiatoly after the careraony the couple left for their home near Richmond. The Record extends congratulations. Competitive Examination. On Saturday, Dec. 17, at the qf the County Superintendent, an exam ination will be held for teachers who desire an appointment to the Normal Department at State College. This is a compettive examina'ion and is, therefore open to all teachers. Four appointments are to be made and those teachers obtaining the highest average in Arithmetic, U. S. History, English Ijrammar and Geography will be en titled to the appointnidut Ellsa J. Lusk, Co. Supt. Meeting Closed. Ths meeting at the Methodist church closed Tuesday night, Rev. Morrison leaving the night previous. The cold weather must have affected the. enthu siasm, as not much was awaked. Sev eral united with the. ohurch, however, and some good was accomplished. The trouble is nearly everybody belongs to some church and seem to think this fact alone insures a harp and pair of wings. we believe bam Jones was right when -he said nine-tenths should be turned out and a new deal had all around. Death of Mrs. Poor. Mrs. John Will Poor, whose serious illness. had been mentioned in previous issues of Tub Recohd, died at the home of Ifer husband, CoL John Will Poor, in Lower Garrard, last Thursday mor ning at an early hour. Mrs. Poor had been ill for a long time, but boro her suffering without ever a murmur. She was a devout christian, and a woman who was eyer anxious and ready to help her friends. She will be greatly missed in the community in whioh she resided. The remains were interred in the Lancaster Cemetery Friday morning. Many Lancaster friends of tha family exteud great sympathy for tbe bereaved husband and family. Dickerson-Sulton. Miss Lillie Sutton and Mr, Ebb Dick erson were married Wendesday after noon at 3 o'clock at the home of the bride. The ceremony was said by Rev. Kuykendall, of the Fork church. The wedding was a very quiet affair owing to recent bareavement in the family. Miss Sutton is the bright, attractive and accomplished daughter of Mr. Fred Sutton. Mr. Dickerson is a popular business man and is engaged in a dry goods store in Buckeye. After the ceremony an elegant suppar was given to the immediate members of the fam ilies of the bride and groom by Mrs. Jno. W. Brown. We entend congratu lation to tne nappy pair ana wisn them a smooth voyage through life. Richmond Goes 11 ry. A telegram from Richmond says the local option election held there Satur day in the three magisterial districts of R'chmond, Union and Elliston, re sulted in a victory for the drys by a maj irity of 121. The Whisky people, it is said, will contest the election, claiming that as Richmond as a fourth class city is independent of the rest of the county. They have,, already en gaged able counsel, and say they will fight to the bitter on 1. Money and whisky furnished by Louisville and Cincinnati brewers and distillers were freely used in the election, notwith standing the Christian women and the ministers of the city stayed at the pools all day in the cold, buttonhol ing and pleading with the voters. Suit. Brought. " Sunday's Courier-Journal prints the following: "J. M. Higginbotham, ad ministrator of the estate of M. W.John son, brought suit yesterd.iy against the New York Life Insurance Compa ny for J5 ),000. 'J he action is based on policy on the life of Mr. Johnson, issu ed in July 1893 It is alleged that af ter receiving the policy Mr. Johnson returned it to the company to have it divided into two or more policies ag gregating the same amount The pol icy was, it is claimed, "wrongfuily de tained by the company, which has since refused to deliver it up." The administrator states that he wrote to the defendant company on January 20, 1S97, announcing Mr. Johnson's death, whereupon is alleg ed, answaraJ, djnying that Mr. John son was insured in it M. W. Johnson was a pn-minent citizen of Garrard county, who had a very large amount of insurance in various companies at the time of his death, The adminis trator is here represented by Mr. R. P. Jacobs, of Danville; Wm. McC. John son and Harris & Marshall, of this city. That Throbbing He.idacho Would quickly leave you, if you used Dr. King's New Life Pills. Taousanr's of suff .-rers have proved their match less merit for Sick and Nervous Head cches. Tuey make pure blood and strong nerves and build up your health. Easy to take. Try them. On- 25 cants. Money back if not cured. ld by R E MjRoberts, Druggist lm AL Thirty O IV OVERCOATS, SUITS, BOOTS, SHOES Buy your underwear of us. We can save you money. See our Ladies Rubbers at 25, 35 and 50c We have Everything, from the Cheapest to the Best in Ladies Shoes. Pri ces ranging from $1 to $4. See our Novelties in Neckwear, Silk Handkerchiefs, and Mufflers for the holiday trade. Beautiful line of Umbrellas. New line of Hats Just Received. LOGAN Christinas Celebration. The Ladies Aid Society will meet with .Mrs. Batson Saturday afternoon at the u-,ual hour. All are requested to be presant, as arrangements for the Christmas celebration will be perfect ed at that time. Suit to IJecover Fees. Suit has been brought by the Conv m n wealth against nearly every cir cuit clerk in the state to recovar cer tain fees which the court of appeals receitly decided against them. The outcome of these suits will be watched with much interest W. 11. Mason, ex-clerl: in this county, is included in the lot. The amount against him is S335. Iiis bondsmen were lienhtnin and E. L Mason. A Fine Stable. Dolph Rice has completed his hand some stable at Danville and it is the best equipped we ever saw. A Rkcoisd man was shown through the building Tuesday and was surprised to find so expensive and handsome an outfit A loag- string of fresh horsjs, pretty rubber-tire buggies, hunQsome lan deaus and many other accommodations are to ba had. and Dolph is quite rea sonable in his charges. Herbert Price looks j.fter the books and "II" Farris seas that the finishing touches are put onto tvary rig sent out We bespeak for Mr. Rice a liberal share of patron age. Drouth Setting In. Judging from the big victories won by the temperance poople in various towns recently, the saloon is fast los ing its grip. Somerset, Monticello, Richmond, and, in fact, ever- other town voting on the question, went dry by largo mnjorities. 'Jen or fifteen years ago a fellow could get on an oc casional jag and keep up his work, but in recent days drinking and business will come no nearer mixing than will oil and water. We do not know whether it is the qualitv or not, but we d know "from pretty good author ity" that a fellow ctn't keep his tank full of whiskey and do anything else at the same time in these davs. Lawyer Jus. A.Anderson Dead. James A. Anderson, formerly of this city, died at his boarding house in Louisville last Thursday night, after a brief illness. Mr. Anderson was a citizen of Lancaster for many years and engagad in the practice of law in the partnership with Capt Win. Hern- don. He enj yed a fine pract ca and was considered as able an attoraev as any at the local bar. He moved to L misville about ten vears aio and en gaged in the tobacae business, giving LOW FOR THE NEXT & ROBINSON. this up shortly after to accept a posi tion as U. S. gaugcr The deceased was an honest man in his dealings and and what he said could be relied upon. In the practice of law he never resort ed to any under-handed tricks or shys ter method?, but made a fair, clean fight for the interest of his clients. He was in his l7th vear and a brother of William, Thomas and John Ander son, all well known in this county. His wife died several vears asro and 5a bnried'attShelbyville. Mr. Anderson had many friends in Lancaster, who greatly regret his death. The remains arrived on the train Saturday and were interred in the Lancaster Cem etery. Nice line Christmas Carving sets 2t J. n Hrie-Mnn Save A'our Money. A full line of drummers samples, at cost Ladies' Wraps at cost Come on and save 30 per cent o 'your mom-. Also on hauil a splendid line of Christ mas Candies at lowest pricas. 5 CD. Powri.u A "Backwoods Merchant'' wishes to advertise again. It has been sometime since my last appearance, but 1 was t)o basy to write an ad. By the way, l would like to whisper in our editor's ear about advertising bringing busi ness, but he's a gool fellow, so we'il just let him go. In begining, I wi-,h to ?y that before this spall is over, I think tins bine grass will all be snowed under. However, here is what I have and what I am selling 'em at; fcugar, It lbs. SI; good prunes 7 l-2clb., best prunes, S l-2e; raisins, 10c; citron, ISc: 4 cakes soap, 5a; rolled oats, 5c; can- ly c; Hour, 30c per sack, SI S5 per 100 lbs ; can peaches, 10c: Leverings Bulk coffee, 12 l-2e try it, she's a goodun'; tomatoes 5c per can; corn 2 cans 13c; peas, 2 cans 5c: split paas, for sonn, 5a per lb : cheese 15c; c. aekers 2 lbs 13c; 12.0J0 matches 5Jc; mixed nuts 15c; salmon 10c; best salmon 2 for 23c; good butter 10c; coal oil 9c; best coal oil 12c; Sait, well, I'm out, but tain't for Ion; ood. fresh country sausage, 7 l-2c; furniture, shingles, &c , in season. All but shingles bought before prices ad vanced, bo come and get high up goods, for low down prices. A new lot of chairs and rockers, just received. Come and get yourself, your wife, your husband or your sweetheart, some thing to sit on. Coifae same old price, bat it ought not to be. I have too ma ny goods, and too many pieces. I can't tell it all, just come and I can show you better than I can tell you. Bat I must stop, as the editor will get all the profit. Of course those priees are cash. Yours in hope, R. A. Stoxb. SI V -- 4