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Paine's Compound Strength. Best spring medicine. It makes the weak strong. We sell and recommend it. R.E. M' ROBERTS. CENTRAL KKGORD EVERY WEEK BY LOUIS LANDSAAT, Publisher. LANCASTER, KENTUCKY. !ONE YAB, IK ADVANCE. Six Months. " Thbsk " " ...$1.00 ... .50 . .25 THURSDAY, May - 18, - 1899. Admiral Dewey will set sail for home in a few days. Every American will welcome his return, but there is much danger of the reception being overdone lie has proven himself the true hero in all matters so far, but the test of his conservatism will come when he is paraded before the thousands of shout ing people, the blare of trumpets and boom of the peaceful gun. Kow, if, when under all the excitement he re f rains from making some fool speech. he will clinch his hold on the reputa tion for being the greatest living American. Ilobson and Coughlan did deeds of daring, but, by slips of the tongue and other thoughtless acts, kicked all the fat into the fire and-to day stand no higher than before the war began. Being a strong admirer of Dewey, we cannot help but feel little uneasiness for fear he will say too much, or, more than that, go to licking the paint from the lips of giddy, thoughtless girls. Thebe are a number of names men tioned in connection with republican nomination for governor, and it now looks like there will be a scramble for the place. The strongest man the re publicans have, Hon. John W. Yerkes, says he will not run, but if the breth ren know what is good for them, they will tender him the nomination and induce him to change his mind. Hon. Jno. S. Riiea has taken the stump for Stone. We hope the clever little congressman will put Lancaster on his list of appointments, as he one of the ablest speakers in the state as well as a typical gentleman. The Court House will not hold the crowd that will turn out to hear him should he come this way. Kentucky Palisades. Mrs. Emily B. Bristow, of Coving ton, owner of the famous Kentucky Palisades at High Bridge, passed thro .Nicholasville Saturday en route to that resort which she will place in readiness for the summer excursion ists. To a reporter for the Journal Mrs. Bristow said that the grounds would be placed in finer condition this season than ever before and prep arations were being made by the Q. & C. railroad to run a large number of excursions to that point this summer. The dates of the annual camp meet ing have not been selected yet, but it is thought that thjvregular dates will be claimed. She is ic correspondence with a number of ministers and lect urers now and will offer an attractive program. Jessamine Journal. Bismarck' Iron Nerve. Was the result of hjssplendid health Indomitable will and tremendous ener gy are not found where Stomach, Liver, Kidneys and Bowels are out of order. If you want these qualities and the success they bring, use Dr. King's New Life Pills. They develop every power of brain and body. Only 25c at R. E, 3lcRoberts Druggist. lm LILLARD & STOUT, CAN SELL TO LT Paint Wall Tintings Cheaparthan House Stock was laid in before prices advanced A BUSINESS t la of first Importance to get your training at THE HRY1NT & 8TRATTON BUSINESS COLLEGE LOUISVILLE, KY. BOOK-KEEPING, SHORTHAND, TELEGRAPHY. Gradaates of this to rec 7K. 1 See our Beautiful Line OF Wall Paper NEW DESIGNS Best Quality. Low Prices Mare Local. Colored Soldiers, Attention! The colored Regiments of the Regu lar Army are filling up very fast, and there arc only a few vacancies left. All able-bodied colored men who can read, and all ex-soldiers who desire to re-enlist should call at once at the Recruiting Ollice in Lexington Busi College Building, Main Street, near post ollice, Lexington, Ky. ma-4-tf Jolinnle lias His Gun. Harry McCarty, of the Nicholas ville Journal, says: "A newspaper man is the last person in the world to harm anyone, but if .the midnight ma rauder who tried to get into the house of the junior editor at an early hour Monday morning attempts it again he will think Dewey has his ships sta tioned around Nicholasville. We have two fiat irons heavily loaded, a hatch et with two edges and an immense broomstick that has never failed to knock a man senseless. Besides our diamonds and rubies are kept at the printing ollice in the safe with the medical cuts." The Gospel Truth. No town ever become a city because of its natural advantages. These things may constitute a most helpful factor but a hustling, energetic people to utilize these natural -advantages and bring them"to the notice of inves tors seeking a location and to health seekers searching for a home. More than this, residents of a town must- take an active interest in all munici pal affairs. They should use their in fluence to make it an attractive place to live in not only attractive in ap pearance, but in all that goes to make life pleasant and tolerable, Every man that goes aray from MIddlesboro should be a walking advertisement of the town, and those that stay at home should make every effort to justify his representations. Middlesboro Rec ord. What a Contrast. In Louisville Monday we had occa sion to call upon several of the most prominent and busiest men in the city. The cordial manner in which they receive callers caused us to think of the great contrast between such men and those high-cock-a-lorems of a little cross-roads town. The former have time to stop and talk to people while the latter cannot lay down their pens two minutes, for fear the globe will cease revolving. We would much prefer trying to interview the presi dent of the United States than at tempt to get a five minutes' chat with a back-woods mrgul who is drawing a salary of probably $500 a year and his washing. We once had the honor of talking with Speaker Reed in his.pri vate ollice, and we gained admission to that closely guarded retreat much easier than we could get a five min utes talk with the average hayseed who thinks the welfare of the nation is resting on his little 2x4 shoulders, Bosh! L. & N.Low Rates. Agent G. M. Patterson has been or dered to make the following special rates: Round-trip tickets to Charlotte, N C, on this account, at one first-class fare, June 18, 19, 20 and 21, limited to July 1; also on June 2G and 27, limited to July 3. Iron-clad continuous-pas sage forms to be used. Round-trip tickets to Asheville, N any in this Section. EDUCATION Is abslutely necessary to the yon man or yonpg woman who would success in life. This being coni the school that strands in the very Iront rank- Bevea experienced teacher, each oae a specialist in hli line college preferred by business bosses. Write for beaatlful book giving testimonials from gradnMes oceapyln prominent positions all over the United States-it will be mailed C.,on this account at one Urst-'class fare, June 13fch to 10th, inclusive, final limit June 30th. Iron-clad continuous-passage forms to ba used. Round-trip .tickets to.St. Louis at the first-class limited fare; iron-clad signature form of ticket to be used by agents who have them; continuous passage in each direction; to be sold June 18th, 19th and 20th, with final limit June 26, 1S99. Rounttrip tickets to Roanoke, Va., at one fare May 17th to 22d, limited to May 20th, account Annual Meeting German Baptist Brethren. Iron-clad continuous-passage forms to be used. Iflrs. Fessendeii's Lerttiro. The large auditorium of the Chris tian church was crowded last Sunday ight to listen to the lecture of Mrs. usan S. Fcssenden, of Boston. No other services being held in town, all denominations were represented, and spirit of unity, noticeable in all our W. C. T. U. meetings, prevailed. Rev. owell, who had kindly deferred apre- iously announced service, that the lecture might be given in his church, opened the meeting with devotional exercises. Mrs. Hubble introduced the speaker in her usual gracious manner. The music under the leadership of Mrs. G. M. Patterson passed off pleas intly. A quartet, sonsisting of Messrs R. G. Ward, Letcher Owsley, Mrs. Lo gan and Miss Eliza Lusk, rendered sev eral selections-, and the L. T. L. chil dren sang to the tune of "Dixie", the song arranged expressly for them by Mrs. Eugenia Potts, of Lexington "Oh, Lancaster and the Loyal Legion Biar the pulin in all this rcgiou. Work away, work away, work away nol!c bund." 4-ne lecture oy lrs. i esscnaen was the feature of the evening, and was listened to with perfect attention by the large audience. A woman of fine personality, graceful and womanly on the platform, strong and effective in irgument, she left lasting impressions for good upon her audience, and gave to those who came in personal contact with her a higher ideal of noble Chris tian womanhood. Dr. J. L. McKee followed the lecture with a character istic-appeal, and the audience showed their appreciation of the evening by responding with a generous collection The meeting .closed with the bene diction by Rev. Campbell The Falls City. The train service to 'Louisville now better than our people have ever had, and nothing better could be de sired, save day passenger trains. We had occasion to visit the Falls City Monday and left here at 11:20. noon The train arrived in Louisville at 4:30, several hours before close of business hours. Between then and leavinc time of returning night train (8:30) we were able to see a number of men take a look at the Baptists, peep in the shop windows and swap lies with a number of friends, getting home at 2:52 that night, "While many of the Baptist delegates had left the city, yet the black Prince Albert coat and chicken-set mouth wcie largely in the majority on the streets and around the hotels. The outgoing trains were filled with delegates and we heard many express their delight in the royal way the Kentucky people had treated them The races are bein? well attended but some said the horses were not up to the usual standard to be seen at Louisville. We presumed the men doing such talk had barked up the wrong tree and, in consequence, were soured on the world. Sam Jones has the devil suspended by the tail and the large tent is crowd e J with people anxious to hear and see the great gospel spreader riddle old Satan and throw hot shot into the community at large. The Lancaster people we saw during the few hours were Bob Ilughes, Sam Harris, Burt Spencer. Frank Marks bury and several others, all of whom are in good nealtn and prospering, Louisville has furnished employment for a great many Lancaster people and those who have gone there and hu tied are now in good position. Some nueen or twenty .Lancaster young men have taken the Bryant & Stratton business course, and, through that institution secured positions of honor and profit. Lancaster Graded School, The trustees of Lancaster Graded Common School met last Saturday and re-elected the entire faculty; the teacl era having applied according to law, They increased the salary of the prin cipal and three lady teachers. Mr. W. I. Williams was elected secretary and Mr. Theodore Currey was re-elect ed president of the board. The most perfect harmony prevails with the Board of Trustees, the Faculty and the people. Prof. Patterson is giving satisfaction, and the school is the pride of our community. A vote of thanks was tendered Capt, Wm. Herndon and Mr. Theo. Currey, for their thorough work as secretary and president of the board. At the same meeting, it was unanimously re solved: "That Prof. Patterson and his en tire corps of teachers, including the principal of the music department and the assistant in the Kindergarten de partment, are entitled to ana are hereby tendered the thanks' of this Board for the able, efficient and. satis factory manner in which theischop: been conducted." In order that the benefits of the Lancaster Graded School may be ex tened only to those entitled totufim, by the terms of the law, the following rules are adopted; 'Only the following children are en titled to free tuition in the Lancaster Graded Common School;. UJV First Those who are of school age and have a legal residence in the school district. The legariesidence, of pupils, is with their parent or par ents. If neither parent Is living, then their legal residence niayube with their guardian or .gua'fdiansTflhose. residence is within the cllstricti Second Children, jibt entitled to free tuition, may be ihlmftted ,to the chool on the payment in, of tuition, at such rates as may, .from time to time, be fixed by the BoartI of Trustees. Pupils, not entitled to free tuition, will not be received by the principal into the school,, unless evi dence is produced that tuition has been paid, in advance, for the time for which the pupil is entered, or on the order, in writing, of the Board of- Trustees entered on the record book. certified copy of such order, pre sented to the principal, will be author- ty to him for the admission of a pu pil or pupils. No children under school age, will be admitted at anv time. By order of til e Board: of Trus tees. TiiEo.MDintREY. Pres't. Wm. ITeundon, Sec'y." I'lantM. Sweet Potatoes, Tomatoes and Cab bage Plants' fresh from the bed. tf Geo. Smith Jr.. Will Frracli Sunday, Rev. Massee will fill his pulpit at the Baptist Church Sunday morning and evening. For Pleasant Grove Church. The ladies of Pleasant Grove church will serve strawberries in the school house near the church, Tuesday eve ning, the 23rd. Doors open at six o'clock. Admission 25 cents. Orders a Wheeler & Wilson. E. W. Arnold, May 17, '09. Lancaster, Ky. Dear sir: Please deliver to me one of your Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machines. I understand they are the lightest running and latest Improved Machine on tho market. Ciiakles E. Powell. Colored Recruits. The War Department has wired Lt. W. T. Johnston, recruiting officer at Lexington, Ky., to enlist colored ap plicants for Cavalry and Infantry ser vice, sending the former to Fort Grant, Arizona, and the latter to Fort Doug lass, Salt Lake City. This is ariex- cellent opportunity for young colored men to get into the regular Army. Recruit for white Infantry and Caval ry regiments are also wanted. Apply to Lieut. W. T. Johnston. f-10-tf Main St. Lexington, Ky. Masonry Exposed. An Illinois boy was asked to write an essay on Masonry, and here is what he wrote "King Solomon was a man who lived so many years in the country that he was the whole push. He was an aw fully wise. man, and one day two women came to him, each holding to the leg of a baby and nearly pulling it in two, and each claiming it. And King Sol omon wasn't feeling right good and he uid; 'Why couldn't the brat have been twins and stop this bother?' And then he called for his machete and was going to Weylerize the poor innocent little baby, and give each woman piece of it, when the real mother of the baby said: 'Stop, Solomon, stay thy hand. Let the old hag have it. If I can't have a whole baby 1 won't have any.' Then Solomon told her to take the baby and go home and wash its face, for he knew it was hers. He told the other woman to go chase her self. King Solomon built Solomon's Temple and was the father of Masons, He had seven hundred wives and three hundred lady friends, and that's why there are so many Masons in the world My papa says King Solomon was : warm member, and I think he was hot stuff myself. That is all I know about King Solomon." Exchange. ThcEasrle, Kln-of all Birds, is noted for its keen sight, clear aud distinct vision. So are those persons who use Sutherland's Eagle Eye Salve for weak eyes, styes, sore eyes of any kind of granulated lids. Sold at 25cts McRoberts Drug Store. lm Recruits for the Philippines The Eecruiting Officer in Lexington has just received orders to enlist number of white men for service in the regiments now in the Philippine Islands. These men will be sent di rect to San Francisco from Lexington and from there to Manila. This will make a fine trip for able bodied men unmarried, and not over 35 years of age. It will be a chance to see the world, and possibly make a trip en tirely 'round it. Persons desiring to enlist should apply at once to the re cruiting officer in Lexington, in order to be in time. may 4-tf. June Number of The Delineator Is called the early Summer Number, and combines an immense amount oi anthorilfcative and aDnlicable advirn sip to what is newest and most beautiful in the'Vworld of Fashion, including special illustrations oi .Bridie uostum xts. with a- profusion of sparkling Literary features, bociai. Household and Departmental hints and suggest ions and .Fancy-work detail. The storv A box of oranges. By Anna Robes h iirowd, recounts m snrlelitlv fashion the exciting incidents attending the solution, of an enigmatical gift. PerfectrTraveling Outfit, by Clare Bunce, is a particularly seasonable tonic vThe descriptions of Commence ment.days in College News, by Carolyn jiaistea, are nuea witn a deiigntful college; atmosephere. Girls' Interests i ana uccupauons, oy muaveixe mo HLaws,i,"ls characterized by tho usual est ana gooa numor. pi a more dls-i met Domest ic character are the art! - ybles, A. Talk to Mothers, by Edna witnersDoom ana .frozen- Novelties. by Amelia Sulzbacher., The Depart ments Fancy, stltcnes-and Embroider ies, "by Emma Haywood. Social Obser vances, by Mrs. Frank Learned, The ijressmaicer.'1'ne Mill tner;rocne ting, Knittlhr. The Latest Books, ets.. etc. yield a rich grist of tindigpensabk rormawon. STATE ITEMS FOUR CONVICTS PARDONED. IL W. Hall, Maualaughter; W. K. Marritt, Slorder; liarxuon Varlow, Attempted Murder, and Chas. Williams. Fbankfokt, Ky., May 17. Acting Gqv.' Worthington granted pardons Tuesday to the following convicts, now serving terms: II. W. Hall, sent from Harlan county for 21 years for manslaughter. W. K. Marritt, sent from Pulaski county in 1883 for life for murder. Harmon Barlow, sent from Hart county for two and a half years for shooting with intent to kill. " Charles Williams, colored, sent from Fayette county for three years for malicious shooting' and wounding. He has consumption, and Prison Physician Tobin recommended his pardon. A HORRIBLE SUICIDE. A Woman Placed Her Mouth Under a Fau cet, Turned on the Boiling Water and Died In Agony. Hopkissville, Ky., May 17. Mrs. Belle Coleman, an inmate of the west ern lunatic asylum, died at that insti tution from the effects of an attempt at suicide, aged 40. She had long been possessed of a mania to suicide, and, eluding her attendants Sunday, she locked herself in a bathroom, and. placing her open mouth under a fau cet, turned on boiling hot water, which ran down her throat and over her body, blistering and burning- the r.kin off, until she sank unconscious. She attempted to suicide once before by shooting herself through the breast with a pistol. The bodv was taken to her home at Bowlinj Green for burial. GIGANTIC SCHEME ON FOOT. Vast Timber and Mineral Lands to Be Bought Up by a Syndicate in West Virginia ami Eastern Tennessee. Middlksborol'GH, Ky., May 18. A gigantic scheme appears to be on foot to buy up the vast timber and mineral lands throughout Western Virginia and Eastern Tennessee, and to build railroads to all principle points to open them up to trade, lt is said there are millions of dollars interested in the project. There are thousands of acres of the richest lands the world lyintr idle in this section because of the lack of railroad facilities. The Virginia Coal and Iron Co. is ostensably at the head of this scheme to mo'nopoliee this land, but it is believed that northern and English capitalists are backing the company. Groom ot a Week Killed. 5 WiLijAMSTOww, Ky., May 1G: Guy Williams was accidentally killed by the discharge of a shotgun in his own hands. He was loading the gun, pre paratory p going hunting, when the gun went on. lie was married last week to Miss Edna May Castleman. Just one year ago his bride's father was thrown from a horse at this place. and died in a few hours from his in- . juries. Charged With Forgery. Bowling Gkeex. Ky., May 14. A nicely dressed young man, aged 21, named 'Ray, was arrested at Rockfield Friday charged with forgery. It is al leged that he obtained the names of two parties and wrote an order from one to the other. The forgery was discovered and the money was not paid. 6 - On the Way to Apia. Lexixqtox, Ky., May 15. In re sponse to a cablegrrjm from Auckland, New Zealand, James H. Mulligan, for mer United States general to Samoa, left Saturday for Apia, where he will appear before, the joint high commis sion of the powers to represent the in terests of planters and business men of the island. .the Mayor's Salary Attached. Lexington, Ky., May 16. An attach ment suit has been filed against Mayor Simrall by Prof. A. H. Gordon, of Alle gan academy, this county, for $163.33, and he prays that the mayor's salary be not paid over to him until the judg ment is satined. Two Drowned. Hopkinsville, Ky., May 13. Rev Peter Bronaugh, one of the best known colored Baptist preachers in thiare gion, and his little grandson, were swept from their buggy and drowned while attempting to ford a swollen stream within the city limits. Quarreled Over a Fence. Albany, Ky May. 14, In a quarrel which grew out of the tearing down of some fepces, Ann Ellen Denny shot and seriously wounded her cousin, Parker Marcum, Will Not Make tfca Race. Lexington, Ky., May 16. Mr. Rich ard P. StoU, of this city, who has been so frequently and so flatteringly spoken of as a republican candidate for governor, "will not make the race. His business interests demand all his time. Belmont In Louisville. Louisville, Ky., May 18. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Belmont arrived in the city Sunday night and have engaged a. box at the race course for Monday after noon. . Several Email pox Cases at-Shelbyvllle. Shelbyvillk. Ky.. May 15. Several eases of smallpox were discovered here. Prompt and efficient action was taken "by the officials and all cases sent' to the pesthouse. There is no danger of an epidemic. Candidate for Senator. M09KHEAD, Ky., May if, Rev. L. K. It IBM. a Methodist .minister ot this place, has amnoaaced himself a , candi date for state seaator, subject to the aeUemet tke4esaoovtie eaveatie, wWiaetUatOwimfsVille MajM."' 9 OF INTEREST. FOUND UNCONSCIOUS. faylor Larter Wa Found In a Field Near Jabex A liloodjr itone Was by Ills bide. Columbia, Ky.. May 13. The man found near Jabez, Ru&sell county. Wednesday in an unconscious condi tion was Taylor Larter, a highly re- pected and well to do citizen of that county. He died Wednesday night without regaining consciousnc-s. A large stone found near the body was covered with blood and hair and is supposed to have been the weapon used. Larter disappeared a week ago and had not been seen since until found by his wife. He is sup posed to have been in the field where found since he disappeared. It is an old, unused field. It is said that Lar ter some time ago discovered somo crooked work and told of it. The au thorities are working on a clew as to the murder. ZINC AND COAL OIL. From a Cliff Crude Oil ICmu In Large Quantities Woman Struck a Match and Barely Escaped Louisville, Ky., May 14. Lewis county is all excitement over the dis coveries of zinc and coal oil. Crude coal oil in half-pint flasks are coming from hand to hand Friday morning and several gallons of oil were brought from the farm of Eli Bryant, six miles southeast. It spurts from a stone cliff in large quantities. Congressman S.J. Pugh says the work of boring will bo gin right away. A Mrs. Hathaway had a narrow escape from death while vis iting the scene of the discoveries with her husband. She touched a match to the ground, when flames shot up. Her dress caught fire and the blazo was ex tinguished with difficulty. To Prevent Lynching. CAi.nouN, Ky., May 14. Jailer Riggs became alarmed Thursday night over the prospect of a mob appearing to hang Bryant Taylor, who got a ten year term in the penitentiary for tho murder of Joe Logsden at Owensboro, and .took him from the jail shortly after dark and handcuffed him to him self. He took him to a barn in ths Long Falls flats, two miles from town, and kept him all night. They got back to jail about daylight. There was no sign of a mob, however. Hardin County Annual Fair. Emzabetutowx, Ky., May 16. The directors of the Hardin County Fair association have decided to hold their fourteenth annual fair September 5, 6, 7 and 8. The first day will be ladies' day. The second day is to be Louis ville day. and a cordial invitation will be extended to the Commercial club of that city as well as all other citizens; the third is Hardin county day. Borseshoers Meet. Louisville, Ky., May 10. The con vention of the International Union of Horseshoers began here Monday morn ing at Odd Fellows' temple. The morn ing was devoted to exercises of wel come. Delegates are present from all parts of America and Canada. Among the officers here is Organiz r Fred Bazeley, of Cincinnati. Wholesale Indictments. Owing sville, Ky., May 17. The grand jury has returned 19 indict ments against the Standard Oil Co. for peddling oil without a license. Ten different insurance companies were in dicted for conspiracy and forming trusts. Drank Green Paint. HAimoDSBUiiG, Ky., May 13. The two-year-old son of Rev. John Taylor, near uere, zouna a pint can oi green paint, where it had been left by some painters, Thursday morning, and drank half of it. He is in a critical condition; Married la a Buggy. Benton, Ky., May 13. Hugh Eng lish, aged 63 years, and Rhoda Cole man, aged 38 years, were married in a DUggy iu front of the court house Thursday. It was their second ven ture. Substation at Covington, Ky. Washington, May 17. The postoffica department has ordered the establish ment on July 1 of Substation No. 1 ot the Covington (Ky.) postoffice at the corner of Twentieth street and Madi 'son avenue. Peculiar Aec Ideas. HopEiNsviLLS. Ky., May 13. S. D. Chestnut, a wealthy planter, was en gaged in mending a barbed wire fence when a sharp end of the metal flew back, and, striking him in the eye, de stroyed its sight entirely. Georgetown Won. Georgetown, -Ky., May 17. The baseball teams of Kentucky university, of Lexington, and Georgetown college played here Monday afternoon, George town winning by the score of 9 to Q. Georgetown held first place in the In tercollegiate league. New Kentucky Postmasters. Washington, May 17. The .follow ing fourth-class postmasters were com missioned in Kentucky Monday; HaiL Pulaski county, William Hargis; Pil grim, Martin county, Bettle Fanin. The Kentucky Maccabees. Fbankfost, Ky., May 18. The third annual session Kentucky state con- ventioa of the Order of Kaights ot the' Maeabees convened at the state capital Monday. The delegates will be welcomed by CoL Fred H. Roberts, private secretary to Gov. Bradley. Kaatueky DeaNets Meet. Loumville, Ky., May-17. The Mt annual ee&ventioa of the 'KeHtaeky. State Dejatal aMoeiatloa hegaa; at Maaaaeik Cave TneaaisT. aad will a www hcv ivwat Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine. Rotary Mottoaaad Ball Bearings. For sale by E. TST. Arnold, Lancaster, Kentucky. R. KiNNAIRD, INSURANCE. Representina; Followino; Companies: Aetna, Qneen, Palatine, National, Hartford, Dtleware, Milwaukee, Conneticut, Continental, Glens Falls, German American, Plienix of Brooklyn, New York Underwriters, Liverpool & London & Glohe. North British & Merchautile Aetna Lifelns. Co. of HartforflXonD J. X. DUNN NOTARY PUBLIC, BRYANTS VI LLE , KENTUCKY Lai Surveyor an! Apt fir AETNA FIRE INSURANCE CO SPRINGFIELD FIRE AM MAftIM INSURANCE COMPANY. EQUITABLE LIFE INSURANCE CO OF NEW YORK. Robinson & Hamilton Agts Ollice ovei Post Office. Lancasteb, : : : Kentucky- You Are Going North, If You Are Going South, If You Are Going East If You Are Going West; urcmasc TicKcra via tmc am ee sccvaa The Maximum of Safety, The Maximum f Speed, The Maximum of Comfort, The Minimum of Rates. Kates, Time and all other Information will be cheerfully furnished by C. P. ATMORC. a. P. a.' V' VbT' LovHvnxs. X. ORGANIZED PZENS NATIONAL BAM, U OF LAI0A3TEX. XT. Capital, -Surplus 'Fan $50,000 10,000 BOSXNJBB SOUCITXD. erefalaad Iaiaatjfctteatfaagssiraateeel . K. atMnneTaAa'..1...Tt....'.-.rresMeB Lawis T. Lxatzu. Tlee-Presldsat . W. MBBaaa;.. ..... Cufeiet .O. Riexar Assistant Cash' 0. D. Wilms Beokkeepee m dimctom: 'r J.K.IeeMseiaAK, Xavia TlaATau. 1. LtaMNt,v " Y.Aaaau, sio.Iurau,Jav ii.iaM. ' Leuisviuc a Nsmnux R. R. f nil