OCR Interpretation

The Breckenridge news. (Cloverport, Ky.) 1876-1955, October 09, 1878, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86069309/1878-10-09/ed-1/seq-1/

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roBttflUBR and rnormiBTon
Clovkifoit Kentucky
rryear 4150
Six monthi 75
Three monthi SO
One copy oneyearfreeforcluboftonaubscrlbcrs
JHJ Subicrlptlons muit bo paid In kItmko SS
tSfNb paper sent beyond limepaid for
Id k candidate for rc olcction to tlio Lowfk
Hodue of CONGRESS subject to a Demo
cratic Convention should ono bo called
Our friend Dr Frank in his letter last
week criticises our position on Conventions
nil letter is well written and wo arc always
clad to publish the viows of thosft opposed
The St Louis Republican of September
2Gtb gives quito nlcngthy notico of a speech
of Hon T T Crittenden Democratic mem
ber of Congress nt Versailles in that8tato
and publishes an abstract of his remarks
Mr Crittenden gavo a picco of political
history not generally known Wo qnoto it
below It gives tho position of two men in
18C3 on tho financial question who aro now
prominent in political matters Thoy wcro
then as now Grconbackcrs at least on
part of tho ground Mr Crittenden was
raised in Clovcrport and is known to all tho
older citizens
Mr Crittenden then called tho attention of
tho audience to two important resolutions which
had notbeforo been alluded to by any speaker
who had ever spoken In Morgan county and
as they aro matters of tnoro than pasting Im
portance at tho present tlmo when presidential
candidates aro being Iookod for I giro them in
full On tho 7th December 18C8 President
Johnson delivered his last annual messago to
congress In which Is tho following sontcncoi
It may bo assumed that tho holders of our
securities havo already received upon their
bonds a larger amount than their original In
vestment measured by a gold standard Upon
this statement of facts It would seem but just
and cqultablo that tho six per cent interest
now paid by the government should bo applied
to the redemption of tbo principal In semi
annual Instalments which In sixteen years and
eight months would ltqutdato tho entire national
debt Six per cent In gold would at present
rates bo equal to 9 per cont In currency nnd
equivalent to tho payment of tho debt ono and
onc hnlf times In a fraction less than seventeen
years This in connectlou with alt tho other
advantages derived from their Investment would
afford to the publto creditors a fair and liberal
compensation for the use of their capital and
with this they should be satisfied Tho lessons
of tho past admonish tho lender that it is not
well to bo ovcr nnxlous in exacting from tho
borrower rigid compllanco with tho letter of tho
On December 14 1808 Senator Wiley of
West Virginia submitted to the senate this reso
lution which was reported from tho commlttco
on finance on December 10
JUiolrtd That the senate properly cherish
ing and upholding tho good faith and honor of
tho nation do hereby utterly dlsapprovoof nnd
condomn tho sentiments and propositions con
tained in so much of tho lato annual messago
of tho president of tho United States as abovo
Mr Hendricks of Indiana moved this as a
ubstltuto t
That tho senato cordially Indorse tho senti
ment In tho presidents mossago that our na
tional credit should bo sacredly observed and
declaro that tho publlo debt should lie paid ns
rapidly as pructtcablo oxactly in accordanco
with tho terms of tho contract undor which tho
several loans nero made and when tho obliga
tions of the government do not expressly state
upon their face or tho law under which they
were Issued docs not provtdo that they shall be
paid In coin they ought in right and justtco be
paid in tho lawful money of tho United States
Which resolution was disagreed to Tons 7
nays 44 yeas alt Democrats nays all Republi
cans but Dixon of Connecticut This voto Is In
full accord with tho sontlments of the two great
parties at tho present day Again when tho
act of 18S9 which tho speaker said should bo
denominated the legtslatlvo robbory act was
before tho senato Senator Thurman of Ohio
moved to add to tho last section tho following
That nothing heroin contained shall apply
to tho obligations commonly called five twenty
Which was not agreed to Ycal2 nays 31 j
the latter being all Republicans with not ono
Democrat to mar tho sentiment of tho party
Mr Crittenden said such was tbon tho opinions
of those two great Democratio leaders ono of
whom was in 187 elected vlco prcsldcnt of
tho Unltod States by tho Democratio party and
defrauded of tho seat under tho form of an
inlqultousyoxccuted Uit and tbo other will bo
elected president In 1880 by tho Domocrats
from Maine to California and by tho Ster
nal ho will bo inaugurated too
Louisvillo certainly deserves great credit
for her unparalleled hospitality toward tho
South during her last great sorrow Sho
has thrown open her gates and invited the
suffers to como and bo fed lodged and
treated by her physicinns without money
And without price besides sending thou
sands of dollars to thoso who could not
accept her invitation It will bo a glitter
ing gem in her history and will raako her
stand out in bold relief as uncqualcd in
hospitality nnd generosity Cincinnati has
quarantined against tho South but has
opened generously her purso nnd sent re
lief to many in sorrow But wo protest
against tha hospitality of our now glori
ous metropolis being so used as to render
her liable to tho chargo of having her oyo
to her futuro southern trade
The lines of Mendo county should bo
obliterated and tho territory included there
in bo declared an unproductive desert and
made a place of cxila and torture for crim
inals if tho inhabitants do not liberally
support Thurmun and his paper tho Mcado
County Record Ho is earnestly endeavor
ing to furnish tho county with a good
paper and tho support it deserves is all
that is needed
Wo havo not heretofore taken any part
in tbo Massachusetts muddle hut since tho
second Democratic convention has de
clared a Hnrd wonoy platform we now
say that the Greenback platform udoptcd
t Worcester oven with Bon Butler ns it
chiof advocate is prcfcrablo to tho Hard
money Hard times oppressive and
Labor Mlling platform of Boston
Dr Luke Blackburnhas shown himself a
Hero not only during tho endemic now
raging but in former gloomy times when
yellow fever was causing distress and sor
row and death ho has voluntarily fted to
the aid of suffering humanity All honor
to him I His practle is far mora valuable
than Dr Bells theory
He Suar Bros1 foaml adrtliowwjt See adverllsemeiitof shorMiorn cattle
Miss Mattio LaUcist has returned
Judgo J Allen Murray is at homo
P Walter Esq left forLouisvillo Sunday
Mrs A M Pulliam of Hnrdinsburg Ky
was in town Saturday
Jos E Stone Jr Esq of Hnrdinsburg
Ky was in town Friday
Mrs Wm Howard of Jcffersonvlllo Ind
is visiting Mrs Isaac Miller
Morris Eskrldgc Esq paid our town a
visit last week
Capt Geo Hammers of Union Stnr
camo nnd went last week
A J Gross Esq will tako his herd of fine
short horn cnttto to tho Henderson Fair
John and Joo Jones of Rock Lick Ky
took 50 worth of premiums at tho Romo
D W Fairlcigh an Attorney of Branden
burg Ky wa3 in town last week on legal
Mr P Haffoy of Fordsvlllo Ky passed
through town Sunday en routo to Louis
ville Ky
Miller k Hovious took ono premium at
tho Romo Fair Thoy took it on tho ani
mal is now braying
Cnpt J M Whito says ho enjoyed his
rido to and from tho Rome Fair immensely
Ho doesnt tnlk about tho Fair
Wm Hatchet Esq of Henderson Ky
has rented ten stalls at tho Hardinsburg
Fair grounds and will bo thero with n fino
show of stock
R R Pierce Esq nnd wife returned
homo Saturday from a very pleasant trip
through Illinois nnd Missouri We aro in
debted to Mr P for some very interesting
letters ono of which will bo found in this
Indinna holds her election next Tuesday
Tho Hancock Circuit Court adjourned
last week
Tho Brcckcnridgo Criminal Court con
venes on next Monday
Tho Romo Fair didnt seem fair to the
Clovcrport exhibitors
Tho floral displays at the Louisville Ex
position every week aro very fine
Thcro aro now attractions at tho Louis
villo Exposition every week
In Iown tho Democrats and Grecnbnckcrs
havo united and are running n joint ticket
A Clovcrport boy can niways bp Known
by tho musk ho puts on his clothes You
can smell him a furlong
Tho girls want to know if tho boys uso
perfumery to hido natural unpleasant odors
When did you wash Adolphus
Mr W R Embry of our town brought
to this office last week a twig from an Eng
lish cherry treo full of full blown blossoms
Voorhees is making Southern Indiana
ring Republicans over there get gloomy
whenever thoy hear of him being around
Read tho communication from Gcorgo
Smith Esq in another column Undo
Gcorgo has views and is not afraid to pro
claim them
Tho yellow fever is still raging in tha
South nnd at Hickman in this State
though tho material at many points is
about exhausted
Dr Blackburns practico has brought
comfort and aid to tho bedsido of sufferers
Has Dr Bolls theory ever cased a pain or
cheered tho heart of a woary sufferer
Tbo wonderful and mirth provoking Pa
risian Marionettes perform ovcry afternoon
and evening to dolighted audiences at tho
Louisvillo Exposition
Tho attendanco at tho Louisville Exposi
tion wns very gratifying to the management
last week nnd tho attractions wero of the
most pleasing and interesting character
They had a considerable firo in Caunel
ton on Friday morning 27th of Septem
ber A foundry with all of tho machinery
and soveral dwellings Tho loss is sovcral
Verily verily I say unto you that in
days to como this question will be a serious
ono Havo you given a cup of cold water
to ono of these Wo mean tho yellow
fever suffers
Tho Dollar Democrat should be in tho
hands of every Democrat It Is a true ex
ponent of Democracy and is as truo as tho
nccdlo to tho polo It is published weekly
at Louisvillo Ky
Tho Hnrdinsburg Fair commeuces on
tho 22nd of this month The prospects aro
good for a successful exhibition Tho exhi
bition of horses and cnttlo will bo fino both
as to nuinbor uud quality
Tha display of tho Louisvillo Nashvillo
Railroad Cur works at tha Louisvillo Expo
sition is 0110 of great interest and shows a
class of manufacture that is highly credita
ble to the city of Louisville
By reference to our advertising columns
it will bo Bean that the fempcranco people
aro moving in sovcrtl districts to secure
the adoption of tbo local option law Clo
vcrport is among tha number Again
comes tho tug of war
We call special attention to tho adver
tisement of the Mews Duncan who aro
well and favorably known in this commu
nity of tfta old reliable house of Messrs
Sawyer Wallace Co It U scarcely nec
essary to speak of them only to say they
havo stood the test of the times for a quar
ter of r century never Iwving suspended
extended or cowprqwiied Their molfo
lgandilwavs LmWii where they owe
Pay 100 cents to the 1
Sept 30 1878
Editor News Tho following marriage
licensee havo boon Icsucd this month
James B Blair to Mrs Mary Ann Guess
Francis M Watts to Miss Missouri 1 Ilors
Joluf J Edwards to Miss Alico Gregory
Chas A Wheeler to Miss Julia A Wheeler
Win K Barnes to Miss Lucy E Gardner
John B Huntor to Miss Lucy A Owen
Geo W Bobbins to Miss Nancy A Black
William May to Miss Julinn Elder
Taylor Mcador to Miss Martha Davis
K S Edgcrton to Mrs Mollio Smith
Thcrraon R Basham to Miss Mnggio Con
Chas II Simmons to Misi Louisa Snpp
Field C Mattingly to Miss Fnnnio Hnrrol
Thos P Willcoxon to Miss Louisa Page
nenry Fisher to Miss Sallio Hardix
Geo W Smith to Miss Amelia Duncan
Clay Cox to Miss Hello Board
Attest Bios Joiiy D O
John Fcyman Merchant Taylor tnukes
cutting and fitting a Specialty and guaran
tees satisfaction in every case
Mrs W II Gregory hns just returned
from the city with a New Stock of Millin
ery Goods Go nnd examino them
Martin McGnry keeps a full lino of Con
fectioneries nnd Family Groceries
Mrs Lennin in addition to her stock of
Millinery keeps a good assortment of La
dies and Misses Shoes
R A k L Smith Blacksmiths keep
Wagons Plows and Buggies nnd do all
kinds of repairing in that line
Hensloy k Beard ketfjjl Largest Stock
of Dry Goods in towrMrtMdition to this
a Largo Stock of Furniture
J A Witt Co aro receiving IJew Goods
daily nith prices to suit tho Times
Dr J M Taylor has just returned from
the city with a full lino of Dry Goods No
tions and Clothing v
Go to Vessels for Confectioneries
T M Miller is not behind tho times in
tho Goods line Besides a Fresh Stock of
Now York Clothing ha keeps a full lino of
Dry Uoous and Notions
n C Heston keeps a full lino of Drugs
and Patent Medicines
Messrs Bcnrd k Beclcr ask tho public to
call and examine their Fall Slock of Mer
Mr T N Vessels has just received n
New Stock of Gents Furnishing Goods
T N Vessels has just received u Large
Stock of Notions
Go to Johnsons for Puro Wines and
Please dont forget where to find us We
hnvo a large stock of even thing nt V
DANIELS Old Stand Truly
Messrs Pullinm Gardiner have a New
Stock of Fall Goods
F Guthrie keeps Ifamily Grocciies and
Ladies call nnd sea our Largo Stock of
Prints nnd Notions Just Received
Horaco Scott the Old Reliable is tbo
Elaco to get any thing you want iu tho Goods
Sovcral of our youngsters took in tha
Romo fair last ucek
Wo wcro invited in to tako a little lloff
grub at tho uioverport Hotel last week but
business hurried us off Franks n clever
teuow ana wo can say more bdoui nis lure
when wovo been thnr
Largo Stock of Woolen Goods just re-
Clovcrport got away with us on baso hall
but wa got away with cm on thnt boss rnco
When yon como to Hnrdinsburg you can
save money by going to J A WITT
COS to buy your Bootst Shoes Clothing
Prints Notions or anything you want
Weddings now nro ahoutnll thego around
here nnd it looks liko wo aro tho last 0110
thats to havo a say in tho business
Finest nnd Cheapest Shirts in town at
Taylor Beards now residence is about
completed It is beautifully located and
presonts a hnudsomb appearance
Boots nnd Shoes Lower tliun ever Como
nnd look nt them Wltl UU
Tho big raco comes off tho day of tho
Circuit Court begins next week
Tlio Murphy meeting met at Antioch on
Inst Tuesday night
Mr E 8 Edgcrton and wife nro stopping
at McGilifl
Tho Clovcrport people want another turn
pike If thoy will work ono nt a time it
will last longer
J P Mathis wll bo hero this week If
he can t catch a picture ho may pick nnd
Somobodr mar cot bcliind on
thcro may ha n little left after tho fifth of
Tho best thing during tha fair will ho n
hnlf mio rnco for a nurse of one hundred
dollars Thcro will bo four horses entered
ona from Meade two of Brcckcnridgo nnd
ono from Indiana It will be run on 1 riday
tho fourth day and a big crowd ts looked lor
Largest Stock of Jeans in town at WITT
Clovcrport wants to build another turn
pike nnd then bankrupt
Beldon tho llopublicnii candidate for
Congress will speak hero on the 21th
N L Ilonsley wifo nnd daughter loft
this week for St Louis Mo
Come Quick I
And sco our Mammpth Stock of Hats and
Caps WITT k CO
Ladles bring on your Producoj wo will
give as much as tiny person and sell Goods
Some of our young roon went to tho
Romo Fnir tut they any tbo best fay out
waa nt Harrys in Stephpnsport Thoy
awarded him the premium for tbo best
w ater It was from Nelson and Bourbon
counties nnd had the following pedigrco
Grand Sire Imp Satan out of Dawn from
Inferno Slro Indian Corn out Crooked still
River very low and itiil falling
s uJfir
to us when no intelligently and tlecontly
presented But wo think tho Dr has not
odduccd any prevailing reason for opposing
us In tho first placo ho states that we haro
compared tho Electoral Collcgo to County
Conventions Ho has misconceived us
What wo do say is that the electors for
l President and Vice President aro nominated
W by Conventions just as all candidates aro
nominated Tho electorship is an office or
position to which one is chosen by tho
pie but tho candidates for that offlco or
position aro nominated by State Conven
tions held in tho several States consisting
of delegates appointed thereto by County
Conventions In no other wny but by
means of conventions can tho candidates
for scats in the electoral college bo nomi
nated and tho President and Vice President
cannot be elected except by tho Electoral
College hence neither can bo elected but
through conventions and if traced back to
the sourco county conventions is the fount
ain from which tho President and Vice
President spring Theso conventions ap
point delegates to tho Stato Conventions
nominate tho candidates for tho Electoral
College and thoso elected choose the
President Ilcnco the argument of our
correspondent that tbo manner of electing
a President is not analogous to tho manner
ot electing other officers by means of nom
inations falls to tho ground ns wo find
that even County Conventions must bo
held if wo want any chief officer of the
nation Of course a Stale Maw Convcn
tion is not to b thought of for if wo wont
tho voice of tho majority in such matters
it would be impossible then to secure it
A majority of tho voters in any Stato could
not thus bo assembled in any ono place
The Doctor says that when wo have con
ventions wo double tho process That
when conventions arc held thcro is ft troupe
of candidates before and nftcr tho conven
tion Tho Doctor certainly forgets that
After a convention tbo parties aro only
f eprcscntcd and as generally thero aro only
two parties thero aro nfter conventions
generally but two candidates and those
should nnd wo have written on tho idea
that they should with dignity and intelli
gence raako tho raco upon priuciplo and
enlighten nnd benefit tbo people Tho
Doctor says that no labor is lost to the coun
try by candidates tramping around as can
didates for offico aro thoso who never work
If the result of having no convention Inst
aummcr was this the bringing out of
idlers ns tho correspondent says then by
all means let us have conventions and put
out workers not drones
Ho also says wo have never had reform
practiced by nominees of conventions that
all tho reform is in their talk and not in
Action This is an assertion that needs
proof If there has ever been any reform
nt all in tills land if one singlo good thing
has ever been done by ono in office which
tho Doctor seems to doubt then it has been
done by thoso elected by means of nomi
nations as all offices until very recently
or until things became corrupt sure onough
liave been filled by nominees It has been
of lalo years only that conventions have
not been held Hut who is it now that
dont advocate conventions in their prac
tice if not in theory and what party or
organization is it that docs not hold them
If wo aro corrccly informed the working
men havo held theirs in this county But
enough of this Wo ngreo with all thoso
who say that conventions do not always
apeak tho will of a majority but tho causo
is that tho majority does not attend them
Wo will notice other points in tho letter
ft ft iuturs tissc
Let tho Democratic party fail to adopt a
Greenback platform and it will wreck 011
tho same rock that tho Republican party is
now going to pieces upon oppression of
labor nnd undue favoritism to capital
Though tho old and truo principles of
government so long advocated by it will
nd fcut be coeval with tho gotornraont
But it will not fail Tho sun has risen in
tho East and tho requiem song of labor
oppression lias already been written and
aet to rnusie and at tho next national elec
tion it will bo sung over tho tomb and as
tho last clod falls pn tho coffin the people
will unlto inane joyous refrain of prosper
ity liberty and freedom from tho most
tyrannical thraldom ever known a thral
dom iAt reached to the firesides and cn
iUrtlUd and enslaved wives and children a
thraldom that takes tho bread from tho
Mouths of children that puts out tho firo
upon tha forges stops tho plow in tho fur
row nd clogs tha wheels oC industry
every h here
How trill his sound in after days
Lottiivlllo Drummer to a Southern Mcr
efcaat You can Jiave this article nt 28
cents pe peuuiL
8 Merchant Why hero are price lists
from Cincinnati quatlng to mo tho same
rtcl at 27 cmtt uU tha freight is the
same I will mvo money by buj iug thcro
L Drummer Cincinnati quaran
tltwd agatnU yon dtriuta yellow fetcr
and LtmUvllIis did not
Wo are prowl f Ote huuwdiy and hos
pitality of our HMfoopolis but we of tho
newspaper are Hawing the trumpet too
much and it is beginning to smack of specu
lation Let not thy left Iian4 know what
thy rWit hand doetV k the true principle
of iwnuine charity
Independent in all things NcutralimwtUing Principles not party Men not availability
No FpIdoTiio in Liuisville
Tho following report from tho Board of
Health 3 cstcrdny evening
LootsviiiE Ky Oct 1 1878 To Whom
it May Concern The accompanying com
munication Aom Dr E O Brown Health
Officer is from n most faithful and honor
nblo gentleman nnd official and is entitled
to every consideration as a perfectly truth
ful statement of tho sanitary condition of
this city up to noon to dny The simple
fact that ho invites thoso of our citizens
who hnvo been absent for tho summer
months to return to their homes should con
vinco nil rcasonablo persons thnt thcro is
no sickness hero Justice therefore de
mands that restrictions Bhould bo removed
from tho fullest and freest intercourse be
tween tho city of Louisville nnd other points
Respectfully Cms D Jacoii Major
Health Office Room No li Citt
Ham Louibvimf Oct 1 1H78 Hon
Chas D Jacob Maior of LouisvilteKii
Dear Sir I have the honor to report that 1
havcLConsolidatcd tho two hospitel build
ings have all tho patients in ono building
nnd discharged soven employes nurses etc
It nlsoarTnrus mo pleasure to report thnt
tho health of tho city was novcr so good at
this season of the year no epidemic of any
chnrnctcr existing nor nnj reason to ap
prehend any Any of our citizens who may
bo absent from tho city need hnvo no fear
in returning nnd strnngcrs desiring toisit
this city on business or otherwise can doso
with perfect safety Very respectfully
E O Bitowjf 5l I
Health Officer and Physician in Chnrgo
Yellow fever Hospital
At twelve oclock to day October 2 the
chief health officer Colonel I W Edwards
reports ho hns rmilc another inspection of
tlio city nnd could luul no casus ot yellow
fever nmongtho refugees or others
Tho following from Bishop Knvnnaugh
whoso facilities for knowing tlio condition
of affairs nro tho best should convince every
onq that our condition is exceptionally
Louisville October 2 1878
So far ns I know thcro is no epidemic in
the city My family is here ns I have been
very generally for tho last two months
H II Kavaxaugh
Dont buy your Dry Goods Flnunoltf
Blankets Inms etc until 3 011 havo exam
ined the Stock of FRAME- k MILLER
All tho Choico Novelties of tho Season at
If you want a nice fitting Suit of Clothes
IP a 1 ii e
11 Jim twin u iiuu reiinuiu ouit 01 lyiuuius
if you want n Suit thnt you can ninko jour
ClulilrensClotlios out of when you hnvo
douo wearing it This Suit can ho found nt
Sowing Machines Needles Oils Attach
ments etc nt J D BABBAGES
IS JRL JLji sii
I havo for sale at most rcasonablo prlcos tho
following cattlo
Ono aged bull General Washington with
One cow Sallio Ilinklo wth pedigree
Four ooirs Maggie Strawberry Suo I and
Ella J
Also tho following calves of General Wash
ington r
Sir Richard aged 7 months Colonel Scott
aged Mnontlu
Theso calroi aro beautiful rods with soino
This Is an opportunity for those desiring
Short Horns to get them at rcasonablo prices
U I will havo seven or eight head of
tho above nauod cattlo nt tho Hardinsburg
Wobster Ky no 13 tf
Wc nro authorized to make Liberal Ad
vances on Consignments of Tobacco to tho
abovo named firm New York
no 13 Cm
To tho voters and officers of election In Har
dinsburg Clovcrport Hudsonvllle Clifton
Mills Union Star nnd Stovonsport Districts
notico ts horoby gtvon that on tho 5th day of
November 1878 tbo senso of tho voters will
be taken In each of said Districts upon tho
proposition whether or not spirituous vinous or
malt liquors shall bo sold therein Tho orders
mado for that purposo by tho llrcokeivridgo
County Court and dellvcrod to moby thr County
Clerk for publication aro herewith appendod
The Shorlus and othor ofllocn of elections In
each District will opon polls nnd tako tho votos
as required by section 4 of nil Act of the Leg
islature approved January 2flth 1874
J It PsllAVKN 8 B O
Order For Clovcrport District
Semimbkh Tebii September IS 1678
Tim Petition of tho roaulslte number of tho
legal voters of Clovcrport District having boou
illod for this Term according to Section 1st of
tha Local Option Law approved January 20
1874 and tho Court being sumclontly ndvlsod
directs the Shorlff or other olllcer whoso duty
It shall bo to hold the election to oiien a Poll
In suid district at tho noit regular Ijtato Elec
tion held therein to wlt 1 On the Mil day of
Novombcr 1878 said eleotlon bolng to eleot
Congressmen etc as provided by tho Constitu
tion and by tho Ocnoral Statutes chapter S3
Eloctlous for tho purpose uf taking tho senso of
the legal voters In said district upou tho prop
osition Whether or Not Spirituous Vinous or
Malt Liquors Shall bo Sold Therein
Tho Clerk of tho County Court Is hereby di
rected to glvo to the Sherlir or other offloer a
certified copy of tho Order of tho Judge of tho
County Court ns It appears 011 his Onlor llook
wlhin ten days after said Order Is mado
And it Is further ordered that the Sheriff or
other officer whwe duty It shall bo to hold
said eloetlon shall be governed In his duties
therein by Soctloas 3 and 4 of said Law afore
said at
A copy
Attest 1 01 JOLLY Clerk
By IIoiuck Allkx P C
Order For Harillnbura District
Bki teudku Tkru September 10 187tJ
Tho Petition of tho ronulsllo number of tho
legal voters of Hirdliiburg Dlitrlot having
been died for this Term ac rdlng t Soctlou
1st of the Local Option Law approod January
20lh 1874 and the Court being sufficiently ad
vlseddlrccts tho Sheriff or other oBlcer whoso
duty It shall be to hold the cloctlon to opes a
Poll In said District nt tho neil regular Stato
election held tbervln to wlt 1 On tbo Oth day uf
November 1878 said election being to lcct
NO 13
Congressmen etc as provided V tho Constitu
tion and by tho General Ktatutes chapter A
Klcctlons for tho purposo of taking tho senso
or tlio legal motors in sain nisirici upon 1110
proposition Whether or Not Spirituous Vlnouj
or Matt Liquor Shalt bo Sold Therein
Tho Clerk of tho County Court Is licroby di
rected to giro to tho Sheriff or other OOlcer a
ccrtlflod copy of tho Order of tha Judgo of tho
County Court as It appears on his Ordor Book
within ten days after said Order Is made
And It Is further ordered that the Hherln or
other officer whoso duty It shall bo to hold said
cloctlon shall bo gmcrncd In his duties therein
by Sections 1 and 4 of raid Law aforesaid
A Copy
Attest t O P lOIil Y Clerk
y Dlox J011Y I C
Order for Stephensport District
SrrrrwniR Tcitu September 10 1878
Tho Petition of tho requisite number of the
legal voters of Stephensport District having been
filed for this Term according to Section 1st of
tlio Local Option Law approved January ZO
1874 and tho Court being sufficiently advised
directs tho Sheriff or other officer whoso duty
It shall bo to hold tho election to open a Poll
in said district at tho next rczular Stato Elec
tion bold therein to wlt 1 On tho 5th day of
Norcmbor IHJ8 said ptcction being to elect
Congressmen etc as provided by tho Constitu
tion and by tho Ucncrnl Statutes chapter 33
Elections for tho purposaof taking tho sonsoof
tno legal voters in said district upon ino prop
osition Whether or Not Spirituous Vinous or
Malt Liquors Shall bo Sold Therein
The Clerk of the County Court is hereby di
rected to glvo to tho Sheriff or other officer a
certified copy of tho Order of tho Judgo of tho
County Court as It appears on his Order Hook
within ten days after said Order Is mado
And It is further ordcrod that tho Sheriff or
othor officer vrliojo duty It shall bo to hold
said election shall ho governed in his duties
therein by Section 3 and 4 of said Law aforo
A copy
Attest t O P JOLLY Clerk
By IIorack Allen D C
Order For Union Star District
State of Kentucky breckeniudge
county court
SifTKunKR Term September 16 1878
The Petition of tho roqnlslto number of the
leeal voters of Union Star District Imvlne been
lied for this Term according to Section 1st of
tue Local option Law approved January 20
1874 and tho Court being sufficiently advised
dlrocts the Sheriff or other officer whoso duty
it shall bo to hold the election to open a Poll
In said district at tho next regular btato Elec
tion held therein to wlt t On tho 6th day of
IVoroinbcr laio said election being to elect
Congressmen etc as provided by tho Constitu
tion and by tho General Statutes chanter 33
Elections for tho purposo of taking the sonsoof
tno legal voters in said district upon tno prop
osition Whether or Not Spirituous Vinous or
Malt Liquors Shall bo Sold Therein
Tho Clerk of tho County Court Is hereby di
rected to glvo to the Sheriff or othor officer a
cortiffed copy of tho Order of tho Judgo of tho
County Court as It appears on his Order Book
wlthtu ten days after said Order Is mado
And It is further orderod that tho Sheriff or
other officer whoso duty It hall bo to hold
said election shall bo govcrnod In his dutios
therein by Sections 3 nnd 4 of said Law afore
A copy
Attest G P JOLLY Clerk
Order For Hudsonvllle District
SrrTKifBKB Term September 16 1878
The Petition of the requisite number of the
legal volors of Hudsonvillo District having
boon Illod for this Term according to Section
1st of tho Local Option Law approved January
20th 1874 and tho Court being sufficiently ad
visod directs the Sheriff or other officer whoso
duty it shall bo to hold tho election to open a
Poll In said district at tho noxt rogular Stato
Election held therein to wlt 1 On tlio 5th day of
November 1878 said election being to elect
Congressmen etc as provided by tho Constitu
tion and by tbo General Statutes chapter 31
Elections for the purposo of taking tho sonso
of the legal voters in said District upon tho
proposition Whether or Not Spirituous Vinous
or Malt Liquors Shut be Sold Therein
Tho Clerk of tho County Court Is hereby di
rected to glvo to the SherllT or other officer a
ccrtltlod copy of tho Order of the Judgo of tho
county uourt as 11 appoars on 111s urdcr liook
within ten days after said Order Is made
And It is further nrderod thut tho Sheriff or
oilier ouicor wnoso duty It snail bo to hold said
election shall bo governed In his dutios therein
by Sections 3 and 4 of said Law aforesaid
A Copy
Attest 1 O P JOLLY Clerk
By Dion Jolly D C
Order For Clirton Mills District
SErTKUDEn Teru September 16 1878
Tha Petition of tho requlslto number of tho
121 KIM 0f OJIfJ Vf DJltrfvt mATihH
boon Mod for tbls Term according to Section
1st of the Local Option Law approvod January
26th 1874 and the Court being sufficiently ad
vised directs the Shorlff or other offloer whoso
duty It shall b to hold the elation to open a
Poll la said district at tho noxt regular State
Election held therein to wlt 1 On the 1th day of
November 1878 said election being tn elect
Congressmen etc as provided by tho Constitu
tion aud by tho General Statutos chapter 33
Elections tor the purposo of taking tho sonso
of the legal voter In said Dlitrlot upon tho
tiroiwsltlon Whether or Not Spirituous Vinous
or Malt Liquors Shall be Sold Therein
Tho Clerk of tho County Court Is hereby di
rected to glvo to the Sheriff or other officer a
cortlfied oopy of the Order of tho Judge of the
County Court as It appears on his Ordcr Book
within ten days after said Order Is mado
And It Is further erdered tbat the Sheriff or
other officer whose duty It shall bo to hold aid
election shall be governed In his dutios therein
by Seatlons 3 and 4 of said Law aforesaid
A Copy
Attest j O P JOLLY Clerk
Vg Bion Jolly D 0
nncoKHKitiDan circuit court
Susan M Cox and
0n lIl0
Robert W Cox j
Notice It hereby given thnt Susan M Cox
and Robert W Cox havo this day filed their
petition In tho llrccknnridgo Circuit Court to
empower the said Susan M Cox to use enjoy
sell and convey for her own benefit any prop
orty she may own or acquire free from tho
claims or debts of her husband the said Rob
ert W Cox 1 and ta maio contraots sue and bo
sued as a single womau nnd to trade In her
own name and to dispose nf her property by
deod or will 1 and nolle thereof Is hereby or
dered by publication in the Brockenldgo News
llvou under my hand as Clerk of Jlrecken
rldgo Circuit Court this 28th djy uf September
w 12 2t CUr BivtUnridge Circuit Court
Wtilo for Illus
Irntcd Cataloguoof
Wutchcs Clocks
and Jcwolry Sunt
tih W 8svnE
JcwolorlCC IthSt
Louisville Ky
n sm
Every Nook and Corner
filled with the
at the
coming on every day
Do not fail to SEE the
Prom all parts of tho country reports como
of tho immense sales and incruislng demind fur
that doscrvlngly popular sowing MachlnoTbo
Old nnd Roliablo Standard tho prico of
which tho proprietors wisely reduced tn 21
Including nil tlio attachment and nt ouco se
cured tor them a popularity among tho people
far hoyond that ever yet attained by any other
machlno ot any price tho concqucnco of which
Is ngents aro leaving tho tild high jriccd ma
chlnoj nnd necking territory for tho Stan
dard Knowing front expcrlenoo that with
tho best goods nt the lowest price they can out
oll all other Machines where tho superior qual
ity and low prlco Is mode known This splen
did Machine combines all tho ImprovomcnU
Is far ahead of all others In beauty and dura
bility of Its work oase of management light
running and certainty of operation Is sensibly
made upon sound principles wlthposltlvo work
ing parts nil steol and can bo safely put down
as tho very perfection of n Serviceable Sowing
Machlno In ovcry particular that will outlast
any Machlno and at a prlco far duwn bolow
any other It is thoroughly warranted for fho
years Kept in order frco of chnrge And sent
to any part of tho Country for examination hv
tho cjstomcr beforo payment of tho hilt rt
can predict equally as largo a dca ur hom
in this cctlon as In others latnlUes desiring
tho best Machine inufacturod should writo
direct to tho Pnctcry And enterprising per
sons wlshlngUo sclto tho chance hould apply
for eo ilcslrablo an agency SceadvcrtUoincnt
in nnonic rt of this papor Address stan
dard Machine Co Cor Broadway and Clinton
Placo Now York scptll ly
A throng of suflorers with coughs nnd
colds nnnuully go South to enjoy tho cthu
renl mildness of tho land oftlowers To
them wo would sny the necessity of thnt ex
pensive trip is obvinted by Cousscnii Com
pound Honoy of Tnr which speedily vnn
finishes tho coughs nnd colds incident to
this rigorous climo For public speakers it
surpasses tho Demosthenic regimen of
pebbles nnd scu shore j cleuring tho
throat until tho voieo rings with tho silvery
cadenco of n boll Use Cousscns Com
pound Honey of Tnr Prico fiO centR it
bottle Forsaloby A It FISHER Clo
vcrport Ky and Dr J M TAYIOKv
septlly Hnrdinsburg Ky
Will practloo In all tho courts of Broken
ridge aud adjoining counties
Deeds Mortgngos ote and all legal instru
ments carefully prcpirod
Titles Investigated and abstracts furntrhed
Prompt and careful attention given to nil
business entrusted to roe no 11 tf
Human Misery
Jmt 1ublUlil in a StuM Euvtloju e
tit Ctllll
A Lecturo on tho Nature Treatment nnd
Radical euro of Seminal Weakness or
Spermatorrhea Induced by Self Abuse luvol
untary Kmlfslnns ImKtoooy Nervous Debil
ity and Impedimenta to Mnrrlago generally
Consumption Bpllepy and Pits Mental and
Physical lnonpuclty Ac By ROBBRT J
CUIiVKRWBLL M 1 author of tho la en
Book Ac
Tho world renowned author In this
bio Lecture olearly provc from hi owu exper
ience that the awful ciinscqueiicrivfSulf Abiiso
may bo effectually removod without medicine
and without dangerous surgical liberations
bougies Instruments rings or cordial point
ing out a mode of euro at once certain aud
effectual by whleh every nfforer no matter
what bis condition may bo may euro hlmsilf
choaply privately and radically
Mftire wiM prawn I 0 iAomumi
and iAgimiuii
Seut undor seal Iu a plain envelope tn any
address on receipt of six oent or two postage
stamps Address tho Publishers
41 Ann St New York
rost Ofllco Hox toao innyia ly
No 95 W Market St Between 3rtwi4tN
ukqy wm
li tha iruiiteft 11mmI rtui4v of tk fate
Ur Vwiuf Ulttn yufcr imitM M till ttik
Jltwil diseasoi vlld tu Its wondrrful twwuM
Vrs IMml It tho guarantee vf hvuWh Xt I
It cured uiy nun ur XcrofiiM J K kk
Palnsvllle UUIo Itoufedwy ahUil of Jtrjr v
ifwn Mif K HmeltKr Iarliu Pa
W K Poller Co propts yiUHW4i P
Ptleo 5HU Tho gwmltw Vf xw wmm oh
bottom of urappvr Hottt Mr ull driilM
tcpttly OmrfWt Ky

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