i 1 1
sept4 ly
Wo aro authorized to mako Lib oral Ad
Vance on Consignment of Tobaocoto tho
above named firm Now York
no 13 Cm
From all parts of the country report come
of the irumtnso sales and Increasing demand for
that deierrlngr popular sewing Machine Tho
Old ana Rellnblo STASnASti the price of
milieu ino proprietors wisely rcrincea to Jfzu
Inlu Jlrtf all tho attachments an J nt once so
curcd for them n popularity among the people
far beyond that ever yot attained liy any other
4 machine at any price tho consequence ofrwhtch
SJisFagents aroiavIiig ho old blU prlccdton
ehlnei andsccklng territory for tho StaX
iuid Knowing frow experience that with
tho Lett good at the lowest prlcj they can out
sell all other Machine where the superior qual
ity and leWprtM la Made known xhls splen
did MscMrte combines all the Improvements
la far ahead of all others In beauty and dura
bility of 1U work ease of nmnngcinont light
ruuning and certainly of operation Is sensibly
made upon sound principles with positive work
log parts all steel and can be safely put down
as the very perfection of a Serviceable Sewing
Machine In ererV particular that will outlast
any Machine ami at n price far down below
-1 T I- L lj --
years Kept in order free of eharge And sent
to any part of tho Country fyr examination by
tk enstpmer before payment of the bill We
an predict equally ns largo a demand for them
In this section as in others Families desiring
the best Machine uunlifattured should write
direct to tho Factory And
Aa4M wtihlrig to ielto the chanceehdutd apply
fesordeslrabls an agency Bee advertlseraon t
la another nart or this MnerH Address Stan
dard Machlno Co Cor Ilroadway and Clinton
Ilaco now lone
septll ly
A lirnnff nfmnftplrfl u itlinnilrrlia nnil
coldsfnnriualtyftdSobth to enjoy tho etho
real mildness of tho land of llowcrs To
them wo would say tho necessity of that-ex
pensive trip is obvintcd by Cousseus Cotri
ound Honey of Tarr which speedily van
quishes JhecoughH nnd cold incident to
this rigorous clime For public speakers it
surpasses the Demosthenic regimen of
pebbles nnd spa shore clearing tho
throat until the i voice rings witli thtynlvcry
cadence of a bell Use Coiihhciib Com
pound of Tnr Price 50 cents a
bottler For sale by A K FISnEIt
verportijvy nndir J M TAYLOH
Inrdinsburg Ky
pa- - - 4 y
Will praitloo in all the courlf of llreikeu
ridge and adJialhg WunUeii
Deeds Mortgager etanndVll legal Instru
ments carefully prcpnrodl
Titles Inv6ttigat6d and abstracts furnished
Prompt and careful jUteqtlpn given to all
buslnesi entrusted tame uolltf
J a 1
VrfVk7i ina
six cents
A Lecture on the Nature Treatment and
Radical euro of Seminal Weakness or
iipcruiatarrhtcik luducod by Self Abuse Invol
untary Emissions Impotcncy Nervous Debil
ity and Impediments to Marrlago generally
Consumption Epilepsy and Fits Mental and
Physical Incapacity t
CUIiVERWEM M D author of tho Urecn
Hook Ac
Tho worlJ renowncd author tn this admira
ble Lecture clearly proves friMhisowifeiiier
fence thai the awful consequences of Selfr Abuse
maybe effectually removed without medicine
nnd wlti6ut dangerous surgical operations
bougies instruments rings or cardials point
ing oat a mode of euro at onco certain and
effectual by which every sufferer uo matter
what bis condition may bo may euro himself
cheaply prlvatoly and radically
i Bu Thu LfrtHte will prove a boon h tXomandt
and Ihouiamli
Sent under soajT in a plain envelope o any
address orrreclpt of six cents or two postage
stamps Address tho Publishers
4IAnnSt New York
Post OITico Box d586 mnyl5 ly
wiotvaiiK fiGALiins in
Mo 05 W Market St Between 3rd and 4th
nwSooVl s J
Istbe greatest Jllool remedy pf jha age Tit4
lir tmfult lffrj 7oi7 Jimple niid alt
jiuhm uiseases yum 10 us wonaertui powers
Jure Mood Istho sisnintoe of health Keadi
Ituredtey son KilrooksV
Palnsvllle Ohio It cured my child of Kry
tiptlaiMrt EoBmoltior Larimers oVa
llE Sellers A Co pronVrPllsVurgufra7
lrlce 109 Tho genuine has our name on
bottoajof wrappert Sold by nil druggists
septlly Clpyorpjrt hy
AAGKTiJ profits per week
nampie sent tree to an Address w it
CHID KSTK It 2 1 0 Fnl ton street New York
Sellers Liver Pills
JIavo been tho rluwil pasiit the euro of
Liver ComplalntOiVMM Fover and
Agile Sick Hcitaeefiimlf doranpo
luents of the stoaaehCand liver fur overIy
3tan Hoad thlsj f tors lur VjU tvred
lueSoran iWaekof Llvortwrnplafnt of eight
years standing Evans Juliet Ills
lrlce 25 cts a box 11 K Seller1 A pu
pfoprs Pittsburgh Pa fold by all druggists
W li WHITE Agent
sjM Jy Oloycrport Ky
The Buckeye
It Is well established facts that Tablets
Uuckeyd Pilo Otntincnt will cure 5f uso
ACCjrUitig directions Tlw lisculusIlirK
riutwwwfiuiw ar Horse Chestnut cbmtrionly
KHOwrt ns the iluckoyc has boon highly
estiflel far wuny ycHrt owning to tho
faertlwt tt possess virtaes lying In the
bitter urjnciplo CHllejlJJsculiii which can
bo uUMl thiHirrril If affected
with Ut terrible disease sst Kuckeyo 1ilo
Ointment nnd ho relieved Price CO cts
FwwU by- - Av R- F18HKH
aeptll Clover port Ky
LluuiwJ t
wmmi aTmstwnn Til AT A Mi swrnw
i no ROOMS t
Eait HM WfwtiwuHe ttevmrt HtM
The beautiful glanco of thy dark btuo eyes
Light up nil tho fires of my soul
And thy volco Is llko music so softly It dies
And sweet Is Its gcntlo control
Thy form all grnco end twin corals thy lips
That blush oer the pearls thoy encloso J
uco sips
hit urcnin iiko mo uiossora mo nonoy
And thy checks llko the young budding
Thy words brcatho the fervor of Virtue nnd
While intelligence beams un thv hrnw i
And a magnet has linked a golden wlro to thy
Thats attracting nil hearts to thco now
May Edens rich blessings flit over thy years
And rose leaf thy pathway above
May tho sunshine of beauty beam bright
through thy tears
And nrch Heavens Itainbow with love
returning to Ins laboratory from dinner
His littlo daughter was dashing after him
through tho mud hntlcss and without an
umbrella After Borne jocular fencing the
object of tho visit was nnnounccd and wo
went into tho private oflicc
Are you positive I inquired that you
have found n light that will take tho place
of gas and bo much cheaper to consumers
There can bo no doubt about it he
Is it an electric light I asked
It is he nnswercd Electricity and
nothing else
When asked how ho came to mako his
first experiments with a view to discovering
such a light ho said that an electric light
was no new discovery Ho only claimed
that ho had found out how to utilize it
Last December I experimented on tho
same lino that I have struck now I got
together all the books that I could find nnd
read np on it and thought I wns left From
what I read I got an idea that my theory
was utterly impracticable Two months
ago William Wnllaco invited mo to Anso
nia Wallace has nil the different electric
lights and the different machines for mak
ing them Professor Barker and Professor
Chandler were with inc I saw for tho first
time everything in practical operation It
wus nil beforo me I saw the thing had not
gone so far but that I bnd a chance I saw
that what had been done had never been
made practically useful The intense light
had not been subdivided so that it could be
brought into private houses In all electric
lights heretofore obtained lie intensity of
tho light was greatnnd tho quantity very
low I camo back homo nnd made contin
uous experiments two nights in succession
I discovered the necessary secret so simple
that a bootblack might understand it It
suddenly camo to me the samo as the secret
of the speaking phonograph It was real
and no phantom I wns as sure that it
would work as I was that tho phonograph
would work I made my first machine It
was a success Sinco then I have made
nearly a dozen machines each different
and the last ones improvements upon those
first made Tho subdivision of tho liciit is
nil right Iho only thing to bo accurately
determined is its economy I am already
positivo that it will bo cheaper than gas but
havo not yet determined how much cheaper
To determine its economy I am now put
ting up a brick building back of my labora
tory here It is to bo ono hundred and
twenty fivo feet long I havo already or
dered two eighty horse power engines for
this building I consider them tho best en
gines in tho country
What do you use tho engines for I
To make tho electricity tho professor
replied Wo uso no batteries It isnt
necessary We simply turn tho power of
steam into electricity and tho greater tho
steam power wo obfain the more electricity
wo got
On being questioned concerning tho arti
cles of incorporation of tho Edison Electric
Light Company recently filed with County
Clerk Gumblcton of this city Mr Edison
said that thoy proposed to light tho city
public buildings nnd pnvato residences
with electric lights Tho electricity would
he piado by twenty or inoro engines sta
tioned in different parts of tho city In
stead of manufacturing all tho electricity
at ono control point ns gas companies mnko
gas tbero would bo twenty itations Each
station would havo an engine and sovcral
electric generating agencies You know
said tho professor that when electricity
goes out it must always get back to whero
it went from Therefore each station will
have ono grand return wiro with which
soparato wires will connect thus forming
tho necessary electric circuit I think that
tho engines will bo powerful enough to
furnish light to all houses within a circle of
half a miio Wo could lay tho wires right
through tho gas pipes and bring thorn into
tho houses All that will bo necessary will
be to remove tho gas burners and substitute
ejectric burners Tho light can ho regu
lated by a screw tho samo as gas You may
havo a bright light or not as you wish
You can turn it down or up just as you
please and can shut it biTat any tiino No
match is needed to light it You turn tho
cock the electric connection is made tho
platinum burner catches a proper degrco of
heat and there is your light There is
itelther blaao nor fiamo There is no sink
ing nor fliekwiiig I don t pretttatl that it
will dive a mueh better light than Has but
It will be whiter nnd steadier than any
i Lfl k k 1 t fc
Inventor Declares It Perfect and
Makes an Exhibition
Tho tloors of the laboratory at Mcnlo pnrk
are closed No strangers ore admitted In
tininto friends of Mr Edison nro barred out
Tho writer mot tho inventor in a falling
rain on Friday afternoon Mr Edison was
MasBrtUrofiiiUvUd - kpr tlmnjM It will yiva no fumw
nor smoke No carbonic acid gas will bo
thrown off by combustion It will bo a
great thing for compositors engravers and
all forced to work during hot summer nights
for it will throw out hardly any heat Shndes
may bo used tho same asjthadcs upon gas
lights but thero will bo no real necessity
for thorn Tho wind cant blow it out
Thero can bo no gas explosions nnd no one
will bo suffocated becauso tho electricity is
turned on for it can not bo turned on with
out lighting tho burner A person may
havo lamps inndo with flexible cords nnd
carry them from ono plnco to another
Can you measure the amount of elec
tricity used I asked
Well Mr Edison replied I havo
made no attempt to discover a meter I
know that it can bo mensurcd but it may
tako somo time to find out how I propose
that a man pay so much for so many burn
ers whether ho uses them or not If I find
that this works nn injustice why I shall try
to get up n meter but J fear it will bo very
hard to do it
Where do you get tho electricity to make
your electric light was tho question
From tho power of tho steam engine
ho replied
Tho professor here exhibited an electrical
generating machine It is what is known
ns a Wnllaco machine A knot of mag
nets run around tho cylinder fucing each
other Wires were attached to it Mr
Edison slipped a belt over the machine and
tho cngino used in his manufactory began
to turn tho cylinder Ho touched tho point
of tho wiro on a small piece of metal near
tho window casing and thero was a flash
of blinding white light It was repeated nt
each touch There is yopt steam power
turned into an electric light ho said
But how do you utiliro the light was
tho next inquiry
It was a simple secret but not ono ready
for publication Thero was tho light clear
cold and beautiful Tho intenso brightness
was gone Thero was nothing irritating to
the eye The mechanism wa3 so simple
and perfect that it explained itself Tho
strip of platinum that acted ns burner did
not burn It was incandescent It threw
off n light puro and white It was set in a
gallows liko frame but it glowed with the
phosphorescent effulgence of tho star of
Altaire You could trace the veins in your
hands nnd tho spots nnd lines upon your
fingcr nnils by its brightness All the sur
plus electricity had been turned off and tho
platinum shone with a mellow radiance
through tho small glass globe that sur
rounded it A turn of tho screw nnd its
brightness became dazzling or was reduced
to tho faintest glimmer of a glow worrri It
seemed perfect The prpfessor gazed1 at it
with pride
I would gladly give up Iho secret to the
public he said but tho patents are not
perfected You know my trouble with the
telephone in England A burnt child dreads
tho fire
How is this invention to affect the gas
companies I asked
Oh the gas companies rcpenied Mr
Edison Well of course some of their
plnnts will hnvo to go But it is not neces
sarily ruinous to them All they havo to do
is to amend their charters and take this in
nnd run it It ought not to hurt them
much ns I can see If tho directors nro
wise their stock ought not to depreciate to
any great oxtent Tho electric light to bo
sure is cheaper than gas that is certain
If it is not ns economical as I think I shall
mako it so for experiments convinco mo
that there is plenty of margin Tho gas
companies can do away with their tanks
and slap engines into tho stations necessary
for tho diffusion of the electric light Their
pipes can be used for the wires and thero
would be quite a saving
Mr Edison said ho hoped to havo his in
vention in practical operation within six
weeks As soon as his cngino house is built
he wants to placo tho light In every privato
residence in Mcnlo park Ho says ho shall
erect posts nlong thqj roads and havo a
grand exhibition -New York Sun
Mr Edison came clattering down the
stairs glowing with a pleasant excitement
and evidently just emerged ftoni U wiz
ards cuvo Hollo is it you ho said
rapidly Inn week or two Ill have my
electric light ready for you to illustrate if
you care to do so You scorn to bo mak
ing a panio among tho gas companies
said the Graphic Well yes those old
fellows know what thoy aro about Ivo got
em certain nnd they nro finding it out
la thero really any good causo for this
sudden tumblo of gas stocks It is a
little precipitating perhaps but it was
bound to come Thu electric light is tho
light of tho future and it will 10 my light
unless ho added with a conciliatory
twinklo somo other follow gets up a hot
tor one Still tho gas stocks need not de
cline Thu companies can jut adopt plec
trlcity instead of gas and run our wires
inside of their pipes
Ho led tho way op stairs again to tho
second floor of tho laboratory and paused
beforo tholiench whero he first hit oti tho
phonograph and whero he finished his tele
phone Three small brass standards were
thero six or eight inches high each with a
small gloss globe nr cylinder at the top en
closing a curious nest of wires From each
standard a wiro descended throuijh tlm flnnr
Thcso aro the lamps said tho inventor
relighting the pipe which had gone yut mid
laying It on tho bench whero it immediately
perished again He touched a lever on tho
bench Now tho current is on this lamp
hu explained touching the smallest it If
lighted but you do not yet see it Pres
ently the nest of wire at the top assumed a
dul crimson glow In another ininuto It
was scarlet thon It turned to a fierce white
kt OF pour there w no RMne Vm
said th light is wholly from Incandes
o a
cenco Tho light is just about equal to ono
gas jet I can increnso or diminish it to
any extent I can rcgulnto it with mathe
matical accuracy What is that wiro
that glows That is platina How
long will It last Forever almost It
will not burn It never oxydizes Then
ho turned It down through all shades of red
till tho light vanished You do not sco it
now hosnid but it is lighted It is in
visible and the electricity required is almost
infinitely small but it is there and a touch
will recall it seel and ho tapped tho
lover and the illumination returned Hows
that for a sick room ho asked with a
broad smile of pleasure He connected the
circuit with two other lamps and showed
their different patters and capacities Then
ho explained tho peculiarity which rendered
this electric light practicable and valuable
Whero docs this electricity como from
he was asked Down stairs It is furn
ished by our engine Wo uso Wallaces
machine William Wallace of Anaonia
a wonderfully ingeniou mnn Wo uso his
gcncrnlor It simply turns power into gas
In actual operation ono large engine would
supply n whole town with light How
much willyonr lights cost Mr Edison
Theyll C t n good deal less than gas-
How much less is not now certain nor is it
prudent to cstimalo it
Wo returned to tho electric lamps You
light ono of these said Edison by juU
turning a thumb screw No lighting of
matches no flumes no danger of sutlucti
tion or damago if you leave it turned on
full Wo followed him to the back win
dow whero tic called our attention to groups
of workmen digging and said I am
putting up a new building thero to perfect
this electric light It will be 135x83 feet
and will be equipped with two eighty horse
power engines an immense hydraulic press
and much other machinery We arc going
to put electric lights all over Menlo park
and see how many oue horso power will feed
Wo want to know exactly all about it
Tho return train whistled unexpectedly nnd
the visitors rushed down across tho field
followed by tho warning voico of the wizard
who Bhouted from the porch Dout give
mo awny till next week I New York
The Wants of Men
There is no creature on earth which has
so many wants ns mnn Wo came into the
world naked destituto and ignorant Na
ture has not endued us with that industry
nnd those instincts which beasts havo at
their birth reason only has been bestowed
on us that wo might acquirefirough it req
uisite talents and knowledge In this res
pect the state of tho brute creation may
appear enviable Is it not happy for thcra
that they have uo need of tho clothing in
struments and conveniences which arc so
requisite for us and that they arc not
obliged to invent nnd exercise thnt multi
tude of arts and sciences without which we
could not procure ourselves tho necessaries
of life They bring with thcra at their
birth clothing arms and every thing thoy
need nnd if thoy want any tiling they can
easily procure it by means of thoso natural
instincts which they blindly follow If
they wnnt dwelling places they either know
how todig or build them Have they need
of beds coverings changes of raiment
they know how to spin or wcavo them to
cast off their old garmonts nnd get now
If thoy have enemies they aro provided
with arms for their defence Should they
become sick or get wounded thoy know
where to find proper romedies Now we
who nro so superior to all other animals
have moro wants and fewer means of sup
plying them 4
It may bo asked why tho Creator has in
all these respcctsprivilcged man less than
tho beasts This curiosity is doubtless ex
disable provided U bo unaccompanied with
complaining Tho wisdom of the Deity is
manifested in this ns well as in all tho other
works of nature In subjecting men to so
many wants God designed that they should
ho continually obliged to exercise that rea
son which ho has given lo their happiness
nnd which to us eupplicsi tho placo of all
tho resources of other animals And be
cause wo aro destitute of thoso instincts
with which thoy nro endowed wo aro obliged
to use our rcasqn in order to gain n knowl
edge of tho world und of ourselves to bo
active diligent and laborious thatwo may
guard against want painV and disappoint
rocnt nnd to lead a quiet and pleasant lifo
By using our reason wo see the necessity ol
bridling ourstrong passions und avoiding
those excesses which might provo fatal to
us A few examples Way convlnpo us of
this If wo could procure fruits and all
other necessary aliments without labors Wo
should infallibly becomo indolent and Idle
and would spend our lives In the most de
grading sloth
The noblest faculties of man would bo
enfeebled and becomo stupid The bonds
of society would bo broken for mcr would
nojpuger Uvo in a state of natural depend
ence Even childr6n couldthcn do without
iho assistance of their -parents and would
need no help from others The wholo hu
man raco would all Into a iitatQ of barba
rism and savngo stupidity eachVliko tho
irt tali live fcr hlslf 5bu tnfre
wouhLbo neither subordination normcntal
obligations nor good ofllces It Is to our
wants that wo owo tho development of our
faqltnnd lhu prcrojptirefeC humRWy
Tloy awaken the mind dispose us to activ
ity and industry hy which our lives are
Made wore wwy and pleswint tJMn those of
ojher animals Onr wanUhayis nucatiV
sogiable rational and reukr in our witn
Hera1 and have nl us to invent a multitude
of useful arts HndselsnQaK In nHrl an
actlva and industrious life Is both useful
x t
T f
Independent in all things Neutral in nothing Principles not party Men not availability
nnd neccsiary to man Wcro not his
strength nnd faculties brought into nction
they would becomo a burden to himself
ho would gradually fall into stupid igno
rance into low brutal indulgencics and
into all the vices necessarily resulting from
Labor on the contrary puts tho wholo
machine into a pleasing state of action nnd
procures us satisfaction nnd pleasure in
proportion as it requires invention reflec
tion and knowledge Natural wants were
to us indispensably necessary that wo might
bo rational wise social virtuous and hap
py If after having been fed with our
mothers milk we had no need of succor or
instruction we should livo for ourselves
nlono refer ovcry thing to ourselves
learn no language and make no uso of our
reason stupid and profoundly ignornnt of
ourselves nnd other beings wo should un
derstand neither arts nor sciences nnd be
strangers to tho noblest pleasures of the
mind But now the wants of tho children
nnd the helpless state in which they como
into tho world oblige the parents through
pity and tenderness to take care of them
while tho children on their part aro at
tached to their parents through a sense of
their wants and a fear of danger they sub
mit to bo guided and formed by their exam
plo and instruction and learn from them
how to uso their reason and to act uprightly
Thus they may become worthy people nnd
good citizens nnd be enabled to lead an
honest and happy life Possessed of such
advantages we may easily dispenso with
those which tho nnimals appear to have
over us Wo havo no need of furs or feath
ers to cloth us no need of teeth or talons
to defend us nor of certain natural in
stincts and sensations to procure us the
things necessary to our support and preser
vation These gifts of nature would only
degrade us and bring us into a state of
mere animal perfection Our senses our
reason and our hands suflico to procure us
clothing weapons food and every neces
sary for our safety support and pleasure
and cnablo us to apply to our uso all thu
riches of the kingdom of nature
Wo sec therefore that the wants of
which so many complain nro tho very
foundation of our civil happiness nnd tho
very best means which tho wisdom and
goodness of our Creator could choose to di
rect the faculties of men to their greatest
advantage Were thoy only wise enough to
cxerciso themselves in this way they would
save themselves a great deal of trouble
Not ono in a hundred of the miserable
could attribute his distresses to misfortune
and we should confess that the quantity of
good far exceeds tho quantity of evil
That our afflictions arc softened by a thou
sand advantages and thnt it is in our pow
er not only to lead a tolerable but even a
happy lifo Claytos Cnossox
Union Star Ky
Davy Crockott Somo Anecdotos
of that Historical Porsonago
Mr Asa Jariuan of Houston Texas has
been interviewed respecting Davy Crockett
with whom he was acquainted in boyhood
having known him in Tennessee of which
State both were natives
Up to the age of eighteen said Mr Jar
man Crockett wns unnblo to read or write
and his boyhood was passed in tho solitude
of tho wilderness hunting bears and rac
coons which was his solo occupation and
delight Removing into West Tcnnesseo nt
a time when it was n wilderness untenanted
save by bruin and tho wild beast tho ycung
David found an amplo field for the pursuit
of a Nimrod like life
Locating on a small river the forest along
whoso banks had never known an ax ho
built a log cabin and carpeted bis floor with
bear skins He was now happy with none
to molest him as with gun tho old-fashioned
flint lock and dogs Daniel Boone
like he sallied forth to catch or kill his fa
vorite coon or savago bear
Tho youthful pioneer wns not long to re
main undisturbed for tho country soon set
tled up tho wilderness was taken porscssion
of by tho emigrant and the adventurer the
qountry was laid off into counties and Davy
Crocketts occupation wns partly gone
Iu course of time Crockett was elected by
his fellow citizens to tho Legislature nt
Nashville To such a man as ho who had
spent his life among tho wild scenes of the
border beyond the pale of civilization get
ting into the Legislature was a considerable
event and many anecdotes are related by
Mr Jarman of Crockett during his first
entrance on public life
It wns during his first session ns a legis
lator that Davy met with James K Polk
aftorwards President of tho United States
but then only an unnoticed young lawyer
Both happened ono day to bo standing In a
crowd of members Polk remnrked that a
bill would be immediately introduced to
alter the judiciary Crockett who did not
know what the deueo tho word judiciary
meant briefly replied spose so and to
cover up his ignoranco hastily slipped away
from the crowd
Somo time rftor he got to Nashville
nover having been iu town before Col
Crookett becaino thoiicro of another expe
rience which afterward when a member of
Congress ho was fond of relating to his
friend IliTSi limied to payavistt to a
billiard salion tho best in Nashvillo He
had never heard much of billiards and lint
nover seeii thorn played Arriving nt tlm
saloon his curiosity wes greatly excited at
seeing some inen with long sticks shoving
and punching at pretty red and white balls
The baekwoudswan keenly watched tho
rncn as they poked and hit the balls which
XyouIiI roll off into their proper receptacles
Hu efi highly pleased
It was durinis the hmiiw iod that Crock-
eUWH invited to a splendid supper and
banquet at the fine nnd aristocratic mansion
of Mr Irwin in Nashville Col Crockett
arriving attho house strode acrosstho gal
lery or piazza to tho door
Looking4ln he was surprised lo see tho
table cloth spread all over tho floor nover
having befors seen a carpet except tho ono
of bearskin which ho had used on his cabin
floor in tho woods Not knowing what tho
carpet was and seeing no way to get to the
lire place except by crossing what ho be
lieved to bo tho table cloth Col Crockett
in full view of tho other guests cautiously
looked this way and thnt to seo if thero wns
any chance except by crossing
At last ho muttered to himself Who in
the deuce is nfraid He crept aronnd tho
carpet till tho fire place was reached
Beforo supper wns announced Col Irwin
and tho boys hnd a high old time listen
ing to Davys bar stories Now hn had
never been nt n banqurt before nnd after
the guests were seated at the table a negro
waiting boy came up to the back of his
chair and asked if he would have tea or
coffeo Crockett replied Coffee though
I havo plenty of sarsaparilln at home
Up stepped tho boy with tho coffo on a
waiter Crockett insisted not only on tak
ing the coffee but tho waiter also and so ho
and the boy had it lively for a while
Crockett wns nn old lino Whig and in his
first race for Congress from Tennessee
licked Col Hunt n Democrat awfully
beating him by a tremendous majority
While a member of that body and to his
daughter who wroto asking his advice about
accepting tho hand of a young man in mar
riage ho addressed tho famous expression
First be sure youre right then go ahead
And she did to her satisfaction
Years rolled on nnd Crockett singularly
enough camo to Texas as Gen Houston
did in time to take part in the great strug
gle of 183G against Santa Anna and tho
Mexican power
While Houston was appointed to com
mand the Tcxnn army Crockett went to
Antonio and offered his services to Col
Travis commanding tho ill fated garrison
of the celebrated Alamo fortress Ho per
ished with its defenders all of whom wero
put to the sword by tho Mexicans Crock
etts body was found in a corner of the for
tress surrounded by a number of tho ene
my His nnme is embalmed in Texas his
tory as ono of Travis immortal band
Terrible Fatality Amonn stove pipe Puns
Last week we advertised for a bran new
stove pipe joke The following havo been
handed in and thcHiuthors nil settled with
save two and our detective has just tele
graphed us that he will have both of these
before another moon is hung and quartered
No 1 Why Is a stove pipe liko n politi
cal candidato Because it is all holler
Author killed on tho spot
No 2 Why is a stove pipe liko a broken
leg Because it is a painful operation to
join together Postman who brought this
is foully murdorcd
No 3 Mr Editor You enn got up a
nowjokoon a stove pipe about its being
liko a topers nrm always crooking its
elbow No name detectivo an tho trail
No 4 A slovo pipo is tho devils best
ally It makes oven deacons fall from
grace Hunted biin two days found him
Verdict Death from unknown causes
No 6 A swallow built a nest iu n stove
pipe but when tho hired girl built a fire
with kerosene ho flew nwoy Convicted
and will be hung next Friday
No 6 What pipe is never tho pipo of
peace A stove pipe Tho other ono tho
detectivo is after Chances good to catch
him Look up that stuffed club John Yum
Yum I Be ludl Bc ludl
No 7 Tho season of tho year ap
proaches when tho fond husband and father
is called upon to nrrauge tho stovo pipo iu
tho winter kitchen A strong mnn enn en
duro tho presentation of a notice to pay a
note in bank when ho has no money he
can onduro tho gentle persuasion of tho
highway robber but when ho comes to ad
justing the joints of a stove pipe tho climax
of humano endurunco is roached Saved
us any troublobydyingon his Own motion
No 8 A Groscbcck boy in answer to
our advertisement for a new slovo pipe
choko thinks we would get enough to
soot by burning egg coal for awhile Eggs
actly IJBjWo smoke the pun A man has
been sent on to smoke him out
Tho entries for stove pipo jokes will posi
tively closo this weelclireakfatt Table
Tho New Albany Ledger says that a mob
of thirty or forty men went to the house of
Lotltia Broeck aged soventy two npd took
her and Maggio Willson who lived with
her and wlio is tho motacr of six children
out in their night cloths and whipped them
unmercifully with hickory withes They
are said to bo women of bad character and
lived near ScolUville Ind
Whllo Mrs Irvine was driving in a two
horse buggy one mile from Lebanon on
the Cnmpbellsvilla pike with two other
Indies thu horses took fright ran away with
tho buggy and throw Mr -Irvine against
the fence with such violcnco ns to produce
almost instant death The other ladies es
caped unhurt Mrs Irvine was seventy two
years of age Qmrltr JoUnial
Tho grain elevators of Huston Co at
Peoria with 65000 bushels of corn and
oats bdrued Sunday evvnlng ilia 3rd Inst
A Georgia negro loaded a Kentucky rifle
with some buck shot and peas ami killed
one chicken and a little girl tho first round
Tho Methodist KpUeQpal Board of For
eign MImIoas appropriated on the 4th Inst
872111 Vat incidental expenses iM
000 and for office expeNse 13009
A Spicy Lcttar from a Lady
Oct 27 1878
Mr J J Dabbarie
M Dear Mil Eunoa You havo been
sending your paper to nnd also
for weeks and weeks Allow mo to inform
you that and are ono and tho
same and I am she 1 dont know why you
send tho Nkws to me for I necr Afire sub
scribed for it Mr Olvnn sent inn n copy
occasionally when he thought it contained
anything thnt would please mo Id as soon
read the spelling book hero of late any
how for I never sco anything that any ono
but cnndidatci cares to read You will not
publish any more items thnt nnyono sends
to you which was the most thnt mndnyour
paper Interesting Beggars nro always
choosers I believe or at least I am here
nnd Id choose to have you publish some
thing thnt will please me or you shall not
send your paper to me nny longer If you
still wish to send me the Nkws gratis you
can do so but in fact Id ns soon you
would not for it contains nothing nt all thnt
interests me So if you wish to snvc your
money to buy stamps you may send the
papers which vou send to mo to some ono
clso I nm willing and Kill pay you for
all you have sent mo since my brothers
subscription was out which I think was
about tho 21st of August I dont expect
you will like my plnin remarks and will
no doubt be very angry with me for what I
have said about tho News but It is all true
and I know you think so if you would only1
own it It doesnt profit any ono ten cents
a year except you and tho ones that are
employed in your office Now I know you
are boiling with rage I saw you over nt
tho Rome fair and I know by your looks
that you arc high and nlso quick tempered
and if you nro angry with me I can not
help it I can get angry sometimes nnd
not hnlf try Mr Babbagc dont send the
Nkws to me nny moro please and I will
pay you for the three months you tare sent
it to mc Respectfully yours
Mr B did not intend to publish this but
when ho rend tho letter ho threw it down
and ran out behind the houso to cry and
when he came back the compositor had it
set up Mr B is a very fastidious widower
and anything liko tho nbovo nearly kills
him Anything tho above correspondent
may write will never fait to bo published if
it is worthy of public attention Eiiiruit
Noted Sayings of Noted Men
The agitation of thought is the beginning
of truth
Keep clenr of a mnn who docs not value
his own character Wallin
A weak mind is liko u microscope which
magnifies trifling things but can not receive
largo ones Chesterfield
Mankind worships success but thinks too
little of thu means by which it is attained
There is no mnn so friendless but that ho
can find n friend sincere enough to tell him
disagrccnblo truths Bulwer
We must not spenk all -that we know
that were folly butwhntaman says should
he what he thinks otherwise it is knavery
To work out our own contentment wo
should labor not so much to increase our
substance as to moderate our desires
Archbishop Sanders
Let no muii covet tho good which another
man receives until ho is quito certain be is
willing to pay the price tbut mnu has paid
for that good All is
Man carries under his hat a private thea
tre wherein a greater drama is acted than
is ever performed on tho mimic stage be
ginning and ending in eternity Carlyle
Tho man who is curious to sco how tho
world could get nlong without him can find
out by sticking n cambric needlo into n mill
pond nnd then withdrawing it nnd looking
nt the holo Galdy
Thero is no funeral so sad to follow as tho
funeral of our own youth which we havo
been pamporing with found desires nnd am
bitious hopes and nil the bright berries tliut
linng in poisonous clusters over the path of
life Lander
As folly is on tho ono side though it
should enjoy all it can desire would not
withstanding never bo conten so on tho
other wisdom over acquiesces with the pres
ent nnd is never dissatisfied withils imme
diate condition Montnigno
Cheerfulness iu Christians powerfully
recommends religion to tho unconverted
Thoso that fear the Lord shall not walk
in darkness Light is sown for the right
All ovon thoso who nro regarded as emi
nent Cliristiuns should give all diligence to
mako their calling and election sure
Times of the Churchs temporal prosper
ity should bo its growing times
Let ovcry ono endeavor to glorify God In
that calling wherein ho is called
Tho soul to preervo its spiritual health
must oxesciso itself iu acts of faith hope
and love
Wasted time can not ho redeemed by Idle
regrets but by n commeusurutu diligenco
to improve it in the future
Courtesy well becomes the followers of
Him who pleased not Himself
Humility is ludispensnblo as ono of tho
elements of true greatness
As tho children of our Heavenly Father
who makoth his sun to rise on tho evil and
on the good our lives should flow forth In
perpetual bcncvolcuco to all within reach
Symmetry of Christian character should
be aimed at and cultivated
We must prizo and use tho graco already
given if we woild recelvo more
A holy life Is a constant sermon
Christian Obserrtr
Dr Qoodsir of Caffroys California tiled
to kill ono of his patients hy poisoning iu
order to mako his predictions como true
Mr Nilson bad his leg broken and Dr
QooiUlrwas called to set it which lie failed
to do and Dr MoCarnock was called in
and adjusted tho matter Dr Goodslr
thon said iho patient would die and it was
discovered that he tried to give him strych
nine but was irevcutcd by tho nurse
mi i
Pierre Provost tno murder of the V
eelqt family near Vlncenne Indiana
saved the Commonwealth of any further
trouble and the eomMumty ef the oypur
tuulty H kiwi by hatming him-
self in juil ou the ntuM of Uui ittk ult