OCR Interpretation

The Breckenridge news. (Cloverport, Ky.) 1876-1955, January 03, 1900, Image 8

Image and text provided by University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86069309/1900-01-03/ed-1/seq-8/

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r + br k
4 Weather continues cold
VT L Blain wont to Louisville Mon
day Mrs L Brinaley IB now occupying Hi
tel Midway
Grover O JatreUwent to Oloverpor
Will Lennln of Hardlnsbure is at
ti the Smith House
Mrs Livers and children are in Can
= nelton this week
Mrs Dr tapper is visiting her sIster
MIT Hohiuson of Louisville
Mrs Wm Sargent spent Saturday wit
her sister Mrs Sbellman
Mr and Mrs Shiveley spent the lholl
days with his parents in Owensboro
Miu 1he Hmer of Louisville is vis
Iting her Bielcr Mrs Best this week
MIM Etta English Hopkinsville Is I
visiting her parents Mr and Mrs S En <
Edward Payne cam from theJCom
mercial College Lexington for the holi
Mrs John Bennett of Louisville and
Mrs Dr Basbam are guests at the Smith
H S English Jr left Friday for Hop
kinsville to accept a position with his
brother Mr Lacy
Miss Dee Basham Lodiburg resume
her school duties Monday at lloberta
school house
Miss Leona Petit of New Market af
ter a pleasant stay with her unCle Mi
Wm Petit returned home Friday
Mrs Ella Wadllngton and son Master
Edgar Lee spent the holidays with her
mother Mrs Williams EvansvIlle
The corpse of Mr Luthen Vititoe of
Wayne Ark passed through town Fri
day for interment in the Rome ceme
Quite a crowd from here attended ijtlu
entertainment at Home Tuesday night
given by the A 0 U Ws They re
port a grand time
Mimes Uettie Lee Dix of Owensboro
and Mabel Moorman of Yclvington af
ter a lengthy visit with Mrs L I T Rob
erts have returned to their homes
Mr File Hawkins of Union Star
made a lying visit to the depot Satur
day to meet his little daughter Lsflal
Belle who has betn visiting her aunt
Mrs Sargent
Our little town was over shadowed
Sunday when the news came from Nor
tons Infirmary that our dear friend
MreF 0 Ferry was in such a crItical
condition and had had a serious opera
tlon performed But we are glad to say
that she is doing very well and we hope
to have her again with us in the near
future We miss her in every thing and
nothing is complete without Violet
Her parentr Mr and Mrs E H Miller
extend thanks to their many friends
for the kind consideration shown them
in their deep sorrow by abstaining from
all gaiety during the holidays They
realizs that they have the heartfelt
sympathy of our little town
It takes but a minute to overcome tIck
ling In the throat and to stop a cough by
the use of Ona Minute Cough Cure
This remedy quickly cures all forms 01
throat and lung troubles Harmless and
pleasant tj take It prevents consump
tion A famous specific for grippe and
Its alter tIftctsA H Fisher
Clarence Mattingly ia somo better
W W Whalen spent Christmas with
his mother at Fordsvllle
Burt Orum who has been in Evans
ville since last March has returned
Marion Jackson of Tar Fork went to
Hardinsburg to spend the holidays with
Mr and Mrs Percieltyan spent Christ
mas with her parents Mr and Mrs It C
Mrs Delllu Jackson of Tar Fork who
i a has been here with relatives for the past
week has returned home
g Mr and Mrs Eli Taul and two little
children of Owensboro came up Sunday
to be with their parents Mr Joseph
Taul and Mr W R Wellington during
be holidays
There were two new arrivals in this
community last week Mr and Mrs
Chester Beavin of tills place And Mr
and Mrs Joseph Allen of Hickory Lick
are the proud possessors of bouncing
i Christmas passed oil quietly here
The merchants seem to be satisfied over
the results of their sales The farmers
also have some encouragement Accord
ing to old signs a good crop year follows
a white Christmas
Little Ruby Hawkins daughter of
T L Hawkins living near the Iron ore
Hill fell from a horse and broke her arm
recently Dr Howard was summoned
and sot the broken bone She is gelling
along nicely
Mr J Sheer Sedalla Mo saved his
chlldeillfe by One Minute Cough Cure
Doctors had giyen her up to die with
s croup Its an infallible curator coughs
colds grippe pneumonia bronchitis and
throat and lung troubles Relieves at
onceA B Fisher
I The young folks have had a fine tlroe
Misa Agnes Malin will return to Lou
iaville this week
Mits Ruth Phillips visited Miss Mar
L Ditto last week
Miss Nell Trent spent the holidays at
home Wolf Creek
Miss Lens Nevitt will return from
Louisville this week
Misses Susie Elder and Ethel King
spent the holidays at home
School opened Jan 2nd A number
of new pupils will be in soon
Mr Fred Schene was the guest of Mir
Winnie L Woolfolk last week
Miss Mabel Hardin entertained a few
young friends to dinner New Years day
Miss Wathena Hamilton spent Christ
mas at home She is a successful teach
No preaching in town last Sunday
Our ministers filled their other appoint
meritsMiss Nellie Stith of Ekron spent Sat
urday and Sunday with Miss Andre
Mr and Mrs El 1 Alexander spent the
holidays in Louisville with Mrs Thos
Mrs Nevitt has taken the house va
cated by Stuart Ovvinga who has moved
to the Stark property
Mies Eula Dowden who has been at
Vine Grove for several weeks isathomt
for the holidays
Misses Florine Anderson and Ines
Jerkins were guests of Misses Lula and
Minnie Bland last week
Mr and Mrs Brennan and Miss Basalt
Elizabeth Brenuan of Evansville were
guests of the 6t Cloud Hotel last week
Mrs Remian Mrs Annie Coleman
Miss Mary L Ditto and Miss Lula Wool
folk cave pleasant socials during the
week closed
The Pope of Rome and other author
ities have settled the New Century ques
tion Ihe 31st of next December this 19th
century dies
All true Kentuckians are proud of the
silver service presented the battleship
Kentucky but we wish our own city
had furnished it
Miss Mary Greenwell a most excel
lent worthy lady has left for her home
in Andyville after a years stay with Mr
TSimmons children
Mrs Blanche Fontaine has been some
little better for the last few days How
we all wish that bright ambitious friend
might be herself once more
Mr and Mrs Boot Neafus are enter
taming today Monday for Mr and Mrs
Joe Mills the bride and groom ot a
weak About twenty five guests are in
Quite a number of changes will take
place here in business circles but I am
not authorized to publish them and I am
very cautious about reporting private af
faire Dwight L Moody the great evangelist
has gone out with the closing of the
year His last words we will all do well
to rem tuber I have always been an
ambitious man not to lay up wealth but
find to work to do
I see Irof R 0 Shacklett a proml
went teacher of Meade and Breckenridge
counties has given up the Presidency of
the Baptist college at Sturgis Ky
where he had taught for several years
The icewagon ran all day long Sun
day and by tonight Monday every ice
house in town will bu full The ox was
in the ditch and the Sabbath was seem
ingly desecrated but unavoidably I pre
Bear in mind the Democrats precipittt
t bd the war with Spain They knew the
Republicans had the bIttherefore they
hurried up the Democratic steeds that
much more Now they are blaming the
administration for the tide of affairs
Mr and Mrs Jesse Malin of Vine
Grove Mr and Mrs Jesse Herndon
Irvington Mr and Mrs George Wool
folk oi Louisville spent Christmas at
the family homestead of Mr and Mrs
JWLewis D W Lewis who has
been south was also home for the boll
In all probability such fine Christmas
weather will not occur again in a gener
ation but all things in this mundane
sphere come to an end sooner or later
Our experience bears it out The boll
day season of 00 has gone into nameless
oblivion except in memory
In my letter some time ago which was
crowded out I made mention of Mrs
Hobbs of Hardin Co coming here to
make her home with her only child Mr
James Bland She ia an acquisition to
our town kind pleasant gentle and a
perfect lady She has had deep sorrow
which has only purified and refined her
nature Ihe case with all noble charact
ers The Lawton Matinee at Macauleya
Friday afternoon will be a very delight
ful performance Shakespeares tragedy
Macbeth including the murder scene
rill be given This a noble sentiment
put forth by a charitable people and the
healer should not have an empty seat
i rom gallery to private box
The stork has flown around above
near then afar for eight or nine years
but never yet lighted on J Morgan
llchudsona home Yes the stork has
been unfair but it took good Jolly gen
erons old Santa to deposit Chrlatmi
morning H pink and white bundle to I
ga den the hearts of Morgan and hIs
dear wit who dearly lave babies la1Y
Mr Wm Pueey of near Garnettsvillt
fell several weeks ago and tustalned in
juries from which his brother Dr D I O
Pnsey says he will not recover Mi
Pusey is an octogenarian and boa led
most upright Christian life
Mr Burton made his ecture rhe
Making of Man at the St to Teachers
Association last week at Ltuiayille it I
was well received and mULl compli
mented Mr Burton is reco inlzed as a
leading educator In Kentucky and J
coming man of this new cental y
Meade Countys popular school supei
intendent W D Ashcraft made an ad
dress The Essentials in a Course ofi i
Study before the Kentucky Education
al Association last Friday at Louisville
We here are sorter stuck up over Mi
Burton and Mr Aehcraft and their i >
ception in that largj intelligent State
The stock holders and directors of the
Meade County Farmers Deposit Bank
held a meeting last Saturday to consIder
Mr Allen Armstrongs resignation Mr
Armstrong has been the able cashier
since its organization with Gene Fon
taine assistant who by the decision of
the officers has stepped into Mr Arm
strongs position Gene has been faith
ful efficient and proficient and his man
friends are greatly pleased at his desert
ed promotion Mr Armstrong will go to t
Rockport Ind as head bookkeeper in
the Woolen Mills He leaves many
warm friends here who regret to ate him
and his pleasant wife leave
Mies Annie E Gunning Tyre Mich
says I suffered a long time with dy
spepsla lost flash and became very
weak Kodol Dyspepsia Cure complete
ly cured me It digests what you eat and
cures all forms of stomach troubles It
never fails to give immediate relief In
the worse caselA R < Fisher
Held horn jut wick
Miss Susan Smith ia visiting friends In
shies Settle Miller is visiting Mini
Alice Board
Miss Frieda Riedel is visiting friend
in Cloveroort
Turkey and fruit cakes are numerou
in Holt this Xmas
Judge Mercer of Hardinsburg is the
guest of Capt A J Grots
Miss Forrest Hardin is visiting rela
lives in Ekron and Brandenburg
Mies Rosa Reidel of Cloverport i Is
spending Xmrs with her parents
Mrs M II Fontaine is Buffering will
a bad arm caused from a bone felon
Mies Mildred Fontaine and her dolls
spent Tuesday with Miss Lee Board
Mr and Mrs File Dallaven are visit
ing friends and relatives in Cloverport
It is rumored that we are to have a a
quiet wedding in our neighborhood very
Mr Forest Haynes left Monday tc
spend the holidays at his home with his
Mr Andrew Coons was badly kicked
several days ago by his horse but he is
out again
Mr Mitchell has received his barge of
coal and the people are busy hauling
their winter fuel
Mr and Mrs Zack Hardin are spend
ing several days with Mrs Hardina par
ents Mr and Mrs John McGavock
Mr Coons two little grandchildren
Mattle and Sidney Crutcher of Owens
boro were up to attend the Xmas tree
Mr Harry Board who is slaying at
The Inn Cloverport is home for sev
eral days We are glad to have you
back Harry
Virgil H Fontaine went down to Olo
verport on Mondays train to be the
guest of his little cousins Frank and
Wm White curing Xmas
The Xmas tree given by the Sunday
School Monday night in Holt Chapel
was a success in every respect The
ladies displayed elegant taste in drapins
and arranging the toys from one tree to
the other It was beautiful to look at
and afforded the little folks great pleas
ure The children were as little fairies
singing and acting their pieces so nicely
The opening address was beautifully de
livered by Miss Katy Coons Mr LP
Addison or Santa Claus was perfect
going around shaking hands with the
little ones and kissing the babies whose
little eyes were wide awake and all a
wonder what Santa was going to bring
them There was not standing room in
the Chapel and every child was remem
bered Mrs JG Stephens teacher of
the little boys class was remembered
with a beautiful glass vase Mrs Hannah
Hardin who has charge of the Bible
class received a very handsome bisque
handkerchief box and jewelry case from
her class Mrs W E Minor also was reo
membered by her class but I failed to
find out what she received
Made Young Again
One of Dr Kings New Life Pills each
night for two weeks has put me in my
teens again writes D H Tamer oi
Dempsey town Pa Theyre the beet in
tbe world for Liver Stomach and Dow
els Purely Vegetable Never gripe
Onll 25o at Short Haynea Drug Store
The New Year has come
H H Johnson fs on the sIck list
Mr A M Hardin Is able fo be out
One of Edgar Adklesona children ie
very 111
Joe Robertson of Texas is vIsiting in
our community
Bornto the wife J W Keys on the
14th a 13 pound boy
JE Hardin went to Irvington one
day last week on business
Mr Grayson Payne was the guest lol
Miss Nannie Johnson Sunday
Mrs Patten of Missouri is visiting
relatives in this neighborhood
i nche Payne of Cloverport spent a
fe lays with her mother Mrs J A
J E Keys and family returned to his
bOle i Cloverport after an extended
t islt to iodlburg
Luc P yne and brother Carlt were
the guests of Pearl and Willie Johnson a
itw days get week
I am Keys wife and baby spent Satur
day ana Sun fay at Lodiburg the guests
of his atbsr Mr A J Keys
Mrs Old French of Chambers Ky
le spending the I oil Jays with her pa
rents Mr and Mis A J Keys
Henry Hardi I and eister Winifred
spent a few da slat t week with their
sister Mrs V m H Gibson of AddIson
There was a small pat tyat Tom Rob I
ertsons Thursday night the music i
was furnished by the Payne beys airing
Mrs T Payne and Mrs J Payne
spent the Christmas holidays in Clover
port the guests of their sister Mn > Gus
Gibson and other relatives
Bush Stiff fowl Miller George flruae
and Charlie Norton arrived at Lodiburg
from Missouri a few days ago to spend
the Christmas holidays at home
Public school at Jareds schoolhouse
closed Friday before Christmas with a
nice treat for all and to the sIncere re
gret of both pupils aud patrons The
pupils regret to see their teacher Miss
Medora P Caldwell leave them
A Picturesque Affair Preceded by
Sports and Followed by Pro
longed Gayety
A wedding Is altars an event of al
most national importance and is really a
most picturesque ceremony writes the
euthor of Qom Pauls People of
The Boer Girl of South Africa in the
January Ladies Home Journal The
friends and relatives may arrive a day
or two ahead of time according to the
distant to be traveled and the Boer
homestead becomes a most animated
scene Scores of oxteams are scattered
about the surrounding Dlaln j negro ser
vants are bustling around guns are fired
promiscuously whenever more guests ar
rive dancing feasting and eotTae drink
lug are carried on in the college and
everywhere around it j impromptu shoot
ing matchea and horseraces are decided
and joy is unconfined Alter the cere
mony and after all the guests have kiss
ed the bride and bridegroom the wed
ding feast is eaten and then the guests
spend the night in dancing and playing
games It would be a breach of etiquette
for any of the guests to depart befor the
dawn and indeed i tb3 fiddlers music
and the sound made by the dancing feel
are often heard until noon of the follow
leg day The wedding tour consists of a
journey to the cottage and farm which
the husband has secured from his father
and which adjoins the old homestead
Dr Bulls Cough Syrup is the beat
remedy for all bronchial alTectloni It Is I a great
mistake to allow a cough or cold lo run on lor I it
may develop icrloui throat and lung trouble
Take Dr Dulls Cough Syrup at once
An UpSitting From Dusk to
Dawn Proclaims the Engage
The Boer girl of the country aistricta
of the South African Republic is able
to go to town only once or twice a year
and then it is to attend the Nachtmaal
or communion which Is the ciiief festi
val of theae deeply religious people
writes Howard 0 Uillegas oII The Boer
Girl of South Africa in the January
Ladies Home Journal The journey
to the town is made in oxteams and
may require a weeks or a months time
but it Is always an epoch in the Boer
girls life especially if she is about six
teen when she is auppdsed to have at
tained the matrimonial age Then some
tall robust Boer youth whom shn has
met at fornjer Nachtmaab may sum
mon up courage to ask her whether he
may call at her home and have an up
jilting which ia a sort of ultimatum be
fore an ullimatlon If she consents the
young Boer will shortly afterward ride
on horseback many miles across the
plain to the girls home and will prove
that he Is worthy of her love by sitting
up and talking to her fropi sundown un
til break of day For two young Boers
to arrive at this period of courtship la
equivalent to announcing the engage
ment and then the prospective bride
begins preparation for the wedding
Health In this community Is good
Mr and Mrs John Wright went to
Irvington recently on bualnew
Lee Jordan who has had typhoid fever
for tome time ia improving at thia writ
Earnest Beauchamp gave the yours
people a party recently and all report a s
good time
Herbert Haddock has discontinued hl
school at Walnut Grove on account o
lack of fuel
Walter Adkisson returned to Webster
Thursday where he has a position on
the railroad
Mr Wm Drane went to Hudson a i
abort time since after his wife who hae
ueen quite ill
Let us hear from more of our corre
sponJents and make the BBECKENIUDQ
NCWS the best paper In tnt Suite
Mr Wr > s < it who bought Mr Parks
place near nera has taken possession and <
ia well pleased witn his new house
Mr Frymire has closed a very success
ful school here and will return home
We regret very much to give him up
Mr Henry Beard had a painful acci
dent a abort time ago While hanlin
fodder the wagon passed over hIs ankle
and across his foot mashing it badly
A spelling match was held at the
schoolhouse recently Those that led
were 1lss Mattie Adkisson and Mis
Lena Rush There were plenty of able
spellers and all had a good time
DaWitts Little Early Risers purifj
the blood clean the liver invigorate the <
system Famous liver pills for consti
pation and liver troublesA R Fisher
J L Duke repairing hiaslore house
Cloverport gave the devil a black ty <
the 10th
Christmas brought with it both scot
and cold
Rev H 0 Hook begins a series of
meetings here next Monday night
The very best wishes to t the NKWB cor
respondents and its many readers
We are glad to learn that the elcl
ones of Tom McGavocks family are gel
ing better
Friday was the coldest day of the
season and some predicted it a forerunner
of a cold spell
Haveyou made good resolutions for the
coming year Have you resolved to lay
aside your bad habits
Rev Robins filled tne pulpit Sund < y
Brother Snead being engaged in a pro
tracted meeting at Sample
R Sapp and James Tay will push tc
completion the residence of W W
Dunn as last as the weather will admit
There will be one more month ol
school Miss Agnes Gordon assistant
will not help during the remainder ci
the school
Horace Lamb la soliciting a einginf
class at thIs place Mr Lamb ia a good
vocal teacher and we hope he will suc
ceed in his undertaking He has taught
music here and gave the very beet sails
The death angel brought Badness tc
the bearts of many In our community
during Christmas time Three homes
were visited and three dear earthly ties
were wafted to the bright realms above
Mrs Emma McGavonk wife of Tom Mc
Gavock infant child of Sam Wheatley
and infant of W T Burnett were the
victims claimed
One Minute Cough Cure is the best <
remedy I ever lued for coughs and colds
It is unequalled for whooping cough
Children all like It writes H N Will
lams Geolryville Ind Never falls It
Is the only harmless remedy that gives
immediate results Cures coughs colds
hoarseness croup pneumonia bronchi
tis and all throat and lung troubles Its
early use prevents consumption A R
Santa Claus is a welcome visitor
Them is another fine boy at Brigham
Mr A T Blaine went to Stephens
port Saturday
W 0 Blaine went home on a flying
trip last week
Miss Llnnle Blake Is visiting hernia
erg Mm Harmon
In every direction almost we think we
hear wedding bells
Miss Effie Frank is visiting friends in
and around Pateavllle
Mrs Hall of Dallas Tex IS visiting
her daughters at this place
The Nws Is always a welcome visitor
very week in many homes
Harmons new residence on Water
treat will soon be completed
Mrs Letltla Ellington Is visiting her
parent Mr and Mrs Frymire
Dr J T Milner went to Union Star to
pend Christmas with his parents
Lisle Youngs father Nearer Young
of f this place u very ill with consumption
Rev Logan Martin of New York City
and Rev James Martin of Haweaville
heed the protracted meeting at the
lretl1o Larch Thfcncky night
iUld from last week
The health of this community is good
Muse Jude Brtekey is visiting ber
Owen Elmore went to Uardinsbnri
Mr John Bates is having a nice house
put up now
They are expecting to have church a t
St Marys New Years Day
Mine Mary Aikins was the guest 01
Miss Maggie Beavin Tuesday
Messrs Bland and Lyons were very
busy Saturday selling Xmas goods
Mr Sbesson was the guest of his
daughter Mrs Aikina Wednesday
Messrs Crenahaw and Newman were
the guests of the Beavin girls Sunday
Mr Walter Wilson and son Luiber
went to LouBiii lu spend Ohriatma
Old Iron Is getting to be very valuable
Mr J W Pate shipped two carloads last
A large crowa mom bt Marys arinu
ed church in Hardinsburg on Christmas
Several from St Marys attended the
exhibition Friday night All reported a
nice time
Of course the people of the W OT U
were glad to know that whiskey was
voted out
Mr John Aikins and sister Mary were
the guests ot Mr Dayld Crews and sister
Friday evening
The children were very much pleased
with Santa Clauss visit to them and art
enjoying the many presents he left
Misses Liza Maggie Clara Mary and
Alice Beavin and Trude Jarboe and
Messrs Len Sam and John Beavin and
Frank Hinton were the guests at Mr
Pete Hintons Saturday night
Misses Frankie and Liza Croomes
chools closed Friday About five hun
sired people attended the exhibition
The speeches and dialogues wery bean
tiful and the songs and music were ex
Walkers Tonic is the link that pIcks
up the vital force of man in his run
down state and binds him to health and <
strength by recuperating the brain reg
ulating the action of the Heart and
nourishing the Nervous System
lucid fromlatt week
Mr Wm WInchell went to Cannelton
last Thursday
Mr Martin Frank was in Cannelton
last Wednesday
Mr Wm Tincley and family were in
Cloverport Monday
Miss Emma Weatherholt went to Clo
verport last Wednesday
Mr H W Cockrell and family were in
Cannelton last Wednesday
Mr George R Winchell and family
were in Cannelton last Wednesday
Mr 0 L Adams and son Willie were
in Cannelton Ind last Wednesday
Mr O 0 Whitehead and family are in
Louiflvlllp visiting relatives and friends
Mrs N B Sanders and Mrs Charles
Weatherholt were in Cloverport Thurs
Rev J Ed Mnrr and wife came down
from Rome Saturday and returned Mon
Mr Hugh Gardner of Jeffersonvllle
Ind is spending the holidays here with
hIs parent
Mr and Mrs Thomas L Weatherholt
and Mrs Florence Simona were in Clo
verport Friday
Mr and Mrs Charles Colvin of Louis
ville Ky are visiting Mr and Mrs J D
Bavln of this place
Mrs Wm Tinsley and children are
visiting relatives and friends in Louis
ville Ky this week
Miss Llda Polk and Miss Lena Lamb I
spent the holidays with relatives and
friends at Skillman Ky
RAv Z Ferrell of Hawesvllle Ky ar
rived here Saturday and preached his
regular sermons Sunday
Miss Amanda Tate and Mies Alma
Wealherholt spent Christmas in Clover
port with Mr and Mrs Marion Weath
Mr Lester Polk who has been attend
log the graded school here returned to
his home in Eureka Ind last Wednes
day to spend the holidays with his par
ents He was accompanied by his cous
in Cheater Polk
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat
artificially digests itho food and aids
Nature In strengthening and recon
structing tho exhausted digestive or
aria It1s tbeJate tdlscovcr digest
ant and tonic NO other preparation
can approach It in efficiency It In
stantly relieves andpennanently cures
Dyspepsia Indigestion Heartburn
STaMence Sour Sto nach Nausea
HeadacheGastralglaOrampe and
all other results of imperfect digestion
Prlee roc ad tt Mre 11M COB tH tt
matekkeelajidhlookahlaboutd rapiepskamatled
Prepared by CCD WITT 6 CO Chicago I
For sale by A B Fisher Gloverr ort
To Organize a V M C A 1J
In addition to hla regular morning
acid evening services Sunday Rev Rat
ledge will bold a meeting for men at
three oclock in the afterrtoon to discuss
ways and means of organizing a Young M
lIen 8 Christian Association
Experience has shown to physicians t
that the majority of diseases have their
origin in the derangement or disease of
the stomach and other organs of diges
tion and nutrition The stomach is the 4
receptacle in which food is received and
the laboratory in whIch it is prepared to i
nourish the different parts of the bodyta a
It prepares brain nourishment in one
way nerve nourishment in another
muscle nourishment in another When
the stomach isIt out of order these
various forms of nourishment are onlyt
partly or imperfectly prepared and
nerve muscle or brain as the case
may be is only partly fed and the result
is pain which is Natures protest and
warning The pain may be in the fe
or in the heart but you must reach it
through the stomach or you cant cure
it r113t is the philosophy on which Qr
Pierces Golden Medical Discovery is
prepared It has absolute control of
the stomach and digestive and nutritive
system It cures diseases in head heart I
liver lungs and other organs by curing
the diseased condition of the stomach
which prevents the proper nourishment
of the various organs and corrupts t
by its own diseased condition in
partial nourishment it provides In Kk e
manner II Golden Medical Discovery
purifies the blood by purifying the
stomach and other bloodmaking organs
It contains no alco
hol or other intoxi
cant and no narcotic
Holiday fr
t HolidayGoods
Goods I
i Fruits
k We have bought
direct from the
i i
manufacturer and
can give you bot
1 tom prices
Open about the 10th
276 fer R I I
A HUltUK Ooni irt
rlr5reautOMi roa tais
Send No Money
uta your kiiiti O 4 wtitki MM
number or Inches troond body ae Q
I kraut taken over yeah under coop
1td IeadtouR
cloM up under armssMwewl l
end yoa IhU coat t > > ciprtM C a >
110 h > rlUtmmUiUM exinUM
and try U on at your Marttt u
prmofflc ct intoned = 1i
nraprantedand the mnc we
derralaluTo ever ww orf f
or and equal to anyeoatyoueea
or 1300 f > lktM > rn agalar
rorSpSA 5i1I and iprMl e
THIS I MACKIMT08N ruin h7 r
I11 I gaoler DItmrtd
long double breaded Surer
lolffr rarer plaid lining waU
s trapped and cemented
aulable torbotanlrnraai N
ran teed galt vlar ew add I
I 5y as or any other has Flv
tnea pIolenMaetta altS J
top and lIadaol4 IPII
and Orereoati at rromt0 IIWO writ toe Pr <
tkono lINk a Ca an UerMiUr nllfla Mtii > >
Newsand Opinions
National Importance
I Ij > 4 tt
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Dally and Sunday by mall Si L
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Is the greatest SHaiJay New
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Price 60 p espy If Uri
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