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The Breckenridge news. (Cloverport, Ky.) 1876-1955, February 22, 1905, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY

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Harclmsburg Ky Feb ° 1Spe
ciai By consent the CRuse of Jno
DSbawcasnier of the Farmers Bank
vs tne L H St L Ry Co was
continued until the next tirni of thin
On motion of the defendants in the j
J action of Mary Estes Keith rs Grand I
Lodge A O U W trio same was I
J continued on account of the absence I
of material witnesses
Payne Co bled an answer and
cross petition setting up a purchase I
money hen on a tract of land sought
to be sold in the 1 cafe of Janus E
Chapins admr vn David L John
son A judgment was entered to sell
the land for the dents
The jury in the action of W W
Liter vs W B Mann returned a ver
diet for the plaiutiil in the sum of
1075 ThA case will probably be taken
to the Court of Appeals
The cash of Susan Pullen against
Courtnnv Pullen for divorce was dis
missed on motion of the plaintiff
On motion of the defendant the
case of E F McAfee eto vs Malin
da Murphy was dismissed the same
I having been settled by the parties
Hattie Keeoh was granted a di vorce
from her nusbanu Philip Keech
I I On motion of the plaintiff the case
of the Superior Drill Co against R
W Baloh etc was dismissed with
out prejudice
The defendants tiled their answer
in the notion of Mariih Goodmans
admr vs Thomas Duncan etc and
the case was referred to the master
commissioner to report claims
The case ot Mary Barnes etc vs
Jesse A Matthews was dismissed the
matter in controversy having been set
tied by the parties
Herbert M Beard special receiver
in the ase of Ruyan Bros va Ken
McClellan filer a report of sale which
was confirmed
Laura Wright was granted a divorce
from Thomas Wright She was also
awarded the cusOdy and control ofI j I
their child Grace Wright
The action of R B Tuttle vs R
M Jolly etc was continued on ac
Count or the illness of one of the de
The case of B F Beard IS Co vs
Arthti Goodman was continued until J
the next term of court at the plain I
tiffs cost
The actions of W F Gilltland and
Minnie Gilliland against the Louis
villa and Evansville Mail Line Co
were continued tor the plaintiffs and
The prize winners in the pnsidential
vote contest have been announced by
the Press Publishing Association of
Detroit The total popular vote cast I
for the office of president at the elec
tion on Nov 8 1001 was 130208ai I
No subscriber to the News won a
prize but each can tell by his certifi
cate now far he missal the correct
number The first prize 10 COO WitS
won by W HB Williams ColnuibuH
O estimate 13G20biJl second prize
5000 devlded betw en E Allen
Cambridge Neb and H B Hogg
I Parkersbnrg W Va estimate 13
020833 Of the twelve other big prizes I
Williams got tne sixth special prize of
500 All n the fifth special prize of I
500 and Hoggthe eighth special prize I
of X500 for early estimates Nineteen J
small prizes out of 480 were won by
Kentuckians Among these were N
Ni i
ty whOEe guess was 13025550
The hanging of Roy Green on lastI I
L t Friday morning at Owensboro at
l tracted general attention in Western
Kentucky Green murdered James
Coomes at Owensboro on JnlyJJl 1104
the crime being one of the most 1
atrocious in the history of the State I
Just before the trap was sprung J
1 I
l i Green Enid to those who witnessed the
5hanging Good people I want to
say that 1 did this awful crime and
I have repented of it I hope this will
be n warning to all boys Mind whutI I
your mothers tell you and leave whis I
ky out Dont do as I have done for
I have done wrong this far I
v Elizabethtown Ky Feb 17Com
monvoiiliira Alorney Layman has filed 1
ten suits in the March term of Circuit I
i Court against the Standard Oil Company I
for peddling oil in the county without a
license A penalty of 1000 is demand
ed in each case
OASrror X t
a BeuitleTLa Kind You Ilara R Iwars Bought I
SJgnatura 7t t 1
atEL kUU
i t
at their cost
In the case of Winnie Hall vs Flora
Macv for damages for defamation of
character on motion of the defendant
it was continued at her cost
The report ot sate of H M Beard
special receiver in the Clark cases
was confirmed It shows 1085 in hid
hands for distribution among the cred
The commissioners report of divis
ion of land in the case of Alsie Whit
worth etc va Silas D Mniy etc
was confirmed no exceptions hav
tug been filed thereto
The petit jury for this term consists
ot the following gentlemen Win A
Down N B Robertson Isnuo Pile
Jr Charles Lyons Ed Goodman
Taylor Dowell Kirby Blain Bon Lay
J B Herndon J V St Clap J F +
Biddle James King Arch Weather
ford H S Brumtield Wm A Kasev
Ben Butler h B Burbee J H
Bandy Wm HendrICk Elihu Meador
John Rhodes and Thomas Walls
In the seven suits of the Common
wealth vs the Standard Oil Co to
recover 1000 in each case as a non
alty for the alleged peddling of oil
without license the defendant tiled
a demurrer in every case The court
sustained the demurrer in one case
and it will be appealed by Mr Lay I
man to the court of appeals as n test
case The other actions against the
Standard Oil Co were continued
One of the most important cases on
the docKet for this term of court was a 1
petition filed by the executors of Fred
Walter deceased asking for n con
struction of his will Mr Walter left
an estate valued nt 50000 and the
largest devise is to Mrs Charles May
and her Children D W Fairleigh
of Louisville and V G Babbnge of
Cloverport represent Mrs May TheI I
case was continued until the May
Twenty indictments wore returned
by the grand jury which adjourned
Court will likely adjourn Wednes
Kirby Blaine was excused IroCI
further service as petit juror on Sat
In the prosecution against Arthur
Smith colored for detaining a wo I
man against her will the jury found
him to be guilty nnd fixed his punish
ment at two years in the penitentinry I
The court afterward set tne verdict a
side and granted the defendant a new
J C Jones claiming to be from
1ord vl lie was arrested by Detectives
Daly Walker Iud McCorKhill in
Crntcher Stnrks store at 7 oclock
last night on the complaint of member
of the firm to the effect that he bAd
attempted to pass a check for sfliJ
which they believed worthless He
was chaiged with suspected felony
until his case can be investigated
Members of the firm of T P Taylor I
Co Third avenue and Jefferson
street reported that they had cashed
n check for lift HJIUO amount for t
Jones which had been returned The
check had been cashed a week after
one of n similar denomination found
to DO good had been paid Jones save
he will be vindicated by an investi
gation Sundays ConnerJournal
Grand Duke Seigius uncle to the
Czar of Russia was assassinated in
Moscow last Friday An anarchist
threw a bomb underneath his carriage 1
aud the head of the Grand Duke WHS I
blown from his body by the explosion
Since the assassination of Sergiuu
who opposed nil reforms in favor ot
the people the situation in Russia h
has become more critical because the
anarchistic element instead I ol the
strikers are making the demonstra
The directors of the Cloverport Water
Light Ice company met at the Bank
of Clove rport Saturday afternoon and
elected officer as follows II WeatherI I I
holt president A L Fort vlcepresi II I
dent nil general manager L Otlze i
secretary and treasurer a
Contractor J M Lewis will begin
work on the ice factory to be operated
by the company about the first of next
mouth The facto willt built near
the Henderson Route shops
We wish to extend to our friends
and neighbors our sincere thanks for
their many nets of kindness and sym
pathy during the illness and since the
death of cur son
Mr and Mrs W H Brickey
The most important development I
in the dark tobacco situation in the
State during the past week and one I
ot interest tp every farmer IP the I
action taken by the tobacco growers
of Daviess county for the benefit of
themselves nod the growers of sur
rounding counties Tnis action was
taken at a meeting of 450 farmers of
Davies county at Owensboro Saturday
when it was decided that the much
proposed warehouse system would be
the firm foundation on which they
would handle their own tobacco pro
duct and endeavor to secure better
prices This plan will be put into
operation this morning when Ttirpin
JSs Wood backed by Louisville capital
lets will open their factory at Owens
horo make tho necessary advance of
4 l a hundred pounds on tobacco and
prepare tho weed for the market Tho
warehouses opened by Turpin IS Wood
will not be restricted to the n ° e of
members of the American Society ol
Equity nor to the tobacco growers of
bit viess county
The meeting was the largest and
most enthusiastic ever held in Da
viess county thirtythree local unions
of the A S of E being represented
Things were done in a business man
ner that should encourage all faruiers
and put their faith n the American
Society of Equity to the point whera
it cant fail to stick
Clarksllle Tonn Fell 18 The Hon
A E Gardner who was appointed
special a torney by the President to
investigate the alleged tobacco com
bine In the dark tobacco district has
returned from Washington where lie
was called to confer with United
States Attorney General Moody He
believes that the officials will go to the
very bottom in the investigation of
the operations of the alleged trust
Henderson Ky Feb 18Between
700 and 800 farmers met here today
to take action on tho tobacco question
It was decided to prize aril held the
tobacco The committee appointed to
receive and handle the tobacco is com
posed of Senator J T Wilson E A
Tones and E R Green all experien
cad tobacco men and former dealers
They will begin prizing at once
An obligation was taken ty the
m mbeJR of the organization to curtail
the production of tobacco at least one
half Nc advance is to be made to
the formers
There are no now developments in
the tobacco situation in Brecleiridge
county The hundreds of growers in the
county are holding their tobacco for
three eights with the determination to
get that trice just aa they were three
months ago They are organizing
more thoroughly t and extensively than t
ever before and they are more conti
dent than ever that victor will ne
their reward in the enl i They a re not
only realizing how great their stJen th
is becoming througn ccoperationbut
thy are realizing taut the trust is
very much aware of their growing
power They believe it Is not so much
n matter of a few cents more tnat
Keeps tne trust trout paying them eigLt
cents round for their tot acco that
outs but the idea that in so doing it
would virtually acknowledge the MI
perior power of the farmers in the
fight And this of course makes the
fight all the morn interesting
A Tight Chest
Caused tram heavy colds often leads
tJ Pneumonia Paracauiph will re
lieve this condition instantly When
applied it stimulates the condition
and draws out all inilunmation You
lout take it rub it on Dont delay
Get a bottle and use it today
Notice is hereby given that there has
been established and is now existing
in the city of Cloverport BrecKenridge
county and state of Kentucky a corpor
ation the name of which is the Clov
erport Water Light Ice Company II
and that process may bo had on said
corporation in any suit that may be
brought within the state of Kentucky I
by service of the same on Marion
Weatherholt its president or in the
event of his necessary absence from
Breckenridge county then upon A LI I
Fort vice preldentI
Done at Cloverport Ky this 18th
day of Feb 1005
R L Oelze Seaty
Cloverport Water Light Ice Co 1
The dwelling house of Frank Miles
colored was burned at Irvington last
Wednesday and as a result three ofI I
Miles children are dead Miles is in a
precarious condition and bib wife and
otherchtldren are more or less seri
ously burned The dwelling caught on
tire when the family were asleep Two
childrtu were burned in thtir beds
one died Monday of its burns and the
other occupants of the house were
badly burned before they escaped from
the fire Miles received injuries in
jumping from a window in the upper
story of the lions hi t a futile attempt
to save the two children who were
Miles dwelling was a trame affair
of a story and n halt About 5 oclock
Wednesday morning he built a tire on
the first floor in a stove the pipe of
which ran up through the ceiling and
through time room above to the roof
Miles returned to bed and went to
rfleep The stove became too hot and
the redho stove pipe set fire to a
straw bed on the floor ot the room on
which two children were nsleep The
interi r of the house was enveloped in
flames when the family awoke Milej
rushed upstairs to save tne members of
his family who slept in that part ot
the house He found that they were
past his help and he sprang out of
a window to savo hire elf The other
members of his family escaped through
the doors and windows of the house
but one of them succumbed Monday
to burns received The children wno
were cremated in their sleep were
found after the fire burned to a crisp
with their arms interlocired
lots All irutfslss refund the money It It
falls to run E W Jnivus signature is on
The dwelling of Geo Adams prin
cipal of the colored school in the East
Eua narrowly escaped destruction by
lire Friday afternoon While the family
was away the house tfire
from buruinir soot which fell on a pile
of papers and the flames had gained
considerable headwa y when discover
ed by neighbors and extinguished be
fore much loss resulted A hard wind
WAS blowing at the time and it was
fortunate that the flames were confin
ed to the inside If Adams dwelling
Had been burned there IK little doubt
that several other buildings would
have been destroyed also because of
their nearness and tne high mina
Iorclsville Ky I Feb lThe re
mains of an unknown mail were found
III mi old well i ti time > Put vis place near
Pordsville this morning Evidently
the body had been in the well for some
time KS it is in nit advanced state of de
composition Pieces of the lit sh min re
removed by menus of a hook The body
has not yet been removed from the we 1
There is no clue as to the identity of
the deid matt or how he met his death
What Are The
Chamberlains Stomach aud Liver
Tablets A new remedy for stomach
troubles bilousness and constipation
and a good one Price 25 cents For
sale by Short Haynes
Decision day Infat Sunday resulted
in the profession of religion by 3000
persons in Louisville New Albany and
Jeffeivouville That was tLe number
taken into the various church Sun
day after the week of relall tic
work Taken with tile 1000 who are
estimated to have been saved during
the preceding weK of the campal n
it makes a total of 4000
Bun Carter was painfully hurt Mon
day morning wails at wonr at the
Henderson Route chops The lever
of a jack screw accidentally slipped
and truck him in the face knocking
loose several teeth and inflicting a
bud cut on the cheek Mr Carter I
loll work and went to the ufllce of Dr
LIghtfoot who dressed the wound If
Mr Carter had been sturck on the
temple the blow would have been suffi
clent to cause death
Miss ton Dean daughter of JnoJ J
H Dean of this city was uJdrrl edonJ J
February 12 to Melvin Black cashier
of Pierce City Bank nt Pierce City
MoRev 1
Rev C T Daniel was in Hawes I
ville Saturday
Baking Powder
Saves Health
The use of Royal Baking Powder is
essential to the healthfulness of the
family food
Yeast ferments the food
Alum baking powders are injurious
Royal Baking Powder saves health
After the press hour of the News ou
Tuesday of last wCtk Minnie Buckby
the twoyearold twin daughter of Mrs
Olive Buckby died of paralysis of the
stomach and bowels after a lingering
illness The remains were taken to
Hordsville Wednesday for interment
Besides relatives Miss Lula Owen and
Miss Laurn Hale were among these who
attended the funeral This bereavement
of Mrs Buckhy in i doubly sad because
of the recent death of her husband
James K Buckhy
Ness Dora McDonald who was horn
and reared nt McDaniils died lust
Friday in Louisville of appondiottis
The funeral was held Sunday the in
terment being at Cave Hill cemetery
Miss McDonald leaves the following
brothers Ed Henderson Fred and
Tom Preston Ernest Louisville
Jewett New York and one sister I
Mrs Frank Mattingly of Louisville
Garfield Ky Feb ° 1Special
Mis Jane Board died Sunday morn
tug of pneumonia at her home near
here The interment was at the faml
ily graveyard near Horned A daugh
ter Mrs Matt Priest survives
Forrest the infant son of Mr and
IndI I
Mrs Darnell Dowdeu dIEd Thursday
As Evangelist J T Newsom of
Murfretsboro Tenn did not arrive
here Sunday to begin the revival at
the M b church South because of
an extension at his stay at Elkton nt
the request of Rev Brandon whom
he assisted in n meeting Rev King
preached Sunday morning and even
ing and also Monday evening Rev
Newsom arrived yesterday from ElK
ton to take clmrgj of the meeting
Services will be held dwily at 2i 11 >
oclock in lime afternoon and at 7
oclock in the evening Extra good
music has been prepared for the re
vival Rev Newsom will lead the
choir There ie much interest iu the
revival and it is expected that tho at
tendance will be large and the re
sults satisfactory
A report was idely circulated here
Saturday afternoon that twenty boys
had been drowned that day while skat
tug on the Ohio at Rockport Time re
port was given much credence until
evening when it developed that it i
was purely a fake Last Wednesday it
was reported that Jim Burn had been
killed at the Henderson Route shops
by a car falling on him when nothing
whatever of the kind had occurred
It is not known who coined the fakes
Lewis W Ditto formerly or Har
dinsburg is now located at NorfolK
Navy inrd Portsmouth Va as the
result uf n government appointment
through civil service Mr Ditto
was fomerly located at Lexington
where he attended school
Mr Ditto IS a solfmndo young man
and has risen to the position he now
holds solely by his own efforts
Nobe Pate Jube Hook null W B
Pate will give n big picnic on July 4
nt the same old grounds neat Hardins
lUgJ J
night at 815 oclock ot pneumonia
after an illness of twenty hours The
funeral was conducted from the resl
dente at 2 oclocK Friday afternoon
the interment Doing nt the city ceme
tery Mrs Elizabeth WittuiHr Misses
Cecilia and iam Wittmer and Philip
Wittmer of Cnnneltou nnd Miss lone
Dowden of Brandenburg were here
to attend the funeral
frvin ton Ky Feb 21Spealal
Mrs John Springiito died last Wed
nesday after a lingering illness She
leaves a husband and several sons and
daughters Her remains were intered
in the family burying ground near
Garfield Thursday morning
A young child of Mr and Mrs Hi
ram Moormau died Monday night of
pneumonia The tunernl was held yes
terdav afternoon the interment being
at the Burdett burying grcund
Garfield Ky Feb ° LSpecial
Regret is felt here nt the death of
Hub Oliver of Ouster on February
The infant daughter of Mr and Mrs
Alf Taylor of Ouster died lust Friday
It was born February 1
n nuu
Old Coon of Haulins schoolhouse
write as fellows The local union of
the American Society of Kquity met
here Thursday evening Fob 16 with a
large attendance There was much
business transacted Five new members
were taken in and then the audience
was addressed by Rev BovvUlb who
mule a neat speech ou curtailing the
acreage 01 tobacco
HnwesvileKyFeb20 The county
meeting of the tobacco growers held
here on S iturday last was the lar t8tI e I
in the history of the A S of E move
ment in Hancock county John EMin
mitt county cliai rumc presided and
Ah Brnner was secretary There were
several short addresses and much en
thusiasm It was unanimously re
solved to hold tobacco for the Lynch
bur prices No other definite action
was taken
Tarfork Ky Feb 2lSpecial
Marion Jackson of tins place has small
pox Dr Glusscock of Irvtugtou came
down on Tar creek Thursday and ca
forced the necessary precautionary
measures Every suspected family is
under quarantine
litN and Tom Lfdilnu of Irving
ton have shipped four Hereford calves
to AlabaiiiH to be inoculated and go
into n sale of Herefords They had
five calves under one year old in a
southern sale last year that made an
average of 100
We wish to thank our friends and
neighbors for acts of kindness and sym
pathy extended at our recent bereave
Mr and Mrs Darnell Dowdon
W T Tilford went to Beaver Dam
last Wednesday

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