OCR Interpretation

The Breckenridge news. (Cloverport, Ky.) 1876-1955, November 16, 1910, Image 6

Image and text provided by University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86069309/1910-11-16/ed-1/seq-6/

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r ° rp a y n Fn d
f ra ii ter 4L
I LOSEt i t r I
E 1 New Mexico Claims 600001
Constitutional Convention of Embryon
v io State Willing to Drop Fight For
i Disputed Territory if EI Paso Count
t f U I Given In ExchangeArgument an
Old One With Increased Bitterness
Besides squelching the Initiative and
adopting the referendum In such II i
manner that It will not be objection
able even to Its enemies the New flex
leo constitutional convention has 51
far succeeded only In stirring up the
people of Texas over the boundary
question and debating a lot of other
matters that may or may not go Into
the constitution
Tho boundary matter Is the biggest
thing yet disposed of by the conven
lion It Is a matter which New Mex
leo cannot settle and which the consti
tutlon cannot settle but the New Mex
icans are going to stand pat and make
the fight
So far as the records show the con
gress of the United States settled at
one time upon the one hundred and
third meridian as the boundary be
tween Texas and New Mexico and the
records further show that the Texas
legislature ofllclally confirmed this and
that the United States paid the state
of Texas 10000000 to relinquish all
claim of any territory west of the
one hundred and third meridian At
that time Texas claimed most of New
Mexico and a considerable part of Colo
rado territory that had been ceded to
Texas by Mexico when Texas won her
Independence and established herself
ns n republic
Survey Called Wrong
The present trouble arose over the
Clark purvey which placed the meri
dian whore the present boundary line
between New Mexico and Texas Is
shown on nil the maps This was pop
ularly recognized as the boundary but
It was never olllclnlly so declared by
congress and therefore according to
the New Mexicans It Is not legal I All
the official evidence there Is ns to the
boundary they declare is that It is
fixed at the one hundred and third
In attempting to draw the line for
this meridian Clark they contend
started In the wrong place and owing
to n defective knowledge of conditions
of the atmosphere and their effect upon
the magnetic needle he gradually
worked to the west and In doing so
kept cutting territory from New Mex
ico and adding It to Texas He started
wrong in the first pltfce paving est
mated his time from Washington In
stead of Greenwich Ho began nbou
half a mile too far over Into Now Mex
ico and he had worked about three
miles too far by the time he quit the
survey At first when the boundary issue was
brought to light the New Mexican
suggested n compromise by allowing
Texas to retain the 000000 acres or
land in the disputed zone If Texa
would relinquish El Paso county to <
New Mexico But recently the New
Mexicans thought they ought to havi
compensation for the taxes and license
fees which Texas has been collecting
from the people In the disputed strip
So the proposition has now been
brought forward that Texas surrender
the territory In dispute and relinquish
El Paso county In payment of Indem
nity for the wrongful use and appll
cation of moneys collected from lane I
belonging to New Mexico
Think El Paso Is Willing
The New Mexicans cite the threat ol
El Pasos representative In the state
legislature to cut loose from the rest ol
Texas If better treatment was not
given the western end of the state
and declare that the proposed trade
ought to bo satisfactory to both the
people of El Paso and the entire state
The Interests of EI Pasos people gore
In fact more closely allied with those
of New Mexico than with Texas Inas
much as El Paso Is 700 miles from the
state capital and at least COO miles
from any city of Importance In Texas
while it Is not that distance across the
entire territory of New Mexico and
only about 300 miles to Santa Fe
New Mexicans would be glad to ac
quire El Paso county because of its
riches The assessed valuations in the
county are over 33000000 about half
as much as the territory of New Mex
ico Is worth El Paso Is Democratic
and the countys inclusion In the new
state might make it of that complexion
Buys Dr Newsoms Office
Miss Evelyn Hicks has bought the
lot and building belonging to the New
sum estate on Main street Miss Hicks
will improve the place and make a
oretty millinery parlor of it next
spring Fiftyeight years the late
Dr Newsotn had his office on this
street and owned several lots and
buildings there before the fire
Not Then
Bacon I see n patent has been
granted for an attachment to rocking
chairs to operate a fan to cool the
occupantsEghertAnd when a man goes Into
the dark room and stubs his toe
against the rocker we do not think
the new attachment will cool him off
any Yonkers Statesman
The Common Notion
Whats your Idea of success
Getting 50 for a nickels worth of
9w6kicL I
Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable Compound We can
furnish positive proof that it has made many remarkable
cures after all other means had failed
Women who are suffering with some form of female
illness should consider this
As such evidence read these two unsolicited testimonial
letters We guarantee they are genuine and honest state
t men ts of facts
Cresson PaFive years ago I had a bad fall and hurt
myself inwardly I was under a doctors care for iilno weeks
and when I stopped I grew worse again I sent for a bottle of
Lydia 33 Piiikhams Vegetable Compound took It as directed
and now I am a stout hearty wonumlUrs Ella E Allay
Cresson Pa
Baird BaskA year ago I was sick with kidney and
Madder troubles and female weakness The doctors gave mo
tip All they could do was to just let mo go as easily as possible
I was advised by friends to take Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable
Compound and Blood Purifier I am completely cured of my
ills and I am nearly sixty years olctlUrs Sarah Leighton
llaird Wash
Evidence like the above is abundant showing that the
derangements of the female organism which breed all kinds
of miserable feelings and which ordinary practice does not
cure are the very disorders that give way to Lydia E
Pinkhams Vegetable Compound
Women who are afflicted with similar troubles after
reading two such letters as the above should be encouraged
+ remedya a
IN t For 30 yoars Lydia E Pinkhams Vegetable <
Compound has been tho standard remedy for
female ills No sick woman does justice to
herself who will not try this famous medicine
Ii Made exclusively from roots and herbs and
has thousands of cures to its credit
4i Mrs Pinkham Invites all sick women
l raided thousands to health free of charge
t Address Mrs Pinkham Lynn Mass
Embarrassing Sometimes but
Owner Is Satisfied
I Left Choico of Superfluous Cognome
to Son Who Let It Go at ThatElec
tion Judges and Bank Clerks Obsti
nato at First and Clerks Always but
Hes Still Tifft Nothing Else
Tuft huts his full uauie not Jollu
J Tlfft nor Uoratlo Q Tlfft nor Peter
X Tlfft nor yet Myqua SL Patrlc
Tlfft just run If you dont bellev
It you are at perfect liberty to go down
to tile New York Produce Exchange
ask the starter how you get to the of
fices In the tower and come face to
face with a sign which reads
Box Shooks
E n Tint A H Tint
For twellt fie years the genera
public has been unacquainted with tho
fact that there Is a person in New
York who owns no Initials first limn I
or addendum to his name In tho re I
cent rule of England I k was not un
common to sec olllclal statements ema
noting from Buckingham palace sign
ed Knollys pronounced olesbut
that was not because he didnt own nn
antepcnultal syllable It was attribut
able to the European custom
It happened this way said run
My father thought that perhaps I 1
wouldnt like the name that he gav 0 <
me my mother thought that perhaps
I wouldnt like the name she gave me
and so they decided to leave It to uu
until I got oIU enough to choose one
for myself
Always Merely Tifft
WeB It wont along and I found
that I was not exactly endowed as
other persons The boys at school
wanted to know what my name was
and I told them Tlfft If they wanted
to know anything about my first name
1 told them Tifft That was all there
was to It and so what do you suppose
they called mo You guessed right
the first time Tifft Just that and
nothing more
And so his childhood passed
Once in awhile some overInsistent
companion wanted to know just why
It was that there was no first name
and after awhile Mr Tuft began an
swering by Vhyslcal prowess But as
a rule there were few queries Such
things I spread
And then it came to the time when
he would have to vote lIe and his
father who WitS one of the original
members of the shook firm went to
the family counsel and asked him
what about It The lawyer looked up
everything that had I happened in that
line since the common law was writ
ten and discovered that the only case
of a one named mnn was a ragpicker
In Boston
That person seemed to be able to
struggle along without much troubl
rind without anything like pollee inter
forenco and so Mr Tuft thought he
would risk It IIe lives In Brooklyn
and he found that in his townas It
then was and in Now York there
were only four or five Tints and all
jf their were cousins and he didnt
think they would do anything dlsn
recable about It
Votes That Way Too
IVotes I
The first time Tifft went to vote the
lispcctors of election wanted to know
that about It He told them that it
vas just Tlfft and there wasnt any
use in arguUig It got by
Pretty soon Tlfft got far enough
long in the world to start q bank ac
aunt The receiving teller took n good
ook at him when he shot through u
ample of his sl nature and wanted to
mow why he was so stingy with the
nk But by the time a couple of
ihccks had come home without a mur
mur the t teller allowed that it must be
ll right And right at this minute
rifft has two bank accounts both of
vhlch he opened with tho one word
Now there are two young Tints and
the odd part of It is that both of them
lave perfectly good front names The
Idea of a Junior Tlfft or of a Tifft 2d
lldnt look good to him and besides It
lldnt look good to Mrs Tlfft which Is
uore important
Be It said for those who havent a
llctlonury handy that shooks painted
on > Tlffts door are the parts of a boy
lis sides and its tpp and bottom be
ore it is assembled
Help Wanted by Epicure
In a paper published in St Germain
ranee there recently appeared this
dvcrtlsement Gentleman single
great lover of calfs head but unable
to obtain less than a whole one which
It is impossible for him to consume by
ilraself desires to find one or more
issoclatcs who would share a calfs
lead with him three times a week
Spain Invents Grape Cask
There has been invented in Spain n
cylindrical barrel for grapes divided
Into four sections to ventilate the cOQ
ents and prevent them from being
Population 1910 2138088
Increase 189 per cent
Population 1900 1828007
Population I860 v l U01
I i r
r t
Kansas AntlTluhtwad Club Members
Offered Marriage
The sums of dn AntlTlglitwn
club uigunlml by twentytwo girls or
Sylvia Kan may cause the organ
rations disruption Because of the
notoriety given to the members alld
the largo nmnlirrnf letters received by
them the parents of some have de
mumleil that they resign and two o
the number already have left tho or
Tho members of the club have plcdj
cd themselves to go with no ouug
men except those who were llben I
with their money Within the Inst
few weeks more than a hundred letters
have been received by tho young we
men Miss Penrl Draper received forty le
tern among which Is I one from n youn
man In Kansas City proposing mm
ringer This writer says he npprnv
of the organization and also tells fw
president he has sufficient Income t
live up to her Idea as to what a mtn
should spend
One Kansas City al1 wrote u letter to
every member but only one man sun
nioned courage to disapprove of the
action of the club Five of the letter
were from New York city one from
Trenton N J and one from Galvof
ion Tex
lent fle young men signed thel
nnmes to the rules of the Tlghtwai
club of Manhattan Kan which ever
Sent to Miss Draper and n letter tOm
a girls club of Kansas City declare
that a similar organization had been
formed there a short time ago
Clerks Have New Reciprocal Schem
For Postcards
Some of the clerks employed in a i
big manufacturing office on the lowe
end of Stnteii IslandNew York bav <
instituted a new fad that of corre
spondence by freight car Upon the <
sides of cars that come Into the yard
of the companyand almost every rail
road In the country Is represented by 1
the legends on the cars the clerk
write their names and addresses
Not long after one string of can
leaves the yards picture postcards be
gin to come In from small towns nil
over the country and even In Canada
addressed to those whose names were
scrawled In chalk on the sides of the
empties The Staton Island clerks In
turn send postcards to every address
they find on tho freight cars and so
the endless chain lengthens
Population 1010 751139
Increase 41 per cent
Population 1900 628542
Population 18901J1422
Bad Combinations
RamboI have a pair of glasses at
tome that make me see double llald
I tvlnYos Ive seen you using thorn
lOne Is a boor mug and the other is a
vlilskv I liimlilorClilcaco Tribune
They Century
L I a
IN 1911
A great biographyvivid
dramatic readable Illus
Robert Hichenss
A powerful new novel by
tho author of Tho Gor
don ofAllaltih theme
psychical research
A rich andvaried feast of
good things for readers of
The Century
IN 1911
Send for Prospectus to
sus It l
a Cured
yi i
f Back i
II For twentynine years I have I
been at intervals a great sufferer
from rheumatism During that
time no telling how many pI I
various I
Ions of the various kinds of lini
ments and oils I have used and
with but little relief Recently I
T f tit o mbdhl
IWtsconmc ep
less I tried Sloan ut s Liniment
and used it with such satisfactory results that I sept for two large bottles
and I have up to this time used about half a 50 cent bottle with splendid 10
succcSSAMES HYDE Beebe White County Ark 70
Got Ease in Less Than Ten Minutes
MR JAMES E ALEXANDER of North Harpswell Me writes I am
a horseshoer and subject to many strains in my back and hips which has
brought on rheumatism in the sciatic nerve I had it so bad one night
when sitting in my chair that I had to jump on my feet to get relief I
at once applied your
jto j the affected part and in less than ten minutes it was perfectly easy
I think it is the best of all Liniments <
Sloans Liniment does not need any
rubbing Its a powerful penetrant
Try it for Rheumatism Sciatica i i
Sprains Chest Pains and Sore Throat
It gives almost instant relief
Price 25c GOc and 100 at All Dealers
Send for Sloan free nook on Homes address
O You Read The Blue Grass
D Farmer Edition of The
Lexington Herald
This is the regular Monday morning news editioh containing
in addition six pages devoted to general farm news and news
portun nor to the funning interests of the Blue Grass section of
< JUU HO January Specia Rate x 1912 to tiMi 00a
I More than fourteen months of a good news am iurni paper
combined for the above small amount Order now ana get
advantage of tho full time
Subscribe Now
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Ihvingtolt I Kentucky
Want to cry your sale no matter where or what kind None
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IWant I from the day I book your sale Write or phone me
at my expense for early dates 15 years experience Terms reason 1
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Anything to Sellthen
then try a News Want Ad and buy
convinced that thoy will pay you At1
T H BOWMER President AB SKILLMAN Cashier
F L LIGIITFOOT VicePresident O T SKILLMAN Asst Cashier
Cloverport Ky Organized 1872
88 years of honorable dealing to its credit It has passed through three panics and paid every
legitimate claim to its full amount on dtnjiiud Never scaled a check
An absolutely Safe Place to do Business 3 per cent on TimelDeposlts t r 1
A B Skillman Conrad Simons F L Lightfoot W Hr Bowmt 1
Jno 0 JatQ efO T Skillman A R Fisher
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H p4fi

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