Newspaper Page Text
"T- " ' If I T" ''V " THE BRECKENRIDGE NEWS. ALL THE NEWS THAT'S FIT TO PRINT. VOL. XXXVII CLOVERPORT, KENTUCKY, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1912. 8 Pages No. 19 W'WyfPW'WWIf WMQP POOLED TOBACCO THOS. LEWIS DEAD. Of Green River District May Not Be Sold Before January 1. Difference in Prices Fixed--What Buyers Will Offer. There is a strong probability now that 'the sale of the tobacco pooled with the Green River Tobacco Growers Associa tion and the American Society of Equity Home Warehouse Company will .at be made before the latter part of December and possibly not until after '.the first of the year. The samples tor the 1912 crop have been on exhibition at the headquarters -othe various associations for several days, and have been inspected by rep- resentativea of the American Tobacco , rvimnanv (lAllncrher. Imoerial. lohn ; Xoss and Continental, and representa tives of other concerns. None of the teuvers have offered to purchase any of the tobacco yet! and it is not likely that the associations will close any deal at any time real soon, as it is understood that there is some difference in the nrice that will be offered by the buyers licompared with the price paid last year. ik' T. 1. -l,1 4ln. Ida fAAt T? If fll" A C T t IS &ilU lUUb l"3 M'"" -- sociation nas nxea ine pnto wo oumc &s that of last year. SO to $10, but that from the samples shown of this year's crop, me Duyers are nut wuuug iu y f that price, and likely not over 6 to 3. $ It is admitted by the buyers and some members of the association that the to- -' bacco is not as good as last year's crop, . because it has neither the weight, color nor length, and for that reason the buy ers claim that they should not be ex pected to pay the same price as last year. k The price has also been fixed by the u American Warehouse Company, whicn Is tho dght to be the same as that of last vear. though L. JN Kooertson, secre- Ftfli y of the association, refused to state Avtfloner or not tins was true, um aaiu that he would have something to give out to the public within the next few days. The rain a few days ago brought out a snort stripping season, and some of the tobacco was stripped and is ready ' for market, when the tobacco is again put in season. This, however, cannot be rushed to the market until the to bacco is sold, and just when the sale will be made is a question now that probably will not be decided for some time. Owensboro Inquirer. Methodist Church Notes. Wednesday nicrht the monthly church conference will be held and Brother Walker is especially desirous that all the men of the church as well as the pfllcers be present. Reports from every department of the churchwlll be glv en. ooo $ New druggets and fresh painting have brightened the class rooms of Mrs Robert Pierce and Miss Susette - Sawyer. a ooo 6s Susette Sawyer will lead the igue Sunday night. ooo The Clover Blossoms had a bright ind joyous meeting Sunday with Miss elen Kingsbury as leader. The topics re China and Table Manners. Inter- ting talks and papers were given on subiects. Three new memoers re enrolled. Miss Marguerite Walk- Eff was made first vice-president. Miss laabeth Robards, second vlce-presi- it. will have charee of the Baby division. Babies will be enrolled by ic payment of twenty-five cents which titles them to five years membership. Tit. For Tat. Dr. A. H. Waterman, of Chlcago,who the husband of Cissie Loftus, attend- E the wife of his pastor, who was dan- ferously ill. The patient recovered, d the pastor was grateful for the un wnittiug efforts of the doctor. X mouth or so after his wife's recov jy tb minister met the doctor on the Wt. 'Doctor," heBaid, "I have had no from you. Please send me one " "Oh, that's all right! smiled the doc- 'But, doctor." 1 Misted the minister, 1 strongly in this matter. If there y oae debt I owe. it te to you for Bg my wife. You Tvere so good" 'Now look herd" interrupted the ctor. "Let u go. Ttte fast is, i on t wvTK y nrur iu jj yvur out of Heaven than you work all time to keep n out of toll and U call it aqurl" He Voted Tuesday Morning and Died the Next Day-Funeral Held at St. Rose -Interment Takes Place at Hardinsburg. Thos. W. Lewis died at his home in this city last Wednesday morning at 11 o'clock. Mis death was unexpected, although his health had been failing rapidly since last May. Mr. Lewis was up town Tuesday and was one of the first to vote. He did not become ill until late that evening. The funeral took place at St. Rose church at 7 o'clock Thursday morning, Father Henry officiating. Among those who attended from a distance were: Mrs. Frank McGary and Mr. Lon Rhodes, of Hardinsburg; Walter Rhodes and Herbert McGary, Misses Nannie and Nell Head, of Owensboro. The body was taken to Hardinsburg for interment. Services were held in the church, cqnducted by Father Nor man, and the burial took place in St. Romuald's cemetery. The pall-beareis were: Will, John and 'Nelse Jolly, Her bert and John McGary and Robert Rhodes. They were nephews of Mr. Lewis. Mr. Lewis was born near Hardins burg, and was seventy six years old. Forty seven years ago he married Miss Isabelle Rhodes, whom he leaves with two daughters, Mrs. William Dorst and Miss Florence Lewis. He was the brother of George and Henry Lewis and Mrs. Lucy Brown, of Hardinsburg. Pleasant Visitors. The News had the pleasure of a vis It from Mrs. Mary Brown, of Kirk, Miss Theresa Mattingly and Miss Ma lissa Pumphrey Saturday. Mrs. Brown has the school at Kirk with an enroll ment of seventy-six scholars. She is in love with her work and the task to teach such a number does not1 seem hard to her. Miss Mattingly, who is quite a young teacher, has the Mc Gavock school and boards at the hos pitable home of the Pumphreys. Nolte's New Wagon. J. C. Nolte & Bro. have a new deliv ery wagon, three hundred pounds light er than the old one. Sometime ago Mrs. Ben Duncan told the firm that their wagon was a horse-killer and that hustled them up to relieve their faithful servants. Kindness to dumb animals is becoming greater everyday. Boys Have Big Time (- Celebrating the Victory. Three nights last week the coming Democratic voters of Cloverport had u big celebration of the victory. They paraded the streets, blowing horns and giving hilarious hurrahs for Wilson. Thursday night they had abigbonfue and shot off powder by the wholesale. Beautiful Flowers. Mrs. Frank English and Miss Mildred Babbage are proud of the handsome chrysanthemums in. bloom in .their homes. They are the result of much attention and the admiration aroused by their size and quality is quite com pensating. Mrs. English has the Queen Victoria and Miss Babbage has the Alice Roosevelt. Among the colors are garnet, lavendar and yellow. Preston Jarboe Improving. Preston Jarboe, of Hardlni.burg, who nas been ill with rheumatism for five weeks, is improving. He is now able to get around with u chulr and crutch. Hi's many friends hope to see him at his place of business soon. After the Postoffice. There are several applicants for (he postoffice at Glen Dean. Petitions are being circulated and them is quite n rivalry among the applicants. The present postmaster, T. L. Curtis, n Re publican, is an applicant. Following are. the names, of the Democratic ap plicants: Jesse Howard, Ernest Rob ertson, Mrs. Joe Jones and Mrs. Flor ence Moorman. New Engines. The L , II. & St. L, K. R. Com pany's engines are being received here. Three came Monday, 31, 32, 33 and three nwe.wlll follow soon from Phil adelphia. Mr, Randall is very proud of them Fourth of July is a comedy depleting scenes -4$n old fashioned Fourth of July celebration. '' HT r H? ' ffln i M3' H "' iPV- Blir f J &. iV 1 ! -" B P?'' - I --' $ v lH f?&&- .. w&y3gfe: x 9Ek H H9lk- 'f HHH&u. '-i l K3fe!r H lsm&i MISS HANNAH BEARD Miss Beard. Friday a message was received by Mr and Mrs Taylor Berud.of Har dinsburg. from their daughter, Miss Hannah Beard, saying that she had ar rived snfe and was delighted with the people and Texas. Miss Beaid's acceptance of a posi tion In the educational circles of Lo rena Texas, is the culmination of thorough college training and a stead fast ambition to make use of her ac complishments. From childhood she was under an excellent music teacher In her home town, then she entered a Virginia college and last -year took a post-graduate course in New York city. With diligence she perfected her gift as a Reader which Will be her special work in the Lo e Star State. Besides, being capable of imparting understanding that which she has at tained in music and voice, Miss Beard has a rare personality. She is radiant with life, and et, her disposition is charact- rized with sympathy and gen tleness. A sweet little lesson that Miss Bearitbj-ought home from the East is appealing to the girl who wants to be Irresistibly charming. She said that whenever her anxiety or engerness would become too intense that oue of the New York Instructors would say to her In a quieting tone: "Love, Joy and Peace." Trjis is a glimpse of the cult ure and beautiful impressions that Mis3 Beard has had Those who are sensitive to the true and lovely tnings of life may come in touch with them in the ssociatlon with her, and the young girls of Texas who are to be her pupils, are fortunate Indeed. Royal BaKingPowder AbsolutelyPure The Woman Makes the Home She makes it best who, looking after the culinary department, turns her back resolute ly upon unhealthful, or even suspicious, food accessories. She is economical; she knows that true economy does not consist in the use of inferior meat, flour, or baking- powder. She is an earnest advocate of home made, home baked food, and has proved the truth of the statements of the experts that the best cook ing Jh the world today is done with Royal Baking Powder, vh-.---. ' BAPTIST CHURCH NOTES. Miss Harbour. The Hii;h School play Friday night will be the result of the eillcient work of Mis Bessie Harbour. "The people have been so nice to me here, I would really like to make 'Cloverport my home," said Miss Harbour to Tne Breckenndge News. But that Is "way up in Iowa" at Greenfield, and she is the daughter of Mr. and Mr. H. J. Harbour of that place. She has studied in Chicago and Omaha, Neoraska. Her platform work has met with suc cess in her home state and in Indiana, where her time has been spent since leaving college. "Fourth of July" at 1S !! 1fMrNRF Jt 9k rj L feiF ii HP?T -xi? - ?vQii &f: ' f 'i kV? iw MISS HARBOUR the Cloverport Opera House will be the first performance MIh Harbour has di rected In Kentucky. Those who have been associated with Miss Harbour Is preparation for the chool intertalowaat, have been Im pressed with her refinement and sim plicity of manner. She is a plain, com mon sense girl with artistic talents. Somehow, one likes her right at first, then she wins your encouragement and that brings her success. Miss Har bour is a reader and also accomplished In voice and piano. Mr. Steel Wesley Steel, one of Cloverport's oldest citizens, continues ill at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Sam Con rad. Mr. Steel has been missed at the News office where he called faithfully every week to get The Western Recard, Louisville Club Sold ' - to Louisville Men. Louisville, Ky., Nov. 0. A deal for the sale of the Louisville club of the American association, which has been pending for several days practically was closed today. According to avail able information William Grayson, of St. Louis, has agreed to sell to William F. Knebalkamp, Capt. William Neal and O. H. Watson, local men, fcr $100,. 000. It is believed that John J. Mc Closkey, a Louisville man, will manage the team next season. The Market. The hog receipts of over 10,000, Mon day caused a big drop iu prices, tops selling at 7.53. Sheep aud 'cuttle were steady LittlejGirl Dies. Edith Ward, the precious little daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Ward, died Sunday morning of heart failure. Her age was six years. The body was tak en to Butler county for burial. Her Money Either Way. Mrs. Knlcker-Why do you write home for more money? Mrs. Docker If George Is having a. good time h owes it to me. and if he Isn't having a good time lie has saved It New York Sun.J Thought once awakened doee sot again slumbsr.-Carlyle. The Sunday School Is doing fine work since it was graded. The attendance is large, the teachers and pupils are more interested because the school is well organized and each has a definite task; then the character of work is much improved bince the introdi ction of the graded series of lessons. The banner attendance is 147. We had 131 last Sunday. The scarlet fever scare in the west end of town kept some away. All of the classes have selected .their class names and pins, and are or. ganized for the work of the class. The organized classes, names and teachers are as follows: T. E. L. Class, ( Tim othy, Eunice, Lois), Mrs. Heyser, teacher; The Birean Class, Bro. Per kins.teacher; The Agoga Class, Bro. Nelson, teacher; The Fidelis Class, Miss Evelyn H!cks, teacher; The Baraca Class, Bro. Keitn, teacher; The King's Messengers Mrs. Lfghtfoot, teacher; The Always Ready Class, Mrs. Cottrell, teacher; The Overcomers, Bro. Squires, teacher; The King's. Daughters, Miss Maggie Wroe, teacher; The King's Sons, Bro. Lishen, eacher; The Cheer ful Helpers, Mrs. Tousey, teacher; The Truth Seekers, Mrs. Chapin, teacher; The Up Streamers, Bro. Hawkins, teacher; The Wide Awakes, Mrs. Cord rev, teacher. At the business meeting last Wednes day night a committee was appointed to make up a Thanksgiving box for the Baptist Orphans' Home at Louisville.. There are one hundred In the home to be cared for by the Baptists of the State and the Cloverport church wants to share in this noble work. The mem bers of the committee are: Mrs. Tou sey, chairman; Mrs. Lightfoot, Mrs, Kramer, Mrs. Wm. Gibson, Mrs. L. II. Perkins and Mrs. Chapin. They will canvass the church this week and have the box ready to send off next week. There will be a service In the interest of the Anti-Saloon League of the State at the Methodist church next Sunday night participated in by all the churches of Cloverport. Assistant Superintend ent D. W. White, of Louisville, will be the speaker. There will be no service at the Baptist church at night on ac count of this service in the interest of temperance. At the morning hour the pastor will make a report of the meet ing of the General Association which meets at Madisonville this week. The pastor and Bro. Wm. Gibson will attend the General Association which convenes Tuesday night and continues until Friday noon. Each church in the Breckenridge Association is entitled to one messenger and five for the associa tion at large. Bro. Gibson is the mes senger from the church and the pastor from the association. In the absence of the pastor Bro. Leonard Oelze will conduct the prayer meeting Wednesday night. There will be choir practice after prayer meeting., The Women's Missionary Society was largely attenaed and delightfully enter tained at the home of Mrs. Wm. Gibson Monday afternoon. Mrs. Conrad and Mrs. Cottrell read some interestinc se lections, from the Mission Journal. Mrs. Lightfoot made her annual re port as treasurer which showed a sub stantial year's work, and a balance of $35 iu the treasury. Mrs. Fitch, the treasurer of the Foreign Mission fund, reported $25 sent off during the year, and $21 balance in the treasury. Offi cers for the ensuing year were elected as follows: Mrs. A. B. Sklllman, pres ident; Mrs. R. L. Oelze and Mrs. E. O. Cottrell, vice-presidents; Mrs. Fannie Tousey, secretary; Mrs. F. P. Payne, treasurer, and Mrs. J. N. Cordrey, treasurer of the foreign fund. The so ciety meets with Mrs. Fitch next month. Pay Your Taxes Your City and School tax es are now due. If not paid by December 1st they will be subject to a penalty of 6 per cent and 6 per cent interest ' L. V. CHAPIN, City and School Tax Collector HI