Newspaper Page Text
: TShe Breckenridrfe News. WEDNESDAY, NOV lfl, 1912 1 1 riii h i i i 1 at ihn Pa. nffllfo of. Plfivnpnnrf. Tv v K t.14 (tr kiiu . v ., p w.v-x..j"v i "rf as second class matter. trilS PAPER REPRESENTED FOR FOREIGN ADVERTISING BY THE .YEEHESffi GENERAL OFFICES NEW YORK AND CHICAGO 'RANCHES IN ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIES tlTES FOR POLITICAL ANNOUNCEMENTS . For Precinct mid city Offices $ 2 50 tPer County Offices I 6 00 For State and District Offices. ..$ 16.00 For Calls, per line 10 For Cards, per line.. 10 ForvAll Publications In the Inter est of Individuals or expression of Individual views per line 10 LOCAL BREVITIES ,Pattern hats a cost Mrs James 'Cordrey. Mrs. Sallie Moorman left yesterday 'for Dcland, Fla. Sixty children in the Boogie Boo at the Fourth of July. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Newsoin were in 1l,ouIsv111o last week. Willis Green, of Falls of Rough, was irl Louisville last week. Banquet breakfast bacon 22c lb. -Stuart Babbage Grocery. Mrs. C. W. Moorman spent Wednes day and Thursday in Louisville. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Oelze have been visiting relatives in Hardlnsburg. f.n rrninno Tlohpn will ha hostess to the Friday afternoon Club this week. Hear the Women's Rights lecturo and see the Dude at the celebration Nov I5. High-grade millinery in pattern and tailored hats at Mrs. Jas. Cordrey's. See the bride and groom married in a balloon at the celebration, Nov. 15. ( The most reasonable prices for milli nor r.nn he found at Mrs. James Cord- WfctlaUTIllllirat35j4 1' rev s. H Miss Lvclle Hardin, of Holt, visited 'her aunt, Mrs. Emma Skillman bun- Way. Richard Skillman, of Wes Point, is fcvisiting Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Skill- man. Mrs. James Cordrey and Miss Bertha ofirdrey spent Wednesday In Louis es9- f. "For stylo, comfort and satisfaction 'in shoes, go to Conrad Sippel's shoe store. Mrs. HofHous Behen spent Thursday in Louisville with her mother, Mrs. Haynes. A new arrival of hats at Mrs. Cord rey's Special orders made and filled promptly. Miss Ida White left Saturday for Memphis, Tenn., to visit her niece, Mrs Edwin Bell. The Ladies Reading Club will be en tertained tomorrow afternoou by Miss Jennie Warfield, Attend t)ie Fourth of July celebra tion Friday evening, Nov. 15. Peanuts f'and pink lemonade. W. J. Elliott, of Toblnsport, who bought the Mason (arm near here, will move there soon. Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Hudson, of Ver sailles, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. f Fred Fraize Sunday. Mrs. Edward Bowne and daughter, ArtpHa. hnvi rptnrnefl home from a y visit to relatives in the'Eust. If you like to laugh come to the cele 'batlon Nov. lsat the Cloverport Op era House and you'll scream. Miss Marcraret Skillman Will leave Wednesday for Memphis, Tenn., to be the guest of Mrs. Edwin Bell. Wanted A 'small Farm about .75 acres near Clover- port. WILL PAY CASH It Write at once to i JNO. D. BABBGE, Ctoverport, Ky. OF LOCAUN TERES! Some People We Know, And We Will Profit By Hearing About Them. Tils is a purely locnl event. It took place in Cloverport, Not in some faraway place. You are aiked 10 investigate it. N Asked to believe a citizen's word; To confirm a citizen's statement. Any article that Is endorsed at home Is more worthy of confidence Than one you know nothing about, Endorsed by unknown people. Walter Mcadors, farmer, Cioverport, Ky., says: "A member of my family has used Doan's Kidney Tills and found them to be very good kidney remedy. Several years ago she suffered from sharp pains across the small of her bnck as Well as other symptoms of kidney trouble. Seeing Doan's Kidney Pills highly recommended, I got a box at Planer's Drug-Stoie and their use was begun, They did a world of good. Since then this person has used Dohu's Kid ney Pills and on each occasion they have belped her. It is a pleasure to rec ommend this excellent kidney medi cine." For sale by all dealers. Price CO cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United States. ' Remember the name Doan's and take no other. Advertisement. Every hat going at cost Mrs. James Cordrey. W. J. Schopp came home from Lou isville Monday. Edward Oglcsby has been In Louis ville on business. Miss Beatrice McCrHcken spent Sat urday In Louisville. Celery, large, 2 bunches 15c. Stu art Babbage Grocery. Arrangements were, made Monday for the Presbyterian Bazar. Reserved seats for school entertain ment at Gibson's drug store. Reserved seats for school entertain ment at Gibson's drug store. Reserved seats for school entertain ment at Gibson's drug store. Henry Harper has sold out at Har ned and will move to Webster. Before buying your winter shoes, go see the nice line at Conrad Siptels. Two hats are better than one and you can find what you want at Miss Evelyn's. The, Rev. Mr. Smith will preach Sunday at the Presbyterian church Finished 3:20 Come to see the new Mine of ladies', misses' and children's shoes just re ceived at Sippels. Chadwick McCracken, of Jefferson ville, Ind., was the guest of his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. &.. H. McCracken, Sunday. Mrs. George Weatherholt and daugh ter, Miss Stella Weatherholt, were guests of Mrs. Marion Ryan in Louis ville last weak. Mrs. Carr and daughter, Dorothy Carr, of Elizabethtown, are guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Proctor Keith. Miss Myrtle Withers left yesterday for'Deland, Fla.. to spend the winter with her cousin, Mrs. F. N. D'Huy. See the Gypsy Girls with their tam bourines and the Cow Boy Girls from the Golden West Friday evening, Nov. 15. Mrs. D. W. Falrleigh, of Louisville, returns home from Chattanooga, Tenn", after a visit to Mrs Andrew Fairlolgh. Miss Rebecca Willis went to Louis ville Sunday evenlnc and returned Monday night from a visit to her broth er, Mr. Jess Willis. Mrs. Dan Duncan and baby daugh ter, Eunice Wheeler, returned to Lou isville Thursday after a visit to Mr. and Mrs. II. V. Duncan. Mrs. J. H. Wills is the guest of Mrs. Lucy Temple in Owrnsboro. Mrs. Tem ple's friends are glad to hear that she is recuperating from a lengthy illness. Mr. and Mrs. John Leitch and son, John Leitch, Jr., arrived from Alle gheny City. Pa., Friday night and are visiting her mother, Mrs. Lightfoot, and Dr. Chas. Lightfcot. Mrs. John Burke and daughter, Miss Dolly have returned home after a pleasant visit of three weeks to her brother, Mr. Wm. Caiey, of Binning ham, Ala. Mr. Caley wna a recent vis itor in Cloverport. $50.00 TO $100.00 A MONTH For your uparo timoKxperlcnce not need ed. Wunt an aetho man in thin locality. To Introduce 11a to your frlonda. We pay lurpest cash benefits when sick, Injured, and at death, for umullest cost. Free-Insurance and Cash-Honus offer to first ap plicant from this place. Write quick for particulate THE JL-U 835, Covintfton, Ky. $3 mr Louisville Evening Post nil and Breckenridge News uu one year 3 50. MMB0R6 Mrs. John M. Skillman returned from Louisville Frldny where she had been for a visit to her aunt, Mrs. Es till Sutton. Lindsay Klncheloe left for Louis ville Sunday morning after a visjt to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Klncheloe. John Edwards Skillman spent last week with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Skillman. C L Beard arrived from Demlng, New Mexico Thursday. Senator Gus Brown has Installed water works In his residence. Revs. Hrunor and Duggins are hold ing a scries of meetings with the Clov er Creek church. Mr, Rogers, soliciting agent for the G eat Southern Insurance Co., was in town last week, Mrs. Jno. D. Shaw left Tuesday for Madisonvlllc to attend the meeting of the Baptist Women's Missionary So ciety. Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Oelze, of Clov erport, were in town last week visiting relatives. Joe Glasscock', of Fisher, was In town Saturday buying mules. Thomas Lewis who died at his home in Cloverport was burled In St. Rom uald's cemetery Friday. Hawkins Smith, of Garfield, was in town Saturday on business. Miss Margaret Dyer, of Sonora, is the guest of her brother, Rev. M. L. Dyer. . Sherman Ball, Henry Dellaven Moorman and Jeff Hook were In Louis ville last week. Godfrey Haswell was In Louisville last week buying his Christmas goods. Dr. Allen I.. Kincheloe, of McQuady, was in town last week. Mrs. M. L. Dyer and children have returned from Nolin where they have been for a visit to her parents. For reliable jewelry and watches, write or call to see me personally for advice, repairing or purchases T. C. Lewis, Hurdinshurg. Boys of the Cloverport High School played the Breckenridge High School boys in a game of basket-ball Satur day afternoon. Trie score was 25 to 5 in favor of the home boys. The School Improvement League had a business meeting Friday after noon at the school building. Two new members were enrolled making a total of thirty-seven, they hope to reach fif ty soon. Their object is to do all in their power for the benefit of the school Mrs. Marion Lawrence and baby, Pauline, left for their home in Evans- ville Saturday after a visit to her moth er, Mrs MarciaMattlngly. Mrs. Paul Compton returned from Louisville Saturday where shi had been for several days shopping. Mrs. Margaret Board, of Kirk, spent Friday with her sister, Mrs, W. K Barnes. ' Raymond Dowell was the guest of his sister, Mrs. Brown, near Custer, Sun day. Mrs. J. J. Willett and daughter, Miss Niram Willett, returned Monday night from a visit to Owonsboro. Wm. Ditto left Wednesday for Lob isville after a visit to his mother, Mrs. Hattie Ditto. Misses Claudia Pate and Jeannette Burn came over from Cloverport to witness the basket-ball game. Dr. Earl Moorman, who is visiting his mother near Harned, was in town Saturday. Women as Well as Men are Mads Miserabto by Kidnay anil Bladder Trouble. Kidney trouble pre s upon the mind, discouragesandlessensambition; beauty, vigor anu cucertui ucss soon disappear when the kidneys are out of order or dis eased. Kidney trouble has become so prevalent that it is not uncom mon for a child to be born afflicted with weak kidneys. If the child urinates too of ten, if the urine scalds the flesh, or if, when the child reaches an age when it should be able to control the passage, it is yet afflicted with bed-wet ting, uepena upon it, t lie cause ot the dtlli culty is kidney trouble, and the first step should be towards the treatment of these important organs. This unpleasant trouble is due to 4 diseased condition of the kidneys nnd bladder and not to a habit as most people suppose. Women n3 well as men are made miser able with kidney and bladder trouble, and both need the same great remedy. The mild and the immojhate effect of Swamp-Root is soon realized, oy druggists, in fifty- It is sold cent and one-dollar size bottles. Yon may have a sample bottle by mail free, also a pahipblet telling all noout hwtmn-Koot. no. . ..j.-j including many of the thousands of testi monial letters received from sufferers who found Swamp-Root to be just the remedy needed. In writing Dr. Kilmer & Co., Ilinghamton, N. Y., be sure and mention tins paper. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Dr, Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Uinghamton, N. Y , 0:1 ever-.- bottle Wary, t s. I ft Lost Pockclbook. LOST Pockctltook Saturday afternoon by KM .lackson. Tar Kot K. Ky. Kinder will receive n nooa rownrn. Tor Exchange CKVKIlAIi uood farm marc for salo or cx--' clianee for mnrp mules Robertson tt llfBrd. HurrtlnilmrR, Ky. Tor Sale Residence. RKSIDKNOR FOR SALE-SI rooms, hall, batli, furnnco and rds and three porches. l''or pnrtlculnrs wrlto Mrs. C. P. Haulmse, CloviTport, Kv. For Sale Lot. COR PALB-Ono Lot containing Hi acres of mml with two homes nnd nm b'lic1' smltli shop In Lortlbur. Kv. Ooul business point for further Information call on or luldri'KS Thomas Rot irton. LodlburK, Ky Wanted Man with Small Family WANTED Man with small family to work onfrtrroiKood liouso furnished. J. E KIiir Irvlngton, Ky, For Sale FUR SALE A 15 horse power stationery Oas Enulne; Watklns mike, la Rood re pair. UrickenrldRii sewn. C.ovcrport, Ky. For Sale ORSALE-Decas, Momrhkcs and all kinds tt luffftl VttiltiLu Ili-rmLr iinrlHrrrt Vntru Cloverport, Ky. Dr.W. B.TAYLOR ..Permanent.. Dentist Cloverport, Kentucky GRAND THINGS when necessary, but it Is much bet tar to preserve your natural teeth. This you can do if you visit a re sponsible dentist, at least twice a year, and llae Your Teeth Examined and Filled at lirst appearance of de cay It is economy in health, time and money. We are in position to render the best dental service. W. A. WALKER, Dentist Hardinsburg, Ky. Olllce over Bakery STEPHEN WT NHS John Stiles Dies At The Age Of Seventy-One Years-Baptist Sunday School Graded-Many Social Notes Of Interest. Paul'Basham returned to his sch ol in Monroe county accompanied by his sister, Miss Mary Belle, as far as Lou isville. She returned Wednesday niyht. Bill Gibson and Miss Mary B. Bash am attended church here Sunday. Johnson Stiles die'd here Thursday morninK of Brifhts Disease. He ws seventy-one years old. Flvo children survive him'. He had been ill only a short time, and his death came as a great shock to his relatives and friends who were at his bedside when the end came. Mr. Stiles owned a restaurant and meat market here, lie was a man of sterling business principles, one who was respected for his hich sense of right, was kind hearted and obliging, and his jolly disposition was the secret of his friendship through life. The fun eral was conducted by Rev. Tarboe in the M. E. church, interment was in the old Baptist cemetery by the side of his wue. OhI how quick the one we have loved Has passed on to the mansions of rest; One moment was clasping our hands, And the next at homo in the land of the blest. R. A. Smith has returned from a trin out West whore ho visited his sister , Mr. and Mrs C. A. Tinius were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Milt Bashani. of New Bethel, Sunday. Mrs. John Crawford, who has been the guest of Mrs. Belle Crawford, re turned to Mississippi hit week. Mrs. B. C. Dleckman, of Samnle. was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Morgan Sunday. Mr. KisstunandchildrenareL'rloved to hear the sad news of the death of Mr. 15. U. Palmer. Sunday at his home In New London, Connecticut. Ho was a brother-in-law to 15. A. Kissani, and much loved by the entire family. Mrs. Mack SUIT, of Henderson. Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. S. H. DIx. Mrs. P. C. Ferry and son, Miller, of Louisville, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Miller last week, m I WrflBTl 3F""H" "9""F"T2 "f"""iTiT nIHR Ttj'TVIBPi rilll T rmt Srvppy Line of Ladies Cots New Shades, Latest Designs Come Lid Look Them Over Today J. C. NOLTE & BRO. CLOVERPORT, KY. MANY WOMEN CARRY BANK ACCOUNTS This bank has opened a Women's Department, that h, wo are delighted to have women depositor. Wc know that wo men are better financiers than men, hut they havo never had an opportunity to dovelope their talent ior Miviiifr mid mumming the funds of the household. Men have come lirst in making bank deposits and looking after the cash. But the list of women who aie taking advantage of the conveniences of banking facilities is growing and we are pleased to have our bank as their depositor). We cordially invite all women to carry their accounts with FIRST STATE BANK, :: Irvington, Ky. J. C. PAYNE, Cashier ?&" Ws The protracted meeting being held in the M. E. church by Rev. J. Ef Hughs, of Klngswood, will continue another week. 1 L. II. Connor was at home Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Connor. Miss Abbye Whlttinghill was In town Friday and Saturday visiting fr'ends. Mr. and Mrs. Owen Shoemaker, of New Albaiiy, Ind., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. G. McCoy. Mr. and Mrs. Will Singleton have rented rooms in the Blaine House. Mrs. Guy Martin and son, Marlon Edward, andMlss Julia Fella, of Holt, attended church here Sunday Miss Zolmn L-ay was the dinner guost of Mr. and Mrs (J. W. Payne Sunday. S. II. Dix, wo are glad to know, Is Improving rapidly at this writing. Emery French returned home from Cloverport last week where he has been working as telegraph operator at the Barkley returned home last week from Springfield, III , where he has been vlsitln; his son, Larue Bark ley, M,r. and Mrs. 'Bernard, Lewis have I ill. &B v ma rr m "f""THrT frfmiTBFf TiTHITHI' THsTiTHI "N"iTiTiTiTiTiiW V"iTiTiTiTiTiTiTH fsViTiTiTiTiTiTiW --j-J-v rrj r.p.AvM! -VmNt VNSryi VvNUM T . - rented Mrs. Mary Pdine's pr porty 1 Maine street and will take possesion at otce. The M E. church MUsiou.iry Society meets every fourth Satin d.iy .tt i jO p. 111. h. J. Perkins came down from Lou isville Monday morning. Mrs. Dr. Wm. Mllnrr urn! Mi.s Sal lie Richardson, of Union Star, attended the funeral of Mr. Johnson Stiles hero Friday. Miss Ida Dutschke, of Holt, was iu town one day lat week shopping. A Texas Wonder The Texas Wonder cures k.tilney ar-i bladdor troubles, removing grave cures diabetes, weak and lame back . rhoutuatism, and all -Irregularities . tho kidneys and bladder in both mo and women. Regulates bladder troui -les In children. If not sold by yoir druggist will be sent by mail on n ceipt of $1. One small bottle is two months' treatment and seldom falls la perfect a cure. Dr. K. W. Hall, 'Jo Olive street, St. Louis, Mo, Send for Kentucky testimonials, Sold by drut gists. Advertisement. , mm i