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' FT' ! f. i t 9 ,w t ' V M'K ' m . i TOTOV i i m I Women's Candidate v By BYRON WILLIAMS Ikl CHAPTER X. Instead of leaving tho vicinity of the cabin nfter being liberated, Be dlght closed the door and replaced tho bar. Drifting back Into the bushes, ho waited. An hour passed and then came voices and rustling In tho "wood. Soon tho game warden and , two deputies hovo Into view. The wardeii'B faco was flushed with ex citement ns ho strodo along In ad vance of his men. t Approaching tho door, ho called out: "Will yo surrender peaceable and como out o there, er shall I come In an' git yo?" From within there emanated no an swering voice. Out in the bushes, twenty feet away, Bedlght waited, tensely. "Como on out; tho door's unlocked," Bhoutcd tho warden. Still no answer. "Gol darn ye; I'll show yo. Come on In, fellers," bawled tho ofllcer, throwing open the door and dashing Into tho cabin, followed by his depu ties. With nn agile spring, Bedlght left tho clump of bushes and dashed for tho door. TJio warden saw him com ing and sprang to meet him but(too late! Slamming tho door shut, 'the mayor shot tho bar home. Ho could hear tho strenuous objec tions of the prisoners as bo hurried nwny, making a detour to a farmer's house, where he hoped to secure something to eat. A ruddy-cheeked farmer's wife fed him bountifully and protested at tho unnecessary size of tho coin ho gave her for his dinner and a basket of provisions, with which he set out for the cabin. Reaching the wood-chopper's hut, Sn which two hours previous he had been a prisoner, he rapped on the door. "Whoevcr's there," cried an excited voice within, "let us out!" "Break the glass In tho window," directed tho mayor, his face Illumined with smiles, "and eat out of my band!" A growl of mingled disappointment and relief preceded the shattering of tho glass. Bedlght held his basket on his left nrm and began passing provi sions through the aperture. "Good grub, this, boys," he chuck led. "I servo excellent meals at both my boarding houses. I'll bring you to bacco tomorrow night. Just you make yourselves comfortable. How would you like a deck of cards?" It was dark when Bedight reached Squirrel Inn and slipped unobserved to his room. When Jacklo Vining camo down at six next morning to take a constitu tional beforo breakfast tho mayor Bat In nn easy chair on tho veranda, smoking his favorite pipe. "Will you kindly tell Miss .Mason that I am waiting her commands?" bo asked easily, with no trace of re sentment in his voice. "I was going to liberate you this morning," she said, simply, trying to hldo her surprise. "Ob, I got out last night, thank you. I'm particular about my own bed. Never could sleep well In a Btrango bunk," laughing. After breakfast Alico Mason, tho girl appointed by tho court to defend Bedlght on tho occasion of his trial, called him aside. "As your attorney, I nm led to offer you your freedom today. I want to go to Lakcvlllo for some cold cream, and If you will rldo to tho Four Cor ners with me, I will let you escapo to your own devices. It Is not always that an attorney can vouch for his client, but I am willing to tako a ' ."I'll Brl"0 Yu Tobacco Tomorrow NlBnt." chance on you," confidently. "And be-' sides, thcBo girls have been budgeting tho llfo out of you. It's time somebody ' took pity," laughing. Tho mayor put his lips closo to tho girl's rosy ear. "Honest," ho sold, "hopo tx die, I've never had so much fun In" nil my llfo but that bill business Is dangerous, I nnd I'd like to get through with tho ordeal honornhly. I can use today, I and as n small expression of my ' gratitude, I'll send you the Jolllest big , ' box of candy In Chicago as I pass i through." . I "Thank you," sho said, her eyes dnnclng. "I'll leave tho selection to you." An hour later Bedlght, aBtrldo a good horse, was galloping toward Bordeau, a railroad crossing ten miles to tho north. Arriving at the station ho sent n telegram, nte rt typical meal nt a typical country hotel, and started back. Ho reached the cross roads at Cleo Summers. dusk and let his tired, mount plod leisurely homeward. Saturday morning broko clear and tenso after a sweltering night. The sun was copper colored and the leaves upon tho crest, where they were wont to bow and curtsey to the zephyr's breath, hung listless in the shimmer ing heat. At breakfast, none looked refreshed and Mlno Host complained of drought. Pauline, tho cook, whose eggs wero always soft-boiled to a creamy elasticity and whoso toast was ever golden brown and delicious, fretted the former Into blue-black globules surrounded by leathery gela tine, while the latter was burned and desiccated to a hard-tack condition de cidedly disappointing to her usually, delighted followers. The thermometer, to all intents and purposes, was so basely ambitious as to seemingly have no other desire than to climb higher and higher in its relentless rise. "Como on, Mr. Bedight," exclaimed Molly McConnell, "row mo over to Waxelbaum's Point. I want to sketch La Veck's cabin, the remaining relic of what was once the oldest trading post In the state. If Is tumbledown and ramshackle and will make a fine study. I was by there a week ago on a calm day and the reflection In the placid water was almost as realistic as tho old log-pllo itself. A photo graph taken when I saw the cabin would puzzle tho beholder to tell which was tho cabin and which tho reflection. Today rromises to be still and bids fair to afford mo an oppor tunity to get Just the right atmos phere. I'll bo ready In ten minutes." Sho came down to tho dock, her black eyes dancing in anticipation. Bedight packed her outfit In the prow of the boat along with tho lunch basket, held the boat firmly against the dock ns sho put her dainty foot upon tho stern seat, and dipped grace fully Into position, a magazine under her arm and a camera slung across her shoulder. As tho mayor took tho oars he look ed at her bareheaded, her lustrous black locks defying tho sun, her full tempting lips shaping a perfect cupid's bow, a saucy llttio dimple on each side of a well-rounded cheek, nnd teeth as white as nillk-corai through which the laughter trilled and rippled like a singing spring across its mlnty way. Surely a man might well bo sen tenced for lifo to such a woman's whim, while but a day's service wero as an hour In Naples after a hard passage! Molly McConnell had one of thoso daring, unconventional temperaments that bespoke a woman of full blood and spirit, a being of beauty and grace and voluptuous constancy. To THE man she would bo all In all, rein ing queen of his heart, laughing at affinities, scorning Jealousies, holding him secure with her mental and phys ical charms. Tho lako was calm and through its mirrored depths long strands of weed nnd marsh grass could bo seen stream ing upward in tho shallow places. Not oven a ripple stirred the surfaco und tho sun reflected from thp sheening waters, glowed heatedly upon tho faces of tho two In tho boat tho girl with hnlr like tho night and eyes of liquid volvot, tho man with a sentence to servo In the Gardon of Eden with a pippin as tho forbidden fruit. Tho mayor rostod on his oars and mopped his sweating brow. The girl's eyes danced: "And now," sho babbled, "you are in a position to appreciate tho arduous llfo of the galley slave. How on, my man!" "O, that this wero tho river of Life!" countered lledlght, matching tho woman'B frippery. "Ono of tho obligations imposed upon you by tho 'Judge,'" solemnly, was not to propose marriage' or play Life Saver In a letter from Branch land, W. Va., Mrs. Eliza beth Chapman says: "I suffered from womanly troubles nearly five years. All the doctors In the coun ty did me no good. I took Cardui, and now I am en tirely well. I feel like a new woman. Cardui saved my life! All who suffer from womanly trouble should give Cardui a trial." EG1 CARDUI Take The Woman's Tonic 50 years of proof have convinced those who tested It, that Cardui quickly re lieves aches and pains due to womanly weakness, and helps nature to build up weak women to health and strength. Thousands of women have found Cardui to be a real life saver. Why not test it for your case? Take Cardui today! BKOPH the role of(Lotnano. i trust your in tentions toward me are like the Christ mas snow simply another layer of white purity!" "Pray do not tempt me, Eve," he said; "a boat is fully as perilous for loving as a flat for mntrlmony." Her merry laughter rippled out across the water from a throat as shapely as an artist's model. Her neck, browned from the llfo nt Squir rel Inn, was full and moulded free of hollow dips. "0, you old Adam!" sho giggled, "don't you know that the prlqe of ap ples has gono up away up since oui mothers quit sewing carpet-rags and spinning flax. It takes a man with a head these days to keep my lady gratified." "Apples, say the physicians, are nec essary to the human system. And I may point also to a higher authority who has said it is not good for man to dwell alone! As for tho price, was there ever an Adam who thought or this?" "Not until the baby needed shoes!" agieed the woman, letting her hnnd ripple the water over tho rail. "Many an Adam has asked his Eve to fly with him and after the flight couldn't buy a curry of chicken wings In a Boston restaurant!" The miyor smiled. "Marriage as It Is practiced," he commented, "Is a bigger gamble than the board of trade and twice as In teresting." Tbo boat glided onward across the sleeping waters, .leaving a V-shaped ripple in its wake. Traversing the lake, Bedight pulled through a narrow neck that connected Goose Lake with the main body of Sylvan. The view was enchanting pine, cedar and hem lock, birch and maple varied the shores and green bushes trailed their drooping tendrils in the cool waters. La Veck's cabin came Into view, sit uated upon a knoll beside the lake, a picturesque pile of the lumber-Jack days. About its tumbled sides tho wild ampelopsis scrambled, and rag-weed flourished In the clearing. The mayor drew the skiff upon the shore, carried tho girl's easel, box and camp chair to a spot designated and stood by for or ders. "Can you mako coffee?" asked Miss McConnell, as she got out the canvas and prepared to begin the sketch. "In these days of tho new woman," he said, bnnterlngly, "man has come to recognize In a kindlier light the ladylike art of cooking. Fair enchant ress, I can make coffeo fit for the gods, but woman's dainty hand must pour, else it loses its flavor." "Very well," she said, "now run away and forget mo until the coffee Is boiling in tho pot" Bedlght turned to tho forest's frlngo "Your Diplomacy Is Admirable." o M nnd begun gathering firewood. When ho called, sho camo promptly. "Man," sho enld, "has caused many a divorce by not coming to dinner when ho Is called. Nothing so net tles n woman as to wait meals. Know. ng this, I mako hnsto." "Your diplomacy Is admirable," ho congratulated, passing her the coffee pot. Lunch over, Bedlght packed tho cooking outfit and replaced It In the boat. The sky was smoky In the wests smoky with heat that generated a strango restlessness among tho quiv ering trees, whllo tho air was sur charged with a portentous quietude that presnged a clash pi elemental fury. A black cloud stood upon tho rim of tho lake and caused a look of concern In Bedlght's eyes. A glance In Miss McConncll's direction showed tho girl absorbed In her work. Tho mayor picked up a magazlno and stretched himself upon tho sward be neath a huge yellow birch. He was nttractcd from his story a half hour later by n shadow across tho sun. Hurriedly springing to his feet, he scanned the sky. A mass of black wltb livid green patches and scurrying fore runners of whito froth Iny like o monstrous curtain across tho west, through which shot veins of gold like roots of mammoth trees. A'deep rum ble, bass in its intonation, rolled across tho Bky, warning tho creatures of the earth that soon their mastei would be abroad In tho land to wreck and destroy. Tho woman, too, awnre of the dan ger, sat gazing apprehensively at the disturbed sky. "Oh. Mr. Bedlght." she cried, with the veriest trifle of anxiety In hei voice, "wo must bo going. Tho sky looks like a storm." Tho mayor came over to Miss Mo Connell and, standing besldo her, gazed analytically into tho west. "I think wo will be safer here," he advised, quietly. "Tho storm will break before we can reach the Inn." "But we cannot stay In this ruined hut. It leaks and tho doors nre gone," objected Miss McConnell. "Como on, let's bo off." The man hesitated. "Don't you think it wiser to remain here until ,the storm is over? We are a long ways from Squirrel Inn," coun Feled the mayor. "But the wind will kick-up tho laes until wo can't get across for hours," cried the woman nervously. "Sometimes," said Bedlght, looking squarely at her, "a man Is not as dangerous after dark as a wind storm by day." "Nonsense!" exclaimed Miss McCon nell. "Where's your sporting blood. Let's make a try for it." Tho mayor turned and walked down to tho boat. Tho girl followed and got aboard. He rolled up the sleeves of his light shirt and took tho odrs. As he did so, a drop of rain fell Into the boat. "Really, Miss McConnell," he pro tested, "this Is unwise. You will not only get a good wetting but there is grave danger of " "I am neither sugar nor a coward," she said curtly. "Go ahead." Bedight fell to his oars but his in spection of the sky over the girl's head as she faced him was far from reassuring. The clouds bad taken more definite form and In their center, occupying the front of the great stage of the sky, clung a balloon-like mass of twisting matter. Bedlght looked at the girl apprehensively, as she sat in the stern of the boat, taking the splashing drops of rain like a Spar tan. "Miss McConnell, we are going to have a bad storm presently. Don't you think It would be better to go back? Look at the sky behind you." She turned her head. An exclama tion of surprise broko from her lips. "If you think best. Mr. Bedight. I am afraid-1 havo been foolhardy but I'm still satisfied to go on If you are," proudly. A terrific clap of thunder directly overhead, coupled with a roar in the west, caused Bedight to hesitate. In stead of turning the boat, ho headed for the shore. Behind them the storm was rushing with ten leaguo wings and tho waves leaped into an action that set tho boat tossing liko a speck upon a boiling pot. Tho day became as dark as night, save for tbo light ning flashes. In a moment the storm broko. Amid tho crash of rending trees, tho de moniacal shrieklngs of tho wind, tbo terror of the lightning, tho boat sped onward along tho shore, ono oar gono, tho other useless In such a sea. In tho main channel no craft could havo lived, but along tho shore down which the two raced boforo tho wind, tho shell flew on tho wings of tho tempest. Whito but brave, frightened but In full control of her nerves, the girl, clung to the boat. Strnlght toward tho narrow neck of Goose lake, the craft boro like a windwhlpped Ice boat under a gale. Tho mayor gritted his teeth. Once outside tho smaller lako tho course of the craft would bo directly across tho larger body of water. Ho studied t!To girl opposite. Did Bho realize tho danger? "Mr. Bedlght," sho spoko regretfully, with an effort at bravery. "I If we go through into Sylvan lako I I'm sorry I didn't take your advice. It, won't help much now to know that I've repented of my decision but I " Tho mayor Interrupted, shouting against tho wind; "I think we'll avoid it, and surely this must pass quickly." Her answer was lost In the musketry nnd deluge that followed. The boat, half filled with water, lurched perilous ly, rolled like a cedar log and turned turtle! Hertight felt nimeeir earnen lorwant with terrible speed nnd depotlted upon the shore He shook the water from his eyes. Beside him on the mnd lay tho girl, nnd a rod down the, shore tho bont hung upon tho shingle. She opened her oycg to the sound of his voice nnd tho pressure of his hnnd upon her heart Coughing, sho sat up on tho bench nnd rubbed tho gnnd from her faco and hands. Her clothes hung closely upon her, show ing tho outlines of her body, The rain still fell In torrents and ran down their necks in tiny rivulets. "Oh!" she gasped, when her senses marshaled themselves from tho be wilderment, "I've lost my Bketch!" Tho mayor laughed. "If you had been a trlflo less fortu nate, you might not bo worrying about Lucille Walters. that now although I'm willing to ad mit you'd make a swell mermaid." The storm was raging off In the east, the wind where they stood had ceased cracking Its lungs, but a heavy sea was running on the lake and both oars were gone. Bedlght looked about for shelter. Mounting tho shore's bluff, he snw, off to the north, a hut still standing, evidently some fisherman's shnnty. He beckoned the girl, who came up laughing. "If I look as funny as you do with your clothes all sticking to you, the little birds will bo In paroxysms to morrow!" laughed tho bedraggled woman, saucily, gazing brazenly at the man. "Well," replied Bedlght, returning the stare, "your hair Is down, your shirtwaist Is out at tho back, your skirt Is showing your limbs and your shoes squash when you walk. Other wise you are dressed for ono of Mine Host's summer feeds or evening hops that is, dress appropriate for Squir rel Inn when there are no men to en- "Oh, If Pauline Could Only See Us Now," Laughed Miss McConnell. snnre and all dancing parties aro feminine." "You're horrid!" sho scowled. "What are wo going to do?" "There's a hut over there. If there's any part of it that will burn, wo will preserve the remainder nnd use It as a Garden of Eden supplied by a kind providence." The woman hesitated. Tho Garden of Eden stuff In tho morning was not then so pregnant with possibilities, Bedlght set off ahead, apparently oblivious to her doubt. Miss McConncll's faco was clouded. What else was there to do? They wero on tho opposite sldo of tho tur bulent lako from tho Inn, with an oar less, shattered, bout. Tho country about was rough and unsheltered? The night was upon them and tho way to tho Inn around Sylvan lako was too far for her to attempt walking It In tho night, along tho rough trails And through tho mud-covered roads. Bedlght mot her at the door. "Welcome, Eve," ho said, teasing ly. "Eden Isn't such a bad place, after all. Thoro's a stove and some flour and ealt here, also matches, a dish pan, three chairs and a bunk. I'm go ing to seo If tho lako has yielded up our coffeo not and sotno coffee." "I'll go," Bald Miss McConnell,. sober ly. "You start tbo flro and put tho kettle on." Sho went out abstractedly and walk ed down to tho beach, What should aha do? Was she sure of this man BgSMuftr.- HBVVjH Contiuued o Page 7 CHURCH DIRECTORY Cloverport Churches Baptist Church . RnptNt Sumlny school. 0;30 . m C. Jt Mglittont. Superintendent. I'rnjrcr MMtlnf Wednesday T-30W, m, iiNptiu am sociw Society menu Mondny nf tcr HrconU anna; pvrry month. Mm. A. II. Sklllmnn, I'raWei Fr'ftchmaoTcry yundov nt 11:00 a. m., nm 6 7:30 p. m. Her. E. O. Cottroll, Timor. rietliodlit Church Metliodlut fnndny School. 0:30 n. tn. Ira D. Behcn, Superintendent. Preaching erer Sunday nt 11 n. m. nnd 7:30 p. m, Frank Lewfo Pastor. Prayer meeting Wednesday, 7:80 p. m. Epworth League, regular lervlceaiindfty C'45 p, mi business meeting Orst Tuesday night each month. Ml Mnrgarlto Hum, President. Ladles' Aid Foclety meets first Monday each month Mrs. Forrest l.lghtfoot. President. Ladles' Missionary Society meet Hecond Sunday In every month. Mrs. Vliglfi Ilnbbnge. 1'reMaent Choir practice Friday night 7:3), A, II Mu:rav. Director. Presbyterian Church Presbyterian Sunday School 0-45 a. m. Conrad Slpptl, Superintendent. Preaching every Third Sunday, Kev, Adair. Minister. Prayer mcetltg Tuesday, 7:30 . m. Ladles Aid Society meets Wednesday ntter Third Sunday every month, Mrs Chris. Satterflcld, President. Catholic Church First Sundny of rneh month, Mass. Sermon, and Hcncdit'tlon, 0:00 n. m.. othtr thrtc Sun days at 10 15 n. m On week days Mars at 7:(0 a. in, uaiecnoiicni instruction lor inecnua- ren on Saturdays mtjiiu a. m., and on sun days nt 0:30 a, m. nnd 3:30 p. m. Don't Forget When INSURING that you can be robbed as well as yonr property burnt up. Protect yourself and your busi ness witli one of our polities We write all form of Burglar Insurance. Fire, Tornado, Plate Glass, Fidelity Bonds Deeds, Mortgages und other Legal Papers written and al! forms of acknowledge ments taken. Marion Weatherholt Cloverport, Ky. otjo51foto(5ircioizz BALL & MILLER livery, Feed and Sale Stable . 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