Wife of Real Estate Man Says
Husband Nagged.
Mra. C. B. Qerhart of St. Louis Filet
Petition for Divorce, and Then
Starts for Lodge In Ozark
8L Louts, Mo.--Mrs. Jolla M. Oer-
tart, following her suit for divorce
ngalnBt Charles U. Gerhart, wealthy
real estnto operator, was said to have
feono to a hunting lodgo In tho
Ozarks. Sho Is an enthusiastic hun
tress and sportswoman, and In this
respect sho and her husband were
nost congenial, as he Is fond of horses,
(dogs, and outdoor sports.
That, In other respects, they were
not so congenial Is Indicated by the
fwIfo'B petition. It says that Gerhart
nagged her, made contemptuous ac
cusations against her, and that ho ex
pressed preference for other women
And told her he would act so aB to give
Jier ground for n divorce.
Tho husband. 1b vlco-presldont of
itho F.H. and C. D. Gerhart Realty com
pany, of which his brother, Frank,
Doted for his part In the free bridge
campaigns, 1b president.
Thnt tho Gcrharts were living apart
became generally known In July, when
It wnB learned that Mrs. Gerhart was
occupying the magnificent Gorhart
homo, 4484 Forest Park boulevard, and
that her husband was living at a down
town hotel.
At that tlmo Gerhart omployed At
tornoy U. H. Charles to look after his
off airs with a view to a possible suit
by his wife. Her attorneys aro Bates,
Blodgott, Williams & Davis.
In her petition tho wlfo names April
22 last as tho time when Gerhart left
homo. Sho says ho notified merchants
that ho would not pay her bills, and
that it thus became necessary for her
to pawn Jewelry to get needed arti
cles. She stntes that her husband's Income
la $20,000 a year, but makes no speci
fic request for alimony. She states that
einco leaving tho houso ho has given
her only $30 for her support, and has
threatened to have the water, gas and
electric current shut off.
Last June, when Mrs. Gerhart re
ported tho theft of Jewelry from tho
home, she told the police that a man
had called at tho house and presented
Kvhat purported to be a request from
Gerhart for his clothing, and that In
this way tho man had obtained en
hance. This gave the" first confirma
tion of the reports of their separation.
"There c til ' be no letU r median
O'hii ClMiti'ie liin's Couyh Rnic'.
JI chiHrcu wrieiill cl v th whonn
inj couth. One of them was iu led,
bad ft high fever and was couchie up
blwo 1. Our doctor jjave them CUauib i
laiti's Cotili Remedy and tue tirbt dose
eae'l tliem, mid thrre tiottles cu ed
tliein." fys Mrs R, A. Donnltlon, of
Iexlnulou, Miss. For snle hy nil cIchI
ers. Adv.
'Missouri Man and His Famous Dog
i Have Killed 132 In Last Three
j Seasons.
' Centralla, Mo. J. L,. Sapplngton of
Centrulla will bo protected from the
cold this winter by a coonskin over
coat made from hides of cooub which
he himself caught with bis famous
coon dog, Duck, whoso reputation as
a finder and killer of coonB Is by no
meanB confined to Uoone county.
I Sapplngton has been offered 100
for Buck, but says he is not for sale
tat any price. Sapplngton's coat was
imade from tho skins of th.'rty of the
132 of tho ring-tailed species, which
ho and his past master canine have
captured In the last three years.
Three yearB ago Sapplngton bagged
62 coons; two years ago he captured
.48; last year but 16, and so far this
.year ho has 1C to tho credit of him
eolf and Duck
' Uses Champagne In Auto.
1 Jacksonville, Fla. Simon David
Paddock, eighteen, "tho millionaire
kid" of Atlantic, N. J., had a narrow
escape from death In a collision that
resulted from substituting champagne
for gasollno as motive power for his
iracing automobile.
300 acres Good Limestone Land located in one of the best sec
tions of Breckenridge county, 2 1-2 miles from railroad station;
well improved; seven room dwelling; three large barnes, three
tenant houses. This land produces 800 to 1,200 pounds of to
bacco, 30 to 50 bushels corn, fine wheat and grass land. Price
$4,200; one-half cash, balance in-one two and three years.
This is the greatest bargain 'on our list. It must be sold. " For
particulars write
JN0. D. BABBAGE, : Cloverport, Kentucky
Husband Declared Lydia E.
Plnkham's Vegetable
Compound Would Re
store Her Health,
And It Did.
Ashland, Ky.-'Four years ago I
eemed to have everything tho matter
with mo. I had fe-
malennd kidney trou
ble and was so bad off
I could hardly rest
day or night I doc
tored with nil tho
best doctors in town
and took many kinds
of medicine but noth -
Ing did any good un- j
til I tried your won
derful remedy, Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound. My husband said it
Mrs. May Wyatt, Ashland, Ky.
There are probably hundreds of thou
sands of women in tho United States
who have been benefitted by this famous
old remedy, which was produced from
roots and herbs over thirty years ago by
a woman to relieve woman's suffering,
Ttonil V1nf. A-nnfliop Wnitinn snvs;
I n i xt t it t i e i - . i
I Camden, N. J.-"I had female trou-
uie unu u serious displacement, unu wus
tired and discouraged and unable to do my
work. My doctors told me I never could
be cured without an operation, but
1..-1,. t ,.ji. d D:.M.i. v-nw
os7 ssrssssz !
and have recommended it to more than
one of my friends with tho best results. "
Mrs. Ella Johnston, 324 Vine St
If you wnnt special ndvico write (o
Lydia . l'lnkhnm Medicine Co. (confi
dential) Lynn, Mass. Your letter will
be opened, read and answered by a
woman and held iu strict confidence.
Reserves and Hundreds of Innocent
Bystanders Soaked When Hose Is
Thrown on Socialist.
Wl " , j v. '
New York. What might bo called semation. Tiieir illustrations are sim
a wet riot occurred during tho noon n,G and thc,r reading matter Ib brief
hour recently In front of tho big Jute and P ,ho Plnt- And brevity Is tho
mills of the American Manufacturing Eoul of Good advertising,
company, called tho cordago trust, 5- Tne atmosphero of tho adver
Cooper street, Brooklyn. The wetness tisement must bo considered. It
came from a hose that uas turned should always bo in good taste; there
upon tho Socialist spellbinder by an should bo nothing that either directly
employe of the company. Police re-, or Indlr.ectly offends tho prejudices or
serves and hundreds of Innocent by-. tno Judgment.
standers wero included in tho general 6- Tho form of tho advertisement
dampness that ensued, whereupon the ts Important. It should bo' made as
soaked mob, policemen included, 'attractive as possible. The type In
charged the building, and beforo the particular should bo clear and suffl
excitement was at an end half a dozen clently largo to be easily read. Fine
arrests were made insido the mill. Print should never bo omployed.
Last week the company obtained 7. The position that tho advertise-
from Supremo Court Justice Kelly an
lnjuction restraining members of the
Socialist party from spellbinding In
the neighborhood of the plant. At
tempts to enforce this Injunction led
to noisy demonstrations, and, fearing
more trouble. Captain Linden of the
Green Point station led a force of po
licemen to the scene.
Tho constabulary bad hardly arrived
when came Edward Llndgren, the So- the copy features. Neither should be
clallBt organizer of Kings county, and used to tho exclusion of tho other. If
mounted the stump. Several hundred tho widest possible appeal is sought
workers surrounded him and he be- ( 9. The picture advertisement
gan his spiel. should suggest Bomo form of action,
Ho had Just got going when Myron and this Bhould directly bear upon the
Laskow, an assistant engineer of tho main features of tho advertisement It
plant, appeared in tho doorway with is to bo remembered that action that
the nozzlo of a fire hoBe. He aimed has nothing to do with the advertlso
the nozzle at Llndgren and let go. j ment as such dlstractB tho attention.
A mighty stream shot out and swept io. Recent invcstleatlons concern-
tho orator off bis stump and sprinkled
tho crowd with a Niagara of water.
"It is a pleasure to tell you that
Ctiiiinherlain'd Cough Remedy is the
best cough medicine I have ever used,"
writes Mrs. Hugh Campbell, of Lavoula,
Gn. "I have used it with all my chil
(1, tn and the results Have beeu highly
shtlsf ctory." I;or sale by all dealers.
Very Observing.
MiiKKlnR Do ,imi lilli'V women are
moil' olihcrvliiK (him men'' Uugglus
Well, my wife met a friend on tho
street today for two minutes, and It
took her two hours to descrlbo what
tho other woman hnd on. Philadel
phia Record.
Things to Be Considered If Good
impression and Best Re
sults Arc Sought.
The psychological advertisers or the
advertising psychologists wjll tell you
that thcro are two essential elements
In a successful advertisement Tho
"rBi ,8 l Rttract tho antlon ot tho
rca.dcr: ' advertisement is not
BmKinS. it ib a failure, Tne socona ib
io stimulate the interest or tne reaaor
In tho advertised nrtlclp; It an adver
tisement Is not pleasing as well as
satisfying it misses its goal Many
advertisers overlook this second con
sideration. They attract tho attention
of the reader and then arouso his ro
8entnient Instead of stimulating his
totorest In a pleasant manner. No
ruuuer iiKca io do triCKca. n no cornea
suddenly on an advertisement ot a
corn salvo or a spring tonic at tho end
of a paragraph purporting to bo a
news story, he Is likely to reglstor a
vow never to buy tho nrtlclo that has
been forced upon his notlco by a
cheap deception. Right hero Is tho
explanation of tho failure of much ap
parently effectlvo advertising.
The mistakes of advertisers are dis
cussed by Professor Stephen L. Colvln
In a suggestlvo paper In Tho Indopon
dent- Tho principal suggestions which
th,B writor',offerP8 for e dunce 0f
advertisers aro. In brief, as follows:
1. To gain tho attention Is the first
requisite of successful advertising.
IT!" ??' , n,"l"ua ;Im' "u TV IZ
DUt tn,a nln la worthless. It Is fu
Impression can be mado and a desire
' 2. Every portion of tho advertise
ment should have reference to this
desire. There Ib no placo for lrrelo-
i vant matdrial, which distracts the at
tention from the essential features of
tho advertisement.
3. This deslro may be stimulated In
various ways, by nmiment. by Bug-
eestlon. by appeal to the fundamental
instincts and Interests, such as curios
ity, appetite, the play Impulse, tho sav
ing Impulse.
4. The most successful advertise
ments avoid complexity In their pro-
ment occupies is also a matter of sig
nificance Tho good advertisement
must avoid bad company. It must not
appear with advertisements that are
cheap, vulgar or poorly constructed.
Further, it should not be assigned to
a crowded space, never mind how pop-
ular this space, seems to be.
8. Tho most effective advertise
ments combine both the picture and
lng the effectiveness of various ap
peals In advertisements show that the
wholesomeness or durability of tho
product, the age and reliability of tne
firm, the pleasure connected with tho
use of the article advertised and Its
popularity, have great pulling power.
Qn th(J Q(her hand( wltb tho botter
class of purchasers at least, an empha
sis on cheapness, the giving of prizes
and presents, excessive boasting aB to
the valuo ot tho article advertised,
letters of recommendation, accounts
of tho prosperity of tho firm and, the
extent of the manufacturing plant
tend to create distrust and even dis
gust 11. Finally, it should bo remem
bered that an article that has no mer
it In Itself Is not llkelv to be norm-.
- Jn57-.-i. ThTi ' II In 'M'JIgg-;
nently successful through advertising. '
The advertisement cannot perform a
miracle, create something out of noth
ing. All that It can do Is to emphasize
merit where It exist; It cannot make
this merit The public, when once
fooled, Is likely to remember the fact.
Even if a sham succeeds because It la
advertised, this success Is purchased
at an economic wasto. It Is positive
ly Immoral to adverttso a sham. The
principle has thus an ethical as well
as a commercial Import Tho othlcs
of advertising all reputable newspa
pers and magazines aro beginning to
recognize, greatly to tho benefit ot
these papers and magazines and to the
public as well.
The Time to Advertise.
Tho tlmo to ndvortlso Is all tho
time, but tho advertising should vary
with tho seasons. Advertising per
forms a doublo function. It helps tho
morchnnt to move larger quantities,
and so ennblos him to buy at botter
advantngo than fro could do without
advertising. It enables tho customer
to study tho Btock in advance. She
compares her wants and her purso
with tho goods advertised, and sho
goes to tho store knowing what she
wants, consequently shopping Is fa
cilitated, and tho day's business is
moro satisfactory to all concerned.
Ib your husband cross? An irritable,
fault finding disposition is often dueHo
a disordered sfomnch, A man with good
digestion is nearly always good natured.
A great many have been permanently
cured of stomach ttouble hy taking
Chamberlain's Tablets For Bale by all
dealers. Adv.
Water Must Be Changed Frequently
and the Blossoms Should Be
Sprinkled Lvery Hour.
Almost tho first thought that fol
lows admiration for a freshly picked
bouquet Is how It can bo preserved
the greatest length of time? Many
experiments have been undertaken to
prevent flowers from fading such as
placing salt In the water, or nipping
them off and applying sealing wax.
We have tried all methods, and have
come to the conclusion that changing
water In which the stems are plunged
frequently and sprinkling tho flowers
hourly, will keep them fresh and fair
longer than will other treatment.
The water used should be tepid
Tho cooler the temperature of tho
apartment tho better. Never leavo
flowers under a gas Jet, or they will
immediately blight. Tho last thing at
night, change the water on tho stems
nnd sprinkle the flowers thoroughly.
Tie over the vase or basket tissue pa
per which has been soaked in water.
Over this tuck a newspaper. In the
morning the flowers will be found as
fair as the night previous.
Roses fade sooner than almost any
flowers. Heliotrope will wither and
blacken with the tenderest care. It
should bo nipped from a bouquet as
soon as it loses freshness. LUlcs.
tulips, narcissus, euphorbias, hya
cinths and all flowers with suculent
stems can bo preserved several days.
Don't was e vour money buying
strengthening plasters. Chamberlain's
Liniment is cheaper and better. Damp
en a piece of flannel with it and bind it
over the affected parts and it will re
Hee the pnm and soreness. For sale b
all dealers. Adv.
Proper Gymnastic Vork.
Every person who has received gym
nasium training Is aware of tho fact
that on exerciso which calls for pain
ful effort on the part of the beginner
is often performed almost without any
conscious effort at all after a cer
tain amount of training has been re
ceived. Again, it is perfectly well
known that bruto strength alone does
not make a gymnast, and that even s.
simple exercise may offer great dif
ficulty to a muscular and well develop
ed Individual who has not been train
ed in tho gymnasium. Tho explanation
for this Is mado plain In an artlclo by
Professor du Dots Reymond In Die
Umschau, who points out that one of
the essential functions of gymnasium
work Is. not bo much to build up mus
cle as to train nerves and nervo groups
to work in proper unison and co-ordination.
Subscribe Right Now.
"Quality's Sake"
Lewisport BE S T Flour
If Your Grocer Don't Keep it, Write to us
Lewisport, Kentucky
? ?SJfe(fc
Coal, Hay
j, Hardinsburg, Ky.
Cumb. Phone IS. Residence Shellman Home
rjardinsburg, ::: Kentucky
Office Over Farmers Bank
The Love Letters
I AnfanAvnlA i.onnvol i
vuuicuwaic wuwaii yV
WE begin in the November issue a scries
of real love-letters written over fifty
years ago by one of our national
heroes to his sweetheart during the period of
'6i to '65' This great general will go down to
posterity as having accomplished one of the
most brilliant feats of arms in the history of
the world. He was as great a lover as he was
a general, therefore these letters combine au
thentic history and exquisite romance. They
sound a human note that no other work of
literature has done in a decade; it is
literature. You simply can't afford to
story of the Civil War now published
w uiu iicsuucss ui u luiui'iupurury nappe -
I and hold your interest from first to
I . nmv hrfnro vnn (nrcrnt- if
aJ Pictorial Review
v IS Cents a Copy One Dollar a Year
Enclosed please V tlirk rrP T n
find 25c. for which X $10,000 in Cash Prizes
please send me P.R. for N and Liberal Commissions to our AgcntM.
Nov., Dec. and Jan. X AmU r d..;.
4fJrgjj N 222 West 39th St., rjow York City
For Sale
15 H. P.
This engine is in good condition; has boon run about
4 jrears and is a bargain to anyone noeding'a stationary
engine. Has all accessary pipes, gasoline tankwhich
holds about 30 gallons; has detachable gasolino'putup
and a natural gas attachment. Reason forsolling
entirely too largo for my purpose. For further infor
mation call on or address
Jno. D. Babbage
Cumberland Telephone No. 46.
Cabinet and Other Sizes, Stylish and Artistic
moun nngs
First-class Finishing and Enlarging.
A Complete Stock of Photo Supplies
Special Attention Given to Mall Orders
Mall ALL orders to
Cloverport, Ky.
and Grain
of a V
war, it is romance, it is history, it is
im'ss this wonderful series an inside
for the first time and containing all
mug. incsc icucrs win grip yuu nuru,
last. Fill out the coupon and send it
Cloverport, Ky.
. i m 2
-- -v. ,