THE BRECKENRIDGE NEWS. ALL THE NEWS THAT'S FIT TO PRINT. 'OL. XXXVII CLOVERPORT, KENTUCKY, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 27, 1912. 8 Pages No. 21 iLE SAM GIVES IT APPOINTMENT I Murray Blanford-Goes To ftxas As Special Agent Of i United States Department Justice-Preparation For Equips Him For Tho ice. flVE OF BRECKENRIDGE Mr. and Mrs. Ulan ford and their ba by Hon are In Texan now. Mrs. Blan ford was Miss Lillian Durch, of Wash ington, T). C, nnd .sho is a delightful young woman. Plans On Foot For A Big Grocery Stora Here. Subscriptions aru being tnken to or Ranizs a large grocery company iu this city. The organization has not been perfected, but a meeting will be held Friday night to complete plans for it. It is being promoted by employees of theL.,H. &St, L. R. R. Company and will be known as an economy club. it Bh vear there is always someono lasr more of his opportunities than fbefore, and it is the very young Inefficient and energetic, who Is fin oEt the honors nowadays. In- tion comes from Washington of ointment of E. Murray Blanford eclal Agent of the United States tment of Justice and for the pres will be located in San Antonia, , spending some of his time at rt years ago Mr.i Blanford went t Mr -- iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH IP A I E MURRAY BLANFORD Washington, D. C, to accept a posi n.irithe United States Department Agriculture. He recently resigned aacept his new appointment. In the ftlof 1908, Mr. Blanford entered the m school at Georgetown University i graduated from the institution In 11, receiving the degree of L. I. B i1 passed the bar examination and admitted to practice in the Su Mcne Court of the District of Colum- ind the Court of Appeals of the let of Columbia. Mr. Blanford has ys had great faith in education A .took every advantage to broaden .TBefore he went cast, he was grad- ted from the Southern Normal hool of Bowling Green, now the .istern Kentucky State Normal Uool, receiving the degrees of B. S. K'A. B. Qne might say that the . Charles Blanford's son got Ms irt teaching school for he had two rs experience in his home county Breckenridge and one year down h. With thrift, prudence ar.d do- .If t Ion, Mr. Blanford has gotten dace where he Is recognized by who dish out appointments worth Thanksgiving Service For Cloverport Tomorrow. The regular Thanksgiving service will be held for all grateful citizens of Cloverport tomorrow morning at the Methodist church at 10 o'clock. The Rev. Jas. H. Walker will deliver the sermon. IRVINGTON Will Have Farm School Decem ber lO'-Three Days Session -No One Will Miss It-Plans Made. The State Agricultural College will conduct a farm school at the school chapel beginning December 10th, and continuing for three days. Dr. Mentch ler, of Bowling Green, the organizer of Boys' Corn Clubs, will be one of the speakers. Miss Aubyn Chinn, of Lex ington, will talk on Homo Economy. Not only this, but all surrounding districts, are urged to come and get the benefit of these most helpful les ions. Pie Supper at Sample Friday Night For School. There will be a pie supper given by thesshool at Sample, Friday night, November 2q. Everybody is invited to come enjoy themselves and make it a .success. The proceeds will be placed for the benefit of the school children, and a penny spent in this way means dollars and happiness for the pupils in the future. Come, surel John A. Marshall, Teacher. Plank-Johnson A marriage of interest that took place in Ln'uisville Nov. 16th, was that of Miss Colin. Loreni Johnson to Mr. Leslie Plank. Mrs. Plank is an attractive young brldo and. Mr. Plank is a popular Hendorson Route man. He is a nephew of Mr. P. D. Plank of this city. First Snow of The Season. The first snow of the season fell Sun day morning about four o'clock. It melted rapidly as soon as the sun was up. Twenty-four snows for the winter is the prediction now as the first felt on ( the twenty-fourth day of the month. fay Your Taxes Your City and School tax es are now due. If not ' paid by 'December 1st; they will be subject to a penalty of 6 per cent and 6 per cent interest ' V. CHAPIN, City and School Tax Collector tmmmBSSSSSSSKSSSBBM HOC DHC TOE TT O 1 he otolen Singer AN EXCITING TALE OF A KIDNAPED PRIMA DONNA AyAVlWlvv.vAvAw.wAv.vVlVlvw HPHE sudden - forcible ab duction of a beautiful girl from the heart of New York City begins a series of mysteri ous and roman tic incidents that will carry you along in breath less interest to a 'most dramatic climax Don't Miss It Th ial e new sena about to appear in this paper One of the best mystery and ad venture stories we have ever published Watch for the Opening Installment m $8 '. &&l it m$ m .;: ?Wi mmm Li. n v. i i Nv.y . h- : t m, o tw mihiw t-jwvi&vjt. jy-.'K? . "SU . -. . . ' rwf ' "A. a' '?&&? ih v te$i nm : .? x :-'$. ?;. vS ! -' J 'S. ' -jtA-" & Telephone Man Hurt Carl Koemer, a member of the Cum berland Telephone crew, cot his rlcht lep broken Wednesday. Mr. Koemer Is a hXt. Vernon, Ind., man and Is well liked here. He is at the Cloverport, Hotel and Is getting along fine. Eveiy attention is given him and his friends hope he will not get lonesome during his recovery. Distinguished Kentuckian To Bo In Cloverport Col. E. Polk Johnson and Mrs. John ton, of Lonisville, will arrive here this evening to ba the guests of Mr. nnd Mrs, James 13 Randall. .Col. Johnson is the author of a hlstorv of Kentucky just recently published. He has been a member of the Kentucky Press Associa tion over forty years. s Mrs. N. J. Morrison Dies. . Mrs. N. J. Morrison died at HVcIock Monday niuht at her home on bouth .U'eukenridge street, after a long illucsv. lnfinnttie.s incident to advanced age caused her death. The deceased Is survived by four children, who are Mra. J. W. Day, Mre. G N. MUligau, James Morriaon, of Ow teiHiboro, and Mrs, C. H, Cauley, ol Hancock couutv. No arraogew&tns have ben made in regard to the fuaer al, Owetu bj.-o Messenger. Annual Hunting Trip. J. n. Randall, master mechanic of the L-, H. & St h. R'y, went for his annual outing Infct Wednesday on the private car 99. He was accompanied by Mrs. J. B. Randall, Mrs. Emma H. Skillman, Miss Kalherine Moorman, Messrs. R. W. Hensley, E. W. Weber, Dwight Randall, James T. Skillman, and porter, Joe Bradford. No. 99 was side-tracked at Reeds, three failes from Green river, which is a great hunting field. The men hunted and kept the table bountifully supplied with all kinds of game. Mr. Randall's friends at Reeds showed their appre ciation of his coming by sending in dressed hens, ducks, milk, butter, eggs, celery, lettuce, etc. "While the men hunted, the ladies drove, walked and returned the calls of Mr. Randull's many friends, Messrs. Randall, Joe Uoss nnd Miss Donna Ross went down to Reeds Saturday morning to spend the day with the party. The party re turned to Cloverport Saturday evening rt-jolclng over their delightful trip, praising Mr. and Mrs. Randall's hos pitality and regretting that the fine trip was over. Littlo Miss Hutton. Perhaps she will be a journalist, lit tle Miss Murv Ellzibeth Hutton. the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Mac Hutton of Harrodsuurg. Her father is a well-known member of the Kentucky Pre. She surely must be as lovely as the dainty card announcing her arriv al of November the tlxth. CLOVERPOR T SCHOOL 10TES Agricultural Club Organized. Walter Hawkins President. Domestic Science Class Be gins Work With Class Officers. I BASKET BALL GAME Agricultural Club was organized with officers and members as follows: President, Walter Hawkins: Vice President, Fred Adams; Secretary and Treasurer, EulaMcCrackjn. Members: Jamos Fitch, Hudson Bohler, Earl Bolder, Walter Hawkins, Fred Adams, Samuel Allen, Jess Hall, Barney Squires, Murlol Morrison, Joseph Ball man, William Seaton, Raphael Lewis, Joe D. Morrison, Walter Welsenberger, Bernard Lewis, Ruther Pate, Percy Jolly, Forrest Weatherholt, Hamman May, Ray Mullen, Virginia Harris, Gussie Burk, Lena May, Mary Owen Oelze, Rosa Slppel, Louise Nicholas, Donna Ross, Mary McGavock, Isabel Burn, Mabel McCracken, Lillian Mc Cracken, Gaynell Moad, Elizabeth Robards, Eula Robinson, Cammie Combs, Helen Miller, Hula McCracken. 000 Tho Domestic Science class has the following officers: Miss Leonora Mc Gavock, president; Miss Mabel Mc Cracken, vice-president; Miss Francis Sawyer, secretary; Miss Bertha Per kins, corresponding secretary. 000 The Basket Ball game Saturday be tween Fordsvillo and Cloverport went I4 to 8 in favor of the home team. The line-up was as follows: B'ordsville, A. A. Kelly, C. Green, W. Burdette, C. Bennett, C. Shultz, Prof. Schultz, re feree; Cloverport, R. Pate, Percy Jol ly, Randall, Hawkins, J. Hall. Prof. Culton, referee. Santa Claus Letters. All Santa Claus letters to The Breck enridge News must be written on nice, white paper and plain enough to read so they will not have to be re-written. One Farmer Loses 40 Hogs From Cholera. John Wortham, a well known farmer near Star Mills, has lost 10 good hogs In the last few weeks from cl olera, and many other farmers of the same community have sustained lusst-s of a lesser number. Mr. Wortham's loss will amount to about $600, and an estl mate is that cholera has cost the coun ty not less than $5,000 worth of pork ers in the last six months. Elizabeth town News. Goes to Martinsville. Capt J. H. Rowland will leave this evening for Martinsville, Ind., where he will take a treatment for rheuma tism from which he has been suffering greatly this fall. He will be accom panied as far as Louisville by Mrs. Rowland. ASSIGNEE WANTS NOTES RETURNED Bank Of Hardinsburg Files Suit Against J. N. Alsop-Alleged That Notes Were Wrongfully Delivered. NEWS NOTES OF THE COURT The Bank of Hardinsburg, assignee of the Two States Bank, has filed suit In the circuit court of this county against J. N. Alsop for the collection of a number of notes, which are said to be In the possession of the defondant and which the plaintiff claims were Il legally and wrongfully delivered to him. The notes are about ten In number and total 81,630, the largest of them being a note made by Miss Dood Adair for7l5. The plaintiff charges that the notes were wrongfully delivered to Alsop and ask the court to order that they bo returned to the bank, the defendant having declined to deliver them to the assignee of the defunct bank. The suit is filed by Claude Mer cer, of Hardinsburg. Owensboro Messenger. REPUBLICANS Seem Determined to Have "Or gan" in Louisville-Mr. E. T. Franks Says They Are Having Success. 'Hon. E. T. Franks, chairman of the Republican State Central Committee, stated Thursday that ho is meeting with a great amount of encourage ment in the effort that is being made by the committee and by the Republi can leaders throughout the State, to Rccurc for Louisville a Republican newspaper. He stated that from one end of the State to the other, the project is meet ing with favor, and it is expected that within a shore time a meeting of "the State Central Committee will be called for the purpose of going more into the detail matter and seeing what can be done in the matter.-Owens ioro Mes senger. Railroad Files Mortgage. Frankfort, Ky., Nov. 23. The Loc isvllle. Henderson & St. Louis Rail way Company (lied a mortgage with the Railroad Commission und the Sec retiiry of State for J332.-152 to the Cen tral Trust Company, of New York, The money will be used by the com pany In making improvements. Mr. Heyser Has Accepted Position at Lookout, Ky Mr and Mrs. Foster Heyser will spend the winter iu the Kentucky mountains. Mr. Heyser has accepted a position at Lookout, and left for that place this week. Mrs. Heyser will go later and their daughter, Miss Ray Lewis Heyser, will remain In this city.. Royal BakingPowder AHeallhfulOiialijiejioJiM Prof. Prescott, of the University of Michigan, testified before the Pure Food Committee of Congress, that the acid of grapes held highest rank as an article of food and he regarded the re sults from baking with cream of tartar baking powder as favorable to health. Royal is the only Baking Powder made ' from Royal Crape Cream of TarMtr. -$'