OCR Interpretation

The Breckenridge news. (Cloverport, Ky.) 1876-1955, October 08, 1919, Image 8

Image and text provided by University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86069309/1919-10-08/ed-1/seq-8/

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Hay of
entered bad condition of the roads and lack
(Continued From Page 7
to make surh appointment of Mr.
Jno. Bloomer, as county road engi
neer, of Breckinridge county at a
Salary of $1,800 00 per annum, be
and orders directing certain steps to of funds available, for said purpose
be taken lookins to the building or in both rnnnti and thr fftrfher orA
onstrurtion of a bridge over Rough greater reason that the coat of said
t reek near Hornhack Mill on proposed bridge is out of all propor-
the line between Grayson and Breck- tion to the service it would render to
inridgc county Now on motion duly the public generally or community in
made, seconded and carried, it is or- which it is to be located therefore,
dered, determined and adjudged by all orders heretofore entered, per-
this court, the Fiscal court, of Gray- taining to the construction of said
and it is hereby approved, confirmed S(,n ""nty having on August 1 5th, bridge are now set aside, recinded,
and ratified
In Re Hornback Mill Bridge
Across Rough Creek.
Th.s court having heretofore on the high of Ubor and ma,eria. hc
Office Hoirs: j;:S:'JSbJV"-
Always In office during
office hour
Inringtoii, Kf.
One hundred acres lying within jhree hundred
yards of the city lirhitS of Hfrdinsbung. Njce level
land and well improved. 14 1 J
For particulars see f lie
farmers Bank &. trust Co., Hardinsburg. Ky.
When in need of a
or marker, write or call J. P. Keith,
Elizabethtown, Ky. Will be in Clo
verport two days each month. Write
for appointment.
Am in position to save you money on anything in this
line that you might need.
191H enteredan order agreeing and abrogated and held for naught, and it
( -oncurring that said bridge is not ncc- is ordered that the rlerk of this court
essary or justified considering the certify to a copy of this order to the
clerk of Crayson county Fiscal court
In Re Hardinsburg and Leitchfield
Inter County Seat Road.
This day came Joe Glasscock and
others, and petitioned the Fiscal court
to designate the Hardinsburg and
Leitchfield road as an inter county
seat road, asking that steps be 'im
mediately taken looking to the survey
and construction of same, the court
being sufficiently advised. On motion
duly made, seconded and carried, it is
ordered that it is the sense and judge
ment of the court that the public" in
terests demand the construction and
improvement of the said Hardinsburg
ana Leitcntieid Koad, from Peter
Lave Hridge, across Rough Creek be
tween Grayson and Breckirlge
counties, thence by the way of Fish
er to McDaniels. thence to Hardin
hurg. from McDaniels, over the most
direct and practical route and it is
further ordered that the survey and
construction of said road begin at
the village of McDaniels and extend
toward Hardinsburg, until further
orders and the commissioner of Pub
lic Roads is hereby requested to
cause a location and survey of said
road so designated and prepare plans
profiles estimates and specification's
of the work, to be done as provided
by law and the clerk of the Breckin
ridge county court and attested copy
of this order.
On motion dulv made seconded .and
carried it is ordered that the follow
ing Justices be and they are allowed
their per diem.
Ksq. Kccnan l day
Esq. McCoy 1 day
Esq. Heron 1 day
Esq. Bennett l day
Esq. Howard 1 day
it is ordered that court adjourn
s. a. Payne, Judge
100,000 PRESCRIP
J C Mendenhall. Evansville, Ind.
spent 40 years in the drug business.
compounded over lOO.Ooo prescrip
tions from physicians educated in Eu
rope and America before "Number 40
For The Blood Nvaa discovered; the
great specific for all blood diseases.
Successfully employed in diseases of
the glandular system, in blood poi
son, mercurial and lead poisoning
chronic rheumatism, catarrh, consti
pation, hepatic congestions, dyspep
sia and stomach troubles, cores, ul
cers, nodes, tumors and scrofulous
swellings that have withstood all
other treatment yield to "No. 40."
Sold at Wedding's Drug Store,
Cloverport, Ky.
4 00
L 333 acres, ." miles above Cannclton, Ind., on Ohio River and rock
road, has 1 50 acres river bottom. M acres creek bottom, 75 acres rolling,
and balance rough. Splendid improvements. Price $:.'.', 000, one-half cash,
balance in ." annual payments.
2. .'(id acres, tyi miles below Rome, Ind, on the Ohio River and
good road through the bottom, has 40 acres fine overflow bottom land
overflows from back water in winter, 40 acres fine second bottom. So
acres bfaegrasi pasture, 90 acres of level table land in clover. 100 acres
in woods pasture, has about $1,000 worth of timber. Splendid improvement-,
Price $i:i,0()0, one-half cash, balance in five annual payments.
9HttS!,M .miles from W ebster, Ky., and 4 miles from Irv
ingtoii', WyfT.0 acres are-rolfirffc. ami Uii acres balance is level Tractor
can be rtnj$!rer entire farm All land is good, strong limestone soil, has
good impressment-,, is all dVider.good fence, and is well watered. The
lew - ("rtltual -liiiiliwav will run close to this tarm. Price Si 1.000. one-
half L.isb, ftraiii'tf in .1 annual oavments.
4. M0 acres :'.Vi miles from Irvington, Ky.. land runs up to Basin
Springs, R, R. Station, one-halt is level, balance rolling and can run
machinery over entire farm. Good improvements, all under wire fence,
plenty of water. Highway runs through this farm. Price $18,000,
flViQB.cafhj balance in live annual payment -
5. 1M acres, -.'.. milci ii'm Hardinsburg. all level land except U
acres, sliarhtlv rough, lias to acres rood timber worth si son a 11 mibi
mod fence, and has good improvements, Farm is all good producing
land Price $i;i.00(. $5,000 cash, balance in 5 annual payments.
6. 177 acre. !) miles from Cloverport, Ky., 100 acres pretty level,
50 acres rolling, balance tough Good improvements, plenty of water,
all is good, strung -soil. All under fence. Price $3,300, $3,000 cash, balance
in .' annual payments.
7. I OS acres. '. mile from Patesville, Ky., on the Hardinsburg and
and Owensboro road Hai JO Scrtl bottonjt, 30 acres table land, and
balance rolling Mostly fenced, good tmnrovemcnta nirntv ,.f
j '' f ""fi MIT""" cashi balance 3 animal, payments.
8. I. to aires. .1 -. miles ot Cloverport. adjoining Tar Springs, tiO acres
level table land, 15 acres creek bottom, acres rolling, balance rough,
has : I,,,,,!, house and large bam. All 1 strong land, especially line
l""JU" rnw .,..", one-nail casn, Mjanc m 3 annual payments.
9. IH acres, 4 miles from Cloverport, Ky., 70 acres fine creek bot
tom, IN acres BBS table land, balance rolling. Good improvements, most
all under fence. Price $10,1)00. one-half cash, balance 111 5 annual pay
ments 1 J
15o acres, 5 miles from Clavmmnn K'v .'. ,;i- r cj.i
nn , , . - - - - -1 - --. j i,,iiv oil riucidl
nicnwar, n acres level, 7:. acres rolling, balance rough. Good improve
ments, plenty of water, mostly all fenced Price $3,000, one-half cash
balance 111 II annual payments
11. I bottom farms, of U and 45 acres. miles from Tobinsport,
Ind, 33 acre tract has good house anil lum a 1
$.1,500, each or $7,000 together. The two tract's are situated very close
together. '
1 A. , ' "1,ks rohfnsjart, Ind., 75 acres good rolling
land, balance is good pasture land Good improvements, has good water
and IS all under good fence Price $.1,000. one-h:,li' 1..1 :.. '.
annual payments.
13. 104 acres, 1 mile from I lovcroort. Kv.. 75 arr. ' ' .
rolling, balance rough Has new .i room house with cistern some fenc
ing, and $500 worth of timber Price $:i.0o0. one-half .. ZTl
. r , ' vmi. iaiaucc 111
J annual pav mentS.
14. 110 acres, iy. miles from Cloveruort. Kv to m I., .1
rolling, balance rough. Has one tobacco barn. 110 other bnnrnvemn.
Mas ,.) I 11 of timber Pine $ 1 .500. S 100 Cash. lialatlC in rvaum... nt
$100 annually
13. 105 acres, 5 miles from llawcsville. Kv.. :.' miles
station, will be on Federal Highway There are 100 acres of creel, l....
remainder lays well with the exception of 15 acres which is rough and
I BVI ied with timber Has plenty water, good improvements, and is
al.0,,1 MS half fenced Pine $0,o0, one halt cash, balance in 3 annual
10. Splendid new two stoiv frame residence in Cloverport, Ky. Is
furnace heated, ha concrete walks, has two large lots in one of the best
locations 111 the city, and can be bought for ii mm AL h.. ....... 1
other nice pieces of property in Cloverport.
J. D. SEATON, Real Estate Dealer
l unit, Phone J
(Continued From Page 4)
Best five stalks of Burley tobacco
Paul Hardaway, premium $3.00
Given by Edwin Foote.
Second and third best premiums
Ben at. Miller $3.00.
Best stalk of Burley Ginger Bandy,
premium $1.00.
econa nest j. D. uidsoii, premium
50 cents.
Best hand of old Burley J. W
Hendrick, premium $1.50.
second nest j. w. Ater, premium
$1.00. Given by Edwin Foote.
Best decorated window Parks Phar
macy, premium $3.00. Given by Lud
well Adkisson.
Second best Irvington Hardware &
Implement Co., premium $:J.00.
Car with four prettiest girls Carter,
Hardaway. Hramlette, Hatfield Co.,
premium $3.00, Given by Lyon &
Second best Gibson Co., premium
Best decorated automobile in parade
Ellen Carter & Co., premium $10
Given by B. W. Carter & Son.
Second best Gibson & Co., premium
$500. Given by F. C. Sadenwater.
Best looking couple riding horse-back
McGlothlan & Smith, premium
Second best Lyddan & Carter,
premium $:!00. Given by Lon
Best decorated float Parent-Teacher
Association (Little Misses), premi
um $1000. Given by W. B. Taylor.
Two cutest kiddies in parade Bandy
and J VV. Ater, Jr., premium $2.00
Most comical turnout Jane Kirk and
A. I). Ashcraft, premium $3.00.
Best young lady rider Miss Julia
Lyons, premium $2 50.
Second best Miss Ellen Carter,
premium $1.5o.
Best girl rider under sixteen Miss
Louise Carter, premium $1.50.
Second best Miss Jeanette Carter,
premium $1.50.
Best matron rider Mrs. R B Mr.
t . 1. it'll ,i 11 , 1 e .-
1 , 1 . 1 1 , 1 i 1 1 1 1 1.. ,U.
Second best Mrs. Junius Stith,
premium $1.50.
Best gentleman rider J. Edmund
Carter, premium $2 50.
Second best Paul Bass, premium
Best old gentleman rider Bate Hern
don, premium $1.50.
Second best S. C. Dowell, premium
Best child rider under 12 years
Clara Maude Triplett, premium $1.
Second best Mary Cain, premium $1.
Third best Jessie Lee Triplett,
premium 50 cents.
tiest boy rider under 19 years Rus
sell Parks, premium $1.00.
Second best Randall Smith, premi
um 50 cents.
Best saddle pony Russell Parks,
premium $1.00.
nest saddle and harness stallion
l.udwell Adkisson, premium $5.00.
Hest saddle and harness mare or
gelding- J. D. Lyddan, premium $5.
Best trio R. 1 Reds J. C. Crutcher,
premium $2 00.
Best trio Barred Rocks Mrs. J. B.
Hottell. premium subscription to
Breckenridge News.
Second best Mrs. B. W. Carter,
premium 50 cents.
Best trio Leghorns J. D. Ashcraft,
premium $1.00.
Second best J. B. Gibson, premium
50 cents.
Best cock and breed Mrs. B. W.
Carter, premium $1.00.
Best hen any breed J. B. Gibson,
premium subscription to Irvington
Bes cockerel any breed J. C. Crut
cher. premium 50 cents.
Best pullet any breed J. C. Crutcher,
premium 50 cents.
Best pair Bantams Mary Carter
first and second premiums
Best turkey torn Mrs. B. W. Car
ter, premium $1.00.
Isest turkey hen Finis Claycomb
premium $1 00.
Second best Nell Bandv
subscription to Herald.
Hest pair of ireese Nell Bandv
premium $1.00.
Hest coop six young chickens J. C.
Crutcher, premium $2.50.
Woman's Pavillion.
Prettiest trio potted plants Miss Eva
tarrtgan. premium $100.
Best display asters Miss M. H
Greenwood, premium Sl.oO.
Best display zinias Mrs. J. B. Biggs,
premium 50 cents.
Best display ornimental plants Mrs
H. E. Minter, premfum first and
second $1.50.
Best garden display Mrs. G. O
Bailey, premium $5.00.
.Second best Mrs. J. B. Hottell,
premium $3 00. Both given by Mrs.
.ora Board.
Best garden beets Mrs. G. O. Bailey,
Best sweet potatoes Mrs. M. Hicks,
Largest field pumpkin Mrs. L. J.
Dent, premium
Best one half dozen sweet peppers
Mrs. G. O. Bailey, premium.
Best one half dozen tomatoes Mrs.
J. B. Gibson, premium.
Best sweet potato pumpkin Mrs. G.
O. Bailey, premium.
Best pint lima beans Mrs J. B. Gib
son, premium.
Second best Mrs. B. W. Csrter.
Best pound qf butter Mrs. J. B,
Gibson, premium
Second best Mrs. J. B Hottell.
Best bowl of honey Mrs. J. W. Ater
Oldest man on the ground Mr. John
Bennett, of Custer.
Oldest woman Mrs. Emm Holt
Hardinsburg, Ky.
Specializing In Trial Practice
1606-7-8 Inter-Southern Building
More Than 20 Years Experience
Public Sale!
SATURDAY OCT. 25, 10 A. M.
j I Will sell on my farm 3 1-2
miles from Hardinsburg on the a
bove date. All my household and
kitchen furniture. All kinds of
Live Stock, Farm Machinery and
Feed. Wagons, Buggies and Har
Having determined to quit farming. I
am offering my farm, situated two miles
Southwest of Millwood, Ky., on Caney
Creek, consisting of 290 acres. About
200 acres cleared land, 90 acres of good
timber. About 60 acres bottom land.
Good orchard, about 200 trees. Splendid
dwelling of 6 rooms and two hajls, nice
cellar and warm house. Two tenant
houses, three barns, two cisterns, two
wells, four lasting springs.
An Ideal Grain and Stock Farm.
For quick sale, I have priced this farm
at $7,250. LIBERAL TERMS.
For particulars write -
JOHN CRAWFORD, Millwood, Kentucky
... pun
C 1 O A I
Cloverport, Ky.
James Stucky Says. "Rat Cost Me
1SS For Plumbing Bills."
"We couldn't tell what was closr-
I gmg up our toilet and drains We hftd
to tear up floor, pipes, etc , found a
I rat nest in basement. They had
I l"hoked the pipes with refuse. The
plumber's bitl for $125. RAT-SNAP
cleaned the rodent out." Three sizes.
5c, Mc, $1.00 Sold and guaranteed
(by t. A Hardcaty, Stephensport.
Conrad Payne & Co., Cloverport and
0 t Beard k Co., Hardinsburg
18 cents a package
1 mrm mold mnrywhrm in
i irnliUctlly . pc4 of 30
agmnttm,; or fan atemmfm (300
agmrvttmm) in . tUamtnm . fupor
covmrmd carton. W tlrongly roc
onimontl thim cotton (or tho homo
or ohco oupply or whon you tra vol.
They Win You On Quality!
Your enjoyment of Camels will be very great
because their refreshing flavor and fragrance
and mellowness is so enticingly different., You
never tasted such a cigarette! Bite is elimi
nated and there is a cheerful absence of any
unpleasant cigaretty after-taste or any un
pleasant cigaretty odor I
Camels are made of an expert blend of choice
Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos and are
smooth and mild, but have that desirable full
body and certainly hand out satisfaction in
generous measure. You will prefer this Camel
blend to either kind of tobacco smoked straight!
Give Camels the stiffest tryout, then
compare them with any cigarette in
me woria at any price for quality,
navor, satisfaction. No matter
how liberally you smoke
Camels they will not tire
your taste!
Wiaston-Sttlem, N. C

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