OCR Interpretation

Kentucky reporter. (Owensboro, Ky.) 1???-19??, March 22, 1902, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86069325/1902-03-22/ed-1/seq-4/

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1i µ i r
RE lBN 114 O i I
Civil r ScvLe Coinniissbrei t
Rodcnberg to Go Into
f Politics
J fkShlp Jtijsldu Dill HasBoei
Ii I i ThJ Torte of the Senate
The Past Week
The Free Deliv ru Bill Provlds a
f Sokrj of SGOO for Rural
It I WASHINGTON March 21 1
Ouo or the must inKiruatliij ± I
tiJhtHof tilt purit Week in tin 5 I I
city IUH boon the liitiinuiiiini l
of the UHiilnjr fiictloiw of tin 1
lUpiiblicun t member of t Ij uI I
HOIIJMJ of Kunruriutiuitivu till l j
energy with which the Dealt
niocrutH ill the Semite Imvo 1t
neweil lilt ugltutiun hi favor if
till election of Senators by popu i I
A d lur Vale null the rulltiiiition l byI I I
the SiMiiito of Hague treaty fin j I
niuhited tit the Hague Peuee CVit
ference mid by which it is hoped i I
to inaUe warfare more liunmui
While the term + of ugveinont I i
between the beet sugar liepuulU
cans UH they linve come to be I
culled and the Republican or
ganizutUm of the Housu hove
not been mniouiiced it is believ
ed that tley fill bo today und
vote f jr the Ways ttnd LuI I
t + I i I grunting 20 per cent redact
ion of the Dingley Tariff Ul lt s
un Cuba impoits to bo met with
L t u similar reduction on American
jgiuds j going into Cuba the con
I cesMon to be limited to Septem
her 1 1903 and the whole uc
I 2ompaned by the pledge of the
leaders that the Senate will not
amend the measure by increus
k in the rule of extending the
uccutn1hishy 1
f moot of this agreement wI1 I
> < lf1 pWVQ n dlsuppolntnieiiit to tje
ifi i 4 Deiuccratic members who hcped
e to bo able to secure through the
yr t jili vison of the Republicans some
t + reduction of thu tariff on various
11 > ahedult + s It also means no
doubt that the hilt proposed by
Representative Babcock of AVs
cousin will not bo considered L
this sewioii
It ilL serious question wlietli
er the 1trtnuolesn
the ouls desired It is favored
by many humane persons be
cause they h011 it will make war
less terrible Others equally j
humane contend that the more
terrible war is I the more care
nations will takuUi iiyml it but
there is ti ilMiht that the most
t hums e motive prompted the
tfumilorti to nitiiv he treaty
Following I closely upon tin
resignation of Kicrolitry Long
K comes the announcement thai
Civil SiMvlco Commission ills 1
onhcrg lias resigned his position u
presumably for tlo purpose of
entering tlie Held of active poll
tics Tho appointment r Mr
ttodunburtfs successor is await
ed with considerable interest us
upon tlm personnel of the com
muss uu doponds ton very hugo
extent tho olYoctlvonoMH and in
tCgrity of its work Mr loden
burg was uovor rogardod us a
vory Htrong advocrto of t I11
piinuiplo4 which brought this
commissioner irto oxUtontobnt
a ho hint curriod out the provisions
4o 4 tlfe law IIOJIQ tiio IIHS faith
s i full Messrs Proctor and Foulk l
his iiHswiuttH urn hUh I unlunt
mivooiitiH of Civil Sumou ro
t fonu anI l tlo uppniuimoiit of i
UllOtllOrOlltlMIHlusii Wlliull inOX I
0 ptiotoU l of tlio PrtHidoiit will I rou
cloy tht oowwhsjon u I gruut n
Qor for goo < linn oyor
Tho Bunutu han d votod Its
self till ilii past wank to the t con
sideration of thu Hhlp Subsidy
I hill ulthough Ui Jio i not tho
jllKljtost reason to holiovci that H
HJiigio vole tins been cluuigwl by
tho tloU to Tl o uoaauro coiuos
Ii Q k 1ra 4 t qtUf ril 11 tIto voto 4 will
t 4q9 lui 14 I It o H rtrlc I u 4J
II t il
i li
l t
1 I
1lui4i k IM HttUImt 1 8 u5ttuf5
Vive stint tJiniitit uApfisi IIUltWI4I
MlIVLN II H Cdllltllolll Ulllt tilts Lilt
Will PIIMS mid will lll fuculvci
with uppidval by HIM lluttu 1111111
Will bt lOUlU II IllAV luut OUltM ltd
pllllliCiltl StMllltolM IltlHMlgll ttltY
roftiHi to ptimlt ihuir illinium IlJ j
Lt test + d Bits tl CHlcl butt thlS Ill
lluvn Mint It hunt lililu cliunce ill
tin lowor ci stout bet
Af or nsslnjf the ruinl true
UillViy billMu niiHMitlci KM to t
piiividi fur It Milury not ti u1
ciiil tilltl gel niiiium fog ruru
itiiiHiiN t tint IJoiiMj turned iLM IIloj
tontloii to the coislduratloii IIC
slue iKstMlllci iipptoprintloli bill
mid PIISMM It Mils is till I1xth i
tip > I Will 11II It bill Unit t the IIOIIM
llllH llsJMlMd Of lilts Mes lolt A
turolulloii was itdiptel I I 1 by tin
5hltuMe on Thuisdn iiuthoriiin
the PIt ldullt to invite the faml
blies of r tin Count du lioclmmbimi
ami tlo Marquis la Fnyette am
15te >
sontal tilt nut tllhs g of 1 the Mtxtiii
of lloclinuiboiiu ut Washinjrtt u i
on May 21th and nppropriatiu
20000 LI dry till cxpeuhe
ttlltell wouhllw incurred
removing the stigma of having
been Uu deserter from the Ill v >
from the record I of John Glass
us vuUi L l > y the wuyhis can
ed general reconsideration o f
similar uills in the committee uf
Congress These bills first pro
vltle that honorably dischargee
hall be placed nfter tilt name ol
men who have deserted and soot
er or later there appears uiiollici
bill affording the former dee < > rl
era I pension
Rev C H Maders was in town
and tilled his appointment with II
noble sermon
Mr Nvly Wells was in hi > vn nn
Mr Jiihn Young of Eehol K >
was in town Sundays
MiM SuKJuusyi iiupror j titl g
his grocery
There was an nnterluiuincnt
given Saturday night by the
studies board
Mr Will Smith was in town Snn
SouthL day 1 I
Carrol ton has gone to school in
Ohio County I
Mr DJ Pish was in town Sun
Mr Clmrloy Murshel of Green
wine was in town Sunday
Mr Bud Johnson has loft for
Owunshoro to visit his Wife
Ilopklnattllu I
Now students continue to conic
in and thi f good work goes on mi
lfnay toachors have onrolkd
fur the SriugTorm 1 wliicMbogiiu
the tlrsl week in Murch and each
oxpios id himself as being woll
ploasrnl with tlio work of our class
and especially with tlio tiiirhern
r I vkw course wlii hi is hulllg
talked I of oxtonslvoly
Tlio boarding hall is I being fill
od rapidly a row moro students
and boarnlng room will bo at a
Quito u ploanant time was hud
in tho huger Litniiiry l fiocioty f
Friday Mr I CJ i f 4 Jlondorson mu
worthy IVosldont Is proving II tin
self worthy of his position
Lao A S Groon nuulu mi t X
jullmit talk on tho till Psalm In
IMiitso I mooting Sunday which
was highly lnj joy od by nil Post
1111111 I 1 l Ii IVhitoo1I R I Itonlcs 1
and Imf J H wpdwlo l worn
IWIOflH thll tlltlllgLibshet 1 Vi I + ItPt
Miss n I > Uopsoij mud o a
trip to Ccwrolonn to visit r u I u
tivos last wwk
Propuratlous for tlui school
losluf hnvo begun Wu ISstUU
It Ii 1 1 it sounthltg HtlIH11
eE WI tkivu 1QUf leyerUluune1
iiu4 bt couYstlsut Ipal Ike b1RIucIty
iepurier wilt wen lour IrM
1 1
451 tl
1 I
7 I
luIUItttcet llettttttltft et
I etery +
I Weekly hieetltigi BsblHth achoot at
OHIO a tn ne tr It IL Minltli H I Ui
itimUiP Itcaldenoe ell W fourth
sui eau
Hw eney sheet uaptlst llItell
Services every tttuitlHy at It n m aid
I ti4fi p hi Bnlibath school WIIt ft M
inv fI i inpetlng Tataday wight
Iriflctihig every ihiifBdny BigtitRe
tiMltll t ttltUJlj t
Asleiiy Chapel M K Sutvlces ev >
uv < i 1110 1 1 it t llM In tutu m i i
in ill ft111 Schiwl 11311 u In Tutulny
In I ltt CltiM meeting t H p j tn fihtny
night 1iuviu1 meeting 8 p in
V II Viunihn Prtstoi1
tfJIni Invest A M tcrtuc every
Sunday It n m and 746 p in Pray
er meeting every Wednesday night
DiaM tticcttiig every Sunday at 330 p
ti f + ablmth school at U3U KeY L
liuiitnn uaBtoi Uealdonce 419 Pop
tr 1 ell reel
Center Street Bnptlut Services eve
Awkly meetliigM Uabbath sihool al
a n m IowT J W Clark Pastor
For The Oilman
Oil deljvcied at your door at 15
cents per gallon My wngon will I
rim evorydiiy I hiindlo Standard
Oil jul4 high proof oil
TliunniN towel nilI I
J 1
hi r JW
rJi i
I Owttiibr arllt
It II I CAsh jirtiicM J Mid by t Owennboro 51 of
I lluUlt t
I t1ttOt1 I
Maliw cntsbtryis HI 10rfll J
I huulctI4 5555 + 1 + 1tS1
LKltl us5sist 1110
Hle1t1I 1114 5 1115 1151
Cmintry inwluec
Itttttnit gotnl liar rri 5555s5llLtlNo
yoking butter If If If i tli II
I gg5isr i I
Ntw feathers II 555 tlrf4to
Uto witx t5 I 5 202J2o
brlvil apjileii large 4c medium lrt4u
Diled prcftolifn 55tlIl2c
Sorghum 5ti3oe ppr gal
VljotableAI I
Irish potatoes per hiII f0 < tKta
Uftbbane 11 01 1ft per bbl
toliltry 1
Old chickens live i per tt f < > Lie
HoUois IlCrfUc
Hpijlng I thickens G8o
Turkeys + I Re
Dueks i 4 < A7c
Drain = 1
Coffc new ilkt
jlvcatbck I
Caltle 12 fiCfJo 25
Hogs < 47A < tr > 85
Calvea i W 1M4 tel i <
Lambs W 1 503 4 BO
Sheep W60W2BO
When you want tiHia of any style
or form neatly done call at the Re
porter offlce
I WILl at ucrk in the WtkhTi f
jI j
proinptnea I fool it my duty to wiitonml
thank you for what you have done f r j Ulf 1
will nevor forget ihi day I received your l lt U l lc r
I VZIH at work in thu ivrlrirtub1ill IHJOII
vanhiiiK fora livnr all my lllo It watt hurt
work wltl < but little pay and I who 111111I I
nblotu in kc toy living The 1 ItUr ynti wroo
mo tnlil it > u t but you hu < l a L rtt IJoir luulit
called OIUNO that would utraiKhtcn KluUy l t
Hair 1 mubt tuiy I dll l iut Lclitvo while you
wroto but nft < r li ttltllu I rwflvid alull hot
letter from you uhlili s fully Cfiivlm ii 11 l < tif
your honuty tints 11111j 1 tip t my mini 1 lo try
your I tfwit Hair Toiiio JJlNv > ou n < y ovu 1
Lair which was iiulto I hlI ly I nmtltMij my
mind that If ic iliil my huh any gud l tuit 1
would tiiUo up t tint nirtiU1 lit 1 was Urn of
wathluu uud it limu U mu I idyllf but a
menu livli b fl 11 1 rat down tint wruu yni a
I lei lor nml mut you lu fur u rniiinat
1uLUNI 1 Iluir Tr lUincnt U I wan hot 1JIc l >
laforo 7011 taunt it I to JIMS nml 1 oniiiiu tvj jtN
list at oiino I l ii UW HII liiiiirnvutiiiiit lu III > >
Ibl ut inci + tail I i coud ulmu t Ml I It arw
I ling Wfll in a S > > v vfokK I had t this IKH luml
of Imir in tIllI city Hint t i va4 ovwij jtycd ro i
wrote inttl tulil ii 1 i VMiilil iiti iio nKciij
nml aunt yon t fuu lor PMIUP Inufrv U U > r i
y Pit
Ij j
w > 72 2 i 1I < Jj lJ l j l l laJ r
I How an Energetic Itrp lady t Oebl i a RSBIQ and Independence
Hpr only capital a four dollars end her ownI I
confldentv Mt 11raIt I 4 f Tt Lonls
tells her rvn story id tbo followii tIt r HO I
well dtKcrl til in her own vorUfllwruiiJiH
ig not pnhlirhcd Ijy her ovu requ Bt Wio
writes as folloxvu t
i 310 E Jjroal St
Itlchitionrl Va
Jly Dear Irk its StI I
1 liuvo jiiHtnccIved your In < t chip
went of QASO and tbanlc yon for your I
1 4CI Tier IHH truni Iou
I I wan oviirjovvil tn ruOlvo tp JIocll1 hi I
v JlrII 1 nn not Jouy Miititijf ivmU tucom
iiiiiuui my Hrk vo 1 n it my l4wh1 I muly
anil Hurt + I mi t i ui lay > rtple It I uu list
pioptti 5111x dp nn born 1Ilr 11iMitly
uud 1 hIU4I ncin my u u Luir + i mu
walHiiit iul < riiHiuiiit md they wuM gels >
t i tit OfcOJh i Il I l Dint rr q
i fuiiud u vn it i lt vif 1IlIt iwiH ohl
11 I tUy tIs4h i t + 11 t tttst4 u tt niiKi u a ojtiir
Iirullt of 8i 1111 f I coiilif liuvo told liO00
worth if i Jnul Jiivo I had it 1alt 1 you WGu
tar µ joru butilt 1141 1 Fllti n 1 o f tilwt 14 W1e
by our Clew Invention Only those bora deaf are ittcttrabM
Io I
DAtTtMOMK Kit Mareli ga t M
tmwMfn 1 nt I lilt f entirety rated of H fltiei > A InnnV to your tteairaent I Will Hew give yd
a Leis lilMorv of my case lo lie imcil nl ymif illocrellon
About fe vtifn Rita ity tlRhl cor began lo ting nmt HiU kept on gelling woine i < alll t lasts s
my 1 hrntiiinlnniicrtrciititclv underwent I I I n IrtMlniciit I for wlnftli for Ihfre mount K ft wlllioul nny UICCMK consult d n note
I her uf iiliynlrlnnn niiiDiin oilier e iltoinol ntiliiciilcnr a iichill t of UiUclty who told me thai
I oil nn oictnlltiti conlil I lctr > tno mil even Unit ontylcintxirntlly I thai the Iud HoiiM would
lt Iit it belnt fotetrrY
nuts ccnec bat tilt hrq Nu it rlrc eS eat would lnt I
r I then enw tour n stlielatut nCdltll nllt III a etv York piper t and ordered your rtlt
meat After I IlIht UltI tIltItll t fcw doe ncconliua tit your dlrectione the lIoIJteftlWd end
ItMtny nfirr five wccfcx tny lieitlutt In I Die dUmtil cot Im been rnllfely tefJtcd t thank fOIl 541
I AVUHMAN v o 8 ntoftI tw y Wnltlmor Md
OMI ticntinoHt tloe tint tnteifaio with tiny 1fltll occHptttfon
ltenmlonllun edvlce I frcc and YOU CAM CURE YOURSELF AT HOME tVM
oIirruar IIPG GO
day innlinc n profit of f8t0 I tipu UAH
I nl lu tu hiiy a 111rltn tirilvr oil a lilt It It 1111 < il 1
51 l C t uiul etrr hltCMj t tlitii hiivo IHTII liuyiiiir
fr in ufll L iluzva huts and inttKlii fnju
I i20 to i iOA K vrtrk with epee lUll frht
j voilhiK In i tie vrnnli tub I linvu collie ids to I
I this point 1 have nearly paid for my own
lioiihiv I 1 enjoy the coiuf trts of life I3rps 1
IIIUIII I tat ivJl Iud onjuy lifo All of lliU vniir
I UziU Irt5 1111110 r 5 IIlttid 1 ttdvieuovrry
culorcd niiii mid uuumn to vrltu to yi tu ami
unt your iiKuiiuy JlIf 1 Know I tlu y will prohpir
11111 J JI lu tho v old jut Ilku 1 huvu lUen I I IIII I
1111 litriltl Truly > oiir
I 71 i4Ia P tO l
IYo I cnn do thoitunui + HH thU Jaflv Art
notlvo uiitrcutln man or w iin n can Aura IIJ I
iiiuavy nllii our tvluuratM d iuivc I Artiulrn I
1 I 111 y Jtl uwttrhdy tlltI IIJII i lcLII
1 Ih h ldlt Atrui 11 It 1 a v5 1 IIIl II 1l
Ilmer Icdlyou 1 busy 01 tats I initUo inuiii f i
1IidCuWle4Awrc UII q ct
day In and day out Tho ueojilo will Lrlnu
tai nth to your iloor
Vm Ifnow ttiiit our priijwriitlous > vlll ilqull
tout uc uiiliu tar ItKiii in ovIiKMicctl by tl o
many tbouwiiidtf of iwliiiHilaia vo MH
I nrtlvlnif Von uin > ituk niuro luouoy mill K 5
nur HllllI t1tu you cllu 1t urthitir 1 LXJltUOII
nl l of our nuui 1 lfI cri iloiui h t IirelyyI f ltll
vito yon i5iuj i by to tMon vrjiojo JHlcI tie
u tao
Itic I u5ci49fiCitqln1S 1 tityiiPrvi 4
who work il linnlfroiu dawn uxlutlt ovirml
I hut titovui nml tiMiiliu WHhtulw huvu m h
futi kliMt noiitlw aliUJil iiilruiiUfnitiiil u
iMiiull ortmiu by Klilnn our roodv 1 IIITU im
tlllK4llllri yes IMlllllUV t Of I1M II Hint WlIIII1I
today jflvhii up Iiu In at liny + of tludi yoiun
worHlnrf out thou lives ovui < tha liiOWK i ml
vanltinlKi r r MKilniim with j Mt uud euuyti I
in this illtrlu and v iiat nfl luoy rottliitr I is r
IIL ot Hilt tUllum Vhiy 5410i i Klvlng II i
tlui bvxt Suva Ol I the lUu I rr iot lilt HIM
kiilUcit t tn thus will of pitty IO > IM unl 1 CFUM
tills ri w huws tb liCit < flint Vvin H
your UY M iondllldii la uUiyu til1 lUw i yoi
Know toufuMd4 1slus I urw in tlN 1U r Wo
nil IHII < timi lout 1 ernuiil 111 uM I trap niitl
iijuul but U I llcti with its tu I rUYittu tuu niT
Now Wit want you to tutj for unil nltl l our tir
culaw tNiru ully uu < yo will vlvurly pen Mint
I you will Hwcpt of f tiuuKuiioy wuoH r you
l t
1IJf II 4 l1PfiPI iIII
> w
> JF ti i
i4 Y
y Ii 1t f
Wt t 4 i +
f i
ANY t 11XF
+ I
IdO It irIII 4
p JIll r
tt9IOto IWo
i ruoe tdwpltu
o OD r = y
INO HlI direst c
our Mtpry toQpn umw at K
aotol7 Till Narwtt t
ftn7 ODIJ 888eo or > rttr
KODt1a1J > t Wtl w tllllM
hoac t pc pl looMMl la ssf11 purto t
of tM woo af4
wrtte row > tw OMNogtrllR
ttrr s4 aitttUililii
you will inako good money day in and dayf f h 2f
uiul tro wlicn you pluiutiiid tint best tiling of iftirK
all is you will always jiido nionuy in your
pockot This is no SluHiun unit lib i dream Itt t
Is the truth When t you havo aont UH titk 4
order for goods vo will tuoji head you a certl I
To gfinl monuy till binr tray IB to yo to your
If pftHtoJJli and ouy u iiiouey order This is
uUtiolutuly safe mid you cannot lose your
1 found Cmivasjlfii very ptcueentl l 4
N 6 mono for you yet a receipt for It from the J
posiiiiantorUiiUNO pointivciy titiTn ritona Knotty i i
iNiippy Klniiy troth oris lliush Uofniotory
Jalr Ko iujiirloiiH Int irotut urn muihwiry tol >
lit duco ihN tiliiut OXO NO iliiu this work
nloiii and f o mo doiw i ot have to bo kept fjt F
lip after tin hit hr IMCUJUOH Mral ht and was a a4
I + g tho 1alr J I hatun the troatmeiit doltitr it 1i
h od in still way tui t tH lai > irull ° tlt11nrattu1
and all iiehlnir I niiiuliiK wiily I huiulliiithiK V
rwbtrdttt I
htraicht hilt tlio and IxMiulful 1111 an April
mondnir Prko 61 u box d 1 horn dues the
turk vJONU i ouniiiit fail Head our grand
tun I 11t out thiK 5 advvnUoMviit snit tlOIte
lo UH with ijli null wo will loud you mUlch F
i lately lour box u I of UOM nun bottle ofk
lJIUTia l Al M s hIN lltFlKKtl whichI
tank s rcUh > l Ihl nut and lithh h lilt t Ill blank t +
hliin liuvtitil iliauitii also ono bottluot HKIN I I
FOOD vhlcli niiiovth VrlnlleH lVewklen t
Moth jntiihut Tan Jivor hpotn HmalMox
IliM lilt 111111 rhr to 11 lists lvu till UHII lookr
> ounj ami Iltu yunl1uut join nor al wilt tat
aho tohhow ur liluraU hisludunpaolOnut
414 ASlUjOU wliliii i iiMuMViti all suuullb amid J
IUOt I Ii aiUmi iiciu 1 mo hmutii body nuch an 4 5
I cnlJ It c 4owslurt I W Ufq
rret t luIn wadj i +
trol1J l + I
1uI tia I Alooiuuikoof 1HI1UTV HOAM
t1hwti Ie I lists tm1 cCIJnJIIIUJ
winn avj > vo win kuiul you on rvewlpt of
t OHO UCIJa rltCl ilroiliin i i C lumn goo 1
rt 1 i 10ULSTti 1 I
it fl I A3t Urn 4 Hwt
i Ii 1111 un 4 J IH II J

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