Newspaper Page Text
DAILY SOUTH KENT XJCKIAN If I.. ' MEACHAM & WILGUS, Publishers. ' IlOPKINSVILLE, KENTUCKY, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1884. NUMBER 12. V. VANITY. Tnre fl-hMH went "alllnpr out Into the Fast, Where f ho sallliiK was bunt and the ttsbing u Innnt: Joy Mt upon rnnh nlseatniinl muff, And thoy carried their bull in a , u, g, jug. They oast In their lines with the tldo running out. And thrf tnunU'd the nub with hilarious Room-: A piIr t those interesting creatures once made their home injuyWround an American missionary's desk. They laid tbeir eggs in an empty wafer dox, nut the young never seemed to linger about tlm old homestead. The parent lizards remained, however, for several months, and might have stayed longer had not one of them been crushed by a book They Untied sunset, from bright row tossed unon a ncwananer under which U W,eSThncl,b,M,t,wa.(r,o.n.e,Rone. . was hiding. One of this pair was a lit- Iue Jaipur, unmnr nun uuiuci bumi hw othor. and was supposed to be the male. Rn thi.'v hud tnmw hnrA Vuimt thn i a When not foraging for flies, the two An oaf Is a thing- that no mnn tiwlf retaiiria, seemed to take a special delight In And thoy b, 1, t, s, torcd the palms of their welilmr HpsU owner at, his work. 1 I Tlinv would nnr at. him from among Now, rare on the shore most devoutly thoy I the papers in the pigeon-holes, or from ' I n ,nlHn. .I..,k luih n(l Ihfl nHri They rarely descended to the desk proper when the gentleman was present, and only once did tho maid muster up courage enough to taste a drop of milk placed on the desk for hint. The usual programme was for tho litllo creatures to crawl stealthily out irom inoir retire ment advance boldlv a few slops and then turn tail and scamper back as. il bait frightened to ttcatn. iney were so shy that tho slightest move or sound would at any. timo send them to their hiding places in a hurry. The buzzing of a tiy, caught ana new between the. missionary's ' lingers. would generally bring tliuin from thoir Thpy might go to a store and h, u. y, some flub. And proudly rai'h m. a. n. shoulili'rs his rod And bear home a string of smoked burring ana ooa. Oh woo to the f. 1. s. h. er. who brlnm As the prey of tho angler, salt cod and such thlnm: Or a can of cove oysters, and swears that he IOOK, Kvery ova, t, e. r, with a line and a hook. a, J. liunirltt, in Uit Brooklyn Katft. ABOUT LIZARDS. The sight oj u lizard crawling over the walls of lir house would doubtless horrify and disgust an American house keeper, and the appearance of ono of the dreadful crvntiirea in her mtrlor or drawing-room might drive her to the hiding places, but they never seemed to vetge of distraction. The sensation care to touch an insect which they had caused by a monse is nothing compared to what a lizard might do In the same line. In India, however, things are different. Tlio housewifely Instincts of an English or American woman there are probably no less refined than those of a carefnl'woman in this country, but still she docs not mind, seeing lizards in any purl of her house. She nns becomo used to the. dark little fellows, and knows that they are harmless, useful and unobtrusive. ' These house lizard are seldom over ' six inches long. Their color is mottled grayisb-brown, which, in its irregular lines, sometimes looks like the grain of a piece of wood. They are lint in shape, lie closu to a surface, and against a light background have somewhat the appear ance of a miniature squirrel's skin nailed to a barn Moor to dry. While not caught themsolves. Thev korlt the desk tolerably clear of vermin, and' for this, if nothing more, would havrfbeen always welcome to free lodgings, une day. however, as a sort of warning of conjng danger, probably, the femitlo fell rroni a sliell ana DroKe ner tail ou. Shortly afterward her mate was killed and then she left. Other lizards took possession of the desk, but they did not seem to care to mako friends and were left alone J. F. derrick, in Congrega- tiomlisL ' The Untrue. Tho Hague Is an excellent., "foot hold" or starting point for many places of Interest lying thereabouts, ootu lanu. want and seaward. In itself It is one of the most charming of all the towns U has all the OF GENERAL INTEREST. 'Thirst and starvation have caused the recent death of two thousand head of cattle in one drove at Coahuila, Mexico. 1 The aqueduct pf Washington, D. C, furnishes the city twenty-five mil lion gallons of water every twenty-fout hours. --At a late fashionable wedding in England the bride's bouquet, composed of white lilies, was large enough to fill a big wheelbarrow. Rural Comrressmen will be allowed two million bushels of seeds to dis tribute among thoir constituents this year. Chicago Times. A patient in the Nevada Insane Asvlum grasped his windpipe so fiercely, under the impression that a frog was in his throat, the, other day, that it re quired some hours to resuscitate him. Cryolite, a mineral which is of great value in the potash manufacture, has been discovered in the Yellowstone Paak. ' Heretofore it has been obtained only in Greenland. 8an Francitco Call. Parrot-dealers of the East are mak ing money by teaching their parrots to croak "Kiss me, darling."- Ladies are rerv fond of tho feathered tribe when they can speak so lovingly. Chicago lime. In an English criminal trial there are no exceptions, alter a veruict oi f;uilty, no matter how erroneous the aw has been laid down or how illegal the conviction, there follows no appeal except for mercy at the Home Oflice, which is rarely granted. i i. t ' . having a .bony structure, the skeleton of (re,hi brisk wirof -a seaport, without HMiiii u mui:ii in ii in n i-niuinuiiiiiim n ,n a. m-nv -f hn nr nua and ailh. nature, not. so soft,howcver, as to pre vent a quite rapid motion on the part of " ' . the reptile. Tho soles ot the foct are made for running along or up a hard, smooth wall and even ncross the ceil ing, though in trying the latter feat the i liard sometimes gets a fall. Tho little ( , . " creatures are frequently seen effusing . ' each other on tho walls or beams of a , 'building, or playing at hide and seek ,, among the furniture. . Catclilng flics Is. a- favorite pastime, ; I ' " Ihese and other small Insects serving as fooil, and the dexterity with which tliey capture' their prty is remarkable. Their senses of sigbt hearing or smell must bo wonitcrru Iv acute. Discovering- a fly on tho wall 'fully, ten feet away, a H.nrd will start for it, running at full ' - speed and in a straight lino until about a foot from the omeet, when its motion iM'cmuus more ami uioro mow aim na '.Br 'sWwiriiairL ' Sold kj tks Uaitlag Dealer (a Iter? City as Tswa. .KELLY His JEWELRY HOUSE Is ahead of anvthiner in the business. He has the largest stock of the Latest Styles, and the finest quality of goods, and lower prices than any other house. His workmanship cannot be excelled, and his experience has been nearly a quarter of a century, SIGN-'BIG TOW CLOCK," Main Street, Opp. Court House, IlOPKINSVILLE, KY On the Sanlt Hte. Marie. St Marv'slliver separates American and Canadian territory, and connects Lake Huron with the vast fresh water sea of Lake Superior. The river or strait Is about sixty miles long, and is difficult of navigation, two or three miles wide at the mouth and stn I ded with numerous islands, beautiful Out of tho twentv-two Boston ladies In the bright days of summer, it nar- counted on the piazza of an Isle of rows at many points, and opcus out Shoals hotel, eighteen wore eye-glasses into picturesque lagoons. The Sault, or spectacles, and ten had scientific or rapid proper, is only three-quarters hooka In their hands. The intellectual- of a mile in lencth. with a descent of ity of the place is consequently most twenty-two foct; it has no bold preoi pronouncetL N. Y. Mail. pices over which tho stream throws it The first corn crop of Mexico has iw water in ioam, dui mo i ver ruSuu proved a disastrous failure, and as the down the slope in tury, winning arounu weother has been too dry to plant tho and among the small islands which are second, the farmers have given up nope caureii m ii u iua,..u of a corn harvest until next June. This ly over many bowlders. It is navigable will necessitate a great demand for corn enough for toe light birch barks of the - .J i- .i.- T.ri.j c. ...... fi.; Inrlinns. hut. onlv half a conturv aero It bar to the Thirty-five VV i. M.teHltliv .M.- at when stalking a Y vv 'fno15' .The creature xhanlly seems to . V."v' dvanoe,"-but gradually draws near the , insect, hen within an inch of the 113', 1. . .the lisifl s body shKts forward liko -a k flush, tlic feet sttll sticking to tho wall, V . ' ' big mouth opens and shnls like a steel ' ' W!'. there is a slight convulsive gulp, i - and tbe drama of Jonah ana the whale ! .-V . hi been ro-unaoted, tho tly taking the -' ' part of Jonah. Sometinflis a lizard will make a completoor partial circuit of its ' victim going aliove and descending heart downward on tho prey, approach ing it from below or seeking to make the attack from somo other direction. - The strangest thing about a lizard is Its power of losing its tail and having it grow out agnin, the second tail being shorter and less perfect than - the origi nal one. . The tail is simply a muscular appendage into which tho back bone does not seem to extend. It is about two-thirds as long as the lizard's body, quite large where it joins tho body, and gradually tapers to a point. A fall or a blow will break it off, but even when !dojnuJetcly detached It will retain life . for hitlf an hour or more, squirming like - - a worm, twisting, doubling up and oven . ; "Jumping around as actively as a minnow " out of wator. This activity grows more and more faint till the tail is dead And stiff. When it is broken into pieces the : fragments show life, hut of course the ." power of motion is limited by the size of i , V '' the pioee, A lizard, like all reptiles, is , "ycold blooded," so that a dolached tall ' , 'mt its parts bleed but little. i , These house lizards' eggs are as ' " -. round as marhlos and about the sizo of small peas. Their shells are as thin as paper and exceedingly brittle. They are deposited in out-ol-the-way nooks on the tops of or behind books as they stand on shelves, in unused (able draw ers or in the pigeon holes of desks. Whou freshly lnidthey are of a cream color, but become a very pale blue, like well watered milk, as the hatching lime draws near. A newly hatched lizard is an exceedingly lively little fellow; and sometimes, when an egg is knocked from its resting place and broken, the occupant, after a second or two of astonishment at so sudden an introduc tion into the world, will dart away into a place of concealment with as much agUity as if it were fully grown. The young lizards enoounter many dangers. Large spiders lie in wait for them, drive tbom into the corners, tangle them in webs and suck the blood from tne , '. youngsters at their leisure: marauding P black wasps sometimes find the little '''follows a convenient prey with which to " stuff thoir nests; and there are other aid equally successful roNuis for be leaving the mother lizards. i' ' stantial odors of harbor mud at low tide that one gets so often in a seaport town. There is also a -quaint,' genial air ot court e-enlilitv still linsrerincr about its many palatial residences. It is easy to see that at one time its dream, its ideal. was .Versailles. Not anv vain attempt to outshine its queenly splendors is evi dent; but over much that remains ol the best part of the Hague of the eigh teenth century which is a very promi nent part indeed there is a light, nourish)-, courtly touch that takes one back to tho timo of powdered wigs, and of patches duflly placed .near dimples and at outer corners of roguish eyes, of Jeweled snuff-boxes and sedan chairs, and the loftiest of high-heeled brocado shoes. Yet thore is much that is mod ern and I'ariolnn. There is also a good fair bit that was built when the Dutch bad an architecture of their own, when they were ranking glorious chapters ot history, when their Hags were flying in every clime, and they were goou nara hitters by sea and land. The vague excitement-hunting, mere fitvlit.aMmv liiiiriiit pnnlil iln' the Hag. 10 andall about it in a good long day, and forget all about it before the next morning, and be ready again for a similar dose; but to thoso who havo on Interest in matters of Dutch history, its art, or its past, or its pictuisesque, pros perous present, the Hague would afford nleosant' exploring ground for a week or mote. Kvon the artist, working at Schoveningen, would perhaps live cheapor aud moro pleasantly at the Hnguo only a few minutos ofl by train. Schcveningen is all very well when one has a "purpose, and does not mna ex pense and discomfort in pursuit of it but if the skcUjher wishes to exist in quiet and comparative economy, or even if ho wishes his money's worth of luxury, the Hague itself is tho best placo to stay at. At least such is my experience. Not far from Scheven- Ingen hy the coast six mues, bdohi is Katwyk, the Bmallor sister fisher vil lage, and growing up to be a fashion able sca-sido resort Katwyk has the same exhilarating ftir and movement as Schovcningen. One is lifted, oyer its breezy dunes as if with winged foot. There is a mad impulse to catch ono of the tanned fish-girls around her ample waist and have a wild careering waits across the level sands. Katwyk is much more quiot and retired than her neigh bor, while for artistic purposes I think it has many advantages. There is more variety of landscape line in its environs, and quite near lies the village of Kat- wyk-Wuhin,. full of picturesque ma terial, in fact, I found it of more in terest to me than Katwyk-on-Sea. Harper Magazine, 'Aii In fit a ITnitjtrl Srntifl Chirjma ,. used to place an effectual " ; 1 oi . 1 it i 1 -t. 1 ijruiriewi ui iniua iwddid. tjunous wcuuinz cams anpcai;u m H ,.,. .,,,, 0,,i j ,. . .1 , ' 1 vhh1I 1ALC 1 MIIUD muiD ncio an utaiaw grario, Kev. ur.mrposa, acting unaer f0mmerL.e of the inland sea do- aumoruyoi me Arcno.snop, nas reiuseu Banded( buUhe con9truction of the can 10 marry me to ireno a,u eu.,. . . twantv.fiv vearg 8!ro. at once kAa anAimllnn tn t HA nlTTI I rfn a I ' J f iui.... . w w.D,... . .. ftnd opened a oassaga nrl nnw have the honor to offer votl an invitation to our house on Calle Car men, No. 81. Gregorio Saavedra." Writing to a Gorman newspaper, a victim of Ualtonianism, or color blind ness, protests against the tendency to the exclusion of tho so-called color blind from lives of activity in which the recognition of color is an eloment. lie declares that, although the sensations are different, persons atniclea wun uai- for continuous navigation. The canal is a noble monument of engineering skill, commercial enterprise, and wise I iberality on the part 01 the state ot Michigan. It was ouut, oy me mnus 01 the Stato, supplemented by a grant from Congress of one hundred and tifty thou sand acres of land. It is a mUe and half long, seventy feet deep, and con structed of colossal masonry. The locks, two in number, are among the toninnism possvss a distinct recognition largest in tho world, and are wide of tbe diflorcnt bands of the spectrum, enough to admit tho largest boats in and are consequently as capahie of dis th0 trade. In winter, however, trade tinguishing color signals from each ig gusnended on this waterwav; the other as persons with normal vision. boats can rarely enter the lake, on ac- " IV L 11 W..I,tnnnH nr. a Prnnirlnnt I Anl1Mf nf na aarlial fllAH itlA first the Congress Snrinirs. at Saratoga, was of Mav. and navigation ceases in No discovered by a member of Congress vember, as the faff storms are verv se- from Wcw XorK, wno was gunning on vere. leDyearsaguajouruey iuuidcsuh the site. There are now fifteen to In winter was an arctic expedition; thirt.v unnnirs in the vicinitv. not verv I the mails to tho fort were carried in different In character. The Congress sledges drawn by dogs, and. took afott-Knfino- in still the moat nelehrated. Tho nicht on the iournev. In summer reg- Hathorn Spring, discovered about thir- ular steamers, as well appointed as any teen years ago, has become its princi- Atlantio lleet, run from Chicago and pal competitor. For nearly a hundred Cleveland, and the travel on them is int. vor Saralnirn has heen celebrated, and 1 mense. continues to be tho most remarkable col- The Sault Ste. Marie is historic lection of mineral springs in the United ground. Though these eddying rapids ). States. N. Y Tribune. The principal feature about a China man's costume is the fact that nothing ever fits but his stockings. His clothing consists really of threo or four shirts or garments made after the fashion of a shirt, each opening in front -and having five buttons, a sacred number. These buttons are never in a straight row, but in a sort of semi-cirelo half round the body. Tho outer garments have sleeves a toot longer man tne arm, a loci wnicn affords abundant opportunities for theft. A Chinaman's jackets arc his thermom eter. He will sav: "To-day is three jackets cold, and if it increases at this rate to-morrow win be lour or nve jack ets cold.' Chicago Herald, We think of Wyoming Territory as a desert and of Cheyenne as a frontier camp, but a New Yorker lately re turned from that Rockv Mountain set tlement says that he found there a gen tlemen's chid as complete as any in New York. The members are princi pally rich oattle owners, many of them Englishmen. The club house is illn- miuatea dv tne jncanuesceni, eiecirio light, and acAffrom Delmonico's looks after the cuisino. Turkish rugs, marble statuarv. a fine library, rich chande liers. tropical plants, eto., adorn the interior. He also says that as elegant A chicken rooster entered a lady's house the other day, and seeing himself relleoted in a large, handsome mirror. deemed it his boundeu duty to go for the reflected intruder, and he forthwith throw himself against the mirror, shat tering it all to pieces. With tbe break iner of the glass his shadow disappeared. and ho concluded he had demolished his supposed antagonist I be noise brought the good lady into the house, when she found her valuable mirror in ruins and the roostor perched on the marble slab crowing for victory. Botton Budget. .. . It is estimated that the average eott to the people is five thousaud domr. I . 1 .-ii 1 . r, . I (or eacn om passeu dv iogrws. equipages are to be seen every day in .uL J.Vi -1 r. ... i vr vn-l. lue sireeui 01 iuuycuuo mo m oit iui. N. Y. Herald, passed the first missionaries and ex plorers of the unknown West, the La eallos. tbe Joliets, the Hennepins, and not far from thoir rushing waters, in Michilimackinac. lie tho bones of Marquette, the explorer of the Missis sippi. Here the fathers established their central station, whenco they could start out to visit all the tribes of the North and West, and whither they could return when wearied with their labors or in want of supplies. Father Joguos pitched his tent here in 1640, and in 1671, on the very site of the modern town, an envoy of the Most v. nnstian King had a grand council with sovorot thousand Indians for making a treaty of offensive and defensive . alliance against the incursions of those friends of our school-boy days, the Six Nations. Tbe river is the only outlet trom the vast lake, but some tlieo.ies have been advanced to favor the con;e,-ture that there exists a subterranean channel, for, after all allowances for evaporation, it is difficult to conceive that one chan nel can carry off the superfluous water from suuh an immen-e lake, whose area is 82.000 square milos, and whose tributaries drain more than twice that extent of territory. The Indians nave mostly ocen con verted long ago to the Roman Catholio faith, the missionary work having been the most turbulent parts of tho channel Ono man sits in the stern, 'and witn a single oar holds her head in the (lash ing stream, steady as though at anchor, tho light bhvh bark rising over the boil ing rapids and it-i delicate bow part ing the waters graeefully. Tho art of thus managiug the frail skiff has never ben attained, it is said, by any white man. The Indian who handles the net poors down into the waters, dips it quickly at the right time, and take the fish us he is struggling bravely against the current When the fish are plen tiful a score or more of canoe put out into the rapids, and the scene is one of interest and excitement Shooting the rapids is a common amusement to dar ing travelers. Thoy walk up the river bank to the head of the falls, step into a canoe with an Indian guide, and rush down some one of the channels. 11 everything goes right all is well, but a little oversight, in all probability, costs you your life. DttUlt ova. jnarie can do rcavneu, as we have said, in the summer by steam er from the States by Cleveland or Chicago, or from Canada by way of Collingwood or Georgia Bay. Posing through the canal, the vessels touch at Marquette, the center of the iron trade of the djstrict, and Keweenaw Point, tbe seat of the first and principal cop-ner-niininir town, till thev reach Su- . .. 0 - .- - ! I!... ! U'l.. penor uay, wun nupenur m . -consin. on one side, and Duluthin Min nesota, on the other, the head of the grandest line of fresh-water navigation P .L. U f.. k. fl..l f St in tne wuiiu. rium mo uu,. v. jv. Lawrence, through tho rivers St. Law rence. Niagara. Detroit St Clair, and St Mary, and Lakes Ontario, Erie, St Clair. Huron, and Superior, the dis tance is two thousand two hundred miles. The tiwn of Sault is the feat of a United Stales fort but is not ol much Importance. There is nothing to build it up: there are no mineral de posits in the neiehborhood, and its ag ricultural development is overshadowed by that of Minnesota. But the country around is hiehlv romantic, and it will always be a favorite resting-place fot seekers after snort or' natural beauty. Wild-ducks bv thousands skim over the waters, or fly away in alarm before the steamer. Hero and thore may still be seen the smoke ascending trom the Indian camn fires curling up into the still air, while an occasional canoe steals gently along the shore. In a calm day of autumn the visitor, may in these lovely bays or amid the wooded islands, imagine nunseii mine lanu 01 uiuuuis. Harper Bazar. A Drninmer Sold. if that pretty girl over flirt," said one drummer 1 said tho drum- Johai tells a story of a gypsy which illustrates the happy freedom from all the ordinary restraints of civilization which characterizes tho race. This gypsy was the happy father of a flour ishing progeny of twelve children, one of whom a hunter happened to shoot one day; mistaking it for bis more law ful prey. To console the unhappy father the repentant hunter gave him a compensation in money, wnicn hnrrnn bv the martvr of tho lroouis, the Father Jogues fust mentioned. The French settlers and pioneers, t: their lasting credit, have always treated the Indians in tne way wnicn, 10 ineir last ing shame, men of English blood seem unable to comprehend. One of the chief occupations of the Indians on the Sault and the various lakelets it forms in its course is fishing. Mankinae and Knuckled trout aro nlontiful, but the pride and boast of Lake Superior and its adiacent tributaries is tbe white-fish. he In the lakp itself, with its waters crys tal ciear ana icy com, a uiuuui iu . . . ' j l: 1 . , kl. magnificent to the gypsy father that he ventured to suggest that if his benefac tor should think of hunting again he still had eleven children who might be turned to account by a similar aUvaa- t&geous mistake. Manhattan, hours of the summer . day ! Indians and half-breeds mav be seen soooping tnem up with their apparently un wieldly itaWh Twn (lahni-mm i'oi-m the crew of each canoe, and go ritfht out Into N. Y. Evening Fast. "I wondor there is not a llii to another ori an incoming Illinois Cen tral train the other day. "She looks like it," said his compan ion, "and what is more, she and I havo nassed a cood many happy hours to- ge her. I've staid many a night at her father's house; but I don't do that any moro, and if you can make a mash on her, go ahead." ' The othor drummer went over to where she sat and said: "Permit me, madam."' "Certainly," she replied. "My friend over there says lie has known you for some time," he continued as he sat down. She blushed and smiled sweetly as she acknowledged the old ac quaintance. . very uicts iuiiuvt, mer. . Do vou think soP ' said the woman, modestly. "Bully follow, but he ain't very pop ular with the girls. Don't seem to caro much about 'cm." 'Don't he?" she archly inquired. Not vory much." "But it's different with me. I like hinv ever so much." Happy old boy! Say, you couldn t lovo me a little as his proxy, could youP" "liooaness, no: "Well, that's pretty tough on me; but if you think so much of him, 1 11 get up and let him come over and sit bvyou." "Cm! 1 wish you kwouiu. lao masher looked red and blue by turns, and got up and went over and told his companion what, she had said, and added: ' Say, old fellow, you've got her dead. She's m.ished on you the worst way, and wants you to come over and sit by her." "Is that so?" queried tne otner, witn a satisfied smile, arising and bowing to the lady, who beckoned him over to the seat with her. And then ' he went over and put his arm around her, and when the conductor came along, he pointed them out to him and began to tell him what a mash the other fellow had made, when the conductor smiled blandly, and told him to go and soak his head;, that that was tho other drummer's wife and he had known her ever since sho was a baby. The masher got off tho first timo they came up with a freight train and went tho balance of the way as live beef. BloominqUm Through Mail. The Hult of Mexico and Its Stream. At the American Science Association in Philadelphia. Prof. J. K Hilgard read a paper on the "Relative Level ot the Atlant o ueean ana tiuu 01 .Mex ico." He exhibited a reliof model, showing the western part of the North Atlantic uccan, me vuu 01 mexico nun the United States, east of the Missis sippi River. The principal features to which he direoted attention were the fact that tho actual continental outline does not correspond to the present ac cidental limits of land and water, but to the ono-hundred fathom curve, bo that the continental limit is far out un der the sea. Florida and Yucatan have more than twice thr geographical limits, while the West Iudies and the Antilles appear as a vast submarine continuation of the Florida Peninsula, the mountain- summits of which only appear above the sea. This submarine , .. ... bateau, extending to the southeast ;orms. with the coast line of the United States, a great bight nearly as large again is the Gulf of Mexico, which Prof. Hilgard designated the Great bav of North Ament a. Whatever the causes which produced the Gulf Stream, thev must give rise to an elevation 01 the gulf above the Atlantio in order to occasion tne stream a pnysicai iaut demonstrated bv most accurate meas urements. The explanation of the stream was that the North Atlantic trade winds set tho water of the Caribbean Sea against the "Spanish Main" (Cen tral America), deflected northward along the coast of Yuoatan, where the flow is through the straits between Yucatan and Cuba, and thence through the Eemini Channel into the Atlantic Ocean, thus forming what is known as the "Gulf Stream.'fTbe part which the Gulf of Mexico has in this is mainly that ot a reservoir or"accumulator," maintaining the outflow at a more un iform rate than the assigned cause woud, admit of without such a reservoir. A Package of Troubles. One rainv night, iust as the workmen wore hurrying home to supper, an old woman, carrying a large bundle of .,;),.. ,.1 i tn k.i.l nnln n , -n 1 1 1 ,1 fimill, Tina- IJUUlOl WUUU.UWBJUIWM ......... ...... ton car near tho corner 01 juover siroei and Shawmut avenue, taking a seat on the inside, and leaving her load on the , front platform. In a few moments the .1 . . ., .,,.1 condui tor came in, wok ner ucuei, anu went forward to where two men were standing talking with the driver. One of them passed out two checks, which the conductor punctilio, ana then saia: 1 want you to pay tor tnis ounnie. 'I shall not pay fur it," asserted one of the men. "I never have paid anything for it, and shan't now," replied the other, looking at his companion in a myste rious manner. "If you don't pay a fare on that I shall throw it off." "Off with it if you think it your best way, came tne reply, ai wnicn ,tne conductor got mad and hurled it into the mud. The men paid no attention to the act and continued' to talk with the driver. "Aren t you going to look out for your luggagoP" asked the conductor, after waiting awhilo for them to get off. "Don't anything about it," came the reply. "It don't belong to us." Then the conductor gave the bell- ,nnu a tlitanai-ata irnnl anil run hnelr nfr. er the bundle. When ho returned with it all muddy, the old lady just let out on him, and he had to coax the two men on front to swear that it fell off by aenident he 1'n m she would consent to keep quiet Boston Globe. The Lehigh Valley Railroad shops have turned out tbe large t and strong est locomotive ever bu It in Pennsyl vania. It is a six-wheeler, with ntne-teea-inch cylinders, and has beeu chris tened Samson.