Newspaper Page Text
f t i "J i ZjophinsuUle ftentuchian. THEO. I. BARTLEV, FRIDAY, JAfHAIlY IS, 188II. If yoa would kid ft worthy cauao Anil have peasant time, Atum'l the tats a-tets lo-nlKht It ouly coata atllma. PERSONAL GOSSIP. F. M. hltlow ha. gooa to l'ailurah un bual iieaa. Mr. and Mr M. ).. lib ftrft tiwnillng the week at liawaon. Iter. II. A. Maclionald haa lelurned from a T ait to the 1'urdiaao. M.-a. Ilall.y Waller ia flatting- her relative, at ilrandeiiblirj. Ky. than. I). Hat-la. ol Bereilry, tro 'h tha ritj oncday line wt-ra. Mr. A. Itu,-, Harrnjiburf, Ky., la Yleltln( her liter, Ura.l lerence Anderton. Ja Miltsynulila went to till" weak t- biiy furniture fur TltinMOD A Molteyoolde. Ir. CUreni-o An.leraon, of I'rlneetun, and Ml.a rm ahmtae W aM. of Wallonla, will be ua-rlcil on the Mill luat. W. I.. Hickman, Cctlartowo, Ua., and flay lor Hickman, at. I. ui. etlrndeil Ilia Tandy Hlcaman wodillnK TuPiday. Mr. K. n. Ilaaett wrnt to I.Mlatllle Tuesday to altffnd ft meeting of the Commercial Cluua a. a delegate from lloiiainaville. A. tV. I"y, left jeatenlay fur tha 1'urobaaa Uouiille.lomakc tile Aral l-lp aa ilrummer for ft furellure home of shelbyvllle. lud. Mra.S. K lltrrlion relumed Tueeday after uuadtna; eiverl ilaja iroat pYaaanlly with beroouilu, Mre. tl. I, Muruby, of liulhrla. At Ilia rhiwalx Wedaeaday: Ixiuia Glaent, Bt. Louie; Jne akrii', l.iul.rllle; r N. Mila, natliTlllr; T. H. Wr,K. Uulivllle; J. l. rowdur, thlcagii; K1 l. Thnme, llmton; Urn K. nice, tlnclenalt: 1. '. Meatus, KranaTlllr; J. W. Ilrundrr. JLm?a U. I'uniMer, I.oule vllle;lieo. W. luang. Jr, Ulaa Mar llarty, Hslaware, Olilo; A. C. Nhyer, lljatoa; John 1.1, g, Loilt.v II.; Ua. Ilawke, NaihTllle; L. I'uwcll. ; W. M. Buen, Loularille; i), w. lYlhjle; Owen-bow. Thnrdav: l. 0 Wliltllnglilll. (lareraboro; U. 0. Wullltng bill, HoflM-raon, Kanaaa; Neel (llenn, Md laoatille; a. P. Hon, Luul.vllla. DEATHS. Tha Crim Reaper-Has Not Been Idle This Week. U IIITI. Prank Clark, a well-known and roipjclcl ciiizjn of (lie Kslly neigti borhood ilic.l tliii week, aged 6$ years Ho was formerly comity al ee... ir and (U'puty lilierilT. llo waft twice married, but Icavei no family. Hmry Hawkins, an old vitlztn of (lie Uainbrltlgo nelgliborbood, died on the l.'ilti t(od about SO years. Mm. Anna Kin;, wile of A. (' King, died near Ton, this counly, yeeterdsy morning al 4 o'clock, aged about .13 yea i'4. Hlio leaves fire chil dren. Interment to-day at a grave yard in llio vicinity. I'OI.IIIIKII. Child of l'eter Iwls died in this city oil the Hith luat. .Inliua 8itithern chilJ, ajred three year, died at (J jr.lomvillo Wednes day the lliih Itirtt. TIib wife of Dr. J. W. I.lllard, the colored pliyalclsu on Beventh fttrcot, died iu NailivUlo Wednesday inorn- ing Let The Truth Be Told. Yaguo minora havo been iu the air fur several duye about crl m trouh los between the Clarksvllle luhacco market and foreign buyers. The warohoiiaeuteu and buyers hero havo persistently refused lobe Interviewed but it has leaked out to make certain the statement that llrtincn buyers lnvo dcmamlud enormous reelamalions by reason of the Imiirop cr Inspection of tobacco sold luClarks vlllo. Nor is the mutler yt ouded. The Asioasmout of re-clamation dain aKes slill continues and Ibo amount lias already rescind far up into the thoutaude of dollars. One of the ru mors is that an luvesllgation was or dered by foreign buyers and that the development" at Clarksvllle wero any- thing but creditable to that market ltd its mode of inspection. l'erhp the Clarksvllle papers cau throw sonio light on tho matter and lit the public know the truth. In the meanwhile sellers would tlo well to pitiotiir.e Hit) ilopkiusvillo market, whrro their tobacco is sure lo be IioiiimIIv mapected and sold for its full insiket valuo. CITY COURT NEWS. The Work House Force Increased. .. Wett. broach of llio peace Confessed judKinout and fl no assessed at $5 and costs. Dudloy Cayce, col , breach of the peace. Fined $10 and costs Tuesday bunt to Workhouse. Jas. Carter, col., unlawfully riding on train. Fined f and costs Wed nesday. Sent to Work homo. Alex Hot-ton, shooting la city lim its. Fined $5 and costs Tuesday. Bent to Workhouse. Forost Cheatam, a colored boy who lias boon before the Court mMiy times i-ocontly, charged with potty ofljnics, was arrostod Monday for using ob scene language on tho slreota and fined (5 and costs. He was sent to tke Workhouse. Why They Lead. Dr. Tierce's medicines outsoll all others because of their possessing . ucu superior curative properties as la warrant thoir manufacturers in aupplylng them to Ihe people (as they axe doing through all druggist") on such conditions as no other modl 1 ..hiAa am anld under, viz : that they , shall either benefit or cure the patient, sir all money paid for them will oa rnfundoo. The "(iolden Medical Discovery" is spec! llo for catarrh and nil bronchial, throat and lung diseaa. . if taken in time and given a fair trial. Money will he refunded if It doos not uenoflt or cure. Dr. Plerco's Pclleta-gcntlr laxa tive or actively cathartio according to uose. zo cents. CREAM OF THE NEWS. The Moon's Eclipse. The eclipau of the moon Wednes day evening was suon under llio most favorable ciicu instances by those who cared to aluy up until midnight. The obscuration begau about leu o'clock and lasted until about 2:110 a. m. About seveu-tontha ot the moou's diameter was hidden. The ellipse was visible generally throughout Ameiics, Europe, Africa and on the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. An eclipse of llio moon Is caused by the interposition of the csrlh bclwccu tho sun and the moon, and an ecllpso of the run is caused by the passage- of the moon betweeu the sun and the eaith. Wbeu tho earth Is between sun and moon, our satellte, which has no light of Its own, but blilnci by I ho rtlKctel light of the sun, Is hid den from the solar rays behind the dark body of llio globe ou which we live. Similarly, when tho mooii patses between tho earth and tho stiu the so'ar rays are cut oil' from us and the solar orb Is hidden from tight. This is tho only way In which an oclipae of sun or nnou is ever pro duced. An eclipse of the sun always occurs at new moon and an eclipso of the moon always at full moon. There will be Ihrjo more oclips!! tills year, which will occur June 2S, July 12, and Dec. 22 The first and laat will be total eclipses of tho sou. Opera House. "Pete" Hiker with his great play, "The Kmlgraut", conn a next Monday Jan. 2UI, for una night only. K' ad what Ihe Cincinnati Kmiuirer says: 'Tho crowd atlUrtia theater list night completely n ked it from pit to dome, the occasion being tho ap pearance of tho popular (.eiiiun comedian, l'elo Hiker, in his new rereiim of "The Emigrant," a mural modern I'omcdy drama, full of emo tional incidents, tectiiing with start ling situations, a counterplot ol con spiracies, Interspersed with an over flowing stage cornucopia of most comical secure, sparkling mnsle, ar ticle dancing, etc. The play mado a hit, sod was loudly and enthusisni cally applauded. Mr. Dikor, (t lie deserved, secured the hearty compli ments of Ihe largo audience-. The entire performance gave the best of itatUfaclion and in ado a pronounced hit. The Tobacco Exchange. The Kkntuckian's discussion of tho project of building a tobacco ex change worthy of our niarkot, is al ready bearing fruit. Ou Wcdiictday the Tobacco II jard ol Trado met to consider tho matter and the subject was pretty thoroughly discussed. The outcome was that a committee of six was appointed to take a-jtlo.i tho matter and ascertain tho prob able cost, to foloct a sito and iu fact (lnd out all material points and re port at an early meeting. The com mittee r-misUts of Missrs. W. A. Lowrv, C. I' Jarretl and J. 1). Ware on Ihe part of the buyers and F. W. Oiliuey, II. II Abcrnathy an 1 W, tt. Wheeler of the Warehousemen. The gentlemen mean li'tslneas and It looks llko the mat tor would be push ed through without dclsy. The Tax Supervisors. Tho Hoard of tax supervli-ora for the couuty adjourned Wednesday af ternoon after a session of nine day s. Tho Hoard passed a resolution ktep in f Moral tho changes msdo on the assessor's books. Tho changes and corrections amounted to $fil,,:i!tl. The property of Ihe county as fin ally reported, is by distrleU as fol lows : wiiitic. noi.oitwi N.. 1. l,fi"2,M'). I5 No 2. 2 2(.: i:i.". i,12." No it. 087.511. 18.1111 No. 4. 2,12U,m;o !M,75i Total., fl.n53.082 Combined total. . . Total iu 1888 1U2 S'KI .t(i,r",a.7lS 0,7t)li.l72 Increase In 78,77U Tried and Acquitted. Newton Helm, tho slayer of Ileau-n-gard Starket, at Gsrretlsbutg, Sun day, was tried bero Tuesday instead of at Garret tillin g ss first Hrraugc.l. The trial was held before Judge Ilra ehor, who released tho accused on the ground that the killiug wnjuMlla ble. Helm proved clearly that ho killed his assailant ill self defensu and established a good character as a law-abiding citiion. Ou the other hsud Starket was ehown to havo been a tough character, qiinel.omo and dangerous and the bully or tun whole neighborhood. Tho facts of tho kll.lng wore aa given In Tues day's iestia. Metcalfe Manufacturing Co. The above namod company elcclod a directory Monday composed of llio following gentlemen : H. F. Hives, President, .loo. B. Trice, Vice Presi dent, C.-W. Moloalfe, Secretary and Manager, M. II tuna, Superintendent, D. M. Wblttaker, Tho?. L Graham, and V. A. irnott. Tuls Is tho second annual election. The com nsnv is in a prosperous con dition and ia constantly Increasing and extonding ita business of making and repairing iron machinery and materials. Sao statomeut elewhero. Arm Broken. Mrs. John F. H)ll fell down stairs, at Imr homo on Sovonth Street Wcd- nnsday, and broke her right aim. Tim free I n in Is a verv Dftlllful OIIC, but It is to be hoped will not ue at. tonded by any serious results. Real Estate Transfers. -' Hunter Wood & wife to C. T. Len der 132 acres, Helleview,. . . . $11150. It. C. Jameson & wife to O. J. Smithy Pembroke, town lots........ 1000. :.; 2650 Licensed This Week. ,. Jesse Bryant to Lydla Koeso. -ur T I'.nitv to Mattle G. Hickman. I W. W. Benshaw to Annie Maic-uess. THIS AND THAT. Itogora & Davla livory stable, Fritz's old stand. Goto A. (1. Hdsh for boots and shoes and savo money. A fenco Is being built in front of the Unlvorsalist church. Mr. S. II. Clsggett has four fresh milk cows for sale, low down. Jas. T. Jilce his moved Into the Donaldson cottage ou Sixteenth street. Mr. W. T. Tandy will shortly erect a handsome residence on his lot on Sixteenth Street. Houston Harrison and Terry Hill have formed a partnership and gone into tho collecting business. John Lu ib. fell overboard from a steamer nesr Claiksvlllo and was drowned. He lived Iu Nashvillle. A letter from Monlgomory falls to appear from the fact that the name of tho writer did not accompany it. Iu the January drawing of tho Louisiana State Littery, 5,882 drew the first prize, 10,780 Ihe second and 01,127 the third. Cant. McJ. Davis has purchased a half interest in U. A. lingers' livory Stable, near the depot. Tho firm will be Hogors & Davis. Miss Dagg, oiieof the teschcra in the Public Schools, has been unable to leave her room this week on ac count of a sprained ankle. The Icte-a-tcto social of tho Y. W C. T. U. at the reaidonc) of Hon. John Feland lo-uigbt will bo largely attended. Only ten tents will be charged. John Layne and Ed Snddon, two of tho work house couviets, both col ored, escaped from the keeper Slon day oreuiug and have not buon re captured. T. 11. 1-Miol and wife and daugh ter, Ml Pauline, of Christian county, have moved lo the city and occupy rooms at I. 11 Ai-kcwV, on Franklin btrtel. Clarksvllle Tobacco. A special train bearing General Manager J. G. Motcalf.) and oilier of ficials or the L. & N. passed through the city Wednesday evening, eu routo from Kvansvllle to L iuievillo. Mr. Will B. Wesks, resident drum mer for Usiion Bros, has resigned his position and will go into Ihe shoe tin. loess at Xashvlllo. Ho will be succeeded here by Mr. II. C. Mooro Prof. T. W. Ilawis, of Louisville. will lecture this evening at the Bap list church, llo is teacher of elocu tion in the I)uisvllle Baptist Theo logical Scmiusiy aud comes highly recommended. Mr. Arthur Wallace candefeat any candidate Who may opposo him for llio Legislature. It is a wasted time lo make combinations against him- He can read lis titles e'ear to man sions in the legislative skies Louis- villo Commercial. Chief Campbell lias in his poises- .lon iha names of tho young men who created tho disorder In front of one of tho churcbos Suuday night. A i-onniltion of their bad conduct, will rosult lu their prompt aircst for dis turbing public worship. Tho al'.-dav rain of Wednesday, Which lasted from Tuesday night till far Into tho following arieruoon, was iUrtlv welcomed, as many cisterns wore dry. It also made a good to bacco icason, tho first for mauy week. The Council will elect a city tix collector at Its regular meeting next month. Tlicro are quite a number of applicant', but as lo who will be tho lucky man is hsrd to guess, ui course each of the gentlemen wanting Ibo place thinks his chances arc the best. Mr. aud Mrs. John Feland, Jr., "received" at their residence last night. The occasion was iu honor of Miss Walker, of Louisville, a sister of Mrs. Poland. Tho invitations suit out were very novel, being written on tlatk-colored wrapping paper, folded threo timci aud tied with largo hemp twine. 'The Christian Endeavor Society of the First Presbyterian Church hold a social in the lecture room last night A largo number of young people bssides many older ones, were present aud tho evening passed off most plcaf atitly. Several recitation?, duets, otc , wero highly enjoyed, by those present. Tho citizens directly interested will petition the Council to motal Seventeenth street, botweou Main streot and the Canton road. Before this Is done tho street should be re surveyed, as the SI reel Inspector is of llio opinion tint tho fences of prop erty owners whore the street joins Main are not on the lino. The ministers of llio city will this week lake steps towards obtaining signatures to a petition to Congress to pass the "Sunday Host" law In mauy of tho dnpartnieutsor the Govornmont. 11, 000,000 signatures have already been obtaiued all over tho country, aud Cougress can not well Ignore the de- j sire of so many of the best oilizeiis or bur Republic. Ui Delicacy of Flayor And the efficacy of lis action hiyo rendered the famous California liquid fruit remedy, Syrup of Figs, im mensely popular. It Cleanses and Tones up the clogged and feverish System, and dispels Heftdachea, Colds nd fever. For sale In 50 cents and $1.00 bottles. King William, of Holland, li said to be In a dying condition jtud a Bogenoy will be appointed. NOTABLE NUPTIALS. The Hands, Hearts and Destinies of Two Lovers' United. The marriage of Mr. W. T. Tandy and Miss Mattle G. Hickman Tues day altciuoon was attended by about fifty friends and reUlivos of Ihe par ties. Thecouplo eutotcd tho parlor promptly at 4 :l5o'olock. Tho rooms had been handsomely decorated for tho occasion. Tho woddlng march was played by Miss Mary Mcl'hcrson. Tho following couples of ilteudants preceded them: Mr. Bay lor Hickman and Miss Nannie Barbour; Mr. Hen ry (I. Abernalhy and Mies Cox; Mr. W. L Hickman and Miss Olivia Thompson. The ceremony was Baid iu a beau tiful and impressivo manner by the brldo's pastor, It)V. AV. L. Nourse, af ter which llio usual congratulations woro in order. Tho couplo then de parted by the 6 o'clock psssengcr for Louisville and other points Innorih oru Kentucky. Tho brido received a largo number of costly and handsome presents from her numerous friends. Among those who were present at ihe wedding were Dr. and Mr. J. W. Venable, Dr. and Mrs. J. N. Pros trldge, Maj. aud Mrs. J. O. Pencil, Capt. and Mrs. John Feland, Mr and Mrs G V. Thompson, Maj. and Mrs. S. It. Cruinbaugb, Mr. S. G lluck nor, Mr. J. K. Mcl'herson, Mr. C. F. Janet', Mr. J. D Ware, Mr.W. W. Clarke, Mr. Win. C.iwan, Mr. C. M. Meaeham. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Fiack, Air. and Mrs. Thompson, Mrs. 11. II. Wilson, Mrs. J no. U. Green, Mrs. T. W. Long, Mrs. W. F. Cox, Miss Mc pherson, Mir.s Walker, Miss Sa'lie Campbell, Miss Willie Feland, Mrs. 11 en rv Sullivan. Mis. G. K (.sillier, and Mrs. K C. Glass. The Force of Example. Oue of our religoue exchanges hoists of a certain church possessing a lady who saves the congregation where sho worships 10,(JOt) a year. A woman of weal ill aud of high soc ial position, she makes it her rule and Ihe fashion to drota for church in so plain and inexpensive a manlier as In throw the wholo social ibllnonce of Ibo congregation against cxtrava ganco in dress II she can overthrow the culltiBof dre.s lu our modem elm relies and replace It with Ihe wor ship of God.shp has a mission grrat tr than that of Kimball orof Moody and Sankey. lUrll'ord lt-ligious Herald. COREAN COSTUMES. Whiit an Ami-rlrnt TrivMor Huw lu tho tlty of fo ,u'. Coi-eu liiu u population of fifteen million people: und tho city of Seoul, lliiiiij;)l not thu hti'gojt in the kingdom, lina been tho c:ipilul slneo tho prosont djn isly ennu into power, neurly five, hundred years iigo. It. win selected for Its locution. iitrnrdin;J lis It does a woll-driiiucd biuiu of giuuilo siuiil, surrounded by hills und mountains, so joined by tho savcrul ridges as to form almost a complute amphitheater, ton niitos ineireumforeaeo. These adjoin ing mountains afford nnnnroiis strong natural fiistncs.tus, which are provided with arlilieinl foi liliiMlions whoro noc ossary, and ura kept constantly gar risoned and provlslnacJ its places of rutreat for the royal family in times of danger. The main thoroughfuros of tho city of Hooul nro sonu two hundred feet broad, and nro usually clean though crowded, but tho uioro distinctively rosldoneo streets nro not over twenty foot widens a rule. As they are crowd ed with travel and lined with the, houses of tho pour, they ai-o apt to bo untidy and not very attt-aetivo. On those slriuts, nside from tho occasional largo gate leading into a gontloinuil's establishment., there ia littlo ovidonco of respectability to bo seen, for even tho front of n gentleman's residence ia given up to Hervnnls' quarters, find ia allowed to look as shabby ns It will, us there is no attempt at street display. "Abuut'iiluu o'cloe't overy ovonliig," wrltos an Ainerieim resident, I'tliq deep, rich toiuo of a bell nro hoard throughout the capital; thoy cumo from a littlo pagoda In tho center of tho city, which holds n largo bell sonio twolvo or fifteen feet In height. Formerly, after tho ringing of tills curfow,' tho men disappeared from tho streets, tvhie'a woro then given lip to tho women, who flit about with their littlo lanterns from, liousn to house, listening to und ro luting tiro gossip that la as doar to thorn us to thoir Bisters on tho other side of the world. Thoy enjoy thoir freedom, even if thoy must bo creatures of tho night, and a night is nevur so stormy but a few of thoso fair ones may bo seen by tho privileged otlleial, pr foreigner, who may chanco to bo upon tho streets. Iteoently, however, the law eompoling men to leave thq streats after tho ringing of tho boll lull boon repealed, owing to thu fuot that so many outrages woro committed that it was thought to bo n snfeguard to allow all men upon tho streets, that tho honest might bo prosont lo answer cries for help and defend tho woinon against tho unprincipled. After tho ringing of this bell tho clty-galos aro closed, amid tho weird blasts of tintlvo hugliirs, and n very groat quiot thon, settlos over tho dark city," Leslie'! llluslratod II ''y. J is. lVmbcrton shot and killed Chas Chovlo , a Frcmh minor, at (iroenwood Mines, Pu'aski couuly. Pembortou ws not i rrrste I. SPECIAL LOCALS. THE FARMERS BOY Is now opon agalu and is lolling his Goods cheaper than ever. Remember, MA II E DEL. sMnkung. I will at Iho proper llmo begin anrliibliofr lllABtrpptS SS heretofore Thanking my old patroui for past favori 1 solicit a renewal of their patronsgeand of all of the business men of the city, who know that my wpfk has always boon satisfactory. J. E. CL11JOIINE. SPECIAL LOCALS. The Largest Lot of new vehicles, in the city which will be sold very low for the Cash. Remember this is all our own make of work, and is guaranteed fully, by us, to be superior to any made in this sec tion of the country. The prices at which we are offering this work enable any one to buy a first class home-made buggy: don't fail to give us a call before buying, as we are satisfied you can be suited. Blu- mensteil Carriage Co. Hicks & Merror, Insurance. LOADED DOWN. That's what's tho matter We've got enotiiih COItN, TOMATOES and OYsl I'.Hs lo storlc tlio town ana GO THEY MUST. C. McKEE & CO, THE GUOUE113. Fire, Life and A:cldent Insurance ritteu by Uicks & Mercer, over City bink. 3 Cans Full Welttht Tomatoes for 2.". cents si C. MolvKE&CO, THE GUOCEItS. f. I Ml "lEEJETOES," lias located in Buckucr Leavell's Drug Store whore he would be pleased to have a continuance of the public patronage so liheially ex tended him iu the past. Ill-pairing a specialty. FOR RENT. The farm owned by 11. P. Owsley, and on which the late W. N. Chil dress lived last year. For terms ap ply to It P. Owsley, P. O Hopkiue villo or ll?vcrly. Fire Insurance written day or night b) IlicksAi Mercer. Try them Just ree'd the larg est and best stock of Stationery ever brought to the city. Wyly& Burnett. Tor rent . A tipff cottngo to lot on Bryan St. IMceJfclO per nionUi. Applv t J. 11. I)A(iG. When Baby wm tick, wv fare bar Cutortm, Whan the wu a Child, ibe ened for CutoriAt Thea the became Mitt, sb clung to CsUtorit Wfcn tho hd Children, the gare thtm Cm Unit T77"- ZLT T 31 ZD! l-'epre ruin loklllliv A. W. Pile will give his personal attention to all In- nersl' etiirusteti lo us. tie lias nan 28 y-ars.cxpi riciice in Ibis Una and is wi it known throughout Ibe counly. Our Hoi k of rol'usaud cotlins is com plete, embracing all mades from the bc-t lllelulic to tho chrape.t wo id cotlins. At Pylu'a old stand in Hen ry Itlnek whern some one can be found day lud night. ours lo command. C. 11 CLAIiKEX CO. Wo represent sonio of Ibo leading Insurance Company of tho world. Give us a trial. HICKS & MEIICEIl- Pocket Books, Mem oranda Boons and the prettiest lot of Toilet Articlesjust in at Wyly & Burnett's. For any sort of Insurance call on llltks & Mniver. REMOVAL. Wo have moved our stock or Gro ceries next door lo N. 11. Shyer's, fioulh Main street, wlicr we can bo loili d in luturn with a full line of these goods Call and si c us. M 8. P EI! KINS & CO. FITS -All Flla,toiiioil fro M- t)r. Ktlnaa fiifit !erv frpatorr. No r'i'i nt'i'r llr.t ihi.'u Hsu. alsrv, lloiis i-iires, Tro.utao unit li IK) trial iHiilliifreu 1.1 Hi oa.s. but u lo Ur. Kliuo, tut Ait-It St.. 1'tiila. 1'a. 192 Ounces 12 pounds of the finest Gran ulated Sugar for 1 00 t ("HAS, McKEE .VCO'S, THE GUOCEItS. PUBLIC SALE. I will sell st public auction on Tues day, Jan. 23. at iho Owsley farm near lleveilv, tho partnership properly of It P. 0.vslry ami tho late W. N. t'hllJrp", consists g of 5 good work mules, 2 wagons, 2 drills, 1 mower, I binder, 200 bbs. com, II head of cat tle, 40 head ofa'ork lings, 15 000 lbs. tobacco and farming implements of all kinds. Terms nisdo known on day of sale, 1. N. Chidross, Adm. It. P. Owsly, Surviviug l'urln-r. Jan. 11, 1SS1I. The Blumensteil Carriage Co.. are now prepared to do all kinds of Painting and Rebuilding .Buggies, etc., infirstclass style and at the very low est figures, for the best work. All we ask is a trial and we will show you that we are prepared to do it in the best style possible. LAST NOTICE. Parties knowingtlu msclvcs indebt ed to mo mustcomo forward and set tle their accounts at once, or they will ho placed In the hands of an of ficer for collection I am in need of money and am forced to make this po.itive request. Those who settle with ine soon will ssvisc.ofts. JAltED HAWKINS. DR.T. W. FORSHEE. The Renowned Specialist and Surgeon of the Coffee Medical Institute, No.SJOItb Avf.LOUlSVII.l.K- KY., Will visit llontlnsnlle at tha PIKKNI.T. HO- TKI., SATi:illu V. Jan. IStb, from 4. at. to SI'. Si., (INK li.iv ox LI ., ant rtluro every funr woeka next rtar. IB. KOH8IIKK was a fiirgron In the lata war, anil h-e his llle to the etudy of Inscasrs of M ointn anil the K-filnm and lie fiirnutlea. He noniea prepareil to iiertonn an, niMTHtion. and will, live tl.ouj fur aeaae he fails Ui cure Treata all curable medical and turgi aldta eaiva. ACUTE AND CIIBONIO CATARRH Hiftea-e of the Kyn, Ear, Nwo, Throat lnd I.unte, !leiabi. Ilriulit' iiiMwe, liiabetis, Ki I ne a, Liver, lUaUtler, Cttruoin and Female Sexual Di4eaeu. Epilepsy or' Fits Cured. A POSITIVE GUARANTEE. T0UN& AUD HILDLE AQED MEN Suffer I ng from Srirmntorrfra from error In you I h. or exc miii niHtund year, ami other cstirifw, pro'liinnfr undent the follow inir effect: lllitt. tiesj, iluUilitf, nerfour tiers, diztlnuu. con ftiHion oj Mean, avHi-Mlon lo aortetv. ilefective niiiinorr and exhiuntl-jii, which until the vic tim for bum new or mHrriaK1 are permanently cured by remetiiea not injurit-ui. BLOOD AND SKIN DISEASES, Svphilit, and eompllratlonf, aa i-re threat, fnllinfr of hntr, palo to tint bunen, oruptlona, fln.are pcrfrrtly eruillrntttd wllhnut lining niffcuryor other injurious driisn. (iONon Kllth. (iloet, Sir n;l ure and linn (try anil KI im'y trouliliM me snrclfiliy oured by treat tnfnt ill a l bun never failed. Ho undertakes no Iiiimii nblfl tliaeaaei. but ciinm ihoiininiln pivn up to die. Ht'innnibcr tha title ad onme arlr. aa hit nmi ii- h'h hiu'hvi crowilt-d wherever oe 8topn Coiiniiitaiion free Corrtjondence solicited andconildvntial. AddrM T. W. FOKSHEE, U' S., 40lthJtrr, l.OUISVU.LK, KY. le:.H-tf Tnkrn up at OBtray by A. .T. tJrejory, Ifvln nevrLhurrh Hill, Ky., on the Cox'a Mill Boad ui tout tf intle anuth ot Hopaintville, Une Itriiwn Cow aitcd a bant Ovo Vfur und d- prai e-t at t( n ilolltir Witnoca my hand nd ?eai inn toin 01 i (winner iwf t. li. Vul NIjLuVB, J. P. C. C STATEMENT or thi mm mmmm mm JANUARY H', 18SU. Originnl ooftoi1 real emte $ 6 boo CO iinroYemuiiioi) tamd t) auii'se..., m uu Induce Jan. Ut, ibMtf, Sl,IM f Can oltj ... 1.41H 151 Vouonnia unjuid 8 h7S HI rtiifkpaid up 6,l!l0 00 Cash on Ran i Jan. lv, Hii f-S5 41 4,U3S Id LIABI.ITIIB, Cuplhil Stork $31,11 00 IHit-nn rwal fi'al w-O 00 iiiht.m to J ui. lit, tm), on lame ... 160 oo Notrft oiltjliy theooiupany ' I run u CounuurriNl iinleiiletJnPM ... I. UJ IT mvidtn l' r Mirpliiion haud Jnn.1,'88 7,r.M ttl -4ri,7Ts Sworn and uUrritii 1 to before me by C. W. Mi teal o, Vn-4) president and bintniM iiilii"lft r, jd A llille, tM-rrrtary and ircaa urcr, iu: Utii diy of Jantinrv. IH-ft. -WALThM K M. T. Jan. 8 It NoUry fubllo. STATEMENT OKTIIK CITY BANK At Ilia oloa. of Duslui?aa, Of IKH-KINSVIl.LK, KY. DECEU11EU 31st, 1838 UBSUlIKCItS. Nit's and IlillaUiacounted, ilil.sia SV Debt in .tilt, tisi M ll.n.ina Itmis'anil Ktxtnrea Cash andb'slil Kxchangr tOiAaS ua I'JSI.WS Csiiltsl stork, sn.ron no Kunilu. i mill, 4(i.iN.o hi llmlltliliul I'mllt', H.SII ln, lit, 1M lt 711 Hue to llaukii, 4.1i'l U.I Si.l SHiile to ,ny tax (iSMS Dividend No. 1 '. uiinnl.l KI 17, i la. da J.ico oo ;i,soa 17 Koonclaimcd Dopwlta reuialnln over five veara. K. It l.OSIl, faflilB-. Sworn to baforo nie, this S at dar of Uecem ber, lbstl. T. W LONO.Nol.rob. V C, VCLLOW SIONt. YELLOW TUBS Use "Peerless Brand" FEESH EAW 0IST2RS. Kulertcd an l picked with cleanllneaa and care 0. H. PEARSON & CO., HAIHMOHE, Ml). XHay are Tha BnV Aak Vour Qfoqar far Th,m HENRY J.STITES. ATTORNEY AT LAW, IIOriUNSVIELE, K. OPERA-HOUSE, jANi2 He urn of the Popular Coined I n, Pete Baker. IMllCKS: I KUNNIK9T COUKDY Reaerved 8aia, on the road, 10 and 75 J. According; to location, Gallery, - - J5o. The Emigrant Casta at llalbrcatb'a rrldaj, Jaa. ISth, tosiau s-Tlia Uo; Tramp. Excelsior Wagon Factory! We desire to say to the People of Christian Coun ty and Adjoining Counties that our stock of LOER. ROUSE t IB, Of all kinds is full and complete in every depart' ment. We are prepared to furnish on short notice any and all kinds of Material used in building. In Builders Hard ware and Farmers Hardware we show a nice assortment. OUR LINES OF Buggies, Phaetons, Surreys AND ROAD CARTS, Harness for Buggies, Wagons, eje, of all styles and varieties. We sell the Homestead Fertilizers For Tobacco, Corn and Wheat. Also the Thompson $ Edwards "Old Stand ard" pure bone fertilizers, "the best goods bring the best results," Have complete line of first-class farmmachinery of all kinds. All goods at prices as Quality Considered. T. IIKBN03N. DM U Mil, (Successors to Meuneon, IIalli'ms & Co) Tobacco Salesmen CLMSVILLE, - - TEEN. Beapectfully aoliclta the patron mo ot farmeri and dealora In tobacco throflii-hoiit Christian and adjoining count lee. Careful and prompt attention to all buiiueaa entrimtrl to ui and all orders executed on thorteat notice. We have the beat and raott oommodiou houe in the Wei', lutmlng plenty of room, and tbu enablei ua to dfopatch builnei promptly. ZZsrndon & 2ajor. NAT OAIT1IKU, AlullUgPI'. CAWT & GAITHER CO., Toeacco Commission lIorch.ants, All lobar oo Inturod, Unlera oiherwlio ordered. YOUR ATTENTION IS CALLED TO MY BTOCK OK - ' WIlEs 1NCLAHK8VILLE CALL AND SEE THEM! -A I-X'LL Drugs & Druggists' Sundries ALWAYS E. li. UOGAIID, Proprietor, .... CI.AKKSV1I.LE, TENS. 8 10-Cua. 1I.1I.AUKUNAT1IY. Abernathy & Long, TOBADGO Wl . sf All consigiimeuts o" Tobacco both In Sampling and Selling. Rooms i.i' Caldwell & Handle, MANuracriiBEitg or GALVANIZED IRON, CORNICE, WINDOW MPS, vm, maimm m outsids mi a bit.. AND DBALKRS IN " ' ' Tinware, Glassware, Queensware, Cutlery and Lamps. ITlntlaSt. HipklasvUlo, Ky. Flip Mills Low as can be foundf TO II P. MAJOR. J. k. gant, Salesman. HOPKINSVILLE ,S7. LI'E Ol1'- ON HAND. OKI). U. I.O.M,. will rcoelvo our personal attenlicn aud Stables for Drivers and Teams. Em.