Newspaper Page Text
;c pliittstii lie. Jlentuckion. CHA8. M. MEACHAM, , TUtSDAV, JUt.Y 23, lSe'J. ! IOPKINSVIUL., KENTUCKY. A live i.d (nxticg Ik of s,wo Inliabitante, Stitialbiltnaeoiinljol s'i.OOO. 'Ibt LaulafUl suil Naslivllls Ins to l.nei of railroad In ma oounly. Too laru lobsuu growls ountluthe world. Whdat.oora, kat ooaj )lvmook ir.d frulu produced for axport la 'wye ii'anlttles. Tha ollj kea four banka with an eininigaM oapttal ounu.ora. A plan InsiriU and wagon factor;, Ibroe oarrlaga facbiriua, lima faotorr, tobacoo luaiiutaotory, tvt ioiiii'lriea, throe I rlcsyHrd, broom fao ory. suam laundry, loa faolory, to large louring milUlu tlio oily and several In tkc oounly. 8,IonJM ilrlrlng par ami lino opora ho oho. yive turnpikes cuiiU-ring la llonllns TlUa. building and Loan Association, t'om uoroial Oluli, a lelrnbone excliaiiire. numbered streutaand houses anil oily lighted by gaa. kfacadamisudtitroouian't brluk slilowalss all over tha olty. Klcren cLuiches, two oollogeai a high aohool and tbo lines! system of publlo schools, wblto andoulureti, In tlio State. Weil ern Kenlurkj l.unslio Asylum with a popula tion of WO, two inlliia east of tho city, A $100, OOJ oourt bouao with town clock in the dome. a Una lire department and a oompany of State Uuards. I.ltllo Klvcr furnkiboa an adequate imply of water fur all purpoeee Ileal estate I jw and rents cheap. Flue opening for woolen mill, pork packing establishment, fruit can nen. tanvard nnd many othor enterprises. climate mild and invigorating and eioecd- Initly healthful. DEMOCRATIC TICKET. Fit Stato Treasurer, ti ti'HKX Ci. Sua bp, of Fayetto. For Itupresontative, (No cauiliilato.) For Coroner, )u. J no. L. Dulin, uf llopklusvillo. For Conrtitiilfoiial Convention, Ym. THE CRAFT. Tlio (Jatlttlti-hui'if Leader ha ca ed in Ictii ami lu plant will ! ! n dor the hammer to-tlay. Neol Glenu, of Hie MailiMiuville Hustler, who ja only liuon iiiarrluil about teu day, li nlineily pill llog audi paragraph an this ill Ilia nanor: "Ills said that pspul- rlotli- Ing nlll toon bo fashion. A f nil will oo-.t but Utile and will last quite weU." Tbe Park City Timet prints a hair- column editorial an "The llainlsonio Man." No ono who knows John (Jainua would ever mialaka the ar tie'e for an aulobingrapliii'al skolrh. The llonduraoii 2few n'fusi'd to publish anything about Ihu Sullivan Kilrain fight, and finds fault with all other newspapers that took It up. Logan Curd has leased the Murray Newt to W."0. Wear. V. 1. Campboll, tho pale and youthful bloudo who rrprcsuutr-il the Ma) svillo Democrat at Owrimboro, has secured an to the U. 8. Naval Academy and has sold his paper to W'iii. Havens. Tho Iiuisollvlllo Ledger has fol lowed the example of the Now York Suit aud provided Itself with au of fice eat The Legislative Race. Km 11. II. (lark, llio Iti piibllraii ii in i.ico fur Ucpi'U'onutivc, win have no opposition limn any suiirrv. Medxrs Coddle, liicliui.Uou and (iui roit have all deeliuetl and tleru will bo no Democrat put Into tho Hold bo loio Hie fhollon, which H'aupires luvs than two weeks hence. This being settled and Ihcre being no doubt as to who will be our next Ki'prcaentallvp, tho Kkniuckian lias a word or two to say about Mr, Clark. For somo years ho has boon h jusiiuo of llio peaco In the Uain brldi(n and llellvview dlKlrlct and Willi Ibis exception has never held ollluo. Ho belongs to the moat ro xp.'clable element of his party and In a citiy.nn of mural worth and solid character. Ho was not a candidate, Mrs John A. from Europe. Logan has returned Sonalor Blackburn is said lo lie uucasv about his ro-clection. He has cause to be. John P. Morton the veteran book seller of Louisville, died Friday, aged 82 years. Tbe President in ado about twenty appointments Satuiday, mostly con auls aud collectors. Ohio, New York, Virginia, Massa chuaotts, Mississippi and Kentucky all hold State elections this year. Pearco & ltyau, the wliulerilo liquor dealers of Nashville, failed Ftiilay for $103,000. Assets In accounts i:W 000. links Harrison, who is now lu England, afforded tho Queen an op portuuity to diue with him one day last week. The Lebanon Standard editorially brings out Ev Gov. Proctor Knott as .1 candidate for senator. This thing is setting really interesting. Next! Tho National Editorial Convention will meet in Detroit Aug. 27, and continue four days. Thirty states will be represented and 300 editors will attend. Annie and Martha Young, two while girls aged respectively 1H and 20 years, vrru sentenced to a year in tho penitentiary, at rlucali, the other day fur siealiuir. W. G. Montgomery was tried at Frai.kforl last week for the third lime for killing his sweetheart, Mi lone Kitson, and was given 10 ) ears l'i the pcniiciitiary. Ilyppolito is suroly and steadily pressing Legitime lo tlio wall, in the' Haytlon revolution, and it is only a question of lime when the rebel lead er will hare control of the govern ment. The threcElizibethtown editors who were arrested for publishing incen diary articlfP, have beeu released, ' llit ugh tho magistrate whotriid Duncan and Storall held tliciu to b guilt). A salt trust has been formed with a capital slock eh veil millions. One hundred and thirty companies are in lu The live-stock interests of the country demand that this trust should be licked. i A young couplo who wtrn sepa rated and swept away hy tho Johns town flood, after having dressed for their wedding on May III, were mar ried last week, boili having fortu uutcly linen reseueil. E. D. Ilogan, the aeronaut, who m ulo a rcrcut ascent to try the newly invented air ship, has not yet turned up and it is believed ho came down at a -a and was drow ncd. Tho Mayllcld Democrat Is still writing a Unit the lala prir.o fl;jlii and gives H lines to the subject in its last losue, while tho convention of Christian workors at Crittenden Bprings is given but lliroo lines. Kclying upon those ablo allies, Apathy aud Lethargy, who aio ex pected to keep Democrats at homo, the Kepuhlicans are now claiming that they are going to elect their man Colson. "A Graduate of Paris" is tho title uf Kentucky's Ileury T. Stanton's latest hook. It contains ICO pages ana nan no not already read It we would have risked giving it a lictrty endorsement, well knowing tho abili ty hi' tbe gifted genius who coucelved aud wrote it, yet we must say that a perusal of it s si agreeably surprised us. No one who appreciates extra . fine stories, devoid of slush, and writ ten lu the purest English, should fai to procure a copy of "A Graduate ,ol Paris." W.U. Morrison, Washing ton, D, C , publisher. Price 25 cents Kentucky Fairs. Fairs 'will be held in Kentucky at the following times and places : Harrodsburg, July :i0ih, four da) Danville, August U.h, four days. Richmond, August Llth, five day Kbarpsburg, Aug. 13lh, four day Lexington, AogtiBl 27th, livo day Msysville, August 10th. four day Columbia, August 20ih, four day Liwrciiecliurg, August 20ih, four day a. Shelby villi', Augiint 27lh, lour day s. Paris, September 3d, Ave days. Ilaidi-lown, September 3l, foil ilay s. Cynthlana, Septeriilier 10th, foil dvs. Eminence, September JSth, fou das. Glssgow, October 2J, four da) s. llupkiusville, October fop lay s. The Race for Treasurer. R.-publican campaign speakers are harping upou tho Tato defalcation from evory stump lu tho Stale and are determined to hold tho IVmo rjtic party responsible for the faults of a thief who was dclocted and ex posed by his own party. Biuco the Kepublicanr, however, are forcing this issue, tho Democratic State Committee has issued the following circular; BirUBLlCAN DEFAULTERS. Hon. E. C. Falrcblld, Secretary of the United States Treasury, in re- ponsetoa resolution of the House of Representatives, reported ibatlli- pub'icau officials, had, from 1300 to Wl, defaulted Tor the enormous sum of (11,408,000.77. Below are a few cases cullod from tho report: Arthur Guisol, Assistant Treasur er at New Orleans, L , defaulted lor tonl,2l2 07. F. E. Spinner, United Slates Trcas- ror, :W9,TG7.4U. A. J. Auxls, Marshal District nl Kentucky, 140,515.00. . G N. Carlton, designated deposi tory at Little ltock, Ark., 223,(i71.7 1'. U. Snydor, Treasurer Uraueli Mint, San Francisco, Cat., 1152,327 03 Joshua F, Italic)', Collector Liter al Revenue, Fourth District of New York, $204,203 00. Louis II Collins, Collector Inter- al Revenue, Third Louisiana Dis trict, 073,8Cl 70. U C. Saundors, t'jlloctor ot Cus toms, San Francisco, Cat., t()2,25(i)42. R M. Kelly, Pension Agent tor Kentucky, about $02,000, which was iiiitdu up aud paid by his friends. . lu 1859 Benjamin D. Peck, State reasurcr of Maine, defaulted for about $40,000. His securities sot tlcd with the Stato through a com mittee of tlio Legislature, of which am:s. G. Blaluo was chairman, for 37,000. Thocaso is fully reported in tho roports of the Supremo Court of Maine. The Republican Secretary of Stato of Oregon, embezzled $20,000 f the State's money, in 1870. Thus it will bo seen that our pious Repub lican friends are pretty handy with heir fingers when they got thoin uto tho public treasury. Tbo lie- publicans or Maine etcined to be proud of their dishonest Treasurer, ir they Increased their majority in the very next Slate elcctiou. Deafness Can't be Cured by local application, as lliov csnnoi roach the diseased portion of the car hero is only one Kay to euro doaf nets, aud that is liv constitutional euiedics, Donfncss is caused bv an iillamed condition of the mucus Ho of I ho Euta ihian Tube. When bis lube gets iulliuiiod you have umbling lound or Imperfect hear iii.', and when it is entirely closed. )etfncss is tho result, and unless the nlUmiiiation can. bo taken uulandthi HI bo restored to lis normal condition, Hearing will bo destroyed rorever ; uino cases out of ton are caused hy catarrh, which la nothing but an Inllamed condition of the mu cus surfaces. ' Wo will givo One Huudrcd Dollars ror any ease or Dearuess, (caused by catarrh,) that we cannot cure by taking Hall's Catarrh Curo. Send for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O but his party lesders had beeu laugh u fuw rather severe lessons in tbo past and lu casting about for a man who would satisfy the people, rather than tho cliques and bosses, E-q Clai k was found aud brought out as ajnau possessing tho necessary re quirements, lie is a moral man, a sober man, who votca against liquor whenever ho gets a chancy, goes to church on Suuday and refuses to Ki down to the customary methods of electioneering by patronizing saloons, All of these things, it may be added, do not please some of Ills own parly associates, but they suit the people and bare made him strong with decent meu everywhere, regard leas uf party affiliations. Having forced the dominant party to nonii nate a good man, the Democrats have accomplished about all they would have done by electing one of theirow n men aud the Kcntuckian congralu lates Christian county upon the pros peats she has of being creditably rep- resonttcd In tho next legMatiuo. E-q Clark is a staunch ltepuhl can, but he is not a blatant Darlisau of the rahtankeroua type. Ho will receive many complimenta ry votes fiom Democrats and will go In Frankfort as thn representative of tliu whole people Tho K kntuikian feels coi'lhlont bo will appreciate tbe added importance of his position aud will cousider himself the chosen guar stiau of the hilerests of a constituency uot limited to his own party rauks, D. Howard Smith, Francis Held- bar, E. A. Graves, Geo. W. Nor- ton, and Juo, P. Morion, fire of Louisville's most prominent cil'zeus died last week. Tbe last named was a brother of tbe 1'rosidout of tiie L. & N. Railroad Company, and one of the wealthiest meu lu the Stato. The Columbia Herald say s Colson, the Republican candidate, was too young to be iu the army, but he re mained at home and "sheltered aud fed soldiers of tho Union aud guided them to places of safety in time of danger." As Col sou claims lo have been born iu 1802, he must have "fed1 soldiers by sharing his milk holl o with Ibcui and ''guided" tlioui by the renglh of his lungs. Morgan's Mcn.T It V proposed lo hold, i at Wlil- i,i Hi 1 1 , a reunion ul ihe nierubeis -t Mn'igaii'A r C'avslijr w hoV tt-em m pi nunc, 1 iu Ohio or I'tllli") Ivsuia, i ml II, u following luvitatiou has beoii i imiciI : W'im-iikstbh, Kv Dear Cum jMrto-: You are cmdlally invited to incut In Winchester, Clalk county, Ky, on Ihu ht of August, 1889, I lie survivors nf Gen. Morgan's command vrun, during the late war, wora con fined in Ihe pcnUonllarlca of Ohio mid Pennsylvania. Tho Confederal!! hnldioris and other ell i 'ns of our tmvii and - county I on in this , invitation, and will help lo iiiak you our lion oreil guest. Wo will writo lo all whoso address wo can get. Say In any comrade iu confinement who does not hear directly from u, that ho is wauled. " Answer at once and say that you will come, that wo mayhavoquar tors ready for you. Start so as lo reach here on the 31st of July, Ihsl you may begin Ihe day wilhtisnn the 1st of August. Very truly yours, J. T. Tuck eh, B A. Tbacy, J. L, L. Hathaway, J. H. Cmoxton, Committee. S - r-aA S 1 Suit Sale A GREAT SUCCESS. WATCH THIS SPACE TOBACCO NEWS. Sales by Hfineiok. Ilallnms t Cn . Clarksvil e, Teuu , for two weeks. ending July 47, of Kit) hbds. l.v.l hints, good and flue leaf. $7 00 IO H ISJ Mi bhda. low and medium leaf. :i a to li 'JO. - 105 hbds. low a lit flue luus. (1 25 io a j io. VERY SUQHT CLEWS. The Ladles Delighted. The pleasant effect, and Ihe Perfect safety, witn which ladies may use the liquid fruit laxative, Syrup of igs, uudur all conditions make it their favorite remedy. It is DieasinK to the eye aud to the laste, gentle, yei Utctual In acting on tbe kidneys, ver ami oowcis. Frank Leslie's Popular Monthly For August 1889. Tao completion and dedication of ie nalioiiai inonuni-iiit lu Ibe fore ithers, at l'i; mouth, Mass., tho e r- ner-stouo of whic.i was Kid Unity years ago.givoa timeliness to (he we.l- wrltten au 1 beautifully illustrated ar ticle on "Tho Pilgrim Fathors" which loads oil" this number of Frank Les lie's Populsr Mouthly. Arthur V. Abbot Literoitiiigly describes the no w cantilever bridge over tho Hudson Illvor at Poughkoopsle. N. Y. '-Tho Military Koad of the Caucasus," by P. Popotf gives a picturoscquo ae- count of this marvelous highway of Russia s Asian cotiqtiests. Ensign Wilkinson, of tho Aavy, gives a val able aud authoritative account of The United States llydrugrsphicOl' iu Evolution Us Aims and Its Achieveruens." Other illustrated articles are: "An Old French City" (Bourgcs); "In the Acadian Liud"; Turoune," Ljilis X IV.'a gicjt gener is, elu, 'ibe short sto- lllintratod poems, mis collaueoiis essays, etc , are up lo the rst-class standard, ami the now lit erary department bogun in (his nuiii- Ujr promisos to he a valuabn foaturo. Tho Kanawha rivor ovorllowed it iho narrow valley at Parkcrslnirg, W. Va., aud tho Johnstown disaster Was repeated on a small scale last week. Sixteen persons wero drowned and $500,0'v'0 worth of property do slroycd. On Sunday a canal dam in tne iiocxing vauoy, uulo, gave way aud flwded the miles.' No lives were though much railway- property was destroyed, for 20 ported lost, other optintry A Liberal Proposition. l Ini-ksrlllo 1'rnrcis.j ' Hnpkiusvlllo is makiuif an effort lo establish a gymnasium for tlio boys nd it Is said that Iho girls of that vlllago aro heartily in favor of tho move, so inucn so that iheyagrie get up au en tel'lal n innnl, ice cream supper, just anything lo help raise tho monoy. The girls over I hero arc quoted assaying that llio llopklns- llu boys "hav'ut slrongth enough in their arms to hell) a girl over a stream." Bhaino on such boys I Clsrksvlllo boys nevor fall lo I'tn brsce an opportunity, -so (f the Hop tiwn girls will only wire us at any moment wo agree to come and pay tho faro both ways. AVo havo upon our table that most complete work for tho ladios of evory household, Godey's Lady's Book, for August, 1880. It is always loo full of good things for any paper to men tion or even givo a brief on til no of hem all. A charming frontispiece greets Iho eyo upon opening the book ; bestdos a handsome colorod fasltluu plale, colored work designs, and black fashion plato". The read ing matter Is always of the purest. This magizlne Is ono of the host, and should bo in every family. Ad dress Godey's Lilly's Book, Philadel phia, Pa. aw Tom Marshall One Upon a Tlaas Dt) SMtcd a Worgtar. "Tom" Marshall was at one time tha favorite hero of the bar in Kontuoky His acumen, his wit. his magnotlo powter over a jury, whothur he hap pened to be drunk or sober, gavo rise to numberless anecdotes about him. One of the least known Is tha follow- lng: Marshall, nftor a prolonged holiday, found himself in little inland town. the eeutor of an admiring eirole of newly-modo friends who woro Ignorant of hie real position or occupation. lblol among theso was a young den tist, a hurtl-worklng, frugal follow. who, by dint of strict economy, had suved a few hundred dollars. He was snout to bo tnarriod, .had bought a snug litllo house, and -withdrew his money ono duy from the bank to pay ior tu . , ... . ' . . t The burgaia was to be completod on the following day. Ho carried the money to his chamber, a small room back of his shop, aud. locking up the roll of bills iu his secretary, went to oca. About midnight ho was wukoned by the flash of a dark lantern in his moo. lie sprnnp; up. A man was climbing out of the open window. His desk was open and rifled. I to rushed upon the thlof, who flrcd nt him twice and esonpod. - The poor dentist, on tho ove of his wedding-day, was loft dangor ously wounded and iionuilcss. lbo couuty was eourchod for traces of tho thief, but In vidn. Marshall took a keen interest in the mutter. Questioned tho policemen closely, and when thoy gnve up in despair, asked jiermlsslon to visit tbo dontlsf s rooms. After a close Boarch, he found upon the floor a smull1 pollot -of burood paper, which ho carried homo. It the wadding out of the thiol's . pistol. When examined. It proved to be half of a receipt for. wntur-tux, signod by John Jones, town clork. Tho dale was entire, but the name of tho man paying his tax wa torn off. oxeopting two lottors, l'o . Mar shall nt ouco Boarchod the rooords of the town olorkf and found on tho given date Potor Scott had paid his water tax. Peter was arrested,, and the money was found in his iwssesslon. 1 ! Marshall soon attar loft tho vlllago, followed by tlio blosslngs of tha grate ful dentist and his bride. Long after ward thoy dlscovorod that tholr friend was tho famous cccontrio luwyer of ivoiiiucicy. r .'.... ' Another story which lingers In the jrosslp about the courts iu the Bnmo State is of an old luwyer named Hunt, who, in tuo early part of this century. was known as "tne sleuth-hound, bo unerring was his pursuit of a criminal On ono occasion her was employed to defend a poor colorod portor hi a bank, accused of robbing the vaults after the cashier was gagged and tied. , Ihe . circumstantial evidence was complete against tho nogro. but Hunt was convinced of his innocence. ' The j thief, too, hod dropped a bit of cloth ,uil uiu iiuur, itppuroiibijr wio Mjru lining ;ot a bat, about which Hunt's keen iscent detootod a faint, peculiar per fume. I . 1 . : "Tho man who wora this Is a tan ner," ho said to a detective. : i There was but ono tannory wlthta forty ratios. One of the ownors was a dissipated young . man. He was watched, and was soon detected la passing some of tlio stolon monoy. Being arrested, ho confessed IiIb guilt, and Hunt's client was saved. The oln saying, . "Murder will out," Is true only when somo intelloct 1 acute onough to gathor tho proof of guilt from trifles which other mon log lect. Youth's Compaulon. For A M. Greater FRANKEL'S ain Sale! SONS. The mysterious "Jack the Ripper" turned up in London again Ihe other I night and cut the throat of his eighih I victim. He escaped and wioio the! polico that he had seveu moro to kill before ho surrendered, Tho residence of Mr. J. W.Boalcy, in tho Montgomery distrinl, Willi nearly all of his household and kitchen furniture, was c.uniioie l by lire last Monday night. Mr. Ilessley discovered the lira about midnight oeii ino rooi ot ins Kitchen was I falling in. It is HipMod tn have I caught from a tlofrclivet flue, llisl hiss is estimated lo be about 1,500. insurance about $1,000. Cadis 'J'tle ilwne - fiTp1 Combines llie juice of llis Blue Figs of flfjlf PPf Tlek. Cs"1""1'1! so laxaiive and nutritions) i AllX'1' A-sHj with the medicinal virtues of plaint hjy " J known lo be most, beneficial ,to tha Uh ix!?Vj? hum oi ivitem. forming ihe ONLY IJER- 'Ow-X " piomptly on lbs SAMOracruaaDgHLV av thb The fifth lia'l of tho series to b - siven Iiy4ho liraeey Club, will be given at dracey to morrow evening. O iod inusio will be eiivaged aud a pleasant time is pn inlsed. KIDNEYS, LITER AND BOWELS AKD TO Cleanse its System Effectually, SO THAT PURE BLOOD, REFHESHINQ SLEEP, ' HEALTH and STRENGTH CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO., ""t '" Eery on. u .ring n Sam FsAitcuco. Cau ni 'Rl "ith it- Ask youi I omiruAi. NiYou,N.Y. Hnif2fct forSVkU- OF FIGS. First national Bank. OF HOPKINSVILLE. KY. ss'e-i,ooo. UIOI'KINSVILl.E, 3Z0. C. LONO, Fresidsnt. W. A LOWET, 71oe-7rsiiont. TH03. W, LONO, Cashier, BAILZ7B0SSZLL, Sock Zoopor, . n. CRKMBATJOH, O. F. JARKKTT, W. lu XUOMrSUH, II KO. C. lIIU, r. r. aivrs, R. W. IIOWSTER, w a. iowkv JIII1N MHA Yl IN, j. r. ruottaK. BAAILN8 IN ILL ITS BBiNCBEl DOUBLE SECCBITT TO DEPOSITOSI T-ltf. Bethel Female Col to e la likely to I have a larger patronasa than for years. President Rust returned from the National Teachers' As iciatloii Friday and has arranged for an lu 0 esse in tho number and power his fscully. However so long as l)r Bust is at Ihe bead of the imtilntioi no fears need be entertained aboii Iths iqulpmcu's. The Little Rivor Bsptit Asocla tion will convono at Princeton on August 14 The iicssenis will hospitably entertained by the o pie In their Iioiiick. The raCrool will nivo the customary low rates t all who allend. :er. John Anderson, of Teniiesm e, a relative of Mr. Dallon's family, this city, preached two vory fine ter mons at tho I)pust church Bundar HI- subject as 'Hopo" si the moru- ing service and his discourse wa listened lo with markc-l attention ly a Isrge congregation. all others. value Common Sense In the treatment uf iliclit aJ!tncntJ would Suva it vujtt ftmmuit of sicknettt ami iii.fflry. Cue of Ayers rilla. takun Iter ditiner.wil) MUt Liigtation ; taken at niiflit, will rttltova Consttpailon taken at any liuie, will correct Irrrgu larltioH of the Stomach and Bowel, Unmlatfl tho Liver, and cure Btck Hcadachfl. Aynr'n Pilla. as all know who una tlim, are a mild cathartic, pleanant to take, and alwaya prompt and aatUfactory in their reiiulta. I ran recommend Ayer'i l'llls above r, Having long proveu tueir . Cathartic for ynyalf ami fuiully." J. T. TTcai, Lltlmville, 1'a. " Ayer'a PilU harn been In uas In my family upwards uf twenty yvarn, and have completely vended all that i claimiHl fur thein." Xhouiaa if. Adauia. Buu Diego, Texu. ' I have used Ayer'a Pills In my fami ly for loven or eitflit yean, whenever I havo an attac k of heatlaelie, to whluh I am very anhjuet, 1 tak a (lunn of Ayor'i Pflla and am alwaya promptly relieved. I And them equally beiienclaf in coldn : and, In my family, they aro used for buluua coiiiplaiiita and other dlaturb- anreH with mieli good effect that we raro-' lv, If over, have to call a physician." n. Voulliemo, Hotul Voullieine. Sara toga Spriuga, N. V. , , . Ayer s Pills, rnariBSO av - . Or. l. C Aysr It Co., Lowsll, Matt, . BoU by all Scaltn In Medicine. , , mm For ' run-down," .l. wiiiiiicd mid ovirworkoil the ixi of nil r-ttt'inilivo itniu p. It is a potent Plieelllo for nil thvc rhtftiiiit U'oakntwes and Itiseaais peiuliar to Women: powerful, gen eral m well as uterine, tnnle nnd nervine. It Impart, vlror nnd ntn-ittftb to llio whole sytitem. liprompriyr-s.-a wiinhnt-ftisn, titniiiiicii.nnustia, lnulirtwtlon. lutlnjr.wriitr. ImeW. iiervoitH prf. UKiiun, nenmty nnn , in eiiiierseT. WlRRlHTED. It ll eiirufullr cniiiiMstiiiiliil liv tin rxiM-i-ienoed phyilcinn, and adiipteil to wounin's dellmte ortninlzatltin. Ptitvlr vrRtdsMe and pcrfooUy nHruiH-fw in any cun'imon or mo p.siem. -rnvoriio irearripi llou" it the only mrdkine for women. Mtltl ttv drturirtpfa. under a uonlilva lutr. aniee of satisfavti'i'i in every mie. or iirtce reiun'ieti. this cniinuifeo nnn itam nrlnted on the lnttle-wnii.nir. ami ruiUiruliv earrioil out f"r many veai-f. For hirfr llluntniti-d Trent ino on HImust nt Women (UK) pnires, wtlh lull directions for hoine-treatinnt). send ten renin In Ktttriiits. AddreML'M IllKPKKfIA UY rtlHIliniL AswocutTiOH, tkia Main titruet, UuiTaio, N, If. GALT HOUSE, ' ", asairrucKT, fa Liristd fc'.i E:til htii Citj, 2atea-42 50 to' $1 Far Daj ao cording to Booms. Tvaaisa asn Isvssias Bstbi is trs llngsa. 4 Year Did Whisky: S 2 a Qalloa, SEND ORDERS TO Kraver & Harris, KENTUCKY ,4 Year Old WHISKY-$2.00 Tim l,.inwin liran.U k-l: flaslnn (Vraalf aa-l R W. il'ifsliam'a I'rorlns.; Hill Wlastaail'a Silk Vrlml: It'tlrrtsiia rtmntr CV4-a Hhlafcy; Anilarwas lluaalr; d'alla lorn Kkskn Mink llrsla hour statu t'ulonCoialr VVk'skf aail Tnaanssa Wkla. lies. , , (ioht DiFreaENT aiNot or WINta. ' t. RANPict, 6l'KCIALTIE3t "PCM ANO IIONtY." 1 RVC," ANO OIN " Ptr Gallon. N ft E irlw !',,.(, mm,. kjt Orilcr or Cash with our or nor. PRICES FROM $!'50 TQ $4 PER GALLON, WITH JUGS FREE. ' It. II.AHKIINATUY. Abernathy & Long, TONSORIAL PARLOR, OVER MOOSER 4 BALLARD . aharlnr. ' F,hamiaviii. Umir Cnttlnf ami nrMatiir, and all wtrrk in tho ltnaextcuu d in the oust or Atyifi, ,V"tt nieacar. Apr. roin, -ttv. j, likhkh, IBM aatstiWsitWili ttiii aUaii. ShWi .Us we, the nndarstKnorl offlenra of Cahlweil C'ountv. Kr.. csrtifv that a niinnwr or individual, both white and black-, living la i'rinceton aud Cahlweil County, Ky., were aufTurers iroin ctyphllis lit Us varlmis slaves, and are now In perfoot hoalth, having iHHin cunni ny riwri Komedy. iv. o. liArtinurii. Jtiilira 'Jalil wll Countr Court. juiim it- WTLIK, Olcrk CsIiIwhII Circuit Court. r HANK A. rASTEUIl. Chirk Caldwell Cimntv Court. It. It I'ICKKKIN'i, i ' " Hberill Cahlweil fjounty. m. roou : Jailor Caldwull Cnuntv. L. U I1AKE1L . . Asscsfor Cahlweil Coiiiity. From ono to Hirer bottles will rate any case of (tlwt., For-rg's Iti-mmly Is purely voffetame, contains no mercn ry. One weeks trial will convince vou of lis morits. Ask yonr rim feint for roore s itomwtv. 1'rioo it a bottle. proparcd by 1'hU Foerg, 1'rinooton, ay. ... , . -4-iy ANNOUNCEMENT. EepuMloan Candidate for RoprsBontatlvo ' Of Christian County, Election Aug. 5th, '8). I hsva onanad sn nmnlovmAnt strnnftv nn Tih fttnwt. (iHlnaoTur Brant k Thptps. Httaifioni (und and balp ieonrod. , R.M.LANUKJt, TO ADVERTISERS list of loot) nflwupupcrs dlrtdad Into Tfl ANh sKCl'lUMawlll ba sent on an. plication-V KICK. . . , " To tkosa who want their advurtlilnr tn n Wt can otrr no ootter inndlura for thnrnnirl. ami effective work than ttid various sections u( our aIit laural i.ipt. j uxo, r, KUWEixaon,, ' .. Mewspstier AdvertiHhift lluraan. 1 10 apruco street, Nuw tork. TOBAEOOJIMIISE! ,. . i ..'... 4. v3 aCaAII consi(tHmenU of Tobaoco'vlll jclVeorir crotal tttontlon both In Sampling aud BoMo. Rooms s Btiblus for Drivers aud Tearoa. ' l-4'iaj-Snl uu'-i j.iu.i , THE filtKAT 8CMM1.K AM) WIXTEit'lilWOltr. DAWSON TSPEINR. 1 ARCADIA . HOUSE! s Pailacsk. ky. PAWSO.V. HOriCINd CO., KY. THE AllOADIA HOTTDS Ii . : , .. - oP"r ! rnirrlslnliia s nnu, Tha owirn of the anufa.l.inHli uia,riii.. '.-. si,kli tlrciilar.. khapi.lf lo ' H n.i iiii.i r.i 1 N. M. 1IOLEM AW CO . inoe. Marfrir uui-itikrruits. Home Monument WorkS ! . HALL & JOHNSON, : D-AI.RI11 IH- "" ranits I Mis Monuments. sgvtg iUajsaiaiti aaa MJZsi'i'lA.!-k We will duplicate any Monument nut un ill. TTnnhin n7 i f'h. .4!,.-., " J-. t.'. t.. .i.,.v,.ui,,M,v vi KJIII ViiblULIU HULbfli II lilt tLtl II foreign, marble dealer and ', . Discount the Price from 1 0 to 25 per Cent .! '.. ' . we Mean what wk say.. - ' t" KEEP VOUIt M0AEY AT HOME. - YOU MAY GET SOME OF IT BACK.' I $ '. 1 r ; HALL & JOHNSON; HW-OfUi-o and Works Virginia Street, twtwwaaib anil lh.- " L. GAUOHAT, ; ' . . i ' s .. STT til IVTtT IVf arn u , . , , - LARGE STOCK; PRICES LOW. a Specialty. 4. ' -. ., V . k'